p.aw advocacx·•netwrk••·aric:t the••·aic o.r · 2019. 5. 16. · .. \ini'tti)s'f.ates...

.. \iNI'tti)s'f.ATES .. JjJ:stRI¢j••c<)tra::r: I?()j.tiii: DIStRict<Q}? NEW .. JERSEY DISABILITY•.R.fGH'fS••.NEWJERSEY, .. J>.lffintiffs,. Civ11AcHol1 No. 07L2978.(MLC) D.EP:ARTMENT<OF FEB 19 2014 AT 8:30 M WILLIAM T. WALSH CLERK 'Ibis· "Se#lemerit· .. Agt-eeri).et1t"J•· •is· by··· .• hetw¢¢11 N"¢w th¢ EdU.cati<>n P.aw . th¢ Advocacx·•Net"W<>rk••·aric:t ... the••·Aic ... o.r .• .. "f'la.iritiffs'O• .. · ••• of- .. ·irr. andtht{New·· Jer$¢Y ()f . .... . ..... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ...... ... ma#et·.•iri'\'()fv¢s··· ... })y•• <th*·•· aiitd.l"¢il••·witli• N¢W: J not being; educated i.ll the>lea.Sf restrictive in Viohitioti 6f t}ly> with I)isa,biliti¢s.>Jidqpatipn J\ct (''IJ)g,A."), go U .. $.¢. §11PP' #s 34< ¢.f;R.> §3Q().1; $etB 1\t}.f\.·G· (j.A:t4 .. J.J,. ct $(!(J.,> Jet"sey's Sp¢cia.i Edt.lca.tiort . .i\ .. J.t s¢q., and Section, 504 or· the ' .·· .·. ··. ·.·.·.· .. · .. R€mabilitation Act; 29 U.$.C. § 794 (''J:>lairitiffs' cUiifus"). Whil¢ the .. Parties<ha.ve<ditfefing · •• <i¢sirabl¢. qf Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 1 of 68 PageID: 2919

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  • .. \iNI'tti)s'f.ATES .. JjJ:stRI¢j••clea.Sf restrictive enVirohirient("LRE'')~ in Viohitioti 6f

    t}ly> ~4iyi4pals> with I)isa,biliti¢s.>Jidqpatipn J\ct (''IJ)g,A."), go U .. $.¢. §11PP' ¢/§~q~f>fll:l4 #s hnpl¢tn.~fulg r~glllatipp~; 34< ¢.f;R.> §3Q().1; ~~ $etB N~w

    Jet"sey's Sp¢cia.i Edt.lca.tiort ~ta.tu.te~ N}.~ . .i\ .. l$A::46~l, J.t s¢q., and Section, 504 or· the ' .·· .·. .· ··. ·.·.·.· .. · ..

    R€mabilitation Act; 29 U.$.C. § 794 (''J:>lairitiffs' cUiifus"). Whil¢ the .. Parties

  • litigati()p( It< (()llo\j\T~ ~~v~~~ yearS> ofliHgaHort and. discovery condricte4. PY fh.e .Pcliti¢$, cfu4

    •· e*teh$iye·•neg()fiE~tiqps b~hv~¥nt11e Pgti~S,x~~a.rai9gtb.~ ·t~®s•·fsetHement~

    'f4is. §~ettt&ri¢11t J\gre¢111¢pt sl:l~n ~e·~r.rec~v~ atid.·l?it14ip~; 9Qmffi~pqit:l$ t11.~. &t,tt~

    ··on wrH.chit is $ign¢d..byth¢ J::)istricfG()1frt; ·a.nc1. ~half·t:hcpjr¢ 9l1 th.e· 4~t¢ ()J:l.·:Whi¢~ ~1:1.)(.)}3


  • T ... Por··thiee>(~Jeoil.se6ut1veyears,.N]bbftsl1a.rtaruiliall)' develop a plan io a.ddl"ess>ideritifiea·

    J\t'~as ••.fN~~d··tq•··~~.·•~4dr¢s~~d py•·.·~~cl1.···I}¢sigt1ate,d·. Pis.frist {!h~ '~i\.rlrl\l~ .. Tra}ning·••·~d. .•• Tecl#rical

    .·}\ss~~tarice•.•Plan'b~ Th¢••• J-\t:l11l1al••· IrcriWn.g••.a.ttci T¢clliM¢a.l•·· Assistat}¢¢ ·· }>[email protected])yst .•. i4~p.tify ~¢~>·il1 .. •W:~icll

    ¢a¢1l P¢sigriat¢}Jaifling ~d J~pllpig~I A~sis~~c;~ .fi~. J:ll\l~f b.~ 9,(3,Sed 11 e~9.h p~~igt1a,t~q

    Qistrict'$ Needs ;\s§essttJ.¢ri.t$; dat~·fr()til pJipf Stat~ ;ipd .. Feq¢ta1:tppp.i.tqr:itig~ep()q~, NJ$tri~4*[email protected]

    •tes~H~;()i coropiaint•1nv¢stigaHqils>¢9rt.du¢t~4(hy.N"lbofi.apd m-ust• c()J1siiler tll.¢ r¢&pits··q{'.an.y c()mpl~hit.•

    investigations·.·. conducted.· hY>the UI'lited states··•· Oepartmerir r• Education.>•(''tJSOOE~') ···that.••NJDOE··•.is•.

    ·(lw~¢•·•of. · ):'11¢•·· x~~· fwq·· C1J1{l•··y~~r·'J:nl'~~ J-\t:l11P.af•••wn~1rtin~·· and .•t~~hrlls.a.l .. A$sis4lnc~ Pl~··trtl,lst•··•~¢


  • .·(g)•. •wn•rhlige•• of•sl.lppitmiCrital I1~e

  • (k).· ~C, .. tea~h1hg>rilod¢1s;

    (1) !ptpsport.~tion;.

    (Il1) ~()llg,[email protected] facilitie~ pl~~iJ1~ r~l~t¢4 J9 edysa,tillg §ty~¢p* *ifh . . · .. · .·.·.·.····.·.· ·.·. .·.

    d,is~piliti¢s; aii •. J?}(hibit•• p···lleretc,~ topiqs.·••for •tR.e•••rraitiiit.g··an~

    ··t~c1;lrJ.is~l t\~~!stMp~.p~s~a pn th~·· i~~ntifi&i .Areas of Neea•·maylnclijde, .bi.lt> shhl.f.not·.·b~ .. limi~#d. .. to,~ll of'Jh.¢ tqpi9,§set>f9rth .. w·•$~qfiqp }j •.• ~, a.})pye,)l~ .• w.etl··~~·:·



    deyelQplrig an irt{;lusi.ve schqol cliin.a. t. e.· ... ; ·········· ........ ············ ........... '··· ........ ·.·.·. ''

    •culturalty:.coffipetent •• aridhori-di$ccltninato.fY• evahiatiori.s;


    s~.. The :format. &f. eacH. Arntual· rtraiiitng arid teGhP.l9al A$s1st~tice> PH~h sh.alf l?¢ id

    •."N}DQ§':s gis~E~ti9P1····~~c~pt.thclt ~~9P.··f\J:lp.1fa.l T:ra,ityJJg .. £Uld fe~Jm~q~)· •. .t\s.~i~tWtce Pi~··•rn11st.··§e,t

    ·f()q}l the. :t@ ft~ihlPg >JlJ.ig/pt L~:E · "J'e~hrti~~ A-~~~$tapp~ t() e, nmit~···

    · tq,· dlasst()()tjl .()]?$¢fY*#()Il., teyieW> (:)f irJ.

  • pla.by rac¥1etlirii¢i~y~ .Pf()ced4res ~ndiritemews•9f ~ta.fl'

    and parents~·•· Where •. deemed. a.I>:Propriate.by NJPOE, .. •the as~e~~rtiellt••iriay••aiso ..• ih¢h.lcJ.e I"eV.iew.of

    less()Jl.> vr~~~tatjotl ar:t4 co~~~4~hjng tn~!l194S~ A> £91lY o~··tJ.I~. place.m~nt q~f(l> t~yi~~~: PY

    N}I)g~ f

  • to .. lfCl11y•Pesi~at¢d•·Pistrict··is•· idetitifie

  • 15~ .NJDOE: sh~U provrd.e.>th¢ Y~ar Twb·atidY¢ar> Thr¢e Tra~tililg @~ te.clln.ical

    A.~sistat1ce Plati$ to ·the Stakeh6lder doll:lllrith!e•no Iater·•thari.1illie 15: of20l6 and 2011~

    s~~ti()•t .¢... st;tte• :Ill~iust() ~~··-Facilitator$

    I)e~i~at¢d Qisfric~s 11()t i4@nti~~4 t>t~¢~¢¢~ .. M:wh.9 .Qa.v~

    expenenet~: In !>fov1d1n~tra!Iiing ~d!Or.t~~hbi¢al. ~~$iS.t~¢e' toDe.si@ate9 t>istrict'~)~ · ~Ci fier.to Pr9yi4¢ ~si§tap.¢¢,

    · in~I11gin~.·on~site:·.·assista.rice; ifappfopriate, .. ie~ardffi.&•.ariy•LRE:·•iss\ies, ••• a.t1d•s.b.a1l.>r.ai$e .. ··\\'im .. th¢ :t?~sigri~teq•••I>l.stp9ts•.~y···1..@·~§§\l~.~···.()f;wl'lich .. NJt>o:E•.·has·become•·.aware. 'the•·State .• lricll.J.sion

    >F~¢i1it*tor~ wiil ptQvJq¢ gl'l. .. s,it¢ ~s,~isfcl.ns¢ P1lf~\}ant #~ Q#s< ptqX1~iWI >~() @~9h CQptPl~#t

    >Desigr!ated•·Dis#i¢t•··tll.~tt¢4l.l¢sts•••it, •• #.qt •.. tq•••••ailliAAIIy··•.¢xc;¢~¢9P.ll?irte.4 totat• qf'91l~§.tt~••··o/i·~!~~··· numbering fiv~ .. tifu.eS.}')~~fjt~ ftll pf 14.e J.)[email protected]~4.

    tJfsfri.cts, .. an.d·•·•create.• at•leasf·.one ititeractive.•weli-based ti'airtin.g·•·s~ss1()n .•• of J:i()t·••less.••than oll¢ •. ti).

    ht1I'~ 4~ati()I1 (the ~'J\nrll.JaL \ve~il1a:r'!). · For purposes of this Settlemenf A.greell1el1.t, <

    ·''i11teraqt;iye"·.~ha.IltrJ.~all·tli~t, .•. ~fle~stat.th¢·tgp~···.9f·its• .. injtjC1~ ... Pr~s~l}~~tipp.~·th~··Annll3.L·Webillar·

    sha}lh¢ ''iiv~'' aQ.d P.r()Vicle *t1 opportt1nhY (()t: yi~~~rs t

  • 7:~·• .NJQQE,•••·)"ill•• i.D.fopp.•a.~I••·•potp:pli¥W•·•R~si!W~t~d Qi.~trict~• · thE!t· th~•••.t\.tlt11Ja.l••.•"We~ill~ ··is

    *"~il~ljl~ for vi¢\Yirig and te¢()ifml¢n4 tb~tqis~fj.c(p¢~6il.ft~l yi¢"\JV ~~(;lJ. ~il.aJ ~eki~~-

    3·-· •• o!lth¢···a~t¢•• that·NJPQE.•tti¢ets•.wiih••·ih~· ·sta.k~li()ttt¢r·•co.romitt¢¢l.ltsu~tit•·tO.·· s~¢!i9ri$

    .... A..2 ahc.t•• E.4, .. NJJ5o£••• wi1l···ptOY10~fthe·•stat(~hoider· .. comtriitt¢e··wit1:l ... tl1¢··:PtP:9~ed top!¢&< ari.d.

    qqnt~nt qf•th~ ... w~bii1~~···@4:~~s.sHs.~ y~thaiiy.·.·an:r··.11oh~bincli.ti,g"fe~dHackptovid~d/toN.TPOEy .

    t1Ie ... ~tAA:ehol.Of the> Professionahi>ev~lopin~n.t ..• Evalllati

  • Secti()nF. Atil1ualCompliallceshall tl10t1it()f e~qh 9()@pli#Iit P¢§ignat~9 I)~strict. F(>r

    pitrpdses of this ~¢tt1e1Iient>A.!9"~erilent, sucbl11c)riit

  • shall!'r6vid¢ t

  • stakeholder·•· gro1lp. (''NJI)OE··~takeholders····Gro~p''r. A.·••ti~t···qf •• inlti~l·· .$t~ehold~··· Col11rrlitt¢e


    2. Jn.

  • . 2. . The iliienf6rc¢ability of any pl'o\lisiq!l. >of tliis Settletri¢1lt Agr~@erit ~):).~0 n()t

    ~ffect~y.()th.er.·Pr()yisi91l:.·o.f tllis·••~ettletll.en.i Ag1'~ement, a.n.a••tiHs• $ett1emei11:• AgH~¢ment shall be

    99J:lStruaities.> ·

    ·~~.~tioq .. Q. ... •··~·J!.tir~ J\gr~~ptent

    1·. ·This•s~ttlt#Pet1tlim-t!ement·.Rqt1stitu.t¢s.•·.fh~··¢A#re•.agr~~¢t1t··1J~t)ve7n the•.•Pafties·•

    ati .9f t11e P~fti¢s tffaJ >tlii$

    Setdetrielit.Agreement•coiistittl.tdfa cotrifHete·••a.ii.d fil1at••geti¢f@ J:{el¢a$¢b¢tWeen•·tb.¢••J>a.rti¢~•··wi~h

    t~~P~¢t · tq··••a.nx•· .AAdpep~lf•·oftheriJ.sdves•• and.··on.behal t·of the···individucds .on.- .wh0.se.beha1t

    Plfiintiffs fijeq .. t}l~ irtst'U}t.••·(lp#oq .·.a~···i4enti)fie4• •ip. .. :Par()_graph••t .. gf.tl\~ J\mendecl·.Complairit•.filed ·

    July ·i6,> 20()9, 4o J.ql

  • representaHves,and any.·successot"s .of Defendants, ·fr.m .. a.riy aiid ali cla.iirl~, ca#~e~ .. t>(~ctioil; il.l.d.s.mef1ts, qbligatio!l~ ()f li~piliti~s of:wh~tev~t kirid and charaCter, raised in .fhe .Amended

    .. . .. . . ............ .

    ••.Q('JfupJ~in~· fi)¢d !l.lty .. f6, ... 7Qb9.; :[email protected].•·apy•.claim .. f'or·c~mt>~P~~t()J:Y · dat)J.ag~~,••liql!i4~t~d .. daJPag~~; . ~---· ....

    ·pijfutive••4atlJ.age~;•d~ffi~g~$ fot··emQtionaFdi.stress,. P.f~ .. ()~••P6$t""[email protected]¢rlt·•i~t¢~~§t.f¢1at~t(?:th9~¢:·

    . ·- . . ..

    3. Nqthing 1ri .. tlHs $efdeffi.erlf Aiif.e&ril¢lit $l:ta.Il 1J¢ ¢9t1strn¢4 t9 Jifu.if :th¢ tig1lts pf

    .iJ:14:ivi4tJ.{J.lS' •. ()J).•Wh()s¢ •• P~hf'Jft>Bi>TJ:•nfl§•· fil~

  • ~~,;;;,;,.~~~·····~"

    ·~~~w.c."ti~ -~-~-·-•·-~~r~~~.$tr~t 'fiOi .. Box J:l:~ ........ ·.·.·• rfre~ttilii-liJ.·. PS?Z:~. (\uomcc,;ror•tJ~r~rictag~s


    • ... • •. •.• ...• L·_ .• -.····~.-··· .. ~_-_._1'1_;_.~·-•.t.f.~ ..•. '.·.·_· •. • I>ate:d: t · 1~

    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 15 of 68 PageID: 2933

  • .· .. LAW CENtER' ·~~i P~Yi>.•• Ne'Y~, N~let"§t}~ 9710& 973.642.8100

    t~···AR.c···QfNEWlERSE'Y 13}':••< rOtn.· naffiitfo 98S •• Li)'i1lg~Ql'l.J\.Yerilie•

    ·• N91*tll.J3"(gl1Swf~~'· NJ gs~oz• 132;246.252$


  • STATEWIDE PARENT ADVOCACY NETWORK By: Diana Autin 35 Halsey Street, 4th Floor Newark, New Jersey 07102 973.642.8100

    THE Al~C Oli,NEW JERSEY 13¥: .. ~~fll ·13~ff~1tt() ~8'$. tiving§ton ~V¢~tJ~. . . N()rthBrttnswick{Nl08902 7-~~.249~2~2$

    D~fvid·L.irarris,, Esq,,• J9y)~~I(Jey, ~~q . ····. . .• LOWENSTElNS.ANDLER.PC ~5~LlV.ing$fqt)_,_Ay~Jttte R.oselan

  • STATEWIDE PARENT ADVOCACY NETWORK By: Diana Autin 35 Halsey Street, 4th Floor Newark, New Jersey 07102 973.642.8100

    ·~~··'·..;~ THEARCOFNEW~ By: Tom Baffutto 985 Livingston A venue North Brunswick, NJ 08902 732.246.2525

    David L. Harris, Esq Joy Bakley, Esq LOWENSTEIN SANDLER PC 65 Livingston Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068 973.597.2500 Attorneys for Plaintiffs

    Ruth Deale Lowenkron, Esq. EDUCATION LAW CENTER 60 Park Place, Suite 300 Newark, New Jersey 07102 973.624.1815 Attorneys for Plaintiffs

    JQ$eph a .. You11g, :E~q Mary Ciccone?, Esq

    - 18-



    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 18 of 68 PageID: 2936


    ~i~ J~¥Ealdey~ Esq . . LQWeN.ST~lN SANPkE,R.J.>C ····~~··•·L~vi#gst~p f\venue · RoselandfNew Jers~y Q'ZO()$' ~7:3.59,7.2~QQ Attorneys for Plaintiffs·



    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 19 of 68 PageID: 2937

  • .·.··· ....... ··· .. · ............ .


    !O.se$.1'1It .Y

  • Ruthi)ealeLowenkrpn, ~q; ... · · EPPCAI:l?N. ...• ~A.'JI{!E;NTER ·60Park .. Place,SuiteJOO · · · Newark, .l'{ew.J:er~ey.()?l04 · •973.624.1815 . Att~·r.nex~ .. ~6r·Pl~inti·ff~.·

    Jo'e mar .. · Ci ......... ·pn:~;: J3s .·.·.• r ~'· DISABILIT . . . GHTS NEW JERSEY Z.to·.· $6~t1:t aro~~lStt•e~~ Tr¢nton, NewJetse:w 086o8 6()9~292~9742: · .. · .... ·. Attorneys for• Plaintiffs·

    Judith o.ran~· Esq REISMAN 'CAROLLA .. GRAN .......... , ... · . .. '· ·. · .... · .... · .. · .. ' ..... ' . ·' .· .... ·. '''·'' .·.·•· !9>9~~·~tf1u~ •. ~.tr~~t Haddonfield, NewJersey 08033 s.s~.3s4~oot . . . . Attc)rneysfo(Phurtt!ff"s

    ·Todd Wilson., Es

  • R11t1:i Deale LoWeiik.roif,_psq .• ·_·· · · · pDUCA'fiON P.A\\J (]ENTER 60 Park>Place,Stiite300< N~\Ya,I~,-·N~'rYl~rsey••Q71Q* 973~624.1815< . . . .·· ...


    Jt)s~p}l J3. )1"otlllg,. psq .··ri, N¢wJersey OS()QS 6()9;292.9742

    •• Attorneys for· Plamtiffs >•

    . 9JAA,E~ ·• . Slvi-1\N~ cl\.ROLLJ\, GR.l\N t9 Chestihit stfeei · · · · · · · · · · ··· · · · · · · · · !I~dqonfiei4; N,~w J~t$¢Y os633 856.354~0061 . . Attotll.eys. 'fo44. Wiisol1~ E:S,

  • ··J~5.el>li••J:l~ yoU118, Esq tvfaey Cjcc()ne, Es ·.·.>•· ···••··· ..• . . AttoJ!teys for }llaiJltitrs·

    .. ~-'\V~s()~ E.sc~···· ..... ·.· LA\V'.OFFICES O}t'.TODD.WILS()N, L~C

    614· Main S~t, Sllite gor ...... · .·.· · · · · · · • Tot1ls R.iv¢r, New Jersey< 08753 7~2~349.0020 ·J\.ttoriteys for Plaintiffs



    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 23 of 68 PageID: 2941

  • Exhibit:A.

    lfRM••oF••tR~ N:E,.:f)s·A.ssE$$1\t~N':I'

  • New Jersey Department of Education<

    ·(}ftice•····of••Speciai•·.Education••··programs ·1iargeted··Review··

    Least Restrictive Environment· .. (LR.E):• .. NeedS•·A~.~e~$mgnt•

    th~ ·lqciiyjdu(ll§< with Oi~(lbiliti~s ..

  • ·Tb.e ne¢A review and.analysisofplacement.databy>districtpersonneL

    S1f!P•••~ :. ···Com:Plet1.ot.l.•of:ib..t

  • ·Step·• ·t:•····nata.-Review .. ·and• .1\_naly~~~··

    A. R.eview•·nata• Charts·· .·NJPOE•williirov1de tlie;district-·.w1ili•.tlie .• piacemel1.t-data.•reported·•B)l.the. districtin••NJSMART·•·ill··october••2o.l•t .. and .. October·· 2012. ·. . . .. . .

    i. Students Ages6221

    The districtwillreviewfofaccriracy tbeov~,. for studepts ages 6-21, and>con1part! .. the data to the

    ··• 2Ql~;;7QJ:3•.•·fqptlj~ fg!lgw.ip.g•••9~t~gqri~§·:· •

    •. 1Dore~ •. t}lai,.80o/o••ofthe.· s,cboolday,reportedJ.n·•the •. 2012-20.13.NJSMA.RT.data, •• is .. less.•••than·•NIDQE '.s •.• statew.ide••~Q11yal ··target·•for:that·y~~;th~···qi~tri9t.m1J§t .• i.c:ientify. ~~c,t~··qfll~~d. .. ·Ci~··•~··•r~sHlto.f .tll~ tbe 2012;.2013. NJSMA._RT data is greater· tha.n :NID()E~s stat~\\fide. ai1Il1.:uHtarget for thatyear,.the district·.mustidentify areas. ofneedas aresult ofthe:datareview and LREQuestionnaire. · · ·

    ·.· ii. StUdents ag~,~3.--s

    · ·R"llrJ.*ent••·Qi.stP.P.l•

  • rctt~ ••. for.tbis· •. cateeory.·.for.2012.-20l·9·•·is••greater··than••NIDOE's .. ·statewide •• tar~et •. for.2012~2ol3~, ••. the.district··must••idellctify.•.areas•·•of neecias:are§ultofthedatareview andLRE Questionnaire~ · ·

    B.J\n.~!yze~g~s.·6~21 ... Placeme~t .. Patte~n.s .. froD1Data.Tables

    sp~cifjc f(lqia.l!¢thniwin~. p}(lceJl1eptcat¢gories: · · · · ·

    • lll g~p.~ry¥ .~

    •· IP.•·•··~.a.rly·cJ»ldJiqq(f g~n~r~l~d49~tigp. •.• ~.~tij.gg~; • .·In ... •·ea.ri£.childh()od•·s:Pecial•·education••·seftil1gs;••ana• . • JJ:l. St!P'WfJ.~~ Pl.lJ?tlP a.t14 priy(lt~ ~~ll.qqls. . . . ..

    D .•.•.• Itlentity•.i!lacement•_Ttend~···

    Reviewdataforthe 2011-2012 and 2012-2013schoolyears)att}le

  • E. Analyze Program ~eeds:

    Review .• pro~m.s.•offereci·fora) .students••placed •• ol.lt .. of-district•inseparate.·schools··.~d•§)···&tttd.ce~ts.•in.(jistrict •. i1l.•Spec;ial cl~.~·

    prognuns· c:tY.ail~bl~.·wit]Jip·.•th~

  • §t~p,2: .. ~~~st.Re~t .. i~tiveE)lvi .. ~~ment ...

  • •.••l:'he'•T~adership.:is:.$uJ:>pof1ive•·,ortl{E•·•·arl.d•distriGt•··iriiti~tives.•®d•. :i a.cti'Vities feflectLRE: · ·

    [{{ 'The distrlc~ Staff ar~ C(>lllfuitt&d to the itnplenientation of ··~lV! .. PrO&Tam~ .. and. support~ .. for.te(lfh~~s

    0 iThe di$triI1s md IJ1oditltatidl1S torst1ldents.With

    · disabilities · .·. · ·. ·.

    NJ()SEP .. L~Self~Assessment 7

    DescriptioruCofQisqict Utiti~tjye~•.iii ge#~ialeC;:cial•.· · · edu¢ationteachets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    '~ · · ExariJ,pJes orc~~~cWng •. .·· • · · ~taff schedtiles that indud¢ c;()IIliii(>n plarfuJng tiln(ffor •·

    general ~cfspe¢ial educatioru;taff · .· · · ·.· · · .. · · · · . ·. · ... ·.· · . · • General ~d ~pec~alEd1lcationJeac~er/J\

  • The districtprovides ongoing support, technical assistance and development activities for special and general education teachers, child study team members and other district personnel regarding methods, strategies and interventions to assist students in the general education setting.

    The district provides ongoing support, staff development activities and technical assistance to special and general education teachers, child study team members and other district personnel in the

    . implementation of strategies that provide positive behavioral supports to students.

    provides oversight. to the Inter-vention and Referral . Services (I&RS) teams at each school to ensure they provide meaningful interventions to teachers that support struggling students in the general education classroom. Oversight includes:·

    0 Attending I&RS team meetings 0 Amt.lyzing

  • Iqentifies• t11e seJYice•iuld• supp()rt.lleeds. for •stu4erits·in .general ed,uc~tion d~sesJ¢ss ~ 80% pf tllt! school daY· so.they.can.be.plac;.ed:••in•.geperal•·e4ucati()I1.P1"9~a~;·

    • ~ ldentifies the serviCe and supporfqeeds for, artd establi~hes.•Ql".·f!Xp~s.·p~ograiils••at\d •• s~rvi

  • The LRFP indicates that the district considered current and anticipated facilities needs for students with disabilities in developing the district's Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP)~

    where students wi

    The LRFP includes long-range plans to expand capacity to provide services to current and anticipated special education students tbl:'ough in-district programs.

    The district provides training to all relevant staff regarding all aspects of LRFP planning related to educating students with disabilities.

    The district collaborates with other districts in the area to provide special education programs and services in integrated public schools.

    ··The district provides oppoifui:rities forpareritsto participate in the development of their children's special education program by:

    1. offering opportunities (workshops, newsletters, course guides, web-based resources, handbooks, etc.) to learn about and discuss LRE; and

    2. providing information on services, supports and accommodations

    1.18 I There is an active special education parent advisory group meets regularly in order to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities.

    NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 10

    • out-of-district placement log • facilities survey • building maps or schematics showing location of special

    education classrooms • Other


    • written approval letter

    • census data

    • Other .. ~ . .;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;.....;.==== ...........

    • LRFP

    • Other .,--~'---'----.,---....:.:......;...;....,.

    workshops • newsletters • course guides • web-based resources • handbooks • parent visitation policies • training materials • list of events and sign-in sheets

    • List of meeting dates and/or meeting agendas • Parent training materials • Parent training sign-in sheets • Special education advisory panel notices and minutes • Other


    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 34 of 68 PageID: 2952

  • . ··· '.,,.,_ .. .... ,_, ,.,.,_ ., .... ,_,.,, ,. ··.-·:····:,., ,,., :··· '''·' : :·:·:·:. ··::::, ,.,,.,, .. ,:':.·:··:.·:·· .. . ............ · ·.· ....... · ... , ... ,. ··:, . ··'· · . . .......... I··· ····· .. ·· .... ··'·· ····'·"'······' ...... ·· . ···········'·'·· ........................ · .... ·········· ............

    1.19 Students with disabilities are tia!lsportedtogether with studerits :" .,_, .,. .· IEPs · ..

    • • who do not have disabilities, when appropriate for their needs, • bus logs based on travel routes. . : • Other

    . ::



    The school Principal promotes the accepta.qce of and high expectations for students with disabilities, monitors the implementation of LRE, supports best practices, and takes ownership · for all students and personnel at the school site.

    The school uses a comprehensive system of: 0 Informal assessments (portfolios, projects, surveys, rubrics,

    inventories, etc.) 0 Formal assessments (statewide and district formative

    assessments and benchmark assessments) 0 lesson planning 0 data analysis and reporting to progress monitor the

    academic performance of all students.

    NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 11

    Specific reference to inclusion of students in the school's mission statement, goals, or objectives Specific mention of inclusion of students with disabilities in the school improvement plan or other plans DocUmentation that Principal monitors the implementation ofLRE. Documentation that'the Principal encourages teachers to identify their support needs

    Documentation that special education teachers are represented on grade and subject teams Teacher/Principal Interviews Other ..


    District testing schedule Samples of Informal assessments· used in the district Trainings offered or attended on the use of assessments IEP progress reports showing that students are assessed on their progress in the general curriculum and state standards Informal assessments show progress of students with disabilities, including students with significant disabilities, in state standards. Student work samples



    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 35 of 68 PageID: 2953

  • 123





    I 2T6:'







    -~···The:¥~c!J>al_.del!loll$tqites_~~ade~}lip{or.serving. all __ s1:Ude~~ py··-· · ·- Pcu1Iclp(lt1Dg J,J:1 a11~. overse~~g th~I.&R§> QSTfilld ~P vwce:~se~'

    'fhe :Principalicientifies' th~ syste~ic strat~gies, peede4 ~o SMPPOJ:t: _ : 1 LRE•~d,in,gludes.tbose;$ttategiesin,.tlie $Cbool ii:nprqyement plan•

    l A1Lst:\lc:lent~ h~ve ~c~~ssto thefull}"ange.ofserviC:(!S o1f~ed~tt1le sc:4g()I,_ ip.cluding._cl~sses~. ~ft~tsc:bool prograin_s,•·ttp_d e~tracurtiC1llar activities. . . .

    Tb.e J?riii,c1i>81 irieetsieiD:ilaily }Vit}(tfi~.l)IDSctor ()f Sp¢ci~C~¢I-vi~~s·· .·to r~view:referral--ariq· plac.et:I.le~t•.c44l•·t9' d~yel()p PI:Qgr~.tQ sijpport ! LRE: ...... .

    Th¢ sc.h()oloffers classrO()l11$ that support edu9ati()n ofstuci¢tsWiih.J •· ~~isa~ilities fn genercll.•ea~cati?n c.lasses e4~catiori't() .• th~. II1~xiJil~m

    • extellt.posst1Jle.and pro )'Ides tll7class .. _suppof4· consu1tat.tom·. ~4·· 1-.·•fl1etho~s·•and·mateija!s.tha.t•enabie••a1l··st1ufe1lts·•t•·access.·iriS1:rttctiri.

    I< :;uppvl ~. OLuUems wnn me: most Slgnificani needs 1Il g~ri.erill education . ciasses .. tO.the mrudmum.·extent_possible.iriCluding: ·

    0 Sfuderits With helu1viora1 chidlenges, . 0 Students with:severe multiple disabilities (1Dobility, health,

    sen.Sozy,>cOgnitive;Jangililge). . 0 StUdents o(preschool~g~,

    The PrinCipal.meets·With-the•Drrectcir-·of·Sp~cw·.Ed\icatiori•to . anhly2:e.·referial•and'ptacemellt.decisio:nS·ofthe·csT>b:Y•gender,

    ! • >speCific raciallethniCwoups,. giadelevel,< disability, arid teacher:



    NJOSEP L]{p§~lf-J¥.~essrrient

    I .T.




    :·•• ····$¢hc}o:fpoiic.i¢s afid.J>ro~¢4Uie~I"egardmgl~R.S~'Cstand

    •r• •• •• li.

    • qr: F

    .. , •.. ,-. t •• •

    IEP processes ·-- · · · · · ·. ·

    Data: on ref~rraJ.ss. .. .. . _ _ .. ........ . . .... . Sampl~s.in$tl1l~tioDl!l.•rna.~I"ifils .. ap.4•.~sistive .• technology•

    ~ ... :§Yicleqc:e ofa~ontfuuUill. of,placeme11toptioP$;. .. . . . Other

    7F • i>r()f.essiq#f

  • ·~P¢~i~tlie~~cati~··ant{~nenu.~~~~ati?n·t~~h.~~·ar~·;~i~:~ tnl1e··for·· · c~ll8J>()!1l~o~· .•. ··•1iliis··U1~ludes···le~ol1~~·~:dfyel~t>~~nt, Ci'ea~~.·assessrilents.~ vertioat·and horizontal .. articillatiollJ·.and· ' ; t:Urricritum•reytew•anare~ement·~dr¢Viewofstud~n1!4it1i

    · Nilos~·:~~:s~tr~•~~~~~~;· 13

    : 'Mast~ S.C.lieau.t~ · . :~s6n'planS·iarid;mqdificatiot1S.•Withinlessp.:J>laris.·for · sfudentS~cwa.. · Othe~:·· ··


  • education staff are knowledgeable and active members of each school's community:

    0 Ongoing communication occurs with building level administrators to ensure that special and general education staff are participating in building lev,el activities and professional development and that they have access to general education resources and materials.

    0 Periodic meetings are held with special and general education staff assigned to each building to discuss involvement in general education programs and curriculum.

    0 All CSTs, general education and special education teachers are knowledgeable about the model cuniculum, the Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) and the aligned scope and sequence of the district core general education curriculum for each content area.

    0 All general and special education teachers participate as members of general education grade level and/or content area teams.

    0 All CSTs, general and special education teachers participate in planning discussions, professional development and committees about new curricula, assessment, academic and behavioral interventions, discipline policies and other program initiatives within the building together with general education teachers and other student support staff

    General education teachers demonstrate high expectations and the skills necessary to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities in their class.

    Student progress in the educational setting and in the general education curriculum is monitored closely using student performance data, progress towards IEP goals (as determined by the IEP team) and curriculum so students are moved to a less restrictive environment with appropriate supports as soon as

    NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 14

    Professional dt:rvelopment plans Announcements; lists of activities, events and

    committee meetings; lists of committee membership; attendance sheets for meetings Agendas and minutes of meetings Sample lesson plans developed by general education and special education teachers

    Teachers and CST member interview responses Documentation of grade level and content subject area teams Correspondence and communications among administrators, general education and special education teachers


    Sample lesson plans Instructional materials demonstrating use of evidence-based instnictional methodologies and strategies for instructing diverse learners Teacher interview responses

    IEPs that contain links to state standards and the general curriculum

    • Professional developmen.t in standards-based IEPs and accessing the general education curriculum

    • Classroom and district assessment data • Other

    SY20 12-20 l3

    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 38 of 68 PageID: 2956

  • Tf1~ ~#~~l.~Y~~ 9fJ~ca4~mic: ..• ~~

  • The CST considers placement options for students with disabilities in the general education setting first and makes appropriate placement decisions to keep students with disabilities in neighborhood schools.

    The CST reviews the I&RS interventions thatwere provided to the student prior to the Identification meeting to determine if they . were implemented for at least 6 weeks and were reviewed for effectiveness

    The CST requires multiple assessments in all areas in which the student is having difficulty, in order to provide a comprehensive representation of the student's abilities and disabilities before considering placement options, and the CST requires updated assessment~, as appropriate, to meet the needs of the s~dents they serve.

    Parents participate in all IEP meetings, teams encourage and facilitate opportunities for parents to effectively participate in IEP decision-making and express their concerns and expectations for appropriate placement options for their child. The CST reviews the IEPs of students served in segregated settings annually and addresses the transition needs of students so they can enter less restrictive environments as soon as possible and with annrooriate sunoorts and &:!.,..,...,;

    NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 16

    Sample of student IEPs showing consideration of supplementary aids and services and individualization across students. Teacher interview responses Parent interview responses Documentation of the type and range of supplementary aids and services provided to a heterogeneous sample of students. Written procedures or manuals IEP meeting minutes and notes demonstrating that a full range of supple:mentary aids and services were considered Structured checklists of supplementary aids and services that the CST should consider before the student may be placed outside the general education classroom in the neighborhood school.

    Sample of strident evaltiatiori reports·· • ' Sample of student re-evaluation reports • Sample of student IEPs • Minutes of CST meetings

    . • Sample initial and /or reevaluation plans • . Sample assessment reports

    Other Documentation of parent Parent interview responses State Parent Survey results


    Sample of student IEPs Staff interview responses



    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 40 of 68 PageID: 2958

  • >1'.3.6

    ... ;;


    r .,:

    . .

    I p~gth~IEJ:l.Ilieetirtg,thelEPteiitil~ddres~sthe~c~qemic,•·.· ·1·1···· :1· Socialfem()tiOill!l,.fie;Ull1; CQD!I]}unication ;Uul b~Jn!vior••!l""'!S Of i • • '

    · ... th~BJ14 hehaYioral needs ofst"ll.dents ,~fit}l. d.isrihilities,. •·

    ···~~; . suc~>asCiJ"

  • New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs LRE Targeted Review

    Interview Questions (Highlighted questions are mandatory)

    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 42 of 68 PageID: 2960

  • How do you participate in determining the kinds of training and technical assistance needed to support students with disabilities in general education classes?

    NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 2 SY2012-2013

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  • 4~21 -w¥ch 1llO~c;!S•·~f ifr: .• distri'ideyou' with the!. qpporiiulliy#> Co11ab.oriit~ Wiilisp~cial . . :.educatiori•teachers,••inCI1l(ljn.g•timefor·Jt!sson.planniJig'and •. geveloptrient,·. ·

    •.•.!·· ... •· ... ·.·.cr. .e .. a·.~·a··. sse······· ss~n .. ·.en~s, "eiti··.c···· a1 and···h··· ori2;onW.·az1icu1aiiofi;•.'?lliTicu1u11l• re)T.iew·and : ... ·•re:firiementand.reVIew ofstudent.data? ··· 4~24 ·· ··.···na:y()[email protected]··aistrict fosters··a•ciiiriateofaC§eptarice••C>f,~d·high


  • NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 4 SY2012.;.2Q13

    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 45 of 68 PageID: 2963

  • Have you received professional development in the model curriculum, the Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) and the aligned scope and sequence of the district core general education curriculum for your content area?

    5.15 I Do you have ongoing communication with building..:level administrators?

    5.17 ..


    Do you feel that your district fosters a climate of collaboration between general and special education?

    Doesyout district provide yo\l With the opportunitY fu collaborate with general education teachers, including time for lesson planning and development, creating assessments, vertical and horizontal articulation, curriculum review and refinement and review of student data?

    NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 5 SY2012-2013

    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 46 of 68 PageID: 2964

  • 5~24•



    L 5.28



    ·· Is •• di~trjct•Jeag(!rs}rip. cqmTDitted •to.· Sl1Pl'ortingtead:t~rs .m pro.yiqgtg.s(!ryic~~·to ·.~tudell:ts·.)"'ith·.disl3,bilitie:)· in··gen~Cli··~du~(ltiJ:l•

  • NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 7 SY2012-2013

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  • NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 8: SY2012-2013

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  • NJOSEP LRE Self-Assessment 9 SY2012-2013

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  • I D.· istn·····c.·t···· > ... · .... s·.··.•.;...·. c.··· .....•. ·.·.a ... ·s ..•. ~.·.r .. o.··o···.mW~Jkihrougt..ll, '~~!~C~hJCS•9E' 1 Tea~her(s} ... : . . · Directions: Checkhllthatapply. · , :E~~QD.I(.l~llt.

    ·classr9fiw• .Artallgeijient: D focati()!li~ accessi~le ..

    AII~ t}ie. qtpei ~tt!

    ·.• activiti~:s· ..... Effipi~llt transitiOJ1S. .·.· .·. ·.·.

    . Equitable stl14eJ1tparticipation Evidence ofdiffei'elltiation

    Sfu~Bo~d overhead·• Lecture ... . ..

    · h · · Pririted llotes!handollts 13\fid~hce ()'f direytinsti\lction ·.•.. ' b ·•· ··· 'Vi di.scus~ion· [.8rg~&foiip.discussi9n• Lecture Indep~n~entrea~illg·.·• Individual• seaiWork ·· Dy~s/p~h~·· .. · r:f i#struetioll ....

    . ~11""9:l~ss: c.JS~i gnJ11~rit >tim~rK · .. · .. · .. ·.· ...... ·.·.· .. StUdentS With disabilitiesare ~g~gga ~~-iltb'i~3.rrJe c~rriclilar. aCtiVitY as die od1er members .. of.

    · · the cta.Ss ·

    9~~~tie Auth~ntical1)' and•activ~ly l1"' .. . taSk.·.·.·.· .... ·.·.·.· ... ··· .. ·.·.·.::: .. ·.· .. ·.·· .. ·.· .. ··.· .. ·.·.·


    · Qt!l1er8.l¢uca.t~or1teach~ ~p~i~ll!4ilca;irr'{ea~~~f: • C:Iassroo1ll ia.ide · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · One;;to,.one•aide.

    qo-Te~clting.l\i:~•bod~ ,•·. p ·

  • .~g$i9Y~•··~~~jQr•~.!i.•·Tf!j.~~or~ · T~¢h¢r JTIQY~tbtt.igboi.ltthe . ~i~~t~ ····. "l'~cl:l~·mf:lfl~'~·m~tl1~; .one activity

    Clast~~~ ~U.~~ Sttident~tdieher iriterad.i~nsare p(,1$iijv¢

    ~tl.J4~is·:~.~~~foffil~l~· ~6~~;:r~~~AA4•~ing; qu~tio~~ · ·· ·· l'l~;~)~~~.i~~~ri)~g .. ~ ijpptQpnli~·

    ·p~tn~~cti~~·P9~1Jrn~~!y ~W?rli.·UJ.l.·$~~~




    ·r~~~~~.····~~~.~y$!ij4~"t$ • 0 , . C0111puters

    Internet .. ;~mail .· .... ..··· I~f>.Qli~ti()il\)t 1i§ftw~ · ~pbi(:$~4w~ ,f#m~~~~n~ ·. i_Qth,~ ...... · .......... ~ ........... -..-............ -. ..

    Di&en~t.~emeattr>isruP.H\te P.roXimitY s4pf)Ort. · P~pro1e$sio~t .. · • aP,Pr9f>n~1f~sist$ .· stllderits with disabilities· ·~tll

  • L 2~

    3. 4~ 5. 6~ 7; 8. 9. 10; lL 12.. 13. 14~

    15. 16.· 17~

    18. 19~ 20; 2L 22. 23. }4. 25. 26. 27; 28; 29~ 30.) 31. 32.

    ··33. 34; 35. 36. .37; 38.


    Ab"'·-··:·'"· .. ·p--··k·• .-.-~. ury .... ar .... .J\tl3fitic City 13\l.i"liri.gtort•ToWriship··(Nofz/Comf>liarzt) Gari19eP. Gi1& q~~l"(~t.l301'()1Jgh :-: ~astOrarige(/YiJh~C9mp/tafit) E.a,st Wit1d~pr }t~gio11.al'" ·· Edison Elizabetll .. (/fofi+Compllaizt) :E,IIJ1\V()

  • l. 2. 3 .. 4. s~

    6. 7, 8. ·9~ 10. LL 12~ 13. 14. 15. 16~


    18. 19 .. 20. 21. 22~

    23; 24, 25~

    26. '27~

    28 •. 29. 39~ .3.J. 32. . 33. 34. 35~

    36. 37~

    38 ..


    ~afn.e$atToWI1ship 39~ 13~:YJJri.e 40. Blo()mfiei

  • {j•.

    ~;~ 3 •. ,4~

    5: 6> 7; 8: 9~ 10.

    . . .

    :~w~~~~SQtR~()~· ,:;e~s~Y.·cny

    ~,.tre NJqi.i~Qt~tr :N'¢W~k $9Uth'o(a.ns~M~P.tew94d ~ms ~1ver: Ten·~·· . r: wn


    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 55 of 68 PageID: 2973

  • .·l\11acy•'ci9p()~~ .. ~··pi~af>!l*~y.glglitS.·~.~V'I···j~r~~y

    $~·•&ott~®••'---••New••J ers¢.Y.•··Deyel()pffi~ntfll.•l)i$~~iliti~.s..•·tQpn.Qif

    P.ebotah.••Jellriiit&~···~·•$~atew14e·Pfli"eilt· . .A.

  • Eihibit•F


  • .. · ....... ·-···: .......... : .. · ..... .

    . WORKSHOP TIT'LE:.·~ ·. ~__;,..;;.~..,..;;.;.._~~~~~~..--...------.,....;..;..;-...;,;;.;,;,.~~~~~----~~~--

    ·W91tK~H()PtQPIC:($):·~~~~~~~~~~....-.-.-....;..;,..;...~~~~~;.._;,......;~~_,....._~ ............ -

    PR~S~NTER(S): ~~~~~~~~~,.._;;-....,.__;,;~~~~~~;;;.o..·.;..· F''"''''~"···'·'+-······...;..· ........... .._ .......... ·~··--· ........... --·--· ~· ·'"""'!. 'I)ATE:" " Ser~sY/o~~~o;s: De~y~of ... ···•••·········· · Ov~r(111, ••. how inforr1lati'/!'wa~· the W,orks~cjp .. i~ •• ~xpci,ll~in~· .• yollt undel'stdricling 9f th~ inclu~ion: c)f··~t'J.ti.e~ts··Wi!ll disc:abUities* .· . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . · · V~ij lnfonrttltlv•• iaclclng I~ lnf():imCJii()il

    4 3 2 1

    T9 'NHat~~gre~·\Vill· the illfol'matiorl b' useful in y()ljr prf~ssi9J1Qirle to. inc:lupe"~t~de11tS wif~ c:Jis(l~Uiti~sf · · · ·yery. useful · · · · · · · · · Not useful

    .. .. 4" 3 2 1

    H(J\'{ W()Uic:J"yourate th~ mO.terlals thaf''t\'~rEfused lh t~is pres~r,lt(Jtio.n' '[)i~: y()u··ftlld.fhe·mdteri(Jis"useful' . . Ve,Y useful . . . . . . . . . . Not useful

    . 4 3 2. l

    ·· ·~ow•·•wC)ulrJ. )follr.ote th.:t pr!.s~r1t(1tlof1}nt~rrn~ .. of•. pr~sel)fer;s •• k11o\4/ledg"••·9f•tf1clusilj~.·pracftc~s~nd. ~REi$su~s, .. qllqlity (JfJnstruction, cmd resp.onsiv~ness .to group ra~ed~~ · · · · ·

    .· &cellellf · · .· · · ·. P.Oot • 4 3< 2 1

    Ho.WW.ouldyol) rpt~ypqfl~yelc:)f~r'lovvledQeabout·.fh~fopic>BEFQR~ygpqtfE)qq~cfth~ · pr~~entotiqn~ · · · · · · ·. · · · ·

    A lot 4 3 2

    Uttleto.nooe·•· l

    Hpw·.~qvl?•vOU··•rat~·.xt>.yr··leverot•.·knoWI.edge.·.abcn.Jlthe•·· tppic: AFTER yoy

  • ;..,;....;,;....;.;..;.;.~··Make· sc)rneC:hanges.•in.•n1y .. professton~·l.• prCietlC:e: •Please. provide •. details

    ·Is there. anythil'l~···that·· coul·~···have hi a cJ.~•·•·this pr.es~ntatit?ri. itlore.us.:tful(t() •• y()U. qf1'cl·••y9~.r instrll¢ti9n• 9f ~t&Jdents inJh~ If so, pl~gsf.:)>c;l~sc:rib~.< .(FpttE!dch~r~ only.)··

    OthEtr•· colllrnents:

    · Sugg¢stiol'ls f()rfuture>w()rksh()p topics >that· will facilitate the> inc; Ius ion ()f stycJe11ts vlith< ~i~a~i!ltiE!~f

    NeW J.trsej.l)epartr11ent ofEdutatioi'1,.DivisionC»fStudent arufFieidService~,OHice of Sp«tcicll Ed ... ~cliioir ~rogra""s · e~nd funded through IDEA Pe~•ri ll fiJil~s •. · ·· · · ···

    Case 3:07-cv-02978-MLC-LHG Document 238 Filed 02/19/14 Page 59 of 68 PageID: 2977

  • ••ExhibitG

    ··F.()Rij·· 9t MQ~~'f()IiiNG. .. PJ!:QTQ~Q~ ..

  • ·N.J[)()E••••M()NIT()RING• .. ij•··•S¢hQgi····•Pistrict:· ...... ~ ............... ~~~~ PROTOC()L

    ··Placement in the Least-Restri.ct:ive•

    ·· ·:·t:~:yi.l'onmen.t•··· ~irec;tor.of·~pecial··.· S~[ViceS·•·Cln~tea~hers• •. indi~t~Jh~t childrer1 are e~I.Jpc~te(j with children

    ····who are ilotdisabled to the. maximum e#e11t••~ppropr;i~t~?

  • b.···· pqlnt~r\ji~ws .. vvith.CST·. members.,•.thedirector·.ofspeqi§ll··• seryiq~s af1d te~ch(;lr~ indicate .·that,.· .. if··~••c~ild.requifes• pla~rn~nt in a general

  • b. ..If tfl~ SljppleQ'l~pt~ryaids•·and. ,•services.listed• y.Jere·.rejected, •.• i§: an • adequcat~r~~~qnforJ11~ rf!j~ction. ··icJE!ntifiecj in ~~~ lf;P? (Yes.orNo)

    If th~••ansVI~rt9< .f3itherql1~$ti()r'l·is ... ~no,< ttl~ ll::P·i~ rtQP~rnpliant.

    •.. 3 .. Th~•IEP•irfcludes.·a comparison.ot• .. :the penefits.prqvid~ inth~.g~n~ral

    education••clas~··ancj•.the.·beriefits.• Jprovidectin thespeciateducation class.··· ··

    (;ui~ing. Qu~7lti911~: · • a> ... Is there an acieqlj~te qofl'lpe~rison

    i of benefits docurl'lente(liJ1 the IEP? · ;(Y~~

  • 4-~········The···lf:P•.ipcll.Jd.es·•·the .. p(ltentially . beneficial pr H. armful effect~ which ~tpdE!nt With disabiliti~s or the•other.·studen.ts .• in.th~••qla.ss•.[20 U.S~(;. §1412(~)(?); 34.C-.F~R. §300.116(9.)]

    Guiding Qu~stion~:< . .· ... · ~.. Are. the pptentiaLbeneflts ~ndior . halll1ful ~f"fE3¢~ d()Cllm~nt~d in. the ·.•IEP?

  • . 5~, 'Fo(student$ in i sepCir~t~' ~~ttirlg~. theiEPsetsJorttractivities to move· the>studeQttq>~ less restrictive ...... . placement.

    . G~idi.no••Qiie$ti91J!S:•••

    . --~-~-·- Areth~··af;tivitie~Jo' rn()vethe stud.entto a lf3~sre~trictive eoviron01ent documentecJ_ .. in·•theiE;P? (Y~s prNp) Jfyes,idothe_· _ ·

    -··.-docum~nted ~cti\titi~~ include efforts to develqp ~t1e pr()grarrror · supplementary aids .. and sef"ViCe$'the

    · stud¢nfneecj~ J() ~~efit froni . education··in •a ger•E)rat· educ~tion cla$sroom orin~district $CI1qol?'

    p.--.. [)oes.the_••IEP' •• inci~Jd.e.activities•_th~ -•district Y~ilL

  • b •••. ooesth~ file review demo.,strate •that•tl'le.•district·can.·.access.•··a.•full •. • continuum >of.placementoptioos?:lsno, · ·:the district is. nQnC()mplia.nt<

    .·. 7 ...•. Piacerrientm.Yst b~ as ¢lose tO .. hom,~ ~~ po.;;s.i~le. Unless trye lEP

    . r~quir~s s(Jrne qther arrang~m~nt, Jhe childis ed4C(lted inth~ schpol that he·

    : Of sh~ WOLJid t)ttend•if nondisabled~[2Q · U.~.C~ §141?(f;J)(p); ... ~. C.F.R. · §§30Q.11E)(t>)(~)C1nd (c)] · ··· ·

    Guicting ~llesti()ns: .·· .. _· Cl· .• · .. op• intervi~ws with C~T>I'JleiTlQers, the• directQrqf.spec;:ial ~eryic.es a11d •·tea.chef$ d~rnpnstrate that. ade

  • · a.• Th~ childiishotr~movedfrorri··· •education ip ~g~appropri~t~ g~neral

    ·. eduCCition .. classroorns so,l~ly ~~LI~~ :qfl1eea~propriate~ · · · ·

    Student Initials/ No~


    · student. Initials/<

  • •Gui.di~Q···G}ues~on•=·•·· a .. · 0.() intervi~'vVS ~nh .thEfdirector of special·· s~IVice~, ... ctiilci•··stu.dy . .team rnember§.~pd•.t~achers .•• i.ndicate that··

    .·. th~···~tuc:J~nt• tl~~.·.qpp()~Unities·.to ·. p~rticipate il'l n.op~c:c~d~rni