part 2 - satanism...doc marquis. he had a similar story to john todd's; one of escaping out of...

22 Something Wicked This Way Comes For Real or Helter Skelter Run For Shelter PART 2 by James Whisler There was a man sent from God, whose name was John... This man's name was John Todd and admittedly he did not hold a candle to John the Baptist, whom Jesus said that there has not risen a greater of them born among women. Nevertheless, he was chosen by the Lord to deliver a message of warning to the Lord's children, tarnished vessel though he was. John Todd was a mysterious man who appeared on the scene around three decades ago. He has all but been forgotten these days. For those who do remember him, he was quite controversial. I like to remember him as a man ahead of his time. John was born into a powerful Illuminati family and rose up through the ranks until he was invited onto the Council of 13 or the Grand Druid Council. On this council, he was privy to a lot of those hush hush plans that are on the agenda of the Ringknockers. It was at this stage in his life that the Lord called him away from the wickedness he was in and so he defected and became a Christian. Todd then went traveling, telling his story. And what a story it was. It brought him some friends, some detractors and many enemies. Illuminati agents posing as Christian ministries, immediately went into action maintaining damage control. Too many people and plans were being exposed. He was hit from many different angles and I am unsure whether he ever fully recovered from the Blitzkrieg. Todd had exposed Chuck Smith of Calvery Chapel and their Jesus Rock movement, Maranatha Productions and the whole idea of getting the world's music into the churches to water it down and make it a worldly church. Needless to say, Smith hit back. He didn't like people knowing that he'd accepted a multimillion dollar bribe. And then came "Christian" magazines like Cornerstone, Moody Monthly and Christianity Today running professional smear campaigns against Todd, then others joined in. Today, these same magazines give the church a constant diet of spiritual cotton candy, causing it to get

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Page 1: PART 2 - Satanism...Doc Marquis. He had a similar story to John Todd's; one of escaping out of an Illuminati family and becoming a Christian. I was initially impressed with him until

Something Wicked This Way Comes ­­For Real


Helter Skelter Run For Shelter PART 2

by James Whisler There was a man sent from God, whose name was John...

This man's name was John Todd and admittedly he did not hold a candle to John the Baptist, whom Jesus said that there has not risen a greater of them born among women. Nevertheless, he was chosen by the Lord to deliver a message of warning to the Lord's children, tarnished vessel though he was. John Todd was a mysterious man who appeared on the scene around three decades ago. He has all but been forgotten these days. For those who do remember him, he was quite controversial. I like to remember him as a man ahead of his time.

John was born into a powerful Illuminati family and rose up through the ranks until he was invited onto the Council of 13 or the Grand Druid Council. On this council, he was privy to a lot of those hush hush plans that are on the agenda of the Ring­knockers. It was at this stage in his life that the Lord called him away from the wickedness he was in and so he defected and became a Christian. Todd then went traveling, telling his story. And what a story it was. It brought him some friends, some detractors and many enemies. Illuminati agents posing as Christian ministries, immediately went into action maintaining damage control. Too many people and plans were being exposed. He was hit from many different angles and I am unsure whether he ever fully recovered from the Blitzkrieg.

Todd had exposed Chuck Smith of Calvery Chapel and their Jesus Rock movement, Maranatha Productions ­­and the whole idea of getting the world's music into the churches to water it down and make it a worldly church. Needless to say, Smith hit back. He didn't like people knowing that he'd accepted a multi­million dollar bribe. And then came "Christian" magazines like Cornerstone, Moody Monthly and Christianity Today running professional smear campaigns against Todd, then others joined in. Today, these same magazines give the church a constant diet of spiritual cotton candy, causing it to get

Page 2: PART 2 - Satanism...Doc Marquis. He had a similar story to John Todd's; one of escaping out of an Illuminati family and becoming a Christian. I was initially impressed with him until

weaker by the day. And Smith's organization holds large crusades under the direction of men like his right­hand man Greg Laurie. An abundance of the youth always show up to these "harvest' crusades mainly to hear some loud contemporary Christian rock band play, then Greg or another speaker gives a short pep­talk type sermon. And apparently, large numbers of people are getting saved. Two words best describe this type of Christianity, which Chuck Smith helped to pioneer..."emotionally based." Such a belief system is dangerous and can easily be deceived. Smith also dictates a mandatory acceptance by his ordained ministers within the Calvery Chapel organization of the fly away pretrib rapture nonsense, which also makes his followers feel good. Worthy of note is the fact that Christianity Today which vociferously attacked Todd's creditability, was founded by the 33rd degree freemason and Illuminati kingpin Billy Graham, who also utilizes the loud "Christian" rock bands in his crusades (this is covered in Billy Graham and His Friends by Cathy Burns) . By the way, Todd did also expose the fact that Cyrus Scofield, the great prognosticator of the rapture doctrine, was actually a Jesuit puppet. I came to similar conclusions myself after doing some independent diggings into Scofield's life.

Todd's enemies have pointed out several contradictions in his testimony and his life as evidence that he was not the real thing. When he backslid for awhile, this prompted these antagonists to declare that he was never genuinely a Christian. He was attending church services, and yet quietly teaching witchcraft to students on the side (and not knowing why he was doing this). He had confusion about his childhood, sometimes giving contradictory information. This does sound damning, but the truth is that much of the puzzlement can be easily cleared up. You see, John, being born into one of the ruling satanic bloodlines, was forced to undergo Trauma Based Mind Control programming (another secret these bloodlines didn't want out), which by design gave him Multiple Personality Disorder. Fritz Springmeier explained the situation this way in a recent article from his Spiritual Manna series:

Currently, while those wolves mentioned above and quite a few other infiltrators are making sure the church stays asleep (notice that I didn't say they were 'putting the church to sleep' ­­because that's already been done) many of the things that John Todd predicted would happen have actually been happening and are now taking place.

The truth is that over the years there have been quite a few who have taken Todd's material and borrowed it and applied it to their own research without ever giving him any credit. Perhaps they feared that if they acknowledged him, his reputation would cause people to take a dim view of their own work and perhaps they were just glory hounds.

Shame on them either way.

There was a man making the rounds on the Prophecy Club a few years ago named Doc Marquis. He had a similar story to John Todd's; one of escaping out of an Illuminati family and becoming a Christian. I was initially impressed with him until I found that virtually all of his "revelations" had already been available for years from a myriad of sources; not the least of which being John Todd. For instance, John Todd explained that the Illuminati had successfully carried out a program to establish witchcraft in the military. Twenty Five years later, Doc Marquis made that same revelation.

Page 3: PART 2 - Satanism...Doc Marquis. He had a similar story to John Todd's; one of escaping out of an Illuminati family and becoming a Christian. I was initially impressed with him until

These same parallels also applied to explanations of the Illuminati hierarchical structure, their history and some of their plans. I met Doc in person once and talked to him several times over the phone thereafter. I could never get him to divulge anything that wasn't already 'declassified' (in other words, it was publically available somewhere). Doc did once act as if he were giving me some insider information when he told me that Jimmy Carter's sister Ruth Carter Stapleton was the most powerful Illuminati witch in America while Jimmy was president. Wouldn't you know that John Todd had said the same thing many years beforehand.

To me, Marquis appears to be a part of an Illuminati project I have labeled Operation Pace Car. They know that their enemies are studying them. This doesn't bother them as long as they can control the rate of information dispersed. Why not take old declassified info and tout it as the latest scoop. This is similar to the CIA tactic known as chickenfeed. I spent a chunk of change to acquire just about all of Marquis' materials. It was all chickenfeed. Save your money. The last I heard about Doc, he was working on a project to reveal the top six organizations that are working to bring in the New World Order (CFR, UN, Bilderbergs, Club of Rome, RIIA, and the Trilats). This is something that Stan Deyo had already written about twenty years prior in his book The Cosmic Conspiracy. Actually, I should not be so tough on Doc. He is probably still under mind control and just carrying out his programming. I bring all of this up to help show that John's message is being verified, perhaps even by the Illuminati itself.

Back to John and his message. A relevant portion of what John warned about was contained on a taped talk he gave at a church meeting in the late '70's­­­one of the most widely circulated messages he gave. It was through providence that my family found a tape copy of this message in a beat up old car where my dad worked as a mechanic. That tape definitely made an impact on my young impressionable mind and eventually stimulated my parents to try and locate him. We found out he was in Columbia, South Carolina and began to correspond with him in the mid '80's. We found him faithfully serving the Lord with a revived ministry ( here's an order form that he sent us featuring some of his art work , which I have scanned in for those with a nostalgic interest) after having suffered the slander and many attacks of the enemy, abandonment from those he trusted and confusion from the mind control programming. Only the Lord can bring someone through so much. It was unfortunate that he was arrested shortly afterward and was framed and sentenced to a long prison term. I am told that not long after his release, he was taken out and murdered by those who conceal themselves behind tall oaken doors, who being goaded on by their split­hoofed master, plot and scheme such frightful and shocking plans, that none would dare reveal these unspeakable things, save they had the courage of a man like John Todd. (Since originally writing this, it has been brought to my attention that there are claims that Todd is still alive and in prison. See­todd­now.html).

Let's go over the things Todd talked about on the above mentioned tape. First he stated that the events he would describe, involving the destruction of America and the rise of the Antichrist, would take place within an eight­year timeline, ending in 1980. This obviously did not happen in the time limit that he gave. However, I do not discard all of his claims merely because his dates were off, knowing that the illuminati works off of tentative

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timelines that are flexible and not etched in granite. Perhaps his outspoken forewarnings had something to do with the delays in their plans­­­I don't know, but I'm thankful for the extra time. Aside from necessary modifications over time, their plan has remained very much the same as that which was revealed to John Todd.

Having said that, I would now like to point out that in the scenario he gave, he accurately predicted the air traffic controllers strike of 1981 three years prior to the event. He also predicted more strikes ( audio clip ) to take place from the major industries, coal miners and long shoremen like the ILWU strike that just took place on the West Coast this last year. These are all Illuminati orchestrated and you can expect more major ones to take place as they start accelerating their move to take the country down. The unions are largely run by communist factions now and have taken on many communist ideologies over time­­­they will play an important role in the coming revolution in America just as orchestrated worker strikes (and sabotage) did in the beginnings of the Bolshevik Revolution in the city of Petrograd, Russia in February of 1917. Russia was engaged in a bloody war with Germany at the time, and the protestors were shouting "Down with the war!!" and "Down with the autocracy!!" , with the momentum bringing on the revolt 6. I felt it worthy to note this as the President is almost single­handedly dragging this country into a war with Iraq amid a swarm of opposition.

Another historical example of this that can be cited is when Moscow's Communist cells operating in Spain were making the same use of the radical labor unions there in order to contrive the Spanish Civil War 7 (for related info on this tactic, see syndicalism). These unions that were utilized in Spain included the Spanish Communist Party (Partido Comunista de España) created in 1921, and the Unified Marxist Workers' Party (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista) formed in 1935. Please note that this is not an across the board condemnation of unions as a whole, nor a minimizing of all the good that they have done here or in other countries. A union is like a high­caliber revolver. It is powerful and can be used for good or evil depending upon whose hands it's in.

I'm assuming that it is a given that the reader already knows that communism was founded by, financed by, and is under the total control of the Illuminati. Their principles and goals are identical. As a matter of fact, Karl Marx was only a front man who copied the ideas of the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt. They have been using and will continue to use communism to destroy America as we know it.

Now that we know a little about John Todd, Who is John Galt?

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John Todd was a victim of their trauma­based total mind­control. He was a multiple. He experienced confusion, and contradicted himself, as is so common for a programmed multiple personality. This happens even more for one who breaks his programming script. He had every reason to fear these people. But something gave him the ability to rise above that fear. What was it? I believe it was Christ. 5 The Associated Press Wednesday, December 18, 2002; 10:54 AM

The top 12 U.S. bankruptcies, ranked by assets:

WorldCom Inc., July 21, 2002; $103.9 billion

Enron Corp., Dec. 2, 2001; $63.4 billion

Conseco Inc., Dec. 18, 2002; $52 billion

Texaco Inc., April 12, 1987; $35.9 billion

Financial Corp. of America, Sept. 9, 1988; $33.9 billion

Global Crossing Ltd., Jan. 28, 2002; $25.5 billion

UAL Corp., Dec. 9, 2002; $25.2 billion

Adelphia, June 25, 2002; $24.4 billion

Pacific Gas and Electric Co., April 6, 2001; $21.5 billion

MCorp., March 31, 1989; $20.2 billion

Kmart Corp. Jan. 22, 2002, $17.0 billion

NTL Inc., May 8, 2002, 16.8 billion

More bankruptcies are coming, and you can take that to the bank...if you get there before it declares a Bank Holiday and closes its doors for good. You have two choices. Get your money out of the system or kiss it goodbye. John gave one final cryptic quote ( audio clip ) in regards to his discussion of Atlas Shrugged, saying " Now the book ended, Atlas Shrugged, the timetable ended with this... 'When the lights of New York City go out for the last time we will have the world.' " When I first heard that, I thought it probably had something to do with planned power outages in New York. However, in light of the attack on NY on September 11, 2001, and taking into consideration the prophecies and visions of men like Dumitru Duduman, David Meyer, A.A.Allen, Heny Gruver and others, I am convinced that it means the nuclear annihilation of New York City. There is a credible hypothesis adhered to by many that with the destruction of the UN headquarters in NY and with America crushed, the UN would then be moved to Jerusalem, where its leader will rule the world unhindered.

To briefly highlight on a few other forewarnings from John that happen to be hitting bull's­eyes. 1) He warned about the draconian gun control laws long before there was any major concern over the issue. 2) He warned about Operations Gardenplot and Cablesplice

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and the plans to put New World Order resistors in internment camps before the militia movement even existed in this country 8 3) He even spoke of the dreaded coming martial law while Alex Jones was learning to ride his tricycle.

Does it get worse? Yes, I'm afraid it does...

Something Wicked This Way Comes ­­For Real


Helter Skelter Run For Shelter PART 3

by James Whisler Webster's Dictionary lists several definitions for the term helter­skelter, but they boil down to two principle meanings. The primary usage incorporates the concepts of haste, confusion, disorder, haphazard and turmoil­­a worthy synonym would be 'chaos'. The second is simply 'a spiral slide around a tower at an amusement park,' and is mainly a British term made familiar to us stateside by the Beatles song of the same name. There is a hidden third meaning not listed in the dictionary, which is similar to the first, but much more sinister.

Ya Say Ya Want A Revolution...

When it comes to fomenting a sucessful revolution, there is no greater authority on the subject than the Illuminati. And when you ask them the secret of their success, one of the key ingredients they will proudly divulge to you is this helter­skelter machination. Commander William Guy Carr, an intelligence officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, was well schooled in the overt and covert tactics of Illuminati control. In 1954, he wrote an exceptional book entitled Pawns in the Game, based on his many years of research. In it, he gives a central component of the helter­skelter plot, although he never knew it by that terminology, he referred to its more common name of the "Reign of Terror".

'Study of the methods employed by the Illuminati's agents in Spain is of great value to those who would protect their country from the danger of similar tribulations. Revolutionary leaders have Cells occupy key positions in jails, prisons and asylums. Their purpose is to control these institutions so they can release the anti­social elements under detention, and use them as shock troops during the revolt. In every revolution to date the anti­social prisoners, and the criminally insane, have been used to arouse the blood­lust in the mob and thus introduce the "Reign of Terror" which, the revolutionary leaders calculate, will cause the general public to surrender in the quickest possible time. . .Investigation of outbreaks in many prisons in both the U.S.A. and Canada indicate these revolts were Communistically inspired. ' 9

(italics in the original) Now that we have a working definition for the Illuminati's helter­skelter, lets peruse a couple of historical examples. On March 9, 1917, less than a month after the worker strikes began (mentioned in part 2), in the city of Petrograd (now called St. Petersburg) the revolutionary leaders were plotting a way to bring the restless and starving crowds into violent confrontation with the police and troops. In preparation, they set up machine guns

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in concealed positions all throughout the city. On March 10th, a man in a sleigh tried to force his way through the crowd hanging out at Nicholai station. The crowd became incensed, beat the man to death or nearly so. They then went into a frenzy, fighting and vandalizing. " The revolutionary leaders by pre­arrangement fired on the mob from their hidden positions. The mob attacked the police. They blamed the police for firing on them. They slaughtered every policeman to a man. The inmates of the prisons and jails were then released to stir up the blood­lust. Conditions for the Reign of Terror were introduced. " 10 Once everything is in place, it doesn't take much at all to kick off the revolution.

A revolution generally can go one of two different ways: 1) The revolutionaries will be squashed and the revolt subdued­­providing a perfect opportunity for the regime to do away with its enemies, or 2) the revolutionaries may succeed in overthrowing the government and establishing their own. The question that needs to be asked is 'which direction does the Illuminati (and our sovereign Lord) have planned for America's next civil war?'. The simple answer is that neither of the two will be completely accomplished, but each will have partial success. There are quite a few people that can see martial law coming under the heavy hand of a presently transforming totalitarian government in America. But they get tunnel vision and see that as the end­all­be­all of the plan, not realizing that this present dictatorship that Bush and the fabulous banker brothers are busy building, with it's future activation of martial law, will be short­lived. This is no reason to rejoice, however. I am reminded of one of the more important prophecies from the Rumanian pastor Dumitru Duduman:

" It will start with the world calling for 'peace, peace.' Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries which I cannot remember, will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn. " 11 So you see, the goal isn't for either side to win, but for the simultaneous decimation of the revolutionaries and the infrastructure of the present government. What's left of this country after the dust settles will invariably be placed under international law, administered by the United Nations and their 'peacekeepers.' This is a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic being played out.

It's time now to look at the second of the previously promised 'helter­skelter' scenarios from the archives of history; this time going clear back to the French Revolution. " ...special agents of the Illuminati organized the men who were to be used as leaders in the Reign of Terror planned to accompany the revolutionary effort. Among these leaders were Robespierre, Danton, and Marat. To conceal their real purpose, the men who were to release the prisoners and lunatics to create the necessary atmosphere for instituting the preconceived Reign of Terror, met in the Jacobean Convent. Within the walls of the sacred edifice the details of the bloody plan were worked out. The lists of reactionaries marked down for liquidation were compiled. It was explained that while the criminals and lunatics ran wild terrorizing the population by committing mass murders and pubicly performing rapes, the organized underground workers, under direction of Manuel, Procurer of the Commune, would round up all the important political figures, heads of the clergy, and military officers known to be loyal to the King. " 12

(emphasis mine)

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If one were to modify this scenario and adapt it to where it fits our present situation the first step would be to take the last four words quoted above, " loyal to the King " and change them to " opposed to the New World Order " ; and amend the list to include not just political figures, clergy and military officers, but all those who have proven themselves to be anti­NWO.

Wackenhut, What's A Wackenhut?

Richard Russell Wackenhut, former President and CEO of Wackenhut Security Services, the global NWO company his father founded. . If you don't obey, we will throw you in the Wackenhut and beat you senseless. No...Wackenhut is not a slang term for a torture chamber. It is a worldwide security firm named after its founder George Russell Wackenhut. They guard everything from secret U.S. bases, U.S. Embassies to prisons, to the Alaska Pipeline, to nuclear weapons plants, etc.. George Russell Wackenhut is a descendent of the Russell family that, with Alphonso Taft, created the Yale secret society in 1832, the American chapter of the Skull and Bones, also known as the Russell Trust. It is out of the European Black Freemasonry that the American branch of the S & B was formed. And it is out of this Russell Trust that the Wackenhut Corporation was actually birthed. 13 George Wackenhut exhibits himself as a hard­line, right­wing, pro­American, anti­ Communist fellow. This is all a facade. All Illuminati members are, in the interest of carrying out their plan, required to pretend to be something they are not as in having a front to avoid suspicion. Wackenhut is no more anti­Communist than Ronald Reagan. According to Anthony Hilder of Free World Alliance, Reagan was a member of the United World Federalists (whose goal is world government) for 13 years, was in the L.A.Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy which was associated with the Institute of Pacific Relations, which was listed as an instrument of the Soviet Union. 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall !,' Ronnie sez...give me a break, Red Ronnie. Hilder also curiously identified the Skull and Bones as " a bounce­off of the Jacobin Society, which was involved in the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror." 14 I consider Anthony's assessment fairly accurate, for it is out of the European Illuminized Freemasonry that both have the same common roots and goals ( see Texe Marrs book Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and The Magic of A Thousand Points of Light.)

A somewhat revealing article about Wakenhut came out in SPY Magazine. The author, John Connolly, states that Wackenhut, the "right wing, anti­Communist" was supplying chemical weapons manufacturing equipment to Saddam Hussein in 1990. To supply a country with such equipment while it is enemies with the United States and at the same

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time friendly with Russia, is diametrically opposed to right wing anti­Communist policies. This point was missed by Connolly in his investigation and apparently he bought Wakenhut's performance. However, Connolly didn't overlook the fact that Wackenhut's agency was thick as thieves with the CIA and involved regularly with their dirty work. The names he discloses on the board of directors reads like a Who's Who of the American Intelligence Community:

Talk about the wrong stuff. CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman is or was a member of the indescribably evil Bohemian Grove. 16 And Bill Casey was involved in the smuggling of Nazi war criminals into the United States through Operation Paperclip. 17 Wackenhut is also friends with both Skull and Bones members George Bush senior and junior, and with Jeb Bush, and has contributed to all of their political campaigns. Long ago, Wackenhut picked up the habit of building up his own list of Americans whom he considered Communists or left­leaning subversives, anti­war protestors and civil­rights demonstrators. " current and recent members of the board have included much of the country's recent national­ security directorate: former FBI director Clarence Kelley; former Defense secretary and former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci: former Defense Intelligence Agent director General Joseph Carroll; former U.S. Secret Service director James J. Rowley; former Marine commandant P. X. Kelley; and acting chairman of President Bush's foreign­ intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. Before his appointment as Reagan's CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut's outside legal counsel. The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll. " 15

" He was able to profit from his beliefs by building up dossiers on Americans suspected of being Communists or merely left­leaning­"subversives and sympathizers," as he put it­and selling the information to interested parties. According to Frank Donner, the author of "Age of Surveillance", the Wackenhut Corporation maintained and updated its files even after the McCarthyite hysteria had ebbed, adding the names of antiwar protesters and civil­rights demonstrators to its list of "derogatory types." By 1965, Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents­one in 46 American adults then living. in 1966, after acquiring the private files of Karl Barslaag; a former staff member of the House Committee on Un­American Activities, Wackenhut could confidently maintain that with more than 4 million names, it had the largest privately held file on suspected dissidents in America. " 18

Knowing a little background of Wackenhut, and the Luciferians he pals around with, I would question the criteria he uses to place someone on this list of dissidents­­ so­called

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'Communists' or not. Couple this with the fact that Wackenhut builds and runs prisons with its own guards all across the United States, you can begin to connect the dots and a picture of intriguing possibilities takes form. Could there then be cell groups working within the Wackenhut prison system waiting for orders to release prisoners as shock troops for an orchestrated Reign of Terror? How easy would it be? I found an incident listed on the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES website and thought I'd reproduce it here just to prove a point. " (summer 1998) FLORIDA: A Wackenhut security guard purposely left a door open at the Broward County Work Release Center so that two inmates could walk to freedom, according to the Broward County Sheriff's Office. The guard has been arrested and charged with two counts of aiding and abetting an escape. The arrest came a day after Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne announced a plan to have Wackenhut build a new jail that the Sheriff's Office will run. " 19 Investigative reporter Greg Palast is highly critical of the company's capability of doing the job that it is contracted out to do. He points out that they are generally undermanned (running half the guards a normal prison runs) and have proven to be unable to maintain control of the situation in the event of rioting and the like, requiring outside help from the state police in a cited example. 20 Whether or not the Wackenhut prisons are used in this way, the extreme likelihood that there are also cells in the federal and state institutions should be considered. Please also bear in mind that aside from the potential of Wackenhut's prison systems to be utilized as a tool, in an incited revolution, their security branch may also have cell groups in place in the many strategic locations they guard in the U.S.A. This list includes places like military bases, nuclear reactor sites, Alaska pipeline, etc. At the time of this writing, the Wackenhut Corporation has been bought out by the Danish company Group 4 Falck. However, they still run entirely independent of their new owners. And the former head Richard Wackenhut is temporarily filling in until the parent company finds a replacement CEO.

Wanted: Useful Idiots­­Apply Within

In the beginning of a revolution, the anarchist is the communist's best friend. He is the footsoldier, trained and financed by his communist masters to go out into society and create pandemonium. This friendly relationship will continue until the revolution reaches a certain point where the anarchist is no longer needed. Then he is liquidated. While they may agree on common terroristic applications to attain their goals, the two terms are not synonymous. Anarchism tends to be a means to an end (that end being communism), rather than an end in itself.

According to Lady Queenborough " Anarchists claim direct descent from Diderot and those factions which during the French Revolution of 1789 had formed the clubs of the Enrag`es and Hebertistes. Prudhon was their prototype. " 21 Pierre Joseph Proudhon was a 19th century French philospher who is credited with being the father of philosophical anarchy. His form of anarchism was one that believed in individual self rule with no central authority in society. However, the philosophical anarchists are entirely opposed to the use of violent methods to bring this about. Those who were very much in favor of violence and terrorism, split off from this main movement in September 29, 1872, forming the Anarchist Party. This took place at the Hague Congress of the International Association of Workers. Those not advocating violence rallied around one Karl Marx, while those who preached the use of terrorism in order to wipe out all forms of existing government became the Anarchist Party under the leadership of a radical Russian revolutionist named Mikhail Bakunin.

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It is this second type we are addressing here in this article. Lady Queenborough also tells us that this type 2 anarchy made its way to America " when Most, the German anarchist, founder of the Freiheit, went to New York and, with Julius Schwab, organized the Anarchist movement in America, founding the Socialist and Revolutionary Club of New York in 1880 and such press organs as The Anarchists of Boston, later followed by Liberty . " 22 A Federal law was passed in 1902 which bars the admission into the country to those who profess or advocate anarchism. 23 However, this has not prevented the movement from rapidly growing in America today. There are quite a few organizations here with websites promoting a very thinly veiled form of this type 2 anarchy. Some do not hide their objectives at all. One such popular international organization with an American branch formed in the early '80's is known as the Anarchist Black Cross.

Students of symbolism will immediately recognize the 'clenched fist' of Communism in their logo. Here's some enlightening reading pertaining to their views taken from their website: " The ABC has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners, with an emphasis on Anarchist and class war prisoners; and, through contact with and information about prisoners, inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside.

" We believe, as most Anarchists do, that prisons serve no useful function (except for the benefit of the ruling classes) and should be abolished along with the State. We differ from liberal prison reformists and groups like Amnesty International in two main ways: firstly, we believe in the abolition of both the prison system and the society which creates it, and we initiate all our actions with that in mind; secondly, we believe in direct resistance to achieve a stateless and classless society. Groups like Amnesty International balk at supporting anyone accused of so­called violent acts, thus insinuating that anyone who resists oppression and takes up arms in self­ defense, or during a revolutionary insurrection, is not worthy of support. The message is clear: do not resist. Our message is exactly the opposite, and this is what we work to support. We share a commitment to revolutionary Anarchism as opposed to liberalism and individualism or legalism.

" Outside of prison work, ABC groups are committed to the wider resistance in which many of these prisoners are engaged. We see a real need for Anarchists to be militantly organized if we are to effectively meet the organized repression of the State and avoid defeat. " 24

I wonder if they would like to see someone like Charles Manson released. After all, he is the poster boy for anarchy, not to mention being the physical embodiment of all that Helter Skelter represents.

Let's talk about Charlie...

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Something Wicked This Way Comes ­­For Real or

Helter Skelter Run For Shelter PART 4

by James Whisler

' Evil people know one another ' Arab proverb

Charlie Manson is an enigma to most people; a singer/song writer, murderer, anarchist revolutionary, philosopher, occultist, Scientologist, etc. There have been quite a few books written about him, giving useful clues and attempting to put those clues together in such a way that Manson will make sense to them. However, a few writer/researchers have made it clear that you cannot understand him until you know that he was an MK Ultra mind control victim of the Illuminati, with Helter­Skelter programming.

This goes for several of those who were members of his communal family. In addition to being a member of the Scientology brainwash cult, Charles was also a member of the super­satanic Process Church of the Final Judgment.

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Robert "DeGrimston" Moore, cofounder of the Process Church of the Final Judgment­­An intense satanic cult who believed it was their job to bring on Armageddon. Is there an easier way to initiate a revolution than to program people to do it for you? I don't think so. Neither does the Illuminati, hence they created the Process Church through their agents Robert Moore and Mary Anne Maclean (accomplished Scientologists). Researcher Jim Keith says of the Process " Manson's reported plan to unleash the apocalyptic 'Helter Skelter' revolution also seems to have been copped straight from Process theology, but there is a familiar ring. The 'process' of The Process is identical to that of Tavistock, the return of the blank slate, the tabula rasa, through violence." 25

The Tavistock Institute is a well­known MK Ultra type programming center in Great Britain. According to Dr. John Coleman, the British rock band the Beatles was put together and then brought to America by the Tavistock Institute as a step in creating a cultural revolution in the United States. The Tavistock was also responsible for inserting 'trigger words' into their 'cult lyrics' through a man named Theo Adorno. 26 The American equivalent to the Tavistock Institute is the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Esalen is a new agey cult center where Manson was seen just a few days before the Tate­La Bianca murders took place. Robert DeGrimston was also reported to have spoken there and Manson murder victim Abigail Folger had also been seen there. It's possible that Manson and other members of 'the family' had undergone programming there. The one thing that a lot of people have figured out over the years is that part of Manson's programming did involve Beatles' music.

John Todd knew Manson and, being an insider, was aware of the plan the Illuminati had for utilizing Manson and the Process in Operation Chaos Creation. Let's flash back to that message by John Todd, cited in part 2, in which he said the following regarding Manson: ( audio clip) " The Process Church of The Final Judgment is a church which Charles Manson belonged to. I was also a member of it. They believe in human sacrifice & they believe that the only answer to Christianity is to bomb the churches & execute the Christians. "

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" Now, they didn't want him out, and let me explain something, he did not go there because the jury found him guilty. They could not have sent him to prison if the Illuminati did not want him to go. He went there for a reason. And we have talked with prison officials across the United States, and people belonging to motorcycle clubs and so on, we have received the same answer. He has them united. There is a mass army within every prison from coast to coast. They have been promised weapons, military weapons. To verify this, the U.S. Army has said, and so has the Marine Corps., that in the last five years they have lost half of their small arms weapons to theft in the United States. That includes hand­held, ground­to­air, heat­seeking missiles that can take a DC­10 out of the sky at 40,000 feet...Now he has been gathering an army and outside of prison it amounts to over a hundred thousand professionally trained military people. They've been hiring ex­Green Berets, Rangers, Navy Seals to train them in is down in War, West Virginia, to give you an train them in special forces tactics. Every one of them is as trained as a Green Beret is. That is very well trained...Manson will be released either next year or the following year. They haven't decided yet. I'll say this, the one thing that will hold their plan up is if they don't get their gun laws passed. These people refuse to go out and cause havoc if somebody's going to be shooting back at 'em. So they have been promised that all the guns will be confiscated before they start their move. Now they have been promised they will get this country, what they don't know is they have been set up. They have been set up just so they will kill a certain amount of people. The figure at the present is that in the first year one million people will be butchered. I use that term because that's about how to describe what will happen. And I can leave it to your imagination and your prayer life as to whose scheduled to be killed. Next, this is just so they can get the National Guard called out. They recently passed a law that gives the President the right to suspend the Constitution and Congress, and call martial law and call out the military. Now that would seem to harsh to us right now. But what happens when millions of people are getting shot at and killed. Then they'll be calling for it to happen."

According to Todd's timeline, as I discussed in part 2, this was all supposed to happen by 1980. Two things he mentioned that might slow it all down was the (1) delay in getting the gun laws passed and (2) a lot of Christians praying for the Lord to hinder their plans. For whatever reasons, the Lord appears to have delayed it considerably. Is there anything we can look to that helps back up John's claims since this didn't happen within the specified time? And if so, where does this leave the Illuminati's plan after 25 years?' Can they still use Charlie or is he getting too old? How about the Process Church?

Charlie wasn't the only member of the Process who was famous for mass murder. Investigative reporter Maury Terry, who worked on the Son of Sam case for years, dropped the six­hundred and forty page bombshell titled The Ultimate Evil. Showing that Berkowitz didn't act alone, Terry drew a coherent picture of the inner workings of the Process Church and how they were actually involved in the Son of Sam ritual killings. Albeit it, even if it was only a small glimpse of how vast and well­connected across the U.S. this one part of the Satanic underground is. His appraisal of the Process " The Process firmly believed its divine duty was to hasten the arrival of the final days ­­ and bastardizing the Bible told them how to do it. This was a blueprint for murder, butchery and other crime cloaked in religious justification. " 27

Located on one website, I found a statement by an old Process groupie that helped confirm what John Todd was saying about the Process recruiting for their Armageddon Army in the prisons. Through email correspondence, this person assured me, however, that the Process only wanted to help lonely people in prison and was not trying to recruit them into the cult. Vincent Bugliosi, prosecuting attorney for the Manson murders, and author of the bestseller Helter Skelter, was well aware of Manson's connection with the

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Process (although the Process denied that he was ever a member) and wrote a comparison of the two.

" Both preached an imminent, violent Armageddon, in which all but the chosen few would be destroyed. Both found the basis for this in the Book of Revelation. Both conceived that the motorcycle gangs, such as Hell's Angels, would be the troops of the last days. And both actively sought to solicit them to their side. " 28

Under mind­control programming, the Beatles White Album was scripted in as end time prophecy themes to Manson (and an untold number of other multiples); the song Revolution # 9 became Revelation # 9 and Charlie became the angel of the bottomless pit­ ­the mercy killer. Some members were just psychotic people attracted to the theology of the Process, others were mind control victims born and raised with this particular endtime programming. Terry's findings agreed with Bugliosi that the cult was also recruiting members of the biker gangs.

Berkowitz, perhaps intentionally, perhaps not, gave cryptic clues for the Son of Sam murders regarding the Process program. Some months prior to getting caught, in one of his letters sent to the press he wrote " I am on a different wave length then everybody else­­programmed too kill (sic) " 29 Immediately prior to gettting captured he scrawled on his apartment wall a statement that has now become famous, " My children I'm raising to be killers. Wait 'til they grow up. " 30 Those in the cult were known as 'children' and like Manson, they referred to themselves as 'the family'. David Berkowitz began to feel some remorse not long after he was incarcerated and consequently started leaking some clues out to the public in hopes that the true picture would unfold. In attempted anonymous hints, he estimated the number in the hundreds and then thousands of those in the Process who were willing killers, or 'Sons of Sam'. In a cautious moment, he penned " There are other Sons out there ­­ God help the world. " 31

Where is the Process Church with its Sons today? Maury Terry tells us " The Process, as fas as is known, has now officially splintered, and its offspring ­­ while still active ­­ have gone underground. " 32 These splinters have mutated and evolved into an accepted subculture ­­ a living organism spread all across the country, with the same basic DNA as the Process. Evil never sleeps. Knowing that the remnants are still active, as Terry said, I wondered several times if they didn't have something to do with the D.C. Sniper shootings. For one, similar to the D.C.Sniper shootings, the Son of Sam shootings were spaced apart to keep people in suspense and fear. In the Sniper case, there was the tell­tale tarot card with the words written on it ' Dear Policeman: I am God,' left at the scene where the 13 year old boy was shot in Bowie, Maryland. When Sharon Tate was murdered by the Manson Family, she was found hanging by one foot with her throat slit, which is the image of the Hanged man tarot, also according to John Todd, a sign that Tate had betrayed the occult order she was in. Both Todd and Berkowitz had asserted that in the case of the Tate murders, Manson was acting under orders from the Process. Tarot cards were also found at the murder scene of John Carr, or rather the body that was passed off as his, not without some controversy. 33 John Carr was a member of the Process and was involved with Berkowitz in the Son of Sam slayings. Like the D.C.Sniper slayings mapped out in symbolism, the Process was fond of displaying the Pentagram and the upside down cross in their literature and on their costumes. Both cases had 13 attempted murders.

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The ' I am God ' crack rings of satanic egoism and was known of after a fashion in the Process. Manson told people he was God and Jesus Christ and Robert Moore, Process founder wanted to be known as Jesus Christ. The satanic cult Temple of Set, founded by Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, teaches is members that they can achieve Godhood. One former mind controlled victim claims that Aquino was a member of the Process Church, although I could not confirm this anywhere and it is doubtful that Aquino would ever admit to it. Surprisingly enough, Aquino does defend the Process, but of course, he defends all things evil. Lt. Colonel Jim Channon, a member of Aquino's Temple of Set, was in charge of Theta Mind control programming at Ft. Lewis, Washington for a time. 34 Ft. Lewis is also one of the locations where the D.C.Sniper suspect John Allen Muhammad served time in the military. The Theta programming is a branch of Monarch programming related to psychic warfare. " It is the marriage of occult practices with state of the art science." 35

An interesting note on the rifle used in the D.C. Sniper shootings, the Bushmaster .223, pointed out by a talk radio host I heard recently; if you jumble the order, you get Master Bush 322. Both George Bushes are Skull and Bonesmen and 322 is the sacred number of Skull and Bones (it's supposed to allude to Genesis 3:22). Skull and Bones is said to have a leader known as their Master 36 and perhaps Bush Senior is that person today. Has the Master Bush secretly decreed through the sniper slayings that Helter Skelter is coming? Evil never sleeps nor does it ever forget.

Although Charlie's Angels, Atkins, Krenwinkel and Van Houton, (and several other former Manson Family members­­many now claiming to be born again) have all since denounced him and his philosophies and renounced the ' Family ' and their participation in all it's evil activities, the ' Family, ' in a manner of speaking, has grown exponentially. " . . . Manson receives more mail than any other inmate in the history of the U.S. prison system, an alarming amount of it from young people who tell him they want to join his Family." 37 " If Manson has continued to fascinate mainstream America, he has also done so with its fanatical elements. Today, almost every disaffected and morally twisted group in America, from Satanists to neo­Nazi skinheads has embraced Manson and the poisons of his virulent philosophy. He has become their spiritual icon, the high priest of anti­establishment hatred. As columnist William Buckley put it, Manson has become ' the nation's leading anti­citizen.' Wayne Maguire, in Aquarian Journal, predicts that ' sometime in the future Charles Manson will metamorphose into a major American folk hero.' . . .Manson is indeed a hero to many on the jagged margins of our culture. In a 1994 interview, seventeen­year­old Natalie (pseudonym), a Satanist, says: ' Charles Manson is an idol and role model.' The murders happened, she says, because ' Manson wanted a new government and anarchy to clear out the garbage, the useless people.' . . . Willie(pseudonym), a twenty­one­ year­old white supremacist . . .feels that as a white man he is the victim of racism in our society, that blacks are ' like Neanderthals and overpopulating our culture.' If Manson got out, ' he would improve the quality of life.' Alex (pseudonym), a forty­two­year­old neo­Nazi who has corresponded with Manson for years, says his 'discovery' of Manson can only be compared to his earlier discovery of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party. He calls Manson ' the foremost revolutionary leader in the world today...' 38

When he was asked at a 1987 parole hearing what he would do with his freedom, he said he would spark a revolution if released. 39 Shame, shame Charlie! You need to go find your time­out spot until you can play nice with the other kids. Due to his programming, Charlie will always believe that he is a divinely appointed Angel of Death. Like the Illuminati, communism, and satanism in general, Charlie and the Process have a hatred for

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and a desire to utterly exterminate Christianity from the face of the earth. In addressing their future plans on this subject matter, John Todd stated (audio clip):

Again, this is not a novel idea in itself, but is rather a common ingredient in the revolutionary recipe. In other words, they'll apply the same tactics whether they use Satanists, Communists, neo­Nazis, or a host of different types of radical extremists to carry these orders out. Looking back again at the Spanish Civil War, Carr writes: " General Franco made a desperate effort to try to re­organize the Spanish Army and put an end to Anarchy, but he obtained little support from government authorities. To indicate how well the Communist underground was organized over three hundred churches were set afire at exactly the same time in a hundred different cities and towns. " 40

italics in the original

Manson has many times demonstrated contemptuous aspirations for America through philosophies and visions he has shared. " In my mind's eye," he wrote in a statement after his Tate­LaBianca murder conviction, " my thoughts light fires in your cities." 41 Once again, Charlie is someone who believes he has a predestined role in fulfilling prophecy. He may be right. The Lord may very well use him as an instrument of evil to bring judgment upon this nation. There is a growing debate among students of prophecy as to whether or not America is the prophecied end time Babylonian Empire of scripture, particularly Jeremiah chapters 50 & 51 and Revelation chapters 17 & 18. I, for one, am convinced that it is, especially after seeing too many parallels to simply dismiss it as fear mongering paranoia. Compare what Charlie said above with Jeremiah 50:31­32, which concerns Babylon:

31 Behold, I am against thee, O thoumost proud, saith the Lord GOD of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. 32 And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.

emphasis mine

Will Charlie be utilized in this coming civil war? I can't say for certain. After all, he is getting up there in age. The Illuminati has gone to great lengths to create through the media, this persona of ' the most dangerous man alive,' as Rolling Stone magazine once labelled him 42. And Los Angeles Times columnist Howard Rosenberg designated him " America's preeminent bogeyman." 43 The greatest fear factor asociated with Manson lies in the fact that no matter what age he is, he possesses a " diabolical and singular talent for getting others, without asking any question, to kill complete strangers for him at his command...Because of Manson's ability to control others and get them to vent his spleen on society for him, the probability of death has always been exponential, and therefore much more frightening." 44 Something to look for in the near future, if they still intend to use Manson, is documentaries highlighting his savagery or more media interviews with him like the one with Geraldo Rivera in which he stated how many people he wanted to chop up ­­ all this to make sure people remain in fear of him.

Helter Skelter is coming, regardless of whether or not Charlie is involved. It is a long anticipated Satanic blood ritual; given under direct orders from the split­hoofed goat himself, and to be carried out on a colossal scale. The bloodthirsty, power hungry

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Faust­ocrats are only too eager to accomodate their master in exchange for just another taste of that addictive power. Unlike the Civil War, which was a military confrontation initiated by two diametrically opposed belief systems, this imminent revolution, or if you prefer, Second American Civil War, will embroil legions of insurgents, not the least of which being the Helter Skelter Brute Squad.

Engineered racial polarization and racial profiling, for instance, is causing ethnic minorities to work towards carving out their own countries right out of America. Hispanic illegal aliens are flooding into the southwestern states by the hundreds of thousands, proclaiming the Reconquista of Aztlan (Aztlan, they say is what we call California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and parts of Colorado and Nevada). The seeds have been planted by racist politicians and religious leaders in the minds of Blacks in the deep south to seek secession. Otner ethnic tribal groups in this country are busy secretly and not so secretly carrying out their plans. Inner city gangs are becoming more organized. Financially empowered by their control of drug markets, they are buying heavy weaponry, running for political offices, even infiltrating police departments. Then you have one of the few nobles of the groups, the militias, who are at the present going about trying to peacefully remove the rogue government we have now, and restore our constitutional republic we once had. The shining light illuminating their resolve to do this peacefully is rapidly fading, I fear.

Much of this is laid out in a well­written book entitled Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America by Thomas Chittum. I highly recommend it for the nay­sayers out there or simply for those who want to know more on the topic. I was quite impressed with Chittum's grasp of the situation and his understandable explanations of the dynamics involved. According to Chittum, we are past the point of no return. I must say that based on the factual data he provides, that I agree with him (if you read this book, I think you will agree with many of his conclusions). To illustrate such a claim with one simple example, he writes: " In a recent controversial book titled Alien Nation, Mr. Peter Brimelow maintained that increasing immigration, both legal and illegal, is having many negative impacts on America including more crime, unemployment, environmental impacts, and shifting racial patterns. Here's what Mr. Brimelow had to say:

" In effect, by allowing its borders to vanish under this vast whirling mass of illegal immigrants, the United States is running on the edge of a demographic buzzsaw. One day it could suddenly look down to find California or Texas cut off. "

" Mr Brimelow also suggested that all illegal aliens in America be rounded up and deported. In the April 1995 edition of the Atlantic Monthly Magazine, a Mr. Jack Miles reviewed Mr. Brimelow's book, and described what would happen if the federal government tried to roundup and deport all the illegal aliens in Los Angeles.

" Such an operation could be implemented only at gunpoint, and it would be resisted in the same way. It's announcement would be a virtual declaration of civil war." 45

Chittum has convincingly defined America as a formerly assimilated nation which has evolved into an unstable multiethnic empire. All empires that rise eventually fall, America is no exception. To put it simple, we can only absorb so much cultural diversity before we are no longer a country united by common goals and laws fair to everyone. Some have

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labelled Thomas Chittum as a racist, but I don't see him that way. To me, he has merely identified the problem of racial polarization, strongly manipulated by the New World Order crowd. His advice for the best chances for survival, based on these findings, is primarily for one to stick with one's own race. I do have a few disagreements with Chittum, 1) He fails to recognize the spiritual dimensions linked to the problems and solutions. This reminds me of Alex Jones, who can also pinpoint the problems in this country today, but ingores God's primary remedy, which is total repentance in the hearts of the people, an end to the wickedness, pornography, abortion, drugs, etc.­­not clinging to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as our Saviour. 2) Chittum has predicted that total anarchy will explode in the year 2020 ­­ I see it happening much sooner.

What is a Christian to do, knowing what's coming? There is a scene in the civil war drama Glory, where it's just announced that the black soldiers will receive considerably less wages than the white soldiers. Denzel Washington looks to his fellow black soldier, played by Morgan Freeman, and asks " Hey Pops, you fixin ta lay down fer dis too ?" Well, the answer is NO! Denzel, I'm not fixin ta lay down fer dis too. I will not become like Winston Smith from the book 1984, whereas in the end of the story it says that "he loved Big Brother." My advice is for one not to get trapped in the dialectic. There will be those noble militias who will try to convince you that taking the country back by force is what God wants you to do. They will be stamped as revolutionaries by the authorities. Then there will be sold out televangelists and religious leaders like Falwell, Sekulow, Pat Robertson, etc. citing Romans 13. They will try to convince you to support the totalitarian government no matter what ungodly measures it implements. Choosing this option will get you branded as a counter­revolutionary (also known as reactionary) and classified as an enemy of the resistance movement(s). The only viable option is to be what we already are, ambassadors from the Kingdom of Heaven, the only kingdom that will not fall. To clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and proclaim the gospel, to await the coming of our King Jesus/Yeshua ha compel all men everywhere to repent.

I say to preach repentance, but I do not believe that America will repent. This may strike you as a contradiction. If you've come with me thus far, Christian, then I trust that you will indulge me in sharing a personal story of something that, although relatively uneventful, still had an impact on my life.

Several years ago I worked for a sub­contractor whose job description was to crush ore (rock containing gold) for a gold mine. This was a small outfit with old broken down equipment. We had a big steel jaw crusher and a series of worn out rubber conveyor belts which were used to arrange the rocks into convenient piles after the ore was crushed. After a particular belt had ripped for the umpteenth time in one week, my boss had indicated that he had had enough of that. Belt repairs were very laborious and time consuming.

He shut everything down and then told me " you go ahead and start repairing that belt. I'm going to drive on up to the mine's head office and see if we can buy a new belt from them. I'll be back in a couple hours."

" What's the chances of us getting a belt from them today ?" I asked.

" Oh, I'm pretty sure they'll have one."

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" Then why am I repairing this old one here? " I asked, trying not to sound too irritated.

" Because you're on the clock. " he responded without skipping a beat.

And there you have it...You and I are on the clock, Christian, and our work is not in vain no matter what it looks like...

Remember, whether you end up in a cave, a secret closet or a concentration camp, as Corrie Ten Boom found herself, Jesus is your only safe Hiding Place.

I leave you with Psalm 91 for encouragement...

1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.


1. David Meyer, Last Trumpet Newsletter Volume XIII Issue III March 1994,

online at 2. Power of Prophecy Newsletter October 1999 ­ Volume 99­10, Texe Marrs .

online at 3. 4.

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5. Fritz Springmeier; Spiritual Manna # 7, Knowing the Future, A Tribute to Johnnie Todd, Nov. 1, 2001

online at 6. Encyclopedia Encarta 99, Russian Revolution of 1917: Strikes and Demonstrations (Microsoft Corp. 1998) 7. William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game ( U.S.A., 1954) p.116 8. Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of the Illuminati ( Westminster, CO: Ambassador House, 1999), p.90. 9. Carr, op.cit. p.139 10. ibid. p.79 11. Dumitru Duduman, 35 Prophecies, Dreams and Visions for America (Topeka, Kansas: Prophecy Club, 1997) p.4 12. Carr, op.cit. p.39 13. Bloodlines, p.315, 592 14. Anthony Hilder, video documentary LUCIFER 2000 ( American United, copyright 1993) 15. John Connolly, Inside the Shadow CIA, (SPY Magazine, Sept. 1992, vol.6) 16. Bloodlines, p.546 17. ibid. p.442 18. Connolly, op. cit. online 19. 20. 21. Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy ( Los Angeles, CA: The Christian Book Club of America, 1933), p.526 22. ibid., pp.526­7 23. Encarta 99, Anarchism 24. 25. Jim Keith, Mind Control, World Control, ( Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997) p. 174 26. Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, ( Carson City, NV: America West Publishers, 1992), pp.88­90 27. Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil, ( New York, NY: Doubleday, 1987) p.212 28. Vincent Bugliosi, with Curt Gentry, Helter Skelter ( New York, NY: W.W.Norton & Co., 1974 ) p.637 29. Terry, p.54 30. Ibid., p. 470 31. Ibid., p. 170 32. Ibid., p. 209 33. Ibid., pp.306,319 34. Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (Oregon City, OR: self published, 1996) pp.314 35. Ibid. p.313 36. Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of A Thousand Points of Light ( Austin, Texas: Living Truth Publishers, 1992 ) p.17 37. Bugliosi, pp.665 38. Ibid. p.671­2 39. CBS News, Los Angeles, April 25, 2002, Charles Manson Denied 10th Parole Bid online at 40. Carr, p.123 41. Bugliosi, p.561 42. Rolling Stone Magazine, cover, June 25, 1970. #61, reproduced in Helter Skelter picture section

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43. Bugliosi, p.670 44. Ibid. p.670 45. Thomas W. Chittum, Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America (Show Low, AZ: American Eagle Publications, Inc., 1996) pp.113­4