palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1941-11-22 [p page two]. · in" "'hich dr. r. 1....

Pag« Tw o TF^ OLD GRAY Bi Re*. E. Philip Bills It ;mvs that everybody In the state i.v preparing) to attend ths grand io 'go of Ere? and Accepted M asons at Darlington next month. I Grand Master J. S.'Stanback certainly acted wisely when he issued his proclamation calling the crafts t0 meet in the above city. Columbia is our fraternal home and we can meet there when all other doors* are closed against us. RutTt enlargement of Masonry in South Carolina will depend upon ndcratiof IV. w a s so w i th.the chiirtian church at Jerusalem. As 1 ng as the disciples remained at that great city, the church's »owth was snrtill. Thpre are many cities in the state_ that are bidding n- w f : the next grand lodge and they should be accomodated. The "" 'dm: Masonic meeting at Dar I ngtoi. bills fair to be the best that \v-> have hau for many years In fact Masonry of the Prince . ri-.'' "has taken on new life" in recent years. .Master Sta-nback is ce: tainlv the right man to briny ab -i- ivnce .in fraternal circles <lt: in' Secretary Dickson ha* wrought wonders in that office. ^ * a .. ! >. onr grand staff o* > ir-Tfding our deputies. , !i e riv, yfacnnt(. uirsidiction. The t;ntr at Darlington this year ;!' 1 :l, record breaking even: >,) .very Mason in this state should make special efforts to _ i v witness the session. ( bri-ctmas Seals The ministers of Charlestoi city TiTiTi count v have Oftught rT vision rs to the importance a' tv.rchasinc Christina* Seals, am. it is oiir hope that ministers and otK-fdt^tffi^over thr~ state will follow our. example. Whave said a grin and again in oui »^ivs column that there is no hotter "money spent in the world "ti rnat or miyinc tne aoov' "v- P's to visit th( rnrimi? snnatoriums and fee^pu -ir. recovering' from that dread ' known as Tuberculosis ""v !n htwitals arc supported f.m the sale of Christmas Seals --"^^H-nrovisiona- -those-pa. Li: "ts would he In their graves men could not qualify as soldiers to defend their country .v,., wo'-o threatened with *' disease. These institutions ,,r-.v-n tn heavenly bles :"Os to the nation and all colored -m ci, vi '' retristev their ap enon the eood that is de hv ,utv nermle in purchasing worth of Seals this year, "'-teir John P. Burtress beads ponvmittee and Professor \ ToUrj^on of Columbia is -r'icvf.v, Tn know these outstand- '-V-'-aoinra ir to <?et en idea of ' f n^nnlo in charee of the * ney C S. Ledbetter of ^^n'-leston. heads our committer .,,vi t};0 NVcroos are deter -i-od to tro over the top this year of Seals. An Important Conference W'. Jrfnvo just received a com' "'Uiii f tion "from Mrs. A ndrew W Simnkins notifying us of the sfecon i annual South Carolina ccm <""» nr n student health. This tn !'v; mind is anion? the .best 1.1 V,.U '««.! people from- ewry where shouV h in attendance. The".*r ii ili I certainly cot information the4 *.» (> j|<r be beneficial in every respect. Mrs. Simnkins is the state's field nurse for o'lr proup and sh-is e r ;nlv th ripht person foth° n.-.sitre". Remember that this conference is unlv another reaao" v why X'-tcos should buy Christina, Peals. A Hood Man Passea TXo ij..,vh Rev. Robert Craw. f i»ri .-e- fuifhful.lrrcal.deacon""Tn Morris Rrowr A. M. E. church k the field one of e ) hi,- nco. He enioy^'d the r"rT Mrt ~s r- 11 of pood doed ' ...iii f.v«,. ns a monu to his credit. tt, t. -nrr. aod'tovinm was crowd- M ]n«t Th'irsdav aft^»*noon to wit « a->d The crowd a^iTTt foot thnf a christian Lotion. Ministers appear-. ,n"TKr" TuheraT pro err am" wer'-" r>,.v R-ott who offerer! "' "vo" Pev. H R. .Trme<, who read - "* »Mre owl Pev. D. N. Wilson who announced telegrams. - ""'tionc on the part of »v. tvootoeo. stewards and official hoard, wove rcpd hv Rjyi J"1!"" ^^^""""'' in" "'hich Dr. R. 1. " tt'.v delivered one erf i-* f'-neral sermons wo have ever heard. The Union P"v. T F. Henderson, first vice presidert .in the chair..our. union had a preat session last week. "The advantage of unity amonp the Protestant ehurchea" was tie suh'eet discussed by Dr .CL iL .I^»Ui<»iter-which w;iq indeed a masterpiece. Everybody should have herrd Rev. I/cdbetter on this subject. ITe made a wonderful impression upon every minister present. At the close of the Union, the A. M E. Alliance had a _KQ.Qdmee.t-. PvFAvRTT"T)r. TU T. Tomnn. preai dent, in eharpe. Those speaklnp in hoth unions last Monday were Drs. T. R Pearson. J. E Beard, E. H. Beard. T. W. Murph. D. N. Wilson. Revs. J. R. A Grant, G. B. Mitchell. TV L Brewer, I. I. Major, W. T. Murray, and S. Parker. Thanks VW nrr thankful ta thorn? who* remembered the P&lmett<j Leader in the ol<J mother conference last / - -r GREENVILLE NEWS Mrs. Christine Johnson being treated at General Hospital. Her condition is described as fair. Mr. und Mrs. F. Calhoun, \vh* formerK resided at 10 Echol^- Sw,left the city Saturday, night. They are planning to live in Plainl'ield. N. J. Misses Jetyslle Jones and Teesic .Smith "were the afternoon guests of Mrs. Lenn Long of Bulls Ali. y S"pday rs. Pinson spent the week end in Spartanburg visiting her daugh ter, son in-law, and grand daughter. -Las. -Juhnetta Pet era of BrtrVott' tow n, i^ seriously ill. Mrs. Ernes tint Carter, Mis* NeH Wndirwurrtir Mrs. Saludia M. Young, Mr. Sullivan Duck, Mrs. Ligon und many >th^jL friends visited her Sunday in oracr to offer words of cheer ind express their willingness to help in any way possible. yessrs. Joseph Cooper, James K.% Dei p and William II. Gilbert visited relative^ in Hodges, S. C. Sat urday evening and Sunday. .'\t Springfield Sunday School, last Sunday vva* designated as la^ Day. Each member of the school w»s expected to bring at least or;, vis tors, ami visitors ami regtla. me.nbers alike, wore tags. Anion." the numbers en the [treirnttn whufoliowed a brief class period u«#v ' retding. Miss A. J. Carey; s >K Mil. Pearl Bates; instrumental s" lo. Mr. W. Garrett; remarks, Sup! E. C. Murray and 7Te\\ T. h Gnridy. The funeral of Mrs. Daisy GarrismT" widow of the late Mr. IT C. Garrison, was hold at Spring fit'd church Sunday pktftornoon. mother, Ihree children, and a num bet of other relatives. Interment in -Hi'l est ofnhetery" Walker ar>.: Su livan in charge. Mrs. .Marie Spearman of Elford. St.. haK been ill. but k now im pi « ving rapidly. Atf.tster Koosevelt l'nwl.-v. 201. Elford St., wns painfully injured Friday night when he was struc'. by n car. His conditio")) is consit; -red fair at present. Messrs. King and Willard Wash field spent the week.end in An detson, S. C. The Gospel Singers of Gree.v villf, will sing at Pleasant Grow in Pelzer Sunday. Cars will leavt SpringTield church on E. McBe e Ave. Sun day at 12 :do. Ev en botly is.invited to.go. See- Mrs. Geneva Young, 102 Pine Ft., for a Iditional infunuation, or telepht/ne 1258j._ Mrs. Mabel Boozer has arrived in the--city from Pallas, Texas. to be at the bedside of her daughter. Miss Margaret Howard. Miss Howard is much better just now. Air. Mahone of Hilly St., is ..esting nicely at the Government I Hospital in Columbia. He is a 'number of the Macedonia F. B .H. church on Elfcrrd St., ami ment(bors of that congregation repot t that he ts greally missed. \f **q n nnon fr Kr» »»» !«*». .' « o. *_» « * 11 vrrr n?wi "Ittr inr* UI Mts. Hattie Hill of Ann St., ha:t returned to her home in New Yorl, City. Mrs. Green enme here to attend the funeral of her niece, Mrs. I.. F. Turner. 1 Through the courtesy of Prof J. Wilson Walker and the teachers 'of Union and Gower St. schools, Prof. Lide of Paine College, spent last week end In the city and gave a series of lectures to which all teachers of the city were invited Pr Sessional conferences were also held. Problems dealing with ch id development and determining community needs, were discussed. National Education Week wa/ oh erve 1 at Allen school with open h< use periods and appropriate pr-'grams. Speakers who appeared during the week were: Prof. J. W-lbur Walker, Prof. J. E. Beck, i It. v. C. F. Gandy, Rev. W. F. Canw n, Rev. E. B. HoHoway, Mr. 'Hinry Percival, Sr.. and Dr. E. L. M* Pherson. Members of the faleu'.ty also spoke and groups of pupils rendered selections. sr. JAMES ,W M. E. CHURCH .;,\1. .Mi Donald. Pastor ' Sunday being a beautiful day. the services were well attended beK-i ining- with the Sunday School wl ich opened at 10 a. m. with the St pt and co-workers present. After "the "class stluly of the les sou the .school wag beautifully reviewed by the pastor. Senior class No. 1 i. holding the banner, Miss Ce!ia Phelps, teacher. 'Sunday morning ' the pastor pr. ached a wonderful sermottv-fr«*vi the subject, "Fellowship with Christ." Sunday night ho preached .n,,thor gtirririfi nn-». r v;!t . food for thought. \Ve are glad to have Rev. and M s. Albert Jackson hack. They ha e been in Philadelphia and New York for several months. Rev. Ja kson made helpful remarks. Rev. Mrs. Miller of Emanuod Station, and Mrs. I>aurn Simmons wt'*e welcome visitors-= Sunday nil ht. Mrs. Miller made encouraging remarks. The musical nnd iuhilce choir rendered wonderful service Sunday. Visitors are aiwayn welcomed we.-k. We regret that- we were unable to attend. However, we arrived Sunday morning and found loyal supporters waiting to greet us. Others will please send headquarters immediately. At Greater St. Luke church we are moving right along. Rev. Hercrl.'s Ford preached Sunday morn, ing and Rev. I. I. Majcrr gave u. a great sermon that night. Come to our church when you want a good service. us advance on our kneoa. TBI DUE WEST NEWS As usual, splendid services were held >n the churches of Due West on last Sunday, and the ministers thrilled their members with the nr»t\Al nfftwy a*v« j This being the Inst Svnday be;,,re_ conference, - the members ofMt. Lebanon A. M". E. church made sure that Rev. It. J. Glover had every cent &f his conference claims and some to spare. So 'ere yam read thin, lie uill(hlU'e hnfde a fine report for this charge. One of the outstanding events of the season was the fourth an niversary of the wedding o Chaplain nnd Mrs. Cr#. 11., Jr. ~itt~ the home of their parents. .Mr. an/ Mrs. Ollle Tones. Rev. and Mis Rebecca Glover ami Mr. Olin 1 Smith were among those w*h< shnred the very great pleasure «>' being present. A delicious turkc dinner, with nil that goe^ wit; ii was served and was much c n''iy< by nil present. The manner i which this dinner was apnointeand prepared showed the hostes' and her mother, Mrs. .loms to b well trained in the culinary art Chaplain llinter is stationed w;t J the United Strtes Army in th state of IxruTsianm Mr. and Mrs. "E. T. 11 lie Misses I.uln Latimer and R:uh<' Wharton -attended tke htntn- c- to ing hehl at Bettis Junior (' II recently. Misses l.atimet i n Wharton arc stud- nt. of the' h West colored high school ..t' wh_i_ .Mr. Holmes if principal. Titey report a pleatsnnt trip. A planning conference v :,v h< on the 13th and 14ih of thL |.|. nt nt Mt. 7.ion Presbyterian eluuv» of which the Rev. E. L. Me Adam- ftftSIOPr-iVHHHV COHSt rUetlVp WOH wis accomplished bv the ropre fo-med the conference. | Mrs. Martha Miller, her dnuph: tor . Miss-Hattio Miller, son. Mr Fin-nian Miller, and h shami worIvrgftTrrs of Mr. aivj Mrs. AndrTv -Miller Sunday. The Tailor Uux*z were present'at' Mj. I#ebnnon or lact Sunday night. REED STREET SCHOOL NEWS Prof. S. C. Ferry. Principal The Reed Street high school won in everything they attempted last w.ek. The elementary school, un. dor the direction of Mrs. L. E. tinvton. Miss Daisy Nonl and Mrs. .Mozellp.Bhrssiny-mie, won first P'emium on the school ^ooth. Anderson's community was out. standing, unique and original. Al! teachers in the elementary de partnu-nt are to tx- congratulated al<>ng with the boys and girls. Misses Cowans, and Mrs. Ro«rof the home economics department were first premium winners with their exhibits. The Baby Booth wn> unit on baby clothing and equipment. Toys were made from spools and small cans painted baby blue pink and white. The woolen haps "made'by seventh grade gills were colorful and-pretty in shades of ui un^t:, uiuw ii, KVWII iWHl purpii' and mixed colors. Those hags were made from a common towel and \v <don threads. The Blue Devils nu-t Greenwood la-t Friday afternoon in their last home game. The scores were 57-0 in favor of the old Blue Devils Well, we have one more game to pb'ty. then I will breathe freely. We meet Belle Street of Clinton Tuesday. November 25th. We are showing our second movie tomorrow at 1 p. m. The feature is "Rollin Plains." with ed. ueational ?hAr.t».suh iects. The children and teachers are looking forward to a glorious Thanksgiving. Some will motor to Orangeburg to see QonedocitState annual battle, some to Washington and othre points, some will remain homo nnd oat the Traditional turkey dinner, but all will npnreeinte the week-end va cation. We resume work Novem. ber 24th. Reed Street played joint hosts \vith.P'letorc1Fbrnner;.Anderson; Young and Young to the Piedmont Medical Association Thursday night. We were proud to have these men of mercy come to our school Wo only wish our student body_ could have iin-t you. I am sure they would have been inspired by your presence. Yoi^_ looked sl'ong, determined, cfficifnt, as if you were ready to fight your line of defense against disease and death of your propter- After tt "tnrelffPSir sesstoTt," these members of the Association were served a doliciou^ mid-night dinner consisting of baked hen stuffing, peas, white potatoes, hot rolls, fruit salad, olives, hot coffee, cream and cake. Come again Doctor,, and Doctors' wives! REED STREET WELCOMES YOU. WOODRUFF NEWS New Ret he! RaPtist churfh Sunday School was fine, after which general service was held. The many friends of Mr. Clarence Downs regret to learn that h* was badly burned while at work. A rally \vn9 put on for our pastor last week. Rev. W. S. Calvin preached. Wonderful service war held. A neat sum of $33.7F< wns rr ised. I Mr. and Mrs. Maricm Thompson , were the dinner guest, of Mr. and Mrs. John Hobby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson and family were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Floyd. Mrs. Edith Higgins passed away Saturday night and will be funeralized at the Boaver Dam Baptist church Wednesday. Rev. Mrs; Nancy Parker and son, Samuel, will leave next Mondayfor Washington D. C. where they will make their future home with her ehiWren. Mrs. Inez Floyd Stoen of WaahIngtcm, D. C., virdted her parents and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Flayd l*»t w»«k. S PALMETTO LEAQJBft MTtS. ERNESTINE NEL80N DIN KINS PASSE8 Florence, S- C..Miss Ernestine Nelson, the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs A<latn Moltftiv wa» tsfirn in "Sumter; _S/XT7"and There she lived until about 14 years ago. Sh?-Titlended Kendall institute from which she graduated; She was converted at the age of 11 and .ioined the Second Presby-erian church of which she was a 'jrimful member. Ernestine was ited in marriage to Mr. Joseph 'Ainkins. to this union two children were born. In 1927 she niov. -h!.4-o- Ftorercp rnd iorned the Mou :t Zioii A. M. 1., clr. mb Mrs. Ihnkins was sick about, nine months and bore her afflieion with the patience of Job, nev °r compln ini - .\ always cheerful n ' smiling.- Her pastor and "( m f mis would come in and ray. Sic wnu'd eni*v it nnd 1 a k them. She would often ask daughter to read the 2.1rd ' "'m and the 112th chapter of hroe and oft«*4i said that she . » i'linc and prepared for the I's will to.he done. V.-v. Ibnl-ins is "srrvived-by-her b'i»'d. Mr. Joseph I). Dinktns; ' Mrs. 1 i/aie Mae DinkKlo»-enc : one sister. Mrs. IF. cime fi<* ('hicfi'.io. 111.; Vtevc; >|r. Andrew "Nol. v., en-'ah. (in.; Mr. Irbv - .. . f Fv> *». ; Mr. RaynmniL f IWM* I .... .»».v .... tnu a ' of other relatives a.Ji ti iein's. .t' e wrrr.l family of Mrs. .!n ; -y' o h."Vi;.ilon<» every.r~.m.relieve hefsVttiorinir. dry >'» t.,*.rx and how in humble .-^li.^' tin- kind arid Tov'i Cod who i-- too wise to ntake mistake, who has called this «:tv ful lovin" wife, mother, sis. h"tv an open /ate at the end of the road. ""V-nntrh 'ehieh each must {? o a'oif, ' o.l there- it a 1 ivht we cannot see 'litr Father claim.. His own; H.-vond the irate votir love<l one t^inds happiness and rest Vnd there is comfort la the thought That a lovinp (Tod knows best. Flower piils: Mrs. Lidn Sintrle on. Florence: Mrs. Lillian Howl, 'en. Sumter: Mrs. Janio Hedgley. .Mnir'.'ie.Jrrtrrvson, Florence PallhoJnTrs: Mr. Joe Greene. Mr. Joseph Jones. Mr. Robert Wil Mams. Mr. Andrew Smith, Mr. Wm. Ratiste. The funeral was held at Mount 7,ion A. M. F. church. Friday, November 7. 1011. A brief program was rendered. Remarks1 T. P,_Po£ue of Sumter; Rev- J, E. Thomas. Rev. J. M. Jackson; solo Mrs. I.idn Singleton: obituary, Mrs. Edith Lewi's; music by the choir. The remains were taken to her home. Sumter, for burial. BISHOP Fl'l.l-ER IN rOLI'MBIA Bishop W. K. Fuller, of Atlanta, Cla., passed through Columbia Inst week en route to Spartanburg where he is holding his annual conference. He recently closed his conference a t Batesburg where the financial reports were very good. Bishop Fuller was »u< ii hi ouiun Carolina; the people delight to honor him as he is the founder of his church. His church school'is located at Greenville. He recently organized his hutch itv California. He is alvays welcome in Columbia where he has hundreds of friends^ not mly by his denomination, but cores" of other friends. «T. l.l h'F/S CAI.Lft N'l.W RECTOR The llev. William K. Kidd of" Portsmouth, Va., has accepted a call to rector of .St. Luke's Episcopal church, Columbia. Mr. Kidd is a former member of St. James church, Portsmouth. TI £~was""educath.1 at Norcum high school of that city, at Hampton inrtitutr, Va.V'at Lincotnunwersu ty, Penn. and at the Big^opPayne Divinity school, Petersburg, Va. The new rector holdB degrees of A.B., and S.T.B. 1935. The brief time that Rev., Mr. Kidd has spent in the ministry 4 THIS WMi prolitably used by him in IPVPrnl nAMmnnUUo J --- v >'iiiiaiuMiv.icri OUU in many worthwhile activities. As a deacon, Mr. Kidd served as assistant to Archedeacon B. \V. Harris of Grace church, Nor.1 folk. In 19.17, after his ordina. tion to thf. priesthood, he was called to St. Stephen's church, I Petersburg where he served until he came to St. L/uke's in October. At Lincoln university, Mr. Kidd was a member of the University Mimic club and quartette. Tfe i«ra member of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, and was president of the Colored Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Petersburg and vicinity for two years, also president of the WPA Advisory council. In the eighteen months after leaving the seminary, Mr. Kidd served in the mission field of the Diocese of Southern Vir. ginia. In connection with his work at St. Stephen's, he directed a social service and recreation center. at. TAiIte^s and Columbia are indeed fortunate to 'be able to welcome Mr. Kidd who la yet a CHESTER PARAGRAPHS ,1 A Schools will close Wednesday afternoon for Thanksgiving, and open again, Monday morning. | Th>' KMCQini RHUltilHy /if thfi 1 v viiu ^vi tliu f County Teachers' association was j 0 held Saturday morning at Finley I high school. There was a good ^ attendance, and much^ business a was attended to. Several paid * Registration fee, and (Red Ctobs ^ dues. P In the contest for "Miss Home, coming" which closed last Friday '' morning, the result was as fol- ^ lows: a Grades: . H jjAi-.Miss I ,ncy .... MissTT.^L. Beatty 14.70 8C- -Prof. M. Richburg 20.75 c 'A .Miss Davidene .Harris 53.50 ' 9B.Prof. A.D. Hardin 22.00 ^ >C -Miss Ruth Rice 27.19 s in a \fioj ii-..- m s .»« ».in \J fTvimvi^ II x 11*111 y 4m.UU 1011 Miss H. 0. Wright . ' 36.00 1 T1A Miss Naomi Neul HO.00 n nil Miss McMullen 27..'18 ' A Friend .. .20 ' I Total for the high school $286.13 f Ehmentnry school 61.08 f CJirmd total ;.... $348.11 1 Only the high school had the ' contestants. Miss Rosa Lec n Rainey of the yA class was de- ^ la red "Miss Home coming" from " hr report~of "her teacher, Miss ( Davidene Harris. She will be c 'a wncvt on Thanksgiving Day n 1 will ride, in a small beautiful- decorated ear, with no top. At 1 half the hi;»h school girls will ' rfh on the grounds a\ijl form ! -trr^-ieners "F" for FipUy high, c mil "B" foi.Sterling.high,.who" sill bo the opposing team. This ; ast Friday afternoon when Burke ' high of Charleston was to play, s hut mis trouble caused them not 10.get here. A very large crowd ( as present.many soldiers also, A m<r every one was very sorry not "* to witness the game, but all who travel in cars know that some- * times something happens to ap car, and it just won't move. All 11 money was refunded at the gate, p and everything \vient out pleasant 1 ly. The home team ate a double ^ portion for a lovely dinner had I been prepared for them and the * visiting team. It was a beautiful day. Friendship college team and 7 other cars from Rock Hill, Union Lancaster and nearby towns were ' present. Prof. Cyril Spann returned v Wednesday to Ft. Leonard Wood, ' Missouri, after spending several 1 days here with his mother, sisters and brothers. N Mrs. Mary Harditf spent Sun. ^ day in Rock Hill with her sister * in-law. ( Miss Ruth Rice, ,1L E. teacher 1 at'Finley high Bpcnt the week. ' end in Richmond, Va., dnd arriv. «d here Monday afternoon. 1 On the first Sunday morning at < Calvary Rnptist church, there will he a Mortoaeo Burnine. A f large crowd in expected to b e x present. Rev. M. T. Coker and his conregation are happy over this ^ .they have worked hard. .J1 Pastor Coleman of Metropoli- \ tan A. M. E. Z. church preached an excellent sermon Sunday morn ' ing, and outlined hi* program to his hearers. s Mrs. C. M. Finney spoke to the students at Clinton College i n 1 Rock Hill Sunday afternoon at 4 ' o'clock. Her subject was "The ' Need of More Christian Teachers | t in Our Schools Today." President Brice introduced her. The teachers and students were very pleas ant, and expressd themselves as having enjoyed her speech She_ was presented with a Webster's J College Dictionary, which was v quite a surprise to her, but it was a gift with which she was ' highly pleased. £ Grand Master J. S. Stanback c and Mr.-J, -C.-Channel -Anderson last week-^and met the * Masons there. They had a fine f time and returned happy that the r Masons of that city are nbout to c Knallr iV\Aw» n oltrAr. A ..AMI. 4A«1.. ] VVl,vn viiviuocivcn. rv VIM J lUSiy TTtMation waft smed: ~*J< The funeral services of Mr. Will j Ilnrdin were largely attended at < Bethel Baptist church last Wed- % nesday. He was a highly respect j cd man nn<l had many friends, both colored" anlrt white who are , sorry that he has passed away. j Mrs. Mary Nelson's home caught on fire Sunday morning, but the prompt arrival of -the Are truck ( and men, prevented the damage £ from being much. j The death of Mr. Robert Jackson in Columbia, was a great i shaili tiu lilw mailt frlt'Udfl lierc. *" Much sympathy i9 extended' Mrs. Jackson and children. c Prof. Jnmes Stratton is busy, and very busy here, there, and round aoout, looking after the interests of the Bol^iers to see that they are properly entertained. ' Prof. Stratton has made many ' friends since he camp here a few weeks ago. c Each morning last week in Fin- * ley high school, the high school f students assembled for th« follow t ihg propVam, These instructors } Chester Paragraphs Continued . > were at their best as they spoke r on their particular (Joy. ' 1 r Education Week.General Theme r Education For A Strong America ^ Daily topics November 10-14 s Monday, Seeking World Order h .Miss Ellen C. Lacy. Tuesday, Building Physical FitWednesday, Strengthening Nationnl Morale.Miss Ethel C, Mc_ e 1_ » ft young maiU-ene.rgetic and capable. F The community jn&y well expect a to benefit spiritually and socially C by his presence in the city. d i s I lROI'ND WEST COLUMBIA kND CAYCE 1 By Rev. A. L. Diggs Rev. Mrs. A. rM. Reed. pastor f th£ Holiness church of West xdumlria has returned from Mt. lose, Pa., where she has been in three weeks revival meeting at he A. M. E. Zion chu>eh. "Rev. ohn A. Glenn, pastor. She j'corts a grand success. Mr. E. M. Herein is in the Coumbia hospital suffering from aims he received while working t the Rock jtjuary last Wedncsnw. Novrmber 15. We hop? Tor ' 4tn.a.speed v.recovery. Service at Mt. Pleasant Baptist hurch. Rev. Wm. Green, pastor, nst Sunday morni-e wa« good, "he waiter preached for him. Al. e at St. James in the afternoon ervice was fine. The vrit"f was he speaker there too. They had i- program fov Rev. Green their »nsto»* at the same tijue and e&v lim u neat little sum of $4.00. loth of these churches are fining >ne under the leadership of Rev. Ivoen. Mt. Pleasant is being minted.. nnd is., looking.-gcoxh.St,. ia've« is b«)»e -at «v,,) j<; ookhig good. Both churches are 'ettine- readv to meet the Rmnkand P'oeresidve Uh'»rh and Sun lav School Union \vhi"h M»\v» P...o5ct r . v >i i ll. J/ I'M r l>' K 'ptnrdnv and Sundnv. November >o.<ip. Rpv, L. B. Gohlnn <f Wont Columbia pastor. The Resident, Rev. Win.. Troon. i-s "Oqiiestinc n' full quorum Sat. it 1:30 o'clock. Don. A. Wilson dork. .Rev. b.~Hlass of-Wr OolTrmr>ia preached at Jones Chapel A. U. E. Zion ehttrch, Columbia, lastSunday night and report a good lerviee. | Mrs. Maggie Simmons preparedlinner -for "her' pastor and his vife, Rev. and Mrs. B. C.CunNotice! Those who'failed, to jet their paper last Saturday. It vas the writer's fault. He failed .0 go back to the office for the emaining forty that was left here Saturday morning, but see lint this Saturday and get your inper for he will have them 011 inie. > \ round -Cay ce Sunday was a high day at_Alt. ^leasant Baptist church. Sunday chool began at its usual houi vith its officer* at their post of hay. The lesson was satisfac01 ilv discussed. At 12 o'clock the morning service began. The Pastor, Rev. G. A". Biightharp, preaelied a heart '-eh sermon from Matt. 15:13" Ev. ?ry plant which my heavenly ruther hath not planted, shall be ooted up. The evening service was well it tended. We were again greeted with an interesting sermon. The pastor used as a subject Let tot your heart be troubled. All isitors are always-welcome. Fiiduv night the Twelve Tribes vas hold at the Mt. Pleasant Bap ;ist church. This was a successful event. We realized $15.1-1. rhc sponsors were Mrs. Ruby Hart and Mrs. Rachel Mayes. Mrs. Mi-nle Harris is on the ,:.i. m »h\k 11 si. = Mrs. Victory Hall. the wife of Rev. J. \V. Hall who has .been in *0 hospital suffering from a dog nto is vn and moving around to he delight of her friends. IIKLF.N A NKWS for btir.h goers and (.tier ,o void.or-. At ?:.'{<) oYl ek tin past .y, Rev. VI. r. Froemt.v I'elivwd a - ou! tilling sermon. His text vo.- tnk* >n St. Matthew 50:1.! '. c !» ho irrator had -finished hi* won lerful sft iv.on. Rev. 1. 1'. ^ilhs -n node a vondeii'M speech nr. .is ussed s n V\\ were gl d t.. have Rev. and Mrs. Gibson present in HJ I n r-.. Mrs. Ellon 1>. Clock) % w:ll 1 ?ridny mornin" to sn< id t' \.v k snd in Spartanburg, S. C. She vill be the guest t/f Mrs. Fannie lunter. , M»h« Jle.rna'.. B>.hU wa* the dinler guest ..f aunt i n 1 uncle, dr. and M'*. A. 1{. Weitz of Xvwlerrv. S. C. * On the sick list are Mr. Albert fluid Mrs. Ella B. Abrams. They ire i'.tproving nicely. '.es Misv Gwendolyn Henry. Will li t). T uisday, Learning the Ways )f Democracy.Mr!; A. D. Hardin. Friday, Enriching Family Life Miss Davidene Harris. S. L. Finley, principal. t !n And Out of Cethsemane ~ly Sara Young The Young Women's auxiliary >f the Gethsemanc Baptist church teld its annual sermon Sunday ifternoon. Rev. M. F, Hall, pas or of the Friendship Bapt. church vas guest speaker. He left an nspiring message that will be re nembered long by those who leard him. His choir accompa. ned him and furnished soul stir Ing music. They also left over our dollars as an offering. These ervices were enjoyed very much y all. Mrs. Katie McCree of Wash, igton, D. C., spent the paRt week i our community with her broth, r, Mr. Thell Wilkes and family.! frs. McCree is the parent of Miss towiHa McCree who la g Jimlor t Finley high school. Mrs. McCree returned to Washington Sun ay evening. , aturday, Novemtar 22, 1941 Classified Advertising Column S.t.'iul Notices, Cauls of Thanks, MwaacjiiULK, Birth Announcements Mm rin^n A ntiniDicenu'nts. etc. HIV charged for at the rate of lCc uei line. Cash must accompany the order. Minimum charge 50c. LEGAL NOTICE Carolina Dairies, Inc. Notice is hereby given that u meting of the stockholders .of Carolina Dairies,..Ire., will be held - oil Doc.-_LIit- laiiH Sumter^". » str< et for the j>ui pose of conoid- 1 eri: g a resolution to dissolve the Coipoiaiicn and apply to the S -c. ret..IV of State for the cancellation of the Charter Signed RAYMON R. FINCH, NOTICE The regular anniversary services of the Tents will be held Sun_ day, November 23, at 4 o'clock, at Bishops Memorial -A. M. E. chrreh, 2200 block of Washington streetr The public"^ Thvited to ^ attend. ' iv MPMnni 1 ' ANGELINE R." ALBANY.In renminbi-#nfe.o.f.. our devot ! mother and -grandmother,.Ang».. lin1 R. Albany, who passed away thiee years ago toduv, November 22. 1938. -Nmhing enn over-take away 7-z. The love a heart holds dear. ... ftj Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps you near. Loving-son and grandaughtergt JAMES M,. WARNILLA JB.j - and JACQUELINE Y. ALBANY CARD OF THANKS We express our sincere appreciation to the many friends who have been so kin<l to us during the illness and passing of our dear sister, Mrs. Daisy (Moore) MeGee. and for the lovely florals, cards .of sympathy, and use of cars. j Mrs. Nancy Johnson...ulster Air. Thomas Johnson. brother-in-law .Mr. Wesley Moore, brother ! Mr. Eugene Johnson, son ^ Georgetown. ,_S.. C CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many fiiends for their kindness and flowers during the illness and death of our beloved one.Mr. Will H"rdin. His Wife, i .Mrs. Mary Hardin "* l|\ and Daughter, Mrs. Eva Pendergrass Chester, S. C. GEORGETOWN NEWS By E. J. Ford Very impressive was the funeral sendees of Mrs. Daisy Moore McGeo that was held from St. Stephen's A. M. E. church Monday afternoon, November 10. She was the only living sister Mrs. Thomas Johnson and Mr. Wesley Moore. The following is the program: First hymn liner! by [Rev. Samuel Burgess of Dickprson A. a k M. E. church; Invocation, Rev. T f John Tisdal, pastor Zion Baptist h'rch; Selection by the choir; Scripture lesson, .Rav. T--Mi1!*astor Bethesda Baptist church; Remark's by the leader; Second hymn lined by Rev. M. B.Geath rs; Telegrams and messages of I condolence by Mr». Wilhelmenia Wineglass; Duet the Misses Gam- --it- una _penneite: He'll Say Well Done; Obituary by the writer-;. Solo, I've Done My Work, Mr. J. E. Prioleau; Eulogry bv her nastor Rev. L. D. Oamble. Rev". F. Kinloch also assisted. .8he tcft vc s ~to mo u m - her tie-' # j mise, one sister, one brother, one ^ son, one aunt, one neiee. one nephew, one brother in-law and a host of relatives and friends. The remains were in charge of .W. J.- - ' .. .ii-jj uiHivriMKer and was taken to" Pntkersville where she was bom and laid to rest under ~$r. Manket of beautiful flowers. The ollowing from out of town were n attendance at the funeral: Mes 'anie<? Ferguson and Johnson of Mt. Pleasant, .S. C.; Mr. Willie Mack of Lane: Mr. Jqp . uid iriend of Conway; Mr. and Mrs. Powels and daughter of Mul linn and Mesdames Taylcrr and ^ Wi'son of Mullins also. ® I The Better Home and Garden eh.b met Thursday p.m. November 13th at the home of Mrs. Harriet Adderson, Martin road, with a large number in 'attendance. Mrs. U. O. Teele, presl. dent, presiding. Many interesting topics were discussed after 'which plans for tho Christmas party were perfected. The same to be had Monday evening, December '20, at the Community center. Lieut. McKaino of Sumter, m guest speaker of the Armistice w T>fcy program here, has kindly accepted the invitation to he back here on the 30th when be will ~*"" apeak at St. Stephen A. M. E. rhnreh, TTis snhject will be The Neppo Life in Europe. Mr. G. S. Poreher thanka all who participated in making thin program what it really wag, fro thp Howard high school camnua In the morn ^ ing to Betheada Baptiut church Tuesday evening when the final program was successfully ren-

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-11-22 [p Page Two]. · in" "'hich Dr. R. 1. "tt'.v delivered one erf i-* f'-neral sermons wo have ever heard. The Union P"v. T F. Henderson,

Pag« Tw o

TF^ OLD GRAYBi Re*. E. Philip Bills

It ;mvs that everybody In thestate i.v preparing) to attend thsgrand io 'go of Ere? and AcceptedMasons at Darlington next month. IGrand Master J. S.'Stanback certainlyacted wisely when he issuedhis proclamation calling the craftst0 meet in the above city. Columbiais our fraternal home and we

can meet there when all otherdoors* are closed against us.

RutTt enlargement of Masonryin South Carolina will depend uponndcratiof IV. wa s so w ith.thechiirtian church at Jerusalem. As1 ng as the disciples remained at

that great city, the church's»owth was snrtill. Thpre are many

cities in the state_ that are biddingn- w f : the next grand lodge andthey should be accomodated. The"" 'dm: Masonic meeting at DarI ngtoi. bills fair to be the bestthat \v-> have hau for many yearsIn fact Masonry of the Prince

. ri-.'' "has taken on new life"in recent years.

.Master Sta-nback is ce:tainlv the right man to brinyab -i- ivnce .in fraternal circles<lt: in' Secretary Dickson ha*wrought wonders in that office.^

* a .. ! >. onr grand staff o*> ir-Tfding our deputies.

, !i e riv, yfacnnt(. uirsidiction. Thet;ntr at Darlington this year

;!' 1 :l, record breaking even:>,) .very Mason in this state

should make special efforts to_

i v

witness the session.( bri-ctmas Seals

The ministers of Charlestoicity TiTiTi count v have Oftught rTvision rs to the importance a'tv.rchasinc Christina* Seals, is oiir hope that ministers and

otK-fdt^tffi^over thr~state will follow our. example. Whavesaid a grin and again in oui»^ivs column that there is nohotter "money spent in the world"ti rnat or miyinc tne aoov'"v- P's to visit th(

rnrimi? snnatoriums and fee^pu-ir. recovering' from that dread' known as Tuberculosis

""v !n htwitals arc supportedf.m the sale of Christmas Seals

--"^^H-nrovisiona- -those-pa.Li: "ts would he In their graves

men could not qualifyas soldiers to defend their country

.v,., wo'-o threatened with*' '« disease. These institutions

,,r-.v-n tn heavenly bles:"Os to the nation and all colored

-m ci, vi '' retristev their apenon the eood that is de

hv ,utv nermle in purchasingworth of Seals this year,

"'-teir John P. Burtress beadsponvmittee and Professor

\ ToUrj^on of Columbia is-r'icvf.v, Tn know these outstand-'-V-'-aoinra ir to <?et en idea of

' f n^nnlo in charee of the* ney C S. Ledbetter of

^^n'-leston. heads our committer.,,vi t};0 NVcroos are deter

-i-od to tro over the top this yearof Seals.

An Important ConferenceW'. Jrfnvo just received a com'"'Uiiif tion "from Mrs. A ndrew W

Simnkins notifying us of the sfeconi annual South Carolina ccm<""» nr n student health. Thistn !'v; mind is anion? the .best

1.1 V,.U '««.!

people from- ewry where shouVh in attendance. The".*rii ili I certainly cot information

the4 *.» (> j|<r be beneficial in everyrespect.

Mrs. Simnkins is the state'sfield nurse for o'lr proup and sh-ise r ;nlv th ripht person foth°n.-.sitre". Remember that thisconference is unlv another reaao"

v why X'-tcos should buy Christina,Peals.

A Hood Man PasseaTXo ij..,vh Rev. Robert Craw.f i»ri .-e- fuifhful.lrrcal.deacon""Tn

Morris Rrowr A. M. E. churchk the field one of

e ) hi,- nco. He enioy^'d ther"rT Mrt ~s r- 11 of pood doed

' ...iii f.v«,. ns a monuto his credit.

tt, t. -nrr. aod'tovinm was crowd-M ]n«t Th'irsdav aft^»*noon to wit

« a->d The crowd a^iTTtfoot thnf a christianLotion. Ministers appear-. ,n"TKr"TuheraT pro erram" wer'-"

r>,.v R-ott who offerer!"' "vo" Pev. H R. .Trme<, who read

- "* »Mre owl Pev. D. N. Wilsonwho announced telegrams.- ""'tionc on the part of

»v. tvootoeo. stewards and officialhoard, wove rcpd hv Rjyi J"1!""^^^""""'' in" "'hich Dr. R. 1.

" tt'.v delivered one erfi-* f'-neral sermons wohave ever heard.

The UnionP"v. T F. Henderson, first

vice presidert .in the chair..our.union had a preat session lastweek. "The advantage of unityamonp the Protestant ehurchea"was tie suh'eet discussed by Dr.CL iL .I^»Ui<»iter-which w;iq indeeda masterpiece. Everybody shouldhave herrd Rev. I/cdbetter on thissubject. ITe made a wonderful impressionupon every minister present.At the close of the Union, theA. M E. Alliance had a _KQ.Qdmee.t-.PvFAvRTT"T)r. TU T. Tomnn. preaident, in eharpe. Those speaklnp inhoth unions last Monday were Drs.T. R Pearson. J. E Beard, E. H.Beard. T. W. Murph. D. N. Wilson.Revs. J. R. A Grant, G. B. Mitchell.TV L Brewer, I. I. Major,W. T. Murray, and S. Parker.

ThanksVW nrr thankful ta thorn? who*

remembered the P&lmett<j Leaderin the ol<J mother conference last


- -r

GREENVILLE NEWSMrs. Christine Johnson i« beingtreated at General Hospital. Her

condition is described as fair.Mr. und Mrs. F. Calhoun, \vh*formerK resided at 10 Echol^- Sw,leftthe city Saturday, night. They

are planning to live in Plainl'ield.N. J.Misses Jetyslle Jones and Teesic.Smith "were the afternoon

guests of Mrs. Lenn Long of BullsAli. y S"pday

rs. Pinson spent the week endin Spartanburg visiting her daughter, son in-law, and grand daughter.

-Las. -Juhnetta Petera of BrtrVott'tow n, i^ seriously ill. Mrs. Ernestint Carter, Mis* NeH WndirwurrtirMrs. Saludia M. Young, Mr. SullivanDuck, Mrs. Ligon und many>th^jL friends visited her Sundayin oracr to offer words of cheerind express their willingness tohelp in any way possible.yessrs. Joseph Cooper, James K.%

Dei p and William II. Gilbert visitedrelative^ in Hodges, S. C. Saturday evening and Sunday.

.'\t Springfield Sunday School,last Sunday vva* designated as la^Day. Each member of the schoolw»s expected to bring at least or;,vis tors, ami visitors ami alike, wore tags. Anion."the numbers en the [treirnttn whufolioweda brief class period u«#v


retding. Miss A. J. Carey; s >KMil. Pearl Bates; instrumental s"lo. Mr. W. Garrett; remarks, Sup!E. C. Murray and 7Te\\ T. hGnridy.The funeral of Mrs. Daisy GarrismT"widow of the late Mr. IT

C. Garrison, was hold at Springfit'd church Sunday pktftornoon.mother, Ihree children, and a numbet of other relatives. Interment in-Hi'l est ofnhetery" Walker ar>.:Su livan in charge.Mrs. .Marie Spearman of Elford.

St.. haK been ill. but k now impi « ving rapidly.

Atf.tster Koosevelt l'nwl.-v. 201.Elford St., wns painfully injuredFriday night when he was struc'.by n car. His conditio")) is consit;-red fair at present.Messrs. King and Willard Wash

field spent the week.end in Andetson, S. C.

The Gospel Singers of Gree.vvillf, will sing at Pleasant Growin Pelzer Sunday. Cars will leavt

SpringTield church on E. McBee Ave. Sunday at 12 :do. Evenbotly is.invited to.go. See- Mrs.Geneva Young, 102 Pine Ft., fora Iditional infunuation, or telepht/ne1258j._Mrs. Mabel Boozer has arrived

in the--city from Pallas, be at the bedside of her daughter.Miss Margaret Howard. MissHoward is much better just now.

Air. Mahone of Hilly St., is..esting nicely at the GovernmentI Hospital in Columbia. He is a'number of the Macedonia F. B.H. church on Elfcrrd St., ami ment(borsof that congregation repot tthat he ts greally missed.

\f **q n nnon fr Kr» »»» !«*»..' « o. *_» « * 11 vrrr n?wi "Ittr inr* UI

Mts. Hattie Hill of Ann St., ha:treturned to her home in New Yorl,City. Mrs. Green enme here to attendthe funeral of her niece, Mrs.I.. F. Turner.

1 Through the courtesy of ProfJ. Wilson Walker and the teachers'of Union and Gower St. schools,Prof. Lide of Paine College, spentlast week end In the city and gavea series of lectures to which allteachers of the city were invitedPr Sessional conferences were alsoheld. Problems dealing withch id development and determiningcommunity needs, were discussed.

National Education Week wa/oh erve 1 at Allen school with openh< use periods and appropriatepr-'grams. Speakers who appearedduring the week were: Prof. J.W-lbur Walker, Prof. J. E. Beck,

i It. v. C. F. Gandy, Rev. W. F. Canwn, Rev. E. B. HoHoway, Mr.'Hinry Percival, Sr.. and Dr. E. L.M* Pherson. Members of the faleu'.tyalso spoke and groups ofpupils rendered selections.


.;,\1. .Mi Donald. Pastor

' Sunday being a beautiful day.the services were well attended beK-iining- with the Sunday Schoolwl ich opened at 10 a. m. with theSt pt and co-workers present.After"the "class stluly of the les

sou the .school wag beautifully reviewedby the pastor. Senior classNo. 1 i. holding the banner, MissCe!ia Phelps, teacher.'Sunday morning ' the pastor

pr. ached a wonderful sermottv-fr«*vithe subject, "Fellowship withChrist." Sunday night ho preached.n,,thor gtirririfi nn-». r

v;!t. food for thought.\Ve are glad to have Rev. and

M s. Albert Jackson hack. Theyha e been in Philadelphia and NewYork for several months. Rev.Ja kson made helpful remarks.

Rev. Mrs. Miller of EmanuodStation, and Mrs. I>aurn Simmonswt'*e welcome visitors-= Sundaynil ht. Mrs. Miller made encouragingremarks.The musical nnd iuhilce choir

rendered wonderful service Sunday.Visitors are aiwayn welcomed

we.-k. We regret that- we wereunable to attend. However, we arrivedSunday morning and found

loyal supporters waiting togreet us. Others will please send

headquarters immediately.At Greater St. Luke church we

are moving right along. Rev. Hercrl.'sFord preached Sunday morn,ing and Rev. I. I. Majcrr gave u. agreat sermon that night. Come toour church when you want a goodservice. us advance on our kneoa.



As usual, splendid services wereheld >n the churches of Due Weston last Sunday, and the ministersthrilled their members with thenr»t\Al nfftwya*v« j

This being the Inst Svnday be;,,re_conference, - the members ofMt.Lebanon A. M". E. church madesure that Rev. It. J. Glover hadevery cent &f his conference claimsand some to spare. So 'ere yamread thin, lie uill(hlU'e hnfde a finereport for this charge.One of the outstanding events

of the season was the fourth anniversary of the wedding o

Chaplain nnd Mrs. Cr#. 11., Jr. ~itt~the home of their parents. .Mr. an/Mrs. Ollle Tones. Rev. and MisRebecca Glover ami Mr. Olin 1Smith were among those w*h<shnred the very great pleasure «>'

being present. A delicious turkcdinner, with nil that goe^ wit; iiwas served and was much c n''iy<by nil present. The manner iwhich this dinner was apnointeandprepared showed the hostes'and her mother, Mrs. .loms to bwell trained in the culinary artChaplain llinter is stationed w;t

J the United Strtes Army in thstate of IxruTsianm

Mr. and Mrs. "E. T. 11 lieMisses I.uln Latimer and R:uh<'Wharton -attended tke htntn- c- toing hehl at Bettis Junior (' IIrecently. Misses l.atimet i nWharton arc stud- nt. of the' hWest colored high school ..t' wh_i_.Mr. Holmes if principal. Titey reporta pleatsnnt trip.A planning conference v :,v h<

on the 13th and 14ih of thL |.|. ntnt Mt. 7.ion Presbyterian eluuv»of which the Rev. E. L. MeAdam-

ftftSIOPr-iVHHHV COHSt rUetlVp WOHwis accomplished bv the ropre

fo-med the conference.| Mrs. Martha Miller, her dnuph:tor . Miss-Hattio Miller, son. MrFin-nian Miller, and h shami worIvrgftTrrsof Mr. aivj Mrs. AndrTv-Miller Sunday. The Tailor Uux*zwere present'at' Mj. I#ebnnon orlact Sunday night.

REED STREET SCHOOL NEWSProf. S. C. Ferry. PrincipalThe Reed Street high school won

in everything they attempted lastw.ek. The elementary school, un.dor the direction of Mrs. L. E.tinvton. Miss Daisy Nonl and Mrs.

.Mozellp.Bhrssiny-mie, won firstP'emium on the school ^ooth.Anderson's community was out.standing, unique and original. Al!teachers in the elementary departnu-nt are to tx- congratulatedal<>ng with the boys and girls.

Misses Cowans, and Mrs. Ro«rofthe home economics departmentwere first premium winners withtheir exhibits. The Baby Booth wn>

unit on baby clothing and equipment.Toys were made from spoolsand small cans painted baby bluepink and white. The woolen haps

"made'by seventh grade gills werecolorful and-pretty in shades ofui un^t:, uiuw ii, KVWII iWHl purpii'and mixed colors. Those hags weremade from a common towel and\v <don threads.The Blue Devils nu-t Greenwood

la-t Friday afternoon in their lasthome game. The scores were 57-0in favor of the old Blue DevilsWell, we have one more game topb'ty. then I will breathe freely.We meet Belle Street of ClintonTuesday. November 25th.We are showing our second movietomorrow at 1 p. m. The featureis "Rollin Plains." with ed.

ueational ?hAr.t».suh iects.The children and teachers are

looking forward to a gloriousThanksgiving. Some will motor toOrangeburg to see QonedocitStateannual battle, some toWashington and othre points, somewill remain homo nnd oat theTraditional turkey dinner, but allwill npnreeinte the week-end vacation. We resume work Novem.ber 24th.

Reed Street played joint hosts\vith.P'letorc1Fbrnner;.Anderson;Young and Young to the PiedmontMedical Association Thursdaynight. We were proud to have thesemen of mercy come to our schoolWo only wish our student body_could have iin-t you. I am sure theywould have been inspired by yourpresence. Yoi^_ looked sl'ong, determined,cfficifnt, as if you were

ready to fight your line of defenseagainst disease and death of yourpropter- After tt "tnrelffPSir sesstoTt,"these members of the Associationwere served a doliciou^ mid-nightdinner consisting of baked henstuffing, peas, white potatoes, hotrolls, fruit salad, olives, hot coffee,cream and cake. Come againDoctor,, and Doctors' wives! REEDSTREET WELCOMES YOU.

WOODRUFF NEWSNew Ret he! RaPtist churfh

Sunday School was fine, afterwhich general service was held.The many friends of Mr. ClarenceDowns regret to learn that h*

was badly burned while at work.A rally \vn9 put on for our pastorlast week. Rev. W. S. Calvin

preached. Wonderful service warheld. A neat sum of $33.7F< wnsrr ised.

I Mr. and Mrs. Maricm Thompson, were the dinner guest, of Mr. andMrs. John Hobby Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Robinsonand family were the dinner guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Floyd.

Mrs. Edith Higgins passedaway Saturday night and will befuneralized at the Boaver DamBaptist church Wednesday.

Rev. Mrs; Nancy Parker andson, Samuel, will leave next MondayforWashington D. C. wherethey will make their future homewith her ehiWren.Mrs. Inez Floyd Stoen of WaahIngtcm,D. C., virdted her parents

and friends, Mr. and Mrs. CleveFlayd l*»t w»«k.


Florence, S- C..Miss ErnestineNelson, the daughter of the lateMr and Mrs A<latn Moltftiv wa»

tsfirnin "Sumter; _S/XT7"and Thereshe lived until about 14 yearsago. Sh?-Titlended Kendall institutefrom which she graduated;She was converted at the age of11 and .ioined the Second Presby-erianchurch of which she was a'jrimful member. Ernestine was

ited in marriage to Mr. Joseph'Ainkins. to this union two childrenwere born. In 1927 she niov.-h!.4-o- Ftorercp rnd iorned theMou :t Zioii A. M. 1., clr. mb

Mrs.Ihnkins was sick about,nine months and bore her afflieionwith the patience of Job, nev°r compln ini - .\ always cheerfuln ' smiling.- Her pastor and"( m f mis would come in andray. Sic wnu'd eni*v it nnd

1 a k them. She would often askdaughter to read the 2.1rd

' "'m and the 112th chapter ofhroe and oft«*4i said that she

. » i'linc and prepared for theI's will to.he done.

V.-v. Ibnl-ins is "srrvived-by-herb'i»'d. Mr. Joseph I). Dinktns;' Mrs. 1 i/aie Mae DinkKlo»-enc: one sister. Mrs.

IF. cime fi<* ('hicfi'.io. 111.;Vtevc; >|r. Andrew "Nol.

v., en-'ah. (in.; Mr. Irbv-

.. . f Fv> *». ; Mr. RaynmniLf IWM* I

.... .»».v .... tnu a' of other relatives a.Ji ti

iein's..t' e wrrr.l family of Mrs..!n ; -y' o h."Vi;.ilon<» every.r~.m.relievehefsVttiorinir. dry>'» t.,*.rx and how in humble.-^li.^' tin- kind arid Tov'iCod who i-- too wise to ntake

mistake, who has called this«:tv ful lovin" wife, mother, sis.

h"tv an open /ate at the endof the road.

""V-nntrh 'ehieh each must {? oa'oif,

' o.l there- it a 1 ivht we cannotsee

'litr Father claim.. His own;

H.-vond the irate votir love<l onet^inds happiness and restVnd there is comfort la the

thoughtThat a lovinp (Tod knows best.

Flower piils: Mrs. Lidn Sintrleon. Florence: Mrs. Lillian Howl,'en. Sumter: Mrs. Janio Hedgley.

.Mnir'.'ie.Jrrtrrvson,FlorencePallhoJnTrs: Mr. Joe Greene.Mr. Joseph Jones. Mr. Robert Wil

Mams. Mr. Andrew Smith, Mr.Wm. Ratiste.The funeral was held at Mount7,ion A. M. F. church. Friday,November 7. 1011. A brief programwas rendered. Remarks1T. P,_Po£ue of Sumter; Rev- J, E.Thomas. Rev. J. M. Jackson; soloMrs. I.idn Singleton: obituary,Mrs. Edith Lewi's; music by thechoir.The remains were taken to herhome. Sumter, for burial.


Bishop W. K. Fuller, of Atlanta,Cla., passed through ColumbiaInst week enroute to Spartanburgwhere he is holding his annualconference. He recently closedhis conference a t Batesburgwhere the financial reports werevery good. Bishop Fuller was»u< ii hi ouiun Carolina; the peopledelight to honor him as he isthe founder of his church. Hischurch school'is located at Greenville.He recently organized hishutch itv California. He is alvayswelcome in Columbia wherehe has hundreds of friends^ notmly by his denomination, butcores" of other friends.«T. l.l h'F/S CAI.LftN'l.W RECTORThe llev. William K. Kidd of"Portsmouth, Va., has accepted acall to rector of .St. Luke's Episcopalchurch, Columbia.Mr. Kidd is a former member

of St. James church, Portsmouth.TI£~was""educath.1 at Norcum highschool of that city, at Hamptoninrtitutr, Va.V'at Lincotnunwersuty, Penn. and at the Big^opPayneDivinity school, Petersburg, Va.The new rector holdB degrees ofA.B., and S.T.B. 1935.The brief time that Rev., Mr.

Kidd has spent in the ministry4 THIS WMi prolitably used by himin IPVPrnl nAMmnnUUo J--- v >'iiiiaiuMiv.icri OUU inmany worthwhile activities.

As a deacon, Mr. Kidd servedas assistant to Archedeacon B.\V. Harris of Grace church, Nor.1folk. In 19.17, after his ordina.tion to thf. priesthood, he wascalled to St. Stephen's church, IPetersburg where he served untilhe came to St. L/uke's in October.At Lincoln university, Mr. Kidd

was a member of the UniversityMimic club and quartette. Tfe i«ramember of the Alpha Phi Alphafraternity, and was president ofthe Colored InterdenominationalMinisterial Alliance of Petersburgand vicinity for two years, alsopresident of the WPA Advisorycouncil. In the eighteen monthsafter leaving the seminary, Mr.Kidd served in the mission fieldof the Diocese of Southern Vir.ginia. In connection with hiswork at St. Stephen's, he directeda social service and recreationcenter.

at. TAiIte^s and Columbia areindeed fortunate to 'be able towelcome Mr. Kidd who la yet a


Schools will close Wednesdayafternoon for Thanksgiving, andopen again, Monday morning. |Th>' KMCQini RHUltilHy /if thfi 1vviiu ^vi tliu f

County Teachers' association was j 0held Saturday morning at Finley Ihigh school. There was a good ^attendance, and much^ business awas attended to. Several paid *Registration fee, and (Red Ctobs ^dues. P

In the contest for "Miss Home,coming" which closed last Friday ''morning, the result was as fol- ^lows: a

Grades: . HjjAi-.Miss I ,ncy ....

MissTT.^L. Beatty 14.708C- -Prof. M. Richburg 20.75 c'A .Miss Davidene .Harris 53.50 '9B.Prof. A.D. Hardin 22.00 ^>C -Miss Ruth Rice 27.19 sin a \fioj ii-..- ms

.»« ».in \J fTvimvi^ II x 11*111 y 4m.UU1011 Miss H. 0. Wright .


36.00 1T1A Miss Naomi Neul HO.00 n

nil Miss McMullen 27..'18 '

A Friend .. .20 'I

Total for the high school $286.13 f

Ehmentnry school 61.08 f

CJirmd total ;.... $348.11 1

Only the high school had the '

contestants. Miss Rosa Lec n

Rainey of the yA class was de- ^la red "Miss Home coming" from "hr report~of "her teacher, Miss (

Davidene Harris. She will be c

'a wncvt on Thanksgiving Dayn 1 will ride, in a small beautiful-decorated ear, with no top. At 1

half the hi;»h school girls will '

rfh on the grounds a\ijl form !

-trr^-ieners "F" for FipUy high, c

mil "B" foi.Sterling.high,.who"sill bo the opposing team. This ;

ast Friday afternoon when Burke '

high of Charleston was to play, s

hut mis trouble caused them not10.get here. A very large crowd (

as present.many soldiers also, A

m<r every one was very sorry not"*

to witness the game, but all whotravel in cars know that some- *

times something happens to apcar, and it just won't move. All 11money was refunded at the gate, pand everything \vient out pleasant 1

ly. The home team ate a double ^portion for a lovely dinner had Ibeen prepared for them and the *

visiting team. It was a beautifulday. Friendship college team and 7

other cars from Rock Hill, UnionLancaster and nearby towns were 'present.

Prof. Cyril Spann returned v

Wednesday to Ft. Leonard Wood, '

Missouri, after spending several 1days here with his mother, sistersand brothers. N

Mrs. Mary Harditf spent Sun. ^day in Rock Hill with her sister *in-law. (

Miss Ruth Rice, ,1L E. teacher 1at'Finley high Bpcnt the week. '

end in Richmond, Va., dnd arriv.«d here Monday afternoon. 1

On the first Sunday morning at <

Calvary Rnptist church, therewill he a Mortoaeo Burnine. A f

large crowd in expected to b e x

present. Rev. M. T. Coker and hisconregation are happy over this ^

.they have worked hard. .J1Pastor Coleman of Metropoli- \

tan A. M. E. Z. church preachedan excellent sermon Sunday morn 'ing, and outlined hi* program tohis hearers. s

Mrs. C. M. Finney spoke to thestudents at Clinton College i n 1Rock Hill Sunday afternoon at 4 'o'clock. Her subject was "The 'Need of More Christian Teachers | tin Our Schools Today." PresidentBrice introduced her. The teachersand students were very pleasant, and expressd themselves ashaving enjoyed her speech She_was presented with a Webster's JCollege Dictionary, which was v

quite a surprise to her, but itwas a gift with which she was


highly pleased. £

Grand Master J. S. Stanback cand Mr.-J, -C.-Channel last week-^and met the *Masons there. They had a fine f

time and returned happy that the r

Masons of that city are nbout to cKnallr iV\Aw» n oltrAr. A ..AMI. 4A«1.. ]VVl,vn viiviuocivcn. rv VIM J lUSiyTTtMation waft smed: ~*J<

The funeral services of Mr. Will jIlnrdin were largely attended at<Bethel Baptist church last Wed-%nesday. He was a highly respect jcd man nn<l had many friends,

both colored" anlrt white who are ,sorry that he has passed away. jMrs. Mary Nelson's home caughton fire Sunday morning, but theprompt arrival of -the Are truck (and men, prevented the damage £from being much. jThe death of Mr. Robert Jacksonin Columbia, was a great ishaili tiu lilw mailt frlt'Udfl lierc. *"

Much sympathy i9 extended' Mrs.Jackson and children. c

Prof. Jnmes Stratton is busy,and very busy here, there, andround aoout, looking after the interestsof the Bol^iers to see thatthey are properly entertained. 'Prof. Stratton has made many 'friends since he camp here a fewweeks ago. c

Each morning last week in Fin- *ley high school, the high school fstudents assembled for th« follow tihg propVam, These instructors }Chester Paragraphs Continued .

>were at their best as they spoke ron their particular (Joy. ' 1

rEducation Week.General Theme rEducation For A Strong America ^

Daily topics November 10-14 s

Monday, Seeking World Order h.Miss Ellen C. Lacy.

Tuesday, Building Physical FitWednesday,Strengthening NationnlMorale.Miss Ethel C, Mc_ e1_

» ftyoung maiU-ene.rgetic and capable. FThe community jn&y well expect ato benefit spiritually and socially Cby his presence in the city. d




By Rev. A. L. DiggsRev. Mrs. A. rM. Reed. pastorf th£ Holiness church of West

xdumlria has returned from Mt.lose, Pa., where she has been inthree weeks revival meeting at

he A. M. E. Zion chu>eh. "Rev.ohn A. Glenn, pastor. She j'cortsa grand success.Mr. E. M. Herein is in the Coumbiahospital suffering from

aims he received while workingt the Rock jtjuary last Wedncsnw.Novrmber 15. We hop? Tor '

4tn.a.speedv.recovery.Service at Mt. Pleasant Baptist

hurch. Rev. Wm. Green, pastor,nst Sunday morni-e wa« good,"he waiter preached for him. Al.e at St. James in the afternoonervice was fine. The vrit"f washe speaker there too. They hadi- program fov Rev. Green their»nsto»* at the same tijue and e&vlim u neat little sum of $4.00.loth of these churches are fining>ne under the leadership of Rev.Ivoen. Mt. Pleasant is beingminted.. nnd is., looking.-gcoxh.St,.ia've« is b«)»e -at «v,,) j<;ookhig good. Both churches are'ettine- readv to meet the RmnkandP'oeresidve Uh'»rh and Sunlav School Union \vhi"h .»

M»\v» P...o5ct r. v >i i ll. J/ I'M r l>' K

'ptnrdnv and Sundnv. November>o.<ip. Rpv, L. B. Gohlnn<f Wont Columbia pastor. TheResident, Rev. Win.. Troon. i-s"Oqiiestinc n' full quorum 1:30 o'clock. Don. A. Wilsondork..Rev. b.~Hlass of-Wr OolTrmr>iapreached at Jones Chapel A.U. E. Zion ehttrch, Columbia, lastSundaynight and report a goodlerviee. |Mrs. Maggie Simmons preparedlinner-for "her' pastor and hisvife, Rev. and Mrs. B. C.CunNotice!

Those who'failed, tojet their paper last Saturday. Itvas the writer's fault. He failed.0 go back to the office for theemaining forty that was lefthere Saturday morning, but seelint this Saturday and get yourinper for he will have them 011inie.


\round -CayceSunday was a high day at_Alt.

^leasant Baptist church. Sundaychool began at its usual houivith its officer* at their post ofhay. The lesson was satisfac01ilv discussed.At 12 o'clock the morning servicebegan. The Pastor, Rev. G.A". Biightharp, preaelied a heart

'-eh sermon from Matt. 15:13" Ev.?ry plant which my heavenlyruther hath not planted, shall beooted up.The evening service was well

it tended. We were again greetedwith an interesting sermon.The pastor used as a subject Lettot your heart be troubled. Allisitors are always-welcome.Fiiduv night the Twelve Tribes

vas hold at the Mt. Pleasant Bap;ist church. This was a successfulevent. We realized $15.1-1.rhc sponsors were Mrs. RubyHart and Mrs. Rachel Mayes.Mrs. Mi-nle Harris is on the,:.i. m»h\k 11 si.

= Mrs. Victory Hall. the wife ofRev. J. \V. Hall who has .been in*0 hospital suffering from a dognto is vn and moving around tohe delight of her friends.


for btir.h goers and (.tier ,ovoid.or-.At ?:.'{<) oYl ek tin past .y, Rev.VI. r. Froemt.v I'elivwd a - ou!tilling sermon. His text vo.- tnk*

>n St. Matthew 50:1.! '. c!» irrator had -finished hi* won

lerfulsft iv.on. Rev. 1. 1'. ^ilhs -nnode a vondeii'M speech nr. .isussed s n V\\ were gl d t.. haveRev. and Mrs. Gibson present inHJ I n r-..

Mrs. Ellon 1>. Clock) % w:ll 1?ridny mornin" to sn< id t' \.v ksnd in Spartanburg, S. C. Shevill be the guest t/f Mrs. Fannielunter., M»h« Jle.rna'.. B>.hU wa* the dinlerguest ..f aunt i n 1 uncle,dr. and M'*. A. 1{. Weitz of Xvwlerrv.S. C. *

On the sick list are Mr. Albertfluid Mrs. Ella B. Abrams. Theyire i'.tproving nicely.

'.es Misv Gwendolyn Henry.Will li t).T uisday, Learning the Ways

)f Democracy.Mr!; A. D. Hardin.Friday, Enriching Family LifeMiss Davidene Harris.

S. L. Finley, principal.t

!n And Out of Cethsemane~ly Sara YoungThe Young Women's auxiliary

>f the Gethsemanc Baptist churchteld its annual sermon Sundayifternoon. Rev. M. F, Hall, pasor of the Friendship Bapt. churchvas guest speaker. He left annspiring message that will be renembered long by those wholeard him. His choir accompa.ned him and furnished soul stirIng music. They also left overour dollars as an offering. Theseervices were enjoyed very muchy all.Mrs. Katie McCree of Wash,

igton, D. C., spent the paRt weeki our community with her broth,r, Mr. Thell Wilkes and family.!frs. McCree is the parent of MisstowiHa McCree who la g Jimlort Finley high school. Mrs. McCreereturned to Washington Sunay evening. ,

aturday, Novemtar 22, 1941

Classified AdvertisingColumn

S.t.'iul Notices, Cauls of Thanks,MwaacjiiULK, Birth AnnouncementsMm rin^n A ntiniDicenu'nts. etc. HIV

charged for at the rate of lCcuei line. Cash must accompanythe order. Minimum charge 50c.

LEGAL NOTICECarolina Dairies, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that umeting of the stockholders .ofCarolina Dairies,..Ire., will be held -

oilDoc.-_LIit- laiiH Sumter^". »str< et for the j>ui pose of conoid- 1eri: g a resolution to dissolve theCoipoiaiicn and apply to the S -c.ret..IV of State for the cancellationof the Charter


NOTICEThe regular anniversary servicesof the Tents will be held Sun_

day, November 23, at 4 o'clock,at Bishops Memorial -A. M. E.chrreh, 2200 block of Washingtonstreetr The public"^ Thvited to ^attend. '

iv MPMnni 1 \«' ANGELINE R." ALBANY.In

renminbi-#nfe.o.f..our devot !mother and -grandmother,.Ang»..lin1 R. Albany, who passed awaythiee years ago toduv, November22. 1938.

-Nmhing enn over-take away 7-z.The love a heart holds dear. ... ftjFond memories linger every day,Remembrance keeps you near.

Loving-son and grandaughtergtJAMES M,.WARNILLA JB.j -


CARD OF THANKSWe express our sincere appreciationto the many friends who

have been so kin<l to us during theillness and passing of our dearsister, Mrs. Daisy (Moore) MeGee.and for the lovely florals,cards .of sympathy, and use ofcars.

j Mrs. Nancy Johnson...ulsterAir. Thomas Johnson.

brother-in-law.Mr. Wesley Moore, brother! Mr. Eugene Johnson, son

^ Georgetown. ,_S.. C .»

CARD OF THANKSWe wish to thank the manyfiiends for their kindness and

flowers during the illness anddeath of our beloved one.Mr.Will H"rdin.His Wife, i

.Mrs.Mary Hardin "* l|\and Daughter,Mrs. Eva PendergrassChester, S. C.


Very impressive was the funeralsendees of Mrs. Daisy MooreMcGeo that was held from St.Stephen's A. M. E. church Mondayafternoon, November 10. Shewas the only living sister Mrs.Thomas Johnson and Mr. WesleyMoore. The following is the program:First hymn liner! by [Rev.Samuel Burgess of Dickprson A. a kM. E. church; Invocation, Rev. T fJohn Tisdal, pastor Zion Baptisth'rch; Selection by the choir;Scripture lesson, .Rav. T--Mi1!*astorBethesda Baptist church;Remark's by the leader; Secondhymn lined by Rev. M. B.Geath

rs;Telegrams and messages of

I condolence by Mr». WilhelmeniaWineglass; Duet the Misses Gam---it- una _penneite: He'll Say WellDone; Obituary by the writer-;.Solo, I've Done My Work, Mr. J.E. Prioleau; Eulogry bv her nastorRev. L. D. Oamble. Rev". F. Kinlochalso assisted..8he tcftvc s ~to moum - her tie-' # jmise, one sister, one brother, one ^son, one aunt, one neiee. one nephew,one brother in-law and ahost of relatives and friends. Theremains were in charge of .W. J.- -


.. .ii-jj uiHivriMKer and was takento" Pntkersville where she wasbom and laid to rest under ~$r.Manket of beautiful flowers. Theollowing from out of town weren attendance at the funeral: Mes'anie<? Ferguson and Johnson ofMt. Pleasant, .S. C.; Mr. WillieMack of Lane: Mr. Jqp .

uid iriend of Conway; Mr. andMrs. Powels and daughter of Mullinn and Mesdames Taylcrr and ^Wi'son of Mullins also. ® IThe Better Home and Gardeneh.b met Thursday p.m. November13th at the home of Mrs.Harriet Adderson, Martin road,with a large number in 'attendance.Mrs. U. O. Teele, presl.dent, presiding. Many interestingtopics were discussed after'which plans for tho Christmasparty were perfected. The sameto be had Monday evening, December'20, at the Communitycenter.

Lieut. McKaino of Sumter, mguest speaker of the Armistice wT>fcy program here, has kindly acceptedthe invitation to he backhere on the 30th when be will ~*""

apeak at St. Stephen A. M. E.rhnreh, TTis snhject will be TheNeppo Life in Europe. Mr. G. S.Poreher thanka all who participatedin making thin program whatit really wag, fro thp Howardhigh school camnua In the morn ^ing to Betheada Baptiut churchTuesday evening when the final

programwas successfully ren-