peabody sage coal mine inspection report june 16, 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 Peabody Sage Coal Mine Inspection Report June 16, 2011






    PermitNumberC00987 County RouttMneName Peabody Sage CreekMne Operation Type UndergroundOperator Sage Creek Coal Company LLC Permit Status ActiveOperatorAddress Ownership FederalMr Scott Cowman29515 Routt County Road 27 Operator Representative PresentOak Creek CO 80467 Scott Cowman

    OperatorRepresentativeSignature Field IssuanceOnly


    InspectionStartDate June 15 2011 InspectionType Coal Complete InspectionInspectionStart Time065 InspectionReason NormalIProgramInspectionEndDate June 15 2011 Weather ClearInspectionEndTime140Joint Inspection Agency Joint InspectionContactsNone

    Post InspectionAgency Post InspectionContactsNone

    Inspectorsnspectorsignature SignatureDateJasonDMusick

  • 8/3/2019 Peabody Sage Coal Mine Inspection Report June 16, 2011


    June 15 2011C00987eabodyag e CreekMne JDMInspectionTopicSummaryNOTE Ynspected oInspectedRommentsNotedVoationIssuedNAApplicableR AirResource Protection R RoadsR AvailabilityofRecords R ReclamationSuccessNA Backfill Grading R RevegetationNA Excess Spoi l andDev Waste NA SubsidenceR Explosives NA Slides andOther DamageY Fish Wldlife R Support FacilitiesOnteR Hydrologic Balance R Signs andMarkersR GenComplianceWthMnePlan NA Support FacilitiesNotOnteR Other NA Specia l Categories OfMningNA Processing Waste R Topsoil


    AIRRESOURCEPROTECTION Rule47A light layer offugitive dust fromroad trafficwasobserved themorningofJune 15th at060uponentering themine permit boundary fromRoutt CountyRoad 27a The dustwasfromthemorning construction mobilizationand awater truck providing dust suppression wasobserved approximately 1 hour later as required by the permitNo further problems wereobservedAVAILABILITYOFRECORDS Rule 2All recordswerechecked at the Peabody Sage CreekMneoffices All required recordswereonsite and up todate at the timeofthe inspection The DRMSAvailabilityofRecords is attached to this inspection reportEXPLOSIVES Rule48Distance Prohibitions484arnings484ontrol ofAdverse Effects484

    Blasting drillswereonsite at the time ofthe inspection The Peabody Sage CreekMne is approved to conductblasting activities forbothportal excavationand other construction and operational activities The initialconstructionactivities at the timeofthe inspection werelimited to topsoil removal and the constructionoftheapproved sediment control system Blastingactivities have not occurredBlasting notifications are required to individuals who reside orregularly workwithinoneafmile ofthe blastareaBlasting signs will be placed onall major access roads leading to the blasting area and all mine entrancesduring active blasting operations at least ten days prior to any blast Rule482requires writtennotificationwithin30 days prior to blasting to all residents andownersofdwellingorstructureswithinoneafmile ofthepermit areawhichexplains how to request apreastsurveyHYDROLOGICBALANCE Rule45Drainage Control451452453ltationStructures455


    56ischarge Structures457



    ffluent Limits4


    roundWaterMonitoring453urfaceWaterMonitoring453ra inage AcidandToxic Materials458mpoundments456459tream Buffer Zones458NumberofPartial Inspection this Fiscal Year 8NumberofComplete Inspections this Fiscal Year 4

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    June 15 2011C00987eabodyag e CreekMne JDMPond 004washoldingwater and discharging at the timeofthe inspection The pond embankmentwasstable withgood vegetationestablished andnoevidence oferosionordamage The primary spillwaywasfunctioning asdesigned and the emergency spillwaywasstable withnoproblems noted Dschargewasclear and measured at32 cfs at the flume withapH of75onductivity at 3695 and155degrees No problems werenotedwith theexception ofthe followingA small patch ofwhite top and sporadic houndstounge rosetteswereidentifiedonthe Pond 004 embankmentA patch ofwhite topwasobservedonthe embankment ofthe stock pond southeast ofPond 004 and at the spoil

    spring monitoring site northofPond 004Pond 002Wadge Impoundment washolding water and discharging at the time ofthe inspection Pumpingactivitieswereonoing foruseinconstruction The pond wasstable withnoproblems noted The discharge wasclear witha pH of78480 conductivity and 20 degrees The amount ofdischarge wasnot identified through theflume However the recording stationwasobserved and functioning as requiredThe Pecoco Pond contained water andwasdischarging at the time ofthe inspection The embankmentswerestable andwell vegetated at the timeofthe inspection The primaryCMP spillwaywasingood conditionand theemergency spillwaywasstable withnoproblems noted The Pecoco Pond hadnoproblems notedwith theexception ofthe following3patches ofwhite topwasobserved bothonthe embankment and intheareaofthe access road leading to thePecoco PondA large amount ofhoundstouge rosetteswereobserved bothonthe pond embankment and in the area ofthe pondThese weeds should be managed as required per the PSCC mine permitPond 003washolding water and had a small amount ofdischarge at the timeof the inspection The pondembankments werestable withevidence burrow repair noted Good vegetation wasobserved onthe pondembankments and around the pond The emergency spillwaywasstable and the primary spillwaywasfunctioningas designed The discharge wasclearwitha pH of7240 conductivity and 20 degrees Celsius No problemswerenotedwiththe exceptionofthe followingAs withthe other ponds inspected white top and houndstounge wereobserved intheareaofPond 003Culverts A5A3 33A 30A 29A 47A 62A 32A 2A 15AA8 2AA9A 12A 59A 55A 13A 53A 64A 54Aand52Awereobserved during this inspection NewCulvertsSC10ndSC0ereinthe process ofinstallationat the time ofthe inspection All culvertswereinplace withnoproblems noted withthe exception ofthefollowingDuring the September 2010 complete inspection anunidentifiedculvert wasobserved under a small two trackranch road northofculvert 29A This culvertwasnot part ofthe sediment control system and has been removedA lower crossing wascreated in its place to allowrunofromthe roadside ditch Thisrunofas created a smallhead cutonthe outlet side that will requiremonitoringormaintenance to ensure the erosion does notworsenCulvert 31A required maintenance andwasremoved at the time ofthe inspection withanewculvert to beinstalled

    New ditches SCM5E1SIPM15ndFA8ave been constructed as designed withnoproblems notedNumber ofPartial Inspection this Fiscal Year 8Number ofComplete Inspections thisFiscalYear 4

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    June 15 2011C00987eabodyage CreekMne JDMGENERALMINEPLANCOMPLANCEThe Peabody Sage CreekMnewaspermitted in2010 withinitial constructionactivities beginning inMay 2011At the timeofthe inspection topsoil salvaging and storage is ongoing inthe locations ofapproved facilities Theconstructionofditches the installationofculverts and the constructionofdesigned haul and access roads is thecurrent extent ofactivityonthe siteOTHERSPECIFYThiswasa complete coal inspection conducted by JasonMusick ofCDRMS Scott Cowman ofPSCCaccompanied the inspection The weatherwasclear and the sitewasdryduring the inspection Initial constructionactivities have begun at the sitewiththe initial stages oftopsoil salvaging and storage constructionofthesediment control system and access and haul roads

    ROADS Rule43CConstruction43132rainage43l321 Surfacing andMaintenance4 01nd632 nd6eclamation43132hewidening ofexisting haul roadsA1ndD is complete These roadswereinitiallywidened through theSeneca II permit butwerereclaimed RoadBRoad F and the southern portion ofRoadDconstructionwasongoing at the time ofthe inspection No problems werenoted Existing roads inand around the facilities areawerestable withwater being applied fordust suppression No problems wereobservedRECLAMATIONSUCCESS Rule45Rule 3Sage Creek bond releaseSL1asconducted prior to this complete coal inspection On reclaimed lands nodamage wasnotedonslopes due to springrunofo substantial patches ofbare ground wereobserved and themine site displayed good vegetative growth Reclaimed drainages werestable withnoproblems noted withtheexception ofthe followingHoundstouge wasobserved inandonthe out slopes ofestablished drainages SIIPM6IIPM4IIPM9SIPM11ndSIPM22REVEGETATION Rule45Vegetative Cover TimingThe revegetated portions inspected displayed good vegetative coverthroughout No substantial areas ofbareground wereobserved No problems werenoted withthe exception ofthe followingNumerous patches ofwhite top ofvarious sizes55o5050ereobserved onthe eastern slope ofHaulRoadE1nd inestablished drainages SIIPM6IPM22ndSIPM4Houndstounge rosetteswereobserved throughout the sitewithnolarge patch observed but sporadic individualrosettes throughoutThese weedsmust be managed as required inthePSCM permitSUPPORTFACILITIES Rule44Nonewfacilities have yet to be constructedonsite Previously constructed facilities arestable withnoproblemsnoted The entireNorthFacilities Areahas been cleaned ofallnonoawaste and according toPSCMpersonnelcurrently being brought up toMSHAs current regulationsNumberofPartial Inspection thisFiscalYear 8Number ofComplete Inspections this FiscalYear 4

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    June 15 2011C00987eabodyag e CreekMne JDMSIGNSANDMARKERS Rule42Mne ID signs wereinplace at the require locations along CountyRoad 2727A and 51 The mine ID signsdisplayed all required informationwith the exception ofthe followingthe permittee is listed as Peabody Sage CreekMnewhere as the sign reads as Sage CreekMne This should becorrected to read the correct title According to Scott Cowman revisedmine ID signs wereordered andwillreplace the currently installed signsTOPSOIL Rule461emoval4


    ubstitute Materials464 torage andProtection463Redistribution464Topsoil salvaging and storage has begun intheareaofthe approved topsoil pile Topsoil has been salvaged fromtheareaoftheportal the south coal handling facilities area south facilities area the slope east ofthe portal areaand various locations ofditches and roads The topsoil pile has yet to be seeded as initial topsoil salvagingcontinues Diversionditches are inplace around the approved topsoil pile location

    DOCUMENTSRECEIVED Received revisedmaps25M1AndM1B for adequacy responses inMR3NumberofPartial Inspection this Fiscal Year 8NumberofComplete Inspections this Fiscal Year 4

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    June 15 2011C00987eabodyag e CreekMneENFORCEMENTACTONSOMPLANCENo enforcement actions are pending andnoneweretaken as a result ofthis inspection

    NumberofPartial Inspection this Fiscal Year 8Number ofComplete Inspections this FiscalYear 4

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    June 15 2011 200eaPHOTO

  • 8/3/2019 Peabody Sage Coal Mine Inspection Report June 16, 2011


    June 15 2011 200ea


  • 8/3/2019 Peabody Sage Coal Mine Inspection Report June 16, 2011


    June 15 2011 200ea

  • 8/3/2019 Peabody Sage Coal Mine Inspection Report June 16, 2011


    June 15 2011C00987eabodyag e CreekMne JDMPERMITRECORDSDBMSPermitPermit Application w evisionsFindings DocumentInsurance CertificateBond DocumentPhased Bond ReleaseDocumentsndngsAr Emission PermitsCounty Special Use PermitsUG Mining Landowner NotificationSubsidenceMonitoring ReportsSubsidence Monitoring DataRill Gully SurveyV e g e t a t i o n Monitoring DataSpecific Variance ApprovalsAnnual Reclamation ReportsMdterm Review DocumentsDBMSSMInspectionReportsnforcement Actions 3 YearsTransfersuccessionof OperatorTemporary Cessation NotificationReclamation Cost EstimateCERTIFICATIONSPond CertificationsAnnual Certifications for ImpoundmentsFi l l Certifications for Excess Spoil orUnderground Development Waste

    Quarterly InspectionsCompaction TestingFinal Certification

    Coal Processing Waste BanksHaul RoadCertificationsAccess Road Certifications



    1O R01175F239011NANA


    HYDROLOGICRECORDSNPDESPermitNPDES RecordsStormwater Management PlanSPCC PanMSHAPond InspectionsState Engineerson d InspectionQuarterly Pond InspectionsAnnual Hydrology ReportsGroundWater MonitoringSurfaceWater MonitoringSpring Seep MonitoringMine Water Discharge MonitoringMne Inflow StudyWater Consumption Records

    Well Permits

    COG0482751Q 2011OKOKNANA



    NANANANAEx h2533Exh2533

    BLASTING RECORDSBlasting PublicationBlasting Records 3 yearsATFE Explosives PermitBlasting VariancesPreastSurveys



    COMMENTS1ond release application SL1 is in the process of review 2 PP201017 and 18 exp730153 Rll and gully survey due6extended to604L1 vegetation data currently being reviewed 5 S01 currently in review

    Number ofPartial Inspection this Fiscal Year 8NumberofComplete Inspections this Fiscal Year 4

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