past continuous and past time clause

By: Hussain Al-ghawi November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi Target Level: high- intermediate

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Page 1: Past continuous and past time clause

By: Hussain Al-ghawi

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Target Level: high- intermediate

Page 2: Past continuous and past time clause


• The past continuous OR past progressive: is the action

started before that moment but has not finished at that


November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 3: Past continuous and past time clause


• Auxiliary verb “was or were” is used in


• and the -ing form of a verb

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 4: Past continuous and past time clause

TimelineNovember 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 5: Past continuous and past time clause

Past Continuous - Examples in Songs!

• https



November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 6: Past continuous and past time clause

Structure of sentence

Structure of sentence

Positive sentences

Negative sentences

Yes/no questions

Information questions

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Page 7: Past continuous and past time clause

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 8: Past continuous and past time clause

Past Continuous FormNovember 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 9: Past continuous and past time clause

Meaning And Use Notes

• Activities in progress in the past.

• Stative verbs & the past continuous.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 10: Past continuous and past time clause

Activities in Progress in the Past.

• 1 A : Use the past continuous to talk about activities that

were in progress (happing) at a specific time in the past.

• Examples:

I wasn’t raining at lunch time. It was snowing.

She was studying at Kent library in 2011.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 11: Past continuous and past time clause


• 2 B: The past continuous is often used to talk about

several activities that were in progress at the same time.

• Example

At eight o’clock they were eating dinner,

discussing their plans, and having a good time.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 12: Past continuous and past time clause


• 3 C: The past continuous expresses an ongoing

past activities that may or may not be completed.

• Example:

• At 1:30 Sarah was making lunch in the kitchen.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 13: Past continuous and past time clause

Stative Verbs & The Past Continuous

• 1 A: Many stative verbs are used simple past, but not in the


• Some of these verbs are: know, own, mean, seem, and


• Example:

I knew all the answers. (correct) √

I was knowing all the answers. (incorrect)×

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 14: Past continuous and past time clause

• 2 B: Some stative verbs in the past continuous, but they are

used as action verbs with a different meaning.

• Some of these verbs are: have, think, taste, and weigh.

• Example:

Simple Past: Did you have a car?

Past Continuous: they were having a good time at the

football game.

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Page 16: Past continuous and past time clause

Clauses Overview

Clause is a group of words that has a subject

and a verb.

A main clause can stand alone as a complete


A dependent clause cannot stand alone and must

be used with a main clause.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 17: Past continuous and past time clause

Past time clauses

• Past time clauses are dependent clauses. They begin with words such

as before, when, while, and after.

• The verbs in a past time clause and main clause can be in the simple

past or past continuous.

• A past time clause can come before or after the main clause with

no change in the meaning.

• If the past time comes first, it is separated from the main clause by a


November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 18: Past continuous and past time clause

Sentence With Past Time Clauses

Past Time Clause Main Clause

Subject Verb Subject Verb

Before the storm hit, everyone was sleeping.

When the house collapsed, I was eating dinner.

While I was sleeping, the phone rang.

After the play ended, everyone clapped.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 19: Past continuous and past time clause

Position of past time clause

Past time clause Main clause

When the house collapsed, I was eating dinner.

After the play ended, Everyone clapped

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Main clause Past time clause

I was eating dinner. When the house collapsed.

Everyone clapped After the play ended.

Page 20: Past continuous and past time clause

Meaning and use notes

• Simultaneous events.

• Interrupted events.

• Events in sequence.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 21: Past continuous and past time clause

Simultaneous Events

• Sentence with past time clauses describe the order in which

two past events occurred.

• When or while introduces the time clauses

• Example:

• When I was sleeping, the children were playing soccer in the

living room!

• I was sleeping while the children were playing soccer in the

living room!

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 22: Past continuous and past time clause

Interrupted events

• When one verb is in the simple past and other is

in the past continuous, it shows the one event

interrupted the other.

• The event in the past continuous started

first and was interrupted by the simple past


• When or while begins the time clause, which

use the past continuous.November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 23: Past continuous and past time clause

ExamplePast Continuous Simple Past

(First event) (Second event)

When I was sleeping, The telephone rang.

While I was sleeping, The telephone rang.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 24: Past continuous and past time clause

Events in Sequence

• When the verbs in both time clause and main clause are

in the simple past, one event happened after the other

(in sequence).

• Before, when, or after introduces the time clause and

indicates the order of events.

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi

Page 25: Past continuous and past time clause

Time Clauses Exercises



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Page 26: Past continuous and past time clause

Role Play: Student A

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Page 27: Past continuous and past time clause

Role Play: Student B

November 2015 - H, Al-ghawi