partner content crypto insider a the …...2019/02/12  · in mankind’s history beer is arguably...

terests in the property. LOTTERY.COM - $ UNCONFIRMED The online digital gambling platform, was the first to create a digital revenue- share instrument based on blockchain. MARKET OUTLOOK Although Blockchain is at the forefront of many discussions today, it is important to note that in five to ten years, blockchain will likely be a standard and boring method of wiring our financial markets and seldom discussed. Similar to how all modern businesses need to have a website, any business that engages in the transfer and storage of data, particu- larly if that data reflects ownership, will likely utilize blockchain with various de- grees of centralization. Today, issuers are mostly ignoring this fact, assuming that by placing their secu- rities on a blockchain, their deal instantly becomes more ‘fundable’. Although the technology does provide some obvious benefits of efficiency, transparency and liquidity, it does not increase the inherent quality of the deal. Thus, these issuances, are still dependent on traditional sources of capital such as family offices and asset managers. Issuers continue to brace the uphill battle of educating investors on po- tential benefits of programmable securi- ties in addition to selling their deal. Slow but steady, security tokens will continue to gain prominence, with the goal of sim- ply becoming the new ‘normal. Tatiana Koffman is a frequent contributor, speaker and advisor in the digital securities space, focusing on impact and consumer technologies. Y ou won’t have any problem finding visionaries and ideas in the blockchain and crypto worlds, but viable real world examples of these technologies in action and serving useful purposes are relatively rare. There’s a hive of energy and momentum behind German Kraft Beer’s (GKB) efforts to help launch the ‘Craft Beer Coin’ alongside a rapidly burgeoning blockchain event culture that congregates around their Elephant & Castle Mercato Metropolitano fresh local beer tanks and bars. GKB is a unique story in itself. Brewing fresh beers onsite while simultaneously capturing energy to distill water to brew with and create ‘Acquiva’ bottled water, their authentic quality German beers were hugely popular at the recent Hyde Park ‘Winter Wonderland’ Christmas event. By using the same ingredients as local German beer brews plus their distilled water, GKB is able to serve pints in London you could previously only find if you went to a local bar in Bavaria. Since the invention of beer around 25,000 years ago societal perceptions of the consistent value of a pint of beer over time are well understood everywhere. In mankind’s history beer is arguably the commodity with the most stable value - much more stable than gold, oil or all the paper currencies that opportunities is great for beer drinkers, with plans rapidly being accomplished to create a digital community around fresh local beers. The realities of actually doing this and not just talking about it has attracted a vibrant community of like-minded digital entrepreneurs to Mercato Metropolitano in S1. GKB has become a hub for crypto and blockchain aficionados helping to test the GKB smartphone app, buy beers at the bar, interact around presentations, network with peers and discuss their projects over pints and food. The next big, public event, will be the Beer&Blockchain Club on the 27th of this month. Interesting speakers will make themselves available for a chat over a beer. ‘Craft Beer Coin’ will hit beta testing later this month and launch to the public as soon as the real world legal and regulatory details are completed. ‘Asset backed’ tokens are arguably the future in a world that has until now been dominated by speculation on ‘store of value’ crypto tokens such as Bitcoin, and the community around this launch is also well worth watching and attending if you can get there. For more information visit 20 TUESDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2019 FEATURE CITYAM.COM 21 TUESDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2019 FEATURE CITYAM.COM TOKEN DEALS SO FAR There are over 150 Security Token is- suances on the market. Below are some of the more interesting ones that have touched mainstream investors. BLOCKCHAIN CAPITAL - $10M Blockchain Capital was the first to intro- duce an STO into the market. The offer- ing created a blueprint for future tokenized securities, in particular tok- enized fund structures which are tradi- tional illiquid vehicles. ASPEN DIGITAL - ST. REGIS - $18M The Aspen Hotel deal is notable for being the first major commercial real estate transaction facilitated by blockchain. The digital security provided holders with eq- A n otherwise stable market erupted last Friday, 8th February with a substantial green candle day. Notably there was massive 32% uplift in the price of Litecoin (LTC) trading at $44.35 and taking it to 4th position on the Market Cap list. Last week also saw Binance Coin (BNB) enter the top ten Market Cap list - US$1.32bn - in tenth position trading at US$9.64. Bitcoin (BTC) surged above the US$3,700 level but came off a bit and, at the time of writing, BTC is trading at US$3,624.62. Ethereum (ETH) regained its number two slot at US$121.14 with now third position Ripple (XRP) at US$0.3028 and overall Market Cap up 6.8% since the last Crypto AM at US$121.4bn.(data source: So with London Blockchain Week now in full swing, the Binance juggernaut sent its Binance Labs division to host a very interesting last minute meet-up panel event to King's College London’s Strand Campus at Bush House. The panel discussion focussed on ‘Growing the Blockchain Ecosystem’ and moderated by Teck Chia (Partner at Binance Labs) the panel was made up of academics, investors and innovators in the space. The general feeling was that despite the noise surrounding the ‘Crypto Winter’ that the stronger well managed projects were thriving with less distraction to focus on building out their projects. Transaction speeds, privacy and finality were high on the agenda too. Finality, as described by Josef Hazi, Co-Founder of Zeroline Capital, is the point at which a transaction can no longer be reversed which clearly is vital with settlements on exchanges. Following in the footsteps of Malta and Bermuda, Mauritius has joined the list of island states organising their legislative frameworks. The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius has announced that it will start issuing Custodian Services for Digital Assets licences from 1st March 2019 which will be a boon for the evergrowing Loretta Joseph, who made me aware of this, is the Blockchain advisor to the OECD in Paris and has played a key role advising both Bermuda and Mauritius. She has very kindly agreed to write a Guest Main Feature in the coming weeks to shed light on this fast paced. Archax, the forthcoming institutional-grade, digital securities exchange based in London, yesterday announced seed investment from SPiCE VC, the world’s first fully tokenised venture capital fund. Speaking to Archax CMO Simon Barnby earlier, he commented: “There is huge momentum building around the tokenisation of assets and security tokens in particular. We aim to be at the very centre of this emerging ecosystem and this partnership with SPiCE show’s their belief in our strategy, and will help us deliver it.” uity shares in a portion of the 180-room Aspen St. Regis resort, world renowned for its skiing in the Rocky Mountains. MAECENAS - ANDY WARHOL - $1.7M Maecenas, a fine arts tokenization plat- form, pushes the blockchain industry for- ward with the successful execution of the first fractional ownership for fine art, with Andy’s 14 Small Electric Chairs (14SEC). 436 & 442 EAST 14TH ST, MANHATTAN - $30M This luxury Manhattan condo was the first to be tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain, in partnership with Fluidity and Propellr, using AirSwap tokenization technology. Investors were given the op- tion to receive either analog or digital in- A n area of crypto and blockchain that appeared to be niche only 9 months ago, is overtaking the mainstream. It seems that every crypto event worldwide has a se- curity token or asset tokenization panel, as well as a prominent focus on regula- tion. These offerings have gained the most prominence in the U.S. and Switzer- land, with Asian markets slowly catching up. SO, WHAT IS A SECURITY TOKEN? A Security Token Offering (STO) may refer to the issuance of: £ Smart, Digital or Programmable Se- curities traditional securities, such as eq- uity, debt, revenue share, convertible note, or bond, that rely on distributed ledger technology to establish their terms, features and transferability. Some issuers have renamed this as a Digital Se- curity Offering or ‘DSO’. £ Compliant Network Tokens a utility token or right to receive a utility token for use in a distributed network in the future that constitutes an investment contract under securities laws at the time of is- suance. These were formerly known as ICO’s and are functionally similar, but comply the securities regulation where they are sold. The first type, the focus of this article, represents programmable ownership of tangible items in the real world, such as real estate, art or cashflow, is becoming particularly popular amongst more tra- ditional issuers and investors, allured by the benefits of blockchain technology. This new innovation on digital assets can provide an array of financial rights to an investor such as equity ownership, divi- dend payouts, profit share rights, voting rights, buy-back rights, or a type of frac- tional ownership. WHY TOKENIZE? The are several advantages of tokeniza- tion, while the most frequently cited in- clude fractionalization of traditionally illiquid assets, increased or advanced liq- uidity, decreased issuance fees, greater transparency and pricing efficiency. The greatest allure to issuers, however, is the ability to access a global pool of capital, thus making the fundraising process more efficient. The majority of Security Token deal flow is taking place across Real Estate, Fi- nance, Consumer Technology and Energy sectors. WHAT YOU NEED TO ISSUE A SECURITY TOKEN IN 2019 £ A fast and secure protocol : This is the technical layer into which your instru- ment is programmed. Some current fi- nance-compatible choices include: Stellar, Cardano, Hashgraph, Tezos and Dusk. £A robust issuance platform: This is the regulatory layer that sits on top of the pro- tocol to insure compliance with local se- curities laws. These platforms are also responsible for checking investor accred- itation, where applicable. Current players include: Securtize, Securrency, TokenSoft, Sharespost and Polymath. £ A seasoned broker-dealer to help you fundraise! Some issuance platforms can also act as broker dealers. Typically these are boutique investment banks focusing on digital securities. The choice of firm is highly dependent on geography. £ A popular fundraising portal : These websites tend to have a built-in audience and network of investors. Some popular choices include CoinList, StartEngine and Indiegogo. £ Find an exchange to trade your secu- rity: Liquidity is one of the paramount value propositions of digitizing your of- fering. Secondary platform options are limited and currently include TZero, Tem- plum and OpenFinance Network. MOST INTERESTING SECURITY Designed by Phill Snelling, Bowater Media In association with CITY A.M.’S CRYPTO INSIDER Crypto A.M. shines its Spotlight on The ‘Craft Beer Coin’ backed by the price of a pint @CityAm_Crypto E: [email protected] JAMES BOWATER PARTNER CONTENT Our series on AI, Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Tokenisation ‘Asset backed’ tokens are arguably the future H aving lived through the internet boom and bust - the Dot-Com era - it's now obvious, to even the meanest in- telligence, that jobs are now at risk in the City. It is far clearer now then at the same point in that revolution that what we are facing is exactly that: In the rearview mir- ror of history we’ll look back on a revolu- tion more disruptive than anything we've seen before. Tens of thousands of jobs, more likely millions, wiped away - many of them in the City. Some of them replaced. If we be- lieve some pundits then nearly. Others are less sanguine - not without good reason. Pretty much everyone has now heard of DLT and/or Blockchain Technology. The fact that far fewer people understand this and most can’t imagine how it will change the way the City works is irrelevant to the fact that it will. Likewise Frontier Technologies includ- ing DLT, AI, Augmented Reality and IoT: Only really used today by specialists and experts. This will soon change. So will your career, and the opportunities open to you in the future. Despite all the false rhetoric not just banks but treasuries and finance ministers around the world are already on this jour- ney. It's simply a matter of time before most currencies have, or are, cryptocur- rencies. Fintech has established a foothold - but that’s all. Fired up with Frontier Technolo- gies footholds are becoming base-camps from which to scale the giddy heights. Will this transform the behemoths for which most City workers toil today as Fintech newcomers are snapped up? Or will they grow large, disrupt and displace them? Probably a mixture - but it really doesn't matter! The landscape will change - and none more than the City skills and em- ployment landscape. A near future very different not just from the past but from today. New and existing employers de- manding new skills and scarce experience. Along with the challenges this will pro- vide a raft of new opportunities - for those who have made it their business to under- stand the capabilities of these technolo- gies. It will be those who start this journey early who benefit. Whether they start as sceptic or convert. The path trodden by Walmart's vice president of food safety, Frank Yiannas, for example. Initially a sceptic after studying it Walmart are now rolling out blockchain technology to tackle problems that have become increas- ingly intractable with scale - together with nine other food retailer giants including Nestle and Unilever, who’ve teamed up with IBM . How long before IBM hyperledger tech- nology, or a rival, begins to bring Frontier Technologies to bear on your organisa- tion? Will you be at the forefront helping inform the organisation, lead the change and shape the future? Or will you be look- ing for a glimmer of light? This week at London Blockchain Week we turn-on a new network, open to the world, that will help shed a new light. This, together with the new model association which is, will provide clear paths for executives and others to get a better un- derstanding of the implications of these ‘Frontier Technologies’ which are already beginning to transform the workplace. This is not just for geeks. It's also for those who need to know because they want to be the ones helping inform their organi- sations - and shaping the future. Including and especially their own. Let us help ensure you have the skills and insights needed to prosper in this new era. join us at..., or hear more at Slow but steady, security tokens will continue to gain prominence W ith the recent news that Gerald Cotton of QuadrigaCX, the Canadian crypto exchange, passed away at the age of 30 being the only person there who knew the private keys to the cold storage wallet for the exchange, it brings up some challenging questions. Starting with: How could this happen? When you consider that approximately 250 million Canadian dollars’ worth of crypto, belonging to over 115,000 customers, may now be locked in the network and inaccessible forever. (Crypto doesn’t ever go away - it is simply inaccessible without the private key). Why would QuadrigaCX have a business where there existed a single point of failure? It’s one thing for an exchange to be centralised, and wholly another for a single individual to be the sole person who has full control over all customer funds. This appears to be very poor treasury planning and disaster management on behalf of the exchange. I am uncomfortable giving a dead guy a hard time, it does still leave questions for the business. Custody in crypto is a huge issue that has not been solved as yet. So what good custody solutions are available for wallets and exchanges? There are multi-signature wallet solutions, where a combination of private keys - such as any 3 of 5 keys - are necessary to access the funds. This is not unlike a multi-signature bank account. There are other some providers who provide custodian services to hold keys securely in a manner that is disaster proof and secure. And there are solutions involving smart contracts where not only private keys are required, but certain real-world situations can trigger access or deny access to funds. The industry has a challenge on it’s hands, and there can be no mainstream adoption for crypto until we get better at handling crypto access and custody of private keys. Jon Walsh, Associate Partner at Blockchain Rookies. DEATH IN CRYPTO L ast Friday Bitcoin woke up the bears and posted its highest daily positive performance (+7.85%) this year. Friday also saw the highest bitcoin volume traded on exchanges since January 10. Bitcoin is up 6.9% this week, outperforming Ripple (+2.94%), but lagging behind Ethereum (up 17.02% this week +14.41% on Friday). Litecoin stole the show however posting impressive gains of 40.47% (+30.6% on Friday). The driver behind the rally appears to have been the new three-month high reached by the Bitcoin hash rate. Last week we explained the significance of the hash rate as a measure for the volume of bitcoin transactions. The rate measure for Thursday exceeded 50 TH per second, achieving levels that were last seen in early November 2018, confirming the rate’s recent positive trend. Could this rate signal the end of the bear’s grip on the markets? The hash rate’s evolution is at least one less concern for the health of bitcoin, and more specifically for the integrity of the blockchain. However, if we re looking for positive signs of bitcoin adoption in the economy, payments per transaction and payments per day are two additional indicators that are essential. The number of Bitcoin payments per day has been increasing at a steady pace since mid-2018 (from 360k to 476k per day +32%), but at a much slower pace than the number of transactions per day (from 200k to 330k per day +65%). Apart from the November drop, there has been no clear short or medium-term positive correlation between the Bitcoin payments per day and the bitcoin price. The most likely reason for the price jump is the low market liquidity. As a consequence, even the most mundane event relayed by the press acts as a strong positive catalyst. Litecoin’s stellar performance was due to a blog post by Beam on Thursday, revealing discussions with Litecoin for the implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol for transactional confidentiality. One could assume that regulators would not be enthused about this new protocol, however according to MimbleWimble, while transactions have strong anonymity guarantees, it maintains the properties required for a valid blockchain - the transaction does not create money, and proof of ownership is established through private keys. It would seem that buyers are now on high alert, and ready to challenge the bears. THE WIREX WEEKLY MARKET VIEW Frontier Tech Remaking City Jobs have come and gone. Now, after a lot of hard work, GKB and DLT.Partners are at the late alpha stage of testing a transactional ‘Craft Beer Coin’ that enables fresh local beer purchase via the coin holders’ smart phone, creating a ‘coin’ always underwritten by at least one fresh pint of craft beer. Everyone understands the value and therefore the price of a pint, and the craft beer coin currency is pegged to that psychological reality. This real world, practical application that leverages modern cryptocurrency 2019: THE YEAR OF THE SECURITY TOKEN

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Page 1: PARTNER CONTENT CRYPTO INSIDER A THE …...2019/02/12  · In mankind’s history beer is arguably the commodity with the most stable value - much more stable than gold, oil or all

terests in the property.

LOTTERY.COM - $UNCONFIRMEDThe online digital gambling platform,was the first to create a digital revenue-share instrument based on blockchain.

MARKET OUTLOOKAlthough Blockchain is at the forefrontof many discussions today, it is importantto note that in five to ten years,blockchain will likely be a standard andboring method of wiring our financialmarkets and seldom discussed. Similar tohow all modern businesses need to havea website, any business that engages inthe transfer and storage of data, particu-larly if that data reflects ownership, will

likely utilize blockchain with various de-grees of centralization. Today, issuers are mostly ignoring this

fact, assuming that by placing their secu-rities on a blockchain, their deal instantlybecomes more ‘fundable’. Although thetechnology does provide some obviousbenefits of efficiency, transparency andliquidity, it does not increase the inherentquality of the deal. Thus, these issuances,are still dependent on traditional sourcesof capital such as family offices and assetmanagers. Issuers continue to brace theuphill battle of educating investors on po-tential benefits of programmable securi-ties in addition to selling their deal. Slowbut steady, security tokens will continueto gain prominence, with the goal of sim-ply becoming the new ‘normal.

Tatiana Koffman is a frequent contributor,speaker and advisor in the digital securitiesspace, focusing on impact and consumertechnologies.

You won’t have any problem findingvisionaries and ideas in theblockchain and crypto worlds, but

viable real world examples of thesetechnologies in action and servinguseful purposes are relatively rare.There’s a hive of energy and

momentum behind German KraftBeer’s (GKB) efforts to help launch the‘Craft Beer Coin’ alongside a rapidlyburgeoning blockchain event culturethat congregates around their Elephant& Castle Mercato Metropolitano freshlocal beer tanks and bars. GKB is a unique story in itself. Brewing

fresh beers onsite while simultaneouslycapturing energy to distill water tobrew with and create ‘Acquiva’ bottledwater, their authentic quality Germanbeers were hugely popular at the recentHyde Park ‘Winter Wonderland’Christmas event. By using the sameingredients as local German beer brews

plus their distilled water, GKB is able toserve pints in London you couldpreviously only find if you went to alocal bar in Bavaria.Since the invention of beer around

25,000 years ago societal perceptionsof the consistent value of a pint ofbeer over time are well understoodeverywhere.In mankind’s history beer is arguably

the commodity with the most stablevalue - much more stable than gold,oil or all the paper currencies that

opportunities is great for beerdrinkers, with plans rapidly beingaccomplished to create a digitalcommunity around fresh local beers.The realities of actually doing this andnot just talking about it has attracted avibrant community of like-mindeddigital entrepreneurs to MercatoMetropolitano in S1. GKB has becomea hub for crypto and blockchainaficionados helping to test the GKBsmartphone app, buy beers at the bar,interact around presentations,network with peers and discuss theirprojects over pints and food. The nextbig, public event, will be theBeer&Blockchain Club on the 27th ofthis month. Interesting speakers willmake themselves available for a chatover a beer. ‘Craft Beer Coin’ will hit beta testing

later this month and launch to thepublic as soon as the real world legaland regulatory details are completed.‘Asset backed’ tokens are arguably thefuture in a world that has until nowbeen dominated by speculation on‘store of value’ crypto tokens such asBitcoin, and the community aroundthis launch is also well worth watchingand attending if you can get there.

For more information visit


TOKEN DEALS SO FARThere are over 150 Security Token is-suances on the market. Below are someof the more interesting ones that havetouched mainstream investors.

BLOCKCHAIN CAPITAL - $10MBlockchain Capital was the first to intro-duce an STO into the market. The offer-ing created a blueprint for futuretokenized securities, in particular tok-enized fund structures which are tradi-tional illiquid vehicles.

ASPEN DIGITAL - ST. REGIS - $18MThe Aspen Hotel deal is notable for beingthe first major commercial real estatetransaction facilitated by blockchain. Thedigital security provided holders with eq-

An otherwise stable market erupted lastFriday, 8th February with a substantialgreen candle day. Notably there was

massive 32% uplift in the price of Litecoin(LTC) trading at $44.35 and taking it to 4thposition on the Market Cap list. Last weekalso saw Binance Coin (BNB) enter the topten Market Cap list - US$1.32bn - in tenthposition trading at US$9.64. Bitcoin (BTC) surgedabove the US$3,700 level but came off a bit and, at the time ofwriting, BTC is trading at US$3,624.62. Ethereum (ETH) regainedits number two slot at US$121.14 with now third position Ripple(XRP) at US$0.3028 and overall Market Cap up 6.8% since thelast Crypto AM at US$121.4bn.(data

So with London Blockchain Week now in full swing, theBinance juggernaut sent its Binance Labs division to host a veryinteresting last minute meet-up panel event to King's CollegeLondon’s Strand Campus at Bush House. The panel discussionfocussed on ‘Growing the Blockchain Ecosystem’ andmoderated by Teck Chia (Partner at Binance Labs) the panel wasmade up of academics, investors and innovators in the space.The general feeling was that despite the noise surrounding the‘Crypto Winter’ that the stronger well managed projects werethriving with less distraction to focus on building out theirprojects. Transaction speeds, privacy and finality were high onthe agenda too. Finality, as described by Josef Hazi, Co-Founderof Zeroline Capital, is the point at which a transaction can nolonger be reversed which clearly is vital with settlements onexchanges.

Following in the footsteps of Malta and Bermuda, Mauritiushas joined the list of island states organising their legislativeframeworks. The Financial Services Commission of Mauritiushas announced that it will start issuing Custodian Services forDigital Assets licences from 1st March 2019 which will be a boonfor the evergrowing Loretta Joseph, who made me aware ofthis, is the Blockchain advisor to the OECD in Paris and hasplayed a key role advising both Bermuda and Mauritius. She hasvery kindly agreed to write a Guest Main Feature in the comingweeks to shed light on this fast paced.

Archax, the forthcoming institutional-grade, digital securitiesexchange based in London, yesterday announced seedinvestment from SPiCE VC, the world’s first fully tokenisedventure capital fund. Speaking to Archax CMO Simon Barnbyearlier, he commented: “There is huge momentum buildingaround the tokenisation of assets and security tokens inparticular. We aim to be at the very centre of this emergingecosystem and this partnership with SPiCE show’s their belief inour strategy, and will help us deliver it.”

uity shares in a portion of the 180-roomAspen St. Regis resort, world renownedfor its skiing in the Rocky Mountains.

MAECENAS - ANDY WARHOL - $1.7MMaecenas, a fine arts tokenization plat-form, pushes the blockchain industry for-ward with the successful execution of thefirst fractional ownership for fine art, withAndy’s 14 Small Electric Chairs (14SEC).

436 & 442 EAST 14TH ST, MANHATTAN - $30MThis luxury Manhattan condo was thefirst to be tokenized on the Ethereumblockchain, in partnership with Fluidityand Propellr, using AirSwap tokenizationtechnology. Investors were given the op-tion to receive either analog or digital in-

An area of crypto and blockchainthat appeared to be niche only 9months ago, is overtaking themainstream. It seems that everycrypto event worldwide has a se-

curity token or asset tokenization panel,as well as a prominent focus on regula-tion. These offerings have gained themost prominence in the U.S. and Switzer-land, with Asian markets slowly catchingup.

SO, WHAT IS A SECURITY TOKEN?A Security Token Offering (STO) may referto the issuance of:£ Smart, Digital or Programmable Se-curities — traditional securities, such as eq-uity, debt, revenue share, convertiblenote, or bond, that rely on distributedledger technology to establish theirterms, features and transferability. Someissuers have renamed this as a Digital Se-curity Offering or ‘DSO’. £Compliant Network Tokens— a utilitytoken or right to receive a utility token foruse in a distributed network in the futurethat constitutes an investment contractunder securities laws at the time of is-suance. These were formerly known asICO’s and are functionally similar, butcomply the securities regulation wherethey are sold. The first type, the focus of this article,

represents programmable ownership oftangible items in the real world, such asreal estate, art or cashflow, is becomingparticularly popular amongst more tra-ditional issuers and investors, allured bythe benefits of blockchain technology.This new innovation on digital assets canprovide an array of financial rights to aninvestor such as equity ownership, divi-dend payouts, profit share rights, votingrights, buy-back rights, or a type of frac-tional ownership.

WHY TOKENIZE?The are several advantages of tokeniza-tion, while the most frequently cited in-clude fractionalization of traditionallyilliquid assets, increased or advanced liq-uidity, decreased issuance fees, greatertransparency and pricing efficiency. Thegreatest allure to issuers, however, is theability to access a global pool of capital,thus making the fundraising process

more efficient. The majority of Security Token deal

flow is taking place across Real Estate, Fi-nance, Consumer Technology and Energysectors.

WHAT YOU NEED TO ISSUE A SECURITY TOKEN IN 2019£A fast and secure protocol: This is thetechnical layer into which your instru-ment is programmed. Some current fi-nance-compatible choices include: Stellar,Cardano, Hashgraph, Tezos and Dusk. £A robust issuance platform: This is theregulatory layer that sits on top of the pro-tocol to insure compliance with local se-curities laws. These platforms are alsoresponsible for checking investor accred-itation, where applicable. Current playersinclude: Securtize, Securrency, TokenSoft,

Sharespost and Polymath. £A seasoned broker-dealer to help youfundraise! Some issuance platforms canalso act as broker dealers. Typically theseare boutique investment banks focusingon digital securities. The choice of firm ishighly dependent on geography.£ A popular fundraising portal: Thesewebsites tend to have a built-in audienceand network of investors. Some popularchoices include CoinList, StartEngine andIndiegogo. £ Find an exchange to trade your secu-rity: Liquidity is one of the paramountvalue propositions of digitizing your of-fering. Secondary platform options arelimited and currently include TZero, Tem-plum and OpenFinance Network.


Designed by Phill Snelling,Bowater Media

In association with


Crypto A.M. shines itsSpotlight on The ‘CraftBeer Coin’ backed bythe price of a pint

@CityAm_CryptoE:[email protected]



Our series on AI, Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Tokenisation

‘Asset backed’ tokens are arguably

the future

Having lived through the internetboom and bust - the Dot-Com era - it'snow obvious, to even the meanest in-

telligence, that jobs are now at risk in theCity.It is far clearer now then at the same

point in that revolution that what we arefacing is exactly that: In the rearview mir-ror of history we’ll look back on a revolu-tion more disruptive than anything we'veseen before.Tens of thousands of jobs, more likely

millions, wiped away - many of them inthe City. Some of them replaced. If we be-lieve some pundits then nearly. Others areless sanguine - not without good reason.Pretty much everyone has now heard of

DLT and/or Blockchain Technology. Thefact that far fewer people understand thisand most can’t imagine how it will changethe way the City works is irrelevant to thefact that it will. Likewise Frontier Technologies includ-

ing DLT, AI, Augmented Reality and IoT:Only really used today by specialists andexperts. This will soon change. So will yourcareer, and the opportunities open to youin the future.Despite all the false rhetoric not just

banks but treasuries and finance ministersaround the world are already on this jour-ney. It's simply a matter of time beforemost currencies have, or are, cryptocur-rencies.Fintech has established a foothold - but

that’s all. Fired up with Frontier Technolo-gies footholds are becoming base-campsfrom which to scale the giddy heights. Willthis transform the behemoths for whichmost City workers toil today as Fintechnewcomers are snapped up? Or will theygrow large, disrupt and displace them?Probably a mixture - but it really doesn't

matter! The landscape will change - andnone more than the City skills and em-ployment landscape. A near future very

different not just from the past but fromtoday. New and existing employers de-manding new skills and scarce experience.Along with the challenges this will pro-

vide a raft of new opportunities - for thosewho have made it their business to under-stand the capabilities of these technolo-gies.It will be those who start this journey

early who benefit. Whether they start assceptic or convert. The path trodden byWalmart's vice president of food safety,Frank Yiannas, for example. Initially asceptic after studying it Walmart are nowrolling out blockchain technology totackle problems that have become increas-ingly intractable with scale - together withnine other food retailer giants includingNestle and Unilever, who’ve teamed upwith IBM . How long before IBM hyperledger tech-

nology, or a rival, begins to bring FrontierTechnologies to bear on your organisa-tion? Will you be at the forefront helpinginform the organisation, lead the changeand shape the future? Or will you be look-ing for a glimmer of light?This week at London Blockchain Week

we turn-on a new network, open to theworld, that will help shed a new light. This,together with the new model associationwhich is, will provide clear pathsfor executives and others to get a better un-derstanding of the implications of these‘Frontier Technologies’ which are alreadybeginning to transform the workplace.This is not just for geeks. It's also for those

who need to know because they want tobe the ones helping inform their organi-sations - and shaping the future. Includingand especially their own.

Let us help ensure you have the skills andinsights needed to prosper in this new era.join us at..., or hear more

Slow but steady,security tokens will

continue to gainprominence

With the recent news thatGerald Cotton of QuadrigaCX,the Canadian crypto

exchange, passed away at the age of30 being the only person there whoknew the private keys to the coldstorage wallet for the exchange, itbrings up some challengingquestions. Starting with: How couldthis happen?

When you consider thatapproximately 250 million Canadiandollars’ worth of crypto, belongingto over 115,000 customers, may nowbe locked in the network andinaccessible forever. (Crypto doesn’tever go away - it is simplyinaccessible without the private key).Why would QuadrigaCX have a

business where there existed a singlepoint of failure? It’s one thing for anexchange to be centralised, andwholly another for a single individualto be the sole person who has fullcontrol over all customer funds. Thisappears to be very poor treasuryplanning and disaster managementon behalf of the exchange. I amuncomfortable giving a dead guy ahard time, it does still leavequestions for the business.

Custody in crypto is a huge issuethat has not been solved as yet.

So what good custody solutionsare available for wallets andexchanges?

There are multi-signature walletsolutions, where a combination of

private keys - such as any 3 of 5 keys- are necessary to access the funds.This is not unlike a multi-signaturebank account. There are other someproviders who provide custodianservices to hold keys securely in amanner that is disaster proof andsecure. And there are solutionsinvolving smart contracts where notonly private keys are required, butcertain real-world situations cantrigger access or deny access tofunds.

The industry has a challenge on it’shands, and there can be nomainstream adoption for cryptountil we get better at handlingcrypto access and custody of privatekeys.

Jon Walsh, Associate Partner at Blockchain Rookies.


Last Friday Bitcoin woke up the bearsand posted its highest daily positiveperformance (+7.85%) this year.

Friday also saw the highest bitcoinvolume traded on exchanges sinceJanuary 10. Bitcoin is up 6.9% this week,outperforming Ripple (+2.94%), butlagging behind Ethereum (up 17.02%this week +14.41% on Friday). Litecoinstole the show however postingimpressive gains of 40.47% (+30.6% onFriday).

The driver behind the rally appears tohave been the new three-month highreached by the Bitcoin hash rate. Lastweek we explained the significance ofthe hash rate as a measure for thevolume of bitcoin transactions. The ratemeasure for Thursday exceeded 50 THper second, achieving levels that werelast seen in early November 2018,confirming the rate’s recent positivetrend. Could this rate signal the end ofthe bear’s grip on the markets?

The hash rate’s evolution is at least oneless concern for the health of bitcoin, andmore specifically for the integrity of theblockchain. However, if we re looking forpositive signs of bitcoin adoption in theeconomy, payments per transaction andpayments per day are two additionalindicators that are essential.

The number of Bitcoin payments perday has been increasing at a steady pacesince mid-2018 (from 360k to 476k perday +32%), but at a much slower pacethan the number of transactions per day(from 200k to 330k per day +65%). Apartfrom the November drop, there has beenno clear short or medium-term positivecorrelation between the Bitcoinpayments per day and the bitcoin price.

The most likely reason for the pricejump is the low market liquidity. As aconsequence, even the most mundaneevent relayed by the press acts as astrong positive catalyst. Litecoin’s stellarperformance was due to a blog post byBeam on Thursday, revealing discussionswith Litecoin for the implementation ofthe Mimblewimble protocol fortransactional confidentiality. One couldassume that regulators would not beenthused about this new protocol,however according to MimbleWimble,while transactions have stronganonymity guarantees, it maintains theproperties required for a valid blockchain- the transaction does not create money,and proof of ownership is establishedthrough private keys.

It would seem that buyers are now onhigh alert, and ready to challenge thebears.


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have come and gone.Now, after a lot of hard work, GKB

and DLT.Partners are at the late alphastage of testing a transactional ‘CraftBeer Coin’ that enables fresh localbeer purchase via the coin holders’smart phone, creating a ‘coin’ always

underwritten by at least one fresh pintof craft beer. Everyone understandsthe value and therefore the price of apint, and the craft beer coin currencyis pegged to that psychological reality.This real world, practical application

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