pcds yearbook 1994


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Page 1: PCDS Yearbook 1994
Page 2: PCDS Yearbook 1994

ark Leibow

g i S M

hoto Credi

Personalities...........2Dedication.............! 6Head's Page........... 17Faculty....................18Lower School........26Middle School......4oH

fiU pper School........... 66

Organizations........120SjSports.......................136,Advertisements......l 58

1 Index.........................194

tioenix Country Day School 3901 Cast Stanford Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

Page 3: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Didn't you know that Allison Pachtman is trying out for the Suns?

Eden Cook seems to be having a good time in English class.

Hallie Jacobson is working hard on her still life drawing in art

Brad Durchslag, Jeremy Joseph, Hollye Schumacher, and Lindsay Meryl Thomas likes toSchmid all take time out from their studying to goof around. "clim b around" while


Page 4: PCDS Yearbook 1994

The Lower School swimmers work hard and have fun at the same time.

Above: The Upper School com puter room is always "the hom e away from home" for freshmen.

Craig Couche, as he walks out of his first Civ I test.

Homework has already made Eric Cornwell "lose it" in the quad.

Page 5: PCDS Yearbook 1994


S e n l i o r s ,D a v i d S p o t / K m and Brian Cornwell, I pose with ? T h u n d er | before the I assembly.

L e f t : M i d d l e school students explore their spirit with face ; paint and other ; decorations.

i i r I:

Page 6: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Right: Thunder welcomes the lower school kids to their first spirit day gathering.

Left: Spectators show off their spirit in various ways during a performance. Adam, what are you doing?

Right: Students take a break from their cheer­ing to smile for the cam­era.

Page 7: PCDS Yearbook 1994
Page 8: PCDS Yearbook 1994

mghimself at a loss for words.

sremy Ringel, must have an English

Below: Freshmen compare notes on their classes, teachers, and homework. If they think this is bad, just wait until they have to worry about college, too. Their problems have only begun.

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Page 10: PCDS Yearbook 1994
Page 11: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Hey P.C.D.S. - We're

Above: Jed Cook nerver misses a great lunch and a chance to get o ff campus when he hears people are going to Creative Croissants.

Right: Tom Krause, Jessica Coo­per, Ravi Bisla, and Erin Loback are enjoying a group hug "after

Page 12: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Mr. Hendrickson poses with some Senate mem

Page 13: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Above: M att Gullen, Dawson Feam ow , Matt Gullen, Dawson Fearnow, and M att Gullen model their disco garb and dancing for a very large, very desperate audience.. . in the middle of the quad?

Left: Adam, get a haircut.

Right: Brandi Johnson must have been Pebbles in her past life.

Page 14: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Below: A stranger wearing strange clothes in a strange climate. Or is it Hawaii Five— whoa!

Left: Vicki Lang and Meg Van Lith show fashions's return to nature.Right: Andrew Arbesman - preppy and prepared.

Below: Josh Kanner and Sarah Michet sport a casual, comfortable style.

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Page 16: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Left below: Mr. Martin is laughing to himself over the freshmen’s first research paper.

Below: Mr. Swingler seems to think his new physics problem concernig a small, furry animal is quite humorous.

Page 17: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Thantc you for the glorious years of laughs and classes tJhat wouia never havetblen the same Without you.

flieSenior Class




Dr. J ohrr Collins

T T ow soon does he begin tp freakmpt,^ sX JL Right away? Happiness* vyas mtichmprehappy. Unlike how they were treatedin *the. ^ wdj the. .ium. . |well, th^werh/hereof: Rise ^ a n d slam back dqwn, 666.

I'm in^ffe^frbm ; outerjspace. jWhen some young cMck marries some old ;dude.pp® \ what's^ gohna hfcppeh?^

NiHhhaliahahaha! Somedtanky panky's be^non. Whose mind is in the gqttel? Let’s

talk alxkjt Ishmaeifor a minute... There'fc a gs eajgfc ■- I ■ ■ 1H I^jbhneetiM, I promise. We hear inthehext

chapter tnkt. * , Ahab is mad. Thin what *doe#® the HttMinfant ddti . , GoojGoo Gah

%Gah. I . and th£n[®te pointed to the ^ andI also believe she^peal-

izes th^^^ta^yTO tfee one moment! If you®|wanf^Sear^^w Mre!^.L .It’s-very iihpor-qtantfopyo#.. . toleaxnhowtoread. Row,

- row, row yobr boat. . . Hea%’‘SouL|ucker.Q|a anyqne ignqpeThis question? 1 D®NTKNOW?!! Buzz..|Thahjk you for pla^ma^^i

Page 18: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Mature, nature, what do you know? If you landle your problems, you're certain to grow

A message from Mrs. Madden, Head of the School

"And he sits and thinks of the things they knowHe and the forest, alone together-The springs that come up and the summers that go,Autumn dew on bracken and heather,The drip of the forest beneath the snow...All the things they have seen,All the things they have heard;An April sky swept clear and the song of a bird..."

"The Charcoal Burner", Now We Are Six, A.A. Milne

Wherever you go in future years, from elementary grades to middle school, from middle to ipper, from senior year in high school to freshman year in college, from college to graduate school o career, from one career to another, I wish for you exciting challenges. I hope that you have problems to solve and solutions to find, for a life without those would be a life without growth.Jut as you focus your fine minds and the knowledge and skills you have gained through your :ducational experiences, I wish for you the commitment to take time to enjoy and reflect upon the ;ifts and beauties of nature as Christopher Robin's friend, the charcoal burner, in the lines above las done. Involvement with or appreciation of our physical world from enormous canyons to the ;xquisite symmetry of a single flower can provide needed balance to study or business pressures md just plain pleasure.

lach of us at Phoenix Country Day School has lived, at least for part of our life, here, in one of the nost beautiful of the 50 states and one with a tremendous variety of ecosystems. Enjoy it now, and vherever you go in the years ahead, look for the particular natural beauty of that location and •egard it as a magnificent gift to Man to be valued and cared for-lest it be lost. You are becoming he keepers of all natural wonders of our world. I rj

Page 19: PCDS Yearbook 1994

The Talking Heads jTeaching a class, or taking a walk, our PCDS Heads do much more than talk, they give us

advice, they help when we study, they're always around when we need a buddy!

Mrs. Alexandra McKinley Lower School Head

Mr. John Crabb Middle School Head

Mr. Dexter Morse Upper School Head

Page 20: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Faculty go to the Fair!When the fair comes to town and the rides have begun, we wait with much squirming to have all that fun, but when the fair is over and the games are all through, what is there left, then, what can we do? The faculty here are beyond compare, they make all our learning seem like a fair, with all things to see and all things to know, you don't only enjoy it, you are taught and you grow!

Jan Anderson First Grade

James Bruning Language Dept. Head

Herb Abbott Upper School Science

Jean Ackley Lower School Art

Georgia Buelow Andrew CaglierisPhysical Education Upper School Mathematics

James Anton Science Dept. Head

Marie Bippus Fifth Grade

Annette Canning Pre-Kindergarten

Christine Anderson Middle School Lang.

Linda Bryant Middle School Art

Virginia Carter Middle School Social Studies


Page 21: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Faculty go to the Zoo!There are so many animals down at the zoo.It seems they have nothing but eating to do,And what can they give us for all that we feed? Something we can't learn while we write or we read. PCDS teachers know that learning is more,That what you can find in a book numbered four, Our learning goes deeper than what we must write, Our teachers give us ideas on which we can bite.

Evelyne Macrodimitris Librarian

David Martin History Dept. Head

Eric Neuter Computer Dept. Head

Daniel Majeski Physical Education

Johnnie May Upper School English

Lynn Personius Third Grade

Leslie Milne Pre-Kindergarten

Judy Mitchell Asst. Head M.S./Counselor <

Edward Pettengill Rob PillingMiddle School Computer Middle School Language

Alexis Marsden Middle School Science

Valeri Marsh Upper School Language


Page 22: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Joyce Plaza Librarian

Ellen Reeve Middle School English

B m ■John Riley

M.S. Computer and MusicKae Robb

Middle School Language

Laurie Rothrock Pre-Kindergarten

David Rowe Music

Anne Salzmann Upper School Counselor

Brenda Schertenlieb Music

Carole Seror Upper School Language

Judy Swenson Second Grade

W Im m p

■% . i


f l j

: g a g

Mary Swiess Physical Education

Michael Swingler Upper School Science

Mary Lu Syllaba Lower School Learning


Fran Vierck Fourth Grade

Erik Weihenmayer Fifth Grade


Page 23: PCDS Yearbook 1994



Joan Risley Communications/ Events Coordinator

Dolores Smith Bookkeeper

Oh the people we 7/ meet, as we greet each new day! The things we w ill see, the games we w illplay! But we wouldn 't he able to do even half, i f we had no adm inistrative,m aintenance, kitchen, or clerical staff.

Gigi Addison Karen Anderson Shirley Boulter , Lee Buettner Rick Burgess |Lower Schoool Development Secretary Business Office Administrative Business Manager

Secretary Secretary Assistant to the Head

Suzanne Davis Pattie Haller Barbara Hendrickson Carol HookUpper School Secretary Admissions Secretary Extended Day Receptionist

Trudy Tom Brad TritleBookstore Manager Campaign Assistant

Jackie Lee Middle School


Victor Weber Beth ZinkDirector of Community Relation*

Development Assistant/ Yearbook

Page 24: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Maintenance, Cafeteria, Bus Drivers.v.. .".s.... .« . W....X.......... ..........................

Tim Baltzer Luis Cisneros

Charles Jones

Anna Kemle James Kirkwood Darrell Knight

beBorah Peterman Michael Phillips Oscar Runyon

Duane Bergstrom Karen Byers

Brian Henry Jessie HintonCicilia Dietz Allen Doehrer

Leo Nez

Dennis Sutter

Sy Lazar

Raymond SmithLa Priel Sales

Gregory West Ron Wiggins Linda Wright Harold YeamanFran Sweeney Richard Vojtanek


Page 25: PCDS Yearbook 1994

LOWERA u g u s t 31 School Begins

S ep tem b er 6 Labor Day

8 New Parents'


2 1 Parents' Associa

tion Meeting

23 Back-To-School


27-29 School Pictures

O c to ber licoiumbusDay15 Blue and Gold Day

School Barbecue

29 First Quarter Ends

N o v em b er 2 Fathers' Coffee

9-11 Book Fair

11 Early Dismissal

24-29 Thanksgiving



Page 26: PCDS Yearbook 1994

SCHOOLD e c e m b e r 2 Blue and Gold Day

17 Winter Break Begins

J a n u a r y 3 School Resumes

14 Early Dismissal 17 Martin Luther King Day

F e b r u a r y 9 Grandparents' Day

M a r c h

A p r il

M a y

J u n e

18-21 Presidents' Weekend

1 -2 Early Dismissal

4-6 PCDS Musical

12-21 Spring Break

25-29 Fine Arts Festival

1 8 Early Dismissal

2 Last Day of School


Page 27: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Pre-K is Kool! Watch Us Grow...

Top Row (left to right): Mrs. LaMee, Mrs. Milne, Jon Richie, Joseph Rocco, Jax Cornell, Rick Snelling, Jeffrey Johnson, Alec Davis, Blake Lewkowitz, Erica Worthington, Tyler Mulholland, Mrs. Canning. Middle Row: Alex Beder, Matthew Barbey, Laura Reahard, Brittny Golding, Joshua Kantor, Justin Wells, Schuyler Humes, Clare Burnham, Jimmy Li. Bottom Row: Daniell Weinberg, Jack Hooker, Ali Grace, Brian Lakin, Emily Swindal, Robbie Addison, Lizzie Thompson.

Page 28: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Kindergarten: A Hop, Skip, and Jump Towards a New Beginning

Kathryn and Charlotte imitate Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch, except for their cute smiles and blond hair replacing his grouchy attitude and green color.

A group of kindergarteners display their happiness at the Hall of Flame Fire Museum.

Jack Row ( left to right): Mrs. Heidler, Dominic DeMark, James Yurka, Sofie Lyddon, Lauren Weinberg, Char- otte Slocum, Stephen Vrla, Katie Overholt, Jordan Uglietta, Harry Zeitlin, Sarah Kozinn, Christopher Yee, dichael Haenel, Cole Geringer, Eden Brown, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Rothrock. Middle Row ( left to right): Mrs. )alton, Daniel Haddock, Mollie Linden, Chris Parides, Melissa Palm, Michael Engle, Courtney McConnell, ihannon Malone, Anna Connell, Rebecca Hirsch, Carlie Lakin, Cathryn Lorentzen. Front Row ( left to right): immy McCain, Talia Sherman, Emily Rector, Will Fielder, Lucy Lippon, Tommy Maloney, Alexandra Matloff, illie Abraham, Ian Bucon, Sagan Beder, David Reiman. Not Pictured: Adam Kantor.

Page 29: PCDS Yearbook 1994

First Grade: First Step In The Right Direction

Top Row (left to right): Jacob Schwartz, David Abbott, Christopher Beabeau, Kyle Whisler, Matt Lyons, Jason Root, Richard Mackay, Jeff DeSilva, Grant Pakis, Paul Folson, Alexandra Heuser, Brianna Eller, Catherine Crook. Next Row: Mrs. Anderson, Matt Kostrivas, Florian Dotti, Mark Fleischaker, Kirk Bansak, Matt Peairs, Chris McConnell, Alex Dru, Danielle Skloven, Justine Positano, Brandon LaPrade, Blake Randolph, Danny Tunney, Mrs. Kendall. Third Row: Emily Regan, Lauren Hendricks, Sean Bandawat, Tom Foglesong, Stephen Black, Abby Bodell, Stephanie Papp, Erica Casselman, Bethany Smith, Mrs. Davis. Front Row: Ryan Tree, Randy Dhillon, Alex Grodnik, Dana Atwood, Bryan McLaren, Jamie Johnsen-Brigham, Katie Fish.

Alex Grodnik: coloring his way to the next stage: second grade.

Four perfect angels, Kirk Bansak, Richard Mackay, Justine Positano and Matt Kostrivas.



Page 30: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Second Grade tends to be "Two" Good to Be True

The eagle brings spirit to the second grade boys and girls.

left: "Wiggle it, just a little bit, wanna see you wiggle it, just a little bit as Jenny grooves."

Second graders in Mrs. Swenson's class love that "shoe math."

Top Row (left to right): Rishi Kumar, Skyler Robertson, Doug Devereaux, Sierra Seip, Jacob Crimmins,Valerie Garagiola, Paige Knappenberger, Brianna Elwell, Sam Thompson. Next Row: Elizabeth Reahard ,Sarah Spencer, Anna Marie Ward, Mathew LaPrade, Aaron Bernard,Elise Williams, Jessica Worthington, Alexandra Gray, Lesley Silverthorn, Adina Hirsch. Third Row: Mrs. Swenson, Eric Drootman, Tyrone Ray, Maggie Budzien, Jonathan Halevy, Brigit Donovan, Adam Sobczak, Alisha Blishok, Jennifer Botero, Elyse Beyer, Mrs. Katy Fielder. Fourth Row: Julie Johnson, Jack McCain, Jennifer Lewkowitz, Mark Semegen.Front Row: Allison Pachtman, Micheal Vrla, Jessica Kozinn, Ashley Humes, Alexi Musallam, Abby Zeithlin. 3

Page 31: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Third Grade on Parade

Back Row: Nicole Wells, Sarah Scarborough, Lauren Perlow, Joseph Yeargan, Meghan McCain, Lindsay Bodell, Allison Mathews, Eric Austin, Christian Lorentzen. Next Row: Mrs. Personius, Ashley Becker, Neil Smith, Rebecca Dalton, Etkin Chamoglu, Jessica Green, Justin Long, Angela Connell, Stephanie Yee, Brendan Selby, Joey Hooker, Sabrina Delafield, Brittany Davis, Mrs. Johnson. Third Row: Elissa Eller, Elizabeth Foglesong, Alex Caskey, Becky McLaren, Julie Carland, Becca Smalley, Rachel Chase, Matt Campo, Whitney Henderson, ‘ Tiffany Vail, John Haddock, Simi Dhillion. Front Row: Christopher Dru, Sean Beresini, Reid Davis, Skip Bansak, Vincent Devlin, Lauren Tree, Mike Schneider, Josh Soper.

Above: "To be or not to be, that is the question!" says Tiffany Vail.Left: Lindsey Bodell feels a great deal of accomplishment as she looks at the grade on her paper.

Page 32: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Fourth Grade: Need we say more.

Below: Deep thoughts by David Tiro.

The fourth grade girls just havin' a good ole' time.

Battle of the Sexes!Right:Rebels with an attitude.

Back Row: Alexis Pasulka, Alexis Gordon, Ashley Nemiro, Christopher Segraves, Evan DeMark, Claire Schweikher, Caitlin Burke, Katherine Budzien, Ben Williams, Adam Lewkowitz, Khaled Kamali. Next Row: Ms. Edwards, Leore Arik, Chris O'Connor, Adam DeSilva, Randall Smalley, Annie Wells, James Burnham, Hillary Schoninger, Lizzie Balis, Danny Lowe, Jamika Byas, Sally Semegen, Mrs. Vierck. Second Row: David Tiro, P.K. Fisher, Laura Biel, Michael LaPrade, David Morrill, Jason Bodell, Brent Langellier, Lisa Kirkwood, Natalie Fleischaker, Jason Platt, Michaela Skloven. Front Row: Lindsay Tree, Jessica Bucon, Chris Jensen, Edwin Barnes, Justin Flanagan-Hyde, Tommy Reahard, Grant Walker, Saranden Seip, David Bandawat.

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Above: Daniel Lowe what, may I ask, are you doing?

Right: "What are you doing?" asks Christopher Beabeau.

Above: Abby Zeitlin, Brigit Donovan, and Ashley Humes are having a blast during story time. Aren't you, girls?

Above: The Kindergartners are amazed by the Blue and Gold Day festivities.

Above: Adam Sobczak and Alexandra' Gray enjoy their music class; they love j d to sing. |

Page 34: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Above: Randy Dhillon gives the photographer a look she will never forget; "How dare you take my picture!"

Above: Alex Dru, Erica Casselman, and Abby Bodell enjoy free reading time in the comfortable bean bags.

Above: Julie Johnson listens attentively |as Tyrone Ray raises his hand to ask the teacher a probing question.

Above: "Oh, isn't life stressful," complains Brianna Eller. "Yeah, I know. We have to lie on these bean bags and read books. I just can’t believe it!" exclaims David Abbott.

Left: "Look! It's a tyrannosaurus rex!" shouts one fourth grader. "No, no, silly. It's just me," explains Kirk Bansak.

Page 35: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies

Brownies, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts: More than knots and cookies; a great place to learn and grow withfriends and leaders!

Boy Scout Troop 644, pictured from left to right; Daniel Eagleburger, An­drew Selby, Beau Roysden, Clay Pell. Not Pictured: Nat Schultz.

Fourth and Fifth Grade Girl Scoi Troop 749, pictured from left I' right; Back Row: Leader Doll Fleischaker,Leader Melanie Bucoi Leader Mary Burke, Leader Susd Semegen, Leader Betty Miszta Front Row: Teddi Misztal, SalB Semegen, Jessica Bucon, Kap Thompson, Annie Wells, NatailS Fleischaker, Katherine BudzieiJ Caitlin Burke. Not Pictured: Jes sica Skloven, Michaela Skloveii

First Grade Brownie Troop 667, pic­tured from left to right; Back Row: Leader Laura Eller, Catherine Crook, Brianna Eller, Jamie Johnsen- Brigham, Katie Fish, Stephanie Papp, Lauren Flendricks, Alexandra HeuserLeader Judy Regan. Front Row: Leader Marti Skloven, Danielle Skloven, Abby Bodell, Shannen Fish, Dana Atwood, Erica Casselman, Justine Positano, Emily Regan, Leader Judy Sirkis.

Third Grade Brownie Troop 275, pictured from left to right; Back Row:Leader Karen McLaren, Liz Foglesong, Rebecca Dalton, Elissa Eller, JulieCarland, Angela Connell, Becky M cLaren, Simi Dhillon, Leader Jane Carland. Middle Row: Jessica Green, Whitney Henderson, Stephanie Yee, Lauren Perlow. Front Row: Nicole Wells, Lindsay Bodell, Elizabeth Engle, Rachel Chase. Not Pictured: Leader Laura Eller, Leader Janet Green, Sarah Scarborough, Tiffany Vail

Second Grade Brownie Troop 11! pictured from left to right; Back Rc| Leader Candy Elwell, Leader Ld Gray, Jessica Worthington, Ell Williams, Lesley Silverthom,Siel Siep, Valerie Garagiola, Brian Elwell, Alexandra Gray, Bridl Donovan, Leader Pam Wai Leader Cathy Reahard. Front Rd Abby Zeitlin, Sarah Spencer, Jen fer Botero, Alisha Blischok, Adi Hirsch, Jessica Kozinn, Elizabi Reahard, Anna Ward, Elyse Bey Not Pictured: Julie Johnson, Leas Debbie Johnson.


Page 36: PCDS Yearbook 1994

The Evening EaglesCome have fun with us after school!

The things we do are really cool. The place to be is here after three.

Please join our joyful jubilee!

"he expression on first grader, ason Root's face pleads, hurry up, ake the picture or I am going to fall.

"Look mom! Look what I’ve done!" Robbie proudly exclaims, showing off his masterpiece.


pack Row: Yen Tran, Shannen Fish, Maureen McNamee, Jacob trimmins, Albert Kraus. Front Row: Talia Sherman, Robbie Addison, Joseph Rocco, Babo Keiper

Shannen Fish spends her time calculating how much a new doll would cost, counting her savings, penny by penny.

Page 37: PCDS Yearbook 1994

I.OWER SOHOOL SWIM TEAMThey swim, they dive, they use their might to thrive. The Lower School has a team that can't be beat. The rest of the- school thinks they're neat. So, they swam and won and had great fun until their season was all done.


Back Row (left to right): Coach Maczuga, Sean Bandawat, Jacob Swartz, Ian Bucon, Kirk Banzak, Grant Pakis, Matt Kostrivas, Paul Folson, Kyle Whisler, Dan Haddock, Coach Majeski. Middle Row: Jack McCain, Adam Kantor, Stephen Black, Danny Tunney, Alex Dru, Christopher Yee, Tom Foglesong, Will Fielder, Lucy Lippon, Charlotte Slocum. Front Row: Shannon Fish, Catherine Crook, Alexandra Heuser, Valerie Garagiola, Katie Fish, Emily Regan, Stephanie Papp, Emily Rector, Erica Casselman, Jamie Johnsen- Brigham. Missing when picture was taken: Katie Overholt, Christopher Beabeau, Saran Kozinn, Matt Peairs.


Back Row (left to right): Lauren Hendricks, Alisha Blischok, Jennifer Botero, Catherine Budzien, Morgan Henderson, Sarah Scarborough, Whitney Henderson, Maggie Budzien, Allison Pachtman, Ashley Humes, Coach Majeski. Front Row: P. K. Fisher, James Burnham, David Bandawat, Justin Flanagan-Hyde, Micheal Laprade, Randall Smalley, John Haddock, Brandon LaPrade, Tyron Ray, Matt LaPrade. Missing when picture was taken: Brianna Elwell, Liz Foglesong, Skip Bansak, Julie Carland, Alex Caskey, Stephanie Yee, Josh Soper, Christo Dru, Christian Lorentzen, Caitlin Burke, Hillary Shawninger, Khaled Kamali.


Page 38: PCDS Yearbook 1994

\bove right: Charlotte Slocum takes a minute to show her enjoyment during swim time, Above left: Christopher Yee says "look at this cute kid"

Below: Coach Maczuga shows his swim class the fine art of breathing while you swim.

Page 39: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Middle.A u gu st 31 School Begins

Septem ber 6 NO SCHOOL- LaborDay

14 Back to School Night27-29 School Pictures

O cto b e r 11 NO SCHOOL-Columbus Day

15 Blue and Gold Day

N ovem ber 11 Early Dismissal16 Early Dismissal24-29 Thanksgiving Break

D ecem ber 2 Blue and Gold Day17 Winter Break Begins

Page 40: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Schoolanuary 3 School Resumes

11-12 Exams14 End of 1st Semester -

Early Dismissal17 NO SCHOOL- Martin

Luther King Day—i 21 Track and Field DayFebruary 14 Father's Day

18-21 NO SCHOOL-

starchPresident's Weekend

4-6 PCDS Musical11-21 NO SCHOOL - Spring

Break25 End of 3rd Quarter

fVpril 7 Early Dismissal25-29 Fine Arts Festival

k/I ay 20 Awards Assembly25-27 Exams30 NO SCHOOL- Memorial

1 Dayune 1 Commencement

Page 41: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Courtney Becker Erin Beresini

David Biel T.J. Blandford

Bobby Brook Benjamin Bottner

Lexie Carlson Justin Caskey

Eser Chamoglu Casey Cornell

Melanie Deutsch Kelly Devereaux

Michelle Duncan Sarah Engle

Aurelia Feau Sacha Feinman

Meredith Garagiola Beri Golding

Bryant Guffey Justin Hammar

Morgan Henderson Sarah Hurwitz Natalie Jaspers

Babo Keiper

Lance Litwin Doug Loback

Michael Lowe Maureen McNamee

Julie McReynolds Geoffrey Pakis

Evan Rand Abigail Rethore Kimberly Ruht Jessica Skloven

Bryan Silverthorn Brian Snyder

Philip Stuart Scott Surdakowski

Tom Symington Amber Thompson

Katie Thompson Tatum Vail

Page 42: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Talk about a class act! Maureen McNamee and Melanie Deutsch illustrate the importance of friendship and fun—during school.

-1FTH GRADE:rheir Adventure Has Just Begun.

WP'i > *V»'.

Right: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful," says Brian Snyder.

Left:: Meredith Garagiola and AshleyYeargan enjoy a moment of relaxation after lunch.

Mark Sipperly Martin Ward Joshua Wright Ashley Yeargan Britnee Youngblood Mike Yurka

Page 43: PCDS Yearbook 1994

The Sixth Graders Show Their Stuff!

Doran Arik Ted Atwood

Alexandra Baldree Jessica Berch

Courtney Berg Adam Blankenheimer

Jessica Campo John Coffee

Kendra Davis Jamie Dessen

Nicholas Deutsch Sarah Donovan

Natalie Dulaney Robert Eacret

Daniel Eagleburger Woody Galbraith

Scott Gilbert Pier Fisher

Hailey Harris Jared Hermann

Meredith Jaspers Aubrey Knappenberger

Angel Korer Albert Kraus

Mike Langellier Courtney Lewis Seth Lewkowitz

Erin Lynch Judd Nemiro

Zachary Oakland

Sarah Pachtman Heath Packard Sasha Pasulka

Clay Pell Michael Rector

Rebecca Reiman


Page 44: PCDS Yearbook 1994

"Peace, dudes and more flower power," declare the snazzy ones, Seth Lewkowitz and Mike Langellier.

Shh, don't tell anybody, but that's Andrew Selby! He's working undercover on a secret case for the FBI!

Garett Robertson Beau Roysden Stephanie Sandor Erika Saretsky F.J. Schofield Maureen Scholl

Andrew Selby Nat Schultz Tiffany Westlie Catherine Jade Yee


Page 45: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Sasha Borsand Amelia Brown

Jill Carland Cassie Carrejo Peter Chiarelli Jamie Couche

David Dobrusin Matt Driscoll Noah Ellman

Kate Ferris Jimmy Fitzgerald

Christopher Frederick

Jamie Gilbert Katie Green

Nell Haddock Lindsay Hanson- Campeau

Wyatt Harris Kristen Hendricks

Elizabeth Hewson Todd Himelrick

Christine Iobst Tami Israel

Michael Kahn Brooke Lewis

Adam Manika Danielle McKenna

Erin McKinley Cynthia Melde

Roy Miele Becky Morestsky

Ashley Morril Joseph Musallam

Kelly Noble Courtney Pakis Christy Pietzch

Jamie Plaza

Whitney Pozgay Mariah Rand

Chris Rethore Audrey Robertson

Ty Robertson Melanie Schoninger


Page 46: PCDS Yearbook 1994


The W ho's W ho in Seventh Grade Top Row: Jill Carland, Amelia Brown, Tina Wood. Bottom Row: Lindsay Hanson- Campeau, Meryl Thomas, Courtney Pakis.

Krista Scott Carrie Smalley Sara Steinberg Jeff Surdakowski Aylin Tashman Rebecca Teitel

Meryl Thomas Margaret Tillman John Townsend Amy VanArsdale Aaron Walker Eric Wassmann

Scott Wilson Tina Wood


Page 47: PCDS Yearbook 1994

E ig h t h G r a d e r s - C o o l is

Reg Cooper Jon Ashley Corcoran

Rocke DeMark Jeremy Figgins

Josh Finberg David French

Jessie Gauntt Peter Geantil

Kevin Ghaswala Taylor Guerin Mark Hannah

Michael W. W. Hoesch

Chris Hoeye Christine Jacobson

Jay Kahn Carolyn Karo

Ryan Klinefelter Jonathan Krause

Graham Kretchman Nina Latimer

. Melissa Lewis Noah Lewkowitz

Devon Loback Jessica Lyons

Quent Manika Randy Mata

Kevin McReynolds Anamay Melmed

Chris Michet Brian Newton

Kristin Altman Jonas Blume

Lauren Bottner Alice Brown Becca Buros Emily Cook


Page 48: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Jenny Noble Matthew O'Connor Trey Packard Sarah Palestrant Sarah Parry Janelle Plaza

Johnny Randolph John Rector Darren Ringel Chris Sandor Lynn Seawell Debra Sheets

Jonathan Sherman David Snyder Ethan Stewart Paul Surdakowski Richard Symington Melissa Tominac

Lawson Tree Michael Turner Matthew Tyler Carrie Watson Eric West Jason Widoff

M i d d l e S c h o o l e r s

Middle school girls Sarah Palestrant, Devon Loback and Sarah Parry enjoy an after lunch treat in front of the middle school.

Ryan Wilson Jonathan Winer


Page 49: PCDS Yearbook 1994

k j r a u e

Has Got It Made!

Above: Sarah Engle anxiously awaits the teacher's next announcement.

Left: Sebastian Fabricius and Devon Wilkey-Luteyare pon­dering everything that M r. W eih en m ay er taught them today.

Right: T atum Vailwrites a letter to a se­cret admirer.

Above: M organ Henderson brainstorms while Casey Cornell looks on.

Page 50: PCDS Yearbook 1994

bove: Sixth Grade girls, Erika Saretsky and Erin ynch, discuss middle school gossip with their friends.

The Sixth Grade Shines

Left: Kendra Davisand Rebecca Reiman talk about what they did last night as they wait for the school bell to ring.

Above: (Courtney Lewis and Tiffany Westlie) A true example of how work­ing together can be fun.

Above: (Hailey Harris, Courtney Lewis, and Courtney Berg) An enthusiastic trio can't wait to begin the school day.


Page 51: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Below: Cassie Carrejo tries to dribble past John Townsend, while he tries to improve his Elvis impersonation.

Right: Courtney Pakis looks amused as Amy Van Arsdale and Lindsay Hanson-Campeau laugh at her facial expression.

w « N P I

Above: Christine Lobst and Jamie Plaza enjoy each other's company during their free time.

Right: By using his skills, Jimmy Fitzgerald makes his move around his buddy, John Townsend.


Above:(Front to back) Amy Van Arsdale, Jill Carland, Moretsky, Kelly Noble, Kristen Hendricks, Jamie Plaza, and! Steinberg show their school spirit by wearing blue and gold.

Page 52: PCDS Yearbook 1994

iighth Grade Works Their Way to the First Day of High School.

Below: (Left to Right) Emily Cook, Alice Brown, Sarah Palestrant, Melissa Tominac, and Sarah Parry are one big, happy family.

Below: Friends, Chrissy Jacobson, Carolyn Karo, Janelle Plaza get together for the last picture together in eighth grade.

Left: Matt O'Connor and Peter Geantil laugh about the years throughout the middle school.

Below: Paul Surdakowski tries to be Michael Jordan as he drives around Jonathan Krause for the basket.

Below: Debbie Sheets and Chris Hoeye spend some "quality" time together.

Page 53: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Rocke DeMark and Paul Surdakowski practice their one-on-one basketball skills during lunch.

Too much work and little play can be damaging to one's mind. Luckily, Eric Wassmann has already learned this trick and takes a break between classes.


Amber Thompson, Philip Stuart,. Yeargan, and Mimi Jaspers had a ; time at Astro Camp this year.

First row left to right: Paul Surdakowski, Darren Ringel, Jeff Surdakowski, Wyatt Harris. Middle row: Richard Symington, David French, Chris Michet, Trey Packard, Scott Wilson, David Dobrusin. Back row: Mr. Ellingson, Jamie Couche, Jon Ashley Corcoran, Ryan Klinefelter, Rocke DeMark.

Danielle McKenna, Jamie Gilbert, and Elizabetl Hewson check to see if they look good betweeqj classes. Watch out middle school boys - here! they come!

Page 54: PCDS Yearbook 1994

’he Mighty Middle School shows us yho's who at P.C.D.S.

Tie on down to the Middle School during Lunch 1 you'll see Roy Miele and friends playing basket-


■ J r

Hendricks, Whitney Pozgay, Christine Iobst, Michael Kahn, Plaza, Kelly Noble, and Aylin Tashman love socializing at school.

Above, Katie Thompson, Ashley Yeargan, Amber Thompson, Albert Kraus, Beau Roysden, Bryant Guffey, and Michael Rector are having fun and learning lots at Astro Camp.

Above, Carolyn Karo, Janelle Plaza, Melissa Tominac, Emily Cook, Sarah Palestrant, Anamay Melmed, and Sarah Parry are having their usual "gab session" during their free time.

Page 55: PCDS Yearbook 1994

FALL SPORTS “ MIDDLE SCHOOLOn fields or courts , Middle - Schoolers play, they play their sports all through the day!

Above: Darren Ringel catching the ball, following in Bryan and Jeremy's footsteps.

Right: Boys' A Team Flag Football: Top Row(l-r): J.Winer, G.Kretchman, R.Cooper, J.Finberg, E.Wassmann, K.McReynolds. Middle Row(l-r): C.Rethore, J.Musallam, Q.Manika, J.Kahn, J.Krause, M.Hannah. Front Row (1-r):M.Driscoll, A.Manika, M.Kahn, T.Himelrick, FJ Schofield, J.Widoff.

Boys' CYA Team Flag Football: Top Row(l-r): Coach Ellingson, J. Couche, J. Ashley, R. Kleinfelter, R. DeMark. Middle Row(l-r): R. Symington, D. French, C. Michet, T. Packard, S. Wilson, D. Dobrusin. Front Row(l-r): P. Surdakowski, D. Ringel, J. Surdakowski, W. Harris.

Girls' CYA A Team VolleybalLTop Row (1-r): C.Carrejo. Row 2:(l-r): A.Melmed, K.Hendricks, J.Carland, J. Plaza, K.Altman. Row3 (1-r): C.Pakis, L.Hansen, C.Jacobson, T.Wood, D.Loback. Front Row (1-r): A. VanArsdale, M.Thomas, C.Melde, N.Latimer.


Girls' CYA B Team Volleyball: Top Row(l-r):K.Scott, S.Donovan, S.Pasulka, S.Steinberg, J.Berch,A.Brown, C.Yee, B.Moretsky, M.Jaspers. Front Row (1-r): H.Harris, K.Noble, J.Plaza, C.Smalley, J.Gilbert,C.Berg, C.Lewis, A.Korer,

Page 56: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Above: Chris Michet, #91, outlines the game superstars of the CYA flag football team look on with intense concentration.

Boys' B Team Flag Football: Top Row(l-r): Coach Walker, T.Atwood, D.Biel, H.Packard, J.Herman, G.Pakis, L.Litwin, D.Loback, B.Bottner, M.Langellier,A.Selby. Front Row (1-r): S.Feinman, S.Lewkowitz, R.Miele, B.Snyder, S.Surdakowski, C.Strom, W.Galbraith, R. Eacret.

H . ■ - -.-.^ 4 i I 1H H H — : L u j f l"I think I can, I think I can," says Cassie Carejo as she successfully bumps the ball.

Left:: Kelly Noble's powerful moves lead the team to victory.

Girls' A Team Volleyball: TopRow (1-r): S.Bernard,B.Lewis, E..McKinley, B.Teitel, L.Seawell, T.Israel. Middle Row (1-r): N.Haddock, C.Pietzsch, D. McKenna, M.Tominac, L.Bottner. Front Row (1-r): M.Tillman, M.Rand, S.Palestrant, T.Guerin, E..Cook.

Girls’ B Team Volleyball: Top Row(l-r): A. Feau, S. English, L.Carlson, M.Garagiola, Coach Bethany Lee N.Jaspers, B.Keiper, C.Becker, A.Yeargan. Front Row ( 1-r): A.Thompson, B.Golding, K.Devereaux, C. Cornell, T.Vail, J.McReynolds.


Page 57: PCDS Yearbook 1994

No matter how far we rode buses to games, the wins we returned with were worth all the pain!

Above: Taylor Guerin aggressively steals the ball from two defenders.


Girls' A Team Soccer: (1-r): Top Row: Coach Buelow, L.Hewson, M.Tominac, S.Palestrant,B.Teitel, N.Latimer, E.McKinley. Middle Row:D.Loback, E.Cook,B.Lewis, M.ThomAs, C.Carejo, A.Tashman, K.Heitman. Front Row: M.Rand,C.Pietzsch,A.Brown, J.Noble/T.Guerin.

Girls' B Team Soccer: (1-r): Top Row: Coach Majeski,C.Lewis, C.Berg, H.Harris, C.Cornell, B.Kelper, A.Thompson. Middle Row: M. Jaspers, C.Yee,A.Feau, S,Engel, S.Hurwitz, N.Jasper, B.Golding. Front Row: S.Donovan, K.Devereaux, C.Becker, J.McReynolds.

Boys' CYA-V Team Basketball:(l-r): Front Row:D.Ringel, J.Krause, S.Wilson, R.Symington,C.Michet, P.Surdakowski. Back Row: W.Harris, J.Ashley-Corcoran, J.Couche, M.Tyler, R.Klinefelter.

Boys' CYA JV Team Basketball: (1-r): Front Row:D.Ringel, K.McReynolds, D.Snyder, D.Dobrusin. Back Row: J.Kahn, K.Ghaswala, G.Kretchman, J.Winer, L.Tree.

Page 58: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Above: Rocke DeMark outmaneu- vers an opponent.

Above: The PCDS girls' B soccer team demonstrates good team­work.

Above: Chris Michet skillfully shoots despite the opposition.

Above: Kristin Altman of the girls' Varsity soccer team dribbles past the defense.

Above: Taylor Guerin takes a corner kick with power and agility.

Above: Ryan Kleinfelter combines strength and skill to score for his team.

Boys' A Team Basketball: (1-r): D.Dobrusin, J.Kahn, K.McReynolds, J.Winer, M.O'Connor, L.Tree, G,Kretchman, D.Snyder, J.Widoff Not Pictured: K.Ghaswala

Boys' B Team Basketball: Top Row:(l-r): Coach Walker, S.Gilbert, S.Feinman, J.Coffee, D.Biel,B.Bottner, A.Selby. Bottom Row: (1-r): M.Langellier, T.J.Blandford, B.Snyder, S.Surdakowski, D.Loback, G.Pakis, R.Eacret, S.Fabricius.

Page 59: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Middle School Soccer

Team "A”Top row - Darren Ringel, Wyatt Harris, Eric West, Jaime Couche, Chris Michet, David Snyder, Tray Packard, Noah Lewkowitz. Bottom row - Joseph Musallam, Aaron Walker, Todd Himelrick, AdamManika, JeffSurdakowski, Chris Rethore, Peter Chiarelli, John Townsend

Team "B"Top Row- Heath Packard, Andrew Selby, Garett Robertson, Beau Roysden, Nat Shultz, Mr. Pilling, Jared Hermann, Geoff Pakis, Seth Lewkowitz, Benjamin Bottner, Daniel Eagleburger Bottom Row- Doug Loback, Martin Ward, Justin Caskey, Sebastian Fabricious, Brian Snyder, Scott Surdakowski, Sacha Feinman60

Trey Packard takes the ball and t heads toward the goal

All chaos breaks loose on the as they scramble for the ball


Seth Lewkowitz dribbles the ball down the field

Above Left - Justin Caskey gets ready to throw in the ball Above Right - Two B - team players scrimmage at practice

Page 60: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Middle School Softball

Team "A" Team "B"ront Row - Mimi Jaspers, Jam ie Dessen, leiyl Thomas, Natalie Jaspers, Amber Th- mpson Back Row - Mrs. Jaspers, Debra heets, Hailey H arris, Courtney Berg, ourtney Lewis, Babo Keiper, Mr. Jaspers.

Front Row - Beri Golding, Kim Ruht, Sarah Engle, Tatum Vail, Kelly Devereaux, Amber Th­ompson, Natalie Jaspers, Maureen McNamee Back Row - Mr. Majeski, Mrs. Jaspers, Courtney Berg, Babo Keiper, Michelle Duncan, Casey Cornell, Aurelia Feau, Mr. Jaspers, Meredith Garagiola, Ashley Yeargan

chele Duncan fakes out Ashley Yeargan makes a Courtney Berg catches ae other team with a bunt great catch at shortstop grounder at 2nd base


Page 61: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Middle School Senate

Above (L to R): Top Row- Chris Rethore, Darren Ringel, Christine Jacobson, Melissa Tominac, Lawson Tree, David Snyder - Middle Row- Meryl Thomas, Clay Pell, Trey Packard, Kristen Hendricks, Brooke Lewis, Janelle Plaza, Kristiii Altman, Carolyn Karo, Carrie Smalley - Bottom Row- Daniel Eagleburger, Beau Roysden, Meredith Garagiola, Doran Arik, Douglas Loback, Adam Manika, Jeff Surdakowski, Brian Snyder, Ashley Morrill, Whitney Pozgay, Heath Packard

Right: Kendra Davis, Jessica Skloven, Natalie Dulaney, and Bobby Brook participate in a micro-gravity activity at ASTRO-Camp

T k e P l a i d

O u t in tk e fie ld t k e r e is a little f a mily o f rocxari\v\v\e.rs,

TTKe. m otkei*; \\\e.v\ fK e f a tk e r , tk e n tk e ir c k ild re n is tk e order:

tk e y V e in,

O n jo u r n e y b a c k to tk e ir n e s t ..

W a y o u t tk e r e ,

T k e r e is a c o y o te ru n n in g a n d p la y in g w itk k is b ro tk e r ;

jA w a itin g tk e ir kunt.

Above: Woody Galbraith, Seth Lewkowitz, and Mike Langellier relive the Seventies.

D n a p a lo v e r d e t r e e ,.A lo n e k u m m in g b ird is flu tte r in g n e a r a b r a n c k ,

D r in k in g tk e s w e e t s a p fro m a flo w e r .

.A n d in tk e c e n t e r o f tk e fie ld ,

T k e o n ly m e s q u ite is d ro p p o n g d r ie d s e e d p o d s ,

S lo w ly tu rin q tk e a ro u n d b ro w n .- C l a y P e l l

Page 62: PCDS Yearbook 1994

And Activities

Above: (left to right) Judd Nemiro, Michelle Duncan, Babo Keiper, Brian Snyder, Doug Loback, Michael Lowe, Sarah Engle, and Alexandra Baldree are challenged by one of the many activities which took place at ASTRO- Camp.

A Friend You can talk with a friend,

and walk with a friend.You can disagree with a friend,

and be with a friend, rhen there are problems, you can stay with

a friend, and play with a friend.

You can share with a friend, and you can care for a friend.

You can have fun with a friend, and you can be in the sun with a friend.

You can hug a friend, and you can bug a friend.You can rap with a friend,

and you can nap with a friend.You can stay home with a friend,

and talk on the phone with a friend.A friend is someone you can trust,

a friend is a Must!!

- Jamie Dessen

Below: Courtney Lewis and Hailey Harris successfully escaped from Alcatraz Penitentiary and they now find refuge in the Middle School.

Page 63: PCDS Yearbook 1994



Kneeling: Mike Langellier, Woody Galbraith, Garrett Robertson, Andrew Selby, Chris Strohm, Row 2: Nic Deutsch, Heath Packard, Nat Schultz, Albert Krause, Scott Gilbert, Ted Atwood, Robert Eacret, Daniel Eagle burger, Zach Oakland. Row 3: Sarah Donovan, Jamie Dessen, Jessica Berch, Courtney Lewis, Sasha Pusalka, Kendra Davis, Tiffany Westlie, Ashley Morrill, Jessica Campo, Katie Green, Catherine Yee, Roy Miele Row 4: Trey Packard, Todd Himelrick, Lauren Bottner, Lynn Seawell, Kristen Hendricks,; Kristen Altman, Crissy Jacobson, Christy Pietzsch, Aubrey Knappenburger, Hailey Harris, Courtney Berg, Kate Ferris, Row 5: Noah Lewkowitz, David Snyder, Meryl Thomas, Joseph Musallam, Scott Wilson, Melanie Schoninger, Tina Wood, Adam Manika, Mariah Rand, Margaret Tillman, Row 6: Carrie Smalley, Darren Ringel, Mark Hannah, Chris Sandor, Ryan Wilson, Aylin Tashman, Ethan Stewart, Lindsay Hanson-Campeau, Devon Loback, Carrie Watson, Row7: Chris Rethore, Noah Ellman, John Randolph,, Rebecca Teitel, Peter Geantil, Lawson Tree, Chris Michet, Wyatt Harris, Kevin Ghaswala, Ryan Klinefelter, Kevin McReynolds, Jeremy Figgins.



Front Row: Becca Buros, Jessica Lyons, Natalie Dulaney, Pier Fisher, Sarah Pachtman, Doran Arik, Rebecca Reiman, Sasha Borsand, Second Row : Ms. Ferguson, John Townsend, Michael Rector, Maureen Scholl, Jessie Gauntt,Tami Israel, Top Row: Beau Roysden, Clay Pell, F.J. Schofield, Josh Finberg, John Rector. Randy Mata, Erin McKinley

Front Row: Melissa Lewis, Christine Iobst, Ashley Morrill, Adam Blankenheimi Andrew Selby, Daniel Eagleburger, John Coffee, Michael Langellier, Row 2: Debl Sheets, Becky Moretsky, Janelle Plaza, Whitney Pozgay, Sasha Pasulka, Jessij Lyons, Sara Steinberg, Danielle McKenna, Elizabeth Hewson, Heath Packar Jared Hermann, Row 3: Kelly Noble, Meredith Jaspers, Trey Packard, No? Lewkowitz, Jason Widoff, Jeff Surdakowski, RoyMealy, Cassie Carrejo, Christj pher Frederick, Jud Nemiro, Jimmy Fitzgerald, Seth Lewkowitz, Doran Arik ,Ro 4: Nell Headock, Courtney Pakis, Jill Carland, Cynthia Melde, ChristopW Rethore, David Snider, Quent Manika, Randy Mata , Emily Cook, Jenij Noble,Kristin Hendricks, Row 5: Audrey Robertson, Jamie Gilbert, Brooke Leva Amy VanArsdale, David Dobrusin, Eric West, Matthew O' Conner, Alice Brow] Christy Jacobson, Melissa Tominac, Taylor Guerin, Nina Latimer, Jonas Blum] Row 6: Angel Korer, Krista Scott, Ty Robertson, Aaron Walker, Devon Lobad Sarah Palestrant, Anamay Melmed, Sarah Parry, Row 7: Reg Cooper, Rod] DeMark, Graham Kretchman, Matthew Tyler, Jonathan Winer, Jonathan Shermaj David French, Jon Ashley Corcoran, Jamie Couche, Peter Geantil, Lawson Tre Chris Hoeye.

Page 64: PCDS Yearbook 1994

hey blow wind through metal objects, sing, and even rum strings.. . They are the Upper School Musicians!

Stringsove (L to R): Ms. Ferguson, Mikhail Ulinich, Jessica Van Tuyl, Matt Gullen, Kristin Abbate, Brooke Silverstein, Sarah ;lmed, Rachel Finkelstein, Kim Melde, Jasmine Tashman, Courtney Smalley, and Erich Schweikher.

>ove Top Row (L to R): Kristin Abbate, Samantha Stoller, Tracy Wanner, Alex Rethore, Zach Thomas, Nancy rlman, Brandi Cutler, Marisa Gerdes, Sarah Thompson, Craig Couche, Carrie Lentzsch, Mikhail Ulinich, Laura Balis, itt Gullen. Middle Row: Kristen Stamm, Sonia Lancy, Jennifer Sweet, Alicia Johnson, Rebecca Rethore, Rachel Lowe, renanne Nikoloudakis, Kristen Brooks. Bottom Row: Katie Lyons, Ann Kaufman, David Spetzler, Jessica Cooper, d Joel Feinman. Not Pictured: Ellen Rand, Mark Leibow and Scott Schwartz.

Jazz BandTop Row (L to R): Mr. Rowe, Eric Cornwell, Eric Schweikher, Zach Thomas, Karl Weinmeister, Konrad Lee, and

Nikoloudakis. Middle Row: Amy Watson, Jon Gimbel, David Schmid, Matt Ferris, Tony Koppula, Ann Erin Loback, and Jenny Mendelson. Front Row: Jennifer Stem, Jeff Gimbel, Andy Mendelson, Katie Flanagan-

Revan McKinnon, Scott Bleier, Philip Weinmeister and Jay Kahn. Not Pictured: BealeHarrison, KristineTope Owoyemi, and Rusty Silverstein. 65

Page 65: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Upper.A u gu st

Septem ber

N c

31 School Begins

'6 NO SCHOOL- LaborDay

20 Back to School Night27-29 School Pictures11 NO SCHOOL- Colum­

bus Day15 Blue and Gold Day16 SAT's22 End of First Quarter6 SAT’s11 Early Dismissal19 Fall Play24-29 Thanksgiving Break

2 Blue and Gold Day4 SAT’s15-17 Exams17 End of First Semester17 Winter Break Begins

Page 66: PCDS Yearbook 1994


R b ru ary

]V Iarch

-A pril

M a y


3 School Resumes4 Alumni College Panal17 NO SCHOOL- Martin

Luther King Day

18-21 NO SCHOOL-President's Weekend

4-6 PCDS Musical11 End of 3rd Quarter19 SATs9 Junior Class Rumage Sale25-29 Fine Arts Festival7 SATs21 Prom23 Senior Exams24 Awards Assembly27-31 EXAMS30 NO SCHOOL- Memorial


1 EXAMS2 Graduation

Page 67: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Right: Sonia Lancy scowls at the cam­era.B e l o w : S c o t t Schwartz shows off his debonair style.

Above: Christine Sturman and Arden O'Connor act silly in the quad.

R i g h t : R e b e c c a Chornenky shows her serious side.

Above: Jessica Green basks in the sun.


Page 68: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Above: "Do you need help with your homework, Jennifer?"

elow: Julie Geantil and Emily Jeffries take a quick lunch break fter they have had a tough morning in their classes.


Right: "Smile" Ellen Rand and Lindsey Galbut smile for thecamera.

Above: "Hmmm...." Mike Abrams shows off his rare and inusual talent to the world.

ight: Jessica, Tom, and Erin take a little rest before they have to rsh off to class.


Page 69: PCDS Yearbook 1994

FINALLY,Matthew Ferris, President

Sarit Melmed, Vice President Tope Owoyemi,Treasure Jennifer Sweet, Secretary


Kristin Abbate Vera Almann

Laura Balis Scott Bleier

Arvind Bobra Sonal Bobra Lori Brown

Sarah Buros Eric Cornwell Craig Couche

Seth Ferrier Rachel Finkelstein

Katie Flanagan-Hyde Michael Friedman

Julie Geantil Marissa Gerdes Seana Giardini

Jon Gimbel Beale Harrison

Emily Jeffries Alicia Johnson

Ann Kaufman Jennifer Kniff

Kristine Lehmann Cari Lentzsch Rachel Lowe

Katie Lyon Revan McKinnon

Kim Melde Andrew Mendelson

Jenny Mendelson Jerry Mischel

Cara Palestine Andrew Palmer

Nancy Perla


Page 70: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Jasmine Tashman Sarah Thompson Tracy Wanner Philip Weinmeister Shawna Wekherlien

Zeb Portanova Alison Pulaski Christie Randt Michael Reilly Becca Rethore David Schmid Erich SchweikherEdmund Sherman Eric Shoemaker Brooke Silverstein Courtney Smalley Paul Sraow Kristin Stamm Samantha Stoller Jennifer Sweet (photo not available)

Above: Freshmen follies in the upper school quad.

F ' V " I b B

g j


Page 71: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Above: Vera Almann takes a cat nap against her locker

Below: Kristin Stamm catches up on weekend plans

Above: Jon Gimbel, Katie Lyon, Marissa Gerdes, Brooke Silverstein and Courtney Smalley talk about the wonders of freshman life.


Page 72: PCDS Yearbook 1994



Above: Cari Lentzsch looks enthalled as Mr. Martin talks about Socrates and his trial.

Upper Left: Julie Geantil is all smiles.

Left: Sarah Melmed has fun during chorus.

Left: Andy Mendelson looks on as Marissa Gerdes, Becca Rethore and Katie Flanagan- Hyde talk about Mr.Anton's Bio test.


Page 73: PCDS Yearbook 1994



President,Joel Feinman

Vice President,Scott Schwartz

Secretary,Meghan DeMark

Treasurer,Adam Garson

Anne Allison Kimberly Anderson Andrew Arbesman Jonathan Ashley Corbett Beder

Jill Betterly Anoop Bhatheja Simon Brown Nicole Felker Laura Frieder

Cristina Gebert Sonia Ghaswala Jessica Greene Thomas Harvey Erin Hill

Heather Laabs Konrad Lee Riana I.insky Leslie Litwin Kristopher Martin


Page 74: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Markar Naradikiart Arden O'Connor Christie Pell Kate Portanova Alexandra Rethore

Sarah Small Jessica Soper Jordan Spack Jennifer Stern Summer Stuart

Christine Sturman Yen Tran Ashley Waters Amy Watson Jordan Wynn

O h, the things we will do, The things we will see We will not stay behind We are one of a kind. We will pass up the rest And stand the tests of the Best.

Top: Whether eating or studying the sophomores are always cheerful.

Left: Sonia Ghaswala, Jill Betterly and Kacy Anderson relaxing outside of school.


Page 75: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Sophomores, they keep going and going

and g o in g . . . .

Above: Sonia Ghaswala,Meghan DeMark, and Erin Hill show the unity of the Sophomore class.

Right: Joel Feinman and Stott Schwartz rest while watching the Sophomores crush the Juniors in a football game.Junior Brent Fraser looks on.

Below: Jennifer Stern shows us her pearly whites.

Page 76: PCDS Yearbook 1994

t: Heather Laabs, the starting irterback for the Sophomore3S.

Left: Ashley Waters and Jessi Greene relax while enjoying a day in the quad.

Below: "This piece of pizza is being sold at the bargain price of only $20," says Tom Harvey.

Left: "Ooh, this pizza is sooo GOOD!" says Jordy Wynn, complimenting the popular Sopho­more pizza sale.

Above: Kate Portanova and Tina Gebert improve the tans on the left sides of their faces.

Page 77: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Michael Abrams Danielle Allen Paolo Bayless

Emily Bell Natasha Bernard

Ravin Bisla Amy Bonnett Kristen Brook

Rebecca Brooks Carrie DeMark

Ashley Dorrance Mischy DuMont Brad Durchslag

Cameron Fennell Brent Fraser

Lindsay Galbut Jeff Gimbel

Zach Gordon Matt Gullen

Stuart Hackett

Jocelyn Jacobs Hallie Jacobson

Jeremy Joseph Eric Kaitz

Josh Kanner

Colby Kant Christopher Klock Sonia LancyAmanda Krause Thomas Krause Mark Leibow


Page 78: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Oh, the Junior Class has come so far... Just look at our faces, and you'll see how much we love these P.C.D.S.I places!

Julie Levenberg Erin Loback Sarah Michet Jennifer Millinger Rebecca Moran

Benjamin Moretsky Stacey Piccinati Jeremy Ringel Corey Rudnick Jamie Rudnick

Lindsay Schmid Evan Schoninger Hollye Schumacher Jonathan Silverberg Rustin Silverstein

M Mhristina Spetzler Michael Spiegel Zachary Thomas Mikhail Ulinich Jessica Van Tuyl Karl Weinmeister


Page 79: PCDS Yearbook 1994





Above: A cool breeze whips through Jocety Jacob's hair as she skips to her next adventure)

Above: Ravi Bisla and Lindsay Galbut pose for a snapshot. What more is there to say?


Right: Emily Bell and Jenny Millinger relax for a nanosecond before returning to their studies.


Page 80: PCDS Yearbook 1994

:low: Although they may look fairly innocent, Mischy DuMont and Colby int are secretly conniving a plan to blow up the computer lab. Mr. Neufer ware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Below: Eric Kaitz has FINALLY grasped the full understanding of what Dr. Cags has been trying to explain to him for the past two months. Right?

Above: Four juniors from right to left, Jaime Rudnick, Lindsay Schmid, Hollye Schumacher, and Michael Spiegel, gradually lose their enthusiasm. Take notice: the two new students are the ones who seem to have the most energy.

>ove: Cool Cat, Tom Krause, puckers up and iws a kiss to the camera.


Page 81: PCDS Yearbook 1994

In your head you have your 6rains. you may wander where you choose.

I And you are the onhy one who can decide

Page 82: PCDS Yearbook 1994

On your fe e t you zvear your shoes.[Jou are on your own. What you know is what you know.

where it is that you may go.

Page 83: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Junior and Senior Class Treasurer, Varsity Basketball - Co-CaptaiDanielle Elizabeth Nolan (4yrs.); Varsity Swimming (2 yrs.), Varsity Soccer, Foiled By AnInnocent Maid, Travel Soccer, Model U.N., Newspaper (2 yrs.), Junior Leadership, Senior Leader - 7th Grade Trip

Page 84: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Sophomore Class Vice-President, Varsity Volleyball, Volleyball (2 yrs.), Varsity Tennis (3 yrs.), Daybreaks, Sfewspaper, "The Mini," "Slam Dunk Champ"

Brandi J. Johnson

Page 85: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Shelly Q. Edlund Student Senate Secretary, Soph. Class Treasurer, Seventh grade trip,Varsity cheer (two yrs.), Varsity tennis (three yrs.),Model U.N.(two yrs.), Daybreaks (three yrs.), Enviromental Club, Close-Up, Teams

Page 86: PCDS Yearbook 1994

3years v arsity ch eer (co - cap tain), M od el U .N ., F id d ler on th e R oof, L ead ersh ip , C lose - up , B ye B ye B ird ie, Tennis T eam , O liver!

jessica cooper

Page 87: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Erin Dulaney Varsity Softball (3 yrs.); Yearbook Photographer <2 yrs.) ;Wagner Dance Comp. (4 yrs.); Leadership; High Point Production-Rainbow Dance Comp. & Hoctors Dance Comp.; Pro-Life Club (Xavier College Prep)

No matter how impossible it may seem .. . never underesti­mate the power of a dream.


W A G N E R D A N S C O M P A N Yr, n rs

Dancers keep a step ahead.

Life has no blessing like a good friend .

Mary Engelbreit

Page 88: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Varsity Cheer; J V Cheer Co-Captain 92 yrs,); WWCG Varsity Volleyball (2vrs.). WWCG Cheer Captain; WWCG Dance Team (3yrs,); World Issues, Phoenix Honors Cotillion (reg. 4yrs.); Dance Club; Phoenix Youth Symphony; Phoenix Spnphonettes '

Becca Lyons

D o n 't w a lk m f v-ov\\ o f m e; ZJ

m a y laot h o t follow-^- D o n 't w a lk

b ek in d m e; ZJ m a y i^ot le a d -

3 us+ w a lk b e s id e m e arvd b e

m y fr ie n d . —A n o n y m o u s

n o n y m o u s

Page 89: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Scott Shapiro Co-President & Co-Founder Salsa Club; Jr. Class Vice President; Chairman of the Rummage Sale;Newspaper Sports Ed.; Varsiy Soccer (3 yrs.);Varsity Basketball, J.V. 3 yrs.; Varsity Tennis (2 yrs.);Beef Jerky Club;Homage Club; Founder of ''Homadabubage"

Page 90: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Senate President, Senator (2 yrs.), Sophomore Class President, Varsity Baseball (3 yrs.), Varsity Soccer (3 yrs.) - Captain - 2 yrs., J.V. Basketball (3 yrs.), 1993 1A All State 2nd Team, 3rd base. Jazz Band (4 yrs.). Newspaper - writer (2 yrs,), Sports Editor, Editor-in- Chief, Scottsdale Rotary Club Youth Leadership Award, Guitar Club (2 yrs.), Model U.N.

Adam Schwartz

Page 91: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Gideon RubinVarsity Basketball(2 yrs), Varsity Soccer, World Issue; Club(2 years), Leadership, Varsity Swimming(2 yrs),j J.V. Basketball(2 yrs), Environmental Club, Animal I Rights Club, Weight Club(2 yrs), Salsa Club co­founder/ copresident, NCSY Chapter President.

Page 92: PCDS Yearbook 1994

arsity Basketball(2 yrs), Varsity Soccer(2 yrs),arsity Baseball(4 yrs), Chess Club, Close-Up, J.V. -isketball(2 yrs), Weight Club(2 yrs). c l "T I O S A f l U





Page 93: PCDS Yearbook 1994

National I Ionor Society, High honors and honors, senator, softball (3 T 1 " N T * ! 1 J "I * years). Model UN £2 years), Newspaper (4 years) business & assitantJvarenann h. IN lKOlOUaaKlS Daybreaks, Tiddler on the Roof", "Charlie Brown” , Key Club,

World Issues, Close Up, sandwich artist

"It takes life in order to love Life" --Edgar Lee Masters"The downtown trains are full, full of all them Brooklyn girls. They try so hard to break out of their little worlds."—Rod Stewart WestEnd Girls

"It's like budda!"--Linda Richman, Cari and me "Come to Butthead"—Beale and Eric

"SM F"-Schweik"BFE""Snarf!!—Mike "Two dollars baby"

Page 94: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Yearbook (2 years), Junior Leadership, Key Club, Freshman trip counselor,World Issues Club, Chorus (2 years), Prom committee, Peer tutor, Aspiring writer and singer, The First One!, Peace enthusiast, Hair sculptor, loyal Comissioned fan and lover of all men.

Trista J. Eaden

"I'm very rarely, but fairly well"—Daddy 'The pen is mightier than the sword"—Voltaire Never cross a man who isn't afraid to die"—Mi Don’t hold it, TURN IT OVER!"—Daddy

" A n y w a y S o l r a c"Elucidate your thoughts, please"—Me"These are my loves. My lukas."—Momma

"Bam! Bam! Bam!""Do you believe?""SHUT UP!""You're not listening!"--Karen "You are so loud"

Page 95: PCDS Yearbook 1994

David B. SpetzlerVarsity Swimming (4yrs); Nobody Sleeps; Fiddler on the Roof; School Mascot; Anytowji- delegate; yearbook photographer/ Chess Club (4yrs); Drama Club;Trap and Skeeti Club (3yt$)’,You 'Ye a good mm Charlie Brown; Worked in a Neurobiology lab; Bye Bye\ Birdie; Junior Varsity Basketball; Monty Python Club; Computer Club

"My h a t , where's may hat? I can't find my hat"

Seth Perrier ■

"Ever seen a match bum twice?"

David Spetzler



"Uh, guys he's really running there. Did) you know th t he used to be an Olympic) runner?" karm NiikolOudakis


No PoubtUnknown

Kill one and you're a murder, but kill many and you're a con­queror

Mega Death

Did anyone tell you th a t you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny? We" you are.

Trista Eaden


"Don't Make Me Kill You" Unknown

Page 96: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Drama Club; Nobody Sleeps;Fiddler on the Roof; DBG volunteer,/Is you like it;You're a Good Man Charlie Brown; Take Her She's Mine;Bye Bye Birdie; Lithuania; A Midsummer Night's Dream; Oliver;Will Somebody Please Tell Me What Is Going on Here?

Brandi J.A. CutlerX d like +o dedicate tkese memories to'T w o w ro n g s d o n 't m a k e a rig k t, t u t tk r e e r ig k ts m a k e

- lo r s e ra d is k !" K ristin ^ A boate

k e g o o d tim es a n d la u g k te r tk a t w e 'v e e v e r kad ,

will k a v e .

a n c

?a-nana/.^Al! tk e love tk a t

L o f a k a p p y Ifffe? a - n a n a

-M e lis s a W o r c e s t e r

/ O L A

B lu e s k ie s tk ro u g k ra in , p le a s a n t sm ile s tk^ ou gk p a in ...

yAnd W e s t ^ n d C a\A s fo fe v e i* ...

S p e t z . . .W k y w e nevei* k illed e a c k o tk e r «U'!I n e v e r know ,

m B u t J ' m g la d w e d id n 't.

W a n n a s e e a m a tc k burn tw ice ?

'CJf 'p ro ' is tk e o p p o s ite to 'c o n ', is p ^ og^ ess

o p p o site or c o n g r e s s ? "

y o u kn ow w k a t km d o f t r e e tk a t is?

CJt's a d e a d o n e !"fjrfB-fi K a r e n

w a n t

BR A K JA JG !?'

v io le n c e'MY <£y<S!!!"- ^Aelis-sa W o r c e s t e r


Y o u kn ow , k e w a s r e a

plym pic ru n n er"- K a r e n

I'£-an you b r e a tk e ? "

-M ic k a e l ^ A bbate

D n a n .. .T k e g r e a te s t g irl in tk e w orld, kand k a p p in e s s .. if tk e y a r e

^ L d ifferen t

P a r e n t s tk a t c a n le t go ,

Kind m en w ko a c t tk e ir a g e'«Uf tk e but+ f i ts - W e a r t!"

- K a r e nX k e lunatic is in my kead. X k e

lunatic is in my k ead . y o u drive tke pain, you

make tke ckains, you re -arran g e me

'till s7'm sane, it L o ck tke door,

tkrovy aw ay tke A

S o m e o n e s in

my kead ; ^^Ab u t i t 's

^ ^ B n o t

kougk me seas may toss and blow,

remember yesterd ay, believe Tomorrow.

jAnd live on,B live on, A^B Live on. j S

- B 3AC

sm ile a n cW k a t e v e r b low s

p u r sk ir t up" - M o r k l_ ieb o w





W ju st t L j ^ s it in ^ my room "

2.afing my


H K so ak y o u r I f ow n e y e !


Page 97: PCDS Yearbook 1994

-r-% • f t 1 1 Bicycle racing (5 years), Freshman class counselor, Trap and SkeetijT ’l t l C O m W 011 Club (3 years), Soccer team (2 years), Golf team (2 years), Swim team

"Champions are afraid of losing, everyone else is afraid of winning"- Davis Phinney

'Life's short, play hard"—Reebok "Just Do It"—Nike

"Pain is tempo­rary, victory is forever”—Davis


Page 98: PCDS Yearbook 1994

National Honor Society (Chaparral), Commended scholar of the National Merit Competition,, Creative Writing Chib, Staff writer for the Register, French Club 2 years (ChaparraD, Chi-Sigma community service (Chaparral), Tennis team (Chaparral), and Staff writer for the Liberty Roar Christina Hucek

Page 99: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Jacqueline "Jake" i IYearbook (3yrs);Mock Trial; Volunteer at Hacket House ;Mod U.N.; Close-Up’93; Phoenix Girls Cotillion; Debate Club; Photii Club; Horseback riding; Enviromental Club; Head Start Program


I f all o f our wishes were gratified many o f our dreams would be

destroyed.— fortune cookie

W E R E F L E C T a fnend is someone who undfifStJIniS jfOIlf past beiieves in your future, and acceptsyou today just the r

Keep some souveneirs of the past, or how will youprove it wasn't alt a dream?”

Ashleigh Brilliant

And now a word from our sponsor...

W h i t e s n a k e

"...I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been..."

"Lose your dreams, and you will lose your mind.”

—The Rolling Stones

tm M m

Page 100: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Honors;Senior Class Secretary;Walter Cronkite JoumalismScholar;University of North Carolina Rain­bow Nominee;News Editor;Corresponding Co-Editor;ModeI U.N.;Daybreaaks;Key Club;Close-Up 93;Silver Circle Leadership CotiIlion;Phoenix Gazette Teen Reporter;Phoenix Cotillion;Trap and Skeet (2 yrs);JV Teiuus;Lower School Tutor;Library Aide

Hedra TaylorQueen

".../ am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings... n

sov; wjfA ■eO»-

/•e/e ©e/

T Q 3 J R 3 R 3W

A WfiHd is SOIIlfiOlie Who understands your oast, be ieves in p r future, and accepts F you today just the W3y you are.

mJ m j

IJfc .

And you hunger for the time. Time to heal, ‘desire’ time. And your

•arlh moves beneath, Your own dream

landscape,'” —s-U2

I «ve Ola

es! theorofe

m u s t ™ 7 W ° r l d

’ h u t ,v0rf, a<M f

d n Co«oer>

“Am I dying,Bagheera?”"N o, Little Brother.That is only tears such as men use...Let them fall, Mo\v<They are only tears."

— R udyard K ip lin g

The following is just a test, don't adjust your set.

Page 101: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Brooke SchumacherFreshman Co-President; Honors; Volleyball; Basketball; Tennis;World Issues; Yearbook Photo; Close-up; Anytown; Volunteer at Hospital; Homeward Bound; Horticulture; Ski Fanatic; Fine-Arts Camp; Biker; Planet Conscious;Voyager; Off-Road Terror; Foreign Exchange in France

n y o n e in

W e m o st a c c e p t - finite, d is a p ­pointment/ but w e m o st nevei*

lo se infinite n o p e .

< n o w s s o m e -


Page 102: PCDS Yearbook 1994

World Citizen, Member of the Human Race,high honors, ho.no vs(?l years), yearbook photographer, leadership, freshman class co-president. T.E.A.M.S., kum on assistant instructor, step dance workshop, grand canyon BnluVi conference committee member, travel teacher in Belize, W illiam Sears teaching project; San Francisco, Bosch B ahi’i school youth academy and cabin councillor. Peace promotor. Neeka Gloria Najmi

without preference w ithout prejudice, & w ithout exception.

-William Sears

■ p ni * . -J3i


w n t&W■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

L h e s h in in g sp a H < o f tf*u+h c o w e t h fo H E o n ly o f f e r t h e

c l a s k o f d i f f e r in g o p in io n s . u ' l - B a K a

Page 103: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Bryan Ringel Academic Honors (3 yrs); Varsity Swim team (4 yrs captain , Most Improved Player, MVP); Varsity Baseball (4 yrs); Varsity BasketbaIl;Junior Varsity Basketball (2 yrs, MVP);Who’s Who ? Among American High School Students,AnytOwn;Modei U.N.;Oose-up; T.B.A.M.S. competi-* tions

For those who know me, no explanation is necessary, fo r those who don't none is possible

Thurman Munson

Don't look back,Someone might be gaining on you

Satchel Paige

Page 104: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Chess Club (2 yrs);Kenpo karate, seminary (4yrs);Trap and 5keet;Student Senate;V arsity Swim Team ; Student SenateClub;TaeKwonDo;Swordsmanship;Monty Python Club Jed Robinson Cook

"May your blade chip and shatter!"-Frank Hubert

The master said "I will not be concerned at men's not knowing me, I will be concerned at my own lack of ability."


"Dance the spears with me, shadowman!"-Robert Jordan

w m

"Fast as the wind, quiet as the forest, agressive as fire, and immovable as a mountain."

- Samurai Battle Banner

"Fear in the mind killer."



■ N R M H n r a & M f l •■

Page 105: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Tony Koppula Senate (4 yrs.) V.P.& Treas.; Varsity Soccer (4yrs.); Varsity Tennis; J.V. Basket- J ball; Varsity Basketball Manager (3 yrs.); Model UN (2 yrs.); Newspaper (3 y rs .* Jazz Band (4yrs.); Leadership; Key Club (4 yrs.); Teams (3 yrs.); Cum Laude; Harvard Book Award; Xerox Social Sciences & Humanities Award; Salsa Club |

Page 106: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Varsity Soccer (2 yrs.); Varsity Basketball; Junior r y i * 1 1

Varsity Basketball (3 yrs.); Basketball Club X 0 1 * 0 1 X 0 0 I v C l l l y

Page 107: PCDS Yearbook 1994

j t T r T • g_1_ Academic Honors, Volleyball, Basketball, Newspaper,_[^y O " v 3 . I T L l t l T Daybreaks, T h e C u r a t e S h a k e s p e a r e a s Y o u L i k e I t , T a k e H e r S h e ' s

O M i n e ,

This god, this one word: "I."

- Ayn Rand

"I'm a gypsy in spirit only," she confessed. "I travel in gardens and bedrooms, basements and attics, around comers, through doorways and windows, along sidewalks, up stairs, over carpets, down drainpipes, in the sky, with friends, lovers, children and heroes; perceived, remembered, imagined, distorted and clarified."

- Amanda, Another Roadside Attraction, Tom Robbins

Page 108: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Academic High Honors (3 yrs.), Academic Honors, Varsity Volleyball, yearbook - general staff, layout staff, Layout Co-editor, Layout/Copy Co­editor (4 yrs.), Daybreaks (3 yrs.), World Issues Club (3 yrs.), Junior Leadership, Blue and Gold Key Club (3 yrs.), Gender Issues Club (2 yrs.)

Elizabeth HarveyAt this moment, you should be with us, feeling like we do, like you love to, but never will again...- PerryFarrell

I would be true, for there are those who trust me I would be pure, for there are those who care I would be strong, for there is much to suffer I would be brave, for there is much to dare

- Margaret Atwood, C a t ' s E y e

They may say, "Those were the days.. . " But in a way, you know, for us these are the days.

- Perry Farrell

Page 109: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Victoria Lang Senator (2 yrs.), Freshmen Class Vice-President, Academic High Honors and Honors (4 yrs.), Varsity Tennis Team, World Issues Club - member, Co-head, Head (3 yrs.), Environment /Community Service Club, Daybreaks (4 yrs.), Yearbook - photo staff andPhoto-Editor (2 yrs.), Blue and Gold Key Club (2 yrs.), Video Club (2 yrs.), Guitar Club

. . . we die to each other daily. What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then To pretend that they and we are the same is a useful and convenient social conven­tion which must sometimes be broken. We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a stranger.

- T.S. Eliot, The Cocktail Party

There are noordinarymoments.

- Dan Millman

Freak beans nurture the seed.- Anonymous

SGood judgement comes |from experience. [Experience comes from Ibad judgement.

- Source Unknown

Page 110: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Varsity Tennis (2 yrs.), Daybreaks (3 yrs.), Yearbook T * 1 n "I • jLayout Staff, Assistant to Mr. Weihenmayer L i l G S A ^ X C J X I Y d C l d r

Page 111: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Rebecca Marie ChornenkyiDaybreaks-Editor, Community Service Award, World Issues rClub, Senior Leader, Concerned Arizonans for Animal Rights andEthics, East Valley Green Party, Jazz Etcetera

9 Dance Company, Ballet Arizona's The Nutcracker Suite

Page 112: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Sr. Class Vice Pres., Jr. Class President, Fr. Class Treasurer, Newspaper Co-Editor in Chief, Yearbook Staff, Cum Laude Society, Varsity Volleyball, Purple Cow Club

Ariel Rebecca Levy

Page 113: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Eden Cook

Page 114: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Varsity soccer (two yrs.); Varsity tennis (three n 1 - iyrs.); Horticulture club; Model U.N.; Newspaper, Co- G J T l I f « . T ^founder Salsa club; Star Wars fan club.

"I get by with a little help from my friends." -The Beatles

"Live and don't

learn." Calvin

and Hobbes

'How can he be so skinny, and live

"Till the next time we say goodbye...drink to me." The Rolling Stones

Page 115: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Ellen RandSenior Class President, Jr. & Soph. Class Secretary, Varsity Tennis (4 yrs.), Ed.-In-Chief and Layout Ed. of the Yearbook, Model UN, Gender Issues

Page 116: PCDS Yearbook 1994

PCDS "Lifers"Before:

Irooke Schumacher AND Brian Cornwell


Page 117: PCDS Yearbook 1994
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Page 119: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Page 120: PCDS Yearbook 1994
Page 121: PCDS Yearbook 1994

"Cl\& 1- eople iiA +Ke

This is what happens when you listen to an editor: Lindsay Schmid implores the help of Sarah Michet.

Above: Next, Sarah lends a hand.

Above: This picture says it all!

Above: "No, you do it this way!," exclaims Kristin Stamm to Alicia Johnson.

Above: "Oh, what a beautiful Saturday morning" exclaim Dr. Cags, Ellen Rand and Mrs. Zink


Page 122: PCDS Yearbook 1994

W ORLD work on ^/oarbook!

The Yearbook Staff: top row: Scott Bleier, Jon Gimbel, Scott Schwartz, Thomas Harvey, David Spetzler, Anne Allison, Heather Laabs, Carrie DeMark, Emily Jeffries, Christine Lehmann. Second row: Brooke Schumacher, Sarah Buros, Courtney Smalley, Summer Stuart, Jake Weiner, Erin Dulaney, Neeka Najmi, Ariel Levy, Kristen Brook, Yen Tran, Christie Pell. Third Row: Jennifer Stern, Jessie Green, Jordan Spack, Erin Hill, Lindsey Schmid, Colby Kant, Sonia Ghaswala, Trista Eaden, Kristen Stamm, Alicia Johnson, Anne Kaufman. Seated: The Editors: Dr. Cags, Sarah Michet, Ellen Rand, Elizabeth Harvey,and Mark Leibow. Not Pictured: Mrs. Zink.

Our Wonderful Yearbook editors: from 1. to r.: Editor-in-chief Ellen Rand, Layout Co-editor Elizabeth Harvey, Photo editor Mark Leibow, and Layout Co-editor Sarah Michet. They look so darling, don't they? 123

Page 123: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Below: Zach Thomas and Scott Shapiro ponder the article on the screen

TheRegisterBelow: Co-Editor Adam Schwartz writes an article for the new newspa-; per.

Above: Rusty Silverstein and Karl W einmeister discuss the popularity of the new newspaper.


Above: Front Row: Ms. Fisher, Z. Thomas, E. Loback, J. Gimbel, Co-Editors* A. Levy and A. Schwartz, H. Taylor, R. Silverstein, K. Brook, Second Row: ® Klock, M. Gullen, K. Weinmeister, B. Silverstein, P. Bayless, H. Schumacher, Piccinati, Third Row: T. Wanner, M. DuMont, C. Kant, S. Bobra, M. DeMark Wynn, C. Hucek, J. Feinman, Back Row: C. Lentzch, N. Perla, L. Balis, H. Jacobson, P. Weinmeister, R. Bisla, J. Kanner, A. Bobra, J. Ashley.

Page 124: PCDS Yearbook 1994









M E LM E D , R EV A N M C K I N N O N , N A N C Y









Page 125: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Below: Back Row (1 to r): Tom Krause, Ravi Bisla, Colby Kant, Lindsay Schmid, Mishy DuMont, Sarah Michet, Rebecca Moran, and Evan Schoninger. Third Row (1 to r): Mark Leibow, Chris Klock, Mike Abrams, Zach Gordoni Julie Levenberg, Hollye Schumaker, Karl Weinmeister, Matt Gullen, and Jon Silverberg. Second Row (1 to r): Anne Salzmann, Zach Thomas, Erin Loback, Hallie Jacobson, Stacey Piccinati, Brad Durchslag, Rusty Silverstein, and Mike Speigel. Front Row (1 to r): Jessica Van Tuyl, Lindsay Galbut, Chritina Spetzler, Carrie DeMark, Jeff Gimbel,, Brent Fraser, and Jeremy Ringel.

The Junior Leaders


Above: At their weekly meeting Tasha Bernard, Mike Speigel, Ravi Bisla, and Evan Schoninger listen while their peers tell about themselves.



Page 126: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Upper School Senate Discusses the Issues

Above: Ashley Waters, Kristin Abbate, and Jerem y Ringel in an exciting senate meeting. Right: Mr. Hendrickson, the advisor, makes some plans for the Senate.Far Right: Asheley Waters and Karenann

I Nikoloudakis empty the recycling bins, one of the many tasks Senate takes care of at P.C.D.S.


ijaSas.w - .

back Row: President: Adam Schwartz, Tony Koppula, Michael Reilly, Shelly Edlund Klex Rethore, Lindsay Galbut, Jordy Wynn, Rusty Silverstein, Jerem y Ringel, Kristin

■Vbbate, Brooke Silverstein, Ashley Waters. Not Pictured: Karenann Nikoloudakis.

Above: President Adam Schwartz takes control of the meeting.


Page 127: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Making a Model UN

Model UN Participants and Representatives, from Left to Right: Top Row: Mr. Martin, Hedra Taylor, Ravi Bisla, Eric Kaitz, Julie Levenberg, Brent Fraser, Zach Thomas, Karl Weinmeister. Bottom Row: Karen Nikoloudakis, Lindsay Galbut, Shelly Edlund, Tony Koppula, Jessica Cooper, Tom Krause, Brad Durchslag, Rusty Silverstein, Paul Bayless, AndrewArbesman.

Left: Eric K aitz listens thoughtfully as Karen N ikoloudakis, Lindsay Galbut and Rusty Silverstein, pictured at right, discuss the information they have gath­ered on countries ranging from Israel to Algeria, from Brazil to the former Yugo­slavian Republic.

128The many faces of Mr. Martin as he skillfully leads the Model UN'ers into arguement, thought and, finally, negotiation.

Page 128: PCDS Yearbook 1994

World I s s u e s

Row (I to r): David Schmid, Arvind Sobra, Mike Reilly, Rebecca Aoran, Amy Sonnett, and Evan Schoninger. Middle Row (I to r): An­drew Palmer, Erich Schweikher, Jenny Mendelson, Jocelyn Jacobs, ?tacey Piccinati, Vicki Lang, and Sarah Michet. Front Row (I to r): \shley Waters, Kim Melde, Cara Palestine, Lori Drown, Cari Lentzsch, .indsay Galbut, Liz Harvey, and Jessica Green.

Left: Ashley Waters is doing her pa rt in helping PCPS recycle by unloading the recycling bins.

Page 129: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Upper School ClubsThe Horticulture Club, which planted and maintained a garden in front of the Sciences Building, was one of the largest and most popular clubs this year. Pictured are its members, from Left: Standing: Jon Gimbel, Cari Lentzsch, Tracy Wanner, Shawna Wekherlien, Dawson Fearnow, Brad Durchslag, Stuart Hackett, Chris Klock, Jill Betterly, Christina Gebert, Matt Gullen, Jenny Millinger, Emily Bell, Becky Brooks. Seated: Brooke Schumacher, Rebecca Chornenky, Markar Naradikian, Hollye Schumacher, Stacey Piccinati, Mr. Anton, Mr. Abbott, Neeka Najmi.

The Dance Club spent the year learning and practicing great moves, such as the ones demonstrated below. Pictured at Right, from the Top Left: Lindsay Galbut, Heather Laabs, Sonia Ghaswala, Jennifer Stern, Alicia Johnson, Seated: Tracy Wanner, Jessica Van Tuyl, Club Advisor Cindy Saillant, Jamie Rudnick, Riana Linsky. Below: Jessica Van Tuyl, Tracey Wanner, Lindsay Galbut, Jamie Rudnick, Riana Linsky and Sonia Ghaswala show their stuff in one of their prepared dances.


Page 130: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Members of the Chess Club had an incredible year of competition, because every time they played one another they improved their skills for the next big challenge. Chess Club members in­cluded, Top Row: Brian Cornwell, Eric Cornwell and Jed Cook. Bottom Row: Carlos Armenta, Tony Koppula and David Spetzler.

The Basketball Club was the place to be for intramural scrim­maging and sunshine. Pictured Below: Mr. Swingler, Conrad Lee, Chris Klock, Beale Harrison, Edmund Sherman, Zach Gordon, Michael Abrams, Zeb Portanova, Eric Shoemaker, Anoop Bhatheja and Mr. Flail. At Left: Jill Betterly cares for some of the vegetation planted by the Horticulture club.

Though the game of chess is lacking in the aerobic aspects, it is a complette workout for the mind, the intuition and the soul. Here Jed Cook shows calm patience as he counterat­tacks in a game of chess played in the Quad.

Page 131: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Above: Rusty Silverstein and Rachel Lowe role play by asking cross examination questions

Above: Alex Rethore looks on as Arden O'Conner explains to Brooke Silverstein the details of the case.

Back Row: Alex Rethore, Summer Stuart, Corey Beder, Joel Feinman, Arden O'Conner, Jon Gimbel, Erin Loback, Rusty Silverstein, Second row: Amy Watson, Jake Weiner, Christine Sturman, Sonal Bobra, Rachel Lowe, Front Row: Becka Rethore, Brooke Silverstein SMB™—— m

Above: Erin Loback discusses the direct questioning of the defense with teammate Joel Feinman

Page 132: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Brandi Cutler

Brian Cornwell

" .A t V C D S / a s t u d e n t 's s e n io r

s p e e c k / r e q u ir e d f o r g ra d u a tio n ^ is t k e

c u lm in a tio n o f a s e r i e s o f r e s e a r c k

p r o je c t s d e s i g n e d to g iv e e a c k s e n io r t k e e x p e r i e n c e o f p r e p a r in g a n d

p r e s e n t in g a s k o r t , 7 - 1 0 minute/ w e ll

orgav\ tze.a a n d r e s e a r c k e d ta lk o n a

t o p ic o f p e r s o n a l in te r e s t . X k e s p e e c k

m a y a p p e a r d a u n t in g a t f ir s t . A c t u ­

ally/ O k a v e s e e n o n ly o n e s tu d e n t

c o m e c l o s e to n o t c o m p le t in g tk e

s p e e c k in t im e f o r g^aaucd\ov\j a n d

t k a t w a s a t t k e s e k o o l <17 fo r m e r ly

k e a d e d . A f t e r t k r e e o r fo u r n o -

sk o w s/ t k e s tu d e n t o v e r c a m e k e r

s t a g e f r ig k t a n d fin a lly a p p e a r e d a t a

k a s t i ly c a l le d a s s e m b ly l a t e in t k e

m o rn in g o n t k e d a y o f k e r 4 : 0 0 p m

g ra d u a tio n / m a k in g a f in e p r e s e n t a ­

tio n .

P u b l i c s p e a k in g in e v ita b ly im p ro v e s

w itk p r a c t ic e / a n d w k ile t k e f i r s t fe w

e x p e r i e n c e s c a n b e in tim id ating/ tk e y

a r e usually/ k o w ev er/ f a r m o r e s u c ­

c e s s f u l t k a n t k e s p e a k e r e x p e c t s .

X k e f a c u lt y a n d s t a f f a t V C D S a n d <17

k a v e w a t c k e d w itk p l e a s u r e a s c l a s s ­

m a t e s t a k e p r id e in e a c k o t k e r 's

s p e e c k e s / a n d in d iv id u a l s tu d e n ts fe e l

p r id e (and/ yes/ re lie f) a t k is o r k e r o w n s u c c e s s f u l m a s t e r y o f w k a t is fo r

m a n y s tu d e n ts a n e w c k a l le n g e . W e

k a v e a l s o s e e n t k e q u a lity o f s p e e c k e s

im p ro v e a s e a c k c l a s s l is te n s to t k o s e s e n io r s w k o p r e c e d e tk e m a n d o b ­

s e r v e s a n d l e a r n s fro m o t k e r s ' e x p e r i ­

e n c e s .

David Spetzler

Shelly Edlund

X k o s e o f u s w k o m u s t s p e a k o f fe n

w is k w e k a d b e g u n e a r l i e r . Y o u will

k a v e m a n y o p p o r tu n it ie s to s p e a k in

p u b lic in t k e fu tu r e . D o t a k e tk e m a n d e n jo y tk e m a n d r e m e m b e r tk e d a y y o u w e r e a tr iu m p k a n t s e n io r s p e a k e r a t

V C D S ."

—j W s . .M a d d e n

Page 133: PCDS Yearbook 1994

11 .‘fo n dMrs. Kendall... has been an integral part of the lower school for the la fifteen years. Her official title is lower school aide, but Mrs. Kendall has done * very much more. She has been the lower school representative to the compute

!m department and has developed a terrific first grade computer program. She ah

has researched software for lower school use and has previewed new materia with faculty.Mrs. Kendall also has been in charge of the faculty work room. She has kej catalogues in order, the machinery functioning and the teachers supplied wij

book covers, xerox copies and specij materials. Everywhere you look, Mj( Kendall has been there to help. Shei the first to pitch in where someone i needed.Mrs. Kendall plans to travel with hi husband, but wants to continue to vcj unteer at PCDS. She has promised stay home the last week in August ari the first week in September. TheLowi School needs Mrs. Kendall to get tH year off to a good start! Bon Voyaj) and thanks, Mrs. Kendall.

Ms. Hoffman...has taught mathematics and science in the middle school for the past two years. Lai year she served as a host to Ms. Fujiwara, our exchange visitor from Japan. H<i p ro fessio n a lism and ch eerfu l sm ile w ill be greatly missed by both her colleagues and the many m athem aticians whom she taught. Ms. Hoffman is planning to start a pre­kindergarten program in the Tempe area. We wish her well in her new educa­tional endeavor and keep on hiking!

Page 134: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Tarezu eCCs...Mrs. Swenson... isretiring again! PCD Shas had the good fortune to have Mrs. Swenson on staff in various capacities at intervals over the last twenty years. She has taught first, second and third grade as well as served in the library. Each time Mrs. Swenson has left, it was to further her studies. She has a Masters

in counseling and is a published author. Next, Mrs. Swenson plans to go back to school to do further work in special education. These last four years she has done a superb job in both third and second grade. She is respected and beloved by all. Mrs. Swenson may be leaving again, but we are comforted by the fact that each time she has gone, she has come back. Therefore, we will say "adieu" - " 'til we meet again" and we all hope she will be back in the very near future.

Ir. Houle... ' -’CDS will miss your dedication, love of books and | ktin. We always knew where you stood and where we stood, which

life much simpler and easier to deal with. Your dogged to retrieve library books did cause you to be the only

librarian in America to nearly lose his arm to a black widow spider, hidden deep in a student locker. But most of all, we will miss your keen sense of humor and spontaneous laughter.

Ms. Suzanne Davis... The faculty and students of the upper school will miss your spirit and support. Your efforts to keep us straight and on track were much appreciated. You added a great deal of life to the upper school office.


Page 135: PCDS Yearbook 1994


VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULEWed., Sept. 1 Fall Athletic Parent Meeting 7.00 P.M.Tues., Sept 7 St Gregory Away JV-5O(W-6O0Thur., Sept 9 Scottsdale Christian Home JV-400/V-500Tues., Sept 14 *Salome Away V-400jV-50(yV-800Fri., Sept 17 Arizona Lutheran Home V-5O0Tues., Sept 21 'Bagdad Away V-3J(VJV-43(W-S3dThurs., Sept 23 •Orme Home JV-400/V-500Tues., Sept. 28 •Valley Lutheran Away JV-40Q/V-500Fri., Oct. 1 •Northwest C.C. Away V-40Q/)V-50<yV-600Tues., Oct. 5 Judson Home JV-400/V-5:00Fri., Oct. 8 •Orme Away JV-4OQ/V-5O0Tues., Oct. 12 •Mayer Home V-40CWV-50CW-600Fri, Oct 15 ' Judson Home JV-40tW-500Tues., Oct 19 •Valley Lutheran Home JV-40CW-500Thurs., Oct 28 Regional Tour. HomeSat, Oct 30 Regional Tour. HomeFri., Nov. 6 State Tournament


Wednesday, Sept 1 Fall Athletic Parent Meeting 700 P MSaturday,’Sept. 11 •Grand Canyon Away 1200Tuesday, Sept. 14 •Valley Lutheran Away 400Tuesday, Sept. 21 •Tucson Green Fields Home 400Friday, Oct. 1 •Tucson Green Fields Away 400Saturday, O c t 2 •Grand Canyon Home 1200Tuesday, Oct. 5 •Judson Away 4:00Wednesday, Oct. 6 •Valley Lutheran Home 4:00Friday, Oct. 8 •Tucson Desert Christian Home 4:00Friday, Oct. 15 •Judson Home 400Saturday, Oct. 16 Blue Ridge Home 12-JV/2-VTuesday, O c t 19 •Tucson Desert Christian Away 400Friday, O c t 29 League Quarter-Finals HomeSaturday, O c t 30 League Semi-Finals HomeSaturday, Nov. 6 AISL Championship Home


Wednesday, Sept. 1 Fall Athletic Parent Meeting 7:00 P.M.Thursday, Sept. 2 Apache Junction Away 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Sept. 7 Casa Grande Home 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Sept. 14 Paradise Valley Away 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Sept. 21 Glendale H.S. Away 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Sept. 28 Thunderbird Home 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Oct. 5 Cortez Home 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Oct. 12 Green way Away 4:00 P.M.Tuesday, Oct. 19 Washington Home 4:00 P.M.Thursday, Oct. 21 Sunnyslope Home 4:00 P.M.Friday, Oct. 29 Regional Swim Meet Away TBASaturday, Oct. 30 Regional Swim Meet Away TBAFriday, Nov. 5 State Swim Meet Away TBASaturday, Nov. 6 State Swim Meet Away TBA


rhurs. Nov. 18 Parent Meeting Gym 7:00 Tues. Jan. 18 •Orme Away BJV-4:00, GV-S JO,Tues. Nov. 23 Tucson Green Fields Away GV-5:30, BV-7KX) BV-7A0Tues. Nov. 30 Arizona Lutheran Home GJV-2 JO , BJV-4KX),

GV-5:30, BV-7d)0Fri. Jan. 21 Judson

(8th Grade Night)Home BJV-4:00, GV-S JO,

BV-7A0Thurs. Dec. 2 Holiday Basketball Home TBA

GJV-10.00, BJV-11 JO, |Fri. Dec. 3 Holiday Basketball Home TBA Sat Jan. 22 •Mayer HomeSat Dec. 4 Holiday Basketball Home TBA GV-lflO, BV-2J0 ;Tues. Dec. 7 •Mayer Away GJV-2J0, BJV-4O0, Tues. Jan. 25 •Northwest Community Away GJV-3:00, BJV-4J0, j

GV-S JO , BV-7.-00 GV-6.-00, BV-7J0 ; j I BJV-4dX), GV-S JO, 1Wed. Dec 8 Scottsdale Christian Home GV-6KJ0 Fri. Jan. 28 •Salome (Parents Night) Home

Fri. D ec 10 •Orme Home BJV-4.-00, CV-S JO, BV-700BV-7.-00 Tues. Feb. 1 •Valley Lutheran Away BjV-400, GV-S JO, I

Sat D ec 11 Northwest Community Away GJV-TBA BV-700Tues. Jan. 4 Tucson S t Gregory Home GV-SK50, BV-6J0 Fri. Feb. 4 •Bagdad

1A West Regional

Away GJV-2 JO , BJV-4O0,Thurs. Jan. 6 'Northwest Community Home GJV-2 JO , BJV-4J0,

GV-5 JO , BV-7O0 Thurs. Feb. 10 HomeGV-S JO , BV-7J0 ■

Sat Jan. 8 •Bagdad Home GJV-2 JO , BJV-4.-00, GV-5 JO , BV-700

Fri. Feb. 11 Sat Feb. 12

1A West Regional 1A West Regional


Tues. Jan. 11 •Salome Away BJV-4.-00, GV-5 JO, BV-7.-00

Thurs. Feb. 17 Fri., Feb, 18


Fri. Jan. 14 •Valley Lutheran (Faculty Night)

Home BJV-4KX), GV-S JO, BV-7KX)

Sat Feb. 19 State •Denotes Conference G*n*|

Page 136: PCDS Yearbook 1994


TENNIS SCHEDULEThurs. Feb. 24 Spring Athletic Meeting 7:00 p.m.Tues. March 1 Peoria High School G-Home 3:30 p.m.

B-Away 3:30 p.m.Tues. March 8 Williams Home 3:45 p.m.Thurs. March 10 Bourgade Home 3:45 p.m.Wed. March 23 Orme Away 3:30 p.m.Mon. March 28 Seton Home 3:45 p.m.Tues. April 5 Judson Home 3:45 p.m.Mon. April 11 Scottsdale Christian Away 3:45 p.m.Tues. April 12 Tolleson (Boys) Home 3:30 p.m.Thurs. April 14 Orme Away 3:30 p.m.Tues. April 19 Iror.wood G-Home 3:30 p.m.

B-Away 3:30 p.m.Wed. April 20 Orme Home 3:45 p.m.Mon. April 25 Seton Away 3:45 p.m.Fri. April 29 Region TournamentSat. April 30 Region TournamentFri. May 6 State TournamentSat. May 7 State Tournament

Coach: Tom Breece


I Thurs. Feb. 24 Spring Athletic Meeting 7 :0 0 p.m .I W ed. March 2 Bradshaw Mountain Home 4 :0 0 p.m.

Thurs. March 3 W ickenburg Home 4 :0 0 p.m.| Mon. March 7 Scottsdale Christian Away 3 :3 0 p.m.I W ed. March 9 Fountain Hills Away 4 :0 0 p.m.| Thurs. March 24 Bourgade Away 3 :3 0 p.m.I Tues. March 29 St. Gregory Home 4 :0 0 p.m.| Thurs. March 31 Scottsdale Christian Home 4 :0 0 p.m.| Mon. April 4 Judson Home 4 :0 0 p.m .1 W ed. April 6 Fountain Hills Home 4 :0 0 p.m.I Tues. April 12 Bourgade Home 4 :0 0 p.m.I Mon. April 18 Scottsdale Christian Home 4 :0 0 p.m.1 Thurs. April 21 Camp Verde Home 4 :0 0 p.m.1 Tues. April 26 Judson Away 3 :3 0 p.m.I Wed. April 27 W ickenburg Away 3 :3 0 p.m.

1 Fri. May 6 State TournamentI S a t May 7 State Tournament

C oach: B ob Hendrickson


Thurs. Feb. 24 Spring Athletic Meeting 7 :0 0 p.m.Tue. March 1 Scottsdale Christian Home 4 :0 0 p.m.Fri. March 4 •Mayer Home 4 :0 0 p.m.Tue. March 8 •Salome Home 4 :0 0 p.m.Thurs. March 10 •Northwest Com. Christian Away 4 :0 0 p.m.Tue. March 22 •Bagdad

•Valley LutheranAway 3 :3 0 p.m.

Thurs. March 24 Home 4 :0 0 p.m.Tue. March 29 •Mayer Away 4 :0 0 p.m.Tue. April 5 Judson Away 4 :0 0 p.m.W ed . April 6 Tucson Green Fields Home 4 :0 0 p.m .Tue. April 12 •Northwest Com. Christian Home 4 :0 0 p.m.Thurs. April 14 Fri. April 15

•Orme Home 4 :0 0 p.m.•Bagdad •Valley Luterhan

Home 4 :0 0 p.m .Tue. April 19 Away 4 :0 0 p.m .Fri. April 2 2 •Orme Away 4 :0 0 p.m.M on. April 25 •Salome Away 4 :0 0 p.m.Thurs. April 28 Regional Tournament TBA TBAFri. May 6 Quarter/Semi-Finals o f StateFri. M ay 13 State Championship Gam e

Coach: Brian Ellingson


1994 Upper School

Page 137: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Above: Brandi Johnson shows off a new dance during the volley ball game.

Above: Hallie Jacobson spikes the ball to the opposing team.

Bata— 11 w M W m M

Above: Kristin Stamm, bump that ball baby, bump | it.

Above: Jasmine Tashman bumping and getting control of the ball.


Page 138: PCDS Yearbook 1994

The Varsity TeamJbove Top Row (L to R): Brandi Johnson, Christina Spetzler, Meghan DeMark, Carrie DeMark, ismine Tashman, and Ms. Buelow. Bottom Row (L to R): Ariel Levy, Am y Bonnet, Hallie icobson, Hollye Schumacher, and Julie Geantil. Not Pictured: Danielle Allen.

The Junior Varsity Teamd>ove (L to R): Coach Mr. Karlan, Mishy DuMont, Meghan DeMark, Kristin Stamm, Lindsay •chmid, Jennifer Kniff, Kristin Abbate, Sam Stoller, and Katie Lyon. Not Pictured: Ann Kaufman

I md Emily Jeffries.

Page 139: PCDS Yearbook 1994




J P jfldSB

Above: Tasha Bernard, Stacey Piccinati, and Julie Levenberg relax in the pool after an exhaust­ing workout.

Right: Top Row: Diver: Tracy Wanner, Nicole Felker, captain: Brian Ringel, Cari Lentzsch, David Spetzler. Bottom Row: captain: Julie Levenberg, Arden O'Connor, Amanda Krause, Jordan Spack, Erin Hill, Jenny Mendelson, Tasha Bernard, cap­tain: Stacey Piccinati. Not Pictured: Andrew Mendelson, Craig Couche, Anne Allison, Seth Ferrier, Alison Pulaski.


Page 140: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Left: "You mean we have to dive into that?" say's Julie Levenberg, Stacey Piccinati, Nicole Felker, and Tasha Bernard.

Below: Coach Mike Maczuga says, "Girls, You know that stopping in the middle of a swim lowers your heart rate!"

Left: Tracy Wanner, our best diver, executes a Above: Stacey Piccinati takes a nap in the middle perfect 10!!! of the pool.


Page 141: PCDS Yearbook 1994


It is easy to sprain an elbow or chin. You could stay out, but you dare to go in. It's possible you'll lose but often you'll win! It's not easy to play, but your talent will show that soccer's a game that you really know!!!

Above: Top Row: Coach DuMone, Carlos Armenta, Andrew Palmer, Gideon Rubin, Adam Schwartz, Terence Reilly, Scott Shapiro, Stuart Hackett, Dawson Fearnow, Matt Gullen, Tony Koppula, Middle Row: Mikhail Ulinich, Jon Silverberg, Jeff Gimbel, Mike Spiegel, Eric Kaitz, Brent Fraser, Bottom Row: Erich Schweikher, M ichael Reilly , David Schm id, Andrew Arbesman, Zeb Portanova, Brad Durchslag.

Right: Adam Schwartz steals the ball from a Valley Lutheran player while Brent Fraser and Matt Gullen look on in awe.


Page 142: PCDS Yearbook 1994

t: Adam Schwartz and Terence Reilly take ball for a walk to warm it up for the game.

Left: Coach DuMone gives support to three Juniors in distress.

Below: Carlos Armenta demonstrates the way to gracefully kick a soccer ball.

Left: Goalie, Brad Durchslag, returns the ball after yet another block.

Above: "Wut.. Wut.. Wut.. Wut.. Wut Wut Wut Wut Wut Wut Wut...WE GOT SPIRIT!! cheer Matt Gullen, Adam Schwartz, Scott Shapiro, and Mike Speigel.


Page 143: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Varsity TeamBack row (1 to r): Coach Robert Kosower, Danielle Nolan (co-captain), Meghan DeMark, Emily Jeffries, Carrie Demark, and Coach Bethany Lee. Front row: Sarah Michet, Rebecca Moran, Kate Portanova, Danielle Allen, Jordan Spack, Julie Geantil, Anne Allison, and Christina Spetzler (co-captain).

Junior Varsity TeamBack row (1 to r): Coach Robert Kosower, Jenny Mendelson, Katie Lyon, Kristine Lehmann, Jennifer Kniff, Jasmine Tashman, and Coach Bethany Lee. Front row: Rebecca Moran, Kate Portanova, Julie Geantil, Jordan Spack, Emily Jeffries, and Sarah Michet.

Page 144: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Speedy Anne Allison races down the court determined to get the winning basket.

Christina Spetzler enters enemy territory as she does her thing on the court.

n i B i t n

Rebecca Moran takes a shot at the basket while others watch in amazement.

G irls' B asketsallTakin' our 3 e5T Shot!

Victory smells sweet to the co-captions Danielle and Christina as they hold their prized trophy.

Page 145: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Men's Basketball

Above: Jon Silverberg takes a shot from three-point range as Gideon

Rubin guards the opponent.

Right: Bryan Ringel goes in for the shot as he is surrounded by the


VarsityBack Row (1 to r): Mr. Cherilla, Mr. Ellingson, Scott Schwartz, Jon Silverberg, Jeremy Ringel, Jeff Gimbel, Terence Reilly, Tony Koppula, and Mr. Hendrickson. Front Row (1 to r): Scott Shapiro, Adam Schwartz,

746 Erich Schweikher, Ravi Bisla, Brad Durchslag, Gideon Rubin, Bryan Ringel, and Carlos Armenia.

Snootin' the HoopsLeft: Jeremy Ringel takes it away

with a steal and heads down court to the Eagle basket.

Above: Carlos Armenta goes to the hoop for a layup.

Page 146: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Left: Edmund Sherman makes the cross-court pass. Two more points for the Eagles!

bove: Jordy Wynn ops a shot from three oint land.

Below: Paolo Bayless takes control of the tip-offs.

Junior VarsityBack Row (left to right): Tope Owoyemi, Beale Harrison, Edmund Sherman, Matt Ferris, Jordy Wynn, Philip Weinmeister, Jerry Mischel, and Mr. Ellingson. Front Row (1 to r): Konrad Lee, Paolo Bayless, Zach Thomas, Eric Cornwell, Stuart Hackett, Karl Weinmeister, and Anoop Bhatheja.

light: Eric Cornwell ;oes up strongly for a >erfect layup.

Page 147: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Cheery Cheerleaders Yell and Scream. Cheery Cheerleaders Roof for the Team.

The P.C.D.S. Cheerleading Squad (left to right): Back Row - Heather Laabs, Jill Betterly, Christy Pell, and Jessica Cooper; Front Row - Jennifer Stern, Shelly Edlund, and Erin Loback.

Above; Erin Loback and Jennifer Stern Above: Jennifer Stern, Ms. Cherilla, Jill Betterly, and Erincheer at the end of the second quarter. Loback pose for a picture at the basketball game.

Above: Left to Right - Heather Laabs, Christy Pell, Jessica Cooper, Erin Loback, and Jennifer Stern cheer on 148 the Eagles on the sidelines during a basketball game.

Page 148: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Birdies, Pars, and Bogeys..PCDS's Golf Team

Back row, from left: Andrew Arbesman, Brad Durchslag, Stuart Hackett, Matthew Gullen, Eric Cornwell, David Schmid, Rustin Silverstein. Front : Michael Reilly.Not pictured : Paul Bayless, Terence Reilly, Jennifer Stem and Jonathan Gimbel.

Andrew Arbesman: The Address . . .

Rustin Silverstein: The Backswing .. .

David Schmid : The Follow Through . ..

Page 149: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Top Row: Mr. Schweikher, Erin Dulaney, Julie Geantil, Christine Lehmann, Summer Stuart, Jenny Mendelson, Cari Lentzsch and Ms. Buelow. Bottom Row: Alison Pulaski, Danielle Allen, Meghan DeMark, Stacey Piccinati, Carrie DeMark, Anne Allison and Heather Laabs.

"Where's the ball?," asks Christine Lehmann. Danielle Allen also inquires about the location of the ball. Where is it?

Page 150: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Julie Geantil is poised to get that ball. Look at her grit and determination!




Meghan DeMark shows off her skill in handling the ball. Check out her tech­nique.


m u

Page 151: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Boys BaseballHey batter batter batter batter swwwiiing batter!

2 *

Above: Matt Ferris warms up his arm.

First row 1 to r: Edmund Sherman, Erich Schweikher, Zeb Portanova, M att Ferris, Seth Ferrier, Phil Weinmeister. Second row: Karl Weinmeister, Zach Thomas, Jeremy Ringel, Jordan Wynn, Mike Spiegel, Jon Silverberg. Third row: Josh Kanner, Jeff Gimbel, Bryan Ringel, Adam Schwartz, Carlos Armenta, Mr. Ellingson.

■ L v l l


Page 152: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Above: Wind sprints are an unpopu- Left: Jeff Gimbel keeps his eyes lar but helpful part of the daily prac-on the ball. tice.

Left: Jordan Wynn is "on deck" and ready to hit a home run.

Below: Jeremy Ringel throws the ball to the infield for an out.


Page 153: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Above: Gail Bleakney watches on as her doubles partner, Jessie Greene puts it back into the opponents court.

Left to right: Rebecca Moran, Brandi Johnson and Ellen Rand show three different stages of Tennis play: The anticipa­tion before the shot, the approach to the shot and the final, deadly follow-through.


Page 154: PCDS Yearbook 1994

3eloiv: Shelly Edlund lunges for the ball in a practice it the PCDS courts.

Above: Sarah Michet shows the proper follow-through after an excellent backhand swing.

fie Women's Varsity Tennis team is, from left to right: Top Row: Captain Ellen Rand, Rebecca Moran, Brandi Johnson, fielly Edlund, Jasmine Tashman, Christie Randt, Hallie Jacobson, Julie Levenberg, Sarah Michet, Coach Breece. Bottom By: Vera Almann, Sonal Bobra, Jessie Greene, Ashley Waters, Gail Bleakney, Hollye Schumacher, Colby Kant.

Page 155: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Back row : 1-r : Coach Tom Breece, Chris Klock, Zach Gordon, Mike Abrams, Alex Quinzani, and Adam Garson. Front Row : 1-r : Eric Kaitz, Jen y Mischel, Eric Shoemaker Arvind Bobra, and Anoop Bhatheja.

Left : Adam Garson swings at the ball with ease.

Right: Mike Abrams stands ready, but where's the ball?

Page 156: PCDS Yearbook 1994

M e n ’s T e n n is T e a m C a u s e s a R a c k e t

Below and Right : Alex Quinzani sets up for his powerful back­hand. . . SCORE!

Arvind Bobra races to hit his perfect backhand.

Anoop Bhatheja gets ready to smash the next ball over the net.

Page 157: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Page 158: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Page 159: PCDS Yearbook 1994




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Page 160: PCDS Yearbook 1994





1993-1994 PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD(standing, from left) Pam W ard, Janice Townsend, Sherry Becker, Jan Frieder, Laurie Ringel, Jill Schwartz (seated, from left) Sydney Anderson, Barb Devereaux, Cindy Yeargan (President), and Ann Brook.

Page 161: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Best WishesPhoenix Country Day School


Senator and Mrs. John McCain Meghan, Jack, Jimmy and Bridget

Congratulations and

Best Wishes

The Goldins Family Beri, Brittany, Cindy and Mike

Page 162: PCDS Yearbook 1994

"Tkink you can or +k iuk you can 't ei +ker way you’ll be rigk'K"

■ H e K v r y U o r d

eoR va^ atu latiorvs to \ v \ e .

c \ a s s o f 1 9 9 4 !; A s k l e . y ' D o r ^ a .n c .e .

Page 163: PCDS Yearbook 1994



The SmallsLes, Susie, Scott, Tim, Sarah & Bruce

•f s S u

Page 164: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Back row (1 to r) Adam Schwartz, Tony Koppula,Michael Reilly, Shelly Edlund, Alex Rethore,Lindsay Galbut, Jordy Wynn, Rusty Silverstein, Jeremy Ringel- Front row (1 to r) Kristin Abbate, Brooke Silverstein, Ashley W aters (not pictured-Karenann Nikoloudakis)

Congratulations To The Class of 1994! From The Upper School

Student Senate

Page 165: PCDS Yearbook 1994




RespectB A N K E O N E

Whatever it takes.Bank One, Arizona, NA Member FDIC

Page 166: PCDS Yearbook 1994

S i c a , ( p u t t * ^ fy w v C

Page 167: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Here's Lookin' at You Erin Dulaney!

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Page 168: PCDS Yearbook 1994

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PIM MI w . ji


w m t w S imm m m m

I t is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is fessential is invisible to the eye." Antoine De Saint-Exupery


Love,Mom, Dad, Sean, and Shadow

Page 169: PCDS Yearbook 1994

m W & t

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Page 170: PCDS Yearbook 1994

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Page 171: PCDS Yearbook 1994



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Page 172: PCDS Yearbook 1994

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Page 173: PCDS Yearbook 1994

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Page 174: PCDS Yearbook 1994

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Page 175: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Where Did the Time Go?

From This ...to...This

BRIAN,You have an exceptional commitment to your road racing. Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions and the actions which speak louder than words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time, year after year, Commitment is the stuff character is made of, the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumphs of integrity over skepticism.You have that special commitment it takes to achieve your goals. The future belongs to those who believe in their abilities—so "Go for the Gold", Brian, because you are the future!

We love You and will always be there for you!MOM AND DAD

Brian,"It's been a long and often painful trip of

growing up together— you only have four years

left and I have twice asmany 1 would like

some pity please! Have a great time in college."


Page 176: PCDS Yearbook 1994


Wishing you LOVE, BEAUTY & PEACE

We love you, Mom, Hollye, Mama Sarah & Daddy "B"

W htn W v t f f e IntW X voouutontWtklK rWcciW up.

n M t n f o n u - X W itv rf •fe «ro.X 'w , q o ^ q ■ fow U S'Jou so V d k.y vwucto.So i&V\lv\ -w\« ae»*VunJ. '

Arn«i ilh*. qoinq q e+ s uloxm^ ,K em e/ tn U b e . rw *.j A r i J jp y i H evefc. i t o * wp.

t f j t w h . ■*

Best Wishes to the

Class of 1994

fromThe Harvey Family-

Elizabeth, Thomas, Nancy & Tom

Thank You

PCDS Faculty


iN flu E N C E STOpS."

Henry Brooks Adams

Page 177: PCDS Yearbook 1994

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n sT o T h e

P C D S C l a s s O f1 9 9 4 !

F r o m

A l l T h e L o b a c k s

D o n a n d To n i E r in , C la ss o f 1995

D e v o n , C la ss o f 1998 Do u g , C la ss o f 2001

Page 178: PCDS Yearbook 1994

To our dear Adam,

You are lovedfo r the lit t le boy you werefo r the special young man you areand fo r the wonderful sonand brotheryou will always be

With all our Love, Mom, Dad and Rachel

Twenty years from now you will be more disap­pointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones

you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your

sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Page 179: PCDS Yearbook 1994

IS^hoo hast flone fair Hriel I


You bring the music o f laughterto our lives. We love you somuch! Mom, Dad, and David

18 0

Page 180: PCDS Yearbook 1994

G i v e a C h e e r f o r o u r

P C D S C l a s s o f ' 9 4 !

The Booster Club commends all PCDS Students for setting such high standards toward achieving their goals.

Festival of DinnersSpecial thanks to all our supporters:



Page 181: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Huzaboo, Butch and Rocky:

and Fresh Powder-w ith a Rink—Tink— ■

Page 182: PCDS Yearbook 1994

1 t f j jO

Page 183: PCDS Yearbook 1994

tarn*, Mi

D e a r FiRST B o r n :

W e'v e AlwAys IovecI yo u bEST Because yo u w e re o u r H rs t MiRAclE. Y o u

w e re TbE qENius o f a MARRiAqE A i\d ib s fu lfilliv iEM o f you N q Io ve . Y ou



w e pAid For iN 5 6 m onths. Y o u w e re new , bAd UNUsEd qR A N dparents,

ANd ENOUqb cIotFiES fOR A SET o f TRiplETS. YOU WERE l\ iE ORiqiNAl M odEl

Fo r a m o m ANd a dAd w h o w e r e TRyiNq to w o R k tFie buqs o u t . Y o u qoT



n e w w o R d ANd EVERy n e w discovERy WAS

UNiQUE iN tFhe a n n a Is o f bA bydoM .

A N d ThROuqb tIhe yEARS yo u bAVE n e v e r ,

EVER disAppoiNTEd us. TN e Iessons you



We aII Iove you tIhe w o rW is now youRs!!!

Moiviivie, DacI ANd Mic^AEl

Page 184: PCDS Yearbook 1994

I D ear SeconcI Child,

W e 'v e AlwAys lovEd yo u tIhe bEST Because yo u dREW a ro u q k spoT

iN tIhe fAIVlily ANd iT MAdE you STRONqER foR iT.

You CRiEd IeSS, skAREd MORE, WORE fAdsd kANd'M E'doW NS, ANd

NEVER iN yOUR Li Fe WAlkEd fiRST, kAd TkE fiRST biRTkdAy fiRST, dATEd

Rrst. B ut Tkis ONly MAdE you m o r e spEciAl. Y o u bROuqkT w iik

you TkE spEciAl NEEds o f A SERioUS c k ild , buT ONE w k k A VERy

UNiQUE SENSE o f kuMOR. Y o u ARE b o rk TkE VOiCE o f REASON ANd


Y o u WERE TkE ONE WE RElAXEd w lrk ANd REAliZEd TkAT A d o q Could

kiss you ANd you w ouldN 'T qETsick. Y o u c o u ld c ro s s a s t r e e t loN q

bEfoRE you WERE o ld ENOUqk TO qET MARRiEd. A N d you kElpEd


t o bEd w rrk diRTy Ie e t.

You w e r e TkE c k ild o f o u r busy, AMbrrious yEARS. Y o u kAVE

skow N us k o w to coMpROMisE ANd foRqivE. W iTkoUT y o u , WE

NEVER c o u ld kAVESURvivEd TkE jo b ckANqES, TkE MANy MOVES, ANd


W e Io v e yo u .

M o m m e , D A d , ANd T e r en c e

Shelly Q,From an organized, self-sufficient and en­

thusiastic little doll, you've grown into, guesswhat a taller and more mature version of thesame! We're proud of your determination, good judgement and effervescent embrace of life! Vanderbilt has no idea of the impactyou'll make when you arrive on campus next fall. They're going to love it, and we're going to miss it! Love from the whole family,

r5 0 3 1 NORTH 44TH ST.

PHOENIX, ARIZONA 8 5 0 1 8 (6 0 2 ) 9 5 2 - 0 1 2 4


• W atercolors*G olf and D esert Landscapes*


Beth Zink Phone/FAX (602) 483-7580



Recycled Paper

JAY S. NEMIRO, M.D. Reproductive Endocrinology


8997 E. Desert Cove Ave 2nd Floor

Scottsdale AZ 85260 602 / 860-4792

FAX 860-6819


Page 185: PCDS Yearbook 1994

The Yearbook Staff would like to give its best wishes

to the Class of 1994. Keep Smiling!

Page 186: PCDS Yearbook 1994
Page 187: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Congratulations to the PCPft Class of 19.94!

■ Im


Page 188: PCDS Yearbook 1994

from The PCPS Faculty ______________________________________________________________

Page 189: PCDS Yearbook 1994

‘ I h a n f f f Y ;m P C P S !

ffou saved us from many costCy errors. ‘We appreciate the time, effort and encouragement fered By the entire PCP>S community! thanks in particular to the following individuals

‘Proofreaders:Dr. Collins Ms. Salzmann Ms. Cherilla Ms. Fisher Mr. Martin Ms. Reeve Ms. Dalton Mr. Kosower



Photos: Copy:Ms. K. Johnson Ms. Rothrock Ms. Clark Ms. Skloven Ms. Silverberg

Ms. McKinley Ms. Mitchell

Pilso:Mr. Neufer, for his technical support and white courtesy phoneMs. Tom, for arranging the mailing of pages and receipts for ads

T h e ‘P h o e n i c i a n S t a f f

1993 ■ 1994190

Page 190: PCDS Yearbook 1994

to the PCDS community:Vlhe Phoenician is a student-run publication which the students are responsible for produc- g ivith the assistance andguidance of the faculty advisers. ‘The staff of the Phoenician is imposed of enthusiastic and dedicated students zvho are willing to make a significant effort | zvards producing a high quality yearboo (fusing the latest desktop publishing technology,

e yearboo(f program is an e?(tra-curricular activity ivhich meets once per weetfand in addi- bn, students are required to come in on some weekends in order to meet final deadlines. Th­ough some e?qperience is helpful, it is not a prerequisite for students to be chosen to be on the# •The editors, staff, advisers and numerous members of the PCDS community have made every fort to checkf or spelling mistakes, omissions, inappropriate photographs and captions in )or taste. Despite our efforts, we apologize for any errors which may have gone unnoticed, uhanking you for your support we hope that you enjoy this year's yearbootfand appreciate \e generous efforts of our students.

Dr. Caglieris tMs. Zinff

faculty TLdvisers

Congratulations to our thriving PCDS Lower/Middle School Chess Club

Front row 1 to r: Joey Hooker, Alex Dru, Daniel Haddock, Stephanie Yee, Liz Fogelsong Jessica Green, Christopher Yee, Cristo Dru. Back row: John Haddock, Neil Smith, Catherine Yee, Vince Devlin, Reid Davis, Jonathan Weiner, Mark Sipperley, Brent Langellier, Edwin Barnes, Tommy Reahard. Not pictured: James Burnham, Eric West, Jacob Swartz, Tom Fogelsong. 19:

Page 191: PCDS Yearbook 1994




Page 192: PCDS Yearbook 1994

94 ' Mock Trial Regional Competition

2nd Place Regional Competition dock Trial Team #2-(L to R) Christine Sturman, Summer Stuart, Jon Gimbel, Amy Watson, Jake einer, Becka Rethore, Corey Beder, Sonal Bobra, Tamara Nydell(lawyer coach)-not pictured: Mr. :hweikher, Ms. Salzmann( Ad visors)

1st Place Regional Competition dock Trial Team #1-(L to R) Rachel Lowe, Arden O'Connor, Erin Loback(all-region team), Rusty verstein, Joel Feinman, Brooke Silverstein, Alex Rethore, Tamara Nydelldawyer coach)-not ctured:Mr. Schweikher, Ms. Salzmann(Advisors)

Page 193: PCDS Yearbook 1994

THE A D D E N D U M . .



Hugh Schlott Pre-K

Dara Bryan 2nd Grade

Sebastian Fabricious 5th Grade

Josh Leichtung 5th Grade

Jeff Sand 5th Grade

Devin Wilkey- Lutey

5th Grade

Beth Begun 11th Grade

m m m

Kate Kennedy L.S. Teachers


Diana Quinzani Alex Quinzani 6th Grade 9th Grade

S 6 E R0 A0 DN E D





The Yearbook S ta ff would like to thank Mrs. Paula Silverberg fo r her wonderful and life-savin soocer photos. We would also like to thank Mrs. Beth Zink fo r her incredible cover and mystery man design They are absolutely wonderful and we love them!

Top Row (r to 1): CoLeaders Barb Devereaux, Chuck McGrath, and Rita Drootman. Standing: Jacob Crimmins, Doug Devereaux, Sam Thompson, and Greg McGrath. Kneeling: Rishi Kumar, Matthew LaPrade, and Eric Drootman. Sitting: Jack McCain, Michael Vrla, Mark Semegen, Alexi Musallam, and Jonathan Halevy.

Page 194: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Thank You

[A f te r all the Thursday and SATURDAY meetings (pizza, bagels, and subs), morning meeting announcements, and the rushed deadlines, we finally completed th is book! When the editors de­cided the theme, All the Places We Go, we hoped everyone would

I understand what we meant. I t is supposed to be fun with a Dr.[ Seuss mentality, and I hope th is came acroee. There are a few

people th a t I would like to thank fo r the ir extra hard work who really made a difference in making th is book...

Dr. Cage, you saved th is book time and tim e again. W ithout all of your help th is book would never have gone to print. You made sure the pictures were coming in and the layout s ta f f was doing the ir thing so the editors wouldn't have to do the whole book. Thank you fo r everything. You are the best!

rs. Zink, your cover design is incredible and the litt le dorky dude th a t we have popping up all over the book is great! Your technical skills and photos made the book better.

Ariel, the snazzy caption lady. You made so many funky " poems and one-liners. We all thank you fo r th a t.

I would also like to thank the following people fo r their help a t the crucial deadline times: Jake Weiner, Yen Tran, Kristin Stamm,Trista Eaden, Lindsay Schmid, and Courtney Smalley. / ' 195

Liz, with all of your layout expertise from last year you made my Saturdays with your ability to make pages out of nothing.Sarah, you came to the rescue every time we needed you. The Macs became annoying, but you didn't let th a t botheryou.Mark, no m atte r what i t took you made sure we had all the pictures we needed even if i t meant you taking most of them.

Julie and Jocelyn, the Ad ladies. You two did a great job getting the money and laying out the pages.

Page 195: PCDS Yearbook 1994

AArmenta, Carlos ... 9, 82, 93, 119, 131, 142, 143, 146, 152

Chornenky, Rebecca 68, 112, 130

Cook, E d en .................................2, 83, 114

Cook, Je d ......................9,10, 83, 105, 131

Cooper, Je ss ica 4, 10, 11, 65, 69, 87,118, 128, 136, 148

Cornwell, Brian 4, 83, 98, 117, 131,133

Cutler, Brandi...................65, 83, 97,133

Dulaney, E rin 6, 10, 83, 89, 123, 150

Eaden, T r is ta 8, 83, 95, 119, 123

Edlund, Sh elly 11, 83, 86, 127,128,133,136, 155, 148

Page 196: PCDS Yearbook 1994

iFearnow, Dawson .12, 82, 115 130, 142

HHarvey, Elizabeth 83, 109, 123,129,195

ilHucek, C hristina 83, 99

J[Johnson, Brandi ...12, 83, 84, 138, 139, 154, 155

KKoppula, Anthony ...9, 65, 83, 106, 118, 127, 128, 131, 137,142, 146

L<ang, V ick i.................. 9, 13, 83, 111,129

ievy, A rie l 83, 113, 123, 139,195197

Page 197: PCDS Yearbook 1994

Lyons, Rebecca 6, 83, 88, 118

NNajmi, N eeka 10, 82, 103, 123, 130

Nikoloudakis, Karenann... 6 5 ,8 3 , 94, 127 ,128

Nolan, Danielle ....11, 85, 118, 136,144,

Rand, E lle n 9, 69, 83, 116, 119, 122,123, 154, 155, 195

Reilly, Terence 82, 107, 142, 146,

Ringel, Bryan 82, 104, 140, 146, 152

Rubin, Gideon................ 82, 92, 142, 146

Schneider, L ie s l............................. 82, 110

Schumacher, Brooke ... 82, 102, 117, 123,130

Schwartz, Adam ....11, 82, 90, 118, 127, 142 ,14 3 ,1 4 6 , 152

Page 198: PCDS Yearbook 1994

[Shapiro, Scott ... 82, 91, 119, 142, 143, 1146

JSpetzler, David .4, 65, 82, 96, 118, 123, ,pL25, 131, 133,140


TDTaylor, H edra...................11, 83, 101,128

V1i/an Lith, M eg ....................... 13, 108, 118

P/einer, Jacqueline ....83, 100, 123,132,

Page 199: PCDS Yearbook 1994

THE GOODBYES WE MUST SAYThe places you have

■7=3 _ rgone can prepare you in no way for the friends you must leave and the farewells you must say.

The year is now over, The time went so fast,

We look toward the future , Dut reflect on the past. Don't rest in the Valley

Decause today is your day. Your mountain is waiting,

S o . . .be on your way!


Page 200: PCDS Yearbook 1994
Page 201: PCDS Yearbook 1994