senior school give a...

Senior School Newsletter Issue 21, Friday 16th May 2014 After a year of serving as Head Boy and Head Girl at RGS, David Coates and Becky Smith have now stepped down from their posts and, along with their fellow Upper Sixth students, they begin their leave of absence as of today, in order to prepare for their forthcoming exams. Before they left, both David and Becky addressed the whole school in assembly and offered some parting words which between them were witty, inspiring and very touching... Ever since I was asked to make a speech in assembly I have been struggling to find a topic to talk about. But then I thought, why not talk about something that comes naturally and that, for me, is smiling. I know it's cheesy and the majority of you will perhaps be throwing up a little inside but just hear me out… Over the past seven years at the RGS I have developed a bit of a reputation for smiling. People have often made the assumption that I am on something (!) but no, that has not been the case. I enjoy smiling- simple as - and what is more, I enjoy people smiling back at me in return. Try it now, smile at somebody, anybody in this hall and see if you get a smile back. It's a great feeling and one which I discovered when I was very little, smaller than I am now if you can imagine that! My mum had taken me shoe shopping for new school shoes which can be a very stressful business! Anyway, I was walking up and down in my new shoes when I bumped into another little girl who was crying. Being quite a shy child back then, I didn't know what to say so instead I smiled at her. The girl stopped crying and looked back at me. She then suddenly started to smile. We shared a few happy moments of smiling before I had to return to my mum. Ever since that day I have enjoyed smiling at people and seeing their reactions... I've loved being a part of this school and I'm not here to give a tear-jerking goodbye speech but I very easily could. My speech today isn't meant to be a goodbye on behalf of my year; I don't think I could ever do them justice in the five minutes I've been allocated. Instead I want to talk about this school and everything it's given us because I'm hoping that you take all the chances that we often missed out on. Being a kid is awesome, it is, it's incredible because you get to pretend to be mature and when you mess up no-one blames you or gets angry, you get to do stupid stuff and get praised for it, the kind of stuff that you don't get time for when you're an adult or if you do, you get told that it’s not productive enough or it doesn’t make you enough money. So why am I telling you this? It's because I really believe that it's never too late to get involved in all of this stuff, I strongly believe that everyone from teachers to blue blazers have the intelligence, resources and drive to do some pretty incredible things. Looking at the Year 7 rugby team, I'm amazed at the dedication and talent they have, at the age when they're supposedly meant to be watching cartoons and sitting around. The Waterpolo team has the most incredible spirit in the school, which hopefully makes up for some pretty questionable results... Click here to read the rest of Becky’s speech. Click here to read the rest of David’s speech. Today was the Upper Sixth Leavers’ Day, their last formal day in school. What a lovely bunch they have been and they connued to demonstrate that today with lots of great costumes, good humour and mountains of pizza! We wish them the best of luck in their forthcoming exams and beyond.

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After a year of serving as Head Boy and Head Girl at RGS, David Coates and Becky Smith have now

stepped down from their posts and, along with their fellow Upper Sixth students, they begin their

leave of absence as of today, in order to prepare for their forthcoming exams. Before they left, both

David and Becky addressed the whole school in assembly and offered some parting words which

between them were witty, inspiring and very touching...

Ever since I was asked to make a speech in assembly I have been struggling to find a topic to talk about. But then I thought, why not talk about something that comes naturally and that, for me, is smiling. I know it's cheesy and the majority of you will perhaps be throwing up a little inside but just hear me out…

Over the past seven years at the RGS I have developed a bit of a reputation for smiling. People have often made the assumption that I am on something (!) but no, that has not been the case. I enjoy smiling- simple as - and what is more, I enjoy people smiling back at me in return. Try it now, smile at somebody, anybody in this hall and see if you get a smile back. It's a great feeling and one which I discovered when I was very little, smaller than I am now if you can imagine that!

My mum had taken me shoe shopping for new school shoes which can be a very stressful business! Anyway, I was walking up and down in my new shoes when I bumped into another little girl who was crying. Being quite a shy child back then, I didn't know what to say so instead I smiled at her. The girl stopped crying and looked back at me. She then suddenly started to smile. We shared a few happy moments of smiling before I had to return to my mum. Ever since that day I have enjoyed smiling at people and seeing their reactions...

I've loved being a part of this school and I'm not here to give a tear-jerking goodbye speech but I very easily could. My speech today isn't meant to be a goodbye on behalf of my year; I don't think I could ever do them justice in the five minutes I've been allocated. Instead I want to talk about this school and everything it's given us because I'm hoping that you take all the chances that we often missed out on. Being a kid is awesome, it is, it's incredible because you get to pretend to be mature and when you mess up no-one blames you or gets angry, you get to do stupid stuff and get praised for it, the kind of stuff that you don't get time for when you're an adult or if you do, you get told that it’s not productive enough or it doesn’t make you enough money. So why am I telling you this? It's because I really believe that it's never too late to get involved in all of this stuff, I strongly believe that everyone from teachers to blue blazers have the intelligence, resources and drive to do some pretty incredible things. Looking at the Year 7 rugby team, I'm amazed at the dedication and talent they have, at the age when they're supposedly meant to be watching cartoons and sitting around. The Waterpolo team has the most incredible spirit in the school, which hopefully makes up for some pretty questionable results...

Click here to read the rest of Becky’s speech. Click here to read the rest of David’s speech.

Today was the Upper Sixth Leavers’ Day, their last formal day in school. What a lovely

bunch they have been and they continued to demonstrate that today with lots of great

costumes, good humour and mountains of pizza! We wish them the best of luck in their

forthcoming exams and beyond.

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16th May 2014 Page 2

This fortnight in news...

All who attended the Headmaster’s Invitation Concert last night were treated to a feast of varied entertainment, including

instrumental solos, ensembles, vocal works, and dance – a truly inspiring evening. This concert is strategically placed in the

calendar, just before the Upper Sixth go on exam leave, to provide our oldest students one final opportunity to perform -

they certainly rose to the challenge. Performances ranged from a Humoresque, written by Will Wathey, and performed by his

brass group, to Tonight, from Bernstein’s West Side Story, sung by Ellie Tilbrook and Will Atkinson, who both took lead

roles in the RGS production of West Side Story

earlier in the year. Head Girl, Becky Smith

choreographed a solo dance, following on from

Kate Campbell performing Cole Porter’s So in

love. The evening came to an emotional end as

Robbie Miller, dressed in full kilt, announced that

after seven years of playing as a group, this would

be their final number together. For parents, guests

and teachers, this was a lovely event and a fitting

tribute to all the energy, enthusiasm, good humour

and dedication that our students show in the

relatively short time they are with us. With real

thanks for what they have achieved, we wish them

well for their forthcoming exams, and for whatever

adventures lie beyond.

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Page 3 16th May 2014

British Schools’ National Championships...

Committed to football at RGS from his early days, Freddie Wilkinson has been captain of the U14 and U15 teams for the last two years. An attacking midfielder/winger Freddie has a commanding presence in the squad and is a true leader, gluing the squad together socially and with an air of talent, enthusiasm and dedication to improvement. He leads by example on the pitch, in training and around the corridors of RGS. He was awarded players’ player this year by his fellow squad members and he has now made it into the U16 Northumberland Schools’ FA squad.

Freddie is one of the school’s most dedicated and talented young players and we are thrilled with his inclusion in this regional squad. I have every confidence that he will be an ambassador for RGS football within the squad at this weekend’s North of England Counties tournament in Middlesbrough.

Mr Mason

The afternoon began with the Art Private View, as proud parents and beaming students came to celebrate the exhibition of Art throughout the school from students in Years 7 through to Year 13. The exhibition was impressive, as always and really demonstrated the remarkable talent of RGS students. Well done to all those whose work was on display!

After a short interval, the Choral and Orchestral concert began at 7pm. The RGS Symphony Orchestra, Blue Blazer Choir and St Thomas More Choir, performed a varied vocal and instrumental programme b y T c h a i k o v s k y , Bourgeois, Berlioz, Chilcott and Jenkins. Our Senior and Community Choir closed the evening with Haydn’s Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo. All performances were warmly received by the enthusiastic audience seated in the packed Main Hall.

The evening was a thoroughly enjoyable celebration of work and talent from another cohert of superb artists and musicians.

Friday 2nd May was a celebratory evening at

RGS, with two important annual events joining

forces to take place in one evening…

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16th May 2014 Page 4

For more information on anything contained within this newsletter, or to provide us with any news updates,

please email: [email protected]

Friday 16th May

Upper Sixth leave of absence begins at 4pm

Leavers’ Dinner at 7pm (St James’ Park)

Deadline for returning summer holiday work experience forms

Half-term begins at 4pm

Dates for the Diary!

Friday 23rd May

Year 7 Camp

Monday 2nd June - Friday 6th June

Tuesday 3rd June

School resumes

Tuesday 10th June

Year 10 Parents’ Conference at 3.30 pm

Charlie Wilson and Ikenna Obonna, who were selected to play for the Newcastle Falcons Academy U15 squad at the Northern RFU Academies Festival on Monday 5th May. They played in front of the England U16 selectors and the U18 academy selectors.

Both Charlie and Ikenna have now been selected to attend the RFU North U15 development camp next week. This is a big achievement for the boys and they are now on the start of the potential pathway to England U16’s next season.

Mr Watt

Congratulations to...

All parents should now have received a

letter containing details about the

school’s new parent portal facility. The parent portal is a

useful tool which allows you as a parent to log in and

access information which is specifically of interest to you

and your child, such as letters about trips, academic

timetables and term dates. If you have not received this

letter (which contains your activation code for the portal)

please contact Marie Appleton, Communications Manager

at [email protected]

Parent Portal