passport to stories around the world demo

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  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Passport toStories Around

    the World

    Mariony E. Medina Serrano

    November 1st, 2014

    INGL 6996-002

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    • I’m rom Mo!a, "#erto $i!o.

    • I enro%%ed in t&e 'niversity o "#erto $i!o,

    Maya()e* +am#s on 200.

    • n 2011, I (rad#ated /it& an En(%is&Literat#re maor, and a Se!ondary Ed#!ationminor.

    •  I started a Master o Ed#!ation in +#rri!#%#mand Instr#!tion +&i%dren’s Literat#re at "ennState 'niversity’s or%d +am#s on 201,/&i!& I am sti%% enro%%ed in.

    •  3&is is my se!ond semester in t&e MEEro(ram, and as a G3.

    • I !onsider tea!&in( a rivi%e(e, be!a#se /e!an s&ae t&e %ives o o#r #t#re %eaders.


  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Ed#!ationa% "&i%oso&y

    • I be%ieve ed#!ation, ater ami%y, is t&e basis or t&e

    ormation o man bein(s.

    • My (oa% is to &e% deve%o t&e individ#a%ity o ea!&


    • In t&e !%assroom I (#ide my st#dents, b#t a%/aysremind t&em o my osition o a#t&ority in it, to !reatea ba%an!e bet/een tr#st and rese!t.

    • I tea!& dynami!a%%y and inte(rate ed#!ation /it&

    mor, in order to rea!& otima% ed#!ation and !reatea sae and re%iab%e environment.

    • My tea!&in( is not based on re%i(io#s ideas, b#t

    inte(rates ase!ts o immora%ity and reedom as

    reso#r!es or obtainin( va%#es.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo



    • In t&is a!tivity st#dents /i%% read myt&s or o%ta%esrom aro#nd t&e /or%d.

    • 3&en t&ey /i%% !om%ete a assort re!ordin( t&e!ontinents t&ey 7visited.8

    • 3&ere /i%% be stories rom ri!a, sia, #stra%ia,E#roe, Nort& meri!a, and So#t& meri!a.

    St#dents /i%% #se t&e "assort to Stories ro#nd t&eor%d /or s&eet to re!ord t&e re#ested inormationrom t&e stories.

    • 3&is /i%% &e% t&em see t&e di:eren!es bet/eenstories rom diverse !#%t#res.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Stes to rst a(e o t&e assort.

    • ?ave st#dents sta%e additiona% a(es to t&e assort.

    • Ea!& s#bse#ent sread o b%an a(es rovides sa!eor st#dents to re!ord inormation abo#t t&e stories t&eyread.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Stes to %% o#t t&e assort a(es, stam or si(n t&ea(e /it& t&e date t&e st#dent 7visited7 ea!& !ontinent.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Story rom siaH#an( Ci, t&e an!ient De%%o/ Emeror, stood brave%y at t&e &ead o &isarmy o (ods, bears, ti(ers, and %eoards. t t&e ot&er end o t&ebatt%e>e%d %oomed t&e o;en-&orned (iant +&i Do#, ba!ed by &is army odemons.

    ?#an( Ci !ame to deend &is imeria% t&rone +&i Do# !ame to demandit.

    +&i Do# snee*ed %o#d%y and a t&i!, /&ite o( !overed t&e batt%e>e%d. Noone !o#%d see a t&in(. ?#an( Ci=s army %as&ed o#t b%ind%y #nti% &is#i!-/itted minister !reated a !omass. ?#an( Ci (at&ered t&es#rvivors and es!aed.

    +&i Do# /as #rio#s. 3&e an(ry (iant !a%%ed in demon or!es to &e% &im. 3&e /inds b%e/ /i%d%y. 3&e sy b%a!ened and a >er!e drivin( rain e%% a%%over t&e batt%e>e%d. 3&e Emeror=s army /as dro/nin(.

    ?#an( Ci !a%%ed or &is most o/er#% /eaon F &is da#(&ter 5a.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Story rom sia

    5a strode t&ro#(& t&e ood. terri>! &eat sread rom &er body anddried # t&e /aters. ?#an( Ci t&en as&ioned a dr#m o#t o a seamonster=s &ide. &en &e !ras&ed do/n &is (e, o/er#% dr#msti!s, aterrib%e tnder s&oo t&e mo#ntains. +&i Do#=s army /as ara%y*ed/it& ear. 3&e Emeror=s army r#s&ed or/ard... to vi!toryH

    +&ina &as t&e o%dest e;istin( !ivi%i*ation in t&e /or%d. Its ear%iest myt&sdate rom more t&an 4,000 years a(o, b#t its myt&o%o(ies /ere ever-!&an(in(. Names, rans, and t&e imortan!e o +&inese deities /ere!%ose%y !onne!ted to t&e r#%in( o/ers o a re(ion or an era. M#!& o+&ina=s ear%y &istory is intert/ined /it& its myt&i! &istory. 3&e %inebet/een myt&i! %eaders, %ie ?#an( Ci, and &istori! >(#res is oten veryb%#rry. n!ient +&inese myt&o%o(y /as %ater transormed by t&e sreado t&e 3aoist, +on#!ian, and 5#dd&ist re%i(ions.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Story rom ri!a

    Hare %ooed o#t over &is >e%d. I &e /as (oin( to &ave ood to eat, &e/o#%d &ave to %ant a !ro. 5#t i &e /as (oin( to %ant a !ro, &e=d&ave to !%ear t&e >e%d >rst. 3&at /as a %ot o /or F more /or t&an?are /anted to do.

    ?are /as a !%ever anima%, so &e soon &ad an idea. ?e dra((ed a %en(t&o roe be&ind &im and %ay in /ait in t&e b#s&es o#tside &is >e%d. bi(ri!an e%e&ant !ame %#mberin( a%on(. ?are bet t&e e%e&ant &e !o#%dbeat &im in a t#(-o-/ar. 3&e %ar(e e%e&ant %a#(&ed at t&e idea,!omin( as it did rom s#!& a sma%% anima%. ?e s!ooed # t&e roe /it&&is tr#n. ?are i!ed # t&e ot&er end and s!amered t&ro#(& t&e

    b#s&es and a!ross &is >e%d. 3&ere &e &id be&ind anot&er ro/ o b#s&es.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    Story rom ri!a

    Soon eno#(& a m#ddy &iootam#s /add%ed by. ?are dared t&e &ioto beat &im in a t#(-o-/ar. 3&e ro#d &io i!ed # t&e roe /it& &isteet&. ?are &oed into t&e b#s&es and (ave t&e roe a t#(. &en t&ee%e&ant and t&e &io e%t t&e roe move, t&ey ea!& #%%ed &ard. 3&eo/er#% anima%s dra((ed t&e roe, ba! and ort&, ba! and ort&, #nti%

    ni(&t e%%. Ea!& time t&e roe moved, it %o/ed anot&er ro/ in !%ever?are=s >e%d.

    ri!a did not deve%o one overa%% myt& system be!a#se ri!a itse%does not &ave one eo%e, one &istory. Its di:erent eo%es sea moret&an 1,000 %an(#a(es and its myt&o%o(ies are #st as vast and varied.ri!an myt&s, %e(ends, and triba% &istories /ere s&ared t&ro#(& rit#a%storyte%%in(, roverbs, !&anted oems, or son(s. Stories abo#t /i%yanima% tri!sters %ie ?are or nansi t&e Sider, are arti!#%ar%y o#%ar.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo



  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo


    ?ands n "ra!ti!e 3&is a!tivity /i%% tae aro;imate%y one /ee to !om%ete in t&e!%assroom. St#dents /i%% read a story rom ea!& o t&e si; !ontinents,and re!ord t&e re#ested inormation. 3&is /i%% a%%o/ t&em to dis!#sst&e di:eren!es and simi%arities bet/een !#%t#res and be%ies.

    •  3o (et a (%imse o &o/ t&e a!tivity /ors, /e /i%% mae t&ree to

    o#r (ro#s.

    •  3/o stories /i%% be assi(ned to ea!& (ro#.

    • Ea!& (ro# /i%% se%e!t a s!ribe to /rite t&e inormation on t&eassort.

    • Ea!& (ro# /i%% dis!#ss t&e simi%arities and di:eren!es bet/eenea!& story.

    •  3&e !%ass /i%% dis!#ss di:eren!es and simi%arities bet/een t&e si;stories.

  • 8/9/2019 Passport to Stories Around the World Demo

