pdhpe assignment 1 - cassie murrell emr206

PDHPE What this profession means to me!

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PDHPE What this profession means

to me!

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EMR206- PDHPE in the Primary school.

BY Cassandra Murrell - 11491423

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Taylor & Cassie (me)

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Physical activities throughout childhood.

As I was growing up I had a real passion for sports and games. I loved being outdoors and doing all kinds of activities within the community.From learning to walk, run, skip and jump to ride a bike, dance, and be part of a team.Throughout primary and secondary I had a busy afterschool schedule participating in different sporting activities and social groups each afternoon during the week.

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At the age of 3 I was placed into regular ballet classes, to help with my co-ordination and balancing skills. I then left dance classes at age 5 as I was ‘Bored’.

At age 11 I started up dance classes again, only this time participating in numerous styles including jazz, ballet, contempory, modern, and tap.

I was being regularly bullied at school and my mother thought dance was a great way to express my feelings and create a barrier or mental escape from the cruelty of

children at school. And it worked!

I fell in love with the movements my body could make, and the stories I could portray to the audience by contorting my body to the sound of my favourite music.

At age 16 my dance teacher broke her back and appointed me as the instructor for all junior classes. IT WAS HERE MY LOVE OF TEACHING CHILDREN WAS FORMED!

The children would great me with hugs and compassion, and leave full of smiles and grace.

To see the children's improvements throughout the next 2 years of my teaching was the most powerful gift I have ever received.

It was the compassion and love of the children that kept me dancing throughout my HSC years!

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At the age of 9 I joined the local Karate club.It was my brother and fathers love of karate that made me

want to join, I loved watching them in tournaments and looking at all there trophies!

Through karate I learnt respect, patience, balance, co-ordination skills, self-defence and made many international

friends. Travelling to competitions all around Australia was exciting

and winning was even better!.

I am currently a black belt, and often take the junior classes, teaching the children the most important aspects of

Traditional shotokun karate.1. To seek perfection of there own character

2. To Be faithful 3. To Endeavour and they will achieve.

4. To respect others 5. And most importantly to refrain from violent behaviour.

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Netball and Touch football!

From the age of 5 to the age of 16 I participated in netball every weekend. I only participated in netball as my brother

loved football and my parents thought since they where travelling for him I might as well be playing to instead of

feeling left out or becoming irritable and bored.I was then convinced by the Sports co-ordinator of the school to play netball as a representative of the school in year 10,

11 and 12 to ensure there where enough players for the state carnival in Dubbo.

I began playing touch football in the local competition in year 5, in year 10 I had an accident on the field and shattered my

leg needing surgery and putting me out of action for 15 weeks. After this accident I was to scared to ever play touch

football again.

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APPART FROM SPORT PDHPE IS NOT ALL ABOUT SPORT… I also gained knowledge through •Participating in girl guides and looking at environmental sustainability, and community communications – e.g.: clean up Australia day.•Undergoing water-safety training in the Auswim program.•Learning about emergency procedures by undertaking a first aid certificate.•Going through my own growth and changes and developing my own personal identity.

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INFLUENCES and changing attitudesThe main influences for me doing the sports I done where my parents. There encouragement was the overall decision maker resulting in my participation.

However as I got older I found a love for teaching children and passing on my knowledge of these sports that influenced myself to keep going. When everyone was encouraging me to take a break and focus on my schooling it was in fact my love of education and passion for child development that kept me participating in these sports.

Ever felt like you are trying your hardest and your still not good enough?Sadly I changed my attitudes on karate for a few years during school as my father was to pushy! He always expected high achievement and even your best was not good enough. There was always something he was faulting you on. His motto was: ‘We don’t train for second place, second place is a disgrace’.I did quit for a few years before deciding to ignore him and go back to karate anyway.

-This formed my idea that encouragement is great, but don’t set higher goals for children then they set for themselves as the isolation feeling only pushes them away altogether.

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School Yard Bullies – School yard bullies influenced a lot of my decisions throughout school. It seemed as though, even the children who bullied you at school, where nice to you at after school sporting activities. All the coaches, instructors and mentors where well aware of the bullying epidemics and simply had rules in place that bullying meant you where not allowed to participate. Sports where fun, and it was one of the few places I didn’t feel isolated or alienated! I could express myself and my feelings without the fear of torment and cruelty.

My big brother – Having an active big brother, was defiantly a positive influence for me. I strived to be just like him and so I strived to be athletic, enthusiastic and highly energetic towards sporting activities.

Coaches/instructors and teachers: The support and encouragement that you get from the adults who are running the sports was always a positive influence. They where always pleasant and happy on your arrival and made an effort to really encourage and guide you through there expectations and ideas helping you to thrive for and achieve your very best.There attitudes around always doing your personal best being the most important regardless of the final result made a very positive environment to be in. Always striving to achieve your best, and not having the expectation to meet anyone else's.

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Current perspectives!I strongly believe that physical activity is an important aspect for child development. I believe all children should be encouraged to be physically active to retain full mental and physical health and well-being. I believe that children should be encouraged to find there strengths in sport, and will then thrive from there excitement of self achievement. I believe that children should not be pushed beyond there mental limitations though, and we should be mindful of children's delicate mindsets and thoughts. I believe sports are a fantastic way to develop different physical skills, co-ordinations, balance, build co-operation, teamwork, positive attitudes and express feelings and beliefs as well as help children to build a proper understanding of respect for others. I believe the best way to gain trust and participation in a sport is to get involved, take part and play the game. Children love adult participation in sport. It is important not to ‘Bark’ instructions, rather I believe in demonstrating, explaining and then doing it with the children.

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It is important to remember that while encouragement of physical activities should be given that other aspects of the subject are not limited.

I believe that hygiene is an important aspect of PDHPE and that all children should be encouraged to perform explicit personal hygiene practices. (remembering that

some children may not have these skills/ options being presented at home).

Healthy eating is also another factor I feel should be incorporated into teaching regularly and not just spoken about once. Educators should constantly model

healthy eating practices and encourage student involvement in the same areas.

Health and wellbeing are important for everyone, including me and you!

I also believe that sporting activities are a good way to build positive relationships and attitudes as you learn to work together with your peers and co-operate as the

member of a team.

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My past experiences with teaching children to dance and do karate gives me confidence that I will be able to prepare constructive, personalised lesson plans that incorporate sporting activities and drills for skill practice. These experiences have allowed me to develop effective ways of communicating with children , and have developed my understanding of how each child's development with physical activities is different. I have had practice in developing my own skill and so with research and syllabus guidance I feel confident that I can help children to work there way through each developmental stage and create fun, enjoyable practical experiences around sporting activities and different physical games as well as create fun and exciting ways to teach children the other theoretical based ideas associated with PDHPE and abiding by the PDHPE syllabus.

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Physical characteristics The educator is fit, he has muscle tone in his arm and legs and is certainly is the correct BMI range.The educator is dressed appropriately in shorts and a t-shirt allowing movement. He also has a hat for sun- protection. .

Actions and communication

The educator is bending down to the Childs level and physically directing her movements with the glove and ball. The educator has placed himself at the child level so he doesn’t seem superior or scary.The educator is being positive and encouraging in his communication offering advice and a lot of praise for skill improvements.

Skills and abilities

The educator is well prepared for this lesson, and has the skills of catching and throwing using a baseball glove. He also knows the basic rules and regulations of baseball and so can encourage a class game once appropriate skills are passed on to the children. He also has planned well using his skill and knowledge of how children learn best, to shape his baseball lesson.

Knowledge and teaching typesThe educator is aware that children learn best by being shown, then directed, encouraged, and through teacher participation. He is physically guiding this child through the steps whilst also verbally talking her through what she is doing. He is a very hands on teacher, and expresses teacher participation in his sporting activity. He uses modelling and guidance to educate his students.

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LETS CONSIDER . . . What does the educator look like? The Educator is visually physically fit. He is dressed appropriately wearing comfortable t-shirt and shorts that do not restrict body movement. He is not wearing any accessories such as a bracelet or watch as he knows it may be broken or damaged during this lesson. He is wearing a hat to promote sun protection and correctly model the expectation he has for his students.

How does he act?The educator is bending down to the Childs level, so that he doesn’t speak down to the child. He places himself in the game and instructs as a supportive team member rather then barking orders like a mean coach. He Guides the struggling Childs body movements to help them understand how they should maniulate there body parts to reach the required catching and throwing skills. He encourages skill practice before starting an actual game. He is supportive and recognises each individuals strengths and weaknesses and helps them to strive for self improvements.

What might he be saying to the child?He might be encouraging the Childs participating by guiding them through the motions ‘catch the ball in the glove and place the free hand on top for support’Then he might be providing words of praise,‘Well done, that was so much better (child), and what a lovely throw that was (other child)’.

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What skills does he have?The educator has the required, basic skills of baseball. He understands the concepts of throwing and catching using a baseball glove, and other basic skills and rules of the game. He is confident in how to catch and throw a ball and makes this present by confidently showing his students the correct way to do so.

What knowledge does he have?This educator has the knowledge of the game of baseball, he is also aware that each child develops at different stages and learns differently and so he makes adjustments for this in his programs. He is aware of syllabus outcomes and incorporates this lesson towards reaching one of his goals. He is aware that he cant just teach it simply because its fun but aims to improve skill development, hand-eye co-ordination, team work, and respect at the same time.He has knowledge that the skill requirements in the syllabus are decision making, communicating, interacting, moving and problem solving and works towards achieving these skills through a hands on baseball match.

What activities/ movements is he requiring this child to do?He is simply requiring this child to catch a baseball that has been tossed by a peer, he expects the child to catch using the glove and then cover the ball with there free hand before picking the ball up and tossing it back to there peer. He requires the child to throw with there dominant hand and where the glove on the other.

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The Educational Settings

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The Values of PDHPE in primary education?

PDHPE is one of the 6 key learning areas in the syllabus. It focuses on teaching 5 main skills throughout the k-6 period including decision making, communicating, problem solving, moving and interacting. The children are required to work there way through 8 strands, developing each strand each year. The strands include; Active Lifestyle, Games and Sports, Gymnastics, Interpersonal Relationships, Growth and development, Personal Health choices and Safe Living.

These strands and skills help children to develop positive attributes for everyday living. Unfortunately in many settings PDHPE is used as a filler to provide a break between 2 other intensive KLA’s like maths an English, which should not be the case. Educators should allow the same amount of preparation, and time for PDHPE and ensure they focus on all key areas not just sport. Teachers should NOT just decide to throw in a game of catch when they are underprepared and claim it as a PDHPE lesson.Time management and preparation skills need to be carefully addressed.

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Would I make a good PDHPE Educator?

I strongly believe I would make a good PDHPE educator because I am patient, caring and physically fit. I would allow time to plan for each strand and skill and incorporate the needs of all individuals, being sure to make special considerations for disability students.I have had experience with teaching children sports and really enjoy overseeing there growth and successful development. I understand that children require encouragement and guidance with activities, as well as understanding that all areas of the syllabus are important and I should not just focus on playing games or teaching sports. I will happily wear suitable clothing, minimal make-up and accessories and wear a hat in order to model appropriate behaviour.I am a strong believer in DOING not observing, and will therefore participate in the lessons at the child's level and not just sit back and do paperwork or have a cup of coffee. I have knowledge of various activities and games that I learnt through my schooling and will also seek information from available recourses. I believe that all the strands of the PDHPE syllabus are equally important and will plan careful lessons to introduce each one.

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Teaching PDHPE in the k-6 context?I am confident in teaching PDHPE In the k-6 context. I understand that in order to teach the 5 main skills you must undergo the 8 main strands. I understand that active lifestyle refers to the effects of physical education, that games and sports refers to playing games, practicing non-locomotor and loco motor skills and introducing manipulative skills and aquatics. I understand that gymnastics is important for teaching loco motor, non-locomotor and movement skills as well as developing composition. I understand how interpersonal relationships refers to that of peers, families and groups and discusses the importance of positive relationships and communication. I understand that growth and development looks at the human body, personal identity, sexuality, changes and values whilst personal health choices looks at the importance of nutrition, decision making, drug use, environmental health and preservative measures. I also understand that safe living discusses the importance of road and water safety, personal safety, home and rural safety, emergency procedures and school and play safety. I also understand that dance teachers non-locomotor, locomotors skills, the different elements of dance, dance styles and composition.

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Lastly…I believe that in order to teach confidentially you need to understand

the outcome expectations and be able to effectively plan to teach each outcome.

I believe that having some background experience with the activities you teach will help immensely with confidence and you should always

practice your lessons before you teach them.I believe that if you can effectively unpack the syllabus you can

effectively teach the PDHPE program for k-6 allowing for diversity, expression of opinions, beliefs and values.

And I believe that it is important to ‘PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH’. There is no point telling a child that the best way is one way, if there

going to catch you either at school or outside school doing the complete opposite.

BE a positive influence on every students lives by building positive relationships and creating a supportive and encouraging environment

that caters for the needs of each and every individual.