pennine’s stroke patient passport pennine...the members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will...

Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Name ............................................... TO P ROV I D E T HE VE RY B ES T C ARE F OR E ACH PAT I ENT ON E V ERY OCC A SI ON PEN0619364472-001_PATIENT_INFO_LEAFLET_STROKES.indd 1 05/06/2019 16:32

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Page 1: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly

Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport

Name ...............................................


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Page 2: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly


What is a Stroke?

A stroke happens when the brain is damaged due to a problem with the blood

supply. This can happen either by a blockage (blood clot) in a blood vessel,

stopping blood flow to the brain or because of bleeding from an artery into the

brain. In both cases there is a lack of oxygen to part of the brain causing an area

of brain tissue to become damaged and die.

Strokes caused by a blockage in a blood vessel are called Ischaemic strokes.

The clot may have formed elsewhere in the body, such as the heart or carotid

(neck) arteries, then travel to the brain or may form directly in one of the brains

blood vessels.

Strokes caused by bleeding from a blood vessel are called Haemorrhagic strokes.

This is when a blood vessel within the brain burst and blood leaks into the

brain tissue.

Brain Stroke

The type of stroke you have had is:

Ischaemic Stroke Haemorrhagic Stroke

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Page 3: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly


What part of my brain has affected?

Each part of the brain is responsible for a particular function. Your symptoms

will depend on the part of the brain that has been affected; no stroke is the

same as another. People who have stroke are affected in different ways. Not

all symptoms are obvious; the recovery people make also varies.

A third of stroke sufferers are likely to recover significantly within a month

with an intensive multidisciplinary stroke therapy.

Some people may show limited improvement due to severity of stroke

impairment and/or other medical complications such as chest infection, blood

clot disease, urine infection, etc. that restrict ability to engage fully in active


Parietal lobe

• intelligence

• reasoning

• telling right from left

• language

• sensation

• reading

Occipital lobe

• vision


• balance

• coordination

• fine muscle control

Brain Stem

• breathing

• blood pressure

• heartbeat

• swallowing

Temporal lobe

• speech

• behavior

• memory

• hearing

• vision

• emotions

Frontal lobe

• movement

• intelligence

• reasoning

• behaviour

• memory

• personality

Cerebrospinal fluid

Blood vessel



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Page 4: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly


You may experience the following:

Weakness in Right/Left side of body

Visual disturbance

Difficulty with communication

Difficulty in swallowing

Cognitive and memory impairment

Changes in mood: feeling emotional or unsatisfied

Post stroke nerve pain

Continence difficulty

Difficulty controlling emotions

Stiffness in a stroke limb

Impaired sensation

Poor co-ordination

Fatigue - getting more tired

Feeling low or anxious

Poor balance and fear of falling

The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient.

A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly by the therapists, patient and

family, with a view to optimise the recovery of the stroke and minimise the

disability caused by the stroke.

People from the stroke team you may meet during your stay:

Doctors Nursing Team

Physio and Occupational Therapists Dietician

Neuro Psychologists Speech and Language Therapists

Orthoptists Radiology staff

Members of the Stroke Association Pharmacists

Early Supportive Discharge Team Members Social workers

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Page 5: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly


Atrial Fibrillation (irregular heart rate)

Atrial fibrillation is a type of irregular heartbeat. It means that your heart may

not be pumping as well as it should. As a result, blood clots are more likely to

form in your heart, increasing your risk of having a blockage stroke. Medication

can control the heart rate and reduce blood clot formation. Such blood thinning

medication includes:


Novel Oral Anticoagulants (Apixaban, Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, Edoxaban)

Aspirin/ Clopidogrel

You may want to keep a track of how you are doing:

Date Target

Blood pressure


Cholesterol <4mmol/L

Diabetes As advised

Alcohol Weekly Units Man-21Woman- 14

Smoking Cessation

0 / day

Heart Disease

Regular check up

Driving – The DVLA restricts driving for minimum 28 days following TIA and stroke.

Useful Phone numbers and Internet links:

Early Supported Discharge Teams Bury – 0161 716 1202

Oldham – 0161 770 2300

Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale – 01706 517772

North Manchester – 0161 741 2007

Stroke Association Helpline .........................................................................0303 3033100

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Page 6: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly


Symptoms of stroke usually come on suddenly.

• Sudden weakness or sensation impairment on one side of the face/body

• Sudden slurring or difficulty speaking and/or understanding spoken language

• Sudden double vision, partial or complete visual loss

• Sudden Vertigo and sickness

• Sudden Unsteadiness

• Sudden impaired coordination of one side of the body

Don’t ignore a TIA

A Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) or ‘mini stroke’ is similar to a stroke but the

symptoms are temporary – usually lasting from a few minutes up 30 minutes. A

TIA is serious and could develop into a stroke and should not be ignored.

If you experience any of the symptoms described above, even for a short amount of time, you must call 999. Stroke is a medical emergency.

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Page 7: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly

Useful Numbers:


WARD 4 .......................... 0161 778 2511

WARD 5 .. 0161 918 8673/0161 918 8671

WARD 11A ...................... 0161 778 3115

WARD 11B ...................... 0161 778 3110

THERAPY TEAM (In-patients only):

Occupational Therapy: ..0161 778 3106

Physiotherapy: ...............0161 778 3105

Speech and Language

Therapy: .........................0161 778 3528

Dieticians: .......................0161 778 2698


Bury .................................0161 778 3582

Rochdale .........................0170 690 1010

Oldham ...........................0161 770 6918


Bury .................................0161 253 6858

(option 1)

Rochdale ........................ 0161 344 0482

Oldham .......................... 0161 344 0482

Manchester ....................0161 227 3280


Bury and Rochdale ....... 0170 667 6349

Oldham .......................... 0161 335 2800

Manchester ................... 0161 611 3800


Bury ................................ 0170 682 5802

Rochdale ........................ 0170 665 7269

Oldham .......................... 0161 621 3580


National Stroke Helpline

........................................ 0303 303 3100

BURY (no local office)

Can contactSALFORD OFFICE .......... 0161 745 8222

Rochdale ........................ 0170 665 7269

Oldham .......................... 0161 621 3585

Manchester ................... 0161 742 7482


Rochdale ......................... 01706 517774


To access the service, please contact your own GP

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Page 8: Pennine’s Stroke Patient Passport Pennine...The members of the stroke multidisciplinary team will assess each stroke patient. A patient-centred realistic goal will be set jointly

If English is not your first language and you need help, please contact the Ethnic Health Team on 0161 627 8770

For general enquiries please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0161 604 5897

For enquiries regarding clinic appointments, clinical care and treatment please contact 0161 620 0420 and the Switchboard Operator will put you through to the correct department / service

Date of publication: January 2016

Date of review: June 2019

Date of next review: June 2021

Ref: PI_M_1007

© The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust www.pat.nhs.ukWood pulp sourced from sustainable forests

Jeżeli angielski nie jest twoim pierwszym językiem i potrzebujesz pomocy proszę skontaktować

się z załogą Ethnic Health pod numerem telefonu 0161 627 8770.

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