pavement surface evaluation and rating study (paser)

April 21, 2014 Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study – (PASER) For the City of Flat Rock Prepared by the C. E. Raines Company

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Page 1: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

April 21, 2014

Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study – (PASER) For the City of Flat Rock

Prepared by the C. E. Raines Company

Page 2: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………1

II. Network Characteristics……………………………………………………………….3

III. Distress Types…………………………………………………………………………4

IV. Maintenance and Repair Alternatives…………………………………………………5

V. Maintenance Alternatives……………………………………………………………11

VI. Roadsoft Modeling…………………………………………………………………..12

VII. Analysis and Results………………………………………………………………...16

VIII. Conclusion and Next Steps………………………………………………………….18


Appendix A. Photographs of PASER Ratings

Appendix B.

a. Major Streets PASER Ratings

b. Local Streets PASER Ratings

c. PASER Rating Location Map

Page 3: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)


I. Introduction

C. E. Raines Company has been authorized by the City of Flat Rock (City) to assist in the

development of the city’s road asset management strategy. The City owns and maintains

approximately 31 miles of roadway. Approximately 25 miles are concrete, 2.22 miles are

asphalt and 3.71 are gravel. Approximately nine miles of City roads are classified as major and

18.65 are classified as local. This analysis considers local and the major that are paved for a total

centerline mileage of 27.65 and excludes major and local gravel roads representing 3.71 center

line miles.

The Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) system is used to evaluate the condition

of road segments. The PASER system rates each segment on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the

worst condition, and 10 being the best condition (new pavement). The ratings directly

correspond to the expected remaining service life as well as appropriate maintenance activities.

The Grand Valley Metro Council (GVMC) located in Grand Rapids was contracted to collect the

data for the PASER Study. The GVMC owns a van that is equipped to survey the road network.

This vehicle is equipped with subsystems that can collect digital images of the pavement surface,

digital images of the front view of the roadway and the right-of-way, rut depths using a five laser

system, and longitudinal profile along the wheel paths. The vehicle is equipped with a Distance

Measuring Instrument (DMI) and a GPS to track the vehicle position. The DMI and GPS data are

integrated with images and other data. Figure 1 is a photo of the van used to collect road

condition data.

Figure 1. Grand Valley Metro Council Data Collection Van

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Once the data is collected, it is transferred to a software program called Roadsoft. The software

is a computerized roadway management system for collecting, storing, and analyzing data

associated with transportation assets. Roadsoft was developed and is supported by the

Technology Development Group, which is a part of the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute

at Michigan Technological University. The software is provided free to cities and counties in

Michigan. Roadsoft can manage a variety of data associated with transportation systems.

Specific types of data include: roads, signs, culverts, guardrails, pavement markings, traffic

counts, and vehicle crashes. The condition of the pavement surface, as represented by a PASER

rating can be stored in Roadsoft. In addition, Roadsoft has asset management analysis tools that

provide a means for creating and implementing efficient and effective construction and

maintenance strategies to maximize the return of the transportation investment. Roadsoft can

generate a variety of detailed reports that provide a summary of the specific data in the database.

The current average PASER rating in the city is 5.9 (Good).

The City allocated $200,000 of funding in the 2013-2014 Budget for pavement maintenance and

repairs. The funding allocation does not include utility funds or other matching funds such as

Federal Aid Surface Transportation Program, or Community Development Block Grant Funds.

Using Roadsoft, a model was prepared to evaluate the impact of different investment levels on

the overall network condition over a ten year period. The model will assist the city to determine

an adequate amount of funding to keep the road network from deteriorating. It also recommends

which types of maintenance treatment (i.e., joint sealing, remove and replace concrete sections,

etc.) to be used and a proposed funding level per year.

The study concludes with a recommendation of the necessary funding levels and future steps to

begin the implementation of an asset management plan.

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II. Network Characteristics

The City of Flat Rock currently has approximately 31 miles of roadway under its jurisdiction.

The road network distribution for classification, condition, and surface type are summarized


Table 1: Road Network Classification

Centerline Miles


9.00 Major Streets

18.65 Local Streets

3.71 Gravel Streets

31.36 Total

Table 2: Road Network Classification

Major Road

(Centerline Miles)

Local Roads

(Centerline Miles)


(Centerline Miles)

Total %

Good (PASER 10-6) 5.75 15.16 20.81 67%

Fair (PASER 5-4) 1.69 6.20 7.89 25%

Poor (PASER 3-1) 1.56 1.00 2.56 8%

Total 9.00 22.36 31.36 100%

Table 3: Road Network Surface Type

Centerline Miles Surface Type

25.37 Concrete

2.28 Asphalt

3.71 Gravel

31.36 Total

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III. Distress Types

The PASER rating system is separated into categories based on concrete and asphalt pavement

types, which have different distress that are specific to each pavement.

The key to a useful evaluation is identifying different types of pavement distress and linking

them to a cause. Understanding the cause for current conditions is extremely important when

selecting the appropriate PASER rating, and associated maintenance or rehabilitation technique

(e.g. load or age induced failures). For example, a street with failures indicative of extensive

base failure, such as alligator cracking and rutting, would be a PASER 4 or below, because the

only activities appropriate to address the cause of the failure would be heavy rehabilitation or


There are four major categories of common concrete and common asphalt distresses as shown



a. Surface Defects: Wearing and Polishing, Map Cracking, Pop-outs, Scaling, Shallow

Reinforcing, and Spalling.

b. Joint Failure: Longitudinal and Transverse

c. Pavement Cracks: Transverse Slab Crack, D-Cracking, Corner Cracking and

Meander Cracking

d. Pavement Deformation: Blow-ups, Faulting, Pavement Settlement or Heave, Utility

Repairs, Patches and Potholes, Manhole and Inlet Cracking, and Curb or Shoulder



a. Surface Defects: Raveling, Flushing, and Polishing

b. Surface Deformation: Rutting, Distortion (including Rippling and Shoving, Settling,

and Frost Heave)

c. Cracks: Transverse, Reflection, Slippage, Longitudinal, Block, and Alligator cracks

d. Patches and Potholes

Examples of City streets for concrete surface distress and PASER rating are provided in

Appendix A.

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IV. Maintenance and Repair Alternatives

There are three categories of maintenance/repairs available for maintaining roadway

infrastructure: Preventative Maintenance, Road Rehabilitation and Road Reconstruction. A

brief overview of each category is followed by a more detailed description of the individual

alternatives and their costs.


Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance (PM) is appropriate for newer roads in Very Good (8) to Good (6)

condition. PM lengthens the service life of a structurally sound pavement. PM is limited to

surface improvements such as crack seals, and joint seals and surface seals.

Road Rehabilitation

Road Rehabilitation (RH) procedures are appropriate for roads in Fair (4-5) condition. More

intense rehabilitation procedure can be appropriate for roads rates in Poor (3) condition. RH may

include localized full depth removal and replacement, mill and overlay, or other methods to

improve the base and/or cross section of the pavement such as pulverize, re-grade, and overlay.

RH procedures are more intensive than PM, but can restore a pavement to excellent condition at

a significantly lower cost than full Road Reconstruction.

Road Reconstruction

Road Reconstruction (RC) procedures are appropriate for roads in Very Poor (2) to Failed (1)

conditions. A rating of 1 or 2 means the road has no more useful service life. In this case full

reconstruction with extensive base repair is necessary. Often, other types of work need to be

considered with full reconstruction, such as drainage improvements or water main or sanitary

sewer replacement.


The following text details possible maintenance and repair alternatives along with costs

associated with each improvement. Note that the costs are based on fair market prices bid for

similar jobs, including miscellaneous items such as traffic control and restoration. The following

costs are typical average total project costs. They include typical engineering costs, such as

design, inspection, and materials testing. The costs will need to be evaluated each year and

updated to reflect current market conditions. The category of the improvements is indicated next

to each repair alternative in parentheses.

Page 8: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)


Concrete Maintenance Program

Crack/Joint Sealing (PM)

Description: This process involves cleaning and routing cracks and/or joints and then filing them

with hot rubber sealing compound. Sealing the cracks and/or joints inhibits water from

penetrating the cracks, freezing expanding and causing the pavement to fail.

Cost: An estimate of cost for this alternative is $1.25 per square yard of roadway to be

maintained, but will vary with the severity of cracking and joint spacing.

Joint Sealant Being Applied

Joint Seal with Corner Break Repair (PM)

Description: This process involves removing limited sections of the pavement to full depth,

typical corners of slabs, and then resealing the joints surrounding the repair.

Cost: An estimate of cost for this alternative is $35.00 per square yard of roadway to be

maintained, but will vary with the severity of cracking and joint spacing.

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Full Depth Slab Replacement (RH)

Description: This process involves the full reconstruction of the failed concrete slabs and

resealing surrounding joints.

Cost: The estimated cost for this alternative depends on the percentage of the total roadway area

that needs repair. The cost is approximately $45.00 per square yard if 25% of the road surface

area requires repair and the same price per square yard if 50% of the road surface requires

repairs. If slab replacements exceed 50% of the road surface, reconstruction should be

considered. Note the square yard costs provided are for total project based on the anticipated

percentage needing repair.

Failed Sections Marked for Replacement Slab removed

and Saw Cutting for Removal

Street after Slab Repair

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Full Re-construction Concrete Pavement

Concrete Pavement Road Reconstruction – City Local (RC)

Description: The reconstruction of local concrete streets involves the removal of the existing

concrete pavement and base and includes the construction of a new concrete paving section

consisting of 8” of concrete placed on a 6” aggregate base.

Cost: An estimate of cost for this alternative is $75.00 per square yard of road way to be


Concrete Pavement Road Reconstruction – City Major (RC)

Description: The reconstruction of a major concrete street involves the removal of the existing

concrete pavement and base and includes the construction of new concrete paving section

consisting of 10” concrete placed on an 8” aggregate base.

Cost: An estimate of cost for this alternative is $95.00 per square yard of roadway to be


Concrete road pavement ongoing.

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Asphalt Maintenance Program

Overband Crack Seal (PM)

Description: This process involves cleaning and applying an overbanding material. Overband

crack seal material is comprised of rubber and tar with polyester fibers. Compressed air is used

to clean each crack and its surrounding area prior to application of the material. The material is

poured into cracks and onto the surrounding area creating a strip of overbanding material

approximately 4-5 inches in width. Routing is not necessary to apply material. This alternative

can be used on asphalt roadways with cracks up to 3” deep.

Cost: The estimated cost for this maintenance alternative is $1.00 per square yard of pavement,

but will vary with the severity of cracking.

Application of Overband Crack Seal

Crack Route and Fill (PM)

Description: This process involves using a mechanical device to rout each crack in order to

widen, cut, and clean the cracks prior to filling with bituminous materials. The bituminous

materials fill the entire volume of the crack providing structural integrity to the pavement while

also preventing moisture from entering the pavement structure.

Cost: Crack route and Fill is approximately $1.25 per square yard.

Crack Routing Crack Sealing

Page 12: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)


Mill and Overlay, 1.5” and 3” (RH)

Description: Milling is a process by which the top section of pavement is milled off and

discarded. This results in a rough surface to which an additional layer of pavement or emulsified

asphalt surface treatment can be applied. A mill and overlay operation typically has two

different mill depths, 1.5” and 3”, depending on the road condition and existing roadway depth.

For a roadway cross sections with less than 6” of pavement with minor surface defects or

deformation, 1.5” milling is the preferred solution. For pavement cross sections with 6” or more

pavement, and where there is more substantial surface defects exists, a 3” milling is more

appropriate. The 3” milling depth allows for the removal of more substantial surface defects and

rutting while also allowing for the placement of additional HMA material

Cost: An estimate of cost for milling full width and placing 1.5” overlay is approximately

$22.00 per square yard. A 3” mill and overlay costs approximately $27.00 per square yard.

Milled asphalt pavement Asphalt paving after milling

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V. Maintenance Alternatives

C.E. Raines Co. met with the Director of Public Services to determine which maintenance

procedures the city wanted to include in the analysis. The following table identifies the

alternatives considered PASER Trigger and reset values, and costs.


PASER Rating

Concrete Pavements Trigger Cost

Cat. Maintenance Alternatives Min. Max Reset

PM Joint Seal R&R, Crack sealing 7 7 8 $ 1.25/LF

PM Corner Break Rpr. w/ Joint Seal R&R 6 7 7 $35.00/sqyd

RH Slab Repair 25% 6 6 8 $45.00/sqyd

RH Slab Repair 50% 4 5 9 $45.00/sqyd

RC Local Reconstruction 8" conc. 8" base 1 3 10 $77.00/sqyd

RC Major Reconstruction 10" conc. 8"base w/geo. 1 3 10 $95.00/sqyd

PASER Rating

Asphalt Pavements Trigger Cost

Cat. Maintenance Alternatives Min. Max. Reset

PM Overband Crack Seal 8 9 9 $ 1.00/LF

RH Profile Mill and Overlay 1.5" 5 6 8 $25.00/sqyd

Table 4.

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VI. Roadsoft Modeling

The Roadsoft software utilizes a model of the entire road network as defined by the user. It is

populated with features of each road segment, such as length width, and condition. The software

applies user-entered parameters such as maintenance cost and total project budget to select a mix

of maintenance procedures that will optimize the overall health of the network.

The model results need to be adjusted to account for constraints or conditions that are not

reflected in the model. In other words, actual project selections are made based on a variety of

factors, such as availability of matching funds or grant funds, which may not follow the idealized

model. Other capital improvements such as intersection reconstruction, and water or sewer

utility upgrades must also be considered when selecting specific segment for a particular


Roadsoft requires the following inputs and parameters in order to perform an analysis:

Overall Road Network

Segment Length

Segment Width

Segment PASER Condition

Deterioration Rates (Curves)

Candidate Maintenance Procedures

Candidate Maintenance Costs

Maximum Program Budget

Inflation Rates

Program Duration (e.g. 5 years, 10 years, etc.)

The overall road network defined for this analysis includes asphalt and concrete city roads.

The road length and width are static parameters that define each road segment in the network.

The PASER condition is assigned during the field inspection and then adjusted by the software

to account for deterioration, or improvements related to maintenance activities entered into the

program. The maintenance procedures, costs, budget, inflation rates and program duration are

all user defined inputs that are customized based on community budgeting needs.

The deterioration curves are used by the model to predict future conditions. A unique curve is

defined for concrete and asphalt roads. The remaining service life (RSL) of the road is defined

as the years after initial construction before the road segment drops from a 4 to a 3 PASER

rating. In other words, it is the window in which maintenance and light rehabilitation projects

are cost effective procedures. Once a road drops to poor condition (PASER 3), major

rehabilitation or total reconstruction are the only cost effective alternatives. The key to a

successful asset management plan is applying the most cost effective procedure at the proper

time. This means allocating resources to preserve the portion of the network in good to fair

condition before pursuing the heavy rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. The deterioration

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Chart 1. Concrete Deterioration Curve

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Chart 2. Asphalt Deterioration Curve

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For this analysis, a 28 year service life was used for concrete roads, and an 18 year service life

was used for the asphalt roads. The service life can be extended beyond the initial values with

preventative maintenance and rehabilitation processes as described above. The service life for a

road can vary greatly based on subsurface conditions, mix design and other factors. The

deterioration curves used in the model represent the average behavior

The pavements optimization module in Roadsoft uses the input parameters to return the

following results:

Remaining Service Life (RSL) – Years until the segment is expected to

drop from PASER rating 4 to PASER 3, at which time maintenance

procedures are no longer cost effective

Projected average PASER rating of the network each year modeled

Miles of road to receive specific treatments each year

Funding allocation per treatment per year

Total budget per year

Roadsoft does not select specific segments to receive treatment. The next step in developing a

program includes using the model output as guidance in selecting specific streets and

subdivisions for treatment. As the road program progresses, treatments and new field ratings

should be entered into Roadsoft to track the accuracy of the previous projections and improve

future model accuracy.

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VII. Analysis and Results

The local and major streets in the City of Flat Rock street system were evaluated on a network

level basis. This means the analysis sought to select a mix of fixes that would have greatest

overall impact on the average network condition. Several iterations were performed for various

funding levels and program durations. The analysis was narrowed to the five scenarios discussed


It is important to look at the impact of a particular levels of investment on the remaining service

life of the system Chart 3 illustrates the projected Remaining Service Life (RSL) at various

funding levels. The RSL can be even an even more accurate representation of the health of the

network than the PASER rating. While a road may have the same PASER rating for several

years, each year of age is represented by one RSL.

Chart 3 Average Remaining Service Life Comparison

Page 19: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)


Investment per Year for 10 years

Remaining Service Life, Year 1

Remaining Service Life, Year 10

Do Nothing 3.31 -6.70

$200,000 3.31 -4.96

$600,000 3.31 -1.02

$1 million 3.31 2.62

$1.25 million 3.31 4.80

Table 5. Comparing Investment level to RSL

The City currently has $200,000.00 budgeted for local and major street repairs. By examining

the Remaining Service Life chart and table at the current rate of the investment the RSL drops

significantly to -4.96 years. This means that in 2024 the city road network will be 5 years

beyond any type of preventive maintenance or rehabilitation to increase the RSL. Thus, in order

to raise, the remaining service, half the roads will have to be reconstructed. A $600,000

investment for ten years will lead to a decrease in RSL, but not as significant as a $200,000

investment. Even with a $1 million per year expenditure the remaining service life will stay

positive, however, will have a downward trend. With an annual investment of $1.25 million for

ten years the RSL will reach a level of 4.80, which is higher than the current year’s average of


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VIII. Conclusions and Next Steps

The next steps in the process are identifying the investment level that will be dedicated to the

road program and selecting neighborhoods and road segments for the various treatments. The

analysis shows that the current level of $200,000 per year is not sufficient to maintain the health

of the system. Therefore a funding level of $1.25 million should be established to maintain and

improve the health of the road network, thus preventing the necessity of reconstructing half of

the City’s paved roads by 2024.

Once an investment level is determined, we recommend preparing a five year maintenance plan

as follows:

Within the first three years, identify road segments to receive preventative maintenance

in the form of joint sealing, slab replacement, and rehabilitation.

Reassess and identify, for the fourth and fifth, year a general strategy to raise the service

level. The strategy may include increasing re-construction or slab replacement with

additional preventative maintenance.

The goal is to avoid falling behind up keeping the desired level of service.

Roadsoft should be used to track all capital and maintenance work. We also recommend that a

condition rating for the entire system be collected once every three years, to establish a good data

set for the network. Maintaining a complete database of yearly ratings and maintenance

procedures which will allow the model to be further refined and provide more accurate

projections into the future. The program should be reviewed on an annual basis, and be adjusted

as necessary to meet the City’s goals.

Next Steps

Determine a level investment for the road network

Develop a five year maintenance plan

Track all maintenance and capital work with Roadsoft

After 3 years collect new PASER data

Refine model with new PASER data and maintenance data

Refine and adjust program annually to meet City’s goals

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Appendix A

Page 22: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

Examples of PASER Ratings

Matilda Ave., Emma to Telegraph

Division St., Ypsilanti St. to Gibraltar Rd.

Rating 3

Page 23: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

Cambridge Ave., Whitby to Todd

Rating 4

Port Ave., Torry to Dover

Rating 5

Page 24: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

Blue Heron Dr., E. Hawthorne Blvd. to Winslow Dr.

Rating 6

Evergreen St., E. Huron River to Field

Rating 7

Page 25: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

Bradbury Dr., Meadows to Woodruff

Rating 8

Applegrove Way, Willow Springs to end of Phase I

Rating 9

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Appendix B

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City of Flat Rock

Paser Data for

Major Streets

Name From To Lanes Length PASER Type NFC Code RSL BMP EMP

Vreeland Rd Canadian National Railway City/Twp Line 4 0.23 2 Concrete Minor Arterial -14 0 0.113

Aspen Blvd Gibraltar Rd High School Blvd 2 0.30 3 Concrete Local -8 0 0.043

Division St Gibraltar Rd. Ypsilanti St 2 0.08 3 Concrete Local -8 0 0.054

High School Blvd Attribute Change Evergreen St 2 0.09 3 Asphalt Unknown -5 0.07 0.156

Seneca St Gibraltar Rd. Ypsilanti St 2 0.08 3 Concrete Local -8 0.137 0.2

Vreeland Rd Cahill Rd Hall Rd 2 0.26 3 Concrete Minor Arterial -8 0.156 0.231

Vreeland Rd City/Twp Line Hall Rd 4 0.48 3 Concrete Minor Arterial -8 1.466 1.728

Vreeland Rd Hall Rd International Dr 4 0.05 3 Concrete Minor Arterial -8 0 0.23

Arsenal Rd Huron St Gibraltar Rd 2 0.09 3 Concrete Local -3 0.23 0.501

Arsenal Rd Gibraltar Rd. W Huron River Dr 2 0.09 4 Concrete Local -3 0.231 0.295

Atwater St Seneca St Telegraph Rd 2 0.05 4 Concrete Local -3 0.249 0.337

Atwater St Church St Seneca St 2 0.07 4 Concrete Local -3 0.501 0.599

Evergreen St High School Blvd Seneca St 2 0.05 4 Concrete Local -3 2.227 2.247

High School Blvd Aspen Blvd Attribute Change 2 0.12 4 Concrete Local -3 0.08 0.093

Seneca St Atwater St Huron River Dr 2 0.06 4 Concrete Local -3 0.295 0.374

Vreeland Rd City/Twp Line S I 75 2 0.02 4 Concrete Minor Arterial -3 0 0.076

Vreeland Rd International Dr City/Twp Line 2 0.15 4 Concrete Minor Arterial -3 0.076 0.152

Ypsilanti St. Church St Seneca St 2 0.08 4 Concrete Local 1 0.255 0.333

Arsenal Rd Telegraph Rd Arsenal Rd & Huron St 2 0.11 5 Concrete Local 1 0.093 0.102Gateway Blvd Gibraltar Rd Commerce Dr 2 0.24 5 Concrete Local 1 0.102 0.172

Olmstead Rd Cottonwood Dr Country View Ln 2 0.17 5 Concrete Major Collector 1 0.172 0.233

Olmstead Rd Country View Ln Hickory Dr 2 0.04 5 Concrete Major Collector 1 0.233 0.24

Olmstead Rd Croft Ave Gibraltar Rd 2 0.26 5 Concrete Major Collector 1 0.24 0.317

Olmstead Rd Woodruff Rd Cottonwood Dr 2 0.04 5 Concrete Major Collector 1 0.317 0.411

Olmstead Rd Belton Ave Croft Ave 2 0.06 5 Concrete Major Collector 1 0.411 0.485

Seneca St Huron River Dr Gibraltar Rd 2 0.08 5 Concrete Local 1 0.485 0.672

Aspen Blvd High School Blvd Maxwell Ln 2 0.07 5 Concrete Local 5 0.771 1.012

Church St Atwater St Huron River Dr 2 0.06 6 Concrete Local 5 1.012 1.216

Church St Huron River Dr Gibraltar Rd 2 0.08 6 Concrete Local 5 1.216 1.259

Church St Gibraltar Rd. Ypsilanti St 2 0.08 6 Concrete Local 5 1.259 1.302

Commerce Dr Maguire St Gateway Blvd 2 0.20 6 Concrete Local 5 1.302 1.501

Evergreen St Field Ave Hill St 2 0.12 6 Concrete Local 5 1.501 1.562

Evergreen St Hill St Gibraltar Rd 2 0.13 6 Concrete Local 5 0.054 0.109

Olmstead Rd Hickory Dr Meadows Ave 2 0.09 6 Concrete Major Collector 5 0.109 0.278

Seneca St Moses St Cooke Ave 2 0.12 6 Concrete Local 5 0.124 0.209

Seneca St Ypsilanti St Moses St 2 0.07 6 Concrete Local 5 1.562 1.757

Ypsilanti St. Division St Church St 2 0.06 6 Concrete Local 5 0.193 0.255

Ypsilanti St. Seneca St Telegraph Rd & W Huron River Dr 2 0.11 6 Concrete Local 5 0.333 0.344

Aspen Blvd Maxwell Ln Hunter Ln 2 0.06 6 Concrete Local 8 0 0.078

Aspen Blvd Hunter Ln Parklane Dr 2 0.13 7 Concrete Local 8 0 0.084

Church St Ypsilanti St Cooke Ave 2 0.11 7 Concrete Local 8 0 0.064

Evergreen St Huron River Dr Field Ave 2 0.12 7 Concrete Local 8 0 0.352

Hall Rd Gibraltar Rd Roche Ave 4 0.73 7 Concrete Major Collector 8 0 0.034

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City of Flat Rock

Paser Data for

Major Streets

Name From To Lanes Length PASER Type NFC Code RSL BMP EMP

Hall Rd Roche Ave Vreeland Rd 4 0.26 7 Concrete Major Collector 8 0.278 0.402

Olmstead Rd Meadows Ave Belton Ave 2 0.12 7 Concrete Major Collector 8 0.352 0.501

Vreeland Rd Telegraph Rd Riverside Ct 2 0.10 7 Concrete Minor Arterial 8 0.055 0.117

Vreeland Rd E Hawthorne Blvd & Arsenal Rd Telegraph Rd 2 0.32 7 Concrete Local 8 2.22 2.359

Vreeland Rd Peters Rd Canadian National Railway 2 0.14 7 Asphalt Minor Arterial 6 2.359 2.403

Vreeland Rd Canadian National Railway Cahill Rd 2 0.45 7 Concrete Minor Arterial 8 2.403 2.469

Arsenal Rd Canadian National Railway E Hawthorne Blvd & Vreeland Rd 2 0.58 7 Asphalt Major Collector 9 2.469 2.48

Arsenal Rd E Hawthorne Blvd & Vreeland Rd Rockridge Ct 2 0.24 8 Asphalt Major Collector 9 0 0.269

Arsenal Rd Matilda Ave City/Twp Line 2 0.06 8 Asphalt Major Collector 9 0.111 0.191

Arsenal Rd Rockridge Ct Matilda Ave 2 0.20 8 Asphalt Major Collector 9 0.117 0.193

Aspen Blvd Hunter Ln Dead End or Start 2 0.02 8 Concrete Local 12 0.269 0.462

Aspen Blvd Parklane Dr Hunter Ln 2 0.05 8 Concrete Local 12 0.462 0.669

Commerce Dr Gibraltar Rd Maguire St 2 0.07 8 Concrete Local 12 0.669 0.858

Division St Huron River Dr Gibraltar Rd 2 0.08 8 Concrete Local 12 0.927 0.988

Evergreen St Gibraltar Rd High School Blvd 2 0.29 8 Concrete Local 12 0.988 1.146

Vreeland Rd Riverside Ct Peters Rd 2 0.35 8 Asphalt Minor Arterial 9 1.146 1.772

Arsenal Rd W Huron River Dr Canadian National Railway 2 0.11 9 Asphalt Major Collector 12 1.772 1.805

PASER Ave. 5.616667

Page 29: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

City of Flat Rock

Local Streets

PASER DataName From To Lanes Length PASER Type ACT 51 Survey Date NFC Code RSL BMP EMP

Baker St Mayfair Dr Gibraltar Rd 1 0.11 2 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -14 0.344 0.397

Matilda Ave Emma Ave Telegraph Rd 2 0.13 2 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -14 0.397 0.605

Windsor Ave Meadows Ave Whitby Ave 2 0.06 2 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -14 0.605 0.638

Apple Grove Way Willow Spring Rd Maple View Ln 2 0.24 3 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -8 0.638 0.709

Field Ave Magnolia Dr Aspen Dr 2 0.06 3 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -8 0.709 0.83

Field Ave Aspen Dr Red Cedar Dr 2 0.06 3 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -8 0.83 0.899

Maple View Ln Willow Spring Rd Apple Grove Way 2 0.08 3 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -8 0.899 0.98

Meadows Ave Windsor Ave Olmstead Rd 2 0.12 3 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -8 0.98 1.04

Red Cedar Dr Field Ave Aspen Dr 2 0.15 3 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -8 1.04 1.097

Ailanthus Dr Woodruff Rd Laurel Dr 2 0.05 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.097 1.158

Ailanthus Dr Palmetto Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.10 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.158 1.24

Alders Dr Laurel Dr Palmetto Dr 2 0.05 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.24 1.414

Alders Dr Palmetto Dr Meadows Ave 2 0.05 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.414 1.544

Aspen Dr Huron River Dr Field Ave 2 0.30 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.544 1.946

Aspen Dr Red Cedar Dr Magnolia Dr 2 0.06 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.946 2

Aspen Dr Magnolia Dr Tamarack Dr 2 0.01 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 2 2.137

Cambridge Ave Whitby Ave Todd Ave 2 0.07 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 2.137 2.173

Cooke Ave Division St Church St 2 0.09 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 2.227 2.247

Cooke Ave Church St Seneca St 2 0.11 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0 0.155

Dover Ave Port Ave Meadows Ave 2 0.06 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.337 0.422

Field Ave Red Cedar Dr Tamarack Dr 2 0.06 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.422 0.619

Field Ave Walnut St Magnolia Dr 2 0.07 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.619 0.772

Hawthorne Blvd Blue Heron Dr Arsenal Rd 2 0.12 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0 0.11

Laurel Dr Alders Dr Ailanthus Dr 2 0.20 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.11 0.195

Magnolia Dr Field Ave Magnolia Ct 2 0.17 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.195 0.284

Magnolia Dr Magnolia Ct Aspen Dr 2 0.09 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.284 0.392

Matilda Ave Arsenal Rd Emma Ave 2 0.30 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.392 0.968

Meadows Ave Dead End or Start Dover Ave 2 0.09 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.772 0.955

Red Cedar Dr Huron River Dr Field Ave 2 0.35 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.955 1.132

Tamarack Dr Tamarack Ct & Tamarack St Meadows Ave 2 0.08 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.968 1.205

Van Riper Ave Huron River Dr Gibraltar Rd 2 0.29 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.205 1.404

Whitby Ave Windsor Ave Dead End or Start 2 0.08 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 1.404 1.466

Willow Spring Rd Huron River Dr Maple View Ln 2 0.07 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0 0.048

Willow Spring Rd Maple View Ln Apple Grove Way 2 0.15 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.048 0.112

Winslow Dr Blue Heron Dr Blue Heron Dr 2 0.17 4 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local -3 0.112 0.155

Ailanthus Dr Laurel Dr Palmetto Dr 2 0.06 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.155 0.192

Alders Dr Woodruff Rd Laurel Dr 2 0.04 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.192 0.331

Apple Grove Way Glen View Ln Newer Pavement Section 2 0.09 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.331 0.718

Apple Grove Way Maple View Ln Dead End or Start 2 0.03 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.069

Aspen Blvd Field Ave Red Cedar Dr 2 0.15 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.568 0.866

Blue Heron Dr Rose Dr Wallace Dr 2 0.08 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.044

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Page 30: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

City of Flat Rock

Local Streets

PASER DataBlue Heron Dr Woodline Ct Wallace Dr 2 0.04 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.044 0.138

Cambridge Ave Todd Ave Gibraltar Rd 2 0.30 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.069 0.115

Division St Ypsilanti St Cooke Ave 2 0.04 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.081 0.145

Division St Wesley Ave Sheeks Blvd N 2 0.06 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.138 0.196

Dover Ave Woodruff Rd Port Ave 2 0.26 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.145 0.222

Field Ave Tamarack Dr Field St 2 0.04 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.196 0.349

Hawthorne Blvd Inkster Rd Hawthorne & Blue Heron 2 0.16 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.349 0.417

Hawthorne Blvd W Hawthorne & Blue Heron Rose Dr 2 0.09 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.417 0.492

Magnolia Ct Magnolia Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.05 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.492 0.558

Magnolia Dr Huron River Dr Field Ave 2 0.25 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.558 0.643

Port Ave Torry Ave Dover Ave 2 0.06 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.643 0.802

Sheeks Blvd N Gibraltar Rd Division St 2 0.14 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.069

Sheeks Blvd N Division St Attribute Change 2 0.17 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.222 0.299

Sheeks Blvd N Attribute Change Seneca St 2 0.03 5 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 1 0.069 0.269

Sheeks Blvd S Huron River Dr N Sheeks N & Sheeks S 2 0.03 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.2 0.362

Sheeks Blvd S N Sheeks N & S Sheeks Wesley Ave 2 0.10 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.07

Sheeks Blvd S Wesley Ave Gibraltar Rd 2 0.13 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.117

Torry Ave Woodruff Rd Kenmore Ave 2 0.15 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.117 0.24

Torry Ave Kenmore Ave Port Ave 2 0.11 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.24 0.367

Wesley Ave Church St Seneca St 2 0.11 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.367 0.653

Whitby Ave Cambridge Ave Sussex Ave 2 0.05 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0.653 0.702

Whitby Ave Sussex Ave Windsor Ave 2 0.06 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.238

Windsor Ave Whitby Ave Belton Ave 2 0.06 5 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 1 0 0.726

Belton Ave Windsor Ave Olmstead Rd 2 0.11 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.124

Blue Heron Dr Wallace Dr Woodline Ct 2 0.09 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.726 0.989

Blue Heron Dr Wallace Dr Winslow Dr 2 0.05 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.055

Blue Heron Dr Winslow Dr Ashtonbury Ct 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.132

Blue Heron Dr Hawthorne Blvd & W Hawthorne BlvdMcBeth Ct 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.778 0.822

Blue Heron Dr McBeth Ct Rose Dr 2 0.11 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.822 0.989

Blue Heron Dr Ashtonbury Ct Winslow Dr 2 0.10 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.989 1.025

Blue Heron Dr Winslow Dr Hawthorne Blvd & E Hawthorne Blvd 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.063

Croft Ave Sussex Ave Olmstead Rd 2 0.17 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.063 0.14

Division St Cooke Ave Wesley Ave 2 0.07 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.025 1.111

Field Ave Evergreen St Walnut St 2 0.07 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.111 1.227

Hawthorne Blvd Rose Dr Arcadia Dr 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.227 1.282

Hawthorne Blvd Arcadia Dr Arcadia Dr 2 0.19 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.282 1.547

Hill St Evergreen St Walnut St 2 0.07 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.286 0.403

Kenmore Ave Torry Ave Attribute Change 2 0.03 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.322

Mary Ct Rose Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.106

Meadows Ave Dover Ave Windsor Ave 2 0.05 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.096

Palmetto Dr Larches Ave Ailanthus Dr 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.096 0.448

Robin Ct Rose Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.448 0.588

Rose Dr Hawthorne Blvd Mary Ct 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.588 1.035

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City of Flat Rock

Local Streets

PASER DataRose Dr Hawthorne Blvd Mary Ct 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.035 1.295

Rose Dr Mary Ct Robin Ct 2 0.06 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.31 1.545

Sussex Ave Whitby Ave Croft Ave 2 0.11 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.063

Tamarack Dr Circle Ct Tamarack Ct & Tamarack Dr 2 0.05 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.063 0.139

Wallace Dr Blue Heron Dr Blue Heron Dr 2 0.22 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 1.545 2.027

Walnut St Huron River Dr Field Ave 2 0.18 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 2.027 2.075

Walnut St Field Ave Hill St 2 0.12 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 2.075 2.227

Walnut St Hill St Gibraltar Rd 2 0.13 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0.139 0.249

Woodline Ct Blue Heron Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.05 6 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 5 0 0.053

Arcadia Dr Hawthorne Blvd Hawthorne Blvd 2 0.20 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.053 0.11

Ashtonbury Ct Blue Heron Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.11 0.207

Boulder Dr Rockridge Ct Dead End or Start 2 0.06 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.044

Bradbury Dr Meadows Ave Cahill Rd 2 0.39 7 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 8 0.033 0.062

Cahill Rd Meadows Ave Romero Ave 2 0.07 7 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 8 0 0.117

Cahill Rd Romero Ave Harrison Cir 2 0.08 7 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 8 0.044 0.096

Cottonwood Dr Olmstead Rd Bayberry Ct & Linden Ct 2 0.08 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.096 0.146

Cottonwood Dr Bayberry Ct & Linden Ct Hickory Ct & Hickory Dr 2 0.07 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.092

Country View Ln Olmstead Rd Dead End or Start 2 0.10 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.092 0.184

Emma Ave Matilda Ave Dead End or Start 2 0.19 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.184 0.425

Glen View Ln Pear Tree Ct Dead End or Start 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.425 0.455

Hawthorne Blvd Arcadia Dr E Hawthorne Blvd & Blue Heron Dr 2 0.11 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.2

Hickory Dr Olmstead Rd Cherry Blossom Ln 2 0.08 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.031

Hickory Dr Cherry Blossom Ln Sassafras Dr 2 0.15 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.3

Hickory Dr Sassafras Dr Cherry Blossom Ln 2 0.07 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.3 0.446

Hunter Ln Hunter Ct Aspen Blvd 2 0.28 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.446 0.502

Larches Ave Palmetto Dr Meadows Ave 2 0.09 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.502 0.507

McBeth Ct Blue Heron Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.507 0.568

Palmetto Dr Alders Dr Larches Ave 2 0.14 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.866 0.937

Parklane Dr Aspen Blvd Summer Ln 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.937 0.996

Parklane Dr Summer Ln Essex 2 0.06 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.996 1.13

Parklane Dr Greenlawn Dr Summer Ln 2 0.12 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.046

Pear Tree Ct Glen View Ln Dead End or Start 2 0.08 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.111

Rockridge Ct Boulder Dr Stoneway Dr 2 0.06 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.058

Rockridge Ct Stoneway Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.086

Rockridge Ct Arsenal Rd Boulder Dr 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.079 0.186

Rose Dr Robin Ct Blue Heron Dr 2 0.08 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.086 0.284

Rockridge Ct Stoneway Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.284 0.307

Rockridge Ct Arsenal Rd Boulder Dr 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 1.13 1.182

Rose Dr Robin Ct Blue Heron Dr 2 0.08 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 1.182 1.205

Stoneway Dr Rockridge Ct Dead End or Start 2 0.05 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.058 0.17

Sussex Ave Croft Ave Dead End or Start 2 0.03 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.249 0.341

Tamarack Dr Field Ave Silver Ct 2 0.18 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.341 0.386

Tamarack Dr Meadows Ave Field Ave 2 0.21 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.386 0.437

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Page 32: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

City of Flat Rock

Local Streets

PASER DataTamarack Dr Huron River Dr Circle Ct 2 0.07 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.437 0.498

Todd Ave Cambridge Ave Dead End or Start 2 0.03 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.498 0.603

Wesley Ave Division St Church St 2 0.09 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0.603 0.666

Wesley Ave Sheeks Blvd S Gibraltar Rd 2 0.19 7 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 8 0 0.059

Aspen Blvd Tamarack Dr Gibraltar Rd & Aspen Blvd 2 0.06 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.123

Aspen Blvd Parklane Dr Hunter Ln 2 0.05 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.123 0.212

Austen Ave Cahill Rd Bradbury Dr 2 0.15 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.458

Bayberry Ct Linden Ct & Cottonwood Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.05 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.458 0.723

Bradbury Dr Woodruff Rd Scott Ave 2 0.05 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.723 0.992

Bradbury Dr Scott Ave Austen Ave 2 0.06 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.073

Bradbury Dr Austen Ave Kenmore Ave 2 0.04 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.271

Bradbury Dr Kenmore Ave Koszula Ave 2 0.04 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.185

Bradbury Dr Koszula Ave Meadows Ave 2 0.14 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.073 0.377

Cahill Rd Woodruff Rd Scott Ave 2 0.04 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.299 0.404

Cahill Rd Scott Ave Austen Ave 2 0.09 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.185

Cahill Rd Austen Ave Koszuta Ave 2 0.06 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.034

Cahill Rd Koszuta Ave Meadows Ave 2 0.15 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.404 0.472

Cahill Rd Harrison Cir Harrison Cir 2 0.07 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.087

Cahill Rd Harrison Cir Bradbury Dr 2 0.08 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.188

Cahill Rd Bradbury Dr Gibraltar Rd 2 0.16 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.085

Celtic Dr Trinity Dr Trinity Dr 2 0.27 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.085 0.158

Cherry Blossom Ln Hickory Dr Hickory Dr 2 0.19 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.087 0.2Circle Ct Tamarack St Dead End or Start 2 0.03 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.097

Essex Parklane Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.05 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.172

Fairlawn Dr Summer Ln Summer Ln 2 0.21 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.306 0.337

Greenlawn Dr Parklane Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.11 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.152 0.195

Harrison Cir Cahill Rd Cahill Rd 2 0.11 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.195 0.262

Hickory Dr Cherry Blossom Ln Hickory Ct & Cottonwood Dr 2 0.09 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.262 0.325

Hickory Dr Hickory Dr & Cottonwood Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.264

Hunter Ct Hunter Ln Dead End or Start 2 0.04 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.264 0.325

Hunter Ln Aspen Blvd Hunter Ct 2 0.06 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.193

Kenmore Ave Attribute Change Bradbury Dr 2 0.03 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.048

Koszula Ave Cahill Rd Bradbury Dr 2 0.12 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.21

Linden Ct Bayberry Ct & Cottonwood Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.04 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.14 0.2

Maxwell Ln Aspen Blvd Pondside Ct 2 0.03 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.2 0.257

Maxwell Ln Pondside Ct Dead End or Start 2 0.07 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.257 0.317

Meadows Ave Alders Dr Larches Ave 2 0.13 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.113

Meadows Ave Larches Ave Dead End or Start 2 0.01 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.114

Meadows Ave Bradbury Dr Cahill Rd 2 0.09 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.161

Meadows Ave Cahill Rd Romero Ave 2 0.20 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.113 0.211

Meadows Ave Romero Ave Dead End or Start 2 0.02 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0.211 0.262

Meadows Ave Tamarack Dr Alders Dr 2 0.19 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.317 0.357

Mill St Huron River Dr Gibraltar Rd 2 0.11 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.161 0.249

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Page 33: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)

City of Flat Rock

Local Streets

PASER DataParklane Dr Essex Greenlawn Dr 2 0.17 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.249 0.308

Pondside Ct Maxwell Ln Dead End or Start 2 0.08 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.308 0.5

Regency Dr Summer Ln Dead End or Start 2 0.03 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.5 0.614

Sassafras Dr Hickory Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.614 0.735

Scott Ave Cahill Rd Bradbury Dr 2 0.19 8 Concrete Undefined 11/10/13 Unknown 12 0 0.079

Silver Ct Tamarack Dr Dead End or Start 2 0.03 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.392 0.425

Summer Ln Parklane Dr Fairlawn Dr 2 0.05 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.074

Summer Ln Fairlawn Dr Regency Dr 2 0.04 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.042

Summer Ln Regency Dr Fairlawn Dr 2 0.13 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.062

Summer Ln Fairlawn Dr Parklane Dr 2 0.06 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.033

Summer Ln Parklane Dr Cahill Rd 2 0.19 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.088

Tamarack Ct Tamarack Dr & Tamarack St Dead End or Start 2 0.09 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0.062 0.34

Tamarack Dr Silver Ct Aspen Dr 2 0.05 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.201

Celtic Dr Inkster Rd Celtic Dr 3 0.04 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.044

Celtic Dr Celtic Dr Celtic Dr 2 0.28 8 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 12 0 0.048

Apple Grove Way Newer Pavement Section Willow Spring Rd 2 0.09 9 Concrete City Minor 11/10/13 Local 16 0 0.046

18.65 6.204301 Average Paser Rating Centerline Miles:

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Page 34: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Study (PASER)