patient safety program scd

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  • 1. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S APatient Safety Plan14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman1

2. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S AScope of program Definition of the scope of the program activities Safety culture Statements that focus of program is to improve patient safety processes, not take punitive measures against staff who commit errors14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman2 3. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Program components Description of how organization has integrated safetyrelated elements into organization-wide effort, including participation from appropriate departments and services Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman3 4. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S AProcedures for immediate response to medical/health care errors Response procedures are in place for: Care of the affected patient(s) Containment of risk to others Preservation of factual information for subsequent analysis14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman4 5. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S ADefinition of mechanisms in place for responding to unexpected clinical events including sentinel events (SE) (eg, root cause analysis [(RCA]) or other mechanisms for conducting proactive riskreduction activities14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman5 6. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S AAssessment of the intended and actual implementation of the process to identify the steps in the process where there is, or may be, undesirable variation Identification of the possible effects on patients and the seriousness of the possible effects for each identified variation 14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman6 7. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S ANew processes, functions, or services designed or redesigned Must consider potential risks to patient safety Inclusion of information related to patient safety and unanticipated adverse events (AE) affecting patients in process planning for performance improvement priorities. The data include: 14 - September - 2012Processes that affect a large percentage of patients Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman7 8. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S AEvidence of coordination/ integration of patient care and patient safety as an interdisciplinary approach14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman8 9. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S AMeasurement and analysis Actual processes identified as error-prone or high-risk regarding patient safety Critical steps in at least one actual high-risk process are measured and analyzed on an ongoing basis Corrective actions for significant variation14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman9 10. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A Resource allocation Allocation of adequate resources for measuring, assessing, and improving patient safety Assignment of adequate personnel (number and competence) to participate in activities to improve patient safety14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman10 11. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman11 12. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman12 13. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman13 14. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman14 15. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman15 16. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman16 17. S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A14 - September - 2012Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman17