peer tutors creating positive change for first year...

Peer tutors creating positive change for first year students Johanna Jacobs, student psychologist, [email protected] Rebecca Léonard, student psychologist, [email protected]

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Page 1: Peer tutors creating positive change for first year · Peer tutors creating positive change for first year studentsPeer Johanna

PeerPeer tutors creating positive change for first year students

Johanna Jacobs, student psychologist, [email protected]

Rebecca Léonard, student psychologist, [email protected]

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Study Guidance

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- Introduction- VUB & Study Guidance- Holistic view of students- Coaching vs. Advising

- Self Determination Theory (SDT) and tutoring - SDT- SDT: Tutor-tutee- SDT: Train the tutor

- Peer tutoring @ VUB- Practical implementation

- Students feedback

- Challenges and implications

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Vrije Universiteit Brussel in numbers

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Study Guidance

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- “Tutoring group”

- Part of Study Guidance:- 8 colleagues with different backgrounds- 8% of their time

- University-wide peer tutoring services

- A holistic view of the student

Not only course related guidance

- Coaching vs. Advising

Together with the student we look for a suitable solution and offer customised guidance.

Digitalization employees

Employees’ welfare

Head of the department

Assistant Manager

Policy Advisors

Study Advisors

Learning path


Student Psychologists


Inclusion Policy

Digitalization students

Front-Office / Studying in group / Infrastructure

Guidance themes: study & exam skills, research competences,

academic language, motivation, stress & anxiety, …



progress &





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- A tutor @ VUB = a peer tutor

• Students helping other students to work on academic, social, behavioral and/or social skills

- A tutee @ VUB

• Student of the tutor

Peer tutoring @ VUBDefinitions

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A holistic view of the student

Study progress talks

Meeting Point: face-to-face / phone


Individual counseling

• Choice of study and reorientation

• Starting competences, transition from high school

• Student’s well-being (stress, performance-anxiety)

• Study path

• Planning

• Study and exam skills

• Research competences

• Thesis writing

• Presentation skills

• Students with special needs (Reflex)

• Course related guidance


Study guidance for a specific study programme


Digital tools

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Coaching vs. Advising

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Advising/instructing attitude Coaching attitude

Expert in content Rather no expert in content (the tutee is the expert)

Course / discipline specific Personal growth and development

You speak most of the time: e.g. psycho-education You listen most of the time

The tutee follows the tutor The tutor follows the tutee

Focus on result (short-term) Focus on process (long-term)

‘Fixed package’: every time the same ‘Customised’: every time different

Competence… Autonomy…

… but gives also ‘Autonomy’ becauce of the Competence … but gives also ‘Competence’ because of the Autonomy

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Some questions…

Open your app ‘Poll Everywhere’ and join presentation: jjacobs044


Go to the website:

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Pros and cons of Advising

• Pros

• Structure and guidelines to help the tutor

• The tutee gets hands on feedback

• It provides solutions for problems

• Fosters competence and offers direct answers

• Cons

• It is focused on a single event

• It limits you as a tutor

• Focus is short-term

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Pros and cons of Coaching

- Pros• Co-working with your tutee: a shared responsibility

• Self-directed: the tutee decides what to get out of the sessions

• The tutee gets personal feedback and is stimulated to reflect.

• Fosters personal growth and development

• Strengthens tutor/tutee relationship

• Empowers students

• Long-term focus

- Cons• No straight structure or guidelines for the tutor

• The tutee doesn’t necessarily get direct answers regarding what to do, because it’s a process of discovering it yourself.

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Coaching vs. Advising

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Coaching Advising

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Coaching vs. Advising

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Coaching vs. Advising

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Coaching vs. Advising

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- Complicated interwoven and related combination: it needs balance

- It’s possible to emphasize one attitude, depending on the moment, student/tutee, question, topic, who you are as a tutor, …

- Sometimes artificial to separate

- Both attitudes are needed

- Complementary, although there can be tensions

e.g. how the tutor works vs. what the tutee needs

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Self determination theory

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Motivating the students: Self determination theory (Deci & Ryan, Vansteenkiste)

- An approach to human motivation

- A positive vison on humans:

Humans have an innate strength to develop themselves

- Influence of the environment on humans: stimulating or opposing factors

- Motivation is always in interaction

The unmotivated student doens’t exist!

- How to create a context in which students want to learn?

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Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, Vansteenkiste)

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Zelfdeterminatietheorie (Deci & Ryan, Vansteenkiste)

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Intrinsic motivation leads to:

- In- depth studying

- More perseverence

- Knowlegde/skills transferable to other contexts

- A more sustainable behaviour change

- A higher mental well-being

Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, Vansteenkiste)

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Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, Vansteenkiste)

How to stimulate students to intrinsic motivation?

→ Enhance the 3 basic psycho-social needs

- Need for relatedness• Show respect and that you care• Create an inclusive environment • Offer security

- Need for competence• Create an optimal challenge for your student • Give positive performance feedback

- Need for autonomy• Let your student create their own goals by choice• Give enough explanation • Acknowledge the feelings of your students

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SDT: Tutor-Tutee

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- Relatedness

→ One-to-one, creating a professional relation using counselling techniques

- Competence

→ Advising: course specific, psycho-education in study related skills

- Autonomy

→ Coaching: “How do you start with the math exercise?”, “What are you already doing?”, “What is important for you?”, …

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SDT: Train the tutor

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- Relatedness

→ Small group sessions: training + supervision

→ Counselling techniques

→ Welcoming: they can always contact us with questions

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SDT: Train the tutor

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- Competence

→ Advising via psycho-education:

• Vision of study guidance

• Study and exam skills

• Planning skills


• Counselling techniques

• Process flow tutoring and fiche

• How to deal with vulnerable students

• Practical information

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Process flow: tutoring

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Create a professional relation Gather information from the needs and themes


Create a plan/goal for your sessions


Stop Continue

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SDT: Train the tutor

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- Autonomy

→ Supervision sessions

→ A lot of freedom: they decide how, where, when, how many contacts, …

→ Providing the fiche to make them reflect

→ Trust

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Feedback from our tutors*

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What kind of guidance have you already offered during your tutor sessions?

* 28 respondents

Advising + Coaching

Coaching + Advising

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Feedback from our tutors

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Which are the qualities of a good tutor?

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Tutoring @ VUB: practical implementation

- Recruitment• Applying at Study Guidance• Contacted by Study Guidance (based on grades) • IDLO → internship

- Intake

- Study Guidance will match a tutor and a tutee, using the online tool

- The tutee has to contact his tutor

- Tutors can reserve a box between 4:00pm and 6:00pm in the Study Guidance’s staff section

- A maximum of €15/session via expense account (not for IDLO)

- The tutor offers guidance to a maximum of 4 students at the same time.

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Online tool: Filemaker

- A tool for Study Guidance

• Accepting tutors and add for which course(s)

• Matching tutors and tutees

→ Tutor and tutee will automatically be informed of the match.

- Personal file of the tutor

• Personal details, e.g. availability

• Tutor sessions: registration of a session, start & stop, …

• List of the courses that they are allowed to be a tutor for

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Challenges and implications for the future

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- Not everyone accepts the surplus value of both attitudes → tensions

• E.g.: tutor mathematics


- (More) psycho-education on advising and coaching

• For tutors and staff

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Challenges and implications for the future

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- Attendance in our tutor-training


- A mandatory training?

- Creating a training in a virtual environment

- Writing a book: a guide for tutoring

- Implementation of a structural evaluation

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Challenges and implications for the future

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- Getting feedbacks


- Implementation of a structural evaluation

- Improvement of our online tool

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- Bland, S.M. (2003). Advising adults: Telling or Coaching?. Adult Learning / Best practices, 14(2), 6-9.

- Clement, Jef (2018, 21st Ed.). Inspirerend coachen. Tielt: Uitgeverij Lannoo.

- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum.

- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development and Well-Being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68-78.

- De Meyer, J., Borghouts, L., Tallir, I., Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M., Speleers, L., Aelterman, N., Van den Berghe, L., Haerens, L., & Cardon, G. (2013). Relation between observed controlling teaching behavior and students’ motivation in physical education. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 541-554.

- Van Driel, J.H. (2008). Van een lerende vakdocent leer je het meest. Leiden: Oratie Universiteit Leiden.

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