pde’s role and responsibilities under act 72 of 2004

1 PDE’s Role and Responsibilities Under Act 72 of 2004 __________________________________ I. Opting In to Property Tax Relief Program II. Index Calculation III. Preliminary Budget Adoption IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions V. Final Budget Adoption

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PDE’s Role and Responsibilities Under Act 72 of 2004. __________________________________ I.Opting In to Property Tax Relief Program II.Index Calculation III.Preliminary Budget Adoption IV.Backend Referendum Exceptions V.Final Budget Adoption. I. Opting In to Act 72 of 2004. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: PDE’s Role and Responsibilities Under Act 72 of 2004


PDE’s Role and Responsibilities Under Act

72 of 2004__________________________________

I. Opting In to Property Tax Relief Program

II.Index Calculation

III. Preliminary Budget Adoption

IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

V. Final Budget Adoption

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I. Opting In to Act 72 of 2004

How to opt in to Act 72

• Resolution by May 30, 2005, must do one of the following:

1. Levy and assess additional 0.1% EIT

2. Ballot question in November 2005

3. Ballot question in November 2007(non-EIT districts only)

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I. Opting In to Act 72 of 2004

• SD must notify PDE of action taken within 5 days of passage

• Form available at PDE website:– www.pde.state.pa.us/proptax

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I. Opting In to Act 72 of 2004

(top half of form)

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II. Index Calculation

• Used to determine maximum budgetary tax increases for each tax levied by SD (without PDE/Court/voter approval)

• How will PDE calculate

– Average of statewide average weekly wage and employment cost index

– For SD with MVPI AR greater than .4000, value is base index multiplied by sum of .75 and MVPI AR

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II. Index Calculation

• What the base index has been:– 2005-06: 3.1% 2004-05: 3.6%– 2003-04: 2.9% 2002-03: 3.5%– 2001-02: 3.5% 2000-01: 3.8%

• Example of SD with .6000 MVPI AR for 2005-06– Base index: 3.1%– 3.1% * (.75 + .6000) = 3.1% * 1.3500 =


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II. Index Calculation

Districts in Multiple Counties

• Application of index (proposal not finalized)

– Rebalance last year’s real estate tax rates based on current year market value

– Apply index to rebalanced tax rates to determine allowable tax rates

– PDE will develop a worksheet for SDs to use

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II. Index Calculation

• When and where will it be published

– Annually by September 1

– Pennsylvania Bulletin (base index only)

– PDE website (calculated for all SDs)

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III. 2006-2007 General Fund Budget

(Preliminary)• SD will use standard PDE-2028 package

downloaded from website– www.pde.state.pa.us/PDE-2028

– Available early December 2005

– New page/form in package used to summarize required information for purposes of PDE approval of tax increases

– Submission procedures same as final budget

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III. 2006-2007 General Fund Budget(Preliminary)

2006 Timeline

• January 26: Deadline to have available for public inspection

• February 5: Deadline for public notice of intent to adopt

• February 15: Deadline to adopt (90 days prior to Primary election)

• February 20: Deadline to submit preliminarybudget and proposed tax increases to PDE

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III. 2006-2007 General Fund Budget(Preliminary)

PDE Review• PDE will compare % tax increases to index• PDE will inform SD within 10 days whether

the rate increases are <= index• If any of the proposed tax increases

exceed index, PDE will notify SD that:

– Tax increase must be reduced to index OR

– Tax increase must be approved by voters OR

– Exception must be sought

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• For tax rate increases above index without voter approval

• Must satisfy both of the following:

– Revenue raised by allowable increase is insufficient to balance budget

– Revenue generated by tax rate increase more than index must be used ONLY for items on exception list

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• Approval sought from Court of Common Pleas or PDE

• March 2, 2006: Deadline for submission of exception (no later than 75 days prior to Primary election)

• March 22, 2006: Decision on exception request made (no later than 55 days prior to Primary election)

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• Approval by Court of Common Pleas in judicial district in which administrative office of SD is located:

– (i) costs incurred responding to or recovering from an emergency or disaster as declared by the Governor

– (ii) costs to implement a court order or an administrative order from Fed/State agency – as long as tax increase is rescinded upon fulfillment of order

– (iv) costs to respond to conditions which pose an immediate threat to students, staff or residents of SD – only until conditions resolved

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• Approval by PDE:

• Four exceptions require use of AFR data

– (v) increase in costs incurred in providing special education programs and services greater than 10% (PDE will define programs & services)

– (vi) costs incurred for implementation of a School Improvement plan that were not offset by a State allocation

– (vii) costs to maintain per-student local tax revenue (if 3-yr ADM increase >7.5%) or AIE per ADM (if < index)

– (viii) maintenance of revenues from local/state sources where the % increase is less than the index

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• School year data to be used is latest year for which ALL districts submitted AFR

– Timely submission by SDs is CRITICAL

– Local audit completion is key; contracts with CPA firms should require a completion date prior to October 31 submission deadline

• PDE deadline to notify school districts of AFR year for exceptions (December 27, 2005)

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• Remaining three PDE exceptions– (iii) costs to pay interest/principal on the

following: debt incurred prior to Act 72 effective date; electoral debt; up to 60% of construction cost average if various conditions met

– (ix) costs incurred for providing health care-related benefits attributable to a collective bargaining agreement in effect on Act 72 effective date

– (n) if PSERS payments between current year and upcoming year is greater than 7.5%

• PDE shall approve exception(s) if SD qualifies and sum of dollar amounts of qualified exceptions is sufficient to balance budget

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IV. Backend Referendum Exceptions

• If approved, Court/PDE will determine:

– Expenditure amount for exception granted

– Tax rate increase required to fund exception

– Appropriate duration of tax rate increase

• If exception is denied, SD may submit referendum for voter approval

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• June 10: Deadline to have available for public inspection

• June 20: Deadline for public notice of intent to adopt

• June 30: Deadline to adopt

• July 15: Deadline for PDE to receive

V. 2006-2007 General Fund Budget(Final)

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Non-Act 72 Reminder

Starting with the 2005-06 General Fund Budget, Act 48 of 2003 requires SDs to have an Ending Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance within the allowed range:

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