pensées en anglais - mémento «bienvenue» · extes pensées en anglais p-250 the loss of a...

Textes Pensées en anglais P-250 The loss of a mother is the first sorrow in life, that we face without her. P-266 Life is not ended, for those who have been faithful. P-254 Dying is nothing much when we still live on in others’ heart. P-261 I will love you from heaven as I have loved you on earth. P-260 « Look at the life that I am beginning and not the one that I have just finished. » (ST. AUGUSTIN) P-251 « The mystery of our life is in God’s hands. » (JEAN XXIII) P-255 We love you. You will live in our hearts forever. Pensées en anglais P-267 I am rejoining the ones I loved, and I am waiting for those I love. P-252 Lord, you have called me to be by your side I have left the ones that I loved so much Please take my place near them. P-259 Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us everyday, Unseen, unheard but always near. P-257 Forever young, forever in our hearts. P-253 See the new life I am beginning and not the one I have ended. P-263 Till we meet again. P-262 She is so far away and yet so close… P-265 He is not really lost to us He has only gone away He will be there in the morning Of a brighter, fairer day… P-264 « Every earthly separation is a welcome to Eternity. » P-256 What we keep in memory is ours forever. P-258 His gentle smile and generous heart will live with us forever.

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TextesPensées en anglais


The loss of a motheris the first sorrow in life,

that we face without her.


Life is not ended,for those who have been faithful.


Dying is nothing muchwhen we still live on

in others’ heart.


I will love you from heavenas I have loved you on earth.


« Look at the life that I am beginning and not the one that I have just finished. »

(St. AuguStin)


« The mystery of our lifeis in God’s hands. »

(JeAn XXiii)


We love you.You will live in

our hearts forever.

Pensées en anglais


I am rejoining the ones I loved,and I am waiting

for those I love.


Lord, you have called meto be by your side

I have left the onesthat I loved so muchPlease take my place

near them.


Those we love don’t go away,They walk beside us everyday,

Unseen, unheard but always near.


Forever young,forever in our hearts.


See the new life I ambeginning and not the

one I have ended.


Till we meet again.


She is so far awayand yet so close…


He is not really lost to usHe has only gone away

He will be there in the morningOf a brighter, fairer day…


« Every earthly separationis a welcome to Eternity. »


What we keep in memoryis ours forever.


His gentle smileand generous heart

will live with us forever.

Prières en anglais


Console yourself, dear wife, you were my happiness on earth. I will love you

in heaven as I loved you on earth.

I accepted the will of God, I saw death coming with calm and courage,

that gave me faith. Why cry my departure since death is an end to my suffering.

My dear children, do not forget me, be good christians. You have love, prove

to me that you still love me, by your prayers and frequent communions.

O my God bless my family and be the protector of my children.

Good Virgin Mary, have mercy on those whom I leave on earth, protect them and save them.

Almighty God, grant him eternal rest.


W e miss thee from our home, dearWe miss thee from this place.A shadow o’er our life is cast,

We miss the sunshine of thy faceWe miss thy kind and willing hand

Thy fond and earnest care.Our home is dark without thee

We miss thee everywhere.AT REST !

Textes pour le verso

Prières en anglais


May God grant methe SERENITY to

accept the thingsI cannot change ;

the Courage tochange the things

I can ;and the WISDOM

to know thedifference.


A Holy Virgin, in the midst of all thy glory, we implore thee

not to forget the sorrows of this world. Cast a look of pity upon all those who are suffering, who struggle

against life’s difficulties and who cease not to feel all its

bitterness. Have pity on all who have been separated from those they love.

Have pity on the lonely and the friendless ! Pardon the wearness of our faith.

Have pity on all those whom we love.


One night a woman had a dream. She dreamed she was walking along the beach

with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene,

she noticed two sets of footprints in the sand ; one belonging to her, and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before her,she looked back at the footprints in the sand. She noticed that many times along the path

of his life there was only one set of footprints. She also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times in his life.This really bothered her and she questioned the Lord about it. « Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during

the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.

I don’t understand why when I needed you most, you would leave me. » The Lord replied,

« My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times

of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you. »


I have ended my journey…

The separation was abrupt and I know your sorrow ; but you must find peace again.

Instead, give thanks for the wonderful years we had together and

all the love we shared.

Trust and hope for I am waiting to share with you the happiness of God’s children.

Love with all your heart to extinguish the suffering in the hearts of men !



Incline Thine ear, O Lord, into our prayers, wherein we humbly

pray Thee to show Thy mercy upon the soul of Thy

Servant whom thou has commanded to pass out of this world,

that Thou wouldst place in the region of peace and light and bid her

be a partaker with thy Saints Through Christ our Lord.


Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord ; and let perpetual light shine upon her.

May she rest in peace. Amen.

Merciful Lord Jesus, grant her everlasting rest


Farewell, dear wife, children, relatives, I am resigned

to the will of God and face death with calm

and courage given by faith.

We loved him in life, let us not forget him in our prayers.

Receive O Lord the soul of our dear departed into Thine arms.

I beg of St. Joseph to bless the members of my family and to take them

under his protection.

Merciful Jesus, have pity on us.


I leave you dear wife, children, loved ones

and dear friends, but I do not leave you for ever,

it is only for a short while, we will meet again

in heaven.


M y children I die, I am leaving this valley, I beg you, never forget me !

Stay united among yourselves, stay firm in our faith.

Soon we shall be reunited in heaven.

I die but my love does not die, I shall love you in heaven as I have on this earth.

(St. John B.)

Her death left a deep wound in our hearts.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for her.


Father and guardian of virgins, Holy Joseph, to whose faithful

care Christ Jesus, innocence itself, and Mary. Virgin of virgins,

were committed : I pray and beg of thee, by these dear pledges, Jesus and Mary, free me from all uncleanness, and make me with spotless mind, pure heart

and chaste body, ever most chaste to serve Jesus and Mary,

all the days of my life.


Remerciements en anglais Textes pour le verso


Sensitive to the warmth of your sympathyand the comfort

of your support, when,

XXX(Nom de la défunte)

was recalled to the Lord

His wifeMrs Sandra Smith

his childrenJudy – Nelson Ward

Andrew – Sarah Ryan

assure you of their sincere gratitude.


His wifeMrs Sandra Smith

his childrenJudy – Nelson Ward

Andrew – Sarah Ryan

acknowledges with grateful appreciation

your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy

during the loss of

XXX(Nom de la défunte)


Kindly accept our gratitudefor the sympathyyou have shownin the passing of

XXX(Nom de la défunte)

Your kind thoughts and respectare greatly comforting.

His wifeMrs Sandra Smith

his childrenJudy – Nelson Ward

Andrew – Sarah Ryan


We shall always rememberwith deep gratitude

your comfortingexpression of sympathy.

His wifeMrs Sandra Smith

his childrenJudy – Nelson Ward

Andrew – Sarah Ryan


Your comforting expression of sympathy will always

be rememberedwith deep gratitude.

His wifeMrs Sandra Smith

his childrenJudy – Nelson Ward

Andrew – Sarah Ryan


The family of the late

XXX(Nom de la défunte)

thanks you for your kind thoughts

in its hours of bereavement.


You have sharedour sorrow.Thank you. 


Thank you for your warm presence.


Your presencehas comforted us.

Thank you.


SimplyThank you.


Thank you for your kind affection.


Thanks to haveshared our sorrow.


Thank you !


Sincere thanks !


Thank youfor the good words.


Thank you from the bottom

of our heart.


A sincere thank you !


A most profound thank !

Tous nos textes sont disponibles au masculin ainsi qu’au féminin. Les phrases seront accordées automatiquement.Pensées de remerciement en anglais

Formules de remerciement en anglais

TextesPensées, prières et remerciements


Morire è ben poca cosa,quando si continua a vivere

nel cuore degli altri.


Il cammino finale.


La tua cara immagineserà sempre una fiaccola

accesa nel cuoredi chi ti ha voluto tanto bene.


Signore, fai che raggiunge una felicità eterna

per tutto il bene che ha portatoin questo mondo.

Pensées en italien

Formules de remerciement en italien


Ho raggiunto coloro che amavoe ora aspetto coloro che amo.


Mammatu che hai pregato sempre

per i figli, ora continuadal cielo per noi e per qeulli

che ti hanno amato.


La scomparsa di una Mammaè il primo dolore

che si piange senza di lei.


La vostra presenzanell’amara circostanza

di cui siamo stati provatiper la perdita del

nostro amatissimo

XXX(Nom de la défunte)

sposo e padre esemplareè stata di grande confortoVe ne sono sinceramente

riconoscenti la moglie

Francesca CortinaTony



Francesca CortinaTony


profondamente commossi delle vostre

condoglianze vi ringraziano della simpatia

che le avete testimoniatonell’occasione del decesso del

XXX(Nom de la défunte)


Vi esprimiamo la più vivagratitudine per

la generosa partecipazioneal nostro profondo dolore

della scomparsadel nostro caro figlio

XXX(Nom de la défunte)

deceduto 30 dicembre 2010

Francesca CortinaTony



Il mistero della nostra vitaè nelle mani di Dio.



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Prières en italien


F u buona, amabile, indulgente verso tutti generosa

e servizievole senza riserva.

Fu amata da tutti, Coloro che ebbero la fortuna di conoscerla la onorarono

della loro stima in vita e la rimpiangono dopo la morte.

Una madre onorata e santa forma la più bella gloria per i figli.

Proteggi, O Signore, là nostra cara mamma e concedi alla sua anima

il riposo e la luce eterna.


U omo di carattere adamantinotemprato al sacrificio,confido sempre in Dio.Confortato dall’affetto

della famiglia che tanto lo amavain dolce serenità di spiritoascese al gaudio Eterno.


S ono partita da questo mondo per un mondo migliore.

Non vi addolorate seppure la mia partenza vi é stata cosi penosa.

Dal cielo io veglio sù di voi. Consolatevi miei cari, e volgete

i vostri sguardi verso il cielo pensate che un giorno sarete voi pure

chiamati, ed allora io stessa verro incontro a voi per entrare insieme

nella gioia che non avrà mai fine.

Pregate per me


A ddio, cara moglie, figli e parenti beneamati.

Mi sono sottomesso alla volontà di Dio, ho visto venire la morte con

la calma e il coraggio che dà la fede.

Se voi mi amate veramente, pregate molto e comunicatevi spesso per me.

Oh Dio benedite la mia famiglia siate il protettore dei miei figli Gesù mio, misericordia.