part time researcher workshop 1 nov

Part-time researcher workshop 1 November 2011

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Slides from the NW part-time researcher workshop on 1 November featuring sessions on academic writing styles and getting the best from a part-time supervisor. This workshop was hosted by the University of Chester (Warrington campus) and facilitated by Emma Gillaspy and Moira Peelo


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Part-time researcher workshop1 November 2011

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About us

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Brought to you by Vitae

Vitae is committed to enhancing the quality and output of the research base in the United Kingdom, through supporting the training and development of the next generation of world-class researchers

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ProgrammeTime Activity 10:00 Welcome 10:05 Part-time success stories 10:15 Getting to know you & objective setting

10.40 The ethos and process of part-time research 11.30 Academic writing styles13.40 Introduction to the afternoon

13.45 Getting the best from a part-time supervisor15.25 Objectives review

15.40 Action planning 15.50 Questions


15:15-15:25 13:00-13:4016:00

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Success stories

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Breaking the ice...

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Begin with the end in mind



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Ethos and process

What is part-time research?

What issues must you consider?

How do you succeed?

How do you determine quality?

How do you join the research community?


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Academic writing styles

- adapted for use by Moira Peelo 1.11.11

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Workshop objectives

Discuss the general aspects of academic writing and the structure of an argument

Consider the accessibility and readability of academic writing

Develop a text analysis strategy for theses in your discipline in order to influence your own writing

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Discuss the general aspects of academic writing and the structure of an argument

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In general?

In your subject area?

(are these one and the same?)

1 What makes academic writing good? (Briefly, come up with lists in groups c. 4 people – 10 minutes)

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Some thoughts about good academic writing to add to your own…


original, sound research, timely, valuable, justifiable, replicable


(WHAT is included, and in how much detail.) Focused, in sufficient detail that someone else could replicate


logical, following a conventional pattern for article or thesis


appropriate writing style, choices of words and phrases. Grammar, punctuation, spelling. Visually: does it look good on the page? Typography, layout, clear diagrams

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Areas to question when analysing structure of journal articles, theses and dissertations

Content – nature of research & its contribution

Selection of material - focus, detail

Organisation/ structure – what is conventional in your area?

Presentation -language use – visual appearance

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On account of


Qualifier Claim/conclusionSo,





From Toulmin, S. (1958, updated 2003) ‛The Uses of Argument’, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

2. Structure of an argument

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Michelle was born in Northern Ireland

presumablySo, ,Michelle is a British subject


On account of

A person born in NI will be a British subject

The following statutes and legal provisions…


Both her parents were born in Eire, or she has become an Irish citizen

Data Michelle was born in Northern Ireland

Question to be discussed - Is Michelle Irish?

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Consider the accessibility and readability of academic writing

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‘Read a lot’

The best way to learn about writing is through reading – as much as you can

But academic reading brings its own challenges that can make this simple advice hard to follow

Especially for part-time students, for whom time is limited

So, before thinking about how to analyse academic writing as a way of supporting our own writing – let’s think about some reading challenges.

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Making sense of academic reading (work in groups c. 4 for 15 minutes)

Spend 5 minutes listing what makes academic reading difficult for you

Spend 5 minutes listing what makes academic reading easy for you

Agree 1 reading strategy that helps academic reading – write it on the flip chart paper provided so that we can share the advice

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Translation versus evaluation

Sometimes it is possible to spend so long trying to fathom the meaning of text that we forget about the central place of criticality in academic reading at doctoral level.

Criticality is not about picking and fault-finding for the sake of it – instead, it is about evaluating the worth of the evidence and analysis provided for solving the specific problem you have set.

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Be critical in your questions…Have some questions ready whenever you read

other people’s work, e.g. –

What’s the problem being addressed?

Why does it matter?

What’s the central argument/message?

What evidence is presented?

Does it persuade you?

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Develop a text analysis strategy for theses in your discipline in order to influence your own writing

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Understanding disciplinarity

It is part of your development as a researcher to:

Analyse and understand the variations

Be aware of flexibility

Balance them with your preferred style

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Analysing style

In groups develop a template for analysing texts in your disciplines

Consider, for example:Macro level – whole piece

Mid level – large sections

Micro level – paragraphs

Highlight key issues – any specific issues?

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Disciplinary variations – primarily: (a) problems addressed (b) arguments, analysis & (c) what constitutes evidence

These factors are reflected in discussions about:

Author’s voice – first person or not

Structure – eg IMRaD structure in science

Appropriate language – phraseology, choice of words

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2 examples of thesis structure

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IMRaD structure in science

Introduction - why was the study undertaken? What was the research question, the tested hypothesis or the purpose of the research?

Methods - when, where, and how was the study done? What materials were used or who/what was included in the study?

Results - what answer was found to the research question; what did the study find? Was the tested hypothesis shown to be correct?

Discussion - what might the answer mean and why does it matter? How does it fit in with what other researchers have found? What future research is required?

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Section 1

Introduction to theory & literature

Section 1

Further literature

Section 1

Methods and methodology

Section 2

Data chapter

Section 2

Data chapter

Section 2

Data Chapter

Section 2

Data Chapter

Section 3

Conclusions and discussion

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Your writing development

Apply the same analysis you have designed here today to your writing

which features need development?

which features are good enough already?

Analyse texts as you read themYour template

For readability

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Understanding writing styles in your discipline and area does not mean that you will naturally write like that.

Never try to write the perfect ‘end product’ straight off. Write your own thoughts and ideas first informally – get down what you want to say.

Then learn to become a good EDITOR

Final thought

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Getting the best from a part-time supervisor

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Decide what you need from your supervisor

Consider any issues which may make that difficult to achieve

Determine a way to optimise the relationship between you and your supervisor

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What should your

supervisor be like…?

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they are only human

Perhaps it might help if…

they had a bigger brain

or a smaller ego

or extra arms

or were a mini-me

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Now you have the technology

In groups, draw your perfect supervisor

Feel free to add genetic modifications or to ‘cyborgise’ them

Decide what you need from your supervisor

Don’t worry about any discomfort to the supervisors – make sure that they suit your needs

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The role of the supervisor

Interested in your research

Available to discuss your conclusions and ideas

Able to provide feedback on your progress

Able to provide feedback on your written work

Encouraging you to participate in group meetings, seminars and occasional conferences

Developing your professional research qualities by example

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Part-time supervision issues

You may find your supervisor is not available when you need to speak with them

has unrealistic expectations of how much you should be achieving in the time available

is often slow to provide feedback.

Any others?

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Supervisor-hero world?

In groups, discuss what you understand of ‘supervisor-hero world’

What does an academic actually do, when not supervising postgraduate researchers?

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A day in the life…Planning and preparing taught modules

Teaching undergraduate and Masters’ students

Marking coursework and exam questions

Acting as personal tutor to undergraduate students

Writing research proposals

Carrying out and keeping up to date with research

Attending and presenting at conferences

Attending department and university meetings

Serving on university committees

Managing their own office (word processing, email etc)

Social life, home and family time… plus much more…

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Understanding priorities

Supervisor’s Priorities

A LIST1.Check emails2.Teaching3.Admin4.Reports5.Exam marking6...

Student’s Priorities

A LIST1.Check emails2.My thesis3...4...

B LIST1.Research2.Papers3.Grants4...5...6...

C LIST1...2...3...4...5...6. Your thesis

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Part-time issues for your supervisor

Your supervisor: cannot easily contact you in working hours

does not know what your other commitments are

cannot monitor how much time you are putting into your PhD

can get frustrated if your research sometimes appears to be going very slowly.

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What does your supervisor know about you?

What are your other commitments?

Who are you?

What do you need?

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The ideal postgraduate researcher…

Contacts their supervisor and updates them on progress regularly

Produces ideas for discussion

Participates in group meetings, seminars and occasional conferences

Meets agreed deadlines for research targets

Is committed to gaining their PhD


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Rules for managing your relationship

Your supervisor is on your side

Keep your supervisor informed

Discover what makes your supervisor tick

Earn your supervisor’s respect with your initiative

Assert yourself to find solutions that work (for everyone)

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Potential barriers

What working style do you prefer?

How do you like to communicate?

Are there limitations on your time that may not be apparent to them?

Have you encountered difficulty in areas of research that you have not brought to their attention?

Do you need any specific help?

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Good communication between supervisor and postgraduate researcher is key

You have a large responsibility for maintaining this

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Thinkers Do’ers

Reflectors Theorists Pragmatists Activists

It’s all about the ideas

Lets write a paper

Lets make a difference

Trial and error

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Improving supervision

What changes would you like to make in your supervision arrangements?

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Serious problems?

What can you do if your supervisor repeatedly fails to respond to requests for help?

All universities should have a mechanism to mediate in this situation

If you feel your supervisor is not supporting you, approach the head of department, director of research or your graduate school for advice

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Finally: to do

Arrange a meeting with your supervisor to discuss:

Potential changes to method of supervision

What frequency of contact is needed

Specific help required

What methods of communication will suit you both best (eg telephone, email)

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Action planning

Where am I now?

Where do I want to be?

What’s stopping


How do I get there?

How will I measure my progress?

Taking action

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Three things to do next

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