passover lamb

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  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb




  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    Under the blood

    of the Passover Lamb

    When God was determined to destroythe first born of man and beast inEgypt, through His grace He provideda way for Israel to escape the plagueIf Israel would put the blood of thelamb on the door posts and lintel ofthe house, God would spare those in

    the house

    !otice that Gracegave the plan, butIsrael infaith had to paint the bloodof

    the lamb on the door

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    Exodus 12: 12

    On that same niht ! "i## $assth%ouh E'$t and st%i(e do"n e)e%'*%st+o%n o, +oth $eo$#e and anima#s- and

    ! "i## +%in .udment on a## the ods o,E'$t/ ! am theLOR0/ 13The +#ood "i## +ea sin ,o% 'ou on the houses "he%e 'ou

    a%e- and "hen ! see the +#ood- ! "i## $asso)e% 'ou/ o dest%uti)e $#aue "i## touh'ou "hen ! st%i(e E'$t/

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    The messae o, the Passo)e% isthe same #ea% and sim$#e

    messae o, the 3os$e#:

    Believe in the Lamb who

    died to take theconsequences for your sin

    and you will be savedfrom the wrath of the Just

    Judge of all men.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    #ohn the $aptist%s &estimony of


    John 1:29

    Behold, the Lamb of God,

    that takes away the sin ofthe world.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    "hrist is our Passover Lamb

    I Corinthians :!"#herefore, $%r&e o%t the oldlea'en, that yo% may be a new

    l%m$, sin(e yo% tr%ly are%nlea'ened. )or indeed Christ,o%r *asso'er, was sa(ri+(ed for


  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    "hrist is the lamb slain

    e'elation :9"-nd they san& a new son&,sayin&: )or yo% are worthy to

    take the s(roll, and to o$en theseals for yo% were slain, andha'e redeemed %s to God by

    /o%r blood.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    &he blood of #esus covers us

    so we can come near to God

    0$hesians 2:1"B%t now in Christ Jes%s yo%where on(e far o ha'e been

    bro%&ht near by the blood ofChrist.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    What value is there in the blood

    of #esus(

    Colossians 1:1932

    Christ made $ea(e thro%&hthe blood of the (ross.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    What value is there in the bloodof #esus(

    4ebrews 9:11315

    #he blood of Christ

    (leanses o%r (ons(ien(efrom dead works.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    What value is there in the blood

    of #esus(

    I John 1:6,!

    #he blood of Jes%s (leanses %sfrom all sin.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "hrist is the Lamb of God

    What value is there in the blood

    of #esus(

    e'elation 1:

    Christ washed %s from o%rsins in 4is own blood.

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    When did" ) *&

    tell us to

    +eat His $ody and drin His $lood(

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    "oming under the $lood

    &he $ible says, -or everyone who

    calls on the name of the Lord willbe saved God wants you to trust

    Him now by calling on the name of

    His *on, #esus "hrist, for salvation

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    What #esus E.pects

    /ou must in faith confess that #esus

    is the *on of the Living God, that He

    has authority over your life, that He

    died on the cross and rose from thedead to forgive your sin

    /ou must repent of sin and

    disobedience to God, and trusting"hrist, wal in obedience to Him

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb



    Israel was saved by grace through

    faith when they painted the blood of

    the lamb on the door

    &hey had to manifest their faith in

    simple obedience to the word of God

    Without this obedience, they would

    have had the plague strie them 1ustas it did the Egyptians

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    We liewise, by grace through faith,are saved from the plague of sin We

    liewise must have the blood of the

    Lamb +painted2 on us to escape theplague

    We manifest our faith in simple

    obedience to the will of God by beingbapti3ed into "hrist 4coming under His

    $lood5 according to His command

  • 7/25/2019 Passover Lamb


    Lamb of God, you take away the sins of theworld,

    Have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the

    world,Have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the

    world,Grant us peace.