paul a. rockar, jr., pt, dpt, ms ceo, centers for rehab ... · ceo, centers for rehab services vice...

PaulA. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO Centers for Rehab Services CEO , Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors

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Page 1: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MSCEO  Centers for Rehab ServicesCEO, Centers for Rehab Services

Vice President, APTA Board of Directors  

Page 2: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

History and BackgroundFour Physical Therapists in a Private Practice (certified rehab agency) providing PT, OT, SLP in a variety of 

i  (OP  LTC’  H i l)settings (OP, LTC’s, Hospital)Functioning fine and then managed care hit the areaI   id ’  b     t  f   l l Ph i l Th  In mid‐90’s became a part of a local Physical Therapy Provider Network with little to no benefitAcademic Chair of Dept of PT at Pitt approached this Academic Chair of Dept of PT at Pitt approached this group to partner for source of clinical education sites and clinical research sitesGroup voted against this partnership (10‐2)

Page 3: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

At same time this was occurring the UPMC Health System was evaluating the status of their rehabilitation servicesWere facing challenges: staffing, administrative oversight, Were facing challenges: staffing, administrative oversight, and productivityWanted to expand OP services but were tentative in light of issues before themissues before themHad discussion with academic department regarding possibilities in light of needs of both entitiesApproached our practice due our past association with the program (alumni and adjunct faculty) and 10 year history of successful private practicep p

Page 4: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

After long term discussions the end result was the formation of a 50/50 partnership between the private practice and the health system with the academic practice and the health system with the academic department becoming an integral part of the arrangementKey elements:  the private practice had an equity interest; the physical therapists would run the practice and be ultimately responsible for the day‐to‐day operations; there would be ongoing collaboration with the health system would be ongoing collaboration with the health system regarding expansion and development; and the mission would include practice, education, and research

Page 5: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

Organizational Structure HighlightsCEO:  Physical TherapistCFO   Ph i l Th i tCFO:  Physical Therapist2 Executive VP’s:  Physical Therapists1 VP Professional Development and Research:1 VP Professional Development and Research:

Chair, Dept. of PT, Pitt1 VP Quality Improvement/Utilization Review:Q y p /

Faculty, Dept. of PT, PittOther “split” positions to handle Clin Ed, QI/UR 

functions, etc. 

Page 6: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

Where did this take us?In 1996 we began with 10 OP sites (primarily musculoskeletal), 2 hospital contracts, and 2 LTC contractscontractsAs of October 2009:  45 OP sites, 8 hospital sites ranging from community based to academic based  5 ranging from community based to academic based, 5 LTC contractsOP now includes Neuro and Women’s Health in addition to the musculoskeletalHave APTA credentialed residencies in Sports, Ortho, 

d N i h W ’  H l h i   h   i  f  and Neuro with Women’s Health in the mix for 2010

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The hospital sites include acute, TCU, and IRF bedsEmployee base has grown to 670 FTE’s (980 

l )employees)In our immediate future is expansion into Northwestern Pennsylvania which will move us to not Northwestern Pennsylvania which will move us to not only include urban settings but rural as well

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Key Elements/Benefits forKey Elements/Benefits for Clinical Staff

In addition to standard benefits we have been able to maintain other key professional benefitsTh  i l dThese include:

$1500 con ed monies per calendar year or $3500 academic tuition per calendar (can use a combination)p ( )Professional membership duesLicensure renewalA  t  Pitt H lth S i  Lib  S t   liAccess to Pitt Health Science Library System onlineIn addition to clinical supervision of students have ability to participate in didactic portion of curriculum as adjunct f lfaculty

Page 9: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

Ability to collaborate with faculty to solve critical patient management issues through well‐designed QI initiatives that are evidenced based

Ability to participate in ongoing clinical research projects (e.g. lumbar stenosis, OA of Knee, post‐partum LBP)

Participation in and adherence to a thorough, ongoing compliance monitoring program

Have the resources available to answer clinical questions that arise and feel a part of moving the profession forward

Page 10: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

Key Elements for AcademicKey Elements for Academic Program

Extensive clinical education site base in varied settingsClinical research sitesPool of qualified adjunct facultyq j yPool of qualified clinicians to carry out clinical research protocolsAccess to management and clinicians to pose new clinical Access to management and clinicians to pose new clinical questions and develop methodologies to answer those questionsOpportunity to collaborate with other disciplines (PM&R, Opportunity to collaborate with other disciplines (PM&R, OT, SLP)Ability to conduct clinical research that is true health policy research‐the setting is prime for evaluating not only p y g p g yefficacy but also cost and other parameters of care

Page 11: Paul A. Rockar, Jr., PT, DPT, MS CEO, Centers for Rehab ... · CEO, Centers for Rehab Services Vice President, APTA Board of Directors. History and Background yFour Physical Therapists

The End Result for Our Practice andThe End Result for Our Practice and for the Profession

The advancement of practice through the collaboration with education and researchC ib i     h  liContributions to the literatureProfessional development that is well thought out, meaningful  and contributes to not only the individual meaningful, and contributes to not only the individual but the practice as wellCreates an environment that identifies and develops Creates an environment that identifies and develops future faculty as well as researchers

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Some Examples of Researchers andSome Examples of Researchers and Clinicians Working Together

Low Back Quality Improvement Initiative:  Preliminary data indicate patients that are managed by an evidence based classification protocol incur an evidence‐based classification protocol incur approximately $1000 less in downstream medical costsPost‐Partum LBP:  significant number of participants Post Partum LBP:  significant number of participants had a 50% reduction of Modified Oswestry score after one session utilizing thrust techniquesPhysical Therapy management of post‐concussion patients:  development of clinical protocol and clinical questionsquestions