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PARKVIEW PUBLIC SCHOOL Park Avenue Leeton NSW 2705 Ph: 02 6953 2600 Fax: 02 6953 5066 Email: [email protected] NEWSLETTER 15 th June 2020 DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR JUNE Thursday 18 th - Uniform Shop Open 2.10pm - 3.10pm Monday 22 nd - Uniform Shop Open 9am - 10am Tuesday 30 th - Semester 1 Reports Home JULY Fri 3 rd - Final Day of Term 2 Mon 20 th - Staff Development Day Tues 21 st - First Day of Term 3 Download your free Parkview Public School App now!

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Park Avenue Leeton NSW 2705

Ph: 02 6953 2600 Fax: 02 6953 5066 Email: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER 15th June 2020


JUNE Thursday 18th - Uniform Shop Open 2.10pm - 3.10pm

Monday 22nd - Uniform Shop Open 9am - 10am Tuesday 30th - Semester 1 Reports Home

JULY Fri 3rd - Final Day of Term 2 Mon 20th - Staff Development Day Tues 21st - First Day of Term 3

Download your free Parkview Public School App now!

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Please support the above sponsors who are supporting our school

Joe Nardi

Bank Manager

109 Pine Avenue, Leeton M: 0457 524 624 E: [email protected]

Golden Apple

Super Store Yanco Road, Leeton

Phone: 02 6953 2000

Groceries & Meat

Fruit & Vegetables

Gardening Needs

10 Pine Avenue Leeton

Phone: 69537777 Fax: 69537799

Email: [email protected]

Quality Kitchens

& Cabinets

By Qualified Craftsmen

Computer Generated Designs

Preview Your Kitchen In 3D

7 Mahogany Rd Leeton 6953 4970

FAX 6953 4972

Mobile 0400 138 983

[email protected]

Ring Keira McCallum on 6953 5788

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WEEK 8 TERM 2 Commencing Monday 15th June 2020

Week 8 of the term is upon us and with every week that passes, seemingly we are closer to a return to the ‘new normal’ at school as the NSW Government continues to update the activities that are appropriate in schools. These activities are outlined later in the newsletter, however we were extremely excited to make a return to whole school assemblies this morning, which provides us with the opportunity to appropriately recognise student achievement and share information with the children. We look forward to a further relaxing of restrictions next term that will enable so many of our extra-curricular activities to resume and will also hopefully lead to parents and community members being able to return to our site. The new school week promises to be a busy one as we prepare for the distribution of Semester 1 Reports and the commencement of the roofing project at the school. Please consider the following as you plan your week: Kindergarten 2021 Transition We have received a pleasing response to our invitation for Kindergarten 2021 Transition Registrations. We welcome all families considering or intending on enrolling their children at Parkview PS for 2021 and beyond to return their Kindergarten 2021 Transition registration forms to secure children’s places in the program and to also enable the school to commence allocating resources for this program.

If you didn’t receive your Kindergarten 2021 Transition Prospectus or require another for yourself or a friend, please contact the School Administration Office.

School Roofing Project Timelines The much needed re-roofing project of the permanent buildings at the school will commence this week with the removal of the existing solar panels on the Library building, before re-roofing commences on the Canteen Building on Monday, 22nd June (Week 9). A revised canteen menu will be used for Week 9 only, while alternate arrangements for using toileting facilities will be made for Stage 2 students whose toilets will be closed during the period of the Canteen Building roof upgrade. Estimated timelines for the project are outlined below: Monday, 22nd June-Friday, 26th June (Week 9): Canteen Block (Canteen to operate limited menu from the OoSH Building) Saturday, 27th June-Monday, 29th June: Library (Bright Beginnings ceased for the remainder of Term 2) Tuesday, 30th June-Friday, 3rd July (Week 10): Kindergarten Block (classes relocated to IT Lab, Library and Hall) Monday, 6th July-Friday, 10th July (Holidays): Administration Block (entire block closed) Monday 13th July-Friday, 17th July (Holidays): Stage 1 Block (entire block closed)

Notes that you can expect to see this week: COVID-19 Updates (email and social


Notes in last week: Kindergarten 2021 Transition


Year 5 2021 Opportunity Class


COVID-19 Updates (email and social


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Year 5 2021 Opportunity Class and Aurora College Placements 2021 Today commences the period of time where parents of Year 4 students can apply for consideration for inclusion in Opportunity Classes and Aurora College Placements for Year 5 in the 2021 School Year. Opportunity classes can provide intellectual stimulation by grouping together high potential and gifted students who may otherwise be isolated from a suitable peer group. New for 2021 entry A Year 5 virtual opportunity class has been established at Aurora College for students in rural and remote NSW who will be attending schools on the following list in 2021: Students successfully placed at Aurora College attend their local government primary school and join the opportunity class for science, technology and mathematics lessons using an online conferencing system. Students from non-government schools who are successfully placed will need to enrol in a government primary school on the list mentioned above. Further information is available at Testing Students who wish to be considered for opportunity class placement will sit the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Wednesday 16 September 2020. How to apply If you would like to have your child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2021, you need to apply between Tuesday 9 June 2020 and Friday 26 June 2020. You will need to access the online application at . You must not use the child’s email address. If you do not have internet access, you could apply at a public library. If you have a disability that prevents you from using a computer, you can contact the High Performing Students Team for assistance after 9 June 2020. Contact details can be found on the web site shown below. You must submit only ONE application for each student. Important – the school cannot apply on your behalf.

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COVID-19 School activities return and timeline Last Friday we released exciting news relating to the relaxation of restrictions in schools linked to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Below is a reminder of the circumstances that we are aware of at the time of publication:

Activities already allowed

Library access ensuring supervisors/staff maintain physical distancing

Canteen and uniform shops staffed by volunteers

Face-to-face parent/teacher meetings that are essential (e.g. to discuss disciplinary or other welfare matters)

School sporting activities on site (non-contact skills development at this point)

Use of external sporting grounds (where available)

Year 11 and 12 students attending classes/activities relating to subjects only available on other campuses

Schools may engage an external provider to deliver the White Card training in line with the external provider guidelines provided above, and only where essential (NEW)

Trade Training Centres

Allied health providers, wellbeing and case management professionals (including NDIS suppliers)

Final year teaching practicum students

Construction and maintenance providers

Community use operators necessary for continuity of education such as Community Languages Classes

All curricular and extra-curricular programs or services delivered by NSW Department of Education staff are able to recommence including targeted school support programs delivered by School Services, itinerant support staff and other department employees.

Activities allowed from Monday 15 June 2020

All Department of Community and Justice activities including: o external counselling services o domestic and family violence services o family support services o targeted early intervention programs o youth engagement support programs o Men’s Sheds o supported playgroups

School assemblies (limited to 15 minutes and no external visitors)

Choirs and performing arts (within school setting only at this point, no inter-school activities)

Incursions/external adult providers to support delivery of curriculum (e.g. music tutors, sport skills development programs, science demonstrations, drama tutors, Healthy Harold). Must maintain distancing and hygiene requirements.

Students may attend other schools for essential curriculum related reasons or placements (e.g. auditions or placement tests)

Activities using hydrotherapy pools (including external pools in line with the providers’ guidelines)

Day field trips to outdoor locations with no physical distancing requirements (e.g. DoE Environmental Education Centres and sport and recreation facilities, trips to local river to collect water samples)

Face-to-face TAFE attendance in line with TAFE schedule

Community use activities used by students such as dance classes, and student sport skills development related activities outside of school hours with limited adult attendance (curriculum and extra-curriculum purposes)

Community use activities on weekends involving adult attendance (complying with relevant guidelines) not essential to continuity of education

School photos (although no group staff photos). Activities allowed from beginning of Term 3

All school sport and activities including competitions aligned with current health advice (including those activities run by external organisations)

Inter-school student events and competitions (choirs, sport, debating, public speaking, performing arts, Selective Sports High School trials etc.)

Incursions not already permitted involving external adult providers maintaining distancing and hygiene aligned with the health advice of the day (e.g. school banking talks, sport promotions etc. – not directly curriculum related)

SRE/SEE volunteers

P&C meetings – strong preference for on-line where possible

Parent/teacher meetings – where these need to take place – strong preference for on-line where possible unless involving serious matters that require face to face discussion

Parent/carer school pick up and drop off – arrangements should continue at the school’s discretion taking into consideration adult physical distancing requirements. Parents/carers should not be on school grounds or at school events without principal’s permission.

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Share Our Space

Official visitors and dignitaries (consistent with current protocols)

Staff meetings can be held taking into account physical distancing and maximum numbers in a space according to current health guidelines, or use on-line technology

Professional learning for teachers can recommence with preference for using on-line technology. Professional development at external venues can continue in line with the venue’s requirements to abide by current guidelines. Professional development can occur on site as long as physical distancing is maintained.

Work experience for students

Practicum teaching for tertiary education students

VET work placements can proceed subject to the availability of placement and appropriate risk assessments. For any that can't proceed, please see the NESA websitExternal linke

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships can recommence once the relevant workplaces are back in operation

Community use activities involving general adult attendance (such as community markets) at which the organiser remains responsible for compliance with distancing and hygiene requirements aligned with the health advice of the day.

Activities under consideration from Term 3 The following events will be reconsidered in Term 3. For now these events must remain on hold.

School camps

Excursions (other than field trips explained above)

Parent attendance at assemblies and other school events (e.g. graduation ceremonies or student speech events)

Group photos for staff

Parent volunteers – e.g. parent reading helpers (note: canteen and uniform shop volunteers are permitted)

Interstate excursions

School-based activities that involve large gathering of adults are not permitted at this time. These include parent/community gatherings such as parent functions, working bees, fundraisers, school BBQs, large parent information evenings, and large on-site cultural events. These large gatherings and the following activities will continue to be reviewed and assessed based on AHPPC and NSW Health advice and may be permitted at a later date.

Cancelled or delayed

Additionally certain large arts and sports events are cancelled or delayed. Many large-scale arts events and sports tournaments rely upon feeder activities and have long-lead time organisational arrangements. As a consequence, a number of annual activities are planned to be delayed or cancelled (see list here)

International excursions are cancelled until further notice. COVID-19 updates

For the most up to date advice, please go to Where can I get help?

Contact the school if you are concerned about your child's wellbeing to discuss the most appropriate support. You can also:

call the National Coronavirus Health Information line (1800 020 080)

go to the NSW Health COVID-19 websiteExternal link for the latest information and advice

talk to your local GP or Community Health Centre. Additional support services include:

the school counselling service

Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 - link

Headspace - 1800 650 890 - link

Parent Helpline - 1300 1300 52

Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636

Lifeline - 13 11 14.

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Bright Beginnings-Playbased Learning for 4 & 5 Year Olds Our Bright Beginnings Early Years Learning Program will continue with registered children engaged one day per week until further notice. We will keep parents informed regarding expansion of this timeline. Limited spaces do remain for parents considering including their children in this program prior to the commencement of transition in mid Term 3. Please contact the School Administration Office for a registration form. Winhangara Playgroup 0-5 Years – TEMPORARILY CEASED Winhangara Playgroup has been temporarily ceased as the school works with the Department of Education and NSW Health around the most appropriate strategies to implement in schools to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are hopeful Winhangara Playgroup will return at the beginning of Term 3. Further details will be shared in coming days.

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Golden Apple Docket Fundraiser A huge thank you is extended to the generous owners of the Golden Apple Supa IGA who have again made a significant donation to our school community via their Shopper Docket Fundraiser. Our school received a cheque for just shy of $1,000 which directly reflects the shopper dockets that have been received by the school throughout the 2019 School Year. To help us raise even more money in 2020, please keep your Golden Apple shopping dockets and place them in the container at the front office. This is a great way to raise funds for our students. Parkview Public School receives 5c from every ten dollars collected.

Following us on Facebook Are you on Facebook? To get all of the latest breaking news and previews of the coming school day ahead, like our school Facebook page and join over 1,380 followers who stay up to date with our school happenings via social media.

Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop will continue its normal opening times of Monday 9am – 10am and Thursday 2.10pm – 3.10pm. If you require access to the Uniform Shop outside of these times please contact the school to organise a mutually convenient time to access your uniform needs.

Accessing the School App Get all of the news and information of Parkview Public School at your fingertips through our School App! The app gives parents the ability to instantly access newsletters and calendar events without going to the website, or to send in a sick note while you stand outside the school because you forgot to write a paper note! There are many other easy to use features on the App including maps, uniform price lists, canteen price lists, change of details notifications, Facebook links, the ability to send us photos of your favourite moments for your kids at school and much more. To download the Parkview PS App to your smartphone, go to either the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Market and search for Parkview Public School.

Once you have found it press install or download. How to Install Our School App On Apple

On your iPhone open the app store

Search for our school name

Press Install

Enter your iTunes password

It will commence downloading immediately Android/Google Play

On your SmartPhone open the Android/Google Play market

Search for our school name

Press install

Your app will start installing instantly To Open Our School App

Look for our schools app icon on your phone screen

Press the icon once

It will open automatically

When prompted select yes to receive notifications and use your location (this will make sure the google maps and pop-up alerts work for you) Parkview Public School Website Don’t forget to log on to for all of the latest news, pictures and calendar updates for your school and links to educational information that is relevant to your child!

Finally, as always, if you have an issue or concern please contact the classroom teacher, the appropriate Assistant Principal or myself. From time to time issues arise at school. This is perfectly normal for any school setting so if you have any questions, issues, enquiries or you want feedback on any aspect of your child’s schooling please ring to make a mutually convenient appointment time with your child’s teacher, Assistant Principal or myself.


Travis Irvin Principal

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KE Miss Eddie

Henley Andreazza contributing to our class discussion about farms

Bridget Arel decoding unknown words in her texts

Bayne Butler using picture cues to decode unknown words

Taite Reilly developing her understanding of ‘time’

KN Mrs Norman

Bodhi Coughlan producing neat work when writing about farm animals

Declan Bright sharing interesting information about farms

Louis Killen sharing great thinking strategies in Number Talks

Alexa Pannowitz always displaying initiative in the classroom

K/1C Mrs Chilko

Lacey Campbell improved application in all tasks

Kahlia Smart entertaining us with her lovely expressive reading

Kaiyl Aliendi improved fluency when reading in the Café

Jaxon Weymouth accurately hearing and recording sounds in CVC words

1DG Mrs Di Salvia and Mrs Greatz

Lucas Bourke creating an engaging poster about Red Kangaroos

Savannah Auddino efficiently finding 10 more than a given number

Ava Weymouth reading well at the Café and using different strategies to decode unknown


Parker Mulloy his fantastic effort when writing facts for his kangaroo poster

1HA Mrs Hillyer and Mrs Auddino

Riley Devitt being able to recall some interesting facts about kangaroos

Braxx Harvie creating different repeating patterns using 2D shapes

Hunter Heath using environmental print to enhance his writing

Phoebe Crispe using great expression and fluency when reading at the Café

Myah Longford displaying exceptional listening skills during class

Jaxon Orme-Stroud being a keen helper in 1HA

2B Miss Brett

Braxton Vinecombe his reasoning during Number Talks

Bear Wynn his representation of three-digit numbers


Mawer-Kouzan including great detail in her fact/fib writing

Jed Crowe a wonderful job of explaining his mathematical thinking

Fatim Arif sharing interesting facts about kangaroos

Ethan Curry getting his eye in to put numbers on a number line

Maks Spencer making connections to other texts to share information about kangaroos

Lilly Beaumont reading on to determine unknown words

Dawn-Rose Cregan reflecting on the data 2B collected about their pets

2C Miss Clough

Grace Goman a fantastic information report about koalas

Gemah-Jo Krause using adjectives when writing a description about echidnas

Zac Iannelli writing a great description about emus

Charlie Crispe displaying collected data in a column graph

Knox Pannowitz demonstrating a great knowledge of ten more and ten less during maths

Shelby Hawkins using groups of ten to count a large collection of counters

Indi Olshen

Pippa Quiggley

Parker Mulloy

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2M Mrs Miller

Cooper De Valentin working hard to rename two-digit numbers

Taya Fraser great research in literacy

Ashlyn Dunn cooperative group work researching the echidna

Madeline Morris working hard to rename two-digit numbers

Latasha Salafia working well in group work in literacy

3H Mrs Hislop

Miah Weymouth being able to tell all time to the minute


Ward-Contreras asking super clever and interesting questions

Talia Mulloy working hard to master her ability to tell the time

Matthew Scali having a focused approach to his learning

3Q Miss Quinlivan


Ward-Contreras working hard to identify fractions of groups

Mikayla-Mae Bull working co-operatively during STEM activities

Jack Crowe creating a fantastic LEGO model of the Great Wall of China

Charlotte Collins creating a fantastic LEGO model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

4H Miss Hawker

Krystal McInnes a solid understanding of decimals

Mia Barclay a great explanation of when and how to use speech marks

Ruby Packham attention to detail when adding speech marks and punctuation to a


4T Miss Taylor

Nayt Daly identifying saying verbs in various texts

Ira Simcoe his creative thinking when constructing a design to transport animals above


Jason Mulloy showing a keen interest in writing activities

Zoe Martin working collaboratively in a group on STEM tasks

5D Miss Deeves

Lexi Carroll using alliteration in her writing

Gracie Daly using similies in her poem about dreaming

Ashton Glover creating a fantastic pattern which was very tricky to solve

Braithe Ingram discussing the 'Mimi Dancers' poem with the rest of the class

Sophie Bowyer working really hard with her reading and writing

Jyelah Warr understanding patterns more

Zoe Iannelli explaining plurals to others and sharing the rule about the 'es' rule

5P Mrs Petulla

Riley Lewis explaining how adding prefixes can change the meaning of words

Jett Laycock identifying isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangles

Abby Habres sharing examples of personification

Dean De Valentin describing the properties of isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangles

Aaliya Wilkinson contributing to discussions about making good online choices

Myah O’Meley excellent use of similes and metaphors

6B Miss Brettschneider

Tahlia Daly eagerly participating all literacy activities

Leilani Thurston engaging in all literacy activities

6G Mr Goman

Kian Henman developing his paragraphing skills in his narrative writing

Keira Speer expanding her knowledge of musical notes

Damon Smart using dialogue to greater effect by adding detail about actions

Jack Miller collaboratively constructing the hand sanitiser robot

Kayden Robinson collaboratively constructing the hand sanitiser robot

Makenzie Shute a cleverly constructed narrative about a five dollar note

Chloe Dunbar showing excellent leadership and a strategic approach when collaborating

to build robots

Curtis Ingram using a greater range of punctuation in his writing based on examples in

class texts

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House Championship 2020 Accurate at 15/06/2020








Bradman lead Thorpe by 35 points

K-2 Gold Cup Winner

K/1C Kaiyl Aliendi

KE Ayla Devitt

KN Ella Conroy

1HA Braxx Harvie

1DG Savannah Auddino

2C Shelby Hawkins

2B Jed Crowe

2M Michael Holland

3H Deklan Boots

3Q Max Pannowitz

4H Emilie Quinn

4T Montana Keech

5D Jaskirat Singh

5P Tahlea Ingram-Pitts

6B Gemma Royes

6G Tyson Davis

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Classroom Capers…

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CANTEEN Order online before 10am