part 7 : stimulants

sections of this lesson deal with various categories of psychoactive (mind-altering) drugs

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The next seven sections of this lesson deal with various categories of psychoactive (mind-altering) drugs. PART 7 : Stimulants. 7. Stimulants:. Substances that speed up the brain and body activity Common examples: Caffeine Nicotine Cocaine , Crack Cocaine Amphetamines (Meth). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The next seven sections of this lesson deal with various categories of psychoactive

(mind-altering) drugs

PART 7:Stimulants

7. Stimulants:

• Substances that speed up the brain and body activity

• Common examples:–Caffeine–Nicotine–Cocaine , Crack Cocaine–Amphetamines (Meth)

7. Stimulants:

• CAFFEINE is a mild stimulant found in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks

• Too much caffeine can be a problem. Just ask Phillip J. Fry

7. Stimulants:

• NICOTINE is a powerful stimulant found in tobacco

• Tobacco is linked to:–Heart Disease–Cancer–Stroke–Lung Diseases

7. Stimulants:

• COCAINE is a strong stimulant made from the leaves of the South American coca plant

• Often snorted in powder form or smoked or injected

7. Stimulants:

• CRACK is made from cocaine and is much stronger

• Usually smoked through a pipe

• Very addictive and dangerous

7. Stimulants:

• AMPHETAMINES are very strong man-made stimulants which are produced with various chemicals

• METH (Crystal) is a special form of amphetamine

7. Stimulants:


7. Stimulants:

Stimulant Abuse can lead to: Dizziness/Nausea Decreased

Appetite Body Tremors False Feelings of

Power Kidney Problems

7. Stimulants:

Stimulant Abuse can lead to: Irregular Heartbeat Loss of Coordination Psychosis, Brain Damage Anxiety, Panic Attacks Birth Defects Legal Problems, Jail Coma/Death

7. Stimulants:

METH can MESS with your head and your life. It has the ability to effect your ability to experience happiness.

DRAW the way crystal meth effects a person’s ability to experience life.


PART 8:Depressants

8. Depressants:• Substances that slow down the

brain and body activity

• Common examples:–Alcohol–Barbiturates–Tranquilizers–Sedative Hypnotics–Some Club Drugs

8. Depressants:

• ALCOHOL is the most widely-used depressant drug

• Found in beer, wine, hard liquor, etc.

• Over-the –counter if over 21 years old

8. Depressants:

• ALCOHOL causes many problems in society:–Car accidents–Violence and crime–Family problems–Alcoholism–Liver diseases–Cancers

8. Depressants:

• TRANQUILIZERS can help reduce stress and relax muscles

• Examples: Valium, Librium, Xanax

• Never mix with alcohol

• Addictive


are very strong drugs that bring on sleep

• Examples: Quaaludes, Ambien, Sonata, Lunestra, Sominex, Unisom

• Never mix with alcohol and they are highly addictive.

Sedative Hypnotics:

• What Is Rohypnol? Rohypnol is an extremely powerful hypnotic depressant.

• Effects of Rohypnol The effects of Rohypnol include sleepiness, slurred speech, impaired judgment, difficulty walking, and loss of muscle control. Many users of rohypnol also experience blackouts.

8. Depressants:

• BARBITURATES are very strong depressant drugs used for several medical reasons

• Examples: Seconal, Nembutal, Amytal and Tuinal

• Much stronger than hypnotics and tranquilizers

• NEVER mix with alcohol

8. Depressants:

All depressant abuse risks are similar to alcohol abuse risks: Addiction Job, money problems Foolish behavior Poor decisions Eating, sleeping problems Accidents, injuries Overdose Birth defects Stop breathing, heartbeat Coma, death

PART 9: Hallucinogens

9. Hallucinogens:• Drugs that distort or

alter moods, thoughts, and senses

• Examples:–L.S.D.–P.C.P.–Mushrooms–Peyote

9. Hallucinogens:

• Hallucinogen Effects:–Five senses may

become intensified or mixed-up

–Delusions,–Hallucinations,–Stimulation, – Impaired judgment

and reasoning

9. Hallucinogens:

• LSD: very powerful man-made drug

• Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

• Often sold on blotters that appear like postage stamps

9. Hallucinogens:

• LSD: very strange unpredictable effects

• Flashbacks: effects of the drug recur days, weeks, or months later

• “Trips” can be very good or very bad

9. Hallucinogens:

• PCP: very dangerous drug known as “Phencyclidine”

• Called “Angel Dust”

• Often smoked, added to marijuana, or made into pills

9. Hallucinogens:

• PCP: often causes extreme reactions such as rage, anger, paranoia and often times makes people think they have superhuman powers.

• Numbs the skin, so people often get hurt on PCP and do not know it

• Police do not like folks on PCP

9. Hallucinogens:

• MUSHROOMS: certain types of mushrooms contain the drug “psilocybin”

• Not all mushrooms have this drug

• Many types of mushrooms are very poisonous

9. Hallucinogens:

• PEYOTE CACTUS: contains the drug “mescaline”

• Several cultures and religions still consider this cactus special or sacred

9. Hallucinogens:Hallucinogen Risks:– Increased heart rate

or blood pressure, –Tremors, shaking –Lose coordination,–Sleeplessness, coma,– Incoherent speech,–Decreased sensitivity

to pain,

9. Hallucinogens:

Hallucinogen Risks:–Heart or lung failure, –Dry mouth, –Dilated pupils, –Psychological dependence,–Flashbacks–Birth defects–Coma, Death


•Why are flashbacks so dangerous?