parivarik mahila lok adalat

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  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat

    1. What is the Parivarik Mahila LokAdalat?

    Concept evolved by NationalCommission.

    It is established under Legal Service

    Authority Act. For redressal and speedy disposal of

    Marital disputes and other familydisputes

    Advantages: Provides mutualsettlement and flexibility in functioning.

    NMP 2011

    2. List the main objectives of theNational Manufacturing Policy (NMP),


    To increase the sectoral share ofmanufacturing in GDP to at least 25%

    by 2022; To increase the rate of job creation so

    as to create 100 million additional jobs

    by 2022;

  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    To enhance global competitiveness,domestic value addition, technological

    depth and environmental sustainabilityof growth.


    3. Comment on the significance ofRasarnava in studying the history of

    Indian Chemistry.

    Written in 12th

    century, by an unknownauthor, in Sanskrit language.

    Rasrava, or Treatise on MetallicPreparations, contains wealth of

    wealth of information Tantric-Medicaland chemical knowedge and practicesprevalent in India during that period.

    It deals with Rasas (mercury and otherimportant minerals), Uparasas (inferior

    minerals), metals. etc and variousmeans of processing them.

    Art. 21

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    4. What are the Rights within theambit of Article 21 of the Indian

    Constitution? It explicitly guarantees the Protection

    of Life and Personal liberty. And Invarious judgements, SC has provided

    many inferred rights viz.

    Right to dignity, to medical assistance,to pollution free water and air, minor

    girls right to bear child, free legal aid,speedy trial, right against handcuffing,

    against third degree torture duringpolicy custody, against phone-tapping


    RTI preamble

    5. Comment on the significance of thePreamble contained in the Right to

    Information Act.

    This preamble provides the philosophyand overview of RTI act.

    Philosophy: Constitution of India hasestablished democratic Republic, AND

  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    democracy requires an informedcitizenry and transparency.

    Overview: RTI is an Act for setting outthe practical regime of transperencyand right to information and for

    constitution of a Central InformationCommission (CIC) and State

    Information Commissions (SIC).

    National Council

    6. To implement one keyrecommendation of the Mohini GiriCommittee, the Government has

    recently announced the constitution ofa National Council. Highlight the

    composition and the mandate of thisNational Council.


    Chairman: Minister of Social Justice &Empowerment.

    Minister of State, Social Justice &Empowerment,

    Oldest Members of Lok Sabha and

    Rajya Sabha,

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    Representatives of 5 StateGovernments + 1 Union Territory (by

    rotation.) 5 representatives each from Senior

    Citizens Associations, PensionersAssociation, NGOs working for Senior

    Citizens and Experts.

    (lolz 50 words quota is already over! Butstill mandate remains)


    This council will advise the Central andState Governments on issues related to

    policies, programmes and legislativemeasures for the welfare of senior

    citizens. promotion of physical and financialsecurity, health and independent and

    productive living awareness generation and community


    National Mission on Libraries (NML)

  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    7. Comment on the recent launchingof the National Mission on Libraries

    (NML). Department of Culture (DoC) had

    proposed setting up a NationalMission for Libraries (NML) in the XIPlan as a Central Sector Scheme.

    NML is an initiative to revitalise thepublic library movement in the country.

    Under this mission, public libraries willbe equipped with modern gadgets and

    broadband connectivity andnetworking with other leading libraries,

    educational and cultural institutions.

    Musical Instrument Classification

    8. What are the groups into whichmusical instruments in India have

    traditionally been classified?

    1. Tata vadya String instruments(violin)

    2. Sushira vadya Wind instruments(flute)

  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    3. Avanaddha vadya Membranecovered (damru, mridangam )

    4. Ghana vadya Solid percussion(gongs)

    By the way, You can find truckload offuture 2 markers related to Indian musical

    instruments, in following thread:


    Fire in Zoroastrianism

    9. Comment on the significance of firein Zoroastrianism.

    Fire together with clean water, areagents of ritual purity in Zoroastrian


    Fire symbolizes light in the struggleagainst darkness in this religion. Their places of worship are commonly

    known as Agiyari (Fire Temple). Their most sacred places of worshipare known as Atash Bahram, or fire of

    victory. There are only ten current
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    Atash Bahrams, eight in India and twoin Iran.

    Laurie Baker

    10. Why is Laurie Baker called theconscience keeper of Indian


    Known for building affordable, elegantand energy efficient homes in Kerala.

    The Housing and Urban DevelopmentCorporation too had adopted his eco-

    friendly, low-cost building methodsthere to provide a clean living

    environment to the poor. People called his designs Baker-

    model houses. No other architect hasbeen able to make such a bold

    statement in his practice. Given Padam Sri for his works.

    in Thiruvananthapuram he designedand built Centre for Development

    Studies (CDS) which continues to be apilgrim centre for budding architects

    from across the country.

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    Treatment of Heatstroke

    11. You are stationed in a small district

    town in the plains of Northern India,The summer has been severe.

    Suddenly, a colleague, who had beenout since morning, returns to the office

    complaining of headache,

    restlessness and confusion. Shortly,he becomes unconscious. His bodytemperature is 40C. What first aidsteps would you take to revive him?

    These are the symptoms of heatstroke.

    Hence the Treatment should be:

    Move the victim to a coolerenvironment immediately

    Cover him with a towel/blanket soakedwith water to cool the victims body.

    Loosen clothing and ensure that theperson gets plenty of ventilation.

    When he gains consciousness,immediately give him water containing

    salt or lemon juice.

    2 markers

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    4. Comment on each of the following inabout 20 words each: 2X5=10


    The significance of Patharughat in theIndian freedom struggle

    It is a place in Assam, where thepeasant took British bullets while

    protesting exorbitant taxes slapped onthem at Patharughat in Darrang district

    in 1894. Also known as Jallianwala Bagh of


    Bagurumba folk dance

    folk dance of Assam performed by the Bodos

    also called butterfly dance becausethe combination of costume colors andmovements resemble the movement


    Presidential Elections

    1. Determining the value assigned to

    the vote of a Member of a State

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    Legislative Assembly and of a Memberof Parliament in the Indian Presidential

    elections.Value of one vote of an MLA=

    =[(total population of state) / (Totalnumber of elected MLAs of the state)] x


    Value of one vote of an MP

    =Total value of votes of all MLAs of allstates / Total number of Elected MPs


    2. Significance of the SPOT-6 rocketlaunch for ISRO

    SPOT 6 is a French satellite, launchedby ISRO in its 100


    From Satish Dhawan Space Centre,

    Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh

    Recall that article: Nirbhay, NAG,NAMICA, Helina, LAHAT, Tropex-2012,

    RISAT, SPOT-6:

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    3. Issues highlighted through the work

    of Palagumrni Sainath

    As a journalist, he wrote aboutFamine,hunger, social problems, ruralaffairs, poverty and the aftermaths of

    globalization in India. Famous for his book Everybody Loves

    a Good Drought, got MagsaysayAward for it.

    1 marker: Person in News (PIN)

    5. Why have the following been in thenews recently?. (Answer to be in one

    sentence only). 1X5=5

    1. P.V. Sindhu : Pusarla VenkataSindhu, she is a badminton player

    from Andhra. Was in news becauseshe reached upto semi-finals in China

    Masters Super Series badmintontournament in 2012.

    2. Aditya Kumar Mandi : Constable in

    CISF, writes poems in Santhali

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    language. Was given Sahitya Akademiaward in 2011.

    3. Cyrus Mistry: appointed deputychairman of Tata Group. He will beginserving as chairman when Ratan Tata

    retires in December 2012.4. Ashoke Sen: Scientist from

    Kolkata, known from Contributions tostring field theory, won Yuri Milner

    award in 2012.5. Mario de Miranda: cartoonist from

    Goa, worked for Times of India andIllustriated Weekly of India. died in

    2011, given Given Padam Vibushan in2012.

    Both Ashoke Sen and Miro Miarandawere covered in PIN (Person in News


    2012.html^Ok this is all from Paper 1. Now let us

    check Paper 2.

    Paper II
  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    4. Answer the following in not more than50 words each: (56=30)

    1. The Sequoia supercomputer waslaunched this year. What are itsspecific features and what is its



    1.6 petabytes of memory Can perform 20 x 10^15 operations

    every second.


    Research, Development, AdvancedSimulation and Computing in the field

    of weapons performance, notablyhydrodynamics and properties of

    materials at extreme pressure and

    temperatures supercomputer simulations will support

    the help to extend the life of agingnuclear weapons systems of US


  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    2. What is meant by the G8+5 group?

    is a political term used to describe an

    international group which consists of theleaders of

    G8 nations+5 Emergingeconomies.

    1. Canada

    2. France3. Germany

    4. Italy5. Japan6. Russia

    7. UK8. US

    1. Brazil2. China3. India

    4. Mexico5. South Africa

    Papiloma Virus

    3. The Human Papilloma Virus

    vaccine has been making theheadlines in the recent months. Who

    make the ideal candidates forreceiving this vaccine and what are its


  • 7/30/2019 Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat


    HPV is responsible for Cervical Cancerand sexually transmitted infections.

    Ideal Candidates for vaccine= youngwomen in 9 to 25 years age group, who

    have not been exposed to HPV.(Although USFDA has approved it for

    both men and women).

    What are its benefits= can help preventfuture HPV infection, cervical cancer. And

    thus reduce the costs associated withfuture medical care, biopsies, and Pap


    South China4. What are Indias stakes in the

    South China Sea?

    South China sea is a potential crudeoil source, in the South coast of

    Vietnam. Petrovietnam (State oil co of

    Vietnaam) had contracted ONGCVidesh Ltd (OVL) to explore the oil

    field in South China sea.

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    But China is opposed to thisDevelopment.

    Go through South China article for moreon this:


    5. Explain the conceptsEnvironmental Sustainabilty and

    Sustainable Development of People.

    Environmental Sustainabilty

    Goal 7 of the Millennium DevelopmentGoals

    Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by2010, a significant reduction in the rate

    of loss. Halve, by 2015, the proportion ofpeople without sustainable access to

    safe drinking water and basicsanitation By 2020, to have achieved a

    significant improvement in the lives ofat least 100 million slum dwellers.

    Sustainable Development of People
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    Sustainable development means,meeting the needs of the present

    generation without compromising theability of future generations to meettheir own needs.

    Social development works to empowerthe poor to expand their use of

    available resources in order meet theirown needs, and change their own

    lives. Special attention is paid to women,

    children, people of indigenouscultures, people with disabilities.

    Go through RIO+20 article for more onthis:



    6. Explain briefly the CleanDevelopment Mechanism as providedunder the United Nations Framework

    Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC).

    CDM is provided by Kyoto Protocol.
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    It helps Annex I parties in achieveingtheir Greenhouse gas reduction

    commitments. It allows them to buy carbon creditsand invest in clean energy projects in

    non-annex countries.