part 6 discourse after zuhr itikaaf 2014


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Page 1: Part 6 Discourse After Zuhr Itikaaf 2014

Part 6 Tareeqah Muhammadiyah Itikaaf 2014Wednesday 24th July 2014 (26th Ramadhan)Discourse after Zuhr by Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh To build a house of closeness of Allah we need (many things). Shaykh Muneeri said "like there are houses of worship, temples, synagogues, churches, fire worshiping places. Similarly many people's hearts are same. Some people's hearts are temples, there are false idols aswell, the love of fame, hatred, anger (out of nafs, not for Allah). People have stopped worshiping physical idols, the fitnah of our day is they have started worshiping these idols. Quran "have you not seen he who has made his nafs his god" Quran "stopping the nafs from its passions". Shaytaan is becoming successful in misguiding the people. "Some hearts are like temple. Other people are like churches, they have venerated the Aulia so much they have made them a part of Allah." They did not do it for any bad reason but out of love, they said there are 3 gods. One is Allah, one is RuhulQuddus and one is Hazrat Isa (alayhissalam). This is a mistake that people can even fall in in Islam. Hadith "do not praise me like Christians have praised Isa alayhissalam" Hadith "This ummah will be like the bani Israel to the extent that if someone did zina with his mother in my ummah there will be someone too." They rightly say they love. But shaytaan has come from another dimension and confused them. The Quran says Isa alayhissalam is Ruhullah. So they said in bible it mentions it to. So they said he is essence of Allah. Some Muslims are confused about this too. Hadith "Allah created me from His light" many literally believe the light of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) is part of it (Allah's light). They don't make a differences. Whereas many things we find are attributed to Allah like bait ullah house of Allah but does that mean Allah lives there? No that would be wrong. Every camel is made by Allah but to Hazrat Salah's alayhissalam camel Allah said naqatullah the she camel of Allah. Does that mean Allah rides it? No. It is because Allah is honouring these things. The camel came with Allah's command so it is attributed to Allah. All ruh (spirits) are from Allah but because it was sent direct and there was no means (of father). It does not mean in the literal sense. The Hindus have made gods out of the siffat of Allah. There's no doubt that prophets came to them but they made their prophets into small gods too and believe in a main god. Aqeedah is "nothing is like Allah and Allah is not like anything." Confusion regarding the word "son". "Become the son of arkhirah." "You could say this person is like my son". If in bible (where) the "son" has been used it means Allah loves Hazrat Isa alayhissalam. We are not allowed to derive our aqeedah from allegorical and

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muthashabihaath (ambiguous) verses. We can only derive them from clear muhkamaath (commands) and interpret the ambiguous verses in the light of the command verses. Some people's heart are like churches, they are mixing things. All Christina's will embrace Islam when Isa alayhissalam comes. "Some people's are like synagogues. They have a habit of killing prophets. And the sons of Yaqub alayhissalam. They don't have Adab (etiquette) of Allah. People in this ummah have fallen into mentality of Jewish, not of worshiping idols, but of bad Adab." When Allah creates directly Allah attributes to Himself. Quran "We blew into Adam, normally angels take the souls." Quran "O Iblis what stopped you from bowing down to something I have created by my own hands." Allah doesn't have hands but is His direct qudra (power)." These mentalities exist and even in time of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) (it existed.) "Some people's hearts are like mosques and that's what you should do aswell. If it is a temple, churches, synagogue change it into mosque. It means you give rights of everyone including Allah Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) creation, respect Aulia, companions and ahl bait." Look at Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam), he is honouring Hazrat Abu bakr (radhiAllahuanhu) (companions) and honouring Aulia and ulama. Did he dishonour any of these, no. This is ahle sunnah. Then "jamat" refers to companions. They had political differences but not in aqeedah. They even had wars and difference in fiqh. For example Hazrat Umar (radhiAllahuanhu) asked it would be better to have an Islamic calendar. All people gave different opinion. He said "there will be confusion on the exact date of revelation and the birth date of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam). But Hijra, we all know and it doesn't remind us of sad new. Then it was asked which month shall we begin with? Some said Ramadhan and so on. Hazrat Umar said because hajj is only once a year, we will have Muharram the first month (after hajj). This is what sahabah (radhiAllahuanhum) decided and we also follow. Why we are doing in this presentation is to change you heart from whatever it is to mosque. If mosque to madinah, or to kaba, or to baitul mamur, or higher and higher. Main discourse Food represents good deeds with quality nourishment which will feed your house of closeness. Hadith "what are you doing. Shall I not teach you to do something that a few words it will be better than all night. Sahabah asked what to say "Alhamdulillahi addada khalqihee," Allah does not reward you like this (one deed only). Say "alhamdulillah equal to the number of creation." (and so on) It will be better than 1000s of times saying alhamdulillah.

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This tareeq is royal tareeq because there is no excessiveness. Live your life and enjoy and convey the message and do some Zikr. That is what everyone can follow. Rasoolullah's (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) way is for every person (man), woman, business person (everyone) . (One person said to a so called shaykh) "I only want Allah's closeness" this person was serious. He said "you have to stand on one feet all night" they don't know the path of Allah so they say weird things. Hadith "sahabah said "My stomach was binding with a stone. So the Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) lifted his blessed Kamees and the companion saw two stones on the Kamees of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) blessed stomach" Who has forbidden the good foods and good living? They are for believer in this dunya. And arkhirah is for them aswell. The only thing is thy don't adopt the haram way. Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) way is whenever Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) had a choice between two things he would choose the easiest one unless it was haram. Don't create barriers between Allah and the creation by inventing weird things. One sahabi said "I will worship all night", one said "I will not go close to my wife" and the other said "I will fast every day". Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) became angry and said "I am the most knowing of Allah amongst you" they said "yes". "What do you see me doing? I sleep in the night. Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) slept 4 times in a day. In sdleeping less there is no virtue in. Sayidina Abdul Qadir Jilani (rahimahullah) and imam Ghazali (rahimahullah) both mention "one should sleep 8 hours in 24 hours." Now if you find other people worshiping all night like imam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah) prayed fajr with ishas wudhu. He prayed isha (jamat) later in his mosque. And he used to sleep few hours after Magrib. Then when he prayed isha he was fresh and would do some fiqh. Our people apply this on us, that's why some people deny (it). Some say it's just their karamat. Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) slept 4 times and he was the strongest person. Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) gave dawah to a wrestler and that wrestler said "I don't know anything. The only thing i know is wrestling." He said ok. Each time Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) picked him up like a fly and put him down and this was a world champion. The wrestler said "this isn't a normal power inside you." Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) said "then this is what I am inviting you towards, what is inside me. " Scientist say the human brain is programmed to sleep more than once. I am telling you in following sunnah there is ease. Someone came to and said sell your wealth, and do this Zikr. You will get this and this.

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Imam shadhili (rahimahullah) "whoever is granted with shariah and sunnah and inner self with presence of Allah and he still wants something else, he is deluded person." There is nothing greater than these. So that person became agitated after 5,6 years and came to imam shadhili (rahimahullah) and he told him that person has deceived you. "We don't take people out of dunya, we take dunya out of people". This person reached Allah inspite of what happened to him. If good deeds are done with sincerity then you will be healthy (spiritually). Some people say Salah is sufficient why we need to tazkiyah? Salah is one of the pillars but it is not the mosque. Imagine they come to Bolton mosque and they give them bricks and pillars and there is no place for wudhu. People will ask where is the mosque? They will say here is a pillar. But this is no mosque, just walls. This is example of those people who say that. One needs food but water is needed to survive. What does water represent, it is the remembrance of Allah. It keeps the house of closeness clean and fresh and energises you. As water is necessary so is Zikr. Wird means where water is derived from. No wird is better than Lailahaillallah. Hazrat Musa alayhissalam asked for another wird, Allah said the kalima. This is very common. Allah "all the auraat in the world and whatever is done in heavens this is more heavy than all" They think it is the wird that will take them to Allah. That's like they only have water. (What safety will it give you from thieves (shaytaan) without walls and so on?) Quran "we gave life to everything from water" similarly Zikr is the spiritual water which gives life to all things. Those who do not have Zikr they are dry in remembrance and dry in remembrance. Zikr has two elements the presence of Allah and words" Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) Zikr is better than any other wird of other people. Hadith continued "I fast and I don't fast. I sleep and I dont Sleep." Your guest come and your in khalwath, the guest's right is greater and is wajib and that khalwath is optional. Hadith "Whoever leaves my sunnah is not from me. To sahabah he taught them to have moderation. You need heating. If it is cold and not comfortable you might fall ill and die. The heating is the good company. It brings warmth and peace inside the house of Allah." You will start feeling the warmth. Hadith "when we are not in your company we don't feel the presence of Allah" "hanzalah, if you will reach the same state (permanently) you will see angels in the street." Companionship makes so much difference. "Ignore states, and be steadfast on shariah." When you go back it will look strange to you because you are used to light but soon you will

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become one of them . "Bad company brings cold and chilli winds which keep you away from the warmth of remembrance and following Allah and His advice" If you are wearing thin clothes but very attractive, inside they are shivering with restlessness and emptiness. That person who wears warm clothes and ends up in cold weather will still remain warm. What else do you need in the house? Toilet. Only place wear you don't need toilet is Jannah. Allah created this to show weakness in us so that we remember Allah. The toilet represents the nafs. It is used when there is need for it. One should not live in there as ones health will be affected. The toilet represents lawful discharge. It means fulfill the needs of the toilet but don't make it our kitchen and bedroom. They're doing what the nafs wants. At the same time the need is there that needs to be fulfilled. Then get on with the purpose of life. That going to toilet become worship if done in accordance with sunnah. The nafs is strange. It cries like baby and doesn't have an intellect. That Allah has given you. Shaykh please give me permission to leave. Well you haven't become purified. It's never changing, still bad thoughts are coming and desires. Well if you want you can go, but I can remove this confusion. Well if you can, the shaykh brought this persons nafs in physical form so there was two nafs. Who is this? This is your nafs. The shaykh said he is trying to do good deeds, after all if he becomes successful he will enter Jannah you will benefit too. The nafs said I know Allah has created me but Allah has not given me certain things to choose. I have 3 complaints. It is he who comes to me. I never go to him. The shaykh said why do you go to the nafs kingdom, he said he's so dubious. I've only been here 3 months and he's saying I've been to his kingdom. My kingdom is forgetfulness, when a person forgets Allah that is my kingdom. The shaykh said have you been to this kingdom. Actually most time I spend there. He does not only visit my kingdom, he robs my treasures aswell. Abdullah said very seriously but I've never done that. The shaykh said what have you lost. My treasure is arrogance. He eats my fruits of jealousy and drinks two cups of jealousy and takes a an apple of pride. All these are my treasures and he steals from me. Shaykh said have you stolen any of those and now he is silent. Third thing, he is complaining that I have done zulm and he is a simple person and he just wants to go to Jannah. Well what has our creator said Quran "people do zulm on their nafs", not that nafs does zulm on the person" I am crying like a baby. You are dragging me to hell. And Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) said "o Allah I have wronged my nafs" so he is doing zulm on me. Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) said "don't assign me (let me be in the kingdom) of nafs" and he is spending blink of an eye with Allah and spending all time with me. I don't have choice. Only he has. My advice to him is instead of coming into my kingdom, he should go into to the kingdom of

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Allah. Allah " I am with my servant when he remembers me" secondly he likes to take qualities let him go and visit Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) inner self and he is happy to gift you qualities, some tawakkul and patience. He will be happy and willing to give you. Don't you be in this game. You have the control over the nafs. It can only desire. It incites you to evil, you can make the nafs do good but the nafs can't make you do bad.