pentateuch 2: out of egypt

Pentateuch 2: Out of Egypt Exodus, Leviticus, & Numbers

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Pentateuch 2: Out of Egypt. Exodus, Leviticus, & Numbers. Structure of the Book of Exodus. I. Birth and Call of Moses Sargon, Moses, and Luke Skywalker. Structure of the Book of Exodus. 1. Sargon, the mighty king, king of Akkadê am I, 2. My mother was lowly; my father I did not know; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Pentateuch 2: Out of Egypt

Pentateuch 2:Out of Egypt


Leviticus, &


Page 2: Pentateuch 2: Out of Egypt

Structure of the Book of Exodus

I. Birth and Call of Moses Sargon, Moses, and Luke Skywalker

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Structure of the Book of Exodus1. Sargon, the mighty king, king of Akkadê am I,

2. My mother was lowly; my father I did not know;3. The brother of my father dwelt in the mountain.4. My city is Azupiranu, which is situated on the bank of the Purattu [Euphrates],5. My lowly mother conceived me, in secret she brought me forth.6. She placed me in a basket of reeds, she closed my entrance with bitumen,7. She cast me upon the rivers which did not overflow me.8. The river carried me, it brought me to Akki, the irrigator.9. Akki, the irrigator, in the goodness of his heart lifted me out,10. Akki, the irrigator, as his own son brought me up

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Structure of the Book of ExodusMoses meets God at the Burning BushMoses meets God at the Burning Bush

““Who will I say has sent me?”Who will I say has sent me?”

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“The Plagues”Psalm 78

Rivers to Blood . Swarms of FliesFrogs

Caterpillars /CockroachesLocusts

Hail (vines)Frost/FloodHail (cattle) .Thunderbolts /plagues

Firstborn .

Exodus 7-12

Nile to Blood .

Frogs .

GnatsSwarms of Flies

Cattle plagueBoils

Hail .LocustsDarknessDarkness

Firstborn .

Psalm 105DarknessDarknessWaters to Blood .

Frogs .

Swarms of FliesGnats

Hail .Locusts

Firstborn .

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Structure of the Book of Exodus

• II. Exodus fro

m Egypt

II. Exodus fro

m Egypt

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1440 B.C. Exodus 1250 B.C. Exodus


1. 1 Kings 6:1—480 years from temple

1. Exodus 1:11—Pithom & Ramses

2. Judges 11:26—300 years of occupation

2. Some Archaeology—Hazor, Debir, Lachish

3. Habiru possibly included Hebrews in Amarna letters.

3. Archaeology—settlement patterns in hill country & new settlements in 13th century.

4. Some archaeology 4. Merneptah—1st mention of “Israel” in 1230 B.C.

5. Merneptah—Israel an established people

5. 430 yrs. (Ex. 12:40) puts patriarchs in Hyksos period.

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Structure of the Book of Exodus

III. Covenant at Sinai (Ex 19)• Historical Prologue• Stipulations

• Ten Commandments—Apodictic Law

• “The Covenant Code”—Casuistic Law

• Ratification

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Structure of the Book of Exodus

IV. Tabernacle (25-30, 35-40)• God’s Presence

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The Tabernacle

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Structure of the Book of Exodus

V. Broken and Renewed Covenant (32-34)• Rebellion, Idolatry, & Broken Tablets• Renewal of Covenant following judgment

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Theological Themes in Exodus• God’s Choice

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Theological Themes in Exodus• God’s Care

• Covenant and Law– The grace of the covenant– The threat of the covenant– The promise of the covenant

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Theological Themes in Exodus

• Covenant, Law, and missio dei.

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& &


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Outline of Leviticus

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Outline of Leviticus

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Outline of Leviticus

• Ritual Purity (Lev. 11-15)• Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur (Lev. 16)

– Most Holy Place– Goats: Sin Offering and the azazel

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Outline of Leviticus

• “Holiness Code” (Lev. 17-26)– Purity & Ritual Laws– Brueggemann—Justice vs. Ritual – Calendar

• Redeeming what belongs to the Lord (Lev. 27)

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NumbersNumbersInto the Into the


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The Censuses• Census of the 1st Generation (Num

12-53) • Census of the 2nd Generation (261-65) • The censuses are:

– The structure for the book, &– The transition from Egypt to Canaan.

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Outline of Numbers• Numbers and Arrangements (Num. 1-4)



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Dan Asher Naphtali

Gad Simeon Reuben





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Outline of Numbers• Various Laws (Num. 51-914, 101-

10)– The Nazirite (6:1-21)

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Outline of Numbers• The Cloud above the Tabernacle (915-

23)• From Sinai to Kadesh (Num. 11-12)

– Complaints, Judgment, Provision

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Outline of Numbers• Events at Kadesh (Num. 13:1-20:21)

– Reconnaissance & Rebellion (Numbers 131-1445)– Korah, Dathan, Abiram (Num. 16)– Priests and Levites (Num. 171-1832) – Moses’ Sin

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Outline of Numbers• Kadesh--Plains

of Moab (Num. 2022-2120)

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Outline of Numbers• In the Plains of Moab

(Num. 21:21-36:13)– Balak & Balaam (22:1-24:25)

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Outline of Numbers• In the Plains of Moab (Num. 21:21-36:13)

– 2nd Census (26:1-65)– Joshua Commissioned (27:12-23)

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Themes of Leviticus & Numbers

• Holiness

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Themes of Leviticus & Numbers

• Holiness– God is holy– “Unholy” does not necessarily imply


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Theological Themes—Lev./Num.

•Purity & Impurity– Boundaries


•Blood/Sacrifice•Divine Presence•Book of Hebrews & Jesus