peeqme’s 6 easy steps to your personal brand

PeeqMe’s 6 Easy Steps to Your Build Your Personal Brand Step 1 – Assess what’s Core Take a personality, behavior and/or talent assessments to understand your effortless, natural preferences or gifts. Step 2 – Claim what Matters Identify what matters to you. Into what will you put your blood, sweat and tears in order to show and prove. Step 3 – Build Brand Profile Select your unique mix of type and talent and intention when creating your PeeqMe performance profile. Step 4 – Create Brand Team Create a Group with a mix of mentors and coaches, fans and boosters to add to your network and help manage your brand. Step 5 – Build a Rep Connect to a network that will validate with feedback what you do great, naturally, and intentionally. Step 6 – Connect Everywhere Use your profile with your calendar so you can share with all those you meet with. Clarity Consistency Constancy 3 C’s of Branding Join PeeqMe’s Community Now Your personal brand is incredibly important in this freelance workforce and people economy. Begin developing your Brand today!

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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PeeqMe’s  6  Easy  Steps  to  Your  Build  Your  Personal  Brand  


Step  1  –  Assess  what’s  Core  Take  a  personality,  behavior  and/or  talent   assessments   to   understand  your   effortless,   natural   preferences  or  gifts.  

Step  2  –  Claim  what  Matters  Identify   what   matters   to   you.   Into  what  will  you  put  your  blood,  sweat  and   tears   in   order   to   show   and  prove.  

Step  3  –  Build  Brand  Profile  Select   your   unique   mix   of   type   and  talent   and   intention   when   creating  your  PeeqMe  performance  profile.  

Step  4  –  Create  Brand  Team  Create   a   Group   with   a   mix   of  mentors   and   coaches,   fans   and  boosters  to  add  to  your  network  and  help  manage  your  brand.  

Step  5  –  Build  a  Rep  Connect   to   a   network   that   will  validate  with   feedback  what   you  do  great,  naturally,  and  intentionally.  

Step  6  –  Connect  Everywhere  Use  your   profile  with   your  calendar  so   you   can   share  with   all   those   you  meet  with.  




3  C’s  of  Branding  

Join  PeeqMe’s  Community  Now  Your   personal   brand   is   incredibly  important   in   this   freelance  workforce  and  people  economy.  Begin  developing  your  Brand  today!