pc200 8 komatsu

PC200-8 HORSEPOWER Gross: 116 kW 155 HP @ 2000 rpm Net: 110 kW 148 HP @ 2000 rpm OPERATING WEIGHT PC200-8:19400–20010 kg 42,770 – 44,110 lb HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Photo may include optional equipment. PC 200 R

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Page 1: Pc200 8 Komatsu


HORSEPOWERGross: 116 kW 155 HP @ 2000 rpm

Net: 110 kW 148 HP @ 2000 rpm

OPERATING WEIGHTPC200-8:19400–20010 kg

42,770 – 44,110 lb


Photo may include optional equipment.



Page 2: Pc200 8 Komatsu




Ecology and Economy Features● Low fuel consumption by total control of the

engine, hydraulic and electronic system.Reduces fuel consumption by approx. 10%.(Compared with the PC200-7)

Fitur-fitur ekologi dan ekonomi● Efisien dalam penggunaan bahan bakar melalui

tehnologi kontrol secara total pada mesin, sistimhidrolik dan perangkat electronik.Mengurangi bahan bakar hingga 10%.(Perbandingan dengan PC200-7)

● Low emission engineA powerful, turbocharged and air-to-air after-cooledKomatsu SAA6D107E-1 provides 110 kW 148 HP.This engine meets EPA Tier 3 and EU stage 3Aemissions regulations, without sacrificing power ormachine productivity.• Economy mode improves fuel consumption.• Eco-gauge for energy-saving operations.

● Engine dengan rendah emisiEngine komatsu SAA6D107E-3 dengan sistim turbo-charged yang perkasa pasca-pendinginan udara keudara memberikan tenaga 110 kW 148 HP. Engine inimemenuhi ketentuan emisi EPA Tier 3 dan EU Stage3A sehingga lebih ramah lingkungan.• Mode economy menghemat konsumsi bahan

bakar• Eco-gauge untuk penghematan energi waktu


● Low operation noiseThe dynamic noise is lowered by 2 dB compared withthe PC200-7, realizing a low noise operation.

See page 4 and 5.

● Kebisingan yang rendahKebisingan dynamic berkurang lebih rendah hingga 2dB dibandingkan dengan PC200-7. Untuk melihatrendahnya kebisingan saat operasi

Lihat halaman 4 dan 5

Safety Design• Cab dedicated to hydraulic excavator for protecting

the operator it the event of machine rolls over.• Anti-slip plates for safe work on machine• Safety enhancement with large side-view, sidewise,

and rear mirrors added.• Rear view monitoring system for easy checking behind

the machine (Optional)


Large TFT LCD monitor

• Easy-to-see and use 7” large multi function-colormonitor

• Can be displayed in 12 languages for global support.

TFT : Thin Film Transistor

LCD : Liquid Crystal Display

See page 8.

Monitor TFT LCD yang besar• Monitor berwarna multi fungsi 7” yang besar

mudah dibaca dan digunakan.

• Bisa dipergunakan dalam 12 bahasa gunamendukung kepentingan penggunaan global.

TFT : Thin Film TransistorLCD : Liquid Crystal Display

Baca halaman 8

• OPG top guard level 2 capable with optional bolt-on top guard.See page 7.

Disain safety (keselamatan)• Kabin digunakan pada ekskavator hidrolik untuk melindungi operator seandainya mesin

terguling.• Pelat anti-slip untuk bekerja dengan aman diatas mesin.• Sistem pengamanan dengan area pandang yang luas dan penambahan kaca

belakang.• Sistem monitor pandangan belakang untuk memudahkan memeriksa keadaan belakang

mesin (opsional)• Pengamanan tingkat 2 OPG bagian atas terdapat option dengan baut di atas pengaman.Baca halaman 7

“Komtrax is Komatsu’s remote equipment and fleet monitoringsystem. Leading-edge wireless technology and a secure, use-friendly, web-based application provide critical information ...anytime, anywhere”.

“Komatsu pemantau jarak jauh KOMTRAX adalah peralatan dansistem pemantau armada. Tehnologi tanpa kabel terkemuka danaman, mudah digunakan, aplikasi berbasis web menyediakaninformasi resmi.... kapan saja....dimana saja

Page 3: Pc200 8 Komatsu




Gross: 116 kW 155 HP @ 2000 rpm

Net: 110 kW 148 HP @ 2000 rpm


PC200-8: 19400 – 20010 kg

42,770 – 44,110 lb


0.80 – 1.93 m3

1.05 – 1.22 yd3

Large Comfortable Cab• Low-noise cab, similar to passenger car• Low vibration with cab damper mounting• Highly pressurized cab with optional air

conditioner• Operator seat and console with armrest that

enables operations in the appropriate operationalposture.

See pages 6.

Easy Maintenance• Long replacement interval of engine oil, engine oil filter, and hydraulic filter• Remote mounted engine oil filter and fuel drain valve for easy access• Equipped with the fuel pre-filter as standard (with water separator)• Side-by-side cooling function enables only the cooling unit to be attached and detached• Equipped wih the EMMS monitoring system.See page 9.

Perawatan yang mudah• Selang-waktu penggantian minyak engine, filter minyak engine , minyak hidrolik dan filter hidrolik panjang.• Mudah mengakses filter minyak engine dan drain valve bahan bakar.• Dilengkapi dengan pre-filter bahan bakar sebagai parts standar (dengan water separator)• Konfigurasi radiator dan oil cooler yang berdampingan memungkinkan komponen2 tersebut dipasang dan

dibongkar sendiri.• Dilengkapai dengan sistem monitoring EMMS.

Baca halaman 9.

Kabin besar dan nyaman• Kabin dengan kebisingan rendah,layaknya mobil

untuk berpenumpang• Vibrasi rendah dengan cab damper mounting• Kabin dengan bertekanan tinggi dengan air

conditioner opsional• Kursi operator dan console dengan sandaran

tangan yang memungkinkan operator bekerjadengan sikap tubuh yang wajar.

Baca halaman 6

Photo may include optional equipment

Page 4: Pc200 8 Komatsu




Komatsu Technology

Teknologi Komatsu

Komatsu mengembangkan dan memproduksi semuakomponen utama , seperti engine, electronics dankomponen hidrolik, di pabrik sendiri.Dengan ”Teknologi Komatsu” ini, dan ditambah denganumpan balik dari pelanggan, komatsu mencapai kemajuan teknologi.Guna mencapai tingkatan tinggi produktivitas dan performa yang ekonomis, komatsu

telah mengembangkan komponen-komponen utama dengansistem kontrol menyeluruh.

Hasilnya adalah generasi baru ekskavator yangperformanya tinggi dan ramah lingkungan.

Komatsu develops and produces all major components,such as engines, electronics, and hydraulic components, inhouse.With this “Komatsu Technology,” and adding customerfeedback, Komatsu is achieving great advancements intechnology.To achieve both high levels of productivity and economicalperformance, Komatsu has developed the main componentswith a total control system.The result is a new generation of high performance andenviroment friendly excavators.

Penggunan bahan bakar yang rendah

Mesin terbaru hasil pengembangan komatsu , yaitu SAA6D107E-1[ecot3] memungkinkan penurunan emisi Nox dengan

menggunakan sistem injeksi bahan bakar beberapatingkat.Hal ini meningkatkan mesin daya tahan lebih denganmenggunakan sistem injection bahan bakar bertekanantinggi dikembangkan secara khusus untuk mesin industrikonstruksi.Ekskavator ini dengan signifikan dapat mengurangi lajukonsumsi bahan bakar menggunakan kombinasi yangpaling efektif antara engine dan sistim hidrolik dan jugamenyediakan fitur-fitur pilihan untuk menghemat energiseperti E mode dan Eco-gauge.

Konsumsi bahan bakar turun hingga 10%

Bila dibandingkan dengan PC200-7 pada Mode – P dandalam 100% efektifitas kerja.

Low Fuel Consumption

The newly-developed Komatsu SAA6D107E-1 [ecot3] engine enablesNOx emissions to be significantly reduced with the accurate multi-stagedfuel injection by the engine controller. It improves total engine durabilityusing the high-pressure fuel injection system developed specifically forconstruction machinery. This excavator significantly reduces hourly fuelconsumption using the highly-efficient matching techniques of the engineand hydraulic unit and also provides features that promote energy-savingoperations such as the E mode and Eco-gauge.

Fuel consumption 10% reduced

Compared with the PC200-7 at P mode and 100% working efficiency.Fuel consumption varies depending on job conditions.


Page 5: Pc200 8 Komatsu



Low Operation Noise

Enables a low noise operation using the low-noise engine and methods to cut noise at source.

Kebisingan rendah selama beroperasi

Bekerja dengan kebisingan rendah dimungkinkan oleh pengguna engine dengan kebisingan rendah.

Idling Caution

To prevent unnecessary fuel consumption, an idlingcaution is displayed on the monitor, if the engine idlesfor 5 minutes or more.

Peringatan idling

Untuk mencegah konsumsi bahan bakar yang sia-siaperingatan idling diperagakan pada monitor, jikaengine hidup pada keadaan idle selama 5 menit ataulebih.

Working Modes Selectable

Two established work modes are further improved.P mode – Power or work priority mode has low fuelconsumption, but fast equipment speed and maximumproduction and power are maintained.E mode – Economy or fuel priority mode further reducesfuel consumption, but maintains the P-mode-like workingequipment speed for light duty work.You can select Power or Economy modes using a one-touch operation on the monitor panel depending on work-loads.

Mode kerja yang bisa dipilihDua mode kerja yang sudah dibuat telah diperbaiki.

Mode P – Mode power atau prioritas kerja yangkomsumsi bahan bakarnya rendah , tetapi bisa menjagakecepatan alat yang tinggi dan produksi serta powermaksimum.Mode E – Mode ekonomi atau prioritas bahan bakarmengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar, tetapi menjagakecepatan alat seperti Mode P untuk beban kerja yangringan.Anda bisa memilih mode power atau ekonomimenggunakan fungsi sekali sentuh pada panel monitortergantung pada beban kerjanya.

Eco-gauge that Assists Energy Saving Operations

Equipped with the Eco-gauge that can be recognized ata glance on the right of the multi-function color monitorfor environment-friendly energy-saving operations.Allows focus on operation in the green range withreduced CO

2 emissions and efficient fuel consumption.

Eco-gauge yang membantu pekerjaan menghematenergi

Dilengkapi dengan Eco-gauge yang selintas bisa dikenalada disebelah kanan monitor berwarna multi-fungsiuntuk pekerjaan menghemat energi yang ramahlingkungan. Memungkinkan pemusatan perhatian padapekerjaan di kisaran hijau dengan emisi CO

2 yang

berkurang dan konsumsi bahan bakar yang efisien.

Low Emission Engine

Komatsu SAA6D107E-1 meets EPA, Tier 3 and EU Stage 3A emissions regulation andreduced NOx emission by 29% compared with the PC200-7.

Kandungan emisi yang rendah

Mesin SAA6D107E-1 komatsu telah memenuhiEPA, Tier 3 dan UE stage 3A sebesar 29%bila dibandingkan dengan PC200-7.

Page 6: Pc200 8 Komatsu




Low Cab Noise

The newly-designed cab is highly rigid and has excellentsound absorption ability. Thorough improvement ofnoise source reduction and use of low noise engine,hydraulic equipment, and air conditioner allows thismachine to generate a low level of noise similar to thatof a passenger car.

Kebisingan rendah di dalam kabin

Kabin yang didisain baru sangat kekar dan sangat baikdaya serap bunyinya. Perbaikan menyeluruh padasumber kebisingan dan pemakaian engine, peralatanhidrolik, dan AC yang rendah kebisingannyamenyebabkan tingkat kebisingan mesin ini rendahseperti mengendarai mobil.

Low Vibration with Cab Damper Mounting

PC200-8 uses viscous damper mountIng for cab thatincorporates longer stroke and the addition of a spring.The new cab damper mounting combined with highrigidity deck aids vibration reduction at operator seat.

Vibrasi rendah dengan cab damper mounting

PC200-8 menggunakan viscous damper mountinguntuk kabin, digabung dengan stroke panjang danditambah pegas. Cab damper mounting yang barudengan deck yang sangat kekar membantu mengurangivibrasi pada kursi operator.

Wide Newly-designed Cab

Newly-designed wide spacious cab includes seat withreclining backrest.The seat height and longitudinal inclination are easilyadjusted using a pull-up lever. You can set theappropriate operational posture of armrest together withthe console.Reclining the seat further enables you to place it into thefully flat state with the headrest attached.

Kabin disain baru yang lebar

Kabin disain baru yang lapang mencakup kursi operatordengan sandaran yang bisa disetel kebelakang(reclining).Tinggi kursi dan kemiringan arah membujur mudahdisetel menggunakan lever yang ditarik keatas. Andabisa mengatur posisi sandaran tangan sekaligusconsole.Sandaran kursi bisa direbahkan terus kebelakangberikut sandaran kepala, sampai rata sama sekali.

Pressurized Cab

Optional air conditioner, air filter and a higher internal airpressure (+6.0 mm Aq + 0.2 Aq) prevent external dustfrom entering the cab.

Kabin bertekanan

“Air conditioner opsional, air filter dan tekanan di dalamkabin yang lebih tinggi (+6.0mm Aq + 0.2 Aq) mencegahdebu dari luar masuk ke dalam kabin.”

Automatic Air Conditioner (optional)

Enables you to easily and precisely set cab atmospherewith the instruments on the large LCD.The bi-levelcontrol functionkeeps theoperator’s headand feet cool andwarm respectively.This improved airflow functionkeeps the insideof the cabcomfortable throughout the year. Defroster functionkeeps front glass clear.

Air conditioner Otomatis (option)

Memungkinkan anda dengan mudah dan tepatmengatur suasana kabin dengan instrumen-instrumenpada LCD yang besar. Fungsi kontrol dua tingkatmenjaga agar kepala dan kudua kaki operator tetapsejuk atau hangat. Fungsi aliran udara yang semakinbaik ini menjaga bagian sebelah dalam kabin tetapnyaman sepanjang tahun. Defroster menjaga kacadepan tetap jernih.


Page 7: Pc200 8 Komatsu



Safety FeaturesFitur-fitur Keselamatan

Cab Dedicated to Hydraulic Excavator

The cab is designed specifically for hydraulic excavators and gains reinforced strengthfrom the pipe-structured cab framework. The cab framework provides the highdurability and impact resistance with very high impact absorbency. The seat belt keepsthe operator In the safety of the cab during a rollover.

Kabin diperuntukan bagi ekskavator hidrolik

Kabin didisain khusus untuk ekskavator hidrolik dan memperoleh kekuatan yangdiperkokoh dari kerangka kabin berstruktur pipa. Kerangka kabin tahan lama dan tahanbenturan yang sangat tinggi. Sabuk pengaman menjaga operator di dalam kabin yangmenjamin keselamatan bila terguling.

Anti-slip Plates

High durable anti-slip plates maintain superior traction performance for the long term.

Pelat Anti-slip

Pelat-pelat anti-slip yang sangat tahan lama menjaga performa traksi yang ungguluntuk jangka waktu yang panjang.

Lock Lever

Locks the hydraulic pressureto pevent unintentionalmovement. Neutral startfunction only allows machineto be started in lock position.

Lock lever

Mengunci tekanan hidrolikuntuk mencegah gerakanyang tidak sengaja. Fungsistart netral memungkinkanmesin di start hanya padaposisi lever terkunci.

Large Side-view, Rear, and Sidewise MirrorsEnlarged left-side mirror and addition of rear and sidemirror allow the PC200-8 to meet the new ISO visibilityrequirements.

Kaca Spion Besar Untuk Pandangan ke Kiri/Kanan, Menyamping dan ke BelakangKaca spion kiri yang di perbesar dan tambahan kacaspion untuk pandangan ke samping dan ke belakang memungkinkan PC200-8memenuhi persyaratan ISO yang baru mengenai jarak pandang yang luas.

Thermal and Fan Guards

Thermal and fan guards are placed around high-temperature parts of the engine andfan drive.

Pelindung panas dan pelindung kipas

Perlindungan panas dan kipas dipasang disekitar parts engine dan fan drive yangsuhunya tinggi.

Page 8: Pc200 8 Komatsu




Large Multi-lingual LCD Monitor

A large user-friendly color monitor enables safe, accurateand smooth work. Improved screen visibility is achieved bythe use of TFT liquid crystal display that can easily be readat various angles and lighting conditions. Simple and easyto operate switches. Function keys facilitate multi-functionoperations.Displays data in 12 languages to globally support operatorsaround the world.

Monitor LCD Multi-Bahasa yg Besar

Dengan monitor berwarna yang besar dan mudah digunakanoleh pemakai bisa dilakukan pekerjaan yang aman, akuratdengan lancar.Penglihatan yang lebih baik pada layar diperoleh karenamenggunakan TFT liquid crystal display yang mudah terbacadari berbagai sudut dan kondisi penyinaran.Switch-switchnya sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Kunci-kunci fungsi mempermudah pekerjaan yang multi-fungsi.Peragaan data dalam 12 bahasa bertujuan membantu paraoperator diseantero dunia.


1 Auto-decelerator 5 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge

2 Working mode 6 Fuel gauge

3 Travel speed 7 Eco-gauge

4 Engine water 8 Function switches menu

temperature gauge

Basic operation switches

1 Auto-decelerator 4 Buzzer cancel

2 Working mode selector 5 Wiper

3 Traveling selector 6 Windshield washer

Mode Selection

The multi-function color monitor has Power mode, Economy mode, Lifting mode,Breaker mode and Attachment mode.

Pemilihan ModeMonitor berwarna multi-fugsi dilengkapi dengan Power mode, Economy mode,dan Mode Angkat, Breaker mode dan Attachment mode.

Working Mode Application Advantage

P Power mode ● Maximum production/powerProduksi/tenaga maks.

● Fast cycle timeWaktu siklus cepat

EEconomy mode ● Excellent fuel economy

Hemat sekali bahan bakar

LLifting mode ● Hydraulic pressure isMode angkat increased by 7%

Tekanan hidrolik meningkat 7%

BBreaker ● Optimum engine rpm,

operation hydraulic flowPekerjaan dengan Rpm engine, aliran hidrolik optimal


ATTAttachment ● Optimum engine rpm,

mode hydraulic flow, 2 wayRpm engine, aliran hidrolik optimal, 2 jalur

Lifting Mode

When the Lifting mode is selected, lifting capacity is increased 7% by raisinghydraulic pressure.

Mode Angkat

Bila mode Angkat yang dipilih, kapasitas angkat meningkat 7% denganmenambah tekanan hidrolik.

EMMS(Equipment Management Monitoring System)

Monitor Function

Controller monitors engine oil level, coolanttemperature, battery charge and air clogging,etc. If controller finds any abnormality, it isdisplayed on the LCD.

Fungsi Monitor

Controller memantau permukaan minyakengine, suhu cairan pendingin, muatanbaterei dan penyumbatan udara, dsb. Jikacontroller menemukan kondisi abnormal, halitu diperagakan pada LCD.

Maintenance Function

Monitor informs replacement time of oil andfilters on LCD when the replacement inter-val is reached.

Fungsi Pemeliharaan

Monitor memberitahu waktu penggantianminyak dan filter-filter pada peragaan LCDbila waktu penggantian itu tiba.

Trouble Data Memory Function

Monitor stores abnormalities for effective troubleshooting.

Fungsi Memori Data Masalah

Monitor menyimpan hal-hal yang abnormal agar tindakan mengatasi masalah jadiefektif.

Large LCD Color MonitorMonitor Warna LCD yang Besar

Page 9: Pc200 8 Komatsu





Side-by-side Cooling

Since radiator, aftercooler and oil cooler are arranged inparallel, it is easy to clean, remove and install them.Radiator, aftercooler, and oil cooler made of aluminiumhave high cooling efficiency and are easily recycled.

Pendingin yang berdampingan

Dengan menempatkan radiator , aftercooler danpendingin oli secara pararel, maka prosespembongkaran, pembersihan dan pemasangan menjadilebih mudah.Radiator, aftercooler dan pendingin oli terbuat darialumunium yang memiliki efisiensi pendinginan yangbaik dan mudah di bersihkan.

Equipped with the FuelPre-filter (with WaterSeparator)

Removes water andcontaminants in the fuel toprevent fuel problems. (Withbuilt-in priming pump)

Dilengkapi dengan fuelPre-filter

Menyingkirkan air (dengan water separator) danpencemaran dari bahan bakar untuk mencegahmasalah dalam bahan bakar (Di dalamnya terdapatpompa priming)

Washable Cab Floormat

The PC200-8’s cab floormat is easy to keepclean. The gently inclinedsurface has a flangedfloormat and drainageholes to facilitaterunoff.

Lantai kabin yang dapatdicuci

Lantai pada unitPC200-8mudah untuk

dijaga kebersihanyadengan dilengkapilubang drainaseuntukmengakomodasirunoff

Easy Access to Engine Oil Filterand Fuel Drain Valve

Engine oil filter and fuel drain valve are remote mountedto improve accessibility.

Akses yang mudah pada engine oil filter dan fueldrain valve

Engine oil filter dan fuel drain valve dimounting secarakhusus sehingga mudah di akses.

Equipped with the Eco-drain Valve as Standard.

Prevents clothes and the ground from becomingcontaminated due to oil leakage when replacing theengine oil.

Di lengkapai dengan eco-drain valve

Mencegah kontaminasi pada pakaian dan tanah oleh olidisaat dilakukan penggantian oli mesin.

Large-capacity Fuel Tank and Rustproof Treatment

400-liter (106 U.S. gal) high-capacity fuel tank. Effectivecorrosion resistance using rustproof treatment.

Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar yang besar dandiproses secara rustproof.

Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar sebesar400 liter (106 U.S gal). Dengan

ketahanan terhadap karat yangefektif dengan proses


Sloping Track FramePrevents dirt and sand from accumulating and allowseasy mud removed.

Track frame dengan bentuk yang miringMencegah lumpur dan tanah terkumpul dan memudahkanpembersihan kotoran.

Long-life Oil, FilterUses high-performance filteringmaterials and long-life oil.Extends the oil and filterreplacement interval

Kap mesin dengan damper gas cylinderKap mesin dapat dengan mudah dibuka dan ditutupdengan menggunakan gas pada damper cylinder

Gas AssistedEngine HoodDamper CylindersThe engine hood canbe easily opened andclosed with theassistance of the gasassisted engine hooddamper cylinders.

Oli filterOli filter denga usia pakaiyang panjang menggunakanbahan-bahanpenyaringan dengan performatinggi, dan oli dengan usiapakai yang panjang.Menambah selang waktu penggantian oli dan filter.

Hydraulic oil filter(Eco-white element)Filter Minyak Hidrolik

Engine oil & Engine oil filter every 500 hoursMinyak engine & filter minyak engine tiap 500 jam

Hydraulic oil every 5000 hoursMinyak hidrolik tiap 5000 jam

Hydraulic oil filter every 1000 hoursFilter minyak hidrolik tiap 1000 jam

Air Conditioner Filter (optional)

The air conditioner filter is removed and installed withoutthe use of tools facilitating filter maintenance

Filter air conditioner (option)

Filter pada air conditioner dapat dipasang ataudibongkar dengan mudah tanpa penggunaan alat yangbiasa dipakai pada perawatan filter.

Long Work Equipment Greasing Interval (optional)

High quality BMRC bushings and resin shims areoptionally available for work equipment pins excludingbucket, extending greasing interval to 500 hours.

Selang waktu greasing alat kerja yang panjang(option)

Bushing -bushing BMRC dan shim-shim dari mesinyang bermutu tinggi merupakan part opsional untukpin alat kerja kecuali bucket, yang memperpanjangselang waktu memebutuhkan grease menjadi 500jam.


Page 10: Pc200 8 Komatsu




Model .......................................................... Komatsu SAA6D107E-1Type ....................................... Water-cooled, 4-cycle, direct injectionAspiration ................................................ Turbocharged, aftercooledNumber of cylinders ........................................................................ 6Bore ............................................................................ 107 mm 4.21”Stroke .......................................................................... 124 mm 4.88”Piston displacement ................................................... 6.69 ltr 408 in3

Horsepower:SAE J1995 ................................................. Gross 116 kW 155 HPISO 9249 / SAE J1349 .................................. Net 110 kW 148 HPRated rpm ...................................................................... 2000 rpm

Fan drive type ................................................................. MechanicalGovernor ............................................... All-speed control, electronic

Meets EPA Tier 3 and EU Stage 3A emission regulations.

Drive Method ................................................................... HydrostaticSwing reduction ......................................................... Planetary gearSwing circle lubrication ............................................. Grease-bathedService brake .............................................................. Hydraulic lockHolding brake/Swing lock ............................... Mechanical disc brakeSwing speed ....................................................................... 12.4 rpm

Center frame .........................................................................X-frameTrack frame .....................................................................Box-sectionSeal of track .................................................................. Sealed trackTrack adjuster .................................................................... HydraulicNumber of shoes (each side):

PC200-8 ................................................................................... 45Number of carrier rollers ................................................. 2 each sideNumber of track rollers (each side):

PC200-8 ..................................................................................... 7

Fuel tank ............................................................ 400 ltr 105 U.S. galCoolant ............................................................... 20.4 ltr 5.4 U.S. galEngine ................................................................ 23.1 ltr 6.1 U.S. galFinal drive, each side ........................................... 3.3 ltr 0.9 U.S. galSwing drive .......................................................... 6.6 ltr 1.7 U.S. galHydraulic tank ................................................... 135 ltr 35.7 U.S. gal

Operating weight including 5700 mm 18’8” one-piece boom,2925 mm 9’7” arm, SAE heaped 0.80 m3 1.05 yd3 bucket, ratedcapacity of lubricants, coolant, full fuel tank, operator, and standardequipment.





Type ..HydrauMind (Hydraulic Machanical Intelligence New Design)system, closed-center system with load sensing valves and

pressure compensated valves)Number of selectable working modes ............................................. 5Main pump:

Type ......................................... Variable displacement piston typePumps for .............. Boom, arm, bucket, swing, and travel circuitsMaximum flow .................................. 439 ltr/min 116 U.S. gal/minSupply for control circuit ................................. Self-reducing valve

Hydraulic motors:Travel ............................ 2 x axial piston motor with parking brakeSwing ................. 1 x axial piston motor with swing holding brake

Relief valve setting:Implement circuits ....................... 37.3 MPa 380 kgf/cm2 5,400 psiTravel circuit ............................... 37.3 MPa 380 kgf/cm2 5,400 psiSwing circuit ............................... 28.9 MPa 295 kgf/cm2 4,190 psiPilot circut .......................................... 3.2 MPa 33 kgf/cm2 470 psi

Hydraulic cylinders:(Number of cylinders - bore x stroke x rod diameter)

Boom ........... 2–120 mm x 1334 mm x 85 mm 4.7” x 52.5” x 3.3”Arm .............. 1–135 mm x 1490 mm x 95 mm 5.3” x 58.7” x 3.7”Bucket ................................. for 2.41 m 7’11” and 2.93 m 9’7” Arm

1–115 mm x 1120 mm x 80 mm 4.5” x 44.1” x 3.2”....................................................................... for 1.84 m 6.0” Arm

1–125 mm x 1110 mm x 85 mm 4.9” x 43.7” x 3.3”


Steering control ............................................. Two levers with pedalsDrive method ................................................................... HydrostaticMaximum drawbar pull .......................... 178 kN 18200 kgf 40,120 lbGradeability ......................................................................... 70%, 35o

Maximum travel speed: High ................................ 5.5 km/h 3.4 mph(Auto-Shift) Mid .................................. 4.1 km/h 2.5 mph

Low ................................. 3.0 km/h 1.9 mphService brake .............................................................. Hydraulic lockParking brake ................................................. Mechanical disc brake





800 mm31.5”

20010 kg44,110 lb

34.3 kPa0.35 kgf/cm2

4.98 psi


Page 11: Pc200 8 Komatsu




0.80 m3 1.05 yd3 0.70 m3 0.92 yd3 1045 mm 41.1” 1170 mm 46.1” 635 kg 1,400 lb 5

0.93 m3 1.22 yd3 0.80 m3 1.05 yd3 1200 mm 47.2” 1325 mm 52.2” 696 kg 1,530 lb 5




A Overall length

B Length on ground (transport) : PC200-8

C Overall height (to top of boom)

Arm Length 2925 mm 9’7”

9425 mm 30’11”

4815 mm 15’10”

2970 mm 9’9”

D Overall Width 3000 mm 9’8”

E Overall height (to top of cab)* 3040 mm 10’0”

F Ground clearance, counterweight 1085 mm 3’7”

G Ground clearance (minimum) 440 mm 1’5”

H Tail swing radius 2750 mm 9’0”

I Track length on ground 3275 mm 10’9”

J Track length 4070 mm 13’4”

K Track gauge 2200 mm 7’3”

L Width of crawler 3000 mm 9’8”

M Shoe width 800 mm 2’6”

N Grouser height 26 mm 1.0”

O Machine cab height 2095 mm 6’10”

P Machine cab width** 2710 mm 8’11”

Q Distance, swing center to rear end 2710 mm 8’11”

Bucket Capacity(heaped) Width Weight

: General purpose use, density up to 1.8 ton/m3 1.52 U.S. ton/yd3 : Light duty work, density up to 1.2 ton/m3 1.01 U.S. ton/yd3

Numberof Teeth

SAE, PCSA CECE Without Side Cutters With Side Cutters With Side Cutters 2.93 m 9’7”

Arm Length

Arm 2925 mm 9’7”

A Max. digging height 10000 mm 32’10”

B Max. dumping height 7110 mm 23’4”

C Max. digging depth 6620 mm 21’9”

D Max. vertikal wall5980 mm 19’7”

E Max. digging depth 6370 mm 20’11”

F Max. digging reach 9875 mm 32’5”

G Max. digging reach9700 mm 31’10”

H Min. swing radius 3040 mm 10’0”

Bucket digging force 138 kNat power max. 14100 kgf/31,080 lb

Arm crowd force 101 kNat power max. 10300 kgf/22,710 lb

Bucket digging force 149 kNat power max. 15200 kgf/33,510 lb

Arm crowd force 108 kNat power max. 11000 kgf/24,250 lb

digging depth

of cut for 8’ level

at ground level




E ra


Page 12: Pc200 8 Komatsu



● Alternator, 35 Ampere, 24V● Anti-slip plates● Auto Decel● Automatic de-airation system for fuel line● Automatic engine warm-up system● Batteries, 110 Ah/2 x 12 V● Boom holding valve● Cab, OPG top guard level 2 capable with

optional bolt-on top guard● Counterweight● Dry type air cleaner, double element● Electric horn

● EMMS monitoring system● Engine, Komatsu SAA6D107E-1● Engine overheat prevention system● Fan guard structure● Hydraulic track adjusters (each side)● Komtrax● Multi-function color monitor● Power maximizing system● PPC hydraulic control system● Radiator and oil cooler dust proof net● Rear reflector● Rearview mirrors (RH, LH)● Starting motor, 4.5 kW/24 Vx1

● Suction fan● Track guiding guard, center section● Track roller

—PC200-8, 7 each side● Track shoe,

—PC200-8, 800 mm 31.5” triple grouser● Travel alarm● Working light, 2 (boom and RH)● Working mode selection system● Rigid seat● Working lights

—2 on cab—1 on counterweight

● Air conditioner● Alternator, 60 Ampere, 24 V● Working Light, Rear● Full Length Track Roller Guards● Seat, suspension

Materials and specifications are subjected to change without noticeis a trademark of Komatsu Ltd. Japan


(December 2009)