papers of james h. rowe, jr. 1924-1984 the papers include ... · papers of james h. rowe, jr....

Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the Library by James H. Rowe, Jr. and donated by Mrs. Rowe, and their children. This material is subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the u.s. Code. Quantity: 64 linear feet (approximately 128,000 pages) Restrictions: Material that might constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or libel of living persons has been closed. Related Material: President's Official, Personal and Secretary's Files.

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Page 1: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the

Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984

Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16.

The papers include materials willed to the Library by James H. Rowe, Jr. and donated by Mrs. Rowe, and their children. This material is subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the u.s. Code.

Quantity: 64 linear feet (approximately 128,000 pages)

Restrictions: Material that might constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or libel of living persons has been closed.

Related Material: President's Official, Personal and Secretary's Files.

Page 2: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the

- 2 -

James H. Rowe, Jr. was born in Butte, Montana on June 1, 1909. He·attended Harvard College and the Harvard Law School, receiving his A.B. in 1931 and his LL.B. in 1934.

He entered government service as an attorney for the National Emergency Council in 1934. That same year, he accepted the position of secretary to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. In 1935 he was an attorney for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and later served in the Department of Labor (1935-1936), the Power Division of the Public Works Administration (1936) and the Securities Exchange Commission (1937). During President Roosevelt's bid for reelection in 1936, Rowe worked on the staff of the Democratic National Committee.

On September 9, 1937, he married Elizabeth Holmes Ulman. In 1938, he was appointed as assistant to James Roosevelt who was then secretary to the President.

In 1939 he was appointed as the first of the Administrative Assistants to the President, one of the "a~sistants with a passion for anonymity" made possible by a reorganization act which allowed the President to increase the size of his administrative staff. Until that time there were only three Presidential Secretaries. While serving on the White House staff, Rowe's primary responsibility was Congressional relations. He was also concerned with patronage and the recruitment of talented candidates for federal office.

At the end of 1941 he was nominated and confirmed as the Assistant to the Attorney General. In that position, now called Deputy Attorney General, he had wide responsibility under Attorney General Francis Biddle for the running of the Justice Department during the war. He handled its relations with Congress, talent hunting and patronage matters. He was in the Department at the time of the internment of the Japanese-Americans. He opposed this decision unsuccessfully.

In 1943, Rowe joined the u.s. Navy as a Lieutenant J.G., and served two years as a Combat Intelligence Officer in the Pacific Theatre. One of the aircraft carriers on which he served, the U.S.S. Sewanee, was the first ship to be hit by kamikazes during the battle of Leyte Gulf. He won eight battle stars, two presidential citations, and the Navy Commendation Ribbon.

Page 3: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


In 1945, Rowe was appointed technical advisor to the International Military T'ribunal at Nuremberg working alongside his former chief, Francis Biddle. In 1946, he entered into law partnership with Thomas Corcoran. During his years of private practice, he was appointed to and served on a number of public boards and commissions. He was consultant on public administration to the Bureau of the Budget during 1946-47. In 1948, Rowe was appointed a member of the special committee to investigate espionage in the State Department.

In 1948 Rowe was the youngest member of the Committee on the Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government­the Hoover Commission. The Committee's chairman, former president Herbert Hoover, saw the group's major function as the dismantling of the Roosevelt New Deal agencies. Rowe, however, joined forces with Dean Acheson and James K. Pollock to form a liberal bloc which defended the New Deal and represented the interests of the Truman Administration. Democratic victory in the 1948 presidential election determined the winner of the fight within the COEBG.

He later served as a public member of the Foreign Service Selection Board of the State Department (1948), chairman of the Commission to Reorganize the Government of Puerto Rico (1949), chairman of the Advisory Committee on Personnel to the Secretary of State (1950), and counsel to the Senate Majority Policy Committee, u.s. Senate (1956). He was commissioner of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Commission (1956-84) and the Roosevelt-Campobello International Park Commission (1967-84) as well as member of the Conference on Public Service (1960-63) and chairman of the U.S.-Puerto Rico Commission on Status (1964-67).

A valued political advisor, James Rowe handled the scheduling for Harry Truman's 1948 campaign, and was the author of the famous "Clifford Memorandum of 1948". He also advised Adlai Stevenson on "advance man" strategies for both the 1952, and 1956 campaigns. A long time friend of Lyndon Baines Johnson and Hubert H. Humphrey, he advised both men during the 1960 presidential campaign, managing Humphrey's bid for the Party's nomination as presidential candidate, and Johnson's vice presidential campaign. He offered advice to President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert. He headed the Citizen's Committee for Johnson and Humphrey in 1964, and the Humphrey-Muskie


Page 4: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the

- 4 -

campaign of 1968. He also advised Montana politicians, Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf, and presidential hopefuls: Henry "Scoop" Jackson, Edmund Muskie and Walter Mondale.

In the private sector, Rowe served as a member of the panel on the Study of the Presidency for the 80s, Academy of Public Administration (1980); a member of the Task Force on the Study of the Presidency and the Press, University of Virginia (1980); a trustee and chairman of the Twentieth Century Fund; a member of the Harvard Board of Overseers (1965-71), the Board of Visitors of the Air University (1964-67), and the advisory council of the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University.He was also a Director of the Commercial Credit Corporation. From 1936 until his death, except during his time in public office or in the Navy, he was an advisor to the Democratic National Committee.

He had three children, Elizabeth Rowe Costle (Mrs. Douglas) born August 9, 1941; Clarissa Rowe Batzell (Mrs. Stephen) born April 23, 1948; and James H. Rowe III, born June 6, 1951.

James H. Rowe, Jr. died on June 17, 1984.

Page 5: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the





8QminiEi~sti~§_8§EiEiEnt_iQ_ih~-e~§§iQ§ni~ 1~;:;!12=1~11.

Correspondence~ reports, and memoranda dealing heavily with patronage matters. There is a maJor subseries concerning the President's Committee on the Improvement o~

Civil Service. <Rowe was particularly concerned with the selection of lawyers.) Thet"'e aY•e alsc• St..lbsel""'ies fc•t" the Depat"'tmer,t of Justice, National Defense, and the Civil Aeronautics Board.

This series also contains Rowe's cc•rt"esp..:w.dence as e'ssistard:: to James Roosevelt in 1938.

There is an incomplete card catalog index to this series in boxes 30-32.

8aai2i~nt_tQ_iQg_8i~Q~D~Yw_§§~§~ElL_1~~1=1~~J Cc•t"t .. espc•ndence, t"epc•rts., memc•l-"C\'r"1da concerning interdepartmental patronage matters, and issues relating to WWII: J'ap~\Yiese-Americans, secuJ .... ity, intelligence, loyalty, subversive activities, the Nazi saboteur trial.

~~~s!_IL~ining_§£b2QlL-~~2DE~i_eQint~_BQQQ§ I2l§!D£!!lR_l~~3 School notebooks

~~~§ffiQ~~g_!~i~1§L_!~~~ The bulk of the material in this series (with the notable exception of personal cables and correspondence) is official printed matter concerning the trials which would have been available to all members of the Tribuy,al.

Page 6: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the



- 5 -

§isi§_Q§Escimgn£~-1~~§ Information concerning ••subversives'' in the LJyoi ted Nat i cq•,s.

82mmi~~§§_Qn_Eng_Q~s9ni~~ii2n_Qf_lih~ ~li§£~ii~g_§csn£~_gf_£~g_§Q~§cnmgni~-1~~§ Ceon•espc•r•der.ce with Dean Achesc•r•, James K. Pc•llc:•ck, Het•bet·•t 1-ic•c•ver, et al., drafts c•r reports, memoranda of dissenting opinion, aY"1d pt"'i r-.tecl t"'epc•r"'ts ..

Mi§~~ll~D§QY§: Publications of Government Departments and Agencies, Congressional Hearings and Reports, Opinions eor the U.S. Supreme Court, Ncq",-Gc•vet ... nmerrtal Publica-t i C•Y'JS.

E2liii£slLE§~§2Dsl~-1~~§=1~§~ Correspondence, reports and memoranda dealing with the personal and political concerns of private citizen, James H. Rowe, Jr. There is significant correspondence with Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai Stevenson, Edmund Muskie, Jeohn and Robert Kennedy, Eugene McCarthy, Mike Mansfield, Lee Metcalf, Jeohn Connally, Walter Mondale, Henry ''Scoop'' Jackson, Luis Munoz-Marin of Puerto Rico, Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Francis Biddle, Ben Cohen, Clark Clifford, Larry O'Brien, Jeohn Loeb, Thorn Leord, Edward Ennis, Paul Douglas, Bill l~<:•yet's, Jc•hn Kenr.eth Galbraith, Geri J<:•seph, Allegra Maynard, Arthur Schlesinger,Jr., w. Averell Harriman, Charles Edward Rhetts, David and Dean Acheson, McGeorge and William Bundy, Leeo Graybill, Jr., Theodore 1-1. White, Dr. Timothy Stanley, and the Reowe family.

One should note the important subseries, Pc~lit.ical Chl""C'r,ological Files, which is a chronological arrangement of Rowe's col'"t"'espcq•·,der.ce about pc•l it ical cc,r.cery,s from 1945 teo 1972. <This material is primarily cal'"bor, copies o·f cc•t"respc•ndence ft"'Ofll the name files, ie: the files for Lyndon Johnson or Hubert Humphrey.) There is also a maJor subseries of Telephone Messages from 1955 to

Page 7: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the





- 7 -

1965, and 1980; and on the Commission on tne Status of Puerto Rico in 1965 and 1966.

~~g~~i-~~-~~ffiQQC~~~-12§~-~~ffiE~ign Correspondence, reports and memoranda primarily with state delegates to the 1960 Y'IC•rni nat i ng cc•Y"JVeYI'I::; i oY• of the Demc•crat i c National Committee concerning Humphrey's bid for the Presidency.

JQUD§QD=~~ffiQQC§~-1~§~-g~mE~ign Rowe managed the Citizens Committees for Jc•hroson and Humphrey in tt1e 1964 campaign. These cc•rnm it tees wet"'e osteY1s i b ly Y•oY•-pat"'t i say, i Y• charactet"'. This set"'i es COY'Jt ai ns cc•rrespc•Y•der,ce, l·"'epot"'ts ar1d memc•t"'ar.cia concerning these citizens committees, and with Democratic Party leaders at the local, state and national levels.

~~ffiEOC§~=~~ahi§_l~§~-~~ffiE~iYD Cc•rrespcq",derH:e, t"'eports ar•d rnemorar.aa with Democratic Party leaders at the local, state and national levels.

gh~QDQ!Qgi£El_Eil§§ Cot"'t"'espoY•deY.ce and persc•nal fiY•aY•cial material primarily concerning Rowe's legal cliey,ts. This matet"'ial is closed to t'esearch.

Page 8: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the





- 8 -


Appointment Diaries 1939 to 1943 Calerodat' 1948 Appointment Diary 1963

Ab-Aro Addt•esses (Radico) Addt•esses by James Rc'c'seve 1 t 2/2\ll/37

" " " 3/19/37

" " " 4/29/37 " " " 5/29/37 " " " 7/14/37 " " " 7/16/37 " " " 8/2QI/37

" " " 1\ll/27/37

" " " 11/5/37 " " " 1/8/38

" " " 1/2\ll/38

" " " 4/2\ll/38 Addt'esses by jv!r. Rc,we Agricultllt'e Air Safety Baat•r.l

Air Safety Board Air Safety Board Appointments Alaskan Development Carp. Bill Allen, Harland Letter Aller., Jcohn T. Alley Dwelling Authority Amet""icar, Expot"'t Aro-Ar Al•odet•son, Hupet•t W. K. Appoi ntmerot File Appoin·tments - Honorary Commissions Ar-Ay Archives Appoirftments At•r,et, Louis W. Arthut•dale

Ba-Ber, Elea·n., Louis Belisle, Eugene L. BenJamin, Robert M. Ber.-Bi 1

Page 9: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


4 Conti Y•tled




- 9 -


Berry, Fay and Mildred Biddle, Frar.cis Bills - 77th Congress Bir,-Blc• Bituminous Coal Commission Blackburn, Katherine C. Blair-Smith, Robert M. Bo Boyd, D. Knickerbocker Bor'd Br

Branch, Hat•llee Bt"'c•wr,low., Louis B•.I-BY Budget 12 folders) Ca Calder, Franklin S. Ca 1 i fc•t"rd a Camp, Lawrence S. Cat"rsl•:•dy, Jc•hrs IT1 .. Cat•t er, Jc•hl'"• F. Casey, Eugene CeY•SLIS Etut"'eaLI

Central Statistical Board

Ch-Cc•m Chaster.ey, Rc•bet't Chavez, Deyw·, is Ci.trc•n, William M. Civil Aeronautics Authority 14 folders) Civil Aeronautics Board Appointments Civil Aeronautics Board Letters

Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Liberties Comm. Civil Service 13 folders) Civil Service, Pr·esider,t' s Cc•mmittee or• the

Improvement of (3 folders)

Civi 1 Set""Vice Commissic•n: A Civil Service Commission: Acheson Dean Ci vi 1 Set"'Vi ce Cc•mmi ssi or,: Ad vi soy•y Cc•mflli t

tees 13 folders)

Civil Set"vice CommissiCil""J: Appoir•tmerd:;s Civil Service Commission: B

Page 10: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


8 Conti r.ued


- liZl -


Ci vi 1 Service Cc•mm iss i c•r•: Bell, Chat'les s. Civi 1 Service Cc•mm iss i or1: B i k 1 e, Henry Wolf

(2 fco1det's) Civi 1 Service Cc•mmissic•nc Bills Civil Set'vice Ccmun iss i cq·,: c Civi 1 Set'vice Comrn iss i c•n: Cox, Oscat' Civil Service Lommi ss i C•Y"•: Dttt"t"., Cl i ffeot'd Civil. Sel·"vice Cc•mmissic•n: Execltt i ve Dt""der~s

Civil Set'Vice Comm iss i or,: Fe• ley, Edward H. ' Jt'.

Civil Service Commi ssior,: G Civil Set-"'vice Cc•mm iss i C•Y'•: Gardnet", Wary,er Civil Set'vice Commissior-,: Hawes, Rlexandet'

G. Civil Set' vice Cc•mm iss i c•n: Lar1e., Chester T.

Civil Service Commission: N Civi 1 Set"Vice Commissic•rr: 0' Briar,, Johr1 Lc•t"d Civil Sel·"vice Cc•mrnissic•n: P Civil Service Commission: S Civil Set"Vice CommissioY•: Var.Hecl<e, IY!al..n"ice

Dear. Civil Service Commission: Printed Material-

2§ib_8nn~9l_B§QQ~i Civil Service Commission: Printed Material­

gi~il_§~~~i£§_8£i_sng_B~!§§_§isi~i§§~-~~§= £gii~~-Q~Q~~a-~nQ_B§YM!2£igna_ig_J~n§_~~~ 1.~8Z

Civil Set""Vice Cc•r.m1issic•n: PY'iY"•ted JYJatet""ial­Qi~il_§§~~i££_8£i_sn9_B~l§§_§isi~i§§~ ~~££~ii~§_Q~2§~2-s~2-Bgg~lsiiQn2_iQ_d~n§ 8'f! ... _1.~8~

Civil Service Commission: Printed Material­Qia£~2§iQn§_Qf_er£9l~m§_Qf_B§£L~i~m@ni_~nQ l~lf§!minsiiQ!.':!_in_:t!Jg_E~Qgr:~l-§gryi£§

Civilian Conservation Corps Ci vi 1 i aY"1 Cc•Y•Set"'vat i C•Y"• CCit"ps: Special Cc•r-.-Cc•y Ccoakley, ~lat'Y

Cohen, BenJamin V. Cc•mmerce De pa t"t mer-,t Congratulatory Letters 12 folders) Congress of Industrial Organizations

Cor•s•~lmet"s Pc•wer Co. Cc•r•veF•t i c•n Coordinator of Information Ccosta Rica

Page 11: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


lfll Cc!l"Jt i Y'P.I ed




1 LJ.

- 11 -


Cc•t"'CC•t"'an, Thc•mas G. Corry, Andrew V. Cc•x, Oscat"' Cc•y, Wayne Cr-Cu Da-Def D'Alesandro, Thomas Daniels, Dc•t"'c•thy Deeley Del-Don Democratic National Committee Devaney, John P.

Dies Cc•mm:ittee District of Columbia Reorganization District of ColuMbia Utilities CoMMission Dc•lan, Edward Dc•llar A Yeat' Mero (4 foldel·'s)

Dor.-Du Donnellan, John J. Dc-wr.ey, Shen"'idaF• E Eat•l y, Stephero Eicher, Edward C. El :icd.:, Tc•m Elliott, W. Y. Ernst, Morris L. Fa-Fl Fay, JaMes H.

Federal Alcohol AdMin. Fedet"al Cornmurdcatior.s Cc•mmission

(2 fc•lders) Federal Communications Commission:

Appoir.tmer.ts Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Housing AdMin. Federal Powet·• Commissic•r• Federal Reserve Board: Appointments Federal Trade Commission Fifth Colurom Fine Arts Section Firoe Arts: Appc•il'"otmel"ots Fl-Fo

F 1 c•c•d Cor.t t''C•l

Fl yron, Edwan•d J.

Page 12: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


14 Cc•nt i l"1ued




- 12 -


Foreign Language Newspapers Fr-Fu Ft"aY1k, Jer·came N .. Frankfurter, Felix Franklir,, Jay Ga-Ge• Gallagher, Edward M. General Accounting Office Gecn· ... g i a Gi 11 i at, J'c•hl"• H. E<. Gillis, James Gorrell, Edgar C. Gt·•-Gu

Haa-Hat' l-Iar-Hay Hat'ringtor., J •. E. Hat'Vat'd Hatch Act He-Hi Healey Hel i urn Her.dersor-,, Leor• Het"zog, Paul M ..

Hester, Clir.ton 1~.

Hc•-Hy Hcolmes, 01 i ver Home Loan Bank Board: Appointments Home Owners Loan Corporation Hopkins, Harry L. House Cc•mmi ttees House of Representatives Hccusi r1g Housing Authority Housing Authority: Appointments I lmmigr·aticw. ar1d NatuY·aJ.izatior• Income Tax: District of Columbia Independents for Roosevelt I r"ist~rar-,ce Internal Revenue

Ir,terstate Cc•mmerce Cc•mmissior• Ir,tet"st ate Cc•mmet"'ce Commi ssi or': Appc•i r,tment s Investigations and Research Board lY"IVitatiC•Y'IS'I J'r1ay, 1939 Iowa

Page 13: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


17 Cc~r•t i r.ued



- 13 -


Ironside, Fred A., Jr. Ja-Je Jackson, Gardner Jo-J'u Jobs - President J•:dTl"'•SOr'l, Lyr.dor. B. JohY'JSC•r•, Wayne Justice Department Justice Department J•~tstice Departmer1t

Ap poi Y'tt rneY•t s•us

Judgeships Justice Department Justice Department

Attorney General Justice Department

!VIunici pal Cow·t Just ice Dep,at•tr<Jerrt


At t ot•ney Genet' a 1 Assistar.t to the

District of Columbia

US District Court of

Justice Department US Cc•t.n"'t of Claims

Justice Department: Appointments Districts Attm•roeys

Just ice Departme1"1t: Appc-i ..... tmey,ts Distt•ict Ccom•ts Judgesl1ips

Just ice Depal·'tmel·ot: Appoi ntrnents Mat•shal J. s




Justice Department: Appointments US Supt~eme Cout ... 'b

Justice Department: Appointments US Customs Court of NY

Kli';\-Ke Kero'b •.tcl<y t< i -Kv J"(i J. rc•y, Richard Knights of the Flying Clipper (2 folders) La

LabC•"r"' D~at""tmeryt

LaFollef;_l=, Rcobert Lamb, R~·ben·"'t Lar-d gar-,, James S. Lat i y-, Amet"' i ca L.e-·L 1 Legal Pet"'SOY•r•el Legislat ic•ro Lei-land, 1'1. A. Lco-Ly

M., Jr.

Loughlin, Edward V. Louis i aYJa

Page 14: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the







l'tlcCaffery, McCc•rmack, MeG-lYleS

- 14 -

Jc•seph, Jc•hn W.

Mcir-,tyre, Marvir, H. McReynolds, W. H. Mac-Mart i ,.., Maine, 1940 Maritime Cc•mmission


JYiaritime Cc•mmissic•r•: Appc•intments (2 foldet's)

Martinique - Metzger

Marylar•d Massachusettes l~ave>Mick, ll'laury Maybank, Burr•e•t R. IVIead, J a roes M. IVlemc•l·"aY•da Mex-l~o

Migration of Destitute Citizens Minr-.esota MoY•tar•a IYiour.t RustH•lOt"e IYJerncr·r'· i a 1 Mu-My Na-Nic National Capital Park and Planning

Cc•mm iss i oy, National Defense (2 folders) Civilian Natior,al Defer,se: Cc•Y•Scr ... iptior. Natic•nal Def'ense It,.,vestigatior-, National Defense: Defense Mediation Board Nat ic•r•al DefEmse: Defemse Shipping National Defense: Discrimination National Defense: Economic Defense National Defense: Land Acquisition National Defense: Lend Lease Defey,se: Office of Pt--oductic•Y"•


National Defense: Officer Personnel National Defense: Price Administration Ned; :i.OY'1al Defel~,se: Selective Sen·--vice

<2 'f.:•lde>·'s) National Defense: Transportation Division Nat ior·,al Emr:-:n"gey,cy Ccn~lY•Ci 1 Naticll"'Jal Labc•Y' Relatic:•Y•S Boa~"'d

Page 15: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the







- 15 --


l\lat La ben"' Relat ic•\'"•S BoaY'd National Resources Commission Natiorsal Resout"'ces Plt::tYw·dng Boat"'d Negt"'oes Neuberger, Richard L. Neut t'a 1 :i. ·t y New Hampshire,-1940 New Zealal'"od Niewenhous, Mathias Nil-Ny Nomi rsat i crns Oa-Olrn O'Connell. Jerry J.

Ohicr Ols-Ow O'lvtalley, T.:•rn Dreg ern Pa ~·e-Pl

Peppet' 1 Claude Pet·"'k i r.s., Ft"'ar.ces Pc·-Pu Pc,litics

P•:•l it ics Postal Rates, Modification of Pt'esidel'ot, The Presidential Letters Press Princeton Public Opinion Poll Q

R Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1935

(See box 118) Securities and Exchange Commission Speech Material (2 folders)

Speech Material (2 folders) Ta-Th Taylor, Edwin A. Tax <Revenue Act, 1940) Tempot"'al·"'y Na·C icif,al Ecccr,c,mic Comrn:i ttee

<3 foldel·'s)

I~OOQQ~EL~-~s~iQn~l-5£Q~gmi£_~Qmmiii§§~ ~§LQsiim_B§£QLQ_Qf_~~Q£§gQing§~_1gL!L8§= 1Lg§Li'l!

Page 16: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


27 Cor1t i nued




- 15 -


Tennessee Valley Authority Texas Th it'd Tet'rn Ti-Ty

Tobi 1 .. ,, Da.Y"1 T-=-wr,send., James Treasury Tr-ippe, Juom Truitt, Max O'Rell v Vacancies Now Existing Virgirlia Voc-rh is, Jet"ry Voting Rec~cw"dt~J

Wa Wages a1'"1d Hout"S Divisic•r• Wages and Hours Division: Appointments Wallace, Henry A.

Walter-Logan Bill Wa t' De pa t't me1"1t War Department: Appointments Washir,gtc•n Watson, Edwin M. We-Wh We 11 es, Sumr-u.=rr" Wheeler, Barton K. White Hous~ Employees Wi-Wt' Wire Tappil"og W i SCCtY'IS in Works ProJects Administration Works ProJects Administration: Appointments Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr. XYZ Yankee Clipper' Young Democrats

Card Catalog Index to Administrative Assistant to the President

A Alien Enemy Control Unit (3 folders) Alien Enemy Control Unit: Report on

Japanese-Americans in California

Page 17: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


33 Cor"it i r, ued




- 17 -


Alien,., EF,emy Co\"Jtt'"'C•l Unit: Wat"''t ime B•~tbver"'si ve Ft''Ol .. ,t s

Al ier• Py•ope·r·ty Custc•dian Alien Property Unit Allred, James v. Artt i-Tt•t.tst Attorney General Memoranda Ba-Board of Economic Warfare Bond and Spirits

Boat"'d •:•f Ir,vest igat ior• ar-1d Resc·aar ... cll- Byrnes Budget Bureau (2 folders) Cali f•::.rl'"tia Campbell, Alexander Caudle, T. Lamar Cayt cq···,, Nathan Cel"t-Col Civil Aeronautics Board Civi 1 Set ... vice ComrnlSEiiOI,.r

Claims Clat•l<, Tc'''' Cc•ll ir-.s, LiY",tOY"• Colored Attorneys Com-Cu

Committee on Administrative Procedure Committee on Defendents Congratulatory Letters Cor-,nally~ Tc.•m Correa, Mathias F. Cox, Ht.tgh Cox, Oscat"' Coy, Wayr.e Criminal Division C'-IY"IEI:)' El'"'YH??St

Da-De Democratic Committee Denaturalization Cases Di-Du D j, es Comm itt; ee E Ecc•r•c•mic Wat"fat"'e Urdt Repcq·-.·bs

Eliis, Clyde T. Ermis, Edwa"'.\ J": F Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Communications Commission Field, Dc•rc•thy

Page 18: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


36 Conti roued




- 18 -


Fctl·"t:as, Abe Frankfurter, Felix G Gilfcord, JvJ. E. Gt'•.1enwa J. d, Hel"ory Ha Harrington, James Hc:n"r i soY",, Eat"l Hawaii He-1-lu Het""zcq;l, Paul

I Immi grat iC!l'"J

Immigration and Naturalization J J acksc•Y•, Gat"dY",er Johnson, Lyndon B. K La-·Le Lal".ds Divisic•r• Lar•i gay,, James Lami gam, Thc•mas Lawrence, Charles Law Library of the Justice Department Legal Examiners, Board of Li-Ly Littell, Norman Lc•rd, Thoy•y, Lc•un i bos, Let"'•:=ty Loyalty Bc•ards Ma-Mac

Jvlarosfield, Mike l~c-Mi

McCloy, Jcohro <f. Memoranda for the President Mo-My 1'11urlici pal Couy•t Na National Labor Relations Board: Appointments Nazi Saboteur Trial (2 folders) Ne-Nco Negt"oes New York 1\lom i , .. ,at i c•r•s

0 Office of Price Administration

Page 19: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


39 Cont i Y1 ued





- 19 -


Of·fice c•f Wat" Ir,fc•t ... mat iOY'J (2 foldf..?"r"S) Pa-Pl Pa1f,dc•rJs Persorw·,e 1 Pc•-PLt P•·esider.t, The President, letters Pt"il"JCetor, Puert:c• Rice• Gl Quinn, T. D.

Ra-Ri Ri esmar,, David Rcc-Ru Roc•sevel·t:, James Rowe, James H., Jrn Rowe, James H., Sr~

Rural Electrification Administration Ba-Si Securities and Exchange Commissic•n Senate Jud iciat"Y S.z.r~i !!9!5 !i: :tro1C..O 'lv-'"""\4'1-~ Shccl is, Vi ct c•r

Sm-Su Sc•ci al Just ice Special War Policies (2 folders) Speeches, J. H. Rowe 13 folders) Staff l~emo:•••ar.da

Subversive Activities

Subversive Activities Survey of Intelligence Materials 12 folders) T Tax u US Attorneys Conference v Wa-We Wa l. ke••, Fran!<

Wallace, Henry A. War Divistc•n Wa•· Frauds War Ir-,fc•t"maticq,.,, Committee oy, War Relocation A•~lti1CI)'"'ity

Wan· Risk Wesch 1 et·, He••b€1rt Wh-Wi

Page 20: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


43 Cor.t inued




Wl1eeler. Bttt"toy, K. Wil"ochell, Walten' Wi t'e Tappi rog Witt, Nathan We' We• 11, J. A 1 bert Wrigl;t, J'ames Y-Z b/sn~Sll_It:sining_§£!JQQl < 3 f c•l d el""s >

Nuremberg Trials: Address by R. H. Jackson Nuremberg Trials: Agreement, Charter, Rules,

I Y'1d i ct mer1t s Nuremberg Trials: Applications from Members

of Organizations Alleged to be Criminal Nm-embet'g Trials: Ar·ticles Nuremberg Trials: Background Material Nctt'embet'g Trials: Chat't, NSDAP Nuremberg Trials: Citations Nttt"'embet"'g Trials: Cc•mmerrts Nuremberg Trials: Criminal Organizations Nuremberg Trials: Defendants (2 folders) Nuremberg Trials: Defendant's Council Nuremberg Trials: Karl Doenitz

Nur-embet'g Tt' i al s: D>'apel·' Nuremberg Trials: General Stafford High

Cc•rnrnaY"•d Nuremberg Trials: General Stafford High

Command: Final Drafts Nuremberg Trials: Index to Rulings of the

Tri bcmal 1\luremberg Trials: Kt'upp, van Bcohlem and

Hc:•l bach Nuremberg Trials: Memos Confidential Nuremberg Trials: Miscellaneous Nuremberg Trials: Personal Cables Nut"'emi:Jey•g Tt"ials: Pet"'SOY'!ial Cc!l·"'t"'espor-,dey-,ce Nuremberg Trials: Photos Nm-emberg Tt'ials: Pc•ssible Deferodarots

Arguments Nut'emberg Trials: Pt'el imiroary Repot't on

Denazification Policy Board Nuremberg Trials: Reader File Nuremberg Trials: Reports Nuremberg Trials: SubJects

Page 21: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the



- 21 -


Nuremberg Trials: SubJects

§!!.E'!i§_!2§:f!5H::£!:!!§J2i: Cc-mmur-Ji s t s i Y"1 the UN <4 folders)

~2mmiii~g_gn_ibg_Q~asni~siiQn_gf_~b§_5~§£~ii~§-~~ED£h Qf_iQg_8Q~~cnm~n~





A Acheson, Dear, Administrative Services Agriculture (2 folders) Agrictultural Activities (3 folders)

Aiken, George D. American Council on Education Appleby, Paul Appropriation Allotments Assistants to the Commissioner B Brookings Institute Budget Bcn•eau Business Enterprises of the Government

(3 foldet"S)

c Ci vi 1 Set'vice CitizeF•S Natic-Y",al Committee, l1'"1C ..

Clippings cc,mmet"'ce, Depar ... trneYJt of Commissi,::.n Act Cc,rmYJissior• Membe'r"S D Departmental Administration Development of Governmental Powers in the US Drafts E F

Federal Bt'anch Offices Federal Business Enterprises <2 folders) Federal Civilian Payroll, 1939-1947 Federal Field Offices Federal-State Relationships (5 folders>

Federal Supply <4 folders) Federal Supply ProJect Fiscal, Budgeting and Accounting

Page 22: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the











F i sea 1, Budget i ng and Accc•cn·,t i ng Fish and Wildlife Foreign Affairs 13 folders> Fctrest Set·""vice G Government Experience in Business H

Het•t er, Wi 11 i am Hcu::.ver., Het"ber"t f-Ie· u s i n g I IY<dial'"< A·ffait·s In~ormation Services J Jtme J~eetil'"<g

K L Labor Relations Agencies Landis, J'ames Lending Agencies 12 folders)

Li.a1sor. SecJ"etat'Y

Library of Congress M IYiar-,agemeYtt Imprc,vemerd:; (2 folders) Medical Services 12 folders> JYiemc•t"'aYJda fo1· ... ·the Chairmar, (2 folders)

Memoranda for the Chairman ~let•chal'"<t Marine Minutes of Meetings (2 folders) Mitchell, Sidney N National Defense (2 folders) National Security

Natural Resources 16 folders)

Natural Resources (4 folders> Natural Resources Meetings 14 folders> Nc-meY•c lat ut·"'e

Organization of Federal Executive Departments and Agencies

Ot"gar-.i zat ic•Y•al Chat"'ts Overseas Affairs p

Page 23: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


58 Ccq .. ,t i nued








Pet"SC•F•nel Personnel Policy ProJect <2 folders) Pir-.cus., Wi 11 iam

Pollock, James K. Post Office 13 folders) Presidential Relations <2 folders) Press Stat emer.t

Press Statements <2 folders) Private Errtet'prise C<m Sm-vive in ·the US P'r"oced ut"'e ProJects 12 folders) Public Relations Activities Public Wel fat--e al"Jd La bot" (2 ·fccldet"s)

Public Welfar'e Public Works (3 folders) R Records Management (3 folders) Regulatory Agencies 13 folders) Regulatot"Y Cc:•mmissior.s Rec•t"garlizat i•:rl,., Leg islat ior1 Reorganization Powers

lieot'gay·,izat io:oros, 1920-1937 Reot"'garlizatit.:tl"•s, 1920-1947 Repo:•>'ts: Galley Pr-oo:ofs (t,. fo:•ldersl

Repor-t, Over-a 11 Repcl)·"ts, Pt"C•gr•ess Status (3 folders) Reports, Summary C5 folders)

Reseat"ch Bureau i Gc•vet"r•mey,t Imprc)vemeYJt Revolving Funds (2 ~olders) Ro:oget's, Li l'odsay 8 Speech Material State Department State Departmerot: Fo:oreigro Set'vice 12 fcols.) Statistical Services Statistics Subcommittees Suggest i C•Y•s Suggest ic~r.s: 11 Task Fot"ce Leader 11

Tet"t"i tcll·"ies aY•d DependeYH:ie~5.

Territories and Possessions

Page 24: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the












- 24 -

CONTENTS"·tat: i CIYJ AgeYH:~i es Treasury Department v Veterans Affairs 12 folders) Vice Presidey-,cy w Welfat'e Welfare Repot•t Out 1 i ne

Accounting (3 reports) Budget i ,..,g Civil Aeronautics Board Depa1•t menta 1 JYI•mg emey,t

Departmental Mangement Fedet"al cc,rnrnurdcatiCc}""JS Cc·rnrnissicl1'"1 Federal Power Commission <2 reports>

Federal Reset•ve System Federal-State Relations 12 reports)

Federal Supply ProJect Federal Trade Commission (2 reports)

Foreign Affairs Task Force 13 reports) Ir,dependet"•t Regtlla"l::ot"'Y Conm1issic'r's

12 t•eportsl

Independent Regulatory Commissions Jy-,diaY• Affait'S Il"•terstate Cc•mmet"ce Commissic\l"J Irt"igat ic'r' ay,d Flc,od ... ol

Maritime Commission (2 reports) JY!edical Set•vices IG repc•t•tsl

Medical Services 15 reports) National Labor Relations Board National Security Organizations (2 reports)

National Security Organizations 12 reports) Natural Resources (2 reports>

Page 25: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the








- 25 -


Post Office Public Works 12 reports) Seclo .... i t\te,at .. sd ExchaY"q;;je Cc-mmissiol'"' (3 reports)

Securit·~aY'sd ExchaY"sge Cc~mmissioY's Territories and Dependencies Vetet'ar•s' Af-Fairs Welfare (2 t'epcorts)

Wel-Fare (5 reports)

~Q~i-~Q~aina_g~n-~Q_fQ~_YQ~L_gi~~ ~8i1!t:Sl_.B§EQ1U:£~_et:!2£!:i%W§., 1 '34 7 bQng_B~ngg_8gci£~lt~~~l-eQli£~-~nQ._e~Qgc~m2 QQn2gLY~~iQD_Qf_8gLi£~li~L§l_8§2Q1!~£§2 IQ§_~snEY§m~nt_§1Ei~a_gf_EQ~§ai_benQE_!n_in~

!dni.:tgQ._§!et§?!. ~QQQ._~~§!§_i.n_:tng_!Jnitgg_§:te!§§ e~Q1§£iign_8ssin2i_EQL§§i_!na§£i2_§n9

Qi.§§~§§§_in_!ng_!Jni.:t§Q._§!et§§ EQL§~i_QQQQ§LeiiY~a_in_iQ~-~nii§Q_§i~i~a eQi§niiEl-B§g~iL§ffi§Di§_fQL_Iimg§L_et:QQY£~§

in_tng_!Jni!gg_§:t~!§§ §~~ging_tng_Iim£g~_B§§Q~~£§!LQf_tbg,_b/,_§,_

E~g§t:sl_Ir:sQ~-~Qmmiaai2n 8DD~~l-B§2Q~!_Qf_!bg_Eggg~~l-§g£~cii~-8ggn£~ §~~~i~al_in_!ng_8i~_8gg ~sii2nEl_B§2QYL£§§_EnQ_EQL§i£n_8!Q Ibg_~QlQ~eQ.Q_Bi~g~ gQD§YOO§L§~_gQQQ§LEiiY~2-EnQ_gL§Qii_Wni2n§~

Q£§~~!iQD§_iD_1~1§ Ing_EQ~ctggntn_8nn~al_Bg£Qc!_Qf_!ng_Eecm


Appropriations (4 reports)., 60th Congress Army, BIZoth•ess Commerce, 80th Coy,gr·es Educat ic•r• c\l'"Jd Labc•t' (4 t'epeot•ts), 75th


Foreign Relations, 78th Congress Interstate Migration (2 reports), 75th and

77th Ccorogt'ess

Page 26: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the






- 26 -


Justice (2 t'epc•t'ts), 80th Cc•rogt'ess National D~fense Migration, 77th Congress Post Office, 80th Congress State, 80th Congress Temporat"'Y Nat iCtY1al Ecoy,cmlic Committee

(4 reports>, 76th and 77th Congress Teroroessee Valley Authority, 76th Congt'ess

Treasury Department, 80th Congress Senate Documents, 116 and 118 House Documents, 118 tc• 562 Seroate Repc•rts, 440 to 1013 House Reports, 1242 to 1564 Bills: S 866 to 2318, HR 5862

QQirliQ!:!§_Qf_£b,g_k!§_§Y.l2l:@!:!!fE_gg!:Jt::E.: # 1121, 1935 to #863,1940 (incomplete)

Is~_QgilQQ~, Dec., 1948 ~i~§nBih§nins_iQ§_~Qng~g§§

~Y:C~EY£t~E£~_S\nQ_ILY§i§g§tliB_ilJ_b~L9§ gg:ceQLEii£!!2§

§,__t:fQ~sb._s~ele.:!.D§: l:gy_snQ_l 89mini§:i~sii~g_89J~9issti2n_in_ib.g_gisi§_Qf

bjg~L:iQ~J:\ 1 1 9L>2

Ib.g_e~g§:i9gni_sn9_t:!ia_Eisff_§g~~i£§§; §gigg_iQ_biQ~s~~-Essiliiig§:_fQ~-~sii2Dsl

!:/gfgt}§;§ Ib.g_!:/groQS~sii£_!:iiB§§i, Oct., 1938

A Abell, Tylet' AbramS.Morris B. AchescnJ., David aY1d Dea,y, Agronsky, Martin Alsc•p, Jc•seph Alsop,. Ste-:::owe;w·t AY,acc•Y",da Cc•mpany AY,det .. sc•r-,, Cyrus Apple, R. W., Jt'. At"'l,.IC•ld., Thl_tt"'mar, Avet"'y, Gec,rge


Page 27: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


84 Continued



- 27 -


Ba Bailey, Charles Baket·, Russell Bancroft, Harding Bat•ber, l'h·thut':

Institute of Politics & Planning Bartlett, Calvin Batzell, Clarissa Baucas., May Be Becker, Samuel Bell, Mat•til"• Berdtez, Jamie Bet•g, Nc•rbet•t Bergson, Herbert Berle, Adolf A., Jr. Berrohat·d, Bet'l: ·!;est imc•l'"•Y on Edmund l~uskie

Bet"r,hard, Ber"l: tet:;t ir•l•:=tny c•r• Edmund l~luskie Bi Biddle, Biddle, Biddle, Biddle, Biddle, Bir•gham, Bir-.gham, Bl

Francis: Memorial FraY1Ci s: Papet"'S Gec•rge Steve


Blair, Williarol, Jt•. Blarochet Family Be· Bolling, Richard Boni, Willi£Uol F. Booth, Alexar1der Bcu:othe, Armistead Bowmar,., Joseph Br Bt•adlee, BenJamin C. Brar-.doy,, Henry Braw, ...Tc•hY"• Braverman, A. Marvin Bt•erog 1 e, Wi 11 i am

Brightman, Samuel Broder, David Brookings Institution Advisory Committee

(f~ folders) Brc•wr., Prestc•r• Bt"owrd Y'1g, James

Page 28: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


86 Cont ir-.ued



- 28 -


Bt"CtWY•lc,w., Louis B•.\ Burody, JYicGecorge Burody, William P. But'ke, J'e<hro J. Burkhardt, Re<bert Bm•ns, Jarnes MacG\~egN': Speech 3-7-83 But•tcon, Ralph Bush, Gerald Butler, Thomas F., Jr. Byt•d, Harry F., Jt'. Byrne, Gat't'et t Byt•ne, J aro1es M. Ca Campbell, William J. Campai gr, 1972 Campaign Expenditures Ccommittee, 1950 Carroll, Senator John

Carter for President Cass, jvji llard Ch Chayes, Abt•am Christmas Truce, 1966 Citizens Committee for Peace with Freedom

in Vietnam <2 folders) Cl Clark, Kenneth B. Clements, Earle c. Clevelar,d, Har"lc'n Cl i ffcot'd, Clark 11 Cl i ffcn·"d fYJemc'l'"'f!tl'"Jdum" Coa - Com Cc,her-,, Ber,Jamir• V .. (2 foldet"'s) Ccohn, Herbert B. cc,y-, - Coy Cc•r•Ql'"essi c,r,al Elect i C•Y• IY,vest i gat i OY'J

Cconnally, Jcohn B. Cc•c•per, Evelyro Ccet"coran Family Corcoran - Loucheim Interview Corcoran, Thomas G .. : Eulogy Cc,rt"y, Ay,CJrew Costello, William Ccostle, Douglas and Betsy

Ct• Crawfoy·d., KeY• Croslarod, Edward B., J't'. Cross., Travis

Page 29: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


88 Ccn"'tt i l"1Ued



- 29 -


Cu Cuneo, EJ·""r•est Cutten', R. Arnni Da Daly, Char'les Davidson, Alfred E. De Delegates, 1972 Demerct".at ic Assembly 1972 Demc•crat i c Cc•r•VeYrt ion, Democratic Convention, Democratic Convention,

Philip Graham notes

1952 1956 1960:

Demc•crat ic JYiidwes·t Fa"r"'Til Co...-,fet"er.ce Democratic National Committee Demc•cratic Committee:

Accounting for Committee Funds Advisory Council 12 folders) EBQI Receipts ar•d Disbun;;ementj,.) 1950 State List, l.959

Democt"at ic Pcd icy Cc•ur,ci 1 Denny, Brewster C. Di Do Dobos., E.. I. Dc•la\,.1, Jc,seph Douglas, John W. Dc•ug 1 as, Paul Dc•uglas, William 0. D·:·yle, J"ames Dt' Du

(: Dm'harn, Richard c . ..._, Duffy, Joseph lc:-" Dw - Dy Ea - Ei Ehrmann, Herbert B. Eisenhower Conference El - Ev Elect ion Pt"imat ... y Da·i;es, 1972 Elic•t., Tom Emersc•r•, Wi 11 iarn H.

Ennis, Edward J. Ericksc•Y•, Lei f E>< SOB's Fa - Fi

Page 30: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


90 Cc11"1t i r.ued



- 30 -


Fahy, Charles Fanelli, Joseph I. Federal Election Laws, 1952 Finletter Committee Fisher, Adrian S. Fishet', Richard E. Fl - Fo FlemmiY"•g, At--thu'r" Fc•rtas, Abe FosdlcK, Dot'othy Fowl et', 1-lerory H. Fox, Johr-1 Ft' - Fu Frankfurter, Felix Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Frantz, Joseph B.: Interview Fr~idberg, Sidney Friel'"ldly, Alfred Ga - Gj

Galbraith, J. Kel'"lneth Gaughan, Vincent M. Gesell., Gerhard Gildea, Jearo Gil"osbut·g, David Gl - Gu Goldberg, Al~thut'

Goldsteil'"l, E. Ernest Gordon, Albert H. Gourevitch, Harry G. Gt•aham, Phi 1 i p Grand, Stanley I. Gt .. aves, Nelson Graybill, Leo, Jr. Graybill, Leo, Jr. Campaign File Greenfield, Meg Griffin, Albion Meade Ha Halaby, NaJeeb Hat•det', I~ :ike Hat•dy, l'l. G. Harriman, W. Averell

Harriman, W. Averell Harriman, W. Averell; Presidential

Pc•litics, 196fli Harrington, James E. Harris, Patt•icia Robet•ts Hal~t•isc•r•, Gi 1


Page 31: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


92 Cc•r•t i rn.ted





- 31 -


Harry S. Truman Library Harvat•d Harv~t"d Bc•at''d c•f Overseer--s, 197el-74

(4 fc:•ldet•s)

Harvard Board of Overseers, 1970-74 Harvard, Class of '31: 40th Reunion Harvard, Class of '31: 45th Reunion Harvard Club of Washington Speech Harvat"'d, DepartmeY"•t of Govet"Y"•rnent

Harvat"d Depat"tmernt of Gc•ver"r-•mey,t:: Sample Reports (2 folders)

Harvard Law School Havilar,d, Field Hazeltine, Herbert S. He Heaney, Gerald W. Hech i I'"• get", Jt:~hrt

Heckscher, August Helliwell, Pa•Jl Hernandez Colon, Rafael Herter Committee on Foreign Affairs

Personnel <2 folders)

Herter Committee on Foreign Affairs Pet"SC•r•ne 1

Herter Committee on Foreign Affairs Pet"'SC•r•Y•e 1

Hen"'zog, Paul M. Hi Hickey, Edward H. Hill, Listel' Hiss, Dc•nald He• Hodges, Thomas K. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Hc•c•ver, Hel·"bert Hcrover, J'.. Ed gat"' Hc•t"V it z, Wayr.e Hc•use Committee en"' Campai~F·, Exper.ditures,

1950-51 <2 folders) 1-Jc,vi Y'•g, Jc1hY'J He• Xi e, R.. Gc-t"dCIY'I Hu - Hy Humphrey, Hubert H., 1956-1963

Page 32: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the








Humphrey, Hubet•t H., 1964-1976 I I ekes, Jvlt's. Hat'C•l d Irc•r•s, Petet"' H. Ja - Je J a.cksc•n, Her1t"'Y M .. Jerokiros, Waltet' J'c• Jc•hn F. Keroroedy Libt'at'Y JFK School of Government Johns Hopkins University School of

Advar-sced Iv.terl"•at i•:•Y"•al Studies <2 folders)

J'c,hr.s l-lc•pkil'"IS UY"•iversity Schcu:•l of Advar.ced International Studies (2 folders),., Jc,seph E. Johnson, Lady Bird Jc•hr,SOI"•, LyY•dor, B .. , 194·8-1959

Jc•hrosc•ro, Lyrodc•ro B., 1960-1972 Clippings (2 folders) JYJiscella·•us Ser.ate MaJOY'ity Pcclicy Committee <2 folders) Speech (1960 campaign)

Jc•r,es., Elwyr, JoY"ses., Rc•ger Joseph, Geri <2 folders) Judge, Thomas L. Judicial Conference of the District of

Columbia Ka - Ke Kampelman, Max Katzenbach, Nicholas de B. Keitt, L.-awv·ence Kennedy, John F.

Appc•i rotees Presidential Politics, 1960 (2 folders)

Kennedy, John F. - Recommendations by Rowe to the Kennedy Administration (2 folders)

Kerol"oed y F ami l y Kennedy - Johnson 1960 Campaign (2 folders)

Advance Jvle1•o Campaign Expenditures Payroll Memoranda

Page 33: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the




- 33 -


Keogh, ELtgeYte Ki - Kt~\

K i 11 i OY•, Gec•t""ge Kilog, David S. K i ,.-,t en•, Reobe~·t

Klagsbt"Ur"i't,.,, HB.Y•s Kraft, Joseph Kramer, Leo: Inc. Krc•ck, Arthur"' La Lanigan, James s., Jr. Laske~·, Ma~·y

Le Leacacos, John P. Lee, Rc•bert E. Leibowitz., Arncdd H. Levin, Kat"'l Lewis., Artthc•Y"IY Li - Ly Lc•eb, JohY't Lord, Thc•t"Y'• Lc•llcheim, Katie Lub i Y•, I sadot"' Lyr,dort B. Jc•hl"'•SC•Yt- Li brat"Y

IV!ac - !Yial"' l~acArthctr, Diana Mac!<., Walte~· S. !Yiad i era Scliool Maguire, Richard !Yiahar,, Jc•hr, Maha,.,, Ray !Yia,.-,sfield, Mike, 1951-1981

Montana Power Company Mansfield for Senator

IY!a~· - IV!ay !Yiarist Ccollege Marks, Leonard H. Marmot"', Ted !Yiayl"'a'·'d, All egr·a jvlcC - IYicG

McCaffery, Joseph J. McCarthy and Proxmire JY\cCccl"'mack, Jcrhr, W. McCormack, John W. : Peace Hospital McLean, Joseph E. McK - IVieS JYJcPhet"'sor., Hart"y


Page 34: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


105 Conti Y•ued



- 34 -


JVJe IViedical At•ticles Meglen, Joseph F. MeikleJohn, Donald IYiel chet', JcohYo IYiet calf, Lee

PriYoted JViattet' IYJeyner", Govet"Y'n:•Y' Rc•bey•t B .. jVJi Michaelis, Diana Tead Miller, Lawrence K. IYI i ll et', JVJcot'r i s Miller, R. Bretney Miller Center: University of Virginia

Miller Center: White House Press CoYoferences <2 folders)

Minnesota, University of JYJ i Y"10W 1 Newt CJY•

IYir:• JYJor.agar-., Jc•hl'"• S .. Mondale, Walter F. IYlc•r•t ar•a IVic•rgaYo, Edwat'd P. Moscoso, Teodoro IY!oyrlihan, DaYdel P .. t'icoyet's, William D. Mu - My Munoz-Marin, Luis IVI•.tskie, Edrollmd S. (2 foldet•s)

Muskie, Edmund S. Muskie, Edmund S. Na - Ne


National Committee for the Re-election of a Democratic Congress (3 folders)

National Defense Forum Navy Chief of Operations: Zumwalt, Elmo Neustadt, Richard Neustadt, Richard: Article New Deal Di nYoer Ni - No Nc•n-Vcotet' Study, 1983-84 l\lc•rt" is, Brenda Norris, William C. Nuremberg Reunion 0

Page 35: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the









- 35 -


Oberdc•r ... fer·., Dc•r• 0' Bri a:n, Jc•hr, Lc•rd 0 1 Br i el'"•, Lat .. .,ll·"'er.ce F. 0' Bt"ier,, Rcabet"t O'Connor~ Patrick J. O'Donnell, P" Kenneth O'Hara, James G~

O• Hat•e, Richard Dhly, John Olsen, Ar~•c•ld o• Jl'!ahor.ey, Jcoseph c. o• Jvleat·a, Joseph Ort", Decug las Pa Page, Thcornas Pe - Ph Pearsor,, Drew Pembey•tr;)Y",., Wi 11 iam Perlmay,., Lat"t"'Y Pilce, Radcliffe B. Pi~•cus, Walter Pitts, Spencer W. Pi - Ptl Political Chror,ological Files, 1946-5LJ.

Political Chronological Files, 1955 -August 1959

Political Chronological Files, September 1959 - 1964

Political Chronological Files, 1972 Po 11 c•ck, James K. Post, Charles Pratt, Jc•hr• H .. Presidential Management ProJeCt (3 folders) Pt"ice, Charles Price, Dor-• Pt•ichard, Edward

Public Set ... vice, CoY'•ferel'H~e on, 1962-67 (7 fo:•ldet•s)

Public Service, Cccr,fet"'eY,ce OY'J (3 fc•lders) Puerto Rico, Commission on the status of:

Clippings (3 folders)

Puerto Rico, Commission on the status of: Cl i ppi rtgs

Page 36: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


11-'• Cc•Y•t i ·nued





- 36 -


Memoranda (2 folders) Minutes of Meetings,

November - December 1965 Minutes of Meetings,

February 8-9, 1956 ~lc•scoso, Teodc•rO Persc•r•Y•e 1 Selected S·tatistical Data Printed Matter, 1965

Puerto Rice•, Cornrnissic•Y"• Ol"• the status of: Transcript of Public Hearings on Social

Cc1ltural ~Jatters, July, 1965, vc•lumes 1-3.

Puertc• Rico., Cc•mmissic•r• c•r• the status of: Transcript of Public Hearings on Social

Cultural Matters, July - Ac1gust, 1955, vo 1 c1mes 4-5.

Public H_eat" OY• Legal CoY" Question, May, 1965, volume 1.

Puerto Rico, Commission on the status of: Transcript of Public Hearings on Legal

Cc•Y•st it uti Quest iol'"•s, May, 1965, volumes 2-6.

Puet"'tc• Rico, Cc•mmissior. C•Y"• the statLIS cd':


Transcript of Public Hearings on Legal Constitutional Questions, May, 1965, volume 7 ..

Qui rw·,, Thomas Ra Rabinowitz, Jason Ra.glarod, Rawlirtgs Ramey, James T. Re Reardc,r., Thomas P'l .. Rebe>', Jc•seph B. Reccq .. ,st ruct i or1 Fi rtar.ce Ccq·"'PC~"rat i CIY,, 1935 Reedy, Ge':'t"'ge E. Reese, i'iatthew Reilly, Gera>'d Restc•Y•, James Restc~n, Tliomas

Page 37: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the





- 37 -


Rhetts, Charles Edwa>'d Rhetts Memorial Service Ri Riesmay,, David He-a - Rt:u:t

Roosevelt, Franklin D. Award Committee CeF•t ern"'• i a 1 Hammet", At"rnar-.d Japanese Internment Mewc•>'ial (3 fcolde>·•s) JYiernot"ial Four.dat ior-. Miscellanec•LIS Speeches arod A>'t icles

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr. R•:•oseve 1 t, James Ros - Row Rossant, Murray J. Rc•we, Clarissa

Howe, Elizabeth Rc,we., He 1 el'"J

Rowe, James H . ., Jr.: Biographical Info. Cc•rrespor.der-.c:e, 1940's Oral Hi stc•>'Y Pc•litical Bets Speeches, 1954-72 Speech 1-26-82 Speech 11-8-82 Speech 4-13-83 Speech "What is ar. Attcwney-Gene>'al fc•>'?"

Rowe, Jawes H. III Rc•we, Jc•hr1 E .. Rubin, Hichard A. Rllckelshalls, Williaw D. Rllssell, Frank M. Rllssell, Ned RL!ssell, Ser.ator Richard - Jvlemorial Ryal"<, Dermis B. Sa - Sc Safe>', Johro H.

Saponaro, Frank P. Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. Schlesinger, Arthllr, Jr. Scoll, David E. Se - Si

Speech 3-7-83

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Senate Campaign, 1972 Shadid, Dr. Jc•hr< N.


Page 38: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


121 Cor.t i \'"tued




- 38 -


SharoF,, J·ohY"• H .. Sidey, Hugh S. Sims, Ri chat'd JYJ., 3t'. Sl<. - Sp Skallerup, Walter Skeels, Dc•rr C. Smith, Howat'd K. Smithsonian Institution Southern Primaries, 1958 Spingarn, Stephen St Stanley, Dr. Timothy,

Stanley, Dr. Timothy <2 folders) Steele, Jc•hYo Stephansky, BeYo S. Sterr-,, Philip L .. Stever,s, Hern"y W .. St evensoYo, Ad 1 a i, 194~•-4 7 Stevenson, Adlai, 1952 St evertsor., Ad 1 a i, 1952 Campa i QY"•:

It i net' at' i es JVJiscellal'"Jecn .. ls Speech

Stevey,sc•l'"•, Ad 1 a i, 1953-55 Stevenson, Adlai, 1956 Stevensc•YJ, Ad 1 a i, 1955 Can1pai g1'"1:

Advance Men Clippil"ogs "Democratic Fact Sheets'' Expenses Finance List

Stevenson, Adlai, 1956 Campaign: Itinerary, 9/22-30 Itinerary, October Itinerary, 10/2-7 Itinerary, 10/9-13 Itinerary, 10/16-20 Itinerary, 10/23-28 ItiYoerat'y 1 10/29-il./5 Itineraries and Arrangements Kefauver Schedule Letterhead and Audit Forms Miscellaneous (2 folders)

Stevenson, Adlai, 1956 Campaign: Newspaper and Large Map

Page 39: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


124 Continued





- 39 -


lic•we, James H., J"r. lik:eoa; ranas I i:; Vc

Rcn.>.l"5;Thank Yc•u Letters State Lists and Organizations Telegrams Sent and Received 13 folders>

Stevenson, Adlai, 1957-July, 1959 SteveYJSCtl'"'' Adlai., Aug. -Dec . ., 1959 Stevenson, Adlai, 1960-73 Stevenson, Adlai: Institute of Internation-

al l=lffairs Stevensm·,, Adlai, I I I Stoll, l~orman A. Straus, R. Peter Straus, iiobet't W. Su Sy

Ta Th Taft, Charles T amm., Giu i nY"s TaY•Ysewald., Theodc,re, .Jt"'. Taylor, Tel fcot'd Telegrams Telephone Messages, Oct. 55 - Dec. 57

Jan. - June, 1958 July- Dec., 1958

Telephor1e Messages, Jan. - J'ur-.e, 1959 July- Dec., 1959

Telephone IYiessages, J"ay-,. July Dec., 1960 Jar •• July JaYs. July

Juy,e, Dec. , Jl..lne, Dec. ,

1951 1951 11:362 1962

Jtme, 1960

Telephone Messages, Jan. - June, 1963 July Dec., 1963 Jan. June, 1':364· July Sept., 1964 Oct. Dec. , 1964 Jar.. Be pt. , 1 ':355 Feb. 12, 1980 - Dec. 12, 191::1!;11

Telephone Messages, Dec. 15., 1980 Aug. 31, 1982

Thompson, Frank, Jr. Thon1pSCI\'"'' Ke\·w·,eth W. Thompsc,r., Stanley E. Ti - Tw

Page 40: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


128 c.:~r~t i nued



Tirana, Bar~yl and family To.:•le, Jac'k, Say,ch"'a Tt•ee, Mat' i etta Trias-Mange, Jose Truman, Harry S. Train Schedules

<2 fedders) Truslow, Walter, Jr. Tubridy, Jcoseph Tully, Grace Twentieth Century Ftmd u - v Udall, u lflli::\\"J'


Stewart L. Ct•a i g Lewis H.

Van Arkel, Gerhard P. Vay,ce, Cyrus Vander Zee, Rein J. Var, Dyk, Ted Vanc•CUl"', Sandet"' Verstappen, Henri Viet-Nam Volpe, Joseph, Jr. Wa Walker, Charls E. Wall<er, David Warren, Earl: Oral History ProJeCt Wasserman, William Waters, Herbert S. Watson, General LeRoy We Webb.J James E. Weinberg, Sidney J. Wh White, Thecodcore H. White House Fellows Wic - Wil Williams, Pat Williams: Presidential Politics, 1960 Wi 1 kir.sor., Al. bet·t E. Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth

Wir• - Wit We• - Wy Wyatt, Wilson Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr. XYZ Yates, Sidney R.


Page 41: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


130 Cont iy-,ued



- 4·1 -


Youngman, William S.

Humphrey, Hubert H. 1960 Campaign: Alabama Alaska At" i .z Ol'"li::\

Arkansas California 12 folders) Campaign Committee, District of Columbia Clippings 12 folders)

Humphrey, Hubert H. 1960 Campaign: Clippings Cc•pies Colot"ado Committee on National Issues Cc•Y•Y,ect i cut Cort"espc•r-,dence 7/59 - 9/5'3

Humpl,t•ey, Hubet't H. 196(1• Campai~;Jn: Correspondence 10/59 12/59 Cort"esponder,ce 19Be• Del awat"e Democrat1c Convention Democratic Midwest Conference District of Columbia Fat''m Finances Finance: New York Flot'lda Gee<t'g i a Hawaii H. H. H. H. H. H. Idaho

for President Campaign Kit for President News Kit

I 11 i Y'IO is 1 Y1d i ay,a Ic•wa Johnson, Lyndon B. Kar•sas Ker.tucky Louisiana !Yiary 1 aruj !Yiai y,e

Page 42: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the






- '+2 -


Humphrey, Hubert H. 1950 Campaign: IYJassach•.tset ts Michigar• 1v1 i nr.esot a l'<li scellanec•us l'<lississi.ppi IYJ i SSC•Ur i Jvlc•r•tarta Nebt•aska Nevada New Harnpsh i t"e New Jet·sey New lYle>< i cc• l~ew Ycorl<. New York - 21 Club Not"'t h Cat"'C•l i l'"•a Nc•t"th Dak.c•ta Ohio Oklahc•ma

Humpht•ey, Hube>··t H. 1950 Campai ~lY•: Oregc•r• Penr.sylvar.ia Presidential Politics, 1958-59 Rhode Islar-od flc•we, J'. H. 1 J'r. Schedules Sc•uth Carc•l i roa South Dakota

Humphrey, Hubert H. 1960 Campaign: Speeches & Press Releases State Repo>~ts Te1'"1nessee Texas Ut<'h Vit"'girda Washingtcw• West Virginia Western Conference Westet"l .. , Tour Westet•ro Trip Wi scc•nsi r' Wyomi r-•g

Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign; Card Index to Citizens Committee

Page 43: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the






- '+3 -~


Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Advancemen Manuai Agricultln"e 1 Depal""'tment c•f All Americans Council Aroet ... icans Ab)·"oad AY,ti - LBJ At•t i st s & Errt et•t a i l'•et's Biographical Sketches - JObs Builders Bttsi ness JvJert Cali fm·rd a

Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Citizens for Johnson & HHH, A - I

J"ohnson-Humpnt•ey 1 ':lEA Carnpai GJl'•: Citizens for Johnson & HHH, J - Z State Files - Alabama to California

Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Cit1zens for Johnson & HHH 1 State Files Col ot"'ado tc• Wyc•mi Ytg

J'••r•-Humphrey 19b.L~ Carnpaigr-•:: Citizens Groups - State Committees C 1 et•gy Committee for Responsible Leadership Congressional Committee Reports Conservationists Convention Selections Coordinators - Regional County Officials Democratic National Committee DenH:rc·..-·atic NatiQ1"1al Cc-rnrnittE:~e Fj.r,ar·lcial

Repcorti'no -+<> CQY\'8'e.-s;s Distir.gui

0shed Ladies Reception .

~is"l;ri.':'t Attot•ru:ys {co< do\.."'s."~ "-""-~ 'no..,.,fh"e\ l::.COY'ICiflll s·bs E:d•.lcatot's -\,.; Toi-~s···' a_.,.,.!. 1"1v·""r~~""'\. Financial Reports Friedman Files: Clippings Friedman Files: Delaware - New York

Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Friedman Files; Pennsylvania Gala Invitations Get Out the Vote Gcol.dwat<=:r Governor's Reception Humpilt•ey, Hubet··t H.

Page 44: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


144 Cor.t i Y"1Ued




Inaugural Committee Independent Citizens Industrial Relations,r-t, LyY•dorJ Ba i 1"1es


Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Lawyers Letter-·s ft ... c'm Py•omi rH~~~y,t Democrats !Ylac H., w{~ 1 t et ... i'iatet'i al s l"layors ~lcC•n·thy, Eugey,e Mississippi & Alabama National Committee of Pharmacists National Council for Civic Responsibility National Independent Businessmen Groups l~ational Independent Committee New Yod< Nobel Prize Wir~ners Overseas Activities

Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Page, Tom Paraoe Committee Pennsylvania & Massachusetts Phcial''ffiC:\cists Pi lots Pt·esidemt' s Club Pt"'C•fP-SSCt)'"'S

Pl"OJ ect 64 PY'OJec·t South Reports - progress Republ icar·,s ·fc•t"' Jcch1''iSCtl"l

Resolutions & Minutes for Committee fkowe.1 J'. H. , Jt•. Rc~we M- !Yjcq .. ,t aY•H Rowe - White House Ruv'al Ameri caY•s Schedules

Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Scientists & Engineers

' Shackleton, SeYiicn" Cj.tizer-•s Ctz-c•·s·l'm••'l Pt:rlly Small Busil'"less Special Gt"oups Speech IYiatf?l"'ial Stat emeYYt s Than~<. Yc~u? Ei

Page 45: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the






- 45 -


Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: U.S. Citizens Abroad Vetet"'aY"Js Vi ce-Presidel'"•CY


Johnson-Humphrey 1964 Campaign: Women for LBJ & HHH Women's Section of Citizens Women's Organizing Committee YoLw•g Cit i zey·,s

Humphrey-Muskie 1968 Campaign: A - W C.c,':\ 1 i f CH"'Y"d a

Humphrey-Muskie 1968 Campaign: Campaign Policy CoMmittee - Minutes of

~lee·c ings Ccarnpaign Wot"kEn"r::; Cit i ;.!ens Citizens Minutes of Meetings Citizens Treasurer Clippings Ccalot"ado Ccarq;p·"ess i cHH~' l CcoJ'mect ic•.t·l; ,.-. T ' bu.f-io'Y\.s, · Col'"d::t"ibt..ltiorH~~'-0"{\. '""\ ' Conventio11 -~eneral Cor,verrt: i t:!J'"• -· wc't"kf.:?Y's Delegates Democy•at ic Na·b ional Cc•mmi ttee ( 2 ·E-.o fJe<>s) DistJ·"ict of Cc·lumbia -F 1 CtY' ida "HHH or. the Mc•Ve 11

IlliYIOiS J: )"ld i 81'"1C\

:r Ctl>'Jia

Kennedy, Robert F­Kel'otucky Kintner, Robert E.

Humphrey-·Muskie l.968 Campaigy,, Labc•t'' Lclwyel·'s Lc .... li si i:i\YJet

Page 46: Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 The papers include ... · Papers of James H. Rowe, Jr. 1924-1984 Accession numbers: 85-10, 87-16. The papers include materials willed to the


151 Co1'"1t i t .... ued


- 4£, -


JYiat'Y 1 and Mas%ach '~lset t es McCarthy, Eugene 1'!:1 i r;or-oe'!'C•t a ~'fss.~\)t~f""l_y.. ~k•nt aY'oa ( ;2.. { 10 \Js:_<:;:S) National Committee for the Nomi1~ation of

Hubert H. Humphrey 1\Jew Hampsh i t"E-~

New Jet'sey New Yo1·"~< Nix en·, Cihio Oreg•:•l .. , P•:•l it i cs (.2__ ~ o \.l_~::;t) Polls

Humphrey-Muskie 1968 Campaign: Pl·.,imaries Puet"tc• Rico Re pub l i Ci:\l'"IS

Rocke'fellet' SOB Hepc•t't South Dakota Speeches Ter-,Y",essee Te><as Town a.Y",d"Y United Democrats for Humphrey Utah V . - 'd t 1

1 ce-l-·1t ... es 1 eY"1 '\.L-.~:-·;:u.~~·

Vi e't; Y'1ar,1 V:i"r''girda Vit'!Jil"o Islar-ods Vot :i r1g Reccq·"ds W.;;,siNl i .,...,gt c•n West VirgiYda Whit<~ l-Ie• use W i SCOl,.IS i Y1

Women's Activities


153-151 Chronological Files: Expenses and Bills Correspondence and Reading·Files,
