pelan operasi buat projek bi

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  • 8/12/2019 Pelan Operasi Buat Projek Bi


    Pelan Operasi untuk Cikgu dan Panitia

    How to Write a Good Operational Plan



    How to Write a Pelan OperasiWith examplegiven for Pelan Operasi SMK Dato Jaafar, JB(Tahun 2011-2012) by Miss Wong Minh ChjiatIsabelleA strategic plan or Pelan Operasi is usually divided into10columns, namely: Nama Projek (Project Name) Objektif (Objective) Tempoh (Duration) Kumpulan sasaran (Targeted Group) Guru Terlibat (Teacher In-charge) Process Kerja (Detailed Work Plan) Kekangan (Problem) Pemantauan (Inviligation) Penilaian (Appraisal) Penambahbaikan (Future Improvement)

    An operational plan is a comprehensive plan arise from thetactical plan, which in turn comes from the more generalstrategic plan. (In short: Strategic plan > Tactical plan >Operational plan In order of ascendingcomprehensiveness) For a specific programme, a school can

    choose to produce more than one operational plan based onthe needs of the activities to be conducted. Hence, it shouldconsist of the following items:

    1.Project Name: Name of the project which should matchthat written in the tactical plan.

    2.Objectives: This will explain the main thrusts of theprogramme for the issues that will be tackled.

    3.Duration: Timeframe of the task.
  • 8/12/2019 Pelan Operasi Buat Projek Bi


    4.Targeted Group: This specifies the targeted group(beneficiaries). Example, in a project to improve thevocabulary of students, the targeted group will be thestudents themselves.

    5.Teacher In-charge: This lists out the teachers who arein-charge for this specific project.

    6.Detailed Work Plan: This specifies the exact work tobe done in the most comprehensive manner. Preferablethe process is listed in order of execution.

    7.Problem: As each project is expected to have problemsor resistance from the targeted group/module convener,

    problems has to be identified in advance to pre-empt thepossibility of the problem occuring.8.Invigilation: This states the person who would have to

    invigilate the process of the project at the end and alsoduring the execution of the project.

    9.Appraisal: The project ought to be appraised to ensurethe smooth running and to allow for accountability of theentire project.

    10. Future Improvement: Based on the appraisal of theexecution and outcome of the project, potentialimprovement can be obtained by improving on theeffectiveness of the project.

    So, for the example:

    Nama Projek: Program Sinaran KecemerlanganLatihan Soalan

    MCQ yang Mencukupi

    Objektif Mendorong pelajar membuat ulang kaji danmembiasakan kepada soalan berformat SPM dan


    Tempoh: Februari hingga Ogos 2011

    Kumpulan Sasaran: Pelajar Tingkatan 5 dan 6 Atas

    Guru Terlibat: 1. Cik Wong Minh Chjiat Isabelle (GuruMatapelajaran Kimia Tingkatan 5 dan 6 Atas)

    2. Puan Noreza Salleh Hudin (Guru MatapelajaranKimia Tingkatan 6 Atas)

    3. Puan Norkhadifah Kamal (Guru MatapelajaranKimia Tingkatan 5)

    4. Puan Mak Sew Yin (Guru Matapelajaran KimiaTingkatan 6 Atas)

  • 8/12/2019 Pelan Operasi Buat Projek Bi


    Proses Kerja: 1. Taklimat ProgramLatihan Soalan MCQ yang

    encukupi1.1 Ucapan Ketua Panitia

    1.2 Penerangan tentang programLatihan Soalan

    CQ yang Mencukupi

    1.3 Pelantikan Penyelaras Program

    2. Kenal pasti kumpulan sasaran2.1 Analisis hasilujian

    2.2 Pembahagian pelajar dalam kumpulan mengikut


    3. Perbincangan sesama guru Kimia untuk

    melaksanakan programLatihan Soalan MCQ yang

    encukupidalam pengajaran & pembelajaran

    berdasarkan kebolehan pelajar. Program ini

    dilaksanakan sebagai sebahagian daripada aktiviti


    4. Program dijalankan dengan mencapai minimum

    150 soalan MCQ dalam setahun.

    5. Pelaksanaan aktiviti5.1 Pelajar didedahkan

    dengan topik pengajaran dalam kelas

    5.2 Latihan soalan MCQ diberikan

    5.3 Penilaian dijalankan

    Kekangan: 1. Status motivasi pelajar yang rendah2. Tidak membuat ulangkaji matapelajaran Kimia di

    luar sekolah

    Pemantauan: Pemantauan dilakukan oleh Pengetua/Ketua Bidang

    Sains dan Matematik/Ketua Panitia/Penyelaras

    Program dengan menggunakan instrumenpemantauan bagi setiap kelas.

    Penilaian: Penilaian dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti

    keberkesanan program tersebut.

    Penambahbaikan: Berdasarkan hasil penilaian, penambahbaikan

    dilakukan setiap tiga bulan bagi meningkatkan

    keberkesanan program.

    Now that you have viewed an example, the Berry BerryTeacheris pleased to share will all teachers and panitia-

    panitia (head of panels), a full example downloadable inPDF format for your reference. Please click on the followingdownload links to download the PDF file. Do give mefeedback if you think this operational plan can still beimproved upon