paraguay 234

Paraguay Capital City: Paraguay’s capital, Asunción, is a low-rise city, which means that it has buildings are mostly around four to ten stories. Low-rise cities are not often found in Latin America. Asuncion is also the biggest city in Paraguay, even though it is smaller compared to other cities in Latin America. Though it may be small, about 513,399 people live there! In addition, that was recorded back in 2002! Lots of language! Paraguay is the bilingual country in Latin America, meaning that the people there speak all kinds of different languages. The main language is Guarani but they also speak Spanish as a second language. About 90% of the people living in Paraguay are bilingual Paraguay being bilingual is a good thing; it achieves what most schools in North America and many other schools in the world wants. Being bilingual is good for tourists because Guarani

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description of Paraguay



Lots of language!Paraguay is the bilingual country in Latin America, meaning that the people there speak all kinds of different languages. The main language is Guarani but they also speak Spanish as a second language. About 90% of the people living in Paraguay are bilingual Paraguay being bilingual is a good thing; it achieves what most schools in North America and many other schools in the world wants. Being bilingual is good for tourists because Guarani is not a common language but Spanish is. They do not only speak Spanish or Guarani, some people also speak English, German and much more. Capital City:Paraguays capital, Asuncin, is a low-rise city, which means that it has buildings are mostly around four to ten stories. Low-rise cities are not often found in Latin America. Asuncion is also the biggest city in Paraguay, even though it is smaller compared to other cities in Latin America. Though it may be small, about 513,399 people live there! In addition, that was recorded back in 2002!

Paraguay Panteon de los Heroes A place for HeroesIn Paraguays capital, Asuncion, there is a neoclassical shrine called the Panteon de los Heroes. It holds the remains of heroes that led the country into a war called the war of the triple alliance. The shrine was started in the 1860s, before the war, it was not finished until 1636 after the Chaco war with Bolivia. A couple unknown soldiers also resign there.

A big impact A man named Chavez had started an orchestra, though the instruments were made out of trash. Chavez had started this so kids had something to do and if they had something to keep them busy, then they would not get in trouble. Why does he worry about the kids in trouble, also why does he make them out of trash? Because almost every student their lives in a landform. Usually kids start doing stupid things when bored or working. Chavez had someone make the kids instruments. The kids enjoy doing this, it shines some light in dark dirty landform. Now there are more than 200 kids at the Orchestra.

Kids playing songs