paper satellite data assimilation for improvement of naval...

11 Spring 2004 Volume 38, Number 1 E INTRODUCTION ven with all the high technology weapons onboard U.S. Navy ships today, the difference between success and failure often comes down to our understanding and knowledge of the environment in which we are operating. Accurately pre- dicting the ocean environment is a criti- cal factor in using our detection systems to find a target and in setting our weap- ons to prosecute a target (Gottshall, 1997; Chu et al., 1998). From the ocean tem- perature and salinity, the sound velocity profiles (SVP) can be calculated. SVPs are a key input used by U.S. Navy weapons programs to predict weapon performance in the medium. The trick lies in finding the degree to which the effectiveness of the weapon systems is tied to the accu- racy of the ocean predictions. The U.S. Navy’s Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) community currently uses three different methods to obtain representative SVPs of the ocean: climatology, in situ measurements, and data (including satellite data) assimilation. The climatological data provides the back- ground SVP information that might not be current. The Generalized Digital En- vironmental Model (GDEM) is an ex- ample of a climatological system that pro- vides long-term mean temperature, salin- ity, and sound speed profiles. The in situ measurements from conductivity-tem- perature-depth (CTD) and expendable bathythermograph (XBT) casts may give accurate and timely information, but these are not likely to have large spatial and tem- poral coverage over all regions where U.S. ships are going to be operating. In a data assimilation system, an initial climatology or forecast is improved by using satellite and in situ data to better estimate synop- tic SVPs. The Modular Ocean Data As- similation System (MODAS) utilizes sea surface height (SSH) and sea surface tem- perature (SST) in this way to make nowcasts of the ocean environment (Fox et al., 2002). The value added by satellite data as- similation for use of undersea weapon sys- tems can be evaluated using the SVP in- AUTHORS Peter C. Chu Michael D. Perry Naval Ocean Analysis and Prediction Laboratory, Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA Eric L. Gottshall Space and Naval Warfare System Command San Diego, CA David S. Cwalina Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, RI PAPER Satellite Data Assimilation for Improvement of Naval Undersea Capability ABSTRACT Impact of satellite data assimilation on naval undersea capability is investigated using ocean hydrographic products without and with satellite data assimilation. The former is the Navy’s Global Digital Environmental Model (GDEM), providing a monthly mean; the latter is the Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) providing synoptic analyses based upon satellite data. The two environmental datasets are taken as the input into the Weapon Acoustic Preset Program to determine the suggested presets for an Mk 48 torpedo. The acoustic coverage area generated by the program will be used as the metric to compare the two sets of outputs. The output presets were created for two different scenarios, an anti-surface warfare (ASUW) and an anti-submarine warfare (ASW); and three different depth bands, shallow, mid, and deep. After analyzing the output, it became clear that there was a great difference in the presets for the shallow depth band, and that as depth increased, the difference between the presets decreased. Therefore, the MODAS product, and in turn the sat- ellite data assimilation, had greatest impact in the shallow depth band. The ASW presets also seemed to be slightly less sensitive to differences than did presets in the ASUW scenario. put data from MODAS (with satellite data assimilation) and GDEM (climatology without satellite data assimilation). The question also arises of how many altim- eters are necessary to generate an optimal MODAS field. Too few inputs could re- sult in an inaccurate MODAS field, which in turn could lead to decreased weapon effectiveness. There must also be some point at which the addition of another altimeter is going to add a negligible in- crease in effectiveness. This superfluous altimeter would be simply a waste of money that could be spent on a more use- ful system. The purpose of this study is to quan- tify the advantage gained from the use of data from MODAS assimilation of satel- lite observations rather than climatology. The study will specifically cover the ben- efits of MODAS data over climatology when using their respective SVPs to deter- mine torpedo settings. These settings re- sult in acoustic coverage percentages that will be used as the metric to compare the two types of data.

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Page 1: PAPER Satellite Data Assimilation for Improvement of Naval · variability. Meandering fronts and eddies can significantly change

11Spring 2004 Volume 38, Number 1


ven with all the high technologyweapons onboard U.S. Navy ships today,the difference between success and failureoften comes down to our understandingand knowledge of the environment inwhich we are operating. Accurately pre-dicting the ocean environment is a criti-cal factor in using our detection systemsto find a target and in setting our weap-ons to prosecute a target (Gottshall, 1997;Chu et al., 1998). From the ocean tem-perature and salinity, the sound velocityprofiles (SVP) can be calculated. SVPs area key input used by U.S. Navy weaponsprograms to predict weapon performancein the medium. The trick lies in findingthe degree to which the effectiveness ofthe weapon systems is tied to the accu-racy of the ocean predictions.

The U.S. Navy’s Meteorological andOceanographic (METOC) communitycurrently uses three different methods toobtain representative SVPs of the ocean:climatology, in situ measurements, anddata (including satellite data) assimilation.

The climatological data provides the back-ground SVP information that might notbe current. The Generalized Digital En-vironmental Model (GDEM) is an ex-ample of a climatological system that pro-vides long-term mean temperature, salin-ity, and sound speed profiles. The in situmeasurements from conductivity-tem-perature-depth (CTD) and expendablebathythermograph (XBT) casts may giveaccurate and timely information, but theseare not likely to have large spatial and tem-poral coverage over all regions where U.S.ships are going to be operating. In a dataassimilation system, an initial climatologyor forecast is improved by using satelliteand in situ data to better estimate synop-tic SVPs. The Modular Ocean Data As-similation System (MODAS) utilizes seasurface height (SSH) and sea surface tem-perature (SST) in this way to makenowcasts of the ocean environment (Foxet al., 2002).

The value added by satellite data as-similation for use of undersea weapon sys-tems can be evaluated using the SVP in-

A U T H O R SPeter C. ChuMichael D. PerryNaval Ocean Analysis and PredictionLaboratory, Department of Oceanography,Naval Postgraduate SchoolMonterey, CA

Eric L. GottshallSpace and Naval Warfare System CommandSan Diego, CA

David S. CwalinaNaval Undersea Warfare CenterNewport, RI


Satellite Data Assimilation for Improvementof Naval Undersea Capability

A B S T R A C TImpact of satellite data assimilation on naval undersea capability is investigated

using ocean hydrographic products without and with satellite data assimilation. Theformer is the Navy’s Global Digital Environmental Model (GDEM), providing a monthlymean; the latter is the Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) providingsynoptic analyses based upon satellite data. The two environmental datasets are takenas the input into the Weapon Acoustic Preset Program to determine the suggestedpresets for an Mk 48 torpedo. The acoustic coverage area generated by the programwill be used as the metric to compare the two sets of outputs. The output presetswere created for two different scenarios, an anti-surface warfare (ASUW) and ananti-submarine warfare (ASW); and three different depth bands, shallow, mid, anddeep. After analyzing the output, it became clear that there was a great difference inthe presets for the shallow depth band, and that as depth increased, the differencebetween the presets decreased. Therefore, the MODAS product, and in turn the sat-ellite data assimilation, had greatest impact in the shallow depth band. The ASWpresets also seemed to be slightly less sensitive to differences than did presets inthe ASUW scenario.

put data from MODAS (with satellite dataassimilation) and GDEM (climatologywithout satellite data assimilation). Thequestion also arises of how many altim-eters are necessary to generate an optimalMODAS field. Too few inputs could re-sult in an inaccurate MODAS field, whichin turn could lead to decreased weaponeffectiveness. There must also be somepoint at which the addition of anotheraltimeter is going to add a negligible in-crease in effectiveness. This superfluousaltimeter would be simply a waste ofmoney that could be spent on a more use-ful system.

The purpose of this study is to quan-tify the advantage gained from the use ofdata from MODAS assimilation of satel-lite observations rather than climatology.The study will specifically cover the ben-efits of MODAS data over climatologywhen using their respective SVPs to deter-mine torpedo settings. These settings re-sult in acoustic coverage percentages thatwill be used as the metric to compare thetwo types of data.

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2. Navy’s METOC Modelsand data

2.1. GDEMGDEM is a four dimensional (latitude,

longitude, depth and time) digital modelmaintained by the Naval OceanographicOffice. GDEM was generated using overseven million temperature and salinity ob-servations, most of them drawn from theMaster Oceanographic Observation DataSet (MOODS). Globally GDEM has a reso-lution of 1/2º degree. However, in a few se-lect areas, higher resolutions are available.In order to represent the mean vertical dis-tribution of temperature and salinity for gridsquares, GDEM determines analyticalcurves to fit to the individual profiles (Teagueet. al., 1990; Chu et al., 1997; 1999)

Before curves can be fitted to the data,quality control must be implemented thatremoves anomalous features or bad obser-vations. The data is checked for proper rangeand static stability, and it is checked to en-sure that it has not been misplaced in loca-tion or season. Once the data has been in-spected for quality, curves are fitted to thedata. From the mathematical expressionsthat represent the curves, coefficients aredetermined. It is these coefficients that willbe averaged. It can be shown that the coeffi-cients resulting from averaged data are notthe same as the averaged coefficients of thedata. In order to minimize the number ofcoefficients necessary to generate smoothcurves, different families of curves are usedfor different depth ranges. This necessitatesthe careful selection of matching conditionsin order to ensure that no discontinuities inthe vertical gradients occur. Separate com-putation of temperature and salinity allowthe results to be checked against each otherto ensure stable densities.

2.2. MODASMODAS is a collection of over 100

FORTRAN programs and UNIX scriptsthat can be combined to generate a numberof different products (Fox et al., 2002). Afew examples of MODAS programs includedata sorting, data cross-validation, data as-similation, and profile extension. This

modularity allows MODAS to be quicklyand easily modified to handle problems ornew requirements as they arise. MODAShas varying degrees of resolution starting at1/2º in the open ocean increasing to 1/4º incoastal seas and increasing again to 1/8º nearthe coast (Fox et al., 2002). To generatenowcasts and forecasts, the MODAS sys-tem uses a relocatable version of thePrinceton Ocean Model (POM). To initial-ize the POM MODAS temperature andsalinity grids, geostrophically estimated cur-rents, or extracted currents from otherPOM’s can be used.

One of the most important features ofMODAS is its use of dynamic climatology(Fox et al., 2002). Dynamic climatology isthe incorporation of additional informationinto the historical climatology in order toportray transient features that are not repre-sented by the climatology. Two useful quan-tities that are easily gathered from satellitesare sea surface height (SSH) and sea surfacetemperature (SST). While SST from altim-eters can be used directly, the SSH, which ismeasured as the total height relative to theproscribed mean, must be converted into asteric height anomaly in order to be used.2D SST and SSH fields are generated frompoint observations through the use of opti-mal interpolation.Optimal interpolation is a process by whichthe interpolated temperature or salinityanomaly is determined as the linear combi-nation of the observed anomalies. Each ofthe anomalies is given a weight that accountsfor variation in temporal and spatial sam-pling. Weights are computed by minimiz-ing the least square difference between theinterpolated value and the true value at thegrid point and by solving the equations(Gandin, 1965),

where iα are the weights, λ is the signal tonoise ratio, is the autocorrelation be-tween locations i and j, and Giµ is theautocorrelation between the grid point and i.For each grid node location matrix inversionis used to solve the system of N equations

for the N unknown weights. The other pa-rameters are computed using the first guessfield, MOODS profiles, and climatology.Using this process any new observation canbe interpolated into the appropriateMODAS grid node.

The first guess field, the prior day’s 2DSST field, or the weighted average of 35 daysof altimeter data respectively, is subtractedfrom the new observations, and the result-ing deviations are interpolated to produce afield of deviation. This is added to the firstguess field to generate the new 2D field. Forthe first iteration of the optimal interpola-tion, climatology is used for SST and theSSH measurement is assumed to have a zerodeviation. This means that until the fielddeviates from the climatology, the extra datahas added no value and MODAS reverts toclimatology.

Once the data is in a useful form,MODAS begins with the climatology pro-file and then correlates variations in the SSHand SST to variations in the subsurface tem-perature. The regression relationships usedhere were constructed by performing a least-squares regression analysis on archived tem-perature and salinity profiles. This is a threestep process starting with the computationof regional empirical orthogonal functionsfrom the historical temperature and salinityprofiles. The second step is to express theprofiles in terms of an empirical orthogonalfunction series expansion. The final step isto perform regression analysis on the profileamplitudes for each mode, truncating theseries after three terms. This is possible be-cause of the compactness of the empiricalorthogonal function representation.

Once the subsurface temperatures havebeen revised, MODAS adjusts the subsur-face salinity profile using the relationshipbetween temperature and salinity. Thisnew profile is referred to as a syntheticprofile. Synthetic profiles only utilize theseregression relationships down to a depthof 1500 m due to the decreasing reliabil-ity of the relationships at depth (Fox etal., 2002).

MODAS is also able to include mea-surements from in situ CTDs and XBTs. Thefirst guess field is the field generated by the




j ij i Gijα µ λ α µ−


+ =∑ , (1)

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dynamic climatology, and the in situ pro-files are subtracted from it to get residuals.Optimal interpolation is once again used toupdate the temperature field and from thetemperature field the salinity field can begenerated. This salinity field then serves as afirst guess field for the inclusion of the salin-ity profiles (Fox et al., 2002).

2.3 Satellite Altimetry DataAssimilated into MODAS

The Navy currently uses satellite al-timeters and inferred data to assess theocean environment for the naval opera-tions. Of primary interest is mesoscalevariability. Meandering fronts and eddiescan significantly change the temperatureand salinity structure of the ocean. Thisimportance is clearly seen in sonar depen-dent operations such as anti-submarinewarfare (ASW). Sonar range can be greatlyhelped or hindered by the acoustic envi-ronment created by the salinity, tempera-ture, and density. Altimeters also providethe SSH measurements that MODAS usesin its optimal interpolation.

While monitoring mesoscale variabilityis of prime importance to the Navy, anemerging secondary role for Navy altimetersis monitoring continental shelf and coastalzones. As the Navy conducts more and moreoperations in littoral waters, the ability topredict near-shore parameters will have in-creasing importance. Altimeter data can beused to get up-to-date information on rap-idly changing near-shore characteristics suchas tides and wave height (Jacobs et al., 2002).These are important issues for anyone deal-ing with mine detection, beach operations,or ship routing.

Altimeters have also been used to mea-sure the flow through important straits, suchas the Tsushima Strait, and to measure large-scale circulation. The first of these helps re-searchers and modelers to develop con-straints on local numerical models. Large-scale circulation measurements can also helpin the development of models by aiding inerror correction. They also help explain thelocal environment that is often affected bynot just local forcing, but large-scale circu-lation variations as well.

Satellite altimeters can provide a greatvariety of data, but no single altimeter canprovide measurements on all desired timeand length scales. Different parameters mustbe sampled at different frequencies if theyare going to be of any use. For instance, seasurface height must be sampled every 48hours while wave height must be sampledevery three hours. While different ocean fea-tures all have different time and spatial scales,only the requirements for observation ofmesoscale features are presented here as anexample (Jacobs et. al., 1999).

In order for an altimeter to efficientlyand accurately sample mesoscale features,there are several requirements placed on itsaccuracy, orbit, and repeat period. A satel-lite altimeter must produce measurementsthat are accurate to within 5 cm, or the er-rors that propagate down into the tempera-ture and salinity calculations will be unac-ceptable. With an error of only 5 cm, theerror in the temperature calculation can be1-2° C. Satellites should also have an ex-act repeat orbit to maximize the usefulnessof the data collected. Without an exact re-peat orbit, the only way to get differencesin sea surface heights is to use only the datafrom points where the satellite crosses thetrack of another altimeter or itself. An ex-act orbit is considered to be a 1 km wideswath of a predefined ground track. Fi-nally, the period of a single satellite shouldbe greater than the typical 20 day time scaleof a mesoscale feature. If two satellites areused, then they should be spaced so that apoint on the ground is not sampled morethan once in a 20 day period (Jacobs, 1999).

As described earlier, systems such asMODAS rely heavily on the informationprovided by these satellites. MODAS usesinterpolation to estimate SSH at pointsthat the satellite did not cover. If theground track spacing is too coarse thenthe optimal interpolation scheme ofMODAS will begin introducing errorsinto the fields between the tracks. It isimportant that the satellites be properlyset up so that a maximum amount of in-formation can be gathered with a mini-mum amount of error.

3.Navy’s Weapon Acoustic PresetA Weapon Acoustic Preset Program

(WAPP) is used to get automated, interac-tive means of generating Mk 48 and Mk 48Advanced CAPability (ADCAP) acousticpresets and visualizing torpedo performance.It combines the Mk 48 Acoustic Preset Pro-gram (M48APP) and the Mk 48 ADCAPAcoustic Preset Program (MAAPP) into asingle integrated package. The Royal Aus-tralian Navy as a part of the Collins ClassAugmentation System (CCAS) also uses theM48APP, and the Royal Canadian Navy haschanged the M48APP for Java. The programis based around a graphical user interfacethat allows the user to enter the environmen-tal, tactical, target, and weapon data. Withthese user specified parameters, the programthen performs a series of computations togenerate accurate acoustic performance pre-dictions. The output includes a ranked list-set of search depth, pitch angle, LD, andeffectiveness values, an acoustic ray trace, anda signal excess map (Cwalina, 2002, per-sonal communication).

The Environmental Data Entry Mod-ule (EDE) is a simple Graphic User Inter-face (GUI) that allows the user to enter avariety of environmental parameters (Fig. 1).The sea surface fields allow the user to specifywind speed, wave height, and sea state basedon either the World Meteorological or Beau-fort scale conventions. The three fields arecoupled so that an entry into one field willbring up the appropriate default values forthe others. The bottom condition field al-lows the user to specify the bottom depthand to choose the bottom type from a list ofpossibilities. The bottom of the GUI is de-voted to the water column characteristics anda sound speed profile. The temperature,sound speed, and depth are all in the appro-priate English units. The volume scatteringstrength (VSS) is in dB. The additional fieldsinclude the latitude, longitude, the profilename, and the table group identifiers.

Once the environmental parametershave been entered, the user can move on tothe Acoustic Module Preset Display. ThisGUI allows the user to specify a number ofparameters about the weapon, the target, andthe way the weapon should search (Fig. 2).

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The list-set on the right side of the GUI dis-plays a series of search depths, pitch angles,laminar distances, and effectiveness values.The effectiveness values for the various pre-sets are based on expected signal excess andray trace computations. Both plots can beviewed from a pull-down menu. These pro-vide a visual representation of the acousticperformance of the Mk 48.

In addition to automatically computingthe most effective preset combination for agiven set of environmental parameters, theprogram also allows the user to manuallyexamine the effectiveness of any allowablepreset combination via the signal excess andray trace plots. The program also allows theuser to save the tactical preset list and theaccompanying environmental data. The dataare stored locally in the weapon module andcan be recalled later or transferred via a net-work to the combat control system.

4. Statistical Analysis

4.1. Input and Output DifferenceThe difference between the two sets of

input (GDEM and MODAS) ψ input , orbetween the two sets of output weapon pre-set data (running using GDEM andMODAS) ψ output ,

∆ψ (r ,t) = ψ Μ (r ,t) – ψ G (r,t) , (2)

represents the ocean data update using sat-ellite and in situ observations (input) andthe effect of using satellite and in situ obser-vations on the weapon preset (output). Hereψ

M and ψ

G are the variables (either input

or output) using GDEM and MODAS, re-spectively. We may take the probability his-tograms of and to show the difference be-tween the statistical characteristics.

4.2. Root Mean Square DifferenceGDEM and MODAS have different

grid spacing: 1/2º1/2º in GDEM and1/12º1/12º in MODAS. For a GDEM cell,one data is available for GDEM and 36 datafor MODAS. The root-mean-square differ-ence (RMSD),

FIGURE1Environmental data entry.

FIGURE 2Acoustic preset module display.

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is commonly used to represent the differ-ence in the input and output data. Here, N(=36) is the total MODAS data number ina GDEM cell. The RMSD can be computedfor either the input data to the weapon pre-set model such as the temperature, salinity,or sound speed, or it can be computed forthe output data such as nondimensional de-tection area.

5. Comparison betweengdem and modas in thegulf stream region

5.1. DataIn order to make a meaningful compari-

son of MODAS and GDEM data, a suffi-ciently large data set had to be obtained. TheArea of Interest (AOI) also needed to be anarea where the ocean environment fluctuatedon a fairly short time scale. The GDEM datain March and MODAS data on March 15,2001 was obtained for the area off the NorthAmerican coast corresponding to 40°-35° Nlatitude and 75°-70° W longitude (Fig. 3).

Due to the differing resolutions ofGDEM and MODAS, this area provided117 GDEM profiles and 1633 MODASprofiles (Fig. 4). Each profile was simply atext file that consisted of a header row andcolumns of data. The header row containedthe number of depths the profile covered,the file’s name and the latitude and longi-tude of the profile.

The columns corresponded to depth infeet, the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit,the sound speed velocity in feet per second,a volume backscatter value, and salinity inPSU. Despite the common use of Interna-tional units in scientific experiments, it wasnecessary for the profiles to be set up in theappropriate English units. The WeaponAcoustic Preset Program (WAPP), the pro-gram used to generate the presets from theprofiles, requires inputs to be in English units.

RMSD = , (3)

FIGURE 3Area of interest.

5.2. Difference between GDEMand MODAS

While GDEM gives the climatologicalbackground ocean environment at a givenplace, MODAS is expected to provide morecurrent and synoptic interpretations of theenvironment. The amount of accuracyMODAS adds is in proportion to the scaleon which ocean parameters vary. For areassuch as the Gulf Stream, where environmen-tal factors are known to vary rapidly on arelatively small time scale, it is expected thatthere would be at least a few areas where thetwo data sets differ. It is these areas that areof particular interest, since the difference inthe weapon presets should be greatest.

On the surface, the GDEM data pro-vided a view of the temperature distributionthat consisted of smooth, uniformly spacedlines of constant temperature that were con-sistent with the overall flow of the region(Fig. 5). The cool water on the shelf gradu-ally gives way to the warm water flowing

FIGURE 4 GDEM and MODAS data points

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north along the Gulf Stream. The GDEMgenerated surface salinity distribution is ex-tremely similar to the surface temperaturedistribution and is consistent with the GulfStream region. Fresher water lies inland andthe salinity increases with distance from theshore. The only variation is in the north-eastern section, where there is a slight intru-sion of the salty offshore water.

As expected, the GDEM and MODASdistributions are, overall, fairly similar in boththeir range of values and overall distribution.They are similar to each other in shape, andboth show areas of cool fresh water near thecoast and areas of warm salty water lying off-shore. There are, however, a few differences,with the intrusion of warm salty water inthe northeastern section of the MODAS fig-ure being the most notable. There is also anarea of high temperature in the lower rightcorner of the MODAS figure that does notshow up in the GDEM figure. In general,the MODAS figure shows a sharper frontwith the water increasing in temperature andsalinity much more rapidly as the distancefrom the coast increases (Fig. 6). The GDEMfigure shows a gradual increase in tempera-ture and salinity starting in the top left cor-ner and continuing almost entirely down tothe lower right corner. The MODAS figureshows the water reaching maximum tem-

perature and salinity quickly and then stay-ing constant to the lower right corner.


offer similar ranges of temperatures, salini-ties, and sound speeds at the surface, thedistribution of the values is quite different.The histograms in Figure 7 reveal that whilethe temperature values reported by both data

sets are similar, the MODAS data has ahigher proportion of profiles located in the6°-7° C range. The difference in the salinitygraphs is even more drastic with the bulk ofthe GDEM values located in the middle ofthe range and the MODAS values split be-tween the high and low ends of the range.The sound speed graph indicates thatMODAS typically reports higher soundspeeds than does the GDEM data. This isnot too surprising, since sound speed in theupper water column tends to be tied closelyto temperature, and the MODAS data in-dicates warmer water than the GDEM data.

Increasing depth to 50 m and then 100m, it is clear to see that, for temperature, thedistribution of the values over the range forboth sets of data is quite similar. There isstill a slight preference in the MODASgraphs towards higher temperatures, but itis not as drastic as is seen on the surface.Salinity is much the same, with the differ-ence in shapes of the two figures more a fac-tor of the small number of GDEM profilesas compared with the number of MODASprofiles. Sound speed is the only area wherethe two data sets continue to diverge. Fromthe 50 m and 100 m sound speed figures itis clear that, with depth, the MODAS dataindicates increasing sound speed and the

FIGURE 5March surface temperature and salinity distribution from GDEM.

FIGURE 6MODAS generated surface temperature and salinity distribution on March 15, 2001.

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GDEM data predicts some sort of soundspeed minimum at depth. This is causingthe peak on the MODAS graph and the peakon the GDEM graph to move away fromeach other as depth increases.

By 2000 m the temperature and salinityhistograms for the two data sets are virtuallyidentical. At this point any perceived differ-ence in the two is solely a factor of the dif-ference in the number of profiles betweenthe two data sets. For the sound speed fig-ures this is the point of maximum separa-tion. The GDEM data indicates low soundspeeds representative of a deep sound chan-nel, whereas the MODAS data indicates thatthe sound speed has increased to this point.After this point the GDEM values begin ris-ing again to match the MODAS data.

While the distribution of the values overthe range is a useful tool in examining theinputs, it is the difference between the in-puts that is of real importance. Figure 8shows the RMS difference of the inputs.From the surface temperature figure in Fig-ure 8, the RMS difference of temperaturepeaks out in the lower left corner of the AOIat about 2° C. Besides the peak, the othersignificant area is the ridge starting in thelower left corner and running to the middletop of the figure. This corresponds to a nar-row region where the GDEM distributionwarmed slower than the MODAS distribu-tion moving from the coast out to sea. Thewarm water intrusion is represented by thegradual increase in height of the ridge. Thesalinity difference at the surface is nearly zerofor most of the AOI and reaches its maxi-mum value of 4.5 PSU along the top of theregion. The derived sound speed RMS dif-ference, as expected, is smallest far from thecoast where the difference in temperatureand salinity is smallest and increases towardsthe coast.

As depth increases, the RMS differencein temperature and sound speed changesslowly, but the difference in salinity drops offquickly. Neither the temperature nor soundspeed difference change significantly, but by100 meters the RMS difference for salinityhas gone down to values of less than .8 PSU.From 100 meters down, the temperature dif-ference begins to decrease slowly, and by 2000

FIGURE 7Comparison between GDEM and MODAS temperature histogramsat (a) the surface, (b) 100 m depth, and (c) 2000 m depth.

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meters the RMS difference for both tempera-ture and salinity has dropped to negligiblelevels for most of the AOI. This is expectedsince MODAS reverts to climatology atdepth. Except for the profiles in the north-western corner of the AOI that did not runas deep as the other profiles farther from thecoast, all the RMS difference vs depth pro-files were remarkably similar. All of the tem-perature differences showed either a gradualdecrease in the difference down to about 1000meters or a slight increase in the differenceimmediately followed by a gradual decreasein the difference down to 1000 meters. Atabout 1000 meters the temperature differ-ences all rapidly dropped to near zero.

The sound speed profiles all show thedifference increasing down to a maximumvalue of 60 m/s at around 2000 meters. Af-ter that the RMS difference drops off, andapproaches zero by 3000 meters. The causeof the maximum at 2000 meters is lack of adeep sound channel according to theMODAS data. The MODAS profiles al-most all have the sound speed steadily in-creasing down to the maximum depthwhereas climatology indicates a sound speedminimum at 2000 m. While there is somevariation in how quickly the salinity differ-ences drop to near zero, they are less than 1PSU by 200 meters. Shown in Figure 9 is arepresentative RMS difference profile.

6. Comparison of weaponacoustic preset using gdemand modas

The raw data was processed by the Na-val Underwater Warfare Center (NUWC)Division Newport. They received the inputprofiles, ran them through the WAPP, andgenerated the output. Percentage coveragewas calculated based on both surface(ASUW) and submarine (ASW) scenarios.The submarine scenario is a low Dopplerscenario consistent with diesel submarineoperations. The coverage percentages repre-sent coverage in the target depth band, ei-ther shallow, mid, or deep. The coveragepercentages were also normalized over acous-tic modes to produce an output that wasdimensionless.

FIGURE 8Horizontal dependence of RMSD at the surface between GDEM and MODAS for(a) temperature, (b) sound speed, and (c) salinity.

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6.1. Output DistributionsThe output provided by NUWC from

the WAPP runs consisted of twelve differ-ent percentage coverage groups, three depthbands times two scenarios times the two dif-ferent types of input data. For the non-SVPderived WAPP inputs, consistent values wereused throughout the runs to ensure that anydifference in the outputs was a result of dif-ferences in the GDEM and MODAS data.For each of the groups, basic statistics suchas mean, maximum, minimum, and stan-dard deviation were computed and then thedata were constructed into histograms to givea visual representation of how the data aredistributed.

In the shallow depth band ASUW sce-nario both MODAS and GDEM yieldmean coverage percentages that are very closeto each other. While statistically the meansare different, in real world applications a fewpercentage points difference is negligible (Fig.10). From a user’s standpoint, this meansthat both sets of data predict about the same

mean coverage for the AOI. The ASW sce-nario yields similar results except for the factthat the two means were not even statisti-cally different. While this seems to indicatethat the two data sets are returning similarresults, there are some important differences.First are the outliers on the GDEM graphs.Values in the high thirties to low fifties areextremely rare, yet the GDEM data indicatethat in at least one location for the ASUWscenario and several for the ASW scenario,the weapon will perform to this level. TheASW scenario also has a rather significantnumber of GDEM profiles that generatebelow average coverage percentages. Thiswould indicate that GDEM predicts thatcoverage will vary greatly with location. Incomparison the MODAS values for bothscenarios tend to be very consistent. Cover-age percentage varies little with location dueto the fact that most of the profiles lie withina very narrow range. Overall GDEM pre-dicts excellent coverage some of the time andpoor coverage the rest of the time. MODASdata on the other hand, indicates that cover-age percentage will not be excellent anywherebut the expected values will be uniform overthe whole shallow depth band region.

FIGURE 9Depth dependence of RMSD between GDEM and MODAS for (a) temperature, (b) sound speed, and (c) salinity.

FIGURE 10Shallow depth band coverage percentage distributions: upper panels for GDEM and lower panels for MODAS,left panels for ASUW scenario and right panels for ASW scenario.

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The mid depth band yielded results thatwere similar in distribution to the shallowdepth band (Fig. 11). Across both scenariosthe mean coverage of the GDEM data andthe mean coverage of the MODAS data arestatistically identical. Outliers are once againobserved in the GDEM data, the larger out-lier in the ASUW scenario, and the greaternumber of outliers in the ASW scenario. Thewide dispersion of the GDEM derived cov-erage indicates that weapon effectiveness willvary depending on location. This is similarto the predictions for the shallow depth bandand would indicate that GDEM predicts awater column that has varying coverage val-ues depending on horizontal and verticallocation. MODAS data once again indicatesan overall performance in the region that isslightly less than the GDEM prediction;however, the MODAS data is grouped evenmore tightly than in the shallow depth band.The coverage in the ASW scenario in par-ticular varies little about the mean value. Thisand the shallow depth band predictions in-dicate uniform coverage can be expectedeven at some depth.

In the deep depth band the graphs takeon a slightly different shape, but they con-

scenario has the larger predicted values, butthe values in the ASW scenario are still onthe upper end of what is normal. TheMODAS data predicts performance that is,while not particularly bad, still much morepessimistic than the GDEM predictions.

For both scenarios the means of theGDEM and MODAS derived predictionsare statistically different with the MODASdata providing the smaller mean in both sce-narios. Although the dispersion of theGDEM data is large in both scenarios, thedata is so heavily weighted towards the up-per end that low GDEM coverage percent-ages are average values for the MODAS datacoverage percentages. The MODAS datacoverage percentages are once again tightlygrouped; the uniformity of the predicted cov-erage percentages observed in the two otherdepth bands extends from the surface downto the selected maximum operating depth.

6.2. Difference of MK48 AcousticPresets Using GDEM and MODAS

For the shallow depth band, the RMSDin the percentage coverage area was smallover most of the AOI, consistent with thesimilar means and range of values noted inthe previous section (Fig. 13). The areas

FIGURE 11Medium depth band coverage percentage distributions: upper panels for GDEM and lower panels for MODAS,left panels for ASUW scenario and right panels for ASW scenario.

FIGURE 12Deep depth band coverage percentage distributions: upper panels for GDEM and lower panels for MODAS, leftpanels for ASUW scenario and right panels for ASW scenario.

vey much the same meaning (Fig. 12). Inboth scenarios the GDEM graphs areweighted heavily to the right end, predictingthat in the deep depth band coverage will bevery good over most of the area. The ASUW

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computed to have small RMSD coveragepercentages also had small RMSD in tem-perature and salinity. In the region wherethe RMSD in temperature and salinity waslargest, though, a large RMSD in percent-age coverage is also observed. These largervalues are likely areas where the GDEMdata generates overly optimistic coveragepercentage predictions. For the surface sce-nario, RMSDs of up to 25% are shown inthe region around 39° N 73° W, and thewarm salty intrusion observed on theMODAS data coincides with a second peakin the northeastern section of the graph.Overall the ASW scenario shows RMSDsthat are similar to the ASUW scenario, theonly difference being that the values are,on average, slightly smaller. The notableexception is the peak located at the topportion of the graph.

For the mid depth band the percentagecoverage RMS difference for the ASUW sce-nario is simply a scaled down version of theshallow depth band ASUW graph (Fig. 14).This makes a great deal of sense consideringthe fact that the coverage percentage distri-butions for the shallow and mid depthASUW scenarios were very similar. The realdifference is in the ASW scenario. The singleexceptional peak at the top of the previousgraph is gone and the observed differenceshave become much smaller. Most of theRMS differences for the mid depth ASWscenario do not exceed 10%. This is prob-ably due to nearly identical coverage per-

centage means from both data sets, and thetighter grouping of the GDEM data cover-age percentage predictions in the mid depthband ASW scenario. The RMSD values aresmall even in the areas where the tempera-ture and salinity differences were observedto be large, such as in the upper section ofthe graph.

The RMSD observed in the deep depthband scenarios are smaller than those of theshallow depth band, but similar in magni-tude to the mid depth band (Fig. 15). Forthe ASUW scenario the RMSD peaks nearthe northwestern corner of the AOI and thendecreases steadily in steps heading towardthe opposite corner. While the individual

RMSD values seen are not as large as someof the ones in the other depth bands, moreof the area has a non-negligible RMSD. Thecause of this can be seen from the percent-age coverage distribution for the deep depthASUW scenario.

The GDEM data results in values thatare almost all larger than the largestMODAS derived values. This overly opti-mistic prediction means that over a largeportion of the AOI, the RMSD is going tobe non-zero. The RMS difference in theASW scenario changes very little from themid depth band save for the fact that thevalues in the lower right corner are smaller.The coverage distributions for the deepASW scenario are similar to the ASUWcase, but the separation between the twomeans is not so pronounced. The result isa larger region where the RMSD is smallor zero.

Both of these graphs match the patternthat has so far been observed in the otherdepth bands. The ASUW scenario has thehigher RMS difference values, with areas ofboth high temperature and salinity differ-ences corresponding to peaks on the graphs.The RMS difference values also approachzero moving toward the top left or bottomright corners. Also, as depth increases, thedifference between the two data sets de-creases causing the difference between thecoverage percentages to decrease.

FIGURE 13RMSD for shallow depth band coverage: left panel for ASUW scenario and right panel for ASW scenario.

FIGURE 14RMSD for medium depth band coverage: left panel for ASUW scenario and right panel for ASW scenario.

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ConclusionsBy looking at the RMSD in the tem-

perature and salinity fields generated fromthe GDEM and MODAS data, it is pos-sible to look for areas where the data differsignificantly. It is at these points that the dif-ference in the preset effectiveness should bethe greatest. This is observed for both sce-narios at all depth bands. The percentagecoverage is the most different at points whereboth the temperature and salinity RMS dif-ferences are large. This is especially true forthe shallow depth band where differencesof 25% are observed for both scenarios. It isof interest to note that even at the surfacethe RMS differences for the temperature andsalinity are never more than a few degrees orPSU. Even with only this slight increase inthe accuracy of the inputs, a large increasein the accuracy of the prediction of theweapon effectiveness occurred. This seemsto imply that the sensitivity of the presets tochanges in the inputs is quite high.

From the output distributions it becomesclear that the GDEM derived coverage per-centages indicate that weapon effectivenessshould vary not only in the horizontal butalso in the vertical. The implication is thatin some areas coverage will be very high andin others the coverage will be very poor, butthe tendency is for the coverage to be highfor any given area. The MODAS derivedpercentages reveal that the exact opposite is

true. The coverage will be consistent nomatter what the horizontal location or depthband. This is an important result since pre-diction of weapon effectiveness is vital tomission planning and execution. In this casean unrealistic expectation in the weaponseffectiveness would have resulted from theuse of the GDEM data to predict the cover-age percentages in the water column. TheMODAS data also would have given the userthe freedom to operate anywhere in the re-gion knowing that their weapon would func-tion about the same no matter the location.

The most obvious limitation of this workwas the limited data set. Any future workshould include data that covered a widernumber of areas and times. Areas of strongthermal and salinity contrast are of particu-lar interest. Various combinations of the userinputs into the WAPP should also be stud-ied. The effects of variables such as bottomtype and position (upslope/downslope) needto be addressed. Another avenue of study isthe determination of how the number ofaltimeters affects the accuracy of the out-puts. It has been determined that the pre-sets are sensitive to the addition of satellitedata. However, the effect of the number ofsatellite inputs still remains to be determined.Once this is done an optimal number of al-timeters can be determined based on mini-mizing cost and maximizing preset accuracy.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was jointly supported by the

Space and Naval Warfare System Commandand the Naval Postgraduate School. Theauthors would like to thank Charlie Barronat the Naval Oceanographic Office for pro-viding MODAS data set.

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FIGURE 15RMSD for deep depth band coverage: left panel for ASUW scenario and right panel for ASW scenario.