patient services: pharma’s best kept secret

Accenture Life Sciences Rethink Reshape Restructure…for better patient outcomes Global Summary Patient Services: Pharma’s Best Kept Secret Key findings and insights from a survey of 10,000 patients around the world on their unmet service needs in seven therapeutic areas across the patient journey.

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Page 1: Patient Services: Pharma’s Best Kept Secret

Accenture Life SciencesRethink Reshape Restructure…for better patient outcomes

Global Summary

Patient Services:Pharma’s Best Kept SecretKey findings and insights from a survey of 10,000 patients around the world on their unmet service needs in seven therapeutic areas across the patient journey.

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Seven therapeutic areas

About the Research

Heart Lungs Brain Cancer ImmuneSystem

Bones Hormones/Metabolism

10,000 (2,000 per country)

Online survey of 10,000 patients across 5 geographies and 7 therapeutic areas to provide unparalleled insights on unmet services needs across the patient journey.







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Key Findings Summary

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65%of all patients surveyed said pre-treatment is the most frustrating period.

Patients want more help before they are being treated.1

Note: Percentages are the aggregated average across all services areas.

Patients greatest frustration is lack of notification for being at risk for a condition.


44%for patients with immune diseases.

Frustration rises to

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• Generally, can you recall which stage of your treatment period was the most frustrating for you based on the level of care and service received from healthcare professionals?

Key Finding 1

Pre-treatmentI don't know.They all blur together andeach stage had some frustrations

After I started my treatment

Base: Total Respondents (10,000)

Pre-treatment is consistently the most frustrating time for patients.

Patients want more help before they are being treated.

Generally, can you recall which stage of your treatment period was the most frustrating for you based on the level of care and service received from healthcare professionals? Q

Click here to see the results by country

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Patients’ greatest frustration is little notification of being at risk for a condition.

Which of the following challenges or frustrations have you experienced before diagnosis?

Patients want more help before they are being treated.

Key Finding 1


Base: Total Respondents (10,000)



Highestfrustration 34%

Little warning that I might be at risk for this condition before I experienced symptoms

23%Lack of help to ensure I have an up to date/ongoing full medical history to share with all medical professionals

Lack of help with understanding alternative/holistic health remedies available

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<1/5Less than one out of five patients (19%) are aware of the services available to them.

Note: Percentages are the aggregated average across all services areas.

21%Immune Diseases& Cancer20%


18%Lungs,Bones& Heart

Patients are generally not aware of the services that are available to help them.

Awareness is low across all therapeutic areas.

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Base: Total sample (10,000)

Less than one out of five patients (19%)* are aware of services available to help them. Awareness is low across all therapeutic areas.

*Aggregate awareness across all services.

Patients are generally not aware of the services that are available to help them.

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58%of patients use services when they are aware of them.

Note: Percentages are the aggregated average across all services areas.

When patients are aware of services, they use them.

Usage varies but is still generally high across all services.



69%Obtaining information on your specific condition.

47%Getting information about which support groups are available.

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Key Finding 3

Please note that the bases for each statement varies (these can be found in the data tables)

Aware service was available (aggregated average 19%)

Services used (aggregated average 58%)

Obtaining information on your specific condition

Getting referrals for/advice on specialists

Getting detailed information on your treatment options

Obtaining reliable info on how to better manage my condition and understand if I am getting worse

Getting insurance coverage

Help getting appointments at convenient times to see a specialist/doctors/have tests, etc.

Help to ensure I have an up to date/full medical history to share with all medical professionals

Getting information on which support groups are available

When patients are aware of services, they use them.

Usage varies but is still generally high across all services.

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79%of patients value patient services.

Note: Percentages are the aggregated average across all services areas.

Patients value services across all disease states.

Nearly eight in ten (79%) rate the services used as ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ valuable.



83%Getting insurance coverage.

69%Getting information on which support groups are available.

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Patients value services across all disease states.

Base: Total use (varies for each service)

Aggregate value across all services

79%Percentage rating ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ valuable.

Key Finding 4

Value is high across all therapeutic areas.

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Note: Percentages are the aggregated average across all services areas.


Doctors are one of the primary sources of information for the majority of patients…

1st choice

85%want this to be their healthcare professional.

but digital channels are a close second at

57%(62% for 18-30 year olds).

2nd choice

87%of patients want one point of contact to help them manage their health...

Patients want their healthcare professionals to be the primary source of information on what services they need to manage their health, but digital channels play a key role as well.

1%want this to be their pharmaceutical companies.

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1: Percentage of respondents that mentioned one or more digital channel including medical websites/online communities2: Percentage of respondents that mentioned one or more other source, including books, magazinesBase: Total Respondents (10,000)


62% of 18-30 year olds say digital is a key channel

Which three of the following methods did you use the most to get help/information in relation to your condition?Q

Patients want their healthcare professionals to be the primary source of information on what services they need to manage their health, but digital channels play a key role as well.

Doctors are one of the top information sources for the majority of patients (67%) but digital is a close second with 57%.

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Pharmaceutical companies are missing a significant opportunity to provide services to patients prior to them being treated for a condition.

• Most pharma companies have services

(or are considering creating them) focused on post-treatment.

• Offering pre-treatment services can allow pharma companies to become the “go to” resource from the beginning of the patient journey.

• Doing so presents a “first-mover advantage”.

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The best way to make patients aware of the services is through healthcare professionals.

• Most pharma are marketing their services to patients versus healthcare professionals.

• But healthcare professionals—doctors in particular, but also specialists, nurses and pharmacists—are viewed as the primary trusted advisors by most patients.

• Healthcare professionals are therefore best suited to make patients aware of these services.

• Services should be packaged to help time constrained healthcare professionals better serve their patients.

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Pharmaceutical companies need to invest as much in the communication and coordination of the services as they do in building them.

• Few pharmaceutical companies are making patient services part of their day to day conversations with healthcare professionals.

• Pharmaceutical companies can make this happen by enlisting their salesforce who are already meeting with healthcare professionals.

• But they will need to shift conversations to patient outcomes and how the combination of products and services help achieve the desired outcome.

• This conversation should be communicated across multiple channels and coordinated across key healthcare stakeholders.