parish of saint john bosco december 17, 2017 third sunday

Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday of Advent

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Page 1: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

Parish of Saint John Bosco

December 17, 2017 Third Sunday of Advent

Page 2: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

Mass Intentions Saturday, December 16 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Rosette Toubia— Toubia Family 4:00PM (OLM)(E) +Don R. Bucci— Mary Ann Bucci 7:00PM (OLM)(S) +Ralph Bockino— Sister-in-Law Sunday, December 17 7:30AM (OLM)(E) +Peggy & Joe Sacco— Toni & Charlie Sacco 9:00AM (OLM)(S) Honor al Dinivo Niño— Familia Rodriguez Alvarado 9:00AM (CC)(P) Pro Populo 11:00AM (OLM)(E) +Fiorentina & Armando D’Ambrosio— Mario & Gemma 11:00AM (CC) (PO) +Krystyna & Marian Borowiak— Family 11:00AM (HR)(S) Divino Niño— Nancy Chica 12:30PM (CC)(E) +Thomas & Peggy Roche— Peggyann & Ken Munnick 1:00PM (OLM)(S) Divino Niño— Pedro Pulla y Familia 5:00PM (OLM )(S) +Grace Patafio— Maria A. Ocampo Monday, December 18 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +William Daniel Gomez— Mother 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Rosa Gentile— Angela Pennella 12:00PM (OLM)(E) Honor of Saint Rita— A Friend 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Eddie O’Flaherty— Esposa Tuesday, December 19 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +William Daniel Gomez— Mother 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Mario De Marco— Cesarina & Maria Antonelli 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Thomas Reilly— Mary & Peggy 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Joven Carlos Coyt— Padres Wednesday, December 20 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +William Daniel Gomez— Mother 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Dec. Mem. Of McMahon Fam.— McMahon Fam. 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Rocco Marino— Antonio & Mattia Bello Musto 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Antonio Monares— Familia Thursday, December 21 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +Capt. Wilhelm Adalbert— Dominick Carlucci 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Philomena & Anthony Dimasi— Family 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Valentine Family— Marie & Family 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Richard Hetzel & Esther Magallanez— Familia Friday, December 22 6:30AM (OLM)(E) For all sick of the Parish 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Carmela Sirena— Catherine Peterson 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Guiseppe Castaldo— Wife Virginia 7:30PM (OLM)(S) Divino Niño Jesus— Zoila Morocho Saturday, December 23 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Silvio & Cherubina Mazzula— Carmela Mazzula 4:00PM (OLM)(E) +Sabino Laurino— Maria Laurino 7:00PM (OLM)(S) Divino Niño— Blanca Chicay Unannounced: (50th Wedd. Ann.) Earnie & Bonnie Chiasson— Friend Sunday, December 24 7:30AM (OLM)(E) +Antonio Boccarossa— Sister Jennifer 9:00AM (OLM)(S) +Manuel Chimbo— Sobrinos & Hijos 9:00AM (CC)(P) +Helmer Peterson— Wife Catherine & Zak 11:00AM (OLM)(E) +Louis Larizza Jr. 11:00AM (CC) (PO) +Dec. Memb. Of Jan & Amelia Sawickich— Family 11:00AM (HR)(S) +Reyna E. Guamany & Roberto Alcazar— Hija 12:30PM (CC)(E) +Lou, Larry & Lenny La Luna 1:00PM (OLM)(S) Para las Familias de nuestra Comunidad Salesiana

Our Parish Mission Statement

The Parish of St. John Bosco is a

multi-cultural, multi-lingual Catholic Faith community that proclaims Jesus Christ. In the

spirit of St. John Bosco, we do this by being a Home that welcomes all especially the young and the poor; a School that prepares for

life through religious, educational and social services; a Parish that

evangelizes through Word & Sacrament, Worship and Faith

Formation; a Playground where lasting friendship and

relationships are formed and developed through recreational

and social opportunities

Page 3: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

Tomorrow, December 18, we will have our annual Advent Day of Penance in the parish. The best gift we can give to Jesus and to ourselves for Christmas is the gift of a good Confession. There will be priests available all day from 7:30 in the morning till 9:00 in the night. No one should have any excuse for not coming to confession. All the Salesians are here to be of service to you especially in these moments of repairing our relationship with God and his Church which may have been broken thru sin. Here are a few thoughts to encourage all to come to this great Sacrament of friendship with God. 1. Don’t be afraid. It does not matter how long it has

been or how great and many the sins– God’s mercy and love is greater. Tell the priest and he will help you walk thru your confession if necessary.

2. Examen your conscience. Again don’t panic- worrying if you can’t recall the Commandments or what to say. A simple help is to remember the word JOY (which is how you will feel after a good confession!) First ask yourself how is your relationship with Jesus; second, how is your relationship with Others; and third, how is your relationship with Yourself. JOY!!

3. Don’t Hold Back. Tell the priest all your sins, putting aside feelings of being ashamed or embarrassed; no sin is so bad that God will not forgive it. Just ask!!

4. Think of the Spiritual effects. The Catechism tell us of all the spiritual effects we receive from a good confession– gifts we all want:

- reconciliation with God and the Church - remission of eternal punishment in hell incurred by mortal sins - peace and serenity of conscience, and spiritual consolation - increase strength to fight sin and temptation and to fight the Christian battle of life This weekend is a moment of grace for our entire parish family. The stronger each of us becomes through the forgiveness of his/her sins in the Sacrament of Penance, the stronger the whole body of our parish will be— a parish enlivened by the Holy Spirit! My prayer is that all of us make this Christmas the best ever by making a good Confession– and even more, by inviting others to come with you to this Sacrament of mercy and experience the JOY from saying: “Bless me father, for I have sinned…” God bless you!

Mañana, 18 de Diciembre, tendremos nuestro Día anual de Penitencia de Adviento en la parroquia. El mejor regalo que le podemos dar a Jesús y a nosotros mismos para Navidad es el regalo de una buena Confesión. Habrá sacerdotes disponibles todo el día desde las 7:30 de la mañana hasta las 9:00 de la noche. Nadie debería tener una excusa para no llegar a confesar-se. Todos los salesianos están aquí para servirles especial-mente en estos momentos de reparación de nuestra relación con Dios y su Iglesia que puede haberse roto a través del pecado. Aquí hay algunos pensamientos para alentar a todos a venir a este gran Sacramento de amistad con Dios. 1. No tenga miedo. No importa cuanto tiempo a

pasado o cuan grande y muchos los pecados– la misericordia y el amor de Dios son mayores. Dile al sacerdote y él te ayudará a caminar a través de tu confesión si es necesario.

2. Examina tu conciencia. Nuevamente no se asuste– preocupándose si no puede recordar los Mandamien-tos o qué decir. Una ayuda simple es recordar la palabra ALEGRÍA (que es cómo te sentirás después de una buena confesión!) Primero pregúntate cómo es tu relación con Jesús; segundo, ¿cómo está tu relación con los demás; y tercero, ¿cómo es tu relación contigo mismo ¡ALEGRÍA!

3. No te contengas. Cuéntale al sacerdote todos tus pecados, dejando de lado sentimientos de vergüenza o desconcertado; ningún pecado es tan malo que Dios no lo perdone. ¡Solo pregunta!

4. Piensa en los efectos espirituales. El catecismo nos habla de los efectos espirituales que recibimos de una buena confesión– regalos que todos queremos:

- reconciliarse con Dios y la Iglesia - remisión del castigo eterno en el infierno incurrido por los pecados mortales - paz y serenidad de conciencia y consuelo espiritual - aumentar la fuerza para luchar contra el pecado y la tentación y para luchar en la batalla de la vida cristiana Este fin de semana es un momento de gracia para toda nuestra familia parroquial. Mientras más fuerte seamos cada uno de nosotros a través del perdón de sus pecados en el Sacramento de la Penitencia, más fuerte será el cuerpo entero de nuestra parroquia: ¡una parroquia animada por el Espíritu Santo! Mi oración es que todos hagamos en esta Navidad la mejor de todas haciendo una buena Confesión, y aún más, invitando a otros a venir con ustedes a este Sacramento de misericordia y experimenta la ALEGRÍA de decir: "Bendígame padre, porque he pecado ..." ¡Dios te bendiga!

From the Desk of Fr. Pat Desde el Escritorio de P. Pat

Page 4: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

Da mesa do pároco Informacje od proboszcza Amanhã, 18 de dezembro, nos teremos um dia todo dedicado a confissão. Uma boa confissão será o nosso melhor presente para Jesus. Haverá padres disponíveis das 7:30am as 9:00pm. Ninguém vai ter desculpa para não se confessar. Algumas sugestões sobre esse Sacramento. 1. Não tenha medo. Não importa o quanto tempo você está sem confessar, a misericórdia de Deus e maior que os nossos peca-dos. Converse com o padre que ele ajudara voce se for preciso. 2. Examine a sua consciência. Não se preo-cupe com o que você vai dizer, diga tudo o que for preciso e você vai se sentir um grande alivio. Primeiro se questione sobre o seu rela-cionamento com Jesus; segundo, o seu relaci-onamento com os outros; terceiro, o seu rela-cionamento com você mesmo. 3. Não deixe de contar tudo o que pesa na consciência. Sem vergonha, pois Deus per-doa todos os nossos pecados, sem se estranhar com o que você diz. 4. Pense nos efeitos espirituais. O Catecis-mo nos diz que após uma boa confissão rece-bemos: a reconciliação com Deus e com a Igreja e remissão dos nossos pecados, paz e serenidade de consciência, consolação espiri-tual e aumenta a nossa forca para vencer as tentações do pecado. Esse fim de semana vai ser uma grande oportunidade de receber graças para você e para toda a família. Vamos todos aproveitar essa oportunidade que temos uma vez ao ano, um dia todo com padres a disposição para as confissões. Espero que o Natal a cada ano se torne mais rico de sentido para você, convide seus amigos para fazer o mesmo, que com alegria possamos todos chegar ao confessionário e dizer: Deus me perdoe pois eu pequei e sair leve e cheio de alegria. Que Deus te abençoe!

GRUDZIEŃ 18 PONIEDZIAŁEK Adwentowy dzień pokuty w parafii. Najlepszy prezent jaki możemy ofiarować Jezusowi i sobie na Boże Narodzenie to dar dobrej spowiedzi. W tym dniu księża bedą do dyspozycji celem wysłuchania spowiedzi od godz.7:30 rano aż do godz. 9:00 wieczorem w głównym kościele przy Westchester Ave. Nikt nie może usprawiedliwiać się , ze nie był w stanie się wyspowiadać. Wszyscy księża Salezjanie bedą sluzyc w tym wyjątkowym czasie aby każdy z nas poprawił swoją relacje z Bogiem i z kościołem zachwiana przez grzech. Oto kilka uwag aby zachęcić każdego do spowiedzi czyli sakramentu pojednania z Bogi-em: Nie należy się obawiać. Nie ma znaczenia jak długo nie było spowiedzi oraz jak wielkie są grzechy. Wszystko należy powiedzieć spowiednikowi a on nas odpowiednio ukierunku-je. Nie panikuj , jeżeli zapomniałeś 10 przykazań lub nie wiesz co powiedzieć. Miłość Boga jest nieskończona a spowiedź przynosi ulgę i radość w sercu. Najpierw zapytaj siebie jaki jest twój sto-sunek do Boga, jakie są twoje relacje z innymi ludźmi i wreszcie jakie jest twoje podejście do samego siebie. Nie wstydź się powiedzieć wszystkich swoich grzechów nic nie zatajaj. Proś o prze-baczenie ! Bóg ci przebaczy. Miej na uwadze aspekty du-chowe spowiedzi : pojednanie z Bogiem i kościołem dar jakim jest Komunia św. Pami-etajmy o wzajemnej miłości i przebaczeniu względem bliźniego swego. Nie zapomnijmy od-prawić zadanej pokuty. Modlę się o to ,aby każdy z nas przeżył te Święta Bożego Narodzenia w przyjaźni i po-jednaniu z Bogiem. Proszę przypomnieć innym o spowiedzi. Ksiądz Tomasz będzie rownież w ten dzień spowiadał i dodatkowo przed każda msza święta w niedziele. Pochylmy czoło przed dzieciątkiem Jezus z czystym sercem i radością . Boże przebacz mi, bo zgrzeszyłem. Z bożym błogosławieństwem.

Page 5: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

The first hour of work each week is for the Lord. Stewardship: sharing the gifts we have been given.

————————————————— La primera hora del trabajo cada semana es para el Señor. Co-responsabilidad: Compartiendo los dones que hemos recibido.

—————————————————————- A primeira hora del trabalho de cada semana é para o Senhor,

Coresponsabilidade: parailhando os dons que recebemos ———————————————— -

Pierwsza godzina pracy każdego tygodnia powinna być poświęcona Bogu.


Sunday: December 10, $ 13,502 Second Collection $4,984 Immaculate Conception $1,629

Come and Spend Time with the Lord

Please pray for our Troops Por Favor recen por nuestros soldados

Robert Gleason, Daniel Ceccarelli, Michael Valencia, Doug Doros, Julian Di Donato, Michael Perez & John Tirone

Religious Education/Educación Religiosa WE CELEBRATE ADVENT

Today is the Third Sunday in Advent and we Re-joice because we know our Lord is Near! As you light your pink candle of your advent wreath, let us realize the joy we will experience in our hearts

at the coming birth of Jesus! God Bless you! Third Sunday of Advent: JOY. We Wait…Jesus I will share this wai ng me with… Light your candle of JOY! “Oh, give ear, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock; you who are enthroned above the cherubim, shine forth! Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manas-seh, s r up Your power and come to save us! O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. ”Psalm 80:1-3 Confessions for Advent this week for our Religious Educa-tion Program Children: Monday, Dec 18th 6:45pm to 9:00pm and Tuesday, Dec 19th 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Corpus Christi Church.


¡Hoy es el tercer domingo de Adviento y tenemos alegría por-que sabemos que nuestro Señor está cerca! ¡Mientras encien-des tu vela rosada de tu corona de Adviento, déjanos darnos cuenta de la alegría que nosotros sentimos en nuestros corazo-nes en el nacimiento de Jesús! ¡Dios te bendiga! Tercer domingo de Adviento: ALEGRÍA. Esperamos ... Jesús compartiré este tiempo de espera con ... ¡Enciende tu vela de ALEGRÍA! "Oh, escucha, Pastor de Israel, tú que guías a José como un rebaño; tú que estás entronizado sobre los querubines, resplandece! ¡Ante Efraín, Benjamín y Mana-sés, agita tu poder y ven a salvarnos! Oh Dios, recógenos y haz que tu rostro brille sobre nosotros, y seremos salvos. "Salmo 80: 1-3

Confesiones de Adviento esta semana para nuestro Niños del Programa de Educación Religiosa: Lunes, 18 de diciem-bre, de 6:45 p.m. a 9:00 p.m., y martes, 19 de diciembre, de

7:00 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. en la Iglesia de Corpus Christi.

We hope you are enjoying the free parish subscription to which gives you access to quality Catholic on line programs, movies, audios, and books. Simply regis-

ter with parish code FYNKYG and enjoy. Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. Study: Advent, session 3: Watch

and Pray, or watch: Christmas in Rome.

Esperamos que disfrute de la suscripción gratuita de la parro-quia a que le da acceso a programas, pelí-culas, audios y libros católicos de calidad en línea. Simple-mente regístrese con el código parroquial FYNKYG y dis-frute. Hoy es el Tercer Domingo de Adviento. Estudia: Ad-

viento, sesión 3: Mire y ore, o mire: Navidad en Roma.


Come and spend a few minutes with the Lord in Our Adoration Chapel, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. The Chapel is open Monday—Friday from 7:00AM to

9:00PM, Saturdays 8:30AM-9:00PM and Sundays 8:00AM to 9:00PM. We hope to

see you there.

——————————————— Spanish

Vaya y pase unos minutos con el Señor en Nuestra Capilla de Adoración, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. La Capilla esté abierta de lunes a viernes de 7:00AM a

9:00PM, sábados de 8:30AM a 9:00PM y domingos de 8:00AM a 9:00PM. Esperamos verlos.

——————————————————————- Portugueses

Venha passar alguns minutos com o Senhor na capela de Adoração ao Santíssimo, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. A capela fica aberta de segunda a sexta-feira, das 7:00am às 9:00pm, sábado, das 8:30am às 9:00pm, e

domingo das 8:00am às 9:00pm. Esperamos ver vloce lá. ————————————————————-

Polish Spędź kilka minut z Jezusem i poświeć mu swój czas na adoracje w kaplicy przy 23 Nicola Place w Port Chester. Godziny otwarcia kaplicy:piątek - sobota od 7rano do 9

wieczór . W soboty od 8:30 do9 wieczór. Niedziele od 8 rano do 9 wieczór

Page 6: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday


Danny Bochicchio, Kay LoParco, Patricia Gallo Perez, Rocco Morabito, Jr, Ryan Williams, Rose Petro, Janet Crisi,

Fr. John Masiello, Fran Ferretti, Lena Ceruzzi, Peter Sotter, Anthony Rappoccio, Raul Aguilera, Rubicenda Reyes, Christian Ramirez, Fr. Peter

Granzotto, Jerrie Cusumano, Marlen Medina, Jose Amarillo, Jaxon Williams, Angela

Caracuel, Virginia Drago, Maria de Quespe, Virginia Castaldo, Steven Jiamundo, Luis Lozada,

Ahn Riess, Tanita Hairston, Luz Isaura Lopez, Rocio Guaman, Justo Cabrera, Santiago Guzman, Carlos

Saez, Massimo Zazzara, Kathleen Geretty, Marie Gianguzzi, Ariana Martinez,

Herbert Reimann, Julia Bruzzese, Joseph Goldman, Patty Cantrell, Herman Bentimilla, Marie Santos,

Charles Opara, Mercedes Montoya, Anthony Guastella, Rose Ahanekut, Victoria Grosse,

Ana Tapia, Henry Bast, Joan Van Dyke, Anthony Staiano, Julian Alonzo, Cathy & Tom Malarkey,

Charlene Farina, William Giangrande, Bonnie Soria, Michael Smith, Felicita Mack, Walter Mallinson,

Constance James, Antoinette Fritz, Joseph & Marion Pavone, Christian John, Sal Piria, Angela Valbino,

William Alamo, Paul Costa, Carme Plascencia, Joan Ryan, Peggy Ann Munnick, Helen Zak, Jerry

Paladino, Alfredo Duenas, Jessup Heekin, Maria D. Lanni, Hudson Kalaminsky, Aida Regalado, Graciela

Avalos, Fr. Frank Winn, Rachel (Lena) Luchetta, Mary Ann Babjak, Norma Hernandez, Marie LaPoint , Sue DeVine, Michael Monti, Yaretsi Orosco Hernandez,

Yazmin Barrios, Kim Groglio & Menita Cuevas, Thomas Saccomanno,Sisters Eileen, Carol and

Teresa Ann, Consepcion Tacuri, Robert Antaki, Audrly Doyette, Tom Battistoni, Margaret McCan,

Joseph Toubia ———————————————————

If any one would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list. Please call the parish office

Let us remember in our prayers the sick of our parish:

If you have anyone you would like to include in our Prayer List, please contact

the Parish office at (914)-881-1400

Quinceañera If you would like to celebrate your

Sweet Fifteenth Quiñceañera, please call the parish and speak

with Sister Maruja at (914) 881-1411


Si quiere celebrar los Quince años de su hija con la misa de quince años, por favor llame a la

parroquia y hable con la Hermana Maruja al (914) 881-1411


Se você tiver interessado em celebrar uma missa nos 15 anos de sua filha pode falar com a irma

Maruja no (914) 881-1411 ______________________________________

Jeśli chcielibyście obchodzić swój słodki piąty

XIV Quiñceañera, zadzwoń do parafii i porozmawiaj z siostrą Marują pod numerem

(914) 881-1411

Adults who have not had any of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation) or

have not completed them and are interested in joining our RCIA preparations classes, please stop

by the rectory and register with Sister Maruja (914) 881-1411

————————————————- Adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos de

iniciación (Bautizo, Comunión, Confirmación) o no los han completado y están interesados/as en unirse

al grupo de RICA para preparárselos, por favor pasen por la rectoría y regístrense con la Hermana

Maruja (914) 881-1411 ————— ———————————-

Se você ainda não recebeu os sacramentos de iniciação cristã (Batismo, Comunhão, Crisma) ou

não os completaram e está interessado em acertar sua situação, você pode fazer o RCIA e receber todos esses os sacramentos, ou completar o que

estiver faltando pra você. Ligue para Sister Maruja ou (914) 881-1411

Page 7: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday


Sunday, December 24th – Morning Masses follow the usual Sunday Schedule. There will be NO 5:00 PM Mass in Spanish Christmas Eve (All Masses at OLM) 4:00 PM- English 7:00 PM- Spanish 10:00 PM- CHRISTMAS EVE MASS AT NIGHT CELEBRATED IN ALL FOUR LANGUAGUES Christmas Day- Monday, December 25th

7:30AM- English (OLM) 9:00AM- Spanish (OLM) 9:00AM- Portuguese (CC) 11:00AM- English (OLM) 11:00AM- Spanish (HR) 11:00AM- Polish (CC) 12:30PM- English (CC) *No evening Masses on Christmas Day*

Sunday, December 31st Our Sunday Mass Schedule is Regular


Monday, January 1st – New Year’s Day is NOT a holy day of obligation this year!! We will have two Masses during the day at OLM

9:30AM- English

12:00 Noon- Spanish

*No other Masses for the rest of the day*

Page 8: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

Monday December 18, 2017

PARISH SAINT JOHN BOSCO (Confession schedule below is for OLM)

7:30 AM– 9:00 AM (English/Spanish) 11:00 AM– 1:00 PM (English)

1:00 PM– 3:00 PM (English/Spanish/Portuguese) 3:00 PM– 5:00 PM (English/Polish)

6:30 PM– 8:00 PM (Spanish) 8:00 PM– 9:30 PM (Spanish/English)

PARISH SAINT JOHN BOSCO (Confession schedule below is for CC)

6:45 PM– 9:00 PM (English/Portuguese/Polish/ Children of Religious Education


Brother Leonard Carlino

Hermano Leonard Carlino

Please pray for Vocations! ¡Por Favor, recen por


Advent Confession Day/ Día de la Confesión de Adviento

Men in Formation/Hombres en Formación

Page 9: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday


Date: December 23rd, 2017

Time: 7PM ( Starting with Mass at Corpus Christi Church) (No hay Misa de 7PM en OLM)

Place: Corpus Christi Gym

As we prepare for the beginning of the New Year 2018 we want to remind everyone of the importance of being registered in the parish. If you are not yet registered please come to the

office and do so as soon as possible. Your registration will help us know who you are and will enable us to help you when you are in need of sponsorship letters or letters of good conduct. We have no other way of showing that you a member of the parish, and so this

becomes very important. If you are not registered please come to the office. ___________________________________________________________________________

Mientras nos preparamos para el comienzo del Año Nuevo 2018, queremos recordarles a todos la importancia de estar registrado en la parroquia. Si aún no está registrado, acérquese a

la oficina lo antes posible. Su registro nos ayudará a saber quién es usted y nos permitirá ayudarlo cuando necesite cartas de patrocinio o cartas de buena conducta. No tenemos otra manera de demostrar que usted es miembro de la parroquia, por lo que esto se vuelve muy

importante. Si no está registrado, acérquese a la oficina

Register as a Parishioner/Regístrese como Feligrés

Page 10: Parish of Saint John Bosco December 17, 2017 Third Sunday

Parish Office Hours

Horas de Oficina Escritório Aberto Mon.-Fri./Lun.-Vie/Seg a Sexta-feira: 9:00 AM - 4:00PM Sat. / Sáb: 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Eucharistic Celebration Celebración / Celebraçã

Sunday / Domingo: English / Inglés: 7:30AM & 11:00AM , (OLM), 12:30PM, (CC) Español/Spanish: 9:00AM, 1:00PM & 5:00PM (OLM) 11:00AM (HR) Portuguese: 9:00AM, (CC) Polish 11:00AM , (CC)

Saturday / Sábado: (OLM) 8:00AM, & 4:00PM, English 7:00PM, Spanish

Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes

English: 6:30AM , 8:00AM , 12:00PM Spanish 7:30PM

Confessions / Confesiones / Confissões: Saturday / Sábado 2:00PM-4:00PM (English/ Spanish) Weekdays/Durante la Semana Antes de la Misa de las 7:30PM

Parish of St. John Bosco December 17, 2017

260 Westchester Avenue Parish Offices: 16 Washington St.,

Port Chester, NY 10573 914-881-1400 / Fax: 914-939-2807 Web:

Pastoral Staff/Personal Pastoral/Conselho Pastoral Rev. Patrick Angelucci, SDB, Administrator Mrs. Irma Austin, Coordinator of Religious Education Sr. Ana Maria Causa, SA, Pastoral Associate Rev. Tarcisio dos Santos, SDB, Parochial Vicar Rev. Manny Gallo, SDB, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Rev. Peter Granzotto, SDB, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Grinsell, SDB, DBCC Coordinator of Salesian Mission Rev. Tomasz Grzegorzewski, SDB Rev. Jorge Rodriguez, SDB Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph Vien Hoang, SDB, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ivan Gemio Deacon Michael Gizzo Deacon William Vaccaro Mr. Jorge Camacho, Head of Maintenance Ms. Silvia Inocente, Parish Secretary Ms. Maria Massa, Parish Secretary Mr. Michael McCarthy, Finance Office Mr. John Moran, Business Manager Weekly Novena Every Tuesday, After all Masses Honor of Mary Help of Christians & St. John Bosco Every Monday after 8AM Mass Miraculous Medal Novena Every Wednesday after the 8AM Mass Divine Mercy Chaplet

Baptisms / Bautismos / Batismo Register in the parish office. / Visite la rectoría. / Passe pelo escritório da igreja.

Weddings / Bodas / Casamento Contact the parish office at least six months in advance. Please come to the church before reserving your venue. Contacte la oficina de la parroquia seis meses antes. Por favor vengan a la oficina antes de reservar el local. Procure o escritório da igreja, pelo menos com 6 meses de antecedência. Por favor não contrate o buffet antes de reservar a data do casamento na igraja.

Adoration Chapel / Capilla de Adoración/Capela do Santíssimo (23 Nicola Pl.)

7:00AM-9:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Don Bosco Religious Education Program

Irma Austin, Coordinator of Religious Education (914) 881-1404 [email protected]

Don Bosco Community Center, Inc. Ann Heekin, Ph D. Executive Director 914-939-0323 Mrs. Margaret Diaz, Assistant Executive Director 914-939-0323 / on Facebook at Don Bosco Port Chester

Don Bosco Workers, Inc. Gonzalo Cruz, Program Coordinator 22 Don Bosco Place. Port Chester 914–305-6060 / 914-433-6666

Don Bosco Community Center Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry Carmen Linero, Program Director / 22 Don Bosco, Place, Port Chester (914) 552-9541 / [email protected]

Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary School Sr. Lise Parent, FMA, President / Mrs. Deirdre Mc Dermott, Principal 914-937-4407 135 S. Regent St. Port Chester