parish priests at sacred heart, marmora

SACRED HEART PARISH AND ITS FIRST RESIDENT PRIEST . . ~(n 1879 the Reverend Thomas Davis moved from Stoco (Sugar Island) to Madoc. ,JJ Father Davis and many of his curates offered semi-weekly Masses at Madoc and its mission churches of Marmora, Maynooth, Queensboro, Tweed, Stoco, and Bancroft. In 1884 Tweed and its mission church in Stoco were put under the pastoral care of the Reverend LP. Fleming. In 1882 the total population of Marmora and Lake Township was 2,084. It consisted of 1,079 males and 1,005 females. There were 621 married, 1,389 unmarried, and 74 widowed. Of this total there were 802 Canada Methodists, 638 Catholics, 442 Church of England, 76 Presbyterians, 42 Reformed, 40 Episcopal Methodists, 23 Baptists, 7 Disciples, 5 Free Wills, 4 Bible Christians, 1 Universalist, and 4 with no religion. The ethnic origins of this population were predominantly from the British Isles and entirely European: 1,070 Irish, 381 English, 328 German, 142 Scots, 136 French, 17 Welsh, and 10 Dutch. On Monday, October 22nd, ]894, His Grace lames Vincent Cleary (1828-1898) and Monsignor Davis, pastor of Madoc, drove from Madoc to Marmora to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to 29 boys and 38 girls. After the ceremony, the local parishioners presented the Archbishop of Kingston with a petition signed by 58 heads of families, asking him for a resident priest here in Marmora. He thanked the people for the kind welcome extended to him and told them that he had himself thought over the matter and had decided to send one in the near future, but since they had already taken steps in the same matter, he would grant their present request immediately. The Reverend Thomas Murtagh thus became Marmora's first resident priest on October 22nd, 1894. On Friday, October 26th, 1894, Father Thomas Murtagh would write in the parish record book: . "I entered the parish of Marmora for the first time as its pastor, accompanied by Father Davis, pastor of Madoc, and not having a residence of my own, I went and remained as I always did in the past when I visited Marmora, with Captain John O'Neill, who for the past 15 years gave the priests a warm welcome in his house and entertained them gratuitously." In the photograph is Father Thomas Murtagh with eleven of his altar servers. They are sitting on the wooden steps leading to the brick church. In the front row (left) is Richard John Maloney (1895-1974) and in the centre row (left) is Edward Linus Maloney (1893- 1977). Richard and Edward were the sons of John Edward Maloney (1864-1949) and Frances Elizabeth Wolfe (1863-1942). Page 4

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Page 1: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


~(n 1879 the Reverend Thomas Davis moved from Stoco (Sugar Island) to Madoc.,JJ Father Davis and many of his curates offered semi-weekly Masses at Madoc and itsmission churches of Marmora, Maynooth, Queensboro, Tweed, Stoco, and Bancroft. In1884 Tweed and its mission church in Stoco were put under the pastoral care of theReverend LP. Fleming.

In 1882 the total population of Marmora and Lake Township was 2,084. It consisted of1,079 males and 1,005 females. There were 621 married, 1,389 unmarried, and 74widowed. Of this total there were 802 Canada Methodists, 638 Catholics, 442 Church ofEngland, 76 Presbyterians, 42 Reformed, 40 Episcopal Methodists, 23 Baptists, 7Disciples, 5 Free Wills, 4 Bible Christians, 1 Universalist, and 4 with no religion.

The ethnic origins of this population were predominantly from the British Isles andentirely European: 1,070 Irish, 381 English, 328 German, 142 Scots, 136 French, 17Welsh, and 10 Dutch.

On Monday, October 22nd, ]894, His Grace lames Vincent Cleary (1828-1898) andMonsignor Davis, pastor of Madoc, drove from Madoc to Marmora to administer theSacrament of Confirmation to 29 boys and 38 girls. After the ceremony, the localparishioners presented the Archbishop of Kingston with a petition signed by 58 heads offamilies, asking him for a resident priest here in Marmora. He thanked the people for thekind welcome extended to him and told them that he had himself thought over the matterand had decided to send one in the near future, but since they had already taken steps inthe same matter, he would grant their present request immediately. The Reverend ThomasMurtagh thus became Marmora's first resident priest on October 22nd, 1894.

On Friday, October 26th, 1894, Father Thomas Murtagh would write in the parishrecord book: .

"I entered the parish of Marmora for the first time as its pastor, accompaniedby Father Davis, pastor of Madoc, and not having a residence of my own, Iwent and remained as I always did in the past when I visited Marmora, withCaptain John O'Neill, who for the past 15 years gave the priests a warmwelcome in his house and entertained them gratuitously."

In the photograph is Father Thomas Murtagh with eleven of his altar servers. They aresitting on the wooden steps leading to the brick church. In the front row (left) is RichardJohn Maloney (1895-1974) and in the centre row (left) is Edward Linus Maloney (1893-1977). Richard and Edward were the sons of John Edward Maloney (1864-1949) andFrances Elizabeth Wolfe (1863-1942).

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Page 2: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


"~n October 22nd, 1894, I dismissed the children and ladies of the\lJ7 congregation and requested the men to remain and consult with me

about the means of raising funds to erect a residence for the pastor, and alsoabout the manner in which they were to furnish their pastor with sufficientmeans to support his position in a fit and creditable manner."

"His Grace Archbishop Cleary then told them that a comfortable, commodiousresidence should be erected according to the plans and specifications sent byhim and the amount necessary for this should be raised by three annualassessments, and to this they all agreed."

"On December 2nd, 1894, I called a meeting of the committee to consult aboutfurnishing a house. It was agreed on that I should collect from the ladies ofthe congregation as much money and material for house furnishings as I couldbuy and whatever else was required; all of which could be used in furnishingthe Presbytery when built."

"On January 15th, ]895, I received plans and the specifications as ordered byHis Grace the Archbishop, of the Presbytery to be built, and immediatelycalled for tenders."

"On March 1st, 1895, I opened the six tenders which I had received andsubmitted them to the committee. We unanimously decided to award thecontract to Edward Shannon, a well known, honest and competent contractorand native of the parish; his tender being the most satisfactory for the sum of$] ,950. The verandah and summer kitchen to be extra. I then requested allparishioners to come on certain days and draw all the material for thePresbytery on the ground as we were obligated by coritract."

"On July 7th, ]895, I called a meeting of the committee to consult aboutlevelling and beautifying the grounds and fencing them in. It was decided thatthe parishioners should do all of such work which they could do and thus spareexpense. They came day after day when requested, until by their constant andprolonged labours, they placed the grounds in their present beautifulcondition. "


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Page 3: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


1'Ii"hr Reverend Thomas Murtagh was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora,\!J.;from October 26th, 1894, to February 28th, 1920.


Father\urtagh was born on October 9th, 1863, in Kilcurry, Colehill, Longford County,Ireland. He was the son of John Murtagh and ElIen Hogan.

He was educated at St. Nells Seminary, Longford, Ireland, and later at Carlow College.Father studied theology at All Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland.

Father Murtagh was ordained a priest on June 8th, ] 889, at the Ancient College of Carlow,Ireland. Father Murtagh departed for Canada almost immediately after his ordination.

He was assigned to St. Marys Cathedral, Kingston, for three years and was laterappointed curate to Father Davis at Madoc, by Archbishop James Vincent Cleary. At thattime Marmora was included in the Madoc parish.

Father Murtagh celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest at Sacred Heart Parish in Marmoraon June 21st, 1914. On Sunday morning immediately after Mass the congregationsurprised Father ,Murtagh by presenting him with an address and a well-filled purse ofgold as a token of their esteem for him and his work among them for twenty years. FatherMurtagh smilingly remarked that on this occasion they were ahead of him as personally hedid not like demonstrations. For this reason when asked from time to time the date of hisSilver Jubilee, he always kept the date a secret.

Father Murtagh had a severe attack of influenza in the fall of 1918. On November 17th,1919, he went to Rochester, Minnesota, to consult with the famous Mayo brothers abouthis failing health.

The Reverend Thomas Murtagh died on February 28th, 1920, in Marmora. FatherMurtagh's monument, crafted from granite imported from Barre, Vermont, stands over

.twelve feet high in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Marmora.

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Page 4: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


1'Jj'he Reverend John Thomas Hanley was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,\lJ.IMarmora, from September, 1920, to July, 1923.

He was born on December 1st, 1876, the son of William Hanley and Rose Jordan. Hisparents and family were members of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Read, Ontario.

He attended the University of Ottawa in September, 1891, and later went to the GrandSeminary in Montreal, Quebec, in September, 1898.

Father Hanley was ordained a priest on December 1st, 1901.

His curate duties included: St. Francis Xavier, Brockville (June, 1902); St. Mark's,Prescott (November, 1902), and St. John the Evangelist, Gananoque (February, 1903).

His pastoral appointments included: St. Phi lip Neri, Toledo, and its mission church, TheBlessed Sacrament, Lombardy (1903-1920); Sacred Heart of Jesus, Marmora (1920-1923); St. Carthagh's, Tweed (1923-1928), and later St. Francis de Sales, Smiths Falls.

On August 27th, 1928, while pastor at Smiths Falls, the Very Reverend John Hanley wasappointed Dean of the deanery.

On February 9th, 1948, a fire completely destroyed the newly renovated church in SmithsFalls.

In 1949 Father was named Domestic Prelate, with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor.

Monsignor Hanley died on November 17th, 1955, and is buried at St. Francis de SalesCatholic Cemetery in Smiths Falls.

Note: Immediately after the death of the Reverend Thomas Murtagh, on February 28th,1920, the Reverend Jeremiah Patrick O'Riordan (1877-1937), pastor of Sacred Heart ofMary in Madoc, was appointed to replace Father Murtagh. However, Father O'Riordanrefused the appointment, and as a result, Archbishop Spratt appointed the Reverend JohnThomas Hanley as pastor of Sacred Heart in Marmora in September of 1920.

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1'Jjhe Reverend Andrew Traynor was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora,Wlfrom 1923 to1925.

He was born on March 6th, 1875, in Bailieboro County, Ireland.

Father Traynor attended St. Patrick's College and Seminary at Armagh, Ireland. He wasordained a priest on January 21 st, 1904, at All Hallows College, Dublin Ireland.

On his arrival in Canada, he assisted at St. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston, for a short periodoftime.

In 1904 Father Traynor was appointed by Archbishop Charles Henry Gauthier to thepastorate at St. Barnaby Church, Brewer's Mills, where he carried out his duties for over19 years.

Father Traynor was appointed pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Marmora, in 1923by Archbishop Michael Joseph Spratt.

Father Traynor sailed from Quebec City to his native home in Ireland on June 12th, 1924,aboard the steamship Caronia. He returned in October of that year.

Despite ill health, Father Traynor gave all his energy to his new appointment in Marmora,celebrating the 100th anniversary on June 6th, 1925, of the building of St. Matilda'sChurch on the west banks of Crowe River.

The Reverend Andrew Traynor died on September 20th, 1925, at Hotel Dieu Hospital,Kingston, Ontario. He is buried beside the Reverend Thomas Murtagh at Sacred HeartCemetery, Marmora.

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Page 6: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


-71i"he Reverend James John O'Reilly was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,~Marmora, from October, 1925, to August, 1928.

Father O'Reilly and Father Thomas Murtagh were both curates and assistants to FatherDavis who was pastor of Madoc, which at that time was the centre of the mission, datingback to 1879.

Whenever Father Murtagh was away for lengthy periods from his Marmora parish, FatherO'Reilly would take charge of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and carry out the pastoralduties.

Father O'Reilly was born around 1876. He was ordained a priest on December 17th,1904.

His pastoral duties included Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Enterprise (1909-1914). With the building ofa new brick rectory in Stirling in 1915, Father O'Reilly wasauthorized in 1916 by Archbishop Spratt to make Frankford a mission church and Stirlingthe parish.

Father O'Reilly volunteered for overseas duty on the first day Canada entered World WarI and returned to his parish in Stirling in 1919. He also became the first R.C.A.F. MilitaryChaplain - a position he proudly held until 1943.

In 1923 Father O'Reilly of S1. Mark the Evangelist, Prescott, switched parishes withFather Michael Meagher of Erinsville.

In 1928 he was appointed pastor of S1. Gregory the Great, Picton (1928-1929) and soonmoved on to S1.Peter's, Trenton (1929-1946). During his appointment in Trenton, he wascommissioned the first chaplain to R.C.A.F. Base, Trenton, Ontario.

The Reverend James John O'Reilly died on August 27th, 1951, in Kingston, Ontario.

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Page 7: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


• 1'Jj"he Reverend James 1. Keeley was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora\LV fro m August, 1928, to June, 1938.

Father Keeley was born in ] Railton near Sydenham, Ontario, the son of James D.Keeley and Ceceily Ann Byrnes.

Father Keeley was ordained a priest on December 22nd, 1906.

Father Keeley held pastorates at S1.Daniel's, South Mountain; S1. Bridget's, Stanleyville;and St. Barnaby's, Brewers Mills, prior to his appointment as pastor in Marmora.

Although Father Keeley was sick for very lengthy periods of time, he still was very activein the life of his parishioners and his community.

It was Father Keeley who persuaded the mines of northern Ontario to procure theirhardwood trees from Hastings County instead of using British Columbia fir. He alsovisited Premier Bennett in Ottawa in regard to having freight rates reduced for Ontariolumber. Father Keeley devoted much of his time trying to ease the high unemploymentfor the men of Marmora and his parish. He felt that construction of the new Highway No.7 through Marmora might relieve the job situation for awhile.

In August, 193 I, Father Keeley had completed a major restoration of Sacred HeartChurch. The church was totally redecorated with a new lighting system and new aisleflooring and carpets. Sanctuary and nave paintings of St. Gabriel, S1. Michael, Jesus inthe Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus with the Little Children were added to the ivorywalls and ceiling.

On December 12th, 1931, Father James Keeley celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest atSacred Heart Church, Marmora. Archbishop Michael O'Brien of Kingston and over 27visiting clergy attended the joyous celebration.

Father Martin and Father Agnew of Kingston assisted Father Keeley for over 15 monthswhile he recovered from a serious illness during 1937 and 1938. The Reverend James 1.Keeley died on November 14th, 1940, and is buried at S1. Mary's Cemetery, Kingston.

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Page 8: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


'7Ii'he Reverend Henry 1. Farrell was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora~from June 26th, 1938, to September 18th, 1949.

He was born on March 30th, 1887, in Drogheda, Eire, near the Boyne River.

Father studied at St. Patrick's Seminary, Armagh, Ireland. He was ordained a priest onSeptember 21st, 1914, at All Hallows College in Dublin, Ireland. In the same year FatherFarrell left his native land and cameto Canada.

While in Canada Father Farrell served as an assistant at Prescott, Gananoque, and later atSt. Mary's in Kingston.

Father Farrell was pastor at The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, Enterprise, fromSeptember, 1921, until August, 1928; St. James the Minor, Stirling, and its mission, St.Francis of Assisi, Frankford, from 1928 until 1938.

,Father Henry Farrell celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest on September 21 st, 1939. Athis celebration in Marmora, Archbishop O'Brien, three Monsignori and 41 priests assistedat the Solemn High Mass.

Father Farrell, V.F., P.P., was appointed Dean of Perth Deanery and pastor of St. John theBaptist Church, Perth. While pastor of the parish in Perth, he was named DomesticPrelate by the Holy See on December 12th, 1957, with the title of Right ReverendMonsignor.

On May 15th, 1968, he offered his resignation to Archbishop Joseph Lawrence Wilhelmwhile still at his parish in Perth.

The Reverend Henry 1. Farrell died in May, 1975, and is buried at St. John the BaptistCemetery, Perth.

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1'Ji"he Reverend Joseph Andrew O'Neill was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,~Marmora, from September, 1949, to September, 1953.

Father O'Neill was born in 1902 at Gananoque, Ontario, the son of Patrick O'Neill andElizabeth Salmon.

He studied in Gananoque; at Regiopolis College, Kingston; the Sulpician Seminary,Montreal; and S1. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto.

Father O'Neill was ordained a priest in S1. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston, Ontario, on May25th, 1929, by Archbishop Michael Joseph O'Brien.

Father O'Neill was curate at S1. Mary's Cathedral (1929-1930); S1. John's Church, Perth(1930-1931); S1. Francis Xavier, Brockville (193]-1939); and returned to S1. Mary's aspastor from 1939 to 1949.

After leaving Sacred Heart Parish, Marmora, in 1953, Father O'Neill was appointed pastorof S1.Francis Xavier, Brockville (1953-1969). While at Brockville he set up S1. Andrew'sas a mission church at Lyn in 1965. He went into semi-retirement in Brockville in 1969but spent his winter months in Florida until 1986.

In November, 1966, Father O'Neill was named Domestic Prelate with the title of RightReverend Monsignor.

Monsignor Joseph Andrew O'Neill died on September 6th, 1999, at the ProvidenceManor, Kingston. He was buried at S1. Barnaby's Cemetery in Brewers Mills, the parishof his youth.

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Page 10: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora


1'J'rhe Reverend Waiter Patrick Healey was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,\llIMarmora, from September 20th, ]953, to February 13th, 1966.

"Rev. W. P. Healey, parish priest of the Sacred Heart Church, Marmora,celebrated the Silver Anniversary of his ordination in the priesthood onTuesday of last week. A special Mass was celebrated in the church at 7 p.m.followed by a Silver Jubilee dinner served by the ladies of the congregation.His Grace Archbishop O'Sullivan of Kingston and many priests from thesurrounding area attended the Mass and the dinner."

Father Healey was born on December 31st, ]906, at Stoco, Ontario, the son of LawrenceHealey and Cecily Way.

Father Healey obtained his primary education in Hungerford Township and his secondaryeducation at Regiopolis College, Kingston, and Alexander College, Ironside, Quebec. Heattended St. Jerome's University, Kitchener, and then studied at St. Augustine's Seminary,Toronto.

Father Healey was ordained a priest on May 21 st, 1932, in Kingston by ArchbishopMichael Joseph O'Brien.

From October, 1932, to February, 1934, he was on loan to the Sault Ste. Marie Diocesehelping at North Bay, Ontario. From there he returned and assisted at St. Patrick' s Parishin Napanee from October, 1938 to 1941. Father Healey also served as an assistant inDeseronto, Picton, Tweed, and Brockville.

Father Healey's first pastoral duties were at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Lanark and itsthree mission churches from 1941 to 1947, followed by St. Anthony ofPadua, Centreville,from 1948 to 1953, and then Marmora in 1953.

Father Waiter Healey celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest at Sacred Heart of JesusChurch, Marmora, on May 21st, 1957.

The Marmora Herald, dated May 30th, 1957, wrote the following:

After serving the Marmora parish Father Healey was assigned to St. Mark's Parish inPrescott. He retired in Erinsvi lie, Ontario, in 1981.

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The Reverend Waiter Healey died on December 12th, 1986, at Belleville General Hospitaland is buried at St. Edmund's Cemetery, Stoco.

Page 11: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora

Father Waiter Healey, known to all as "Father Tim", aretired priest of the diocese, died on Dec. 12. He would havebeen 80 on Dec. 3l.

Archbishop Spence and r visi~edhim Wednesday afternoonin the Belleville Hospital where he had been admitted severaldays before. In spite of a heart attack and his bed in the In-tensive Care Unit, he was alert, sitting on the side of the bed ingood spirits. But the apparent road to recovery did not last.Msgr. John Carley, pastor of St. Joseph's in Belleville, visitedthe sick room Thursday night and knew Father Healey'scondition was worsening. He said the prayers for the dying.Father died Friday morning.

I felt privileged when asked to give the homily at FatherHealey's funeral Mass, because I had known him a long timeand his death brought back many memories. They went-backalmost 50 years when Father "Tirn" was a tall, thin, darkhaired young-priest looking after the parish of St. Patrick's inNapanee and I was in last year high school.

Father Healey was just a few years out of the seminary. Afterordination he had been on loan to the diocese of Sault Ste.Marie for two years helping supply for their clergy needs at thetime. Coming back to the diocese he was sent to Napanee toadminister the parish during the illness of Msgr. MichaelMcDonald and after his death until a pastor was appointed.

Great voiceIt was during his several months in Napanee that

parishioners got to know and admire this young priest with thegreat voice who gave great homilies, and was easy to get toknow and like.. He also had a gift of looking after churchproperty, and while he was in the parish he converted alargefield-like lawn around the rectory into one that looked like awell-kept fairway. These gifts of Father Healey were seen in allthe parishes he served in as pastor, in Lanark, Cam den East,Marmora, Prescott and Erinsville from where he retired in1981.

Another gift Father Healey possessed in large measure was

that of humor. He was a good story teller and his fund ofanecdotes and joy in telling them made him an attraction inany crowd. His laughter at his own stories was infectious.

When I wanted some direction about my "thinking aboutthe priesthood" as a Grade 13 student, I went to FatherHealey. He encouraged me and took me to Kingston to meetArchbishop O'Brien who was head of the diocese at that time.That visit came to provide Father Healey with one of hisfavorite stories and we talked about it on our last visit togetherin his sick room.

Archbishop O'Brien was a big man. His eyes seemed to beset deeply into his head beneath a large protruding forehead.He was a man who paid great attention to eyes. He believedthat eyes were the windows of the soul, and that he couldjudge a person's character by looking into his eyes, or evenwhether one was Catholic or not.

First meetingDuring our short meeting to discuss my possible vocation,

we sat eyeball to eyeball, facing each other with no desk ortable between us. It was my first meeting with an archbishopand I equated it almost on a par with talking to the Lord, so Iwas more than a bit nervous. The archbishop was very kindand told me where I should go to begin my studies for thepriesthood.

On the way home Father Healey asked: "Well, what did youthink of the archbishop?" "He was very nice," I said withouthesitation, "but gee," I paused thinking of his deep-setpiercing eyes, "he has funny eyes!" Father- Healey roaredlaughing. I didn't know why. My remark wasn't intended to befunny. It was only after I was ordained that.l-found out why helaughed so hard, and I heard the story he had told many timeswith great enjoyment.

Following the meeting, as I was on my way out to the car,Father Healey met with the archbishop and the subject 01 theirconversation was myself. "What did you think of: him?"Father Healey asked.

"Yes," the archbishop drawled in his deep voice, "Seemslike a nice enough lad. But," he said scowling, "he has a kindof funny look in his eyes."

Evidently it wasn't bad enough to refuse me entrance to theseminary. But the story of our mutual "funny eyes" meetingwas good enough for Father Healey to ell all over the diocese.And all who knew Archbishop O'Brien and me got a goodlaugh out of it.

Yes, I had a lot to remember Father Healey for in a gratefuland humorous way. I was proud to preach at his funeral.

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page 28, The Community Press, December 16, 1986

A tribute to Father Waiter Hea.leyMannora - "He had a beautifullife. His motto was, 'Keep theFaith'." Thus his housekeeper of22 years, Mrs. Amelia Campbell,paid tribute to Father WaIterHealey who passed away onFriday, December 12, 1986, lessthan three weeks before his 80thbirthday.

Walter Patrick Healey was bornat Stoco near Tweed on December

31, 1906, the son of Lawrence andCiceleyHealey (nee Way).

He was ordained as a priest ofthe Catholic Church on May 21,1932, and served in variousparishes until October 26, 1981.

He served Sacred Heart Churchin Marmora from September 20,1953 to February 15, 1966 and isstill remembered by gratefulparishoners for his patience and

good humour during a time ofdifficult decisions. In 1955 theSeparate Schools of Marmora andDeloro were amalgamated and thepresent Sacred Heart School in'Marmora is a tribute to his efforts.

When he decided to retire to theshores of Crowe Lake hisMarmora parishoners wrote, "Wethank God that you are retiringamong us, and we pray that He

may grant you many years of goodhealth."

His- last parish beforeretirement, Erinsville,wrote to himon the 45th anniversary of hisordination, "We have grown toadmire your generosity towardsthe aged and infirm. Your untiringparticipation in all our parishevents is deeply appreciated. Youhave shown a special interest in thechildren of our parish andparticularly in the students of St.Patrick School."

Another tribute at the time ofhis retirement adds, "Themasterful way in whichyou haveexpressed your messages on somany occasions reflects the Waysun shines in your heart andbrightens ours."

Through the years he had servedparishes in Kingston, North Bay,Napanee, Deseronto, Picton,Tweed, Marrnora, Brockville,Lanark, Camden, Marmora again,Prescott, and Erinsville.

Mrs. Campbell recalls especiallyhis compassion and hospitality."Father was a very down-to-earthman," she marvels. "Nobody evercalled at the door that they didn'treceivehelp."

Visitation for Father Healey washeld in Sacred Heart Church inMarmora on Sunday afternoon

.'and evening, December 14. Fromthere his body was taken to. St.Carthagh's Church in Tweed forvisitation on Monday afternoonand evening, December 15.

Father WaIter Healey passedaway on December 12, 1986.

The funeral service was onTuesday morning, December 16,at St. Carthagh's Church, Tweed,with Father Raby expected tospeak.

Monsigneur Carley of Belleville,at one time Father Healey's altarboy, was speaker at the 25th, 45th,and 50th anniversaries of hisordination and at his retirement.Father Healey had told him,'.'You're not done yet,Monsigneur. You've got one moreto do." However he did not feelup to speaking at the funeral.

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_9_4 Nb_.2.1---- ~M~AR~M_O~R~~~O-N-T-A-R-IO---------T-h-U-rS_.,_M_aY_2_7_,_19_8_2 ~~ ,

Hundreds greetFather Healey

'reds of well-wishers" out Sunday for a

ial service and gather-,.; in Sacred Heart Parish

.Iall to congratulate Rev.Waiter P. Healey on the:,Oth anniversary of hisordination as a priest.

Father Healey wasordained May 21. - 1932_Born at Stoco. he waseducated in HungerfordTownship. Regiopolis Col-lege in Kingston, Ale xan-ders College at lronside ,Quebec and St. Jeromc'sCollege. Kit che ner.

During his long career.Father Healev held pastoralcharges at Lanark. Camde n,Prescntt. North Bay. Nap-ane c. Brockville. Er nisvilleand Marmora.

It was during his 13-vear

(J953-66) tenure in Mar-mora that the expandedSacred Heart School wasbuilt.

Taking part in Sunday'sFeast of the Ascension werePat rick Healey. J ames J ack-son. Rev. Peter H. Murphy,Mr. and Mrs. Jean Healey,Mr. and Mrs. HaroldHcaley.

Petitions were offered bythe Parish .Council, CatholicWomen's League, Knightsof Columbus, Catholic Par-ent Teachers Association,students of Sacred HeartSchool and Father He aleysfamily.

Greetings and presenta-tions were conducted bySacred Heart Parish CouncilChairrnan Ray Merkley.Adding their congratula-tions were Monica Blute for

the CWL, John VanHeuk-elom. Grand Knight of theKnights of Columbus; Mrs.Ann Wilman, CPTA; Mar-mora Village Reeve, GrantAirhart; Marmora and LakeTownship Reeve GrahamBell; Deloro Village ReeveCletus Green; Hastings-Peterborough MPP JimPollock; Hastings, Fronren-ac Lennox and AddingtonMP Bill Vankoughnet andMonsignor John Carley, ofSt. Joseph' s Parish, Belle-ville ..

Following the service,Father Healey, who recentlyreturned and lives on CroweLake. was greeted by hismany old friends andparishioners in the parishhall. where refreshmentswere served.


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"7Jj'he Reverend Francis John Spence was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora,\LI.Ifrom February, 1966, to July, 1967.

Father Spence was born on June 3rd 1926, in Perth, Ontario, the son of William TheluteSpence and Rose Jordan.

He attended the public school of Wayside and went to Perth High School before enteringSt. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto. In 1943 he received his Bachelor of Arts degreethrough St. Michael's College, University of Toronto.

Father Spence was first appointed as secretary to Archbishop 0'Sullivan at S1. Mary'sCathedral, Kingston, for a period of two years. He went to Rome for his post-graduatestudies in canon law and received his doctorate from the Angelicum University, Rome, in1955. He returned to Kingston and was secretary for the Board of Directors of theCanadian Register newspaper from 1959 to 1960; the Director of Charities in Kingstonfrom 1960 to 1961; the Director of Catholic Hospitals for the Archdiocese from 1960 to1966, and the Officialis of the Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal from 1960 to 1967. Hecommuted weekly to his office in Ottawa, returning on weekends for parish and diocesanduties. Each fall for four years he accompanied Archbishop O'Sullivan to Rome to allfour sessions of the Second Vatican Council, which started in October, 1962, and ended inSeptember, 1965.

Father Spence was named pastor of Sacred Heart, Mal-mora, in February, 1966, and inNovember of that year was named a Domestic Prelate (Monsignor). During this periodFather E.J. Keyes of Kingston assisted Monsignor Spence in Marmora with his pastoralduties.

Monsignor Spence was named Auxiliary Bishop for the Armed Forces in April, 1967. Hisduties involved caring for the 100,000 Canadian Catholic families in the Armed Forceswherever they were stationed (Pakistan, India, Tanzania, and Germany).

He was consecrated a Bishop in S1. Mary's Cathedral on June 15th, 1967. Bishop Spencesaid his first Mass in Marmora on June 25th, 1967. He was appointed Bishop ofCharlottetown and was installed in S1. Dunstan's Basilica on September 29th, 1970. Hewas named Archbishop of Kingston on April 30th, 1982, and was installed as Kingston's7th Archbishop of S1.Mary's Cathedral on June 30th, 1982.

Archbishop Francis John Spence retired in June; 2002. It is worthy of note that SacredHeart Church, Marmora, was the first and only parish that Father Spence had as a pastor.

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1Tr'he Reverend T. Gerald Scanlan was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora,Wlfrom August 2nd, 1967 to June] 5th, 1977. .

He was born on August 19th, 1927, at West port, Ontario, the son of John 1Scanlan(1888-1964) and Bridget Ethel Herlehey (1891-1974). Father Scanlan had seven brothersand two sisters. His older brother, FIO Wilfred G. Scanlan, was killed in action whileserving with the R.C.A.F. during World War H.

Father Scanlan attended St. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto. He was ordained a priest onMay 22nd, 1952, by Archbishop Joseph Anthony O'Sullivan at his home parish, St.Edward's in Westport.

After ordination Father Scanlan assisted Father lA. O'Neill at St. Bernadette's Church,Orrnsby, and Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Marmora.

Father Scanlan was curate at St. John's, Kingston; St. Mark's, Prescott and St. Peter's,Trenton.

His first pastoral duties were at St. Daniel's, South Mountain, and St. Anne's, DixonCorners, from 1959 to 1967.

After leaving Sacred Heart Parish, Marmora, in 1977, Father Scanlan was assigned toHoly Name of Mary Church, Marysville, from 1977 to 1987, and St. Vincent de PaulParish, Deseronto, from 1981 to 1987.

In 1987 Father Scanlan became the pastor of St. Carthagh's, Tweed, and St. Edmund's,Stoco. It was from these parishes that Father Scanlan retired in 2002.

Father Scanlan celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest at Sacred Heart Parish, Marmora,on May 22nd, 1977. On that occasion he was presented a chalice by the Marmora Councilof The Catholic Women's League of Canada.

The Marmora Herald, dated May 25th, 1977 wrote the following:

"A Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated at 9:30 a.m. and the parish councilwelcomed guests in the parish hall at an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. TheC.W.L. served a dinner at 6 o'clock for his family and relatives, as well asArchbishop LL. Wilhelm and several visiting priests, including Rev. 1P.Carty, Flinton."

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tJ1jhe Reverend Patrick 1. Carty was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora,\LJ.Ifrom June, 1977, to August, 1987.

Father Carty is the son of Francis Michael Carty and Laura Mary Breen. He was born onSeptember 19th, 1935, in Elgin, Ontario.

Father Carty took his theological training at St. Michael's College, Toronto, followed bySt. Augustine's Seminary.

Father Carty was ordained a priest on May 28th, ]961, at St. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston,by Archbishop Joseph Anthony O'Sullivan.

After his ordination Father Carty served as an assistant at St. Michael's Parish, Belleville,until 1963. He moved to St. Carthagh's, Tweed, until 1966 and then returned to St.Michael's, Belleville, until 1970.

Father Catty's first pastoral duties came with his appointment to St. John's Parish inFlinton. Father served there from 1970 to 1977.

After leaving Sacred Heart Parish, Marmora, in 1987, Father Carty served the parishes ofThe Holy Name of Mary, MarysvilIe, and St. Vincent de Paul, Deseronto, until July 12th,1991.

While pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, Perth, from July, 1991, to July, 2003, he wasnamed Domestic Prelate by the Holy See on December 2nd, 2001 .

He was appointed pastor of St. Columbanus, Elgin, on July 16th, 2003.

Like so many of the other resident priests of Sacred Heart Parish, Marmora, Father Cartyalso celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest in Marmora on May 25th, 1986.

The Marmora Herald, dated May 28th, 1980 wrote the following:

"Sunday was a beautiful day for a special celebration like the 25th Jubilee ofFather 1. Patrick Carty as a priest. Guest speaker for the occasion was FatherDwyer from St. Michael's Parish in BellevilIe. He said while Father Carty ismedium in stature, he is big in heart and soul. He has always been likedwherever he has been. He has a gentle disposition, he's always active, and hetakes a keen interest in the upkeep of the church and rectory."

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Marmora - "We are here today"for the love of Pat", " saidformer Archbishop of KingstonRoman Catholic Archdiocese, theMost Reverend Joseph Wilhelm.At the dinner for clergy friendsand relative of Reverend J.Patrick Carty, His Grace echoedthe feelings of the large number ofpeople who gathered Sunday,May 25, to help the pastor ofSacred Heart of Jesus Parishcelebrate the 25th Jublilee of hisordination to the priesthood.

The present Archbishop, theMost Reverend Francis Spence,added his words of appreciationand respect in congratulatingFather Carty.

The dinner, given by theCatholic Women's League, wasfollowed by other speeches,including nostalgic and oftenamusing remarks and tributes bymembers of the Carty family andcousins Rev. Peter Murphy andRev. W.A. Dwyre.

The highlight of the day was aMass of Thanksgiving at 2 p.m.con-celebrated with several clergy.Homilist was Father Dwyre andthe parish organizations wererepresented by participation indifferent parts of the service.

Father Carty warmly expressedhis awareness of the preparationsand involvement of so manypeople in making his jubilee sucha joyful occasion.

Acknowledging the goodinfluence his parents, the late Mr.Frank Carty and Mrs. Carty, hadon his desire and determination topursue his vocation, Father Cartyspoke affectionately of hismother, who roudl attende

with all her children and theirfamilies. He was especially happyto have the school childrenparticipate in the Mass withsinging.

Presentations were made toFather Carty by the various parishcommittees: Parishoners - chalice,Catholic Women's League -spiritual bouguet, Catholic ParentTeacher Association - plaque,Knights of Columbus - monetarygift, school children and teachers -a stole, altar boys - bookcontaining selections of LarryHenderson's writings.

The decorated parish hall wasthe scene of a large reception afterthe Mass. Senior ladies of theparish poured tea and coffeewhile younger members keptplates bountifully heaped with aspecial table of goodies for thechildren.

Because it was such a beautifulday many enjoyed sitting in the

. shade on the spacious lawn. It wasalso an opportunity to meetFather Carty's four sisters andthree brothers - Mrs. ClareLegere, Toronto, Mrs. Frances

Reverend J. Patrick Carty cele-brated the 25th Jubilee of hisordination, Sunday, May 25th.He has been pastor of MarmoraSacred Heart of Jesus Parish sinceJuly 1977.

McMahon, Syracuse, Mrs. RitaCaccamo, Thunder Bay, MissMary Carty, Belleville, MichaelCarty, Elgin, Bill Carty, Stittsvilleand Joe Carty, Arnherstburg.

Weather, friends and relatives,preparations and participationcombined to make this anoccasion to be remembered with

'love and joy by Father Carty andeveryone who attended.

Father Car-ryCont'd~from page 1"Father, today, the parishion-ers of Sacred Heart Parishshare with you a sense ofsadness in knowing that we arelosing you as our parishpriest. "

"Occasions such as thiscould be assumed as beinganother part of the life of apriest, but we never really feeltheir impact until they occur."

"Ten years ago, we are surethat the parishioners of theFlinton Parish were experienc-ing there loss of you, as we noware, while at the same time wewere wondering who FatherCarty really was."

"It certainly didn't take verylong for us to find out and knowthat we are once again blessedwith a very highly' respectedpriest. This respect has notonly been shared by theparishioners of Sacred Heart,but by the community as awhole. "

"Ten years with us haveslipped into the past, but wewill certainly cherish thecountless occasions and eventsin which, with your charm andflair, have made them memor-able. A significant highlight ofyour time with us was theoccasion of your 25th Priest-

hood Jubilee Anniversarywhich you celebrated lastyear."

"At this time we wish torecognize, commend,andextend to you our sincerethanks for your involvementand help during times of happi-ness and sorrow; for yourenduring faith and worthiness .

'in proclaiming the word ofGod; for your involvementwith the school and religiousteaching; for your active roleand help in the activities of theCatholic Women's League andthe Knights of Colurnbus ; foryour guidance and assistancein times of need; for yournever ending involvement inkeeping the church and itsidentities in good order andrepair; for your involvementand help in community needsand events and for the count-less other activities, toonumerous to' include, that youhave been associated with andinvolved in."

" As an expression of ourappreciation to you, we askthat you "accept this parting

gift. ""We pray that God will grant

you health and happiness, andthat His everlasting Love bealways with you."

The children of Sacred HeartSchool then sang a song toFather Carty, "May God BeWith You."

Farewell Get TogetherA farewell gathering was

held in the Parish Hall from 2-4pm Sunday, to give people achance' to say their ownpersonal good-byes and to haveone last chat with Father Cartybefore he leaves on Aug. 12.

The parishioners donatedsandwiches, cakes, cookiesand other snacks, served withcoffee and tea.Father Carty's Circus

Elephant RideOn Tuesday, Aug.ll, Father

Carty will be taking his firstand what he hopes will be hislast elephant ride. He has beenasked by Lional Bennett, to bethe celebrity who rides one ofthe Miller-Kelly Bros. Circuselephants to offically start thecircus activities.

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Father Cariyis leaving Sacred Heart_ by Eldon Barton

Father Patrick Carty of theSacred Heart Parish inMarmora, said his last SundayMass in the Sacred HeartCatholic Church on Aug. 9, andfor the parishioners who havecome to know Father Cartyover the past 10 years, it wasindeed a sad occasion,

Father Carty is. moving toanother parish, actually he ismoving to take over two otherparishes, one in Marysville,near Napanee and one inDeseronto. Of which FatherCarty says, "Individually the

§ parishes are smaller, butt: together they amount to aboutas the same size parish as what's<== here,".g He really feels that he is

&S going to miss Sacred Heart and~the people in the Marmora~ area, but prists are periodical-'Oly requested by the diocese to0:move to other locations. "We: all have different gifts toshare, by moving to another

Father Patrick Carty at his farewell gathering in the Sacred Heart Parish HaH on Aug. 9. Standing area possibly that could breakbeside him (right) is Ted Bedore, Chairman of Parish Council, and (left) Doug Lynch, both menmade a presentation, on behalf of the parishioners, to Father Carty at Sunday Morninf} Mass.

the ice for someone here whowants to join our parish, butfor some reason a personalityor something like thatprevented it, says FatherCarty.'

. "I have come to appreciatethe people in Marmora, and Ienjoy their friendship andkindness ...especially the kind-ness they have had for mymother, who winters hereevery year. I will miss themall," he said.

Farewell PresentationAt Sunday Mass, Ted

Bedore, Chairman of theParish· Council and DougLynch, made a farewellpresentation to Father Carty,on behalf of the parishioners,in appreciation of. FatherCarty's service to them,Sacred' Heart and to thecommunity.

The. presentation speech,written by Ted Bedore, read,

Coni'ti on page ~

Page 19: Parish Priests at Sacred Heart, Marmora

%bmDedicated service

Father J. Patrick Carty is pictured here beside this statue near thechurch he has served jor nine years. He told his parishioners onSunday that the only place he has stayed longer was his home, so heconsiders Marmora his second home.

Silver Jubike

Reverend .T. Patrick Carrycelebrates 25 years in priesthood

In the special ceremony held by SacredHeart of Jesus Parish last Sunday, FatherDwyer of St. Michael's Parish in Belleville,ran through Father Carty's life.

Reverend J. Patrick Carty was born andraised on a farm in Elgin, Ontario. He was theson of the late Francis Carty and Mrs. Carty,the brother of four sisters and three brothers,all of whom were present for the specialceremony in Marmora.

After his schooling in Elgin, he spent twoyears at St. Edward's, Westport. His theologi-cal training took place at St. Michael'sCollege, Toronto, followed by St. Augustine'sSeminary in Scarborough.

After his ordination in 1961, Father Carty


served as an assistant in BelIevilIe until 1963.He then served in St. Carthagh's Parish in

Tweed from 1963to 1966before spending thenext four years at St. Michael's in Belleville.

He served as pastor of St. John's, Parish,FIinton, from 1970to 1978,when he came toMarmora's Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish,where he has served since.

'No one is held in higher regard in thiscommunity than the man we are honoringtoday,' Father Dwyer said of Father Carty.Father Dwyer spoke of the 'iron constitutions'of priests in Marmora, possibly from thewater in Marmora, and how many of themhad gone on to great things after living long.lives. 'So, Father Carty, I feel that you are. going to go on to good things, too.'

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1Ti"he Reverend John F. Grainger was pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Marmora,\l.I.Ifrom August, 1987, to July, 1994.

Father Grainger is the son of Michael J. Grainger and Irene Gallo. He was born inRailton, Ontario, on December 26th, 1941.

Father Grainger took his theology and philosophy studies at St. Augustine's Seminary,Toronto.

Father Grainger was ordained a priest at S1. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston, on May 29th,1966, by Archbishop Joseph Anthony O'Sullivan.

Father Grainger had several associated pastor postings after his ordination: S1. Joseph's,Belleville, during the summer of 1966; S1. Carthagh's, Tweed, and the mission churchesof S1. Michael' s, Sulphide, and S1. Bernadette, Ormsby (1966-1967); St. John theEvangelist, Gananoque, and the mission church, St. Philomena, Howe Island (1967-1969);St. Peter in Chains, Trenton (1969-1972); St. Michael the Archangel, Bellevi lie (1972-1975).

From 1975 to 1986 Father Grainger was pastor of St. Francis of Assisi, Frankford, and themissions of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Batawa, and St. James the Minor, Stirling. In 1987Father Grainger had sabbatical studies at the Franciscan Centre of Renewal, SantaBarbara, California.

After leaving Sacred Heart Parish, Marmora, in 1994, Father Grainger was appointedpastor of the Blessed Sacrament, Amherstview, and the missions of S1. Linus, Bath, andSt. Bartholomew, Amherst Island.

On May 26th, 1991, Father Grainger celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a priest at SacredHeart of Jesus Parish, Marmora.

The Marmora Herald, dated May 29th, 1991 wrote the following:

"Let us give thanks for the gifts that Father John F. Grainger brought to thepriesthood - his good sense of humour and his willingness to listen - veryimportant in our times of loneliness and frustrations," said guest homilist Fr.William Steacy, CSSR, on the occasion of Fr. Grainger's 25th anniversary inthe priesthood.

Eight students from Sacred Heart School sang "God Is So Good". OrganistAda Brady accompanied a solo by Sheilagh Greensides, dedicated to Fr.Grainger ("May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You"), and Pamela Bedoreaccompanied the parishioners' rendition of "Like a Shepherd" atCommunion. "

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11rhe Reverend John Joseph Brennan was appointed pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus\LJ.;Parish, Marmora, in July, 1994, and Dean of the Western Deanery in 2003.

Father Brennan was born on October 27th, 1951, the son of Clare Joseph Bren~an andBernice Bridget Murphy.

Father Brennan attended the parish schools of Charles Borromeo Parish in Read, Ontario.He later went to Nicholson Catholic College, Belleville; St. Peter's Seminary, KingsCollege, and the University of Western Ontario, London.

Father Brennan was ordained a priest on May 28th, 1977, at St. Mary's Cathedral,Kingston, by Archbishop Joseph Lawrence Wilhelm.

His first Mass at his home parish was offered at St. Borromeo Church, Read, on PentecostSunday, May 29th, 1977.

Father Brennan was an assistant at St. Michael the Archangel, Belleville, from 1977 to1981 and at St. Peter in Chains, Trenton, from 1981 to 1985.

His first pastoral duties were at Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bedford, and its mission St. JamesMajor Parish in Sharbot Lake, from 1985 to 1994.

During the pastorate of Father Brennan in Marrnora, the third major renovations,restoration, and redecoration of the church were completed. The first major renovationswere in the pastorate term of Father James Keeley in 1931. The second major renovationswere in 1965 while Father Walter Healey was pastor.

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a Jtl entecost Sunday in Marmora was a day of prayer and thanksgiving to1PAlmighty God when the 25th anniversary to the priesthood of pastor

Father John J. Brennan was celebrated in Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish.

Concelebrating the 10 o'clock mass with Father Brennan were his seminarclassmates, Father Patrick Dobec (Arnprior) and Father Labelle (Centreville).The church was filled to capacity with Father's family and relatives, friendsfrom former parishes where he had served, and Marmora parishioners.Readers were Mrs. Jean Shannon and Blaine Wickens; the OffertoryProcession by Father's mother, Mrs. Clare Brennan and his aunt, Sister MaryAlma. The sermon given by Father Labelle stressed the Holy Spirit, duty andresponsibility. Music throughout the mass, with responses in Latin, was bythe church choir. Raywood Hill supplied gorgeous white and red floralarrangements on the altar in honour of the Feast of Pentecost.

At a reception in the parish hall, guests were welcomed by.Anita Bedore, chairof the Parish Council. On behalf of the parish, she presented Father withengraved three-piece holy oil stocks. Father Brennan expressed his gratitudeand said that he was thankful for the presence of his mother, his family,relatives and friends. He acknowledged the presence of the Holy Spirit andthanked Him for many blessings in his life, and "1 pray that I might co-operatewith the Holy Spirit." Father thanked members of the Parish Council and itscommittees for arranging this special day for him and requested that we prayfor him and for all priests.

The parish hall decorations were elegant and the head table was laden withtrays of fruits, vegetables, fancy sandwiches and sweets. Music on the stagewas by violinist Gabrielle Hamley and Carpe Diem.

Visitors and parishioners signed a guest book at the hall entrance and perusedthe Apostolic Blessing imparted by Pope John Paul 11and presented earlier byArchbishop Spence. Also on display was a framed collage of personal photosdepicting Father Brennan's ordination with churches where he had served.This surprise presentation to Father was made after a Mass two weeks ago bymembers of the C.W.L.

Marmora Herald, May 25th, 2002, page 1By Margaret Monk

"Wonderful," "elegant" and "a beautiful day in every way" were commentsheard by parishioners during the day." C.W.L. President Linda Bracken said:"The whole day was the way he wanted it; he is a precious pastor" and fromJean Shannon, "It makes me proud to be a part of this parish and of thiscelebration. "

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