paphos digest

13 February/Февраль Paphos Digest

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February issue - Monthly digest from Fitzgerald Marketing, Paphos, Cyprus. Specialist's in property in the Paphos region of Cyprus. More than just a property mag! Свойство перепродажи в Кипр



Paphos Digest

Why Fitzgerald's?We aim to bring you theBEST VALUE propertiesin Paphos and now theyare even better value...* A Safe Investment* No VAT charge to pay* Fully equipped* You can move in NOWMost of our propertieseither have the Title Deedissued, available or are inthe final stages of LandRegistry approval.Fitzgerald Marketing onlylist properties that are safeto buy and have a fullrecord of anyencumbrances on eachproperty.

Featured Property

Perfectly positioned withpanoramic sea views, this luxuryhome is set on 3,230sqm of landon a prestigious hillside locationin Peyia. The villa offers aninternational standard, all­weathertennis court, a 12mx6m swimmingpool and a snooker/billiard room...

Reference: 1507(See page 8)We continue to advertise ourworld class website on the famousBritish property website‘Rightmove’, the Cyprus Mail,Essential Paphos magazine andthe Russian magazine ‘My Island’(Moi Ostrov) attracting sellers aswell as buyers.We are seeing consolidation ofprices at current realistic levels.As more people wake up to thefact that this is a wonderfulopportunity to buy villas, priceswill increase however prices forapartments will continue to be softbecause there is a big oversupplyof these types of properties.

Published By Fitzgerald MarketingSolomos Court74 Apostolos Pavlou AveKato PaphosCyprus 8046Tel: +357 26 930345Fax: + 357 26 930929e: [email protected]: www.fitzgeraldcyprus.comCover by Anna Fitzgerald

Gong Xi Fa Cai – or welcome to the Chineselunar year of the Snake

Chinese New Year is the mostimportant of all traditional Chineseholidays and is celebrated in towns andcities wherever there are Chinesepeople; not only Hong Kong andSingapore but also Sydney, Glasgowand Bristol.Whilst we don’t yet have a thrivingcommunity in Cyprus, it’s bound tochange with the opportunities beingoffered to mainland Chinese who are thinking to enter the housing market here.The property market promises to be vibrant in the Chinese sector this comingmonth, with their lunar new year beginning on 10th February. Paphos especiallyshould benefit as the postcode begins with the traditionally auspicious NumberEight.You need only to travel the motorway into Paphos to see the billboards aimed at theChinese market; they appear simply as if Chinese pictograms have just beensuperimposed on the bright white images which appeal to Europeans. A colleague,formerly based in Singapore, mused just last week: ‘White is traditionally thecolour of mourning: these ads are unlikely to have the same meaning to Chinesefamilies, however happy the faces on the expensive hoardings appear. To attractthe Chinese the favourable – auspicious ­ colours are red and gold.’Why red? According to legend, the beginning of Chinese New Year started withthe fight against a mythical beast called the Nian, which would come on the firstday of New Year to eat livestock, crops and even villagers, especially children. Thevillagers would put food in front of their doors to protect their households, thinkingthat, if the Nian ate their offerings, it wouldn’t attack people. One year, a little childwearing red was seen to scare away the Nian so the villagers deduced it was afraidof the colour red. Thereafter every time when New Year approached, the villagerswould hang red lanterns and spring scrolls on windows and doors – a custom that’scontinued today.With their close family ties in China, Daryl and Anna at Fitzgerald’s know all thisfolklore and the office will surely sport some scarlet and gold to greet their Chineseclients mid­month – the new year festivities last 15 days. Eight gold carnationswould be appropriate, too, or a small decorative kumquat tree. Oranges andtangerines are also auspicious and during the New Year festivities they’re taken in

pairs or threes when visiting a house, to bring good luck. Never four; the sound‘four’ has other meanings; seldom is the number used in hotels, just as you may notfind a 13th floor in some countries.Fitzgerald’s also know that the Chinese market can present some paradoxes when itcomes to property; Chinese people love to buy new – jewellery, cars and furnitureparticularly – but when it comes to houses, they’re looking for something moresubstantial, a statement not only of wealth but also of good taste. Here theFitzgerald credo comes into its own: top quality re­sale properties at realistic priceswith those all­important title deeds. The agency only handles properties as sole­agents, so a Chinese buyer knows exclusivity is almost guaranteed. New villaadditions in the Peyia area are, and the magnificent PeyiaParadise 5 bedroom villa with Tennis Court­peyia­paradise/.Remember ­ Fitzgerald’s: their properties meet the most exacting standards.

Unforgettable musical evenings in JanuaryMusic in the Mountains ‘Fusion Tour’ of Cyprus thisJanuary broke entertainment records for the islandwhen it was booked into 20 venues from Paphosclear across to the green line above Larnaca.‘Fusion’ music is new to Cyprus – habituallyconcerts here are pigeonholed as ‘classical’,‘traditional’ (Greek music) and ‘pop’. ‘Fusion’ wasbilled as ‘opera meets pop meets musical theatre’and the vibrantly varied show gave audiences justthat … with a little bit of traditional Greek thrown infor good measure with the theme tune from the film‘Never on a Sunday’!Soprano Tina Chester has been on island for lessthan two years, but already she has made a name forherself with her fine voice, vocal versatility andgenuine charm when she performs. Something of a

musical chameleon, Andrew Oliver is best known in his pop colouration as EltonJohn and others, but with ‘Fusion’ he went back to his classical origins, takingMusic in the Mountains to a wide variety of enthusiastic audiences. Andrew’s ideaof taking music to where people actually live was an undoubted success, so muchso that he intends to re­visit some of the venues in March with two new shows.

(Nikki Dake)

The first is a new show to honour the music ofNeil Diamond and Barbra Streisand. FeaturingTina Chester with baritone Ross Neil, andshortened to ‘Flowers’ ­ for the famous, poignantDiamond duet ‘You don’t bring me flowers’ – theshow will tour many of the same venues where‘Fusion’ was such an acclaimed success,including some in the Paphos area.The second tour centres on The Firebirds, anewly formed band playing ‘rockabilly’ musicincluding songs from such musical mega­stars asJohnny Cash,Jerry LeeLewis and

Elvis Presley. Whilst The Firebirds is acompletely new pairing of musicians, it’s hardlysurprising that the star of this quartet is Paphos­based Chris King who is known across theisland for his fantastic tribute shows to TheKing. Over 30 songs from the 50s era stack upin a gig that’s sure to have the audience rockingin the aisles.Find details on;Jezebel will have all the details in our next issue, but be aware, some concerts arealready selling well.

Words and photos Nikki Dake

Основные события 2012 годаЧем же запомнится нам прошедший 2012 год?!Одним из важнейших событий прошлого годаявилось, конечно, Президентство Кипра в ЕС. Спервых дней президентства было запланированосделать все возможное, чтобы работать внаправлении создания лучшей Европы, болееподходящей для всех граждан и для всего мира.Основная задача состояла в том, чтобы продолжитьи приложить общие усилия для выхода изэкономического и социального кризиса, и вернутьсяна путь устойчивого и динамичного ростаэкономики, создать рабочие места, обеспечить социальную сплоченность.Во время своего председательства в ЕС Кипр действовал как честныйпосредник, стремясь достичь прогресса внутри Совета и упроститьвзаимодействие между различными институтами.Находясь на перекрестке трех континентов Кипр объединил в себе несколькоцивилизаций. Поэтому история Кипра заняла доминирующую позицию вкультурном календаре кипрского председательства в совете ЕС.Для того, чтобы подчеркнуть богатое историческое и культурное наследиеострова Департамент Древностей Кипра (ответственный за археологическиепамятники и музеи острова) организовал несколько выставок зарубежом.Выставки представили различные аспекты кипрской истории в разныепериоды. Экспонаты для выставок были предоставлены не только кипрскими,но и многими другими европейскими музеями.

В скором времени нам потребуется русскоговорящий специалист в отделвторичной недвижимости сроком на 4­5 месяцев начиная с марта 2013г, cчастичной занятостью. Так как наша деятельность постепенно расширяетсямы можем предложить новому сотруднику постоянную должность в нашейкомпании. Требования к соискателям следующие: претендент должен владетьрусским, английским и греческим языками, знанием орг.техники и ПК.Нам бы хотелось видеть на этой должности женщину в возрасте от 25 до 45лет, ответственную, надежную, способную найти индивидуальный подход кклиентам и с хорошими межличностными и коммуникативными навыками.Если Вам интересно наше предложение, звоните и присылайте свое резюме на[email protected]

"Beyond Dress Codes"Dates: 27.09.2012 ­ 31.05.2013Location: Laiki Bank Cultural Centre, Byron Museum, LefkosiaWithin the framework of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EuropeanUnion, the Laiki Bank Cultural Centre in collaboration with the Cyprus FashionDesigners Association and the Hellenic American Union present the exhibition“Beyond Dress Codes: From Traditional Costume to Contemporary Fashion”.The exhibition, curated by fashion historian Lydia Kamitsis, illustrates aprogressive dialogue between traditional costumes and contemporary fashion.The initial launch of the exhibition in 2010 at the Hellenic American UnionGalleries in Athens and later at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art,presented 100 coloured drawings of Greek traditional costumes by the Greekillustrator Gisis Papageorgiou along with costumes of well­known FashionDesigners from Greece and abroad.The exhibition that is now presented in Cyprus, has been enriched by G.Papageorgiou with 40 additional drawings of Cypriot traditional costumes, as wellas creations of 17 contemporary Cypriot fashion designers who were inspired bythe Cypriot traditional costume and Cypriot folk art and seven interpretations oftraditional costumes by the Cypriot artist Lefteris Olympios.

Featured Property

A remarkable residence with panoramic view to the Sea and Peyia Hills.Perfectly positioned, this luxury home is set on 3,230sqm of land on a prestigioushillside location in Peyia. The estate has a massive 100m street frontage with thevilla set against a gentle downward slope and offers 530sqm of luxurious livingspace. Spectacular panoramic views, a myriad of expertly sculptured gardencourtyards, a sumptuous interior and an outstanding quality lifestyle await you.For the sport minded, the villa offers an international standard, all­weather tenniscourt, a 12mx6m swimming pool and a snooker/billiard room with a Rileychampionship table.The long driveway skirts the 100m frontage and leads to a grand central courtyard.The Mediterranean inspired villa presents an elegant single storied façade with aremote controlled double garage annex.The villa opens to an expansive elegant reception hall, featuring a high vaultedceiling which overlooks theopen­plan formal living roombelow. Imposing curved stairsstart their descent from here,taking in the spectacularimagery of the living areasand the panoramic scenerybeyond.The formal areas showcasemany points of difference thatcombine classically elegant

Peyia Paradise

décor with a luxurious andimmensely versatile lifestylesetting, and are reflectedthroughout this fabuloushome.Off the living room, we havea separate formal diningroom, a super sized gourmetkitchen, family sitting room,snooker hall and maidquarters.On the top level, either side ofthe grand entry hall, we havethe guest wing with privatebalcony, three doublebedrooms (one with en­suite),a full bathroom and the guestliving room.Opposite, and facing west, isa master bedroom suite withantechamber, walk­indressing room, full en­suitebathroom, kitchenette andprivate balcony.All living areas extend to thecovered terrace which frontsthe whole width of thisexpansive villa and overlooksthe pool and pool­ centredoutdoor entertainment areas.This remarkable estate offersan outstanding lifestyleenvironment for the wholefamily. Whether you like tohost a sports event or to lavishly entertain, your home offers an in­built versatilitythat is simply exceptional. A rare offering…don’t miss this unique opportunity.Contact us for more details

Featured Property­peyia­paradise/

Your new home is surrounded bygarden terraces where you can relaxor entertain friends and family atleisure. The Jacuzzi pavilion isnearby and it also accommodates alarge undercover entertainment area.The Vrissi project also features aninviting communal swimming poolwhich is a mere 30m away.The interior of your home is roomy

and comfortable. The L­ shaped living room is surrounded by windows…you’ll feelyou’ve stepped into a conservatory! The tiling features an oblong border designeffectively delineating the open­ plan area into distinctive sitting–dining roomzones, further enhancing the sense of space. Each area has patio doors to the semicircular, covered terrace.The winter chills will not concern youeither. A very efficient cast iron gasfireplace will keep you comfortably warmand cozy.You have a separate gourmet kitchen inbrilliant white, lots of storage and worksurfaces and enough space to gather yourfriends around. The kitchen opens to an elevated garden terrace.On the first floor there’s a very generous landing (can accommodate lounge settees).Both the master and the second bedroom open to a spacious curved balcony withcommanding views to the sea and the appealing garden below.The master bedroom is particularly generous in size and features an attractive

arched window to the west and patiodoors to the south. For convenience youhave a stylish, double, walk­in, showeren­suite. Bedrooms 2 & 3 share a welllaid out full bathroom.Vrissi Village is located midway

between Peyia and Coral Bay each offering a myriad of entertainment and diningchoices. Lovers of the sea, you’ll enjoy having the best beach in Cyprus, Coral BayBeach, just down the road.

Featured Property

Garden Villa

Fitzgerald's Select PropertiesPeyia Valley TH€120,000Beds: 2 Baths: 2Quiet residential area.Outlook to river andviews to Coral Bay. 2levels of living space,grand balcony, separatekitchen, 2 bed.TitleDeedsRef: 1386

Sunny 1 Bed Apt€74,000Beds: 1 Baths: 1Spacious top floorapartment opening toextra large sunnybalcony. Lift in building,communal pool, stylishinterior. Title DeedsRef: 1338

Peyia Luxury Studio€67,000Baths 1Spectacular panoramicscenery & great com.lfeatures including pool,gym, sauna, jacuzzi.Studio in a small block of4 apartments only. FullyfurnishedRef:1279

Venus 1 Bed Apt€65,000Beds 1 Baths 1Minutes walk to the sea,regular public transport,shops and restaurants.Well maintained smallproject with communalpool. Views to the sea.Title DeedsRef: 1356

Kato Paphos GardenApt€145,000Beds 3 Baths 2Fabulous ground floorapartment that’s superspacious, is centrallylocated, and oozes styleOnly 4 apartments intotal. Title DeedsRef: 1328

Chloraka 2 Bed.Apt.€92,000Beds 2 Baths 1First floor apartment. 2balconies, open planliving area, fullyequipped kitchen withbreakfast bar and more.Com. pool. T.DeedsRef: 1391

What's On with JezabelDuring the bleak midwinter, with tourists thinon the ground and locals staying home in therelative warm, one of the first things to gofrom venues is, unfortunately, live music, butsome are still soldiering on ­ you will see thesame names cropping up time and again onthe list below but these venues and acts haveall earned their right to be among the chosenfew still functioning in February. Guitar/bass­vocalists Matt, Stammy, Kyp & Davey can allbeen seen in their solo formats this month ­they’re sure to be playing with bands in thesummer so check them out.Venues that present music need audience support to continue to do so ­ and to keepthe musicians afloat ­ so do go along, even if you’ve seen the band or artist before ­they’re all constantly changing their acts and repertoires, particularly in winterwhen there’s nowt little else to do, so you could be in for a pleasant surprise. Withsmaller audiences, the night can be more tailor­made to suit who’s there, with plentyof requests taken ­ worth venturing out, just remember the coat and gloves!Friday 1st FebruaryVarious live performers plus karaoke and disco at the grand opening of EmbaIndoor Market, Xlorakas­Kissonerga Rd, Emba 8am ­ 2pm 99973368Matt Bruno 10pm ­ 1am ­ at O'Neill's, Tombs Road Kato Pafos, off sea sideSaturday 2ndSymbiosis rock band 9.30pm at Rose Pub, just off harbour, Kato Pafos 99013187Stammy Manolelis 10pm ­ 1am ­ at O'Neill's, Tombs Road Kato Pafos, off sea sideSunday 3rdFrontline duo (Ian & Renad) play lunchtime jazz at Elea Golf EstateMonday 4thDavey Woodford 9.30pm at Rose Pub, just off harbour, Kato Pafos 99013187Wednesday 6thKyp plays sitar 7.30pm at Poppadoms Indian Restaurant TOK Rd KissonergaThursday 7thOpen Mic Night at DT’s, TOK Road Kato Pafos off sea side 99798366Friday 8thCrystal Clear duo 8.30­11.30pm at DT's Bar, TOK Road Kato Pafos 99395559Saturday 9thMelissa Williams 1 ­ 5pm at Namos Bar, St George (beyond Coral Bay)

Tuesday 12thDavey Woodford singer guitarist 8.30 ­ 11.30pm at Krasares Tavern, TOK Roadbetween Pafos and Coral Bay, not sea side 99457483Wednesday 13thMidLifeCrisis band at Chances Bar, Sea Caves (prev Goosefat & Garlic) 96701302Thursday 14th ­ Valentine’s DayPolis Charalambous at Casa Luna Italian Restaurant, bottom of Stephanie Hill, Tala€22.50 inc dinner 26652966Neil James sings at Kamares Club near Tala €26 inc dinnerFriday 15thPafos Youth Theatre present Beauty and The Beast 6.30pm at the InternationalSchool, Anavargos €8 adults €6 kids 99878521George Skouros sings 8pm ­ 11pm at the UKCA club, TOK Rd Kissonerga.Entrance for non members is €1.50Saturday 16thAndros Kalou plays guitar & sings at Fly Again Pub, coast road Argaka 99335078Monday 18thDavey Woodford 9.30pm at Rose Pub, just off harbour, Kato Pafos 99013187Thursday 21stOpen Mic Night at DT’s, TOK Road Kato Pafos off sea side 99798366The Real Thing play the blues 9.30pm at Rose Pub, just off Pafos harbour, KatoPafos 99013187Friday 22ndStammy 9.30pm at Rose Pub, just off Pafos harbour, Kato Pafos 99013187Saturday 23rdSimone Swift sings 9pm at the Queen Vic Pub, just off OK Rd Kato Pafos (turn atRaffles towards the sea) free entry 97950547Sunday 24thBob Clarkson sings in the afternoon at DT’s Bar, TOK Road just beyond KatoPafosWednesday 27thMidLifeCrisis band at Chances Bar, Sea Caves (prev Goosefat & Garlic) 96701302Thursday 28thStammy Manolelis plays the blues and more at Shamrocks Bar, Kato Pafos99115957Jukebox Rockers male duo 8pm at The Frog & Toad, Coral BayFor the most comprehensive and up­to­date live music listings in Pafos, check LISTINGS