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  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references,

    is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example

    companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos,

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    applicable cop"right laws is the responsibilit" of the user. Without limiting the rightsunder cop"right, no part of this document ma" be reproduced, stored in or

    introduced into a retrieal s"stem, or transmitted in an" form or b" an" means

    $electronic, mechanical, photocop"ing, recording, or otherwise%, or for an" purpose,

    without the express written permission of &icrosoft #orporation. &icrosoft ma"

    hae patents, patent applications, trademar's, cop"rights, or other intellectual

    propert" rights coering subject matter in this document. (xcept as expressl"

    proided in an" written license agreement from &icrosoft, the furnishing of this

    document does not gie "ou an" license to these patents, trademar's, cop"rights,

    or other intellectual propert". ) *++ &icrosoft #orporation. ll rights resered.

    &icrosoft, Windows, (ncarta, (ntourage, otmail, &/0, 1ne0ote, 1utloo',2ower2oint, and Wingdings are either registered trademar's or trademar's of

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    respectie owners.

    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac


    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac.............................................................................7

    Who should read this guide8..............................................................................7

    bout 5irtual 2# for &ac.....................................................................................7

    ow 5irtual 2# for &ac wor's............................................................................9

    :ene!ts of 5irtual 2# for &ac............................................................................;


  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    Install Windows-based programs.....................................................................>+

    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac....................................................................................>>

    bout automated installations.........................................................................>>

    /tep >@ :efore ?ou Install 5irtual 2# for &ac..................................................>>

    /"stem reAuirements.................................................................................>>

    /upported operating s"stems...................................................................>>

    2roduct 'e"s...............................................................................................>*

    /tep *@ Install 5irtual 2# for &ac.....................................................................>*

    /tep 6@ #reate an empt" irtual machine........................................................>6

    /tep B@ Install an operating s"stem.................................................................>B

    /tep 7@ Install 5irtual &achine dditions.........................................................>

    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac

    #on!guring a irtual machine..................................................................................>9

    /et up networ'ing.............................................................................................>9

    /et up /hared 0etwor'ing.........................................................................>;

    /et up 5irtual /witch networ'ing..............................................................>=

    /et up printers...................................................................................................*+

    /et up shared folders........................................................................................**

    Cragging and dropping !les......................................................................**

    /hared networ' folders.............................................................................**

    #on!gure 5irtual 2# for &ac preferences.......................................................*6

    pplication preferences.............................................................................*6

    5irtual machine settings............................................................................*7

    #op" a irtual machine oer the networ'........................................................*

    :efore "ou cop" a irtual machine to another &acintosh computer......*

    4o cop" a irtual machine to another &acintosh computer....................*9

    Install additional programs...............................................................................*;

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    dd a Windows program icon to the Coc'.......................................................*=

    2ause or resume a irtual machine.................................................................*=

    /hut down a irtual machine............................................................................6+

    /afel" reert b" enabling Undo dries..............................................................6>

    &aintaining irtual machines..................................................................................66

    bout optimizing performance.........................................................................66

    2rocessor speed........................................................................................66

    &ultiple irtual machines..........................................................................66

    mount of R& on "our &acintosh computer.........................................66

    2rocessor cache.........................................................................................6B

    bout securit"....................................................................................................6B

    #hec' for Windows updates on the Internet...................................................6B

    :ac' up data.....................................................................................................67

    Celete a irtual machine...................................................................................6

    Remoe 5irtual 2# for &ac...............................................................................6

    4echnical support options.......................................................................................69

    Index .........................................................................................................................6


    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac


    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac

    Who should read this guide8 4his document proides deplo"ment information for I4professionals wor'ing in corporate enironments who hae purchased the olume

    licensing ersion of &icrosoft 5irtual 2# for &ac 5ersion 9. 4o install and con!gure a

    olume licensing ersion of 5irtual 2# for &ac, "ou should be familiar with Windows

    and the settings that are reAuired to connect a Windows-based computer on "our

    networ'. If "ou are installing an" ersion of 5irtual 2# for &ac that is not a olume

    licensing ersion, refer to the documentation included with "our software.

    bout 5irtual 2# for &ac 5irtual 2# for &ac is designed for &acintosh users who

    sometimes need access to Windows-onl" programs. 5irtual 2# for &ac is a cost-

    eDectie alternatie to purchasing a second computer for someone who reAuiresaccess to both operating s"stems. ?ou can use &icrosoft 5irtual 2# for &ac to

    create one or more irtual machines, each running its own operating s"stem, on a

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    single &acintosh computer. 4he irtual machine emulates a standard x;-based

    computer, including all of the basic hardware components. :" using emulated

    hardware, each irtual machine wor's li'e a separate ph"sical computer. 4his irtual

    machine is much li'e a real computer. ?ou install an operating s"stem on it, such as

    Windows E2, as well as programs, such as &icrosoft ccess or &icrosoft 5isio. 4he

    irtual machine appears in its own window on the &ac, and users can switch easil"

    between programs on a irtual machine and programs on the &ac. 5irtual 2# for&ac is as eas" to use as an" &acintosh program. For example, the user can do the

    following G /witch from &ac 1/ to Windows and bac' with a mouse clic'. G Crag

    !les and folders from the &acintosh des'top to the Windows des'top and bac'

    again. G /tart Windows-based programs b" using the Windows /tart menu in a

    irtual machine window or b" adding Windows program icons to the Coc'. G 2rint

    from the irtual machine b" using the same printer driers as the &ac 1/ uses H no

    additional con!guration reAuired $users of &ac 1/ >+.6 or later onl"%.

    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac

    4o use 5irtual 2# for &ac and "our irtual machine, "ou must interact with three

    separate user interfaces@ G Windows G 5irtual 2# for &ac G &ac 1/ E

    n Windows o 5irtual 2# for &ac program p &ac 1/ E

    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac


    ow 5irtual 2# for &ac wor's (ach irtual machine running on 5irtual 2# for &ac

    acts as a standalone computer. It has its own emulated sound, ideo, and networ'

    cards as well as its own emulated processor. nd each irtual machine runs its own

    operating s"stem. &icrosoft full" supports the following operating s"stems running

    in a irtual machine on 5irtual 2# for &ac@ &icrosoft Windows *+++ 2rofessional,

    Windows E2 2rofessional, and Windows E2 ome (dition.

    5irtual 2# for &ac uses the built-in (thernet port on the &acintosh computer toconnect to the Internet or networ' serers. :" default, irtual machines connect to

    the Internet and networ's b" using /hared 0etwor'ing. /hared 0etwor'ing uses

    0etwor' ddress 4ranslation $04% to share the 4#23I2 connection for "our

    &acintosh computer. irtual machine can also connect to the Internet and

    networ's b" using 5irtual /witch networ'ing. 5irtual /witch networ'ing reAuires a

    separate I2 address for the irtual machine to establish its own 4#23I2 connection.

    2rograms that users install on their irtual machines wor' the same wa" that the"

    do on a Windows-based computer, including business, education, Internet, and

    other programs. nd most deices that users connect to their ph"sical computers,

    such as printers, modems, #C-R1& dries, and so on, also wor' with their irtual

    machines. 0ote irtual machine running Windows is exposed to the same

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    securit" ris's faced b" Windows-based computers. 4o lower the ris', users should

    alwa"s install the latest Windows securit" patches and serice releases.

    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac


    :ene!ts of 5irtual 2# for &ac 5irtual 2# for &ac is a time-saing and cost-saing

    solution in an" scenario in which users must run both &acintosh and Windows

    operating s"stems. In the corporate enironment, it proides "our &ac users access

    to necessar" Windows programs. Rather than purchasing multiple computers, one

    for each operating s"stem, &ac users can use Windows-based software, !les, and

    networ's right from their &acs. 4his saes their organizations not onl" hardware

    costs but also oerhead costs, such as power and additional oce resources. 5irtual

    2# for &ac helps extend "our current inestment in hardware and software. If "ou

    hae deeloped custom line of business $L1:% programs exclusiel" for theWindows platform, such as expense reporting tools, !nance tools, and customer

    databases, 5irtual 2# for &ac saes "ou the need of purchasing additional Windows-

    based machines for "our &ac users or porting the Windows software. /cenarios in

    which people t"picall" use multiple operating s"stems include technical support,

    Aualit" assurance, Web site design, training, and collaboration. In the case of

    technical support, 5irtual 2# for &ac helps support technicians proide Auic'er

    responses and reduce call times. Rather than maintaining multiple computers or

    restarting computers for diDerent support calls, the" can simpl" start a pre-built

    irtual machine that matches the callerJs con!guration H almost instantl". With

    5irtual 2# for &ac, test engineers are able to test programs against a wider ariet"of operating s"stems in shorter amounts of time. In addition, 5irtual 2# for &ac

    proides Auic'er recon!guration times for computers in training rooms and enables

    more dierse classes based on more computer con!gurations. In an academic

    setting, researchers can use 5irtual 2# for &ac to collaborate with colleagues who

    use Windows-based software for their design, data collection, and anal"sis. 0ote

    5irtual 2# for &ac might not be an optimal platform in some cases. For example,

    certain t"pes of specialized graphics-intensie software, such as three-dimensional

    $6-C% automation tools and games, might not run on 5irtual 2# for &ac or might not

    perform as expected. lso, we recommend a dedicated Windows-based computer in

    cases where a user is reAuired to run Windows programs a majorit" of the time.

    Introduction to 5irtual 2# for &ac



  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    as "our &acintosh computer uses if "ou are running &ac 1/ E ersion >+.6.x

    $2anther% or later. G Fast sae /hut down and sae the state of "our irtual

    machine in one eas" step. When "ou use the Fast /ae feature, all Windows-based

    programs that are running on "our irtual machine when "ou shut down will be

    running when "ou restart "our irtual machine. G (xpanded preferences and

    settings #ustomize "our irtual machine b" using new application preferences and

    irtual machine settings.

    bout irtual machine components (ach irtual machine that "ou create has the

    following components@ G 5irtual machine window 4he irtual machine appears in

    this window on the &acintosh des'top. 4he name of the irtual machine appears in

    the title bar and the 5irtual 2# for &ac toolbar appears at the bottom. G

    con!guration document (ach irtual machine that "ou create is represented in

    &ac 1/ E b" a con!guration document. con!guration document contains all of the

    con!guration information for a irtual machine, including the irtual machine

    settings and the irtual hard dis' image. It has the same name as the irtual

    machine. G 5irtual hard dis' image irtual hard dis' image functions li'e aph"sical hard dis'. 4he irtual hard dis' image d"namicall" expands as "ou install

    programs or store data in it. G n operating s"stem installed in the irtual hard dis'

    image n operating s"stem must be installed in the irtual hard dis' image. If the

    operating s"stem that "ou want to install is not included with 5irtual 2# for &ac, "ou

    must purchase and install an operating s"stem. 4he supported operating s"stems

    are Windows E2 2rofessional, Windows E2 ome, and Windows *+++. Refer to the

    Read &e for speci!c details about the supported operating s"stems. 4he Read &e is

    included on the 5irtual 2# for &ac installation #C, and in 5irtual 2# for &ac on the

    elp menu. G (mulated hardware 4he irtual machine emulates a standard x;-

    based computer, including all of the basic hardware components.

    /etup and con!guration chec'list


    /etup and con!guration chec'list 4he following summarizes the process of installing

    and con!guring 5irtual 2# for &ac 5ersion 9.

    /tep > :efore ?ou Install 5irtual 2# for &ac Reiew the reAuirements for 5irtual 2#

    for &ac.

    /tep * Install 5irtual 2# for &ac Follow the on-screen instructions of the 5irtual 2#

    for &ac ssistant.

    /tep 6 #reate an empt" irtual machine Follow the on-screen instructions of the

    #reate 0ew 2# ssistant. 4his creates an empt" irtual machine on which "ou will

    install a Windows operating s"stem.

    /tep B Install an operating s"stem Install a Windows operating s"stem on the empt"

    irtual machine. ?ou can install Windows E2 2rofessional, Windows E2 ome (dition,

    or Windows *+++.

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    /tep 7 Install 5irtual &achine dditions Install 5irtual &achine dditions on a

    Windows operating s"stem to proide s"stem integration features $such as mouse

    integration and shared folders%.

    1ptional #on!gure a irtual machine #on!gure and set up preferences for 5irtual 2#

    for &ac and Windows to ensure that the" wor' properl". /ee page >9 for information

    on setting up networ'ing. /ee page *+ for information on setting up printers. /eepage ** for information on setting up shared folders.

    1ptional Install Windows-based programs Installing a Windows-based program is

    eas"@ /tart a irtual machine, insert the installation #C, and follow the on-screen

    instructions. /ee page *;.

    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac


    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac 4his section proides instructions on installing the

    olume licensing ersion of 5irtual 2# for &ac. 0ote If "ou are installing an"

    ersion of 5irtual 2# for &ac that is not a olume licensing ersion, refer to the

    documentation included with "our software.

    bout automated installations 5irtual 2# for &ac does not support or include tools

    for automated installations across a networ' H "ou must install 5irtual 2# for &ac

    manuall" on each computer. fter "ou create a irtual machine and install a olume

    licensing ersion of Windows on it, "ou can cop" the irtual machine oer the

    networ' to other &acintosh computers. /ee page (rror :oo'mar' not de!ned. formore information.

    /tep >@ :efore ?ou Install 5irtual 2# for &ac Read the following information prior to

    installing 5irtual 2# for &ac.

    /"stem reAuirements 4o install and run 5irtual 2# for &ac, "ou must hae the

    following@ G natie K6, KB, or K7 &acintosh computer H &icrosoft does not

    support processor upgrade and3or accelerator cards for use with 5irtual 2# for &ac G

    &ac 1/ >+.*.; or &ac 1/ >+.6.x 0ote 4o run 5irtual 2# for &ac on a K7 &acintosh,

    "ou must be running &ac 1/ >+.6.x. G t least 7>* &: of R& and 6 K: of free

    hard-dis' space G 9++ &z processor, minimum For optimal performance in5irtual 2# for &ac, &icrosoft recommends using ideo cards that support Muartz

    (xtreme, such as n5idia KeForce or 4I Radeon.

    /upported operating s"stems ?ou can install the following operating s"stems on a

    irtual machine in 5irtual 2# for &ac@ G Windows E2 2rofessional G Windows E2

    ome (dition G Windows *+++ 0ote 4hese operating s"stems are not included with

    the olume licensing ersion of 5irtual 2# for &ac.

    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac


  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    2roduct 'e"s 4he product 'e" for the olume licensing ersion of &icrosoft 5irtual

    2# for &ac is preset, and "ou are not reAuired to enter this 'e" during installation. If

    "ou are installing an" ersion of &icrosoft 5irtual 2# for &ac which is not a olume

    licensing ersion, refer to the documentation included with "our software for the

    location of the product 'e". 4o install "our Windows operating s"stem on a irtual

    machine, "ou need the product 'e" for "our operating s"stem. 4he Windows

    product 'e" is diDerent than the 'e" used b" 5irtual 2# for &ac.

    /tep *@ Install 5irtual 2# for &ac

    4o install 5irtual 2# for &ac >. Insert the 5irtual 2# for &ac installation #C into the

    #C drie on "our &acintosh computer. 4he following installation screen appears.

    If the installation screen does not automaticall" appear, double-clic' the 5irtual 2#

    for &ac 5ersion 9 #C icon that appears on the &acintosh des'top.

    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac


    4he installation screen has three options@ G Install 5irtual 2# 4his opens the 5irtual

    2# for &ac installer. G Read &e 4his document contains important information

    regarding 5irtual 2# for &ac. G &anuals N 4ools 4his folder contains an electronic

    cop" of the Ketting /tarted guide and a tool for remoing 5irtual 2# for &ac. *.

    Couble-clic' Install 5irtual 2#. 4he Welcome to the 5irtual 2# Installer screen

    appears. 6. Follow the on-screen instructions. When "ou restart "our &acintosh

    computer $when prompted%, be sure "ou log on as an administrator. fter "ou log onas an administrator, the 5irtual 2# for &ac /etup ssistant starts. If the 5irtual 2#

    for &ac /etup ssistant does not start immediatel" after "ou log on as an

    administrator, double-clic' the pplications folder, and then double-clic' 5irtual 2#.

    B. Follow the on-screen instructions for the 5irtual 2# for &ac /etup ssistant. 4his

    ssistant helps "ou complete the 5irtual 2# for &ac installation.

    /tep 6@ #reate an empt" irtual machine fter "ou install 5irtual 2# for &ac, use the

    following procedure to create an empt" irtual machine.

    4o create an empt" irtual machine >. If the #reate 0ew 2# ssistant does not start

    immediatel" after completing the 5irtual 2# for &ac installation, in 5irtual 2# for&ac, on the File menu, clic' 0ew. 4he #reate 0ew 2# ssistant opens. *. #lic' Install

    "our own operating s"stem, and then clic' :egin.

    4his allows "ou to create an empt" irtual machine where "ou can install "our

    operating s"stem. 6. #lic' #ontinue. B. In the 1perating /"stem list, clic' the

    operating s"stem that "ou want to install on "our irtual machine. If the operating

    s"stem that "ou want to install is not listed, clic' Unspeci!ed.

    4he ssistant displa"s possible formats for the irtual hard dis' image based on the

    operating s"stem "ou selected. 0ote 1nl" Windows E2 2rofessional, Windows E2

    ome (dition, and Windows *+++ are supported in 5irtual 2# for &ac. ?ou can install

    and run other Windows and non-Windows operating s"stems, but these operating

    s"stems are not supported in 5irtual 2# for &ac and ma" not perform as expected.

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac


    7. /elect the format "ou want to use for the irtual hard dis' image, and then clic'

    #ontinue. 4he default format is the format recommended for "our operating

    s"stem. /ome !le formats are not compatible with certain operating s"stems.

    Incompatible formats for the selected operating s"stem appear dimmed and cannot

    be selected. . In the 0ame box, t"pe the name for "our irtual machine. ?ou can

    either accept the name that is proided or create "our own name. For best results,

    use the name of the operating s"stem that "ou are installing $for example, Windows

    E2 2rofessional%. 9. 4o install the con!guration document $which contains the

    con!guration information and operating s"stem !les for "our irtual machine%, do

    one of the following@ G 4o accept the default installation location, clic' #reate.

    :" default, the ssistant installs con!guration information and operating s"stem!les for "our irtual machine in the User3Cocuments35irtual 2# List folder on "our

    &acintosh hard dis'. G 4o select a diDerent installation location, clic' #hange

    Location, select a location, and then clic' #reate. ;. #lose the #reate 0ew 2#

    window. ?ou are now read" to install "our operating s"stem on the new irtual


    /tep B@ Install an operating s"stem 0ote 4hese steps describe installing Windows

    E2. If "ou are installing a diDerent operating s"stem, some steps ma" be diDerent

    than described below. Cepending on the speed of the host &acintosh, the time it

    ta'es to install the operating s"stem ranges from approximatel" 6+ minutes to oer

    * hours.

    4o install an operating s"stem on an empt" irtual machine >. In the 5irtual 2# List,

    double-clic' the empt" irtual machine that "ou want to install an operating s"stem

    on. blac' screen with the following message appears@ O1/ not found. Install an

    1/ on this hard drie.P *. With 5irtual 2# for &ac in the foreground, insert the #C

    that contains the operating s"stem into the #C drie of "our &acintosh computer.

    4he #C is now captured for use b" 5irtual 2# for &ac. When a #C is captured for use

    b" 5irtual 2# for &ac, the #C image in the 5irtual 2# for &ac toolbar is no longer

    shaded. If the #C is not automaticall" captured, in 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the Cries

    menu, clic' #apture Cisc.

    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac


    If "ou hae an operating s"stem that reAuires installing from a Qopp" dis', "ou need

    either a Qopp" dis' drie on "our &acintosh computer or a Qopp" dis' image that

    contains the installation information. If "our &acintosh computer does not hae a

    Qopp" dis' drie, "ou can cop" the contents of the ph"sical Qopp" dis' from another

    &acintosh computer to a networ' location that "ou can access. For more

    information about using Qopp" dis' images, see O#reate a Qopp" dis' imageP in the

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    5irtual 2# for &ac elp. 6. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the 2# menu, clic' Reset. B. 4o

    con!rm that "ou want to restart the irtual machine, clic' Reset again. 7. When the

    message O2ress an" 'e" to boot from #CP appears, immediatel" press an" 'e" on

    "our 'e"board. 0ote ?ou must press a 'e" Auic'l", without pausing. 1therwise,

    the blac' screen with the message O1/ not found. Install an 1/ on this hard drie.P

    appears again, and "ou will need to repeat steps 6 and B. Windows !les are

    installed. . Follow the on-screen instructions for Windows E2 /etup. 4he followinglist shows some of the choices to ma'e during setup@ G Cefault !le s"stem 4he !le

    s"stem that is selected b" default is the partition option that "ou selected in the

    #reate 0ew 2# ssistant. Use the default !le s"stem unless "ou are sure that "ou

    need to select a diDerent !le s"stem. G 04F/ Co not conert "our !le s"stem to

    the 04F/ !le s"stem unless "ou are certain that "ou want to use the 04F/ !le

    s"stem. ?ou cannot conert bac' to a F4 !le s"stem after "ou hae used an 04F/

    !le s"stem. In addition, the 5irtual Cis' ssistant in 5irtual 2# for &ac cannot

    modif" or examine 04F/ !le s"stems. G 4"pical s. custom networ' settings 4o

    aoid compromising the performance of 5irtual 2# for &ac, select 4"pical. 4hese

    networ' settings hae been precon!gured to perform the majorit" of tas's inWindows. If "ou select #ustom, alwa"s use C#2 unless "ou are using a domain or

    "our networ' reAuires a setting other than C#2. G Comain or wor'group If "ou are

    unsure if the irtual machine is a member of a domain, use the default Wor'group

    setting. ?ou can join the irtual machine to a domain later, after installing Windows.

    If "ou join a domain, use the full" Auali!ed name of the domain,

    headAuarters.corp.adatum.com, for example. 1nce "ou hae !nished installing an

    operating s"stem, "ou are read" to install 5irtual &achine dditions.

    Installing 5irtual 2# for &ac


    /tep 7@ Install 5irtual &achine dditions ?ou can install 5irtual &achine dditions on

    Windows *+++ and Windows E2 operating s"stems to proide s"stem integration

    features, including@ G &ouse integration &oe the mouse freel" between

    &acintosh and Windows operating s"stems. G /hared folders /hare information

    between "our &acintosh computer and "our irtual machine, or among multiple

    irtual machines. G 2erformance enhancements Improe the performance of

    Windows when "ou add these optimized ideo driers. G Crag-and-drop operations

    #op" !les easil" b" dragging the !les between the Windows and &acintosh

    operating s"stems. G 4ime s"nchronization /"nchronize the cloc' in the Windows

    operating s"stem with the cloc' in the &acintosh operating s"stem. G Coc' support

    /tart a irtual machine from the &acintosh Coc'. G (as" printing Use the same

    printer as "our &acintosh computer uses if "ou are running &ac 1/ E ersion >+.6.x

    $2anther% or later. 0o special con!guration is reAuired.

    4o install 5irtual &achine dditions >. /tart a irtual machine. *. &a'e sure "ou are

    logged on to &icrosoft Windows as an administrator. 6. When the Windows des'top

    appears, hold down the #1&&0C $a% 'e", and then moe the mouse pointer

    outside the irtual machine window and onto the &acintosh des'top. B. In 5irtual 2#for &ac, on the 2# menu, clic' Install or Update dditions. 7. Follow the on-screen

    instructions. . #lic' Finish. 9. 4o restart "our computer now so that con!guration

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    changes ta'e eDect immediatel", clic' ?es. ?ou are now read" to con!gure "our

    irtual machine.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    #on!guring a irtual machine fter "ou hae a irtual machine with a ersion of

    Windows installed on it, "ou need to con!gure both the 5irtual 2# for &ac program

    and Windows to ensure that the" wor' properl". /peci!call", "ou need to con!gure

    and set up@ G 0etwor'ing G 2rinting G /hared folders G 5irtual 2# for &ac

    preferences G dditional programs 0ote 4he information in this section applies onl"

    if "ou installed a Windows operating s"stem.

    /et up networ'ing In 5irtual 2# for &ac, a irtual machine can connect to the

    Internet and networ' serers in one of the following two wa"s. G /hared 0etwor'ing

    :" using /hared 0etwor'ing, the irtual machine can share the Internet connection

    established for the &acintosh computer, whether the &acintosh computer is

    connected through a modem or a L0. /hared 0etwor'ing wor's well for standard

    networ'ing tas's, such as browsing the Web and reading e-mail. It can also be used

    to access shared resources, such as F42 sites, printers, or !les. irtual machine

    that uses /hared 0etwor'ing cannot act as an Internet serer. /hared networ'ing

    uses 4#23I2. 1ther networ' protocols, such as 0oell I2E3/2E and 0et:(UI, are not

    supported. If "ou must use one of these other protocols, use 5irtual /witch

    networ'ing instead of /hared 0etwor'ing. 0ote If "ou are using an irport

    connection to access "our networ', use shared networ'ing to ensure reliable

    networ' connectiit". G 5irtual /witch :" using 5irtual /witch networ'ing, a irtual

    machine that is running &icrosoft Windows can hae a uniAue networ' connection

    that is separate from that of the &acintosh computer. irtual machine that uses

    5irtual /witch networ'ing can run serer programs and act as an Internet serer.

    5irtual /witch networ'ing is needed to run some networ'ing software, such as chat

    programs. Use 5irtual /witch networ'ing onl" if "ou are 'nowledgeable about

    networ' con!guration. If "ou use 5irtual /witch networ'ing, "ou can either obtain a

    4#23I2 address from a C#2 serer or use a 4#23I2 address that diDers from the

    4#23I2 address used b" the &acintosh computer. 4o iew the 4#23I2 address used b"

    the &acintosh computer, on the pple menu, clic' /"stem 2references, and then

    clic' 0etwor'.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    /et up /hared 0etwor'ing 4o set up /hared 0etwor'ing, "ou must specif"

    networ'ing settings in 5irtual 2# for &ac and con!gure &icrosoft Windows to

    automaticall" obtain a 4#23I2 address from a C#2 serer. 4"picall", these are the

    default settings for both 5irtual 2# for &ac and Windows. :" default, /hared0etwor'ing is selected as the networ' setting. Use the following two procedures to

    change the networ' setting to /hared 0etwor'ing if the networ' setting is currentl"

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    set is to 5irtual /witch. ?ou can use the !rst procedure to determine the current

    networ' setting. 0ote With /hared 0etwor'ing, 5irtual 2# for &ac acts as the C#2

    serer. 0o other C#2 serer is necessar". 4o set up /hared 0etwor'ing in 5irtual 2#

    for &ac >. /tart 5irtual 2# for &ac, and then start the irtual machine that "ou want

    to con!gure. *. 1n the 2# menu, clic' 2# /ettings. 6. #lic' 0etwor'ing. B. /elect

    (nable networ'ing, and then clic' /hared 0etwor'ing. 7. #lic' 1. fter "ou set up

    /hared 0etwor'ing in 5irtual 2# for &ac, "ou can con!gure Windows to wor' with/hared 0etwor'ing b" using the following procedure. 4o con!gure Windows to wor'

    with /hared 0etwor'ing >. In Windows, clic' /tart, and then clic' #ontrol 2anel. *.

    Couble-clic' 0etwor' #onnections. If "ou do not see 0etwor' #onnections, in the

    list on the left of the #ontrol 2anel, clic' /witch to #lassic 5iew. 6. Couble-clic' "our

    networ' connection. B. 1n the Keneral tab, clic' 2roperties. 7. #lic' Internet

    2rotocol $4#23I2%, and then clic' 2roperties. . #lic' 1btain an I2 address

    automaticall". 9. #lic' 1.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    /et up 5irtual /witch networ'ing 4o set up 5irtual /witch networ'ing, "ou must

    specif" networ'ing settings in 5irtual 2# for &ac and con!gure &icrosoft Windows

    either to automaticall" obtain a 4#23I2 address from a C#2 serer or to use a static

    4#23I2 address. 4o enable 5irtual /witch networ'ing, "ou must@ G #on!gure 5irtual

    2# for &ac G #on!gure "our operating s"stem 4o con!gure 5irtual /witch

    networ'ing for a irtual machine >. /tart 5irtual 2# for &ac, and then start the

    irtual machine that "ou want to con!gure. *. 1n the 2# menu, clic' 2# /ettings. 6.#lic' 0etwor'ing. B. /elect the (nable networ'ing chec' box, and then clic' 5irtual

    /witch. 7. #lic' Restart. fter "ou con!gure 5irtual /witch networ'ing for a irtual

    machine, "ou can con!gure Windows to wor' with 5irtual /witch networ'ing b"

    using the following procedure. 4o con!gure Windows to wor' with 5irtual /witch

    networ'ing 0ote ?ou can con!gure networ'ing in Windows on "our irtual machine

    the same wa" "ou would con!gure networ'ing for an" other Windows computer. >.

    In Windows, clic' /tart, and then clic' #ontrol 2anel. *. Couble-clic' 0etwor'

    #onnections. If "ou do not see 0etwor' #onnections, in the list on the left of the

    #ontrol 2anel, clic' /witch to #lassic 5iew. 6. Couble-clic' "our networ' connection.

    B. 1n the Keneral tab, clic' 2roperties. 7. #lic' Internet 2rotocol $4#23I2%, and then

    clic' 2roperties.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    . Co one of the following@ G 4o obtain a 4#23I2 address automaticall", clic' 1btain

    an I2 address automaticall". G 4o use a static 4#23I2 address, clic' Use the following

    I2 address, and then !ll in the information. 0ote In addition to reAuiring an I2

    address, networ' and dial-up connections on a 4#23I2 networ' might reAuire amechanism to map computer names to I2 addresses. Four name resolution options

    are aailable@ C0/ $Comain 0ame /"stem%, WI0/ $Windows Internet 0ame /erice%,

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    broadcast name resolution, and the osts and Lmhosts !les. 9. #lic' 1. Important

    If "our networ' uses a prox" serer, "ou need to con!gure "our Internet settings to

    use the prox" serer before "ou can access "our networ'. 4o con!gure "our Internet

    settings to use the prox" serer, in Internet (xplorer, on the 4ools menu, clic'

    Internet 1ptions, and then on the #onnections tab, clic' L0 /ettings.

    /et up printers In 5irtual 2# for &ac, there are seeral wa"s to establish a printerconnection for "our irtual machine. 4he method "ou choose depends on the

    operating s"stem that is installed on "our &acintosh computer and whether the

    printer "ou want to use is a printer directl" connected to "our &acintosh computer

    or a printer on a networ'. Use the following table to determine the printer

    connection that is best for "ou. I am running &ac 1/ E &" printer is Recommended

    printer connection for "our irtual machine #onnected directl" to m" &acintosh

    computer 5ersion >+.6.Use the 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter. x or later 1n a

    networ' Use the 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter. #onnected directl" to m"

    &acintosh computer #onnect to the U/: printer independentl" of the &acintosh

    computer. 5ersion >+.*.;

    1n a networ' #on!gure "our printers from within Windows the same wa" "ou would

    con!gure a printer for an" other Windows computer.

    Important In 5irtual 2# for &ac, the irtual machine does not automaticall" capture

    U/: printers for use. 4o use a U/: printer with a irtual machine, "ou must !rst

    capture the U/: printer for use b" the irtual machine. For more information about

    using U/: deices with a irtual machine, see 5irtual 2# for &ac elp.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    If "ou are running &ac 1/ E ersion >+.6. x on "our &acintosh computer If "our

    &acintosh computer is alread" set up to print from either a printer connected

    directl" to it or a printer on a networ', use the 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter

    drier as the printer connection for "our irtual machine. 4he 5irtual &achine

    dditions 2rinter drier uses the printer connections that hae alread" been

    established for "our &acintosh computer and reAuires no additional con!guration.

    4he 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter drier can be used onl" with a irtual machinethat is running a supported operating s"stem. 4he drier for the 5irtual &achine

    dditions 2rinter is automaticall" installed with 5irtual &achine dditions. 4o use the

    5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter drier, 5irtual &achine dditions must be installed

    for a new irtual machine that contains a ersion of Windows E2 purchased

    separatel" from 5irtual 2# for &ac. ?ou can also use the 5irtual &achine dditions

    2rinter drier if "ou update 5irtual &achine dditions after importing a irtual

    machine. 0ote :efore "ou can use the 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter drier, "ou

    must !rst set up a printer for "our &acintosh computer and erif" that it is wor'ing

    properl". 4ips G If other printers are installed in the Windows operating s"stem of

    the irtual machine, "ou must select the 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter as "our

    default printer. G 4he 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter is the recommended and

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    easiest printer connection, but "ou can also connect "our irtual machine to a U/:

    printer independentl" of the &acintosh computer or use emulated printing.

    If "ou are running &ac 1/ E ersion >+.*.; on "our &acintosh computer If the

    printer "ou want to use is a U/: printer that is connected directl" to "our &acintosh

    computer, "ou can establish a separate U/: printer connection for "our irtual

    machine that is independent of the U/: printer connection for "our &acintoshcomputer. 4his means that the U/: printer and the necessar" printer driers must

    be installed in the Windows operating s"stem on "our irtual machine in addition to

    being installed on "our &acintosh computer. If the printer that "ou want to use is on

    a networ', con!gure "our printers from within Windows the same wa" "ou would

    con!gure a printer for an" other Windows computer. It is also possible to use

    emulated printing as the printer connection for "our irtual machine. oweer, the

    emulated printing connection can result in poor Aualit" and performance. ?ou

    should use emulated printing onl" if no other printing option is aailable. 4o learn

    how to select the 5irtual &achine dditions 2rinter as the default printer in 5irtual

    2# for &ac and in Windows E2 and Windows *+++, see 5irtual 2# for &ac elp.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    /et up shared folders ?ou can easil" transfer !les between &ac 1/ E and &icrosoft

    Windows b" creating shared networ' folders that are aailable in both operating

    s"stems, or b" simpl" dragging a !le from one operating s"stem to the other.

    Cragging and dropping !les If "our irtual machine is using Windows E2 or Windows*+++, and "ou install 5irtual &achine dditions, "ou can share !les between the

    diDerent operating s"stems b" dragging and dropping !les. 4his copies the !le from

    one operating s"stem to the other. For example, if "ou are wor'ing on a !le on "our

    &acintosh computer and "ou want to cop" that !le to "our irtual machine running

    Windows E2, "ou can simpl" drag the !le from "our &acintosh computer onto "our

    Windows E2 des'top.

    /hared networ' folders /hared networ' folders allow a !le to be aailable in both

    operating s"stems. ?ou can use that !le in both operating s"stems as long as the

    program that is needed to open the !le is installed in both operating s"stems. Forexample, if "ou create a !le in &icrosoft Word for &ac, to open the !le in the

    Windows operating s"stem "ou need &icrosoft Word for Windows installed on the

    irtual machine. /hared networ' folders are named diDerentl" in &ac 1/ E and

    Windows. In &ac 1/ E, these folders are identi!ed b" a name. In Windows, these

    folders are called networ' dries, and are assigned to a drie letter, such as drie

    OS.P folder in &ac 1/ E can also be shared b" multiple irtual machines that are

    running simultaneousl". :ecause irtual machines cannot directl" share !les and

    folders, shared networ' folders proide an eas" wa" to share and transfer !les and

    folders between multiple irtual machines and the &acintosh computer.

    4o create a shared networ' folder >. /tart the irtual machine. *. 1n the 2# menu,clic' 2# /ettings. 6. #lic' /hared Folders. B. Under /hared Folders /ettings, clic'

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    /hare Folder. 4ip ?ou can Auic'l" open the /hared Folders setting b" clic'ing the

    folder icon on the 5irtual 2# for &ac toolbar.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    7. Co one of the following@ G 4o share an existing folder, browse through the list of

    folders to !nd the one "ou want to share. G 4o create a new folder, clic' the location

    where "ou want to create a new folder. #lic' 0ew Folder, t"pe the folder name, and

    then clic' #reate. . dditionall", "ou can do either of the following@ G 4o change

    the dis' that this shared folder is assigned to in &icrosoft Windows, clic' a letter in

    the Crie Letter box. G 4o ma'e this folder is aailable eer" time "ou start the

    irtual machine, select the /hare eer" time chec' box. If the irtual machine is

    currentl" running, "ou must restart it before this setting will wor'. 9. #lic' /hare. ;.

    1n the /ettings page, clic' 1.

    4o access the shared folder in &ac 1/ E G In the &ac 1/ E Finder, naigate to the

    folder that is shared with Windows.

    4o access the shared folder in Windows >. /tart the irtual machine that has the

    shared folder "ou want to access. *. 1n the /tart menu, clic' &" #omputer. 6.

    Couble-clic' the networ' drie associated with the shared folder.

    #on!gure 5irtual 2# for &ac preferences fter "ou create "our irtual machine, "ou

    need to con!gure it. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, "ou can set both application preferences

    and irtual machine settings.

    pplication preferences pplication preferences appl" to all of the irtual machines

    that "ou created in 5irtual 2# for &ac. 4he" are set for the 5irtual 2# for &ac

    program rather than the indiidual irtual machine. pplication preferences control

    behaior such as sound, #2U usage, isual displa", and other behaior that applies

    to all irtual machines in 5irtual 2# for &ac. 0ote For default behaior, "ou do not

    need to change these settings.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    4he following table proides a description of each application preference.

    pplication preference Cescription lert :ehaior Cetermines if alert messages will

    be displa"ed. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, man" alert messages hae a ConJt show again

    option. If "ou select this option, the alert will not displa" again in 5irtual 2# for &ac.

    oweer, if "ou want alerts in 5irtual 2# for &ac to displa", clic' Reset in the lert

    :ehaior preference.

    2# :ehaior Cetermines whether to suspend actiit" $pause% in bac'ground irtualmachines when "ou are running multiple irtual machines simultaneousl".

    Cetermines if all irtual machines "ou were running when "ou last Auit 5irtual 2# for

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    &ac will be automaticall" restarted the next time "ou start 5irtual 2# for &ac. 4o set

    all irtual machines to restart, select Restore 2#s at launch.

    Full /creen &ode Cetermines the behaior of the ideo settings on "our &acintosh

    computer when "ou run a irtual machine in full-screen mode. 5irtual 2# for &ac

    menus and toolbars are not accessible when the irtual machine is running in full-

    screen mode unless "ou press the #1&&0C $a% 'e". 4o return to the normal screenmode, press the #1&&0C and R(4UR0 'e"s simultaneousl".

    5irtual /witch Cetermines which (thernet adapter to use with a irtual machine that

    is set to run with the 5irtual /witch networ' option.

    /ound /ets the behaior of s"stem sounds on all irtual machines.

    #2U Usage Cetermines how to diide processing resources between 5irtual 2# for

    &ac and other programs that are running simultaneousl" when 5irtual 2# 9 is not

    the actie program on the &acintosh computer.

    /cript &enu dds the pple/cript menu to the pple menu bar when 5irtual 2# for

    &ac is running.

    4oolbar /elects the items that will appear on the 5irtual 2# for &ac toolbar.

    Login /ets 5irtual 2# for &ac to start automaticall" when "ou log on to "our

    &acintosh computer.

    4o con!gure application preferences >. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the 5irtual 2# menu,

    clic' 2references. *. #lic' the application preference that "ou want to con!gure.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    5irtual machine settings 5irtual machine settings are uniAue to each irtual

    machine that "ou create in 5irtual 2# for &ac. 4hese settings control behaior for

    each irtual machine rather than for the 5irtual 2# for &ac program. 5irtual

    machine settings control behaior such as printing, connecting to a networ', using

    U/: deices, and other behaior that applies to indiidual irtual machines running

    in 5irtual 2# for &ac. 0ote For default behaior, "ou do not need to change thesesettings. 4he following table proides a description of each irtual machine setting.

    /etting Cescription 2# 0ame /ets the name for the irtual machine, which appears

    in 5irtual 2# List.

    2# &emor" /ets how much R& and 5R& are allocated when this irtual machine

    is running.

    Crie >, *, and 6 ssigns additional irtual hard dis' images to a irtual machine.

    Crie > is the default primar" drie.

    Undo Cries /aes all changes made to a irtual machine in a separate Undo !le sothat the irtual hard dis' image of the irtual machine remains in its original state.

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    /hared Folders #reates a shared folder to easil" transfer !les between "our

    &acintosh computer and a irtual machine.

    &ouse #ustomizes the 'e" combination on "our 'e"board to enable a single-button

    mouse to Oright clic'.P

    e"board ssigns special computer 'e"s, such as the Windows 'e", to "our

    &acintosh 'e"board.

    #om 2orts > and * ssigns a ph"sical serial deice or !le to a irtual machineJs

    emulated serial ports.

    0etwor'ing /ets either the /hared 0etwor'ing or 5irtual /witch networ'ing option.

    U/: llows a ph"sical U/: deice to be used with a irtual machine.

    Coc' Cetermines whether Windows-based programs that are running displa" in the

    &acintosh Coc'. If "ou hae multiple irtual machines, the programs running on

    each irtual machine appear in the Coc'. 4o determine which irtual machine isrunning the program, use "our mouse deice to point to the program "ou want. 4he

    name of the irtual machine will appear aboe the program icon. Cetermines

    whether to displa" the Windows /tart menu in the &acintosh Coc'. 4his ersion of

    the Windows /tart menu is not a full" functional

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    /etting Cescription

    menu, but rather, a Auic' wa" of starting a irtual machine and Windows-based

    programs b" using the Coc'. If "ou hae multiple irtual machines, onl" the

    programs that are installed on the irtual machine $for which this setting is

    selected% will appear in the /tart menu. 4his setting can be selected b" onl" one

    irtual machine at a time. 4o integrate 5irtual 2# for &ac with the Coc', "ou must

    install 5irtual &achine dditions.

    2rinting Ce!nes which &acintosh printer is used when "ou print to the 5irtual

    &achine dditions 2rinter in Windows. 4his is aailable onl" if "ou are running &ac1/ E ersion >+.6.x on "our &acintosh computer.

    4o con!gure irtual machine settings >. Co one of the following in 5irtual 2# for

    &ac@ G If "ou hae one irtual machine, on the 2# menu, clic' 2# /ettings. G If "ou

    hae multiple irtual machines, on the Window menu, clic' 5irtual 2# List. #lic' the

    irtual machine that "ou want to con!gure, and then clic' /ettings. *. #lic' the

    irtual machine setting that "ou want to con!gure.

    #op" a irtual machine oer the networ' If "ou hae installed a olume licensing

    ersion of Windows on a irtual machine, "ou can cop" the irtual machine to

    another &acintosh computer.

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    :efore "ou cop" a irtual machine to another &acintosh computer >. Install 5irtual

    2# for &ac on the source and destination &acintosh computers. *. 1n the

    destination &acintosh computer, turn 2ersonal File /haring on. 4o turn 2ersonal File

    /haring on, open /"stem 2references, clic' /haring, and select the 2ersonal File

    /haring chec' box. 6. 1n the source &acintosh computer, create a irtual machine

    and install a Windows operating s"stem and 5irtual &achine dditions. B. #on!gure

    the irtual machine and Windows as needed.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    7. Use the /tart menu in Windows to shut down the irtual machine completel".

    #lic' /tart, and then clic' /hut Cown $or 4urn 1D%. 4his method does not

    automaticall" sae the current state of Windows. ll data that is not saed prior to

    shutting down is lost. In Windows E2 2rofessional, the /tart menu displa"s /hutCown if "ou are connected to a domain and 4urn 1D if "ou are not connected to a

    domain. . When the status of the irtual machine is O0ot RunningP in the 5irtual

    2# List, Auit 5irtual 2#. Co not cop" a irtual machine that is running. 9. #onnect to

    the destination &acintosh computer and mount the olume where "ou want to cop"

    the irtual machine. ?ou can use the Finder 0etwor' :rowser or the #onnect 4o

    /erer dialog to connect to a shared &acintosh computer. /ee pple elp for more

    information about locating and connecting to shared computers.

    4o cop" a irtual machine to another &acintosh computer >. 1n the source

    &acintosh computer, open the Cocuments folder, and then open the 5irtual 2# List

    folder. &a'e sure that "ou open the Cocuments folder in the ome folder of the user

    who installed and runs 5irtual 2# for &ac. For each irtual machine on the

    &acintosh computer, there is a 5irtual 2# Cocument with the same name in the

    5irtual 2# List folder. *. From the source &acintosh computer, double-clic' the

    mounted olume of the destination &acintosh computer, open the Cocuments

    folder, and then open the 5irtual 2# List folder@ &a'e sure that "ou open the

    Cocuments folder in the ome folder of the user who installed and runs 5irtual 2#

    for &ac on the destination &acintosh computer. 6. Crag the 5irtual 2# Cocument

    from the 5irtual 2# List on the source &acintosh to the 5irtual 2# List folder on the

    destination &acintosh computer. B. /tart 5irtual 2# for &ac on the destination

    &acintosh computer. 4he copied irtual machine appears in the 5irtual 2# List if "ou

    copied it to the correct folder. 7. /tart up the copied irtual machine from the 5irtual

    2# List and con!gure it as needed. 0ote If the irtual machine "ou copied is set to

    use 5irtual /witch networ'ing, a conQict can occur if two computers on a networ'

    hae the same name and the same static I2 address. 4o resole this conQict, start

    the copied irtual machine and change the computer name in Windows. 4o change

    the computer name in Windows, clic' /tart, clic' #ontrol 2anel, and then double-

    clic' /"stem. 1n the #omputer 0ame tab, clic' #hange. In #omputer name, t"pe

    "our computer name.

    #on!guring a irtual machine

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale



    Install additional programs 0ow that "our irtual machine is set up with "our

    operating s"stem and connected to "our networ', "ou can install additional

    programs on "our irtual machine. Use the !rst procedure to install a Windows-

    based program. If the #C is not captured for use b" the irtual machine or the

    installation program does not start automaticall", use the second procedure toinstall the program b" using the Install 2rogram From Flopp" Cis' or #C-R1&


    4o install Windows-based programs >. /tart the irtual machine on which "ou want

    to install the program. Important /tart "our irtual machine before "ou insert the

    installation #C for the program into the #C drie of "our &acintosh computerT

    otherwise, the #C might be captured for use b" the &acintosh computer rather than

    b" the irtual machine. *. Insert the installation #C for the program into the #C

    drie of "our &acintosh computer. 4he actie #C icon on the toolbar in 5irtual 2# for

    &ac indicates that the irtual machine has captured the #C. 0ote If the irtual

    machine does not capture the #C, on the Cries menu, clic' #apture Cisc. If "our

    &acintosh computer does not hae a Qopp" dis' drie and "ou must install a

    program from a Qopp" dis', use a irtual Qopp" dis' image. For more information on

    creating a irtual Qopp" dis' image, see O#reate a Qopp" dis' imageP in the 5irtual

    2# for &ac elp. 6. If the Windows-based program has an automated installation

    tool included, the installation program starts. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    4o install Windows-based programs b" using dd or Remoe 2rograms >. In

    &icrosoft Windows, clic' /tart, and then clic' #ontrol 2anel. *. Couble-clic' dd or

    Remoe 2rograms. 6. #lic' dd 0ew 2rograms, and then clic' #C or Flopp". B.

    Follow the instructions in the Install 2rogram From Flopp" Cis' or #C-R1& wizard.For more information about installing Windows-based programs, in Windows, clic'

    /tart, and then clic' elp and /upport.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    dd a Windows program icon to the Coc' fter installing a Windows program on

    "our irtual machine, "ou can add its icon to the Coc'. 4he icon for the Windowsprogram will appear in the Coc', een when 5irtual 2# is not running. 4o start the

    program and 5irtual 2#, clic' the icon.

    4o add an icon to the Coc' >. /tart the Windows-based program "ou want to add to

    the Coc'. *. When the program icon appears on the Coc', hold down #104R1L,

    clic' the icon, and then clic' eep in Coc'. 0ote If the eep in Coc' option does not

    appear, "ou need to con!gure the Coc' irtual machine setting. #lic' a irtual

    machine, and then clic' /ettings. #lic' Coc', and then select the /how Windows

    applications in Coc' chec' box.

    2ause or resume a irtual machine oid shutting down a irtual machine if "ouintend to use it again before long. 2ausing and resuming a irtual machine is much

    faster than shutting down a irtual machine and then starting it again. lso, when a

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    irtual machine is paused, it frees up memor" that can be used b" other irtual

    machines that are currentl" running. When paused, the irtual machineJs contents

    appear dimmed. (ach irtual machine must be resumed indiiduall".

    4o pause or resume a irtual machine >. #lic' the irtual machine window of the

    irtual machine "ou want to pause or resume. *. In 5irtual 2#, do one of the

    following@ G 4o pause the operation of a irtual machine, on the 2# menu, clic'2ause. G 4o resume the operation of a irtual machine, on the 2# menu, clic'

    Resume. 0ote t times, a irtual machine will pause automaticall". 4his occurs if

    the irtual machine is experiencing a seere memor" allocation problem and 5irtual

    2# forcibl" pauses the irtual machine. If this happens, use the command to resume

    the irtual machine.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    /hut down a irtual machine When "ou shut down a irtual machine, "ou can sae

    its state, shut it down without saing its state, or turn it oD. /aing the state of a

    irtual machine puts it in a sleep state. When "ou next start up the irtual machine,

    its preious state is restored and "ou can Auic'l" resume "our wor'. /hut down a

    irtual machine without saing its state when "ou want to ma'e changes to the

    irtual machine. 4urn oD a irtual machine when it is not responding and the /hut

    Cown option does not wor'. 0otes G If multiple irtual machine windows are open,

    clic' the window of the irtual machine "ou want to shut down. 4he other irtual

    machines will be paused in the bac'ground and displa" a status of ORunning

    $2aused%P in 5irtual 2# List. G If Undo Cries is selected for the irtual machine "ou

    are shutting down, "ou hae three options@ Ciscard hard dis' changes, /ae hard

    dis' changes, or #arr" forward undoable changes. Learn about these options in the

    next section, /afel" reert b" enabling Undo dries.

    4o shut down and sae the state of a irtual machine 4his option saes the current

    state of the operating s"stem. n" program or !le that is open when "ou shut down

    using this option will be open when "ou restart the irtual machine. >. 1n the 2#

    menu, clic' /hut Cown. *. #lic' /ae 2#Js state, and then clic' /ae /tate. 4ip ?ou

    can also use the Fast /ae method, which shuts down a irtual machine and saes

    its state in one step. #lic' the #lose button on a irtual machine window to shutdown and sae the state of the irtual machine. 4o shut down all running irtual

    machines in one step and sae their states, on the 5irtual 2# menu, clic' Muit

    5irtual 2#. 5irtual 2# shuts down all open irtual machines, and saes the current

    state of their Windows-based.

    4o shut down a irtual machine without saing its state #aution ll data that is not

    saed prior to shutting down is lost. 4his option does not sae the current state of

    the Windows operating s"stem. >. 1n the 2# menu, clic' /hut Cown. *. #lic' /hut

    down Windows E2, and then clic' /hut Cown. Use this option when ma'ing changes

    to "our irtual machine, such as turning the Undo Cries setting on or oD, or when

    mounting a irtual hard dis' image. ?ou must also use this option before importing a

    irtual machine, transferring documents from a irtual machine to 5irtual 2# for

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    &ac, or ma'ing a duplicate of a irtual machine. Windows operating s"stem and

    5irtual &achine dditions must be installed on the irtual machine for this option to

    be aailable.

    #on!guring a irtual machine


    4o shut down a irtual machine if 5irtual &achine dditions is not installed If "ou do

    not hae 5irtual &achine dditions installed, "ou can shut down a irtual machine

    b" using the /tart menu in Windows. #aution ll data that is not saed prior to

    shutting down is lost. 4his method does not sae the current state of the Windows

    operating s"stem. G In Windows, clic' /tart, and then clic' /hut Cown or 4urn 1D.

    In &icrosoft Windows E2 2rofessional, the /tart menu displa"s /hut Cown if "ou are

    connected to a domain and 4urn 1D if "ou are not connected to a domain. 4o shut

    down a irtual machine that is not responding #aution Co not use this optionunless the irtual machine is not responding and the /hut Cown option does not

    wor'. 4urn oD 2# is eAuialent to unplugging a ph"sical computer. If "our irtual

    machine is not running Windows, use this option instead of the /hut Cown option to

    shut down "our irtual machine. >. 1n the 2# menu, clic' /hut Cown. *. #lic' 4urn

    oD 2#. 4o shut down a irtual machine that is not running Windows >. 1n the 2#

    menu, clic' /hut Cown. *. #lic' 4urn oD 2#.

    /afel" reert b" enabling Undo dries s "ou ma'e changes to the irtual machines

    on "our s"stem, "ou might want the abilit" to discard those changes. For example,

    suppose "ou

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    Undo Cries setting. Co not choose the /ae /tate option. *. 1n the Window menu,

    clic' 5irtual 2# List. 6. #lic' the irtual machine "ou want, and then clic' /ettings.

    B. 1n the left, clic' Undo Cries /ettings. 7. /elect the (nable Undo Cries chec'

    box, and then clic' the option "ou want.

    If "ou select the s' to discard drie changes chec' box, a new set of options

    appears when "ou shut down "our irtual machine or sae its state.

    :efore "ou shut down or sae the state, select one of the following options@ Ciscard

    hard drie changes 4he changes saed in the Undo Crie H a temporar" hard

    drie !le H are discarded and the irtual machine reerts to the state it was in the

    last time "ou saed changes. /ae hard drie changes 4he changes saed in the

    Undo Crie become permanent. ?ou can no longer reert to a preiousl" saed

    ersion of the irtual machine. #arr" forward undoable changes 4he changes are

    presered in the Undo Crie but not incorporated in the irtual machine. ?ou can

    still reert to a preiousl" saed ersion of the irtual machine.

    &aintaining irtual machines


    &aintaining irtual machines 4he information in this section will help "ou maintain

    irtual machines on a &acintosh computer. 4his section includes topics on

    performance, securit", Windows updates, bac'ing up data, deleting a irtual

    machine, and remoing 5irtual 2# for &ac.

    bout optimizing performance ?ou can improe performance b" ma'ing changes inan" of the following areas.

    2rocessor speed 4he speed of the &acintosh processor is the most important

    element for oerall 5irtual 2# for &ac performance. 4he processor speed must be a

    part of the ph"sical computer and cannot be added, b" using a #2U accelerator, for

    example. 4o improe processor speed, "ou must use a &acintosh computer with a

    faster processor.

    &ultiple irtual machines When multiple irtual machines are running

    simultaneousl", processing time is diided among the diDerent machines. &ore

    processing time is gien to the actie irtual machine. 4herefore, the actie irtualmachine is processing at a faster rate than the bac'ground irtual machines. 4o

    improe the performance of the actie irtual machine, "ou can pause all

    bac'ground irtual machines.

    mount of R& on "our &acintosh computer 4he &acintosh computer uses two

    t"pes of memor"@ ph"sical $R&% memor" and irtual memor". 2h"sical memor" is

    proided b" the R& chips installed on "our &acintosh computer. 5irtual memor" is

    proided when the &acintosh computer uses the hard dis' as a temporar" storage

    location. 4he speed at which the &acintosh computer is able to access memor"

    depends on what t"pe of memor" it is accessing. ccess to ph"sical memor" is

    almost instantaneous. ccess to irtual memor" can ar" depending on both the

    speed of the hard dis' and how often the &acintosh operating s"stem must swap

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    information to and from the hard dis'. If irtual memor" reAuires extensie use of

    the hard dis', access to irtual memor" is slow. 4he more irtual machines "ou hae

    running simultaneousl", the greater the memor" demands made on the &acintosh

    computer, which results in slower performance. Installing more R& on "our

    &acintosh computer is a cost-eDectie wa" to reduce memor" problems and

    increase the performance of 5irtual 2# for &ac. While 5irtual 2# for &ac reAuires

    onl" 7>* &: of R&, for best results, use a &acintosh computer with at least > K:of R& and allocate *7 &: of R& for each irtual machine. 4he irtual machine

    uses this R& onl" when it is open and running.

    &aintaining irtual machines


    2rocessor cache 4he amount of processor cache aDects the performance of 5irtual

    2# for &ac. cache is similar to R& but runs faster because it stores thecommands "ou use freAuentl" in &ac 1/ E. For example, a &acintosh computer

    with a > &: processor cache is faster than a &acintosh computer with a *7 :

    processor cache. 2rocessor cache is organized into diDerent speeds for diDerent

    cache leels. Leel-> $L>% cache is the fastest cache memor" and is aailable onl"

    on the processor chip itself. Leel-* $L*% cache is often on the same chip as the

    processor. Leel-6 $L6% cache is aailable for some later models of the KB processor

    and is also on the same chip as the processor. 4o improe processor cache size, use

    a newer model &acintosh computer with the largest amount of L* and L6 cache


    bout securit" 5irtual 2# for &ac uses the securit" features of both &ac 1/ E and

    &icrosoft Windows. 4o learn more about the securit" features of &ac 1/ E, see &ac

    1/ E elp. Important It is unli'el" that a irus will aDect the &ac 1/ or &ac !les,

    but in certain circumstances "our irtual machine running Windows exposes "ou to

    the same securit" ris's that users running Windows on a Windows-based computer

    face. 4o lower "our ris', ma'e sure "ou alwa"s hae installed the latest Windows

    securit" patches and serice releases and that "ou hae installed anti-irus


    #hec' for Windows updates on the Internet 4o protect the &icrosoft Windows

    operating s"stem that is running on "our irtual machine, chec' for updates on theWindows Update Web site. 4he Windows Update Web site uses a tool that scans

    "our irtual machine and gies "ou a selection of updates that appl" to the speci!c

    software on "our irtual machine. 0ew content is added to the Windows Update

    Web site regularl", so "ou can alwa"s get the most recent updates and solutions.

    ?ou might also want to remind an"one using Windows to chec' for updates on a

    regular basis. 4o chec' for Windows updates on the Internet >. In Windows, on the

    /tart menu, clic' elp and /upport. *. Under 2ic' a 4as', clic' eep "our computer

    up-to-date with Windows Update. 4he !rst time "ou go to the Windows Update Web

    site, clic' ?es when prompted to install an" reAuired software or controls. 6. Follow

    the on-screen instructions.

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    &aintaining irtual machines


    :ac' up data 4here are two wa"s to bac' up data. ?ou can either bac' up the data

    on a irtual machine, or "ou can ma'e a duplicate of the entire irtual machine. 4o

    bac' up data on a irtual machine >. 5erif" that the irtual machine that contains

    the data "ou want to bac' up is shut down completel". In 5irtual 2# List, the status

    of the irtual machine must be O0ot Running.P If the irtual machine is not shut

    down completel", start the irtual machine. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the 2# menu,

    clic' /hut Cown. #lic' the /hut down option, and then clic' the /hut Cown button.

    *. In the 5irtual 2# List, clic' the irtual machine that contains the data that "ou

    want to bac' up, and then clic' /ettings. 6. #lic' the irtual hard dis' image $Crie

    >, Crie *, or Crie 6% that contains the data "ou want to bac' up. B. #lic' &ount

    Crie 0ow. 4he irtual hard dis' image is mounted as a olume on the &acintosh

    des'top. 7. #lic' the irtual hard dis' image on the &acintosh des'top and bac' up

    the desired !les. For more information on bac'ing up !les, see &ac 1/ E elp.

    0otes G When the irtual hard dis' image is mounted as a olume on the &acintosh

    des'top, third-part" software can be used to access the contents of the irtual hard

    dis' image and perform an incremental bac'up. G While the irtual hard dis' image

    is mounted, do not moe or delete !les reAuired b" "our 5irtual 2# for &ac

    operating s"stem. Remoal or modi!cation of these !les can result in s"stem

    failure. 4o recoer from this state, "ou will need to reinstall 5irtual 2# for &ac. 4o

    bac' up data b" duplicating a irtual machine >. &a'e sure that the irtual machine

    that "ou are duplicating is completel" shut down. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the 2#

    menu, clic' /hut Cown. #lic' the /hut down option, and then clic' the /hut Cown

    button. 4he status of the irtual machine in 5irtual 2# List should be O0ot Running.P

    *. In the Finder, open the Cocuments35irtual 2# List folder. 4he 5irtual 2# List folder

    is the default location for irtual machine con!guration documents. 6. /elect the

    irtual machine that "ou want to duplicate. B. In the &ac 1/ E Finder, on the File

    menu, clic' Cuplicate. 7. &oe the duplicate irtual machine to another locationT

    otherwise, it will appear in 5irtual 2# List the next time "ou start 5irtual 2# for &ac.

    &aintaining irtual machines


    Celete a irtual machine When "ou delete a irtual machine, the con!guration

    document for that irtual machine is moed to the 4rash, and all data is

    permanentl" lost when the 4rash is emptied. 4he con!guration document contains

    the irtual hard dis' image and the irtual machine settings for a irtual machine. It

    can also contain the changes that hae been saed in the Undo !le for the Undo

    Cries setting. ll information stored on the irtual hard dis' image is lost when a

    con!guration document containing that information is deleted. :efore deleting a

    irtual machine, ma'e sure that "ou hae !rst bac'ed up an" data on the irtual

    machine that "ou want to sae. 4o delete a irtual machine >. /hut down the irtual

    machine that "ou want to delete. 4o shut down the irtual machine, clic' the irtualmachine "ou want to delete, and then clic' /hut Cown. 4ip lternatiel", "ou can

    clic' the #lose button on the irtual machine window. *. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the

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    Windows menu, clic' 5irtual 2# List. 5erif" that the status of the irtual machine in

    5irtual 2# List is either O/aedP or O0ot Running.P 6. #lic' the irtual machine "ou

    want to delete. B. 1n the File menu, clic' &oe to 4rash. 7. t the prompt, clic'

    &oe to 4rash. . t the con!rmation prompt, clic' &oe to 4rash. When "ou delete

    a irtual machine, onl" the information contained in the con!guration document is

    deleted. Files outside the con!guration document are not deleted.

    Remoe 5irtual 2# for &ac Use the following procedure to remoe 5irtual 2# for

    &ac. 4o remoe 5irtual 2# for &ac >. In 5irtual 2# for &ac, on the 2# menu, clic'

    5irtual 2# List. *. For each irtual machine that is running, clic' the irtual machine,

    clic' /hut Cown, clic' the /hut down option, and then clic' the /hut Cown button.

    6. Insert the 5irtual 2# for &ac installation #C into the #C drie on "our &acintosh

    computer. B. 1n the installation screen, double-clic' &anuals N 4ools. 7. If the

    installation screen does not appear automaticall", double-clic' the 5irtual 2# for

    &ac ersion 9 #C icon that appears on the &acintosh des'top. . Couble-clic'

    Uninstall 5irtual 2#.

    4echnical support options


    4echnical support options For details on "our technical support options, see "our

    licensing agreement. lso isit the elp and /upport page for 5irtual 2# for &ac

    5ersion 9 on the &icrosoft Web /ite at [email protected]. ere "ou will

    !nd lin's to highlights, top support issues, help and support contact information,

    and a lin' to the 0ewsgroup for 5irtual 2# for &ac 5ersion 9. ere "ou can also

    search the /upport nowledge :ase $:% for articles that appl" to 5irtual 2# for &ac

    5ersion 9.



    Index application preferences, *6 architecture, 9 automated installation, >>

    : bac'ing up data, 67

    # chec'list, >+ con!guration chec'list, >+ con!guration document, = con!guring a

    irtual machine, >9 con!guring application preferences, *6 cost bene!ts, ; creating

    a irtual machine, >6

    C deleting a irtual machine, 6 Coc', adding programs to, *= domains, >7

    dragging and dropping !les, ** duplicating a irtual machine, 67

    ( empt" irtual machine, >6 emulated hardware, = emulation, 9 enable Undo

    Cries, 6>

    hard dis' image, = hardware reAuirements, >>

  • 7/24/2019 PC Virtuale


    I installation oeriew, >+ installing automated, >> operating s"stem, >B 5irtual

    &achine dditions, > 5irtual 2#, >* Windows applications, *;

    0 networ' folders and dries, ** networ' settings, >7 networ'ing, about, >9

    1 operating s"stems supported, >>

    2 pause irtual machine, *= performance, about, 66 preferences, *6 printer drier,

    *> printing, *+ processing speed, 66 processor cache, 6B product 'e"s, >*



    R R&, about, 66 remoing 5irtual 2# 9, 6 reAuirements, >> resume irtual

    machine, *= reerting changes, 6>

    / securit", 6B settings, irtual machine, *7 setup chec'list, >+ shared folders, **

    /hared 0etwor'ing, >9 shut down irtual machine, 6+ support options, 69 supported

    operating s"stems, >> s"stem reAuirements, >>

    4 4#23I2 address, >9 technical support, 69 terminolog", = turn oD 2#, 6>

    U Undo dries, 6> updating Windows, 6B U/: printer, *>

    5 ideo cards, >> irtual hard dis' image, = irtual machine cop"ing to another

    computer, * creating, >6 deleting, 6 duplicating, 67 pause or resume@, *= running

    multiple, 66 securit", 6B settings, *7 shutting down, 6+ turning oD, 6> 5irtual

    &achine dditions, > irtual machine components, = irtual machine window, =

    5irtual 2# 9 before installing, >> 5irtual /witch 0etwor'ing, >9

    W Windows applications, *; wor'groups, >7