pc offsite meeting summary 12152011

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  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011



    Draft Agenda for December 16 PC Off site:

    8:30-9AM: Continental Breakfast

    9:00-9:45 AM: State of the Department (Jim and Millo)

    Vision (Tools and Biology) (Jim)

    Goals for the day (Jim)

    Recruiting and space status and challenges (Jim)

    Departmental Finances and Staff organization (Millo)

    9:45-10:30AM: Current teaching responsibilities and challenges for next 3 yrs (Steve, Norm, and Sue

    to facilitate)

    What are the current teaching assignments? Are there current gaps? Do we foresee

    gaps in the next 3 yrs and how would you propose to adjust? Are there programatical

    changes on the horizon?

    10:30-10:45 Break

    10:45-noon: Vision for Physical Biology (Al, John, Bo, Tom J; John and Bo will facilitate


    Mass Spec Recruitment and facility vision (Jim will update)

    What are the most exciting prospects for the Physical Biology area and what kind of

    folks should we recruit to replace Tom when he retires? (John and Bo)

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011



    Noon-1PM: Working Lunch (Dan Santi, how we are faring on industrial collaborations? Can we

    do better?)

    1-2PM: Vision for Quantitative Pharmacology (Matt, Brian, Tom F; Matt will facilitate


    Where should we go here and why? What are examples of people we might recruit? What

    recruiting recommendations would you make and space required?

    2-3PM: Vision for Protein Engineering/ Biologics/ Synthetic Biology (Charly, Zev, Xiaokun;

    Charly and Xiaokun will facilitate discussion)What are the hottest topics that we see in the next 10 yrs that fit with PC? Is there an

    important distinction between these areas? Who is doing the best work we consider fitting

    for PC? Should we recruit a junior person here?

    3-4PM: Vision for Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (Bill, Danica, and Pam will facilitate


    Should we recruit a junior person here now that CC has retired? How do we augment our

    current faculty? Should we emphasize synthesis? Should we emphasize drug discovery?

    Industry vs Acadmic trained? We have a lot of recruiting in other areas can we wait a year

    or two (assuming James joins)?

    4-5: Wine/beer and Top Action items for 2011-2012 (Jim to facilitate)

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Review Agenda and Goal of the Day

    Vision - Wells All agreed on the shared vision taking on the

    responsibility of being disease agnostic andcontributing to the biology and chemistry

    All felt the burden of shouldering financial liabilitiesfor the entire campus to the technology enablingcenters recharge not recovering all costs anddepartment taking on risk of potential deficit

    LRPD how does the enabling technology centers fitin relation to funding? Depreciation? R&D funding?

    Advantage of PC faculty being on campus committees research

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Outstanding growth opportunities

    4 open FTEs (Andrew Krutchinsky, Voigt, Dill, CC) plusfifth when Tom Retires

    Two open searches:

    Computational biologist (Matt)

    Mass Spec (Al/Jim)

    department will be close to half new faculty in near


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    #1 Start up Funds:

    PC has been successful in partnering with CVRI & using P30grant and minimize requests to dean and SOM.

    Mass spec recruitment will be a bigger challenge. Search

    committee is a lot outside of the department (CMP, CVRIesp) but may want to plan more partnership esp.biochemistry. Of 4 available candidates in the field, 2 areactively being recruited. Strategy to recruitment? Bestathlete or more narrow to satisfy void in department?

    Start up costs indirect cost recovery responsibility, loss tocampus when faculty leave before full professorship.

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    #2 - Finding great candidates

    #3 - Developing new faculty

    new lab set up has been on track. What are challengesto new faculty? More mentoring? Paul is currently theofficial mentorship coordinator for the department.Bo and Xiaokun feel mentorship provided is good andare getting help from a variety of people. Pam hasstepped up to help new faculty review R01s and was

    nominated to be the next official mentorshipcoordinator.

    ACTION ITEM discuss mentorship at the end of meeting

    Cont. challenges

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    #4: Space

    less of a concern given partnership with CVRI and

    Space in neuroscience building is also a potential. Plan for Parnassus space? could be tradable


    Last year of MOU with Susan Fisher 11th floor.

    Lateral transfer of use within SOP with Clin Pharm

    going on unofficially.

    Cont. challenges

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    Highlights from SOP LRDP

    Grant revenue highest in Clin Pharm, but PC isdoing well and on track to go up given seniorrecruitment.

    funding research sources going up in SOP, otherpublic sources is smaller than expected. Majorityis federal. Private non-profit has gone down.

    ICR per PI highest in SOP. SOM second.

    Student-faculty ratios highest in SOP (11:1) forprofessional students.

    Space requests made to chancellor by dean(Mary Anne slide 16).

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    Reviewed bottom-line of department revenue

    and comp plan.

    Discussed current staff org chart and plans.

    Concerned about HR and pre award staff

    impact by OE.

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    Coordination and teaching load transitioning with


    Dicks last year on recall (PC 111, 163 student-run)

    John Gross will be course director next year PC111 (18)

    Brian continues 5

    Need to identify another lecturer

    Pam taking over PC 123

    To discuss with Paul to add lecturers to PC 114 in the


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    Cont. teaching

    Apples for TeachersPaul consistently gets 4.5 rating and receive Deansaward in large lecture course. Steve and Brian also have been highly ratedand honored by dean

    Adjunct professors have contributed to many courses and valued, butshould be at least in 4-5 hour blocks for consistency.

    Performance now being evaluated on computer. In general SOP did well inSpring 011.

    Compare departments, PC rated much higher even compared todedicated teachers in SOM

    Ilos and CLE-being mandated by dean to help curriculum sharing andaccreditation.

    Faculty facing challenge putting materials online Students are slow to adapt to new system and lecturers work is


    A few TAs hired as curriculum liaison to help bridge this new process

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    Physical Biology where should we grow?

    (Gross & Huang)

    Wish list mid year and junior Crystallographer, NMR,EM, long-term support for beamline

    Need to partner with Biochemistry to coordinate ondirection & potentially CVRI or BTS

    CVRI hired Natalia and interested in more Jamie Fraser is a potential with BTS

    The future

    In cell studies of macromolecular dynamics; structure Methods to study complexes and transient interactions

    Allostery: need innovative approaches to study

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    Strengths at UCSF - facility is phenomenal

    and support is adequate but could be better

    NMR facility: DNP, 400, 500, 600(x2)and 800 MHz

    NMR; solid-state capabilities, Berkeley 900

    SLAC and ALS 30 minute drive


    Centers-HARC, Membrane proteins

    EM resources

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    Opportunities in NMR

    NMR of membrane proteins, solids

    In cell NMR, eukaryotes

    Allostery, dynamics; drug discovery centric?

    Innovation in combining methods, x-ray NMR,

    NMR and microfluidics, NMR and Single-Molecule

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    Traditional single-molecule biophysics

    Single-molecule FRET

    TJ Ha, Xiaowei Zhuang and other Steve Chu lab people

    Single-molecule tracking

    Paul Sevin, Toshio Yanagida

    Single-molecule force

    Carlos Bustamante, Steve Block

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    A broader view of single-molecule BP

    The physical biology philosophy

    High sensitivity, high precision quantitative measurements

    Physical aspects of biology

    Rapidly evolving fields

    Not necessarily single-molecule

    Tightly associated to systems biology

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    The new opportunity

    Molecule conformation, dynamics and interactions

    inside a cell

    Sunney Xie

    Examples at UCSF

    Orion Weiner

    Wallace Marshall Ron Vale / Dyche Mullins

    Sophie Dumont

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    What to look for in physical biology

    Aiming at the philosophy, junior level for new ideas andnew techniques

    Example: Adam Cohen (I don't think that we will be able to recruit him

    here) How can we look for others who are producing results Can we think about grad students that UCSF can provide to


    Best athlete approach works for this type of search

    Very possible collaboration with Biochemistry or CMPdepartment.

    Potentially associated with systems biology

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    Mass Spec Search Update (Wells)

    4 people on the market in the field, 2 are tooexpensive, 2 are not the right fit.

    Committee want to go after Garcia or Coon.Space in Byers Hall (Voigt space 4N).

    Challenge is start up package and dean is onboard.

    This recruit is to be the expert for the campus.There is a great need for nuts and bolts person.Technology-capability vs. biology-oriented.Potential transition issue for senior people in theBurlingame lab.

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    Industry Update (Santi)

    Program have been in place for about 2 years and havebeen affected by recession

    Brought in large companies and now focusing on local onesabout half a dozen.

    New format to take UCSF faculty to present at companies &mixer at Bayer meeting

    Formed board in summer to help direction; smallbenefactors are better than no programs at all. Connections made so far: Chem group Genentech, Giliard, Bayer

    To be arranged: Amgen in Jan, Novartis, Merck, Cabo, Biotechconference in MB again next May

    XXX (I stepped out at this point during lunch)

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    UCSF School of Pharmacy LRDP response

    Organizing concepts/major themes

    December 14, 2011

    Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, Dean

    UCSF School of Pharmacy

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    The six LRDP questions

    1. Does your school anticipate future growth? How muchand where?

    2. Would growth be in research or non-research areas?

    3. How would the school be optimally arranged across

    UCSF sites into the future?4. What would make Parnassus and Mission Bay equally


    5. What aspirations/themes does the school have for

    Phase 2 at Mission Bay?

    6. What considerations should be kept in mind as we start

    thinking about major site themes for the LRDP?

    5/27/2012 23Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

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    Questions 1 and 2

    5/27/2012 24Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

    1. Does your school anticipate future growth? How muchand where?

    2. Would growth be in research or non-research areas?

    We plan to grow in both

    education and research.

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    Education: Change the face of pharmacy education;

    Bolster graduate and post-doctoral training

    Space is tied to growth in faculty, staff, tools: Pharm D Program 8 new faculty members (8:1 ratio)

    Increase 20/class to 145/class; 500 to 580 total

    Add 20 post-BS PharmDs (virtual)

    PhD, Masters and Post-doctoral fellowship Programs

    Expand enrollment as driven by contemporary science and technology (e.g.MTM)

    Residency positions Double from 16 PGY1 to 32 PGY1

    Double from 10 PGY2 to 20 PGY2

    Learner-centered, modular, virtual programs 20 new educational

    technologists and related tools Advanced pharmacy practice and science ( 100s)

    Drug development sciences ( 150)

    Therapeutic sciences (BRIC countries) ( 30 students)

    Translational medicine

    5/27/2012 25Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

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    Why grow our education enterprise?

    More pharmacist leaders, clinicians, and translational researchscientists needed worldwide

    Changes in health care delivery and drug delivery systems

    Central role of increasingly complex medicines and therapeutics

    Expanding roles require advanced training for pharmacists in newtechnologies and how to integrate them into clinical practice

    UCSF PharmD has been top-ranked for over 30 years and needs to

    stay ahead of the curve

    UCSF is the best place to expand and shape pharmacy education:

    leading edge science, health care, & education in a collaborativeenvironment

    Increased revenue stream

    5/27/2012 26Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Question 3

    Department Parnassus Mission


    Mt. Zion,









    Pharmacy 50% 25% 5%, 10% 5% 5% yesBioengineering

    and Therapeutic


    15% 85% yes


    Chemistry100% yes

    Deans Office*

    70% 30% yes


    5/27/2012 27Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

    3. How would the School be optimally arranged acrossUCSF sites in the future?

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    Question 4

    Space at both sites:

    Modern. First rate teaching, clinical, research facilities.

    Organized by themes. Must have magnet programs.

    Seamlessly networked by technology

    Equitable lab, office, and administrative space assignments

    Scientific cores at each site based on research needs

    5/27/2012 28Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

    4. What would make Parnassus and MB equally desirablefrom the SOP perspective?

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Question 6

    All sites need compelling research themes

    All sites must have a strong educational component

    School of Pharmacy research and education must be

    integrated amongst departments and with other

    schools at each site

    Think beyond the current economic situation to what

    could be.

    5/27/2012 29Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

    6. What considerations should we keep in mind as we startthinking about major site themes in the LRDP?

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    Question 5

    5/27/2012 30Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

    5. What aspirations/themes does the SOP have forphase 2 at Mission Bay?

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    Science is thriving within a School of Pharmacy-led research

    building at Mission Bay that consolidates and incubatestherapeutics research and provides broadly accessible enablingtechnologies campuswide.

    UCSF at Mission Bay is internationally recognized as the placefor innovative therapeutics research that integrates basic,

    translational and clinical scientists.

    UCSF at Mission Bay is home to a national think-tank for newdirections in therapeutic sciences and technologies -- conveningacademic, government, and industry leaders on a regular basis.

    The UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay is a world-class modelfor pharmaceutical care and pharmaceutical services. Residencypositions are highly competitive.

    5/27/2012 Mary Anne Koda-Kimble 31

    Imagine 15 years from now

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    Quantitative Pharmacology (Jacobson)

    Bring more basic science into drug discovery.

    PC to play a leadership role. Existing faculty leaving/has left.

    Systems biology and industrys vision of the field is not adequate.

    Brian taking the lead w/ Kathy Giacomini support.

    Education aspect of program: getting a training grant, combine with pspg

    potentially and partnering with other ipqb programs.

    Faculty recruitment not many left of core people in computational biology. Dill

    FTE search open and would like another FTE and another FTE in BTS.

    Action item: Asking for department commitment to launch a search Fall 2012, chaired

    by Brian (independent from BTS replacing Chao)

    Matts definition of systems pharmacology (pre-clinical quantitative PK/PD)

    Target discovery systems biology

    (aka atoms to cell, systems pharmacology)

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Wither Protein

    Engineering/Synthetic Biology

    Pharm Chem Off Site

    December 14, 2011

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    Wither Protein

    Engineering/Synthetic BiologyEngineering small molecules,

    macromolecules or materials to

    understand a complex biological systemat the systems level.

    3 Synthetic Biology/Protein Engineering: Chris Voit presented a compelling

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    3. Synthetic Biology/Protein Engineering: Chris Voit presented a compelling

    case that we are on the verge of a major break-through in developing the

    machine language for programming cells. UCSF is at a sub-critical mass to

    carry this out. He proposed hiring a mid-career scientist: Dan Gibson (JCVI), Yi

    Tang (UCLA), Jeff Hasty (UCSD), Byung-Kwan Cho (KAIST), Tim Lu (MIT). There

    was strong support to move forward.

    Actions: Chris should put together a job description and I'll talk with Mary

    Anne about opening a search this fall.I presented the case for hiring in the

    Protein Engineering/Biotherapeutics area. Protein selection technologies and

    biotherapeutics are burgeoning areas relevant to component design forsynthetic biology and understanding signaling modules in cells.

    In the near future biotherapeutics will match or exceed the revenues from

    small molecules. We have few to no scientists in this area. Several individuals

    were discussed including: Danny Tawfik (Weizmann Institute), Dev Sidhu(University of Toronto), David Liu (Harvard). There was general support.

    Action: Jim will discuss this with Kathy/Sarah to see if a joint recruitment

    would be possible in this area

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Should we trim things down and not do a future hire in PE and

    Synthetic Biology?

    Many depts do many things. We should focus on our strengths and

    build on them and PE and SB fit.

    Regarding the Best Athlete Search Concept: Keep the searches broad

    and attract the best athlete problem is hard to get buy in from X

    though. So have a general search and then stratify.

    What we are looking for are exceptional scientists that think

    chemically (about macromolecules), work collaboratively and

    interact well.

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    For synthetic biology, cannot find another Chris right away.

    Can we bring in people that think about complex systems and whodoes it from a chemical background. Ex is Zev

    Examples: How does a complex system work? Look at multiple

    things at once. Tool development to get at this imaging,

    quantitative pharmacology, antiproteome, PE, Synthetic Biology,

    Engineering small molecules or the protein.

    Protein Engineering-someone like a Tanya K who can make

    molecules but is not afraid to write code.

    Another example: Jen Presser (Sam Gambir and Chris Contag)

    Multimodal imaging agents.

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    Junior vs Senior?

    - Junior people have more plasticity and can change faster

    in a rapidly developing field than a senior hire.

    Action item:

    - Looking for exceptional scientists that think chemically

    should we reopen the search, should we reorganize thesearch?

    - radar should be on even search will be on hold until

    current 2 searches are finished.

    - standalone, broad search for best athlete posting in fall2012

    - should we put synthetic search on hold? Dean and

    Wendell (cmp) have possibility to contribute

  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011


    Chem Bio & Drug Discovery (DeGrado & England)

    James Fraser is a good candidate. Space in CVRI for molecule maker using hood,

    only 40% of chemistry space is used.

    Stan Pruisner looking for 5 FTEs in neuro building How to partner with neuro to bring people in that is

    part of the broader UCSF

    Jason ? is another good candidate

    Jeff Kelly is another person (coming Jan)

    -Currently have a tremendous opportunity andUCSF can be adding a couple of hires per year inthe next few years.

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    Action Items

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    Proposed Hiring's and Space

    Dill to Comp Biophys (Matt) 2011 (QB3 or 4N) Krutchinsky to MS (Al/Jim) 2011 (QB3)

    Voigt to PE/SynBiol 2012 (5S)

    CC ?? 2013 Scanlon to James Chen 2010 (CVRI)

    Tom James to Struct Biol with BTS (5S or QB3)2012

    Systems Pharma with BTS (QB3 or 4N) 2012 Chem Biol (CVRI/Neuro)

    Phys Biol 2013


    Green denotes that we have or will have soon open FTEs for these

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    Admin Hiring

    Jen Paloma took Anemishs position and we

    will be looking for replacement in 2012

    FTE admin addition for PC in CVRI in 2012


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    Faculty Meetings

    Be more flexible if important matters arise

    5-10min max for admin at end

    Be flexible about PP vs chalk

    Generate discussion

    Emphasis on future not past

    Think about vetting specific aims for proposal


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  • 7/31/2019 PC Offsite Meeting Summary 12152011



    Think about possible masters program run

    from PC in Drug Discovery. Jim to bring up

    with SoP Leadership Group

    How will e-education affect us?? Norm to

    follow up