palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1941-05-10 [p page eight].€¦ · r page eight. i . aiken news...

r PAGE EIGHT . . i AIKEN NEWS Friendship Church Sunday was a red letter day. There was a beautiful attendance in Sunday school and service. Sun* day morning the pastor spoke on the subject The Church and the Race's YVelfare and on Sunday nite from the subject When Water .. Turns to Wine. There wa§ one .accession tp the churchu The convention has made its start. Many have come in and many are expected before the week, is up. Among the many visitors worshiping at Friendship Sunday were Mrs. Coleman, West Palm Beachr Fla.; Miss Elisha Lee Coleman, Mrs. Moses. Mt. TtiTtT~thir Anderson Brothers, Miss Adraine Ander son, Edgefield; Mrs. I.aura Walker, Mrs. Emma Reed, Mrs. W. S. Monies, Mrs. Cleo Allen, Thank- -.ful Grove church; Mr. Burney, Mrs Flor'ena Nix, Miss Gertie Deane. Nix. Mrs. Laura B. Anderson, My. E. Peterson, Mr. Brown. Zion Hill Baptist Church Sally. S. C..Sunday morning services began with prayer meet, - ing. At the preaching service Rev yrogtm .selected judges i :z 1. sudject Stay in Your Place. This wa« a wonderful sermon. Collection * for the day was $14.30. Total as.-- mount raised for the day and nite $1)1.21. May Day Exercise^ Aiken Graded^ School A Success *" - On Thursday,, May 1st, at 4:00 :.o^Wck the May Day exercises Were .held on the schobTTgrotlTIcte" featuring the ^following: songs. flat 44u***r-potot^ racesy shoe races ^*nd sack-races, motion songs; The -farmer in the Dell; Nid NocE WaL "v "come Traveler; Mulberry Bush; -"Folk dances and .MtLjL Pole Drills^ The May Queen, Anna Lou Gra* ham, was crowned ^y Mary Belle Peace. The following w.ere the at tendanW: JHenrietta Smiley, Rosa Perinent-or. Beatrice Knights. Louise Williams, Minni*. Rosa Pinckney. and "JuanTta Graham. The committee in charge, (Miss) Louise Cromer, Mrs. Jeanetta A. Bland; Miss Ora Lee Pipkin. Aiken. Graded School -Singing Contest Qn_.Mt»mlay night. May 5, the A rmon I.Ki« wiV* ^rr>Wt in thc. school chapel. Over iivv. hundred people listened to the fol owing quartets: The Humming Birds and the Religious Choice both of Piney Grove Bapt. church", Rev. S. J. Justice, astor;_Mt. Anna rtTd''^JdriRiri Baptisf,"'.Rev.-M. G. Musley^ pa.>tor: <gcsnd Bapt. Quar tet. Rev. J. YV. Miles pastor am] The Community Quartet.'Jordon Baptist quartet won first prize. Second Baptist won secqndl prize and The Religions Choice the child prize. YY'e wish to thank the members of these five Quartets for theii fine service and the citizens oL - Aiken for their fine attendance and cooperation. Z. Townsend, Principal Aiken Ministers Meet The Ministers Alliance of Ttiken " county held its meeting at Aikerr, hL Tuesday evening April 29 TT& the Sunday School room of Friendship. Baptist Church. The nit-el ing \va< opened "t ?:3Q , n.n|. wit ^ a ijhort devotional ser vice conducted by our chaplain., Rev. S. J. Justice. After singing of the first hym*. Psalm 133 was read by the chaplain and prayer was made by Rev. T J.die Simmons. The The.mrrt.hyn wrrs.sung after1 which the mee .ig was turned ovei in charge of the president, Rev M. G. Mosley. Some very timely -remarks were given by the president in his usual manner. The wmi declared open for the ti ail saction of business. The program' for the ^coming Tuesday evening was read by the secretary, Rev. R. W. Winn and this was done for our informations TUtt H,v,. f.s- Sunday School lesson, the appoin' tee was called for and l>eibg absen' .~+be.pnr?Tthrnt-cnHmr~fnr "omerrrre to volunteer there- lining no response the permanent teacher Rev. frftrC,itrrrtvas askettf.rfSke charge" of the teaching1 of the S. S. lesson. .Rev. (linn taught the leSshn in. a very thoughtful and helpful man n'er. These lesson study periods add very rnu h to the interest and value of our meetings. TT was suggested by the presi I dent that it would be necessary to be as brief as possible as we all have been invited to attend the meeting going on at Cumberland A. M. K. Church, hie said" he de "kriahl.all ministers present to go over in a group and render what ever ansistanep -that~wp coulrt The time having arrived for preaching srvice. Rev. H. M. Harri . -sen made a motion which was sec Miiih il, thai u . IIU lug 'in the lAcl that Wf' are soon to go over and attend services at ."Cumberland A M. K. Church, thaUthe sermon be postponed until the following Tues day night. This motion was carri ed . The question came up concert: Trig whether the paper Rev. L. E. Ginn read a few Tuesday nights ago Would he discussed tonight A motion was made and seconded that this discussion l>e deferred until Tuesday night week. This motion was. carried. The program committer was esIT ed upon to read the program for the following Tuesday night. The same was read by the Secretary, Rev. R. W. Winn,. The program was a dopted as read. It was suggested that all the ministers line up and go over to Cumberland A. M. E. Church two and two at the close of the session. After a few closing remarks by the president the closing song wtes "t s. ng, Blest Be ThtTTie That Binds 1 he benediction was pronounced bj ihe chaplain. The meeting closet to meet the fallowing Tuerda> night at the tegular time and place. Wesley Methodist Church Sunday was a beautiful day foi ill church goers. Church Schot .«vas opened at the usual hour.. 11:30 A. M. Rev. Jamison d< .ivered a soul stirring sermon fron Esther 4:16, Theme: Confidence ii »od, after which the Lord's Suppej vas served. 8:00 P. Rl. Rev. Jamison preacl d from Gal. 6:7, Theme, No Mai is Clever enough to Cheat God. Visitors" were: Misses Minnie L dallory, Vernell Stallings, Messer: Jones uf N. C., R. Jenkins an< others. Those on the sick list are: Me: Jann'g M. M. Jefferson, Perry, ant Jestine^L»ckson. We «a*e pruyint i'or thern a speedy recovery. U.- iLdU Rev. Jamison prcuchet x t Rendell Brack for Rev. Butler i few of the members accompaniec lim. They reported an enjoyabh trip. (JRANI'l'kVILLE NEWS Jit. Zion A.. M. E. Chllteh Rev. Paul L. Wells, Pastor Today was a beautiful day foi >n^'church goers. Our S. S. wa i)]y conducted by the Supt., Mrs )aisy b. ispann with her teachers it their pnit of thrLy..Mrs. Mat' ie R Fair very pointedly leview- <1 iht* lesson. Proniply at 11:30 service began ondueted by the pastor. Rev Veils used as a subject It is well «ith my soul. This was a thrill:ig sermon, the Holy Spirit was igh..HeVi.Wells always rentiers lis be-d service lo1' bis Lord and en! for his flock. No. 1-2 Stewardess board met ointly in the afternoon. The League is taking on new te under its leader Mrs. Marnia Hurst. At 8 o'clock Rev. Wells nought another strong message >n the subject Well Done. One .-a me forward and joined^ the church. "Fhe Holv Tom m union yajr-served at both services. Quite i few visitors worshiped; with -us II day. On last Sunday the 27th ou> "fpfTng raTTjT was quite a success, its closed with a grand total of '80.55 for the day. The pastor and delegates.w+11 be. .leaving for the District Con"erence all full of smiles. _-_May.. llih Dr..!,. I,, .farmer oui -stec med presiding elder will hohi i< "second quarterly conference. Iv will preach at St. Luke in the not hing and here at night at whicy, time the little three months old .hrmfhter "of"Rev. and Mrs'. Wells vil! be Baptized. A start for the ,-cingdom on time. St niby was highly entertained .he-WacWrs. .Mis.. Alice T. Shuler. \ very splendid program, was held. The President Mrs. L. W "Williams was very pleased to lave a few of the white mission try ladies to come in and take :>art on program. The next meet ngywill be held a{ home of Mrs Savannah Ginvard. Rev. and Mrs. Wells, Miss Cath.ine Marshall and Mr. John Wise vri'ti the dinner guests of-Mrrdfmt" Vli s.'- Floyd Williams. Let's pray incerelyl for those on the sick list. K.glfrU;hyni .Baptist Church Regular order of service will be an iiM out Sunday at Bethlehem Baptist church with l^e Pastoi Rev. R. W. Winn in charge. The -(.immunity at large we extend an pen invitation tn service. A Mothers'' Day program will be sponsored Sunday afternoon 7:0i o'clock by the Pulpit Aid club. The program as follows: Selection Tell Mother Til be There; Lord's Prayer McGroe ."Snelllngs; Scrip Lure, Cleo Colettfan; Welcome, Vic voria. Medlock; selection, Lily of \*a ley quartet; Origin of Mother's Day, Jeroline Holden. recitation, Mothers, Joan Strothers*L solo, Dor >thy Griffeni recitation, Mother's Day, E. J. Williams; remarks Mrs \1 M- Miller; A Young Mother's Idea, Mrs. Georgia B. Howard; Brief Synopsis of Movers, Rev R. W. Winn; Mother Good Night, Calvin Anderson. Collection.-clos ing song, benediction. The Woman's Mission will meet -unday 3:30 p.m. at the home of Mr<. M. M. Miller. The monthly conference will be leld Friday night 7:30 __o'clocle^\ll members are aske^ to attend votrr business meetings. On the sick list of the church ire aunt Savanah Dobey and Mrs. Daisy Walker. Voll". I'll. UapU~t CL..-.L Rev. R. B. Bush, Pastor It seems that everybody is enioying this nice spring weather. Sunday school was very good as isual, lesson reviewed by the pastor. Financial banner, class No. 2, Mrs. Minnie A. Palmore teacher;.Class No.- fi, attendance banner, teacher Mrs. J. Bessie Weaver. One of our most faithful scholars Miss Ruth Holmes is still inable to attend hut we are pray:ng she will continue Tex improve. Other scholars we are glai are jible to be out again. Visitors of lethlehem Baptist church: Mrs. c./.ii \i; . r>,,.t>^. 1 tl I lit* OWWLIltri, mi»NCB * can a va2y, Jeroline Holden, Lila Mae Miller, Victoria Medlock, Amanda Snellinsrs, Cleo Coleman, Tomiaena Strother, MVs. I.ona B. Bland, Mrs. Maroilla Hollowly, Dencr>n Walker, Dea. John Shlby from Tacksonville; Prof. A. W. Nicholson of Bettis academy who gave us a fcood and timely talk; Mra. Sadie .Washington also Mr. Wm. ...___ . WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF l CHRISTIAN SERVICE SOUTH 1 CAROLINA CONFERENCE ' METHODIST CHURCH This is the month (May) foi district meetings. Remember oui district goals*. For each district r at least £26 members f 160.00 for i Conference Budget and a quarter e tiv«\tion. Th. Cor. Sec., Mrs. M i E. Fields has sefat these items tc ! you, also your quota for Jurisdicr tioi al Cultivation, Tlie Centra! Jurisdiction suggests May 16, a: i cultivation fund day and that we i make an effort to raise all of our cultivation fund on that day, thru . programs, etc. Please forward all i money directly after district meeti nigs to our Conf. Treas. Miss E. L. Small, 217 Coming St., Char s leston, S. C. 1 Information from our :General ; Society asks that each district elect one delegate to a joint meet1- ing 0f the Board of Missions and , Church Extensfbir.* Council and 1 As tmbly to be neld in St. Louis, > Mo., in December, 1941. Be sure _ " l»t" '-nr.. nf thi Send reports of yoqi; district The Palmetto Leader. The following are district oflfi cers-of three more districts. We t onlv have two more. Will thev kindly respond at once We need this information before our an- -aual meeting June Id-15 in C-olymjia, S. C. Greenville District No. G: Presii lent, Mfsl Ophelia Smith, 206 Wardlaw St.. Greenville. Vice1 /resident, Mrs. L. T. 'Thompson; iec. Sec.,-Mrs. F. L. Lawton; Cor. Sec., Mrs... Eugenia Hill; Treasurr t; Mrs. Carrie Arthur;.Local Church Activities, Mrs. Pearl An" drews; Wesleyan Service Guild, Mrs. Cora Caldwell; Young Women .sirs. S. Robinson. Student Work, Miss Roberta Jackson; Children's A'ork, Mrs. Inez Lindsay; Litera.ure, Mrs. Emma E. Williams; Supplies, Miss: Katit Richradson; Spiritual Life, Mrs. Hattie E. Hall; Status of Women, Mrs. Les_sie Kirksey; Miss. Personnel, Mrs l- Eliaa Rico> World Federation.Mrs "oia McDavid. " Orangeburg District No. 7: Pre^ dent. Mrs. A. W. Wright, Box 61. Mrs. Beulah Baxley; Rec. Sec., Mrs. M. 'McCallum; Cor. Sec.. Mrs. Corine Marcus; Treasurer, cation, Mrs. Rebecca Robinson; l,ocal Church Activities, Mrs. Rosa --etrnnrngham. W^Pleynn Service* Guild, Mw. Inez Ishmeal; Student Work, Mrs. Sallie Mae Gregg; Vour/g Women.- Miss Lauraine Wil Lams: Children's Work,.Miss Phillipine Robinson; Literature, Miss Lotti^ Mae Haynes; Supplies Mrs. Louise J. Cooler; Spiritual Life. Mrs. Jessie Mae Robinsonj Status of Women, Mrs. Hattie 01vei : Miss. Personnel. Mrs. Goldie Brandj'burg; World Federation, »lr.«. Daisy Pearson: Berkeley District^No. 3: President, Mrs. Lizzie Nelson, R.~ 2, Box 24, Cross, S. C.; Vice-Presilent, Mrs. Ellen Washington; Rec. '.e<.. Mrs. Josephine Levine; Cor. sec-., Mrs,.Mary- Garther; Treasirer, Mrs. Henrietta Bonaparte; diss. Education, Mrs. Ida Middleon; Local Church Activities, Mrs vice Guild, Mrs. Nancy Middletonf COwl,.nt ttV.ib Xfvc r'arnlino Wil son; Young Women, Mrs. Florence Hall; Children's Work, Mrs. Ida N'elson; Literature, Mrs. Ethel President." Suppiles, M Atnetha laward; Spiritual Life, Mrs. Su-j -an Iago; Status of Women, Mrs. Minnie Broughto; Miss. Person-neK.Mrs. Mary Irgo; World Federation, Mrs. Levine Hallback, .The urmuul rt'iHirt oT trig Wo-1 man's Division is ready for distribution. Price, 25c. Order from Literature Headquarters, 420 Plum St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conference President. CLOSING EXERCISES BLAKELYSCHOOL The first grade teacher's exercises took place April T67 Mrs -Mary --L- Smith, teacher. Third fourth and fifth grades exercises on April 18th, Mr. AFhur C. Fulton, teacher. April 19th a most J^1« 1 A. » uL uengnnui oanquet was given cne teachers by the trustees and parents of the community. On the 20th the annual sermon was preached by the Rev. J. Hollie, pastor of the Lane charge. On April 23rd exercises by the .second and advanced grades of. -the-school Uhdef^ the direct Ton of .Mrs, Estella Brtsbon, principal of the school. These exercrse were njoyed by all. Ashley of Dunbarton; Mr. Jack Morrip from A. M. E. church; Prof Garrett of Augusta, Ga. Our door stands open at all services, "ou are welcome. Rev. Bush preached a soul stirring sermon from 3:8 of St. Paul And every man shall receive hin turn reward. We were glad to have with us Rev. J. E. Palmore, Rev. G. W. Posey. Amount $18.95 was taken. Our revival will soon be on for 10 nights. We are looking forward to this hoping and trusting the good Lord will give us souls for Hi« K incyrlAm on/1 f V\ o may be done. The Missionaries met at tho home of Mrs. Emma Lakes. Mrs. Mattie Fair was our visitor, she gave us a very brief and interesting talk. We are always triad to have Mrs. Fair, come again. No. 1 flub met at the home of Miss.0. A. Whittle. Don't forget to see I.ula Grant for The Palmetto Leader. * IB PALMBTT6 LBADBB ! ACTIVITY PROGRAM TO FEAT LI RE BEN EDICT-A1 TEN SUMMER SESSION By Herbert, W, Baumgardner Director A.G. Smith, of the Benedict-Allen Summer School, a project of Benedict College and Allen University of this cirty, announces that among several features of the schoil this, year will nre activity program. Special emphasis will be placed upon the phases of this work which have to do with the first and second I grades and the rural schools. Miss > Mildred Fisher of Atlanta Unr' versity will be in charge of the grade work, with aapable assistL ance^ while th» rural angle will be handled by Miss Elnora James of Spelman College. Both are specialists in activity work. Professor S. Lours Finley, head of the music department at Benel diet College will conduct courses >- in public school music and music appreciation. Professor Finley is music from Columbia University, Courses for privitm'^ supervisors, prospective ppncin.iU nnH -" piuspfUuve supervisors*will be carried on under the direction of Supervisor Corhell A. Johnson of the Negro Public Schools in this uy. Adequate recreational facHties will be provided for the sura. students.. St. James A. M. E. I'hurclT He v. F. D. Dreher, Pastor Services were largely attendee' by visitors and friends 'Sunday. Sunday school lesson was interesl ;nglv and timely. ~taught-by-vhe teti efiers. Many ^praetinil illustra tions were given and applied to Trends?"At 4:00 the pastor and choir worshipped, with Mt. Pleasant Baptist church. They reported having a nice time. A.C.E.L. met at the usual hour. There were some games played .hrtt_\Te all enjoyed. At 8 o'clock after the opening ,»f the services the pastor delivi evj another soul stirring.mcy ?age froTTrtjTit. 6': 1 i. The Marks ot lesttsr- This being rally nite a arge crowd was uresent to wit- less this rally. Rev. Dreher <ip- minted T2 captains and asked hem to. bring fifty dollars* each nd the reports weit as follows: Club No. 1, Mrs. Rebecca Smith *38.53; No. 2, Mis. G. A. Gray, $47.95. 3, Mrs.. Rebecca Johnson, >51.00; 4,. ,Mis»i-.SidUe Fair -$44.36; '. Mrs. Cleo White, $30.21 ; 6, Mrs ~.Tstelle Latimer $22.00', 7, Mrs. iula White, $24.17; h. Miss Lilian Lewis, $13.80; 9. Mrs. Zephia dvTaylor $16.50. 10, Mrs. Jan*ie M. Turner, $47.50; 11. Mrs lennie Hearst.,.$16.45; 12^ Mrs. Mantel WingfieM!. $20.90; Total tmount raised $380.16. Our goal is $600. All captains went away -4ete> mined to reacft~~the goal Among the visitors were ~*thiT tevs. J. Letman, L*. Delvin. We wish to thank the bishop Uid presiding eider for sending is this man %f God to lead Us on. Space will not permit us to tell vou all the good things that is <oing on around St. James, but .vatch this column and sc0 us go. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church - Sunday school met at the usual ^nnrr teachers were present and the lesson was >be|futifully taught. The lesson was review d by Rev. F. D. Johnson. After S. R. closed Rev. Johnson preachr -subject TheRisen Christr" At 4:00 o'clock Rev. Dreher preached a wonderful sermon to the Missionary sisters and members of *Mt. Pleasant and the choir W(lc with thain. iMirnnt mil <ic which we always enjr>y much. we uvnK Kev, urener and his hoic-for helping us at this particular time. Amount raised $17.55.. Come again..This.rally^.«e for the benefit of Morris college. ) Grace Chapel A. M. E. Church Rev. YV. H. Williams, Pastor AVest Abbevile.Sunday was a ligh day at Grace, spiritually as veil as financially. We raised the Julh amount of our Educational Money and sonnF over. The pastor vas well pleased. The Holiness church has ,'ust losed a very successful revival meeting. The Pastor Rev. A. H. '^ee.conducted the meeting. A delightful silver tea wbs entertained May 4th at the home of Mrs. Elsie W. Garlington. $3.85^ was collected. Sfee -the -Rhodes 'joye for a "Lead«r". AFTER HOLDS CELEBRATION Q COLUMBIA CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ANNUAL SPELLING MATCH The eighth annual Spelling Match of the elementary school: of the city was held before t large and appreciative audience or Monday evening, April 28 at 8:0( ,9'clock in the Johnson gymtorium Xh# schools represented wert Howard,. Saxon, Waverley am Booker Washington Heights. There were ten representatives froir each school. Each participant die credit to his scHool and himself The poise and adeptness of the spellers \well exemplify the higl typp of training the pupils art retreiving" nnhe~classrooms. The final rounds of the match were between two representatives from Waverley and twQ fron Booker Washington Heights. The winner from this group was Agacha Mae Adams of Booker Washington Heights. ; ^farrrmtking-lSaraward) Supprvi sor C. A. Johnson spoke very copiplimentary of the type of performance the ehildren hurl o-ivpn Hn jcviiiiiiumluil IhfilVi individually and a8 school gToups. He also stated that this was the first timp that the ci\p had gone to one of the smaller schools in the system and that it was with a deal of pleasure that he prewntod ~fhf-mrr~trr \gatha_Adams for the Booker Washington Heights school; The.officiating staff for the iliatCh were: JnHges; >fios Adams and TWr. ^Young- of the Carver school; Miss Johnson of the Booker Washington high school. Call r: Miss Carrie B. Hoover, Booker Washington high school. Master of ceremonies, Mr. Rogers of Carver "school. TAYLOR SCHOOl NEWS Prof. T. J. Sullivan, Principal r>r. McQuilkin of the Columbia tihle college delivered an excel»Mit Educational sermon iff Taylor school Sunday rtfternopn at :30 p.m. The text was from John 5:10. The four high points in his sermon were: first. We must he .orn again, seconcf, Jesui? must be .L-- > -- uui u(j; uiira, v\ e must believe ritirely in God's word; fourth, We nust walk in the light. This sernon was interesting, informing nd inspiring and will long be remembered by those that heard it. Mrs. McQuilkin made timely roMr. ' Sullivan thanked Dr. and Mr-. McQuillans*for the services -endrred~and"eXtendec! td~ them a 'early- invitation to the school at ill times. Music was ' furnished >y the pupils. Dr. McQuilkin high ly eont.vended the faculty at'.d pupils and was very pleased with, the singing. Six members from the Columbia Bible college accompanied-bv MesMcQuilkin conducted a testimony service at Taylor school-Sunday, April 20 at 5:00 p.m. This group rep resented Foreign Missions nn.l was in charge 0f Mr. Lane. This meeting opened with a song service in which the pupila entered wholeheartedly. Each member of the group related in an interest ing story how they had been saved and what work they were planning to .do. Mar.y accepted Christ in this service. . Bev. Hollaway, Baptist No. 2 and Mr. Andrew Jackson, made encouraging remarks. Mr. Sullivan thanked the group for conducting suchan -excellent. service and invited them to re-_ turn. A contribution was received thai will be used, in the Foreign Miss-" ion field. WIIAT THE I'l HLll1 SHOl'LIV" KNOW ABOUT THE ELITE BEAUTY SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1) with us long, but she is rapidly gaining recognition for herself 'oo. We are going to Charleston the 16th of June to exchange ideas, so that we will be better able to serve you. J .The-next license tioard Is June 9, inyone interested may receive inpQrmation bv wri'inc Mr« .TtiUo E. Breeland, 12 1-2 Broughton St. Orangeburg, S. C. The State laws are becoming more exacting It pays to keep up. If you are already a graduate, why not take a brush-up course You still have time to join tlhe many others "who have been ok'd for the. June. * The -school is open from 8:30 to 5:30. Wont you come in and visit us. We will beiglad to serve you too in any way we can. JULIA BRF.F.T./VNO MT. PILGRIM BAPT. CHURCH ' Rev. J. H. Spigner, Pastor Last Sunday war. a high day with us. The weather was fair and many were present. The Sun day school began at 10:30 a.m. After the lesson period our pastor mad# a wonderful teJk. At the morning worship Rev. Singleton was presented by the ,pastor and he preached a wonderful sermon, His subject: The Power in Prayer. James 5:16 We can say he is a great preacher. The pastoj1 is asking the presence of all the member8 and friends at service on Sunday, May 11th. Sunday school will begin at 10:30 and preaching at 12:30. The revival will begin Sunday night with preaching by Rev. E. Z. Dennis We are expecting a great revival Mondy night, Mt Pilgrim choir' Tuesday night the Usher board; Wednesday night, Zion Canaan choir; Thursday night, St. Paul cholf; Friday night, First flazarath. Coma one, com* all. ',r ruai-air." -v- On Sunday, April 27th Hadoth Chapter No. 138 O. E. S. at Cajn-i den, S. C. celebrated their.1.3th. nniversary at the Second Presbyterian church on Market street at 4 o'clock p.m.Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Bracy; prayer was offered by Dr. J. W, Boykin. Mrs. Amelia Gamble, worthy matron, acted as mistress of ceremonies and made some very timely remarks which was enjoyed by everyone present. Reading by Mrs. Jennie L. Carter, which was jlso uplifting and inspiring. Mr. J. B. Lewie, W.M. of Capitai City Lodge F. and A/ M. of Columb|^ was the principal/«flQtaker of tn^ daV. which wn«t fccW timr»lv nrtrl wholesome. The visiting Masons that accompanied Brother Lewie were the Messrs Jas. T. Diggs, Sgt. Ja«. F. Johnson and Mi. E. M. TVessley. They were all introduced and made some very timely remarks. Music was furnished by the sisters of the chapter, a trio was by Misses Payton, Gamble and Curtain. The Masons turned out with the sisters, and made the occasion a success. ' __ Ella Fitzgerald Continued from page 1 I used to thrill the swing worh s wl* h his music.still recognize* i as the "hottest" in the country i In Ella, Webb knew that he ha* ) found the "Queen" to do right b; his kingly syncopation*. From thert^on ttfe story "5 1 Ella Fitzgerald took on a differ i ent slant. She wasn't the littli i struggling amateur anymorb, bu I a first class pro, with the stamp . ed approval of the greatest swinf > master of the ages. i Her talents having been polish ; ed to its finest luster by Webb the master, it was but- a shor i time before Ella Fitzgerald be came the talk of the swing world Musicians the country over wer< i in the market for her services. I is said that Benny Goodman, fron whom the great Chick Webb, ir a spectacular battte of music cap - tured the title of King Of Swjng went so far as to offer Ella $F-,0(X to join his aggregation. But with Check Wbhh. Flln TmH ma. " lized her fondest dreams.she was the voice sensation with th( gre&test swintr hnnrl in rtio omm try. % When King Webb was called to play hrs final date, Ella Fitzger- ' miK up IIttt fallen baton and pledged that wmild ftlwav? -nhry that style 67 jnusic that was the vervTIfe7-blood of the dimfnntive Wehh . Ella's unique taten"s have taljen her across horizons seldom reached bv others of the same color. Today, in popularity, the girl that Webb brought up from the scratch is second to none She -has.populai i/ud sucK sones as "My Last Affair."('"Goodnight Mv Love," "You Showed Me The Way," "S'airwav to the Stars." "Starlit Hour," "Moon-Rav;" and she wrote the sensational swing version of the nursery rhyme "A Tisket A Tasket." But to this day when Ella si"ies the tune, "You Showed Me The Wnv," she.looks.upward ' award ^ne celestial home of the immortal "King of Drums,".Chick Webb. «5»DNEY P ARK C M.E. (IITRCI? 1 Rev.-J.C.Cotclough. Pastor The Sunday school (.neneii »* isual hour with the Supt., Mr. D. K. Starks presiding. Tht. lesson subject "The Church Enlarging Its Fellowship' was beautifully .iLiicusxnd. .r- r_zr-. -At-41- oVkirkThe }>a^t;)r'open\| the morninjr service. After the ». uenint? serx-i'.-fs'the pastor prea h _^d another one of his spiritual ei nions which w 's enjoyed by all. , ' . BlMBpB^HTiiJ CTQ3JMW TOWNSHIP t ( OLl-Mt THURSDAY NIGF v* <"' ; ,< J.,'*'/}.. , .... -. ^1 ^IrEL dP®B <»-.! Jb&~ :ffi:>-j:-j» '< *''"' ELLA FITZGERALD Advance Tickets 91c WHITE SPECTATORS 75c J. J. LAWSQ CWWWWOOWWWCfWOOtf^ ^ T T7* ir «r % <~1 1i, r, r, v -i ' rs FTTNERAL HOM1 Undertaking And Embalm .SLOGAN. LOWER PRICES AMBULANCE SERVIC "An Near As Your Neareat l'h< 3 HatrAhiirg and Rldfrewav. S. § 1831 TAYLOR ST. COLUM1 PHONFS: 23619.2361Q diii' Saturday, May 10, 1941. | TO ALL^BEAUTICIANS j Gratings; ^ j The tim« Is almost here for OUT sixth annual convention which will j convene in Charleston, S. C., June 16-17, 1941. The beauticians there are making ample preparation foi f w*. . Now is the time to give your ? thought to our State-wide Beautify cians Popularity- contest tQ be held Monday night, June 16, 1941 at Charleston, S. C. The contestants were asked' to answer when they receive their cards so all names will appear in ^ i this paper at the same time. i We are still waiting for your answer. All^ beauticians are rej quested notify the president if " they have any more entries for the ' Qunnfir uvauij vuiHrVai. 1 Watch this space for- your -_nameai ' : m**.-annie belle evans *: ' 2501 Gervais Street Columbia, S. C. At 'I !dU the pastor filled the. pulpit again. _ Dr. CoLclough and BrojrStarks 'eft early Monday morning for ^ \ lackson, Tenn. to attend the Gen- ^ eral Board meeting of the C. M. --K. church. The pastor will fill the nnlnit Sunday. ^ -9 SATURDAY NIGHT "THE ROAD TO ZANZIBAR" ^3 Vth ~~ J BING CROSBY BOB HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR . " bh; days 4_ :~ "STARTS SathbDAY . 2| MnaBHHRHHMa ^. lg*f .I & I VUDITORIUM HA, S. C IT, MAY 15th, 1941 . = t iOOOO'OOOWOOOOOOKftWftg. i TJ Advance Tickets on Sale ' ' -i ^ ; , GREENLEAl" LUNCH / AND THOMAS I DRUG STORE i tOOCH^000<ygo»l?C8yOiPCB^R » 0 > At Door $1.20 (Tax Included) Nt SPONSOR 1 >ao^oowoo000ow(X^oaw >nf" ,v 1 i % HI A 8 ^ L- &. Mawmr .J j;. . -% . I ----- .i f

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-05-10 [p PAGE EIGHT].€¦ · r PAGE EIGHT. i . AIKEN NEWS Friendship Church Sunday was a red letter day. There was a beautiful attendance in


.i AIKEN NEWSFriendship Church

Sunday was a red letter day.There was a beautiful attendancein Sunday school and service. Sun*day morning the pastor spoke onthe subject The Church and theRace's YVelfare and on Sunday nitefrom the subject When Water

.. Turns to Wine. There wa§ one .accessiontp the churchuThe convention has made its

start. Many have come in andmany are expected before theweek, is up.Among the many visitors worshipingat Friendship Sunday were

Mrs. Coleman, West Palm BeachrFla.; Miss Elisha Lee Coleman,Mrs. Moses. Mt. TtiTtT~thir AndersonBrothers, Miss Adraine Anderson, Edgefield; Mrs. I.aura Walker,Mrs. Emma Reed, Mrs. W. S.Monies, Mrs. Cleo Allen, Thank--.ful Grove church; Mr. Burney, MrsFlor'ena Nix, Miss Gertie Deane.Nix. Mrs. Laura B. Anderson,My. E. Peterson, Mr. Brown.

Zion Hill Baptist ChurchSally. S. C..Sunday morning

services began with prayer meet,- ing. At the preaching service Revyrogtm .selected judges i :z 1. sudjectStay in Your Place. This wa«a wonderful sermon. Collection

* for the day was $14.30. Total as.--mount raised for the day and $1)1.21.

May Day Exercise^ Aiken Graded^School A Success


- On Thursday,, May 1st, at 4:00:.o^Wck the May Day exercisesWere .held on the schobTTgrotlTIcte"featuring the ^following: songs.flat 44u***r-potot^ racesy shoe races^*nd sack-races, motion songs; The-farmer in the Dell; Nid NocE WaL

"v "come Traveler; Mulberry Bush;-"Folk dances and .MtLjL Pole Drills^

The May Queen, Anna Lou Gra*ham, was crowned ^y Mary BellePeace. The following w.ere the attendanW: JHenrietta Smiley, RosaPerinent-or. Beatrice Knights.Louise Williams, Minni*. RosaPinckney. and "JuanTta Graham.The committee in charge, (Miss)

Louise Cromer, Mrs. Jeanetta A.Bland; Miss Ora Lee Pipkin.Aiken. Graded School

-Singing ContestQn_.Mt»mlay night. May 5, the

A rmonI.Ki« wiV* ^rr>Wtin thc. school chapel. Over iivv.hundred people listened to the folowing quartets: The HummingBirds and the Religious Choiceboth of Piney Grove Bapt. church",Rev. S. J. Justice, astor;_Mt. AnnartTd''^JdriRiri Baptisf,"'.Rev.-M. G.Musley^ pa.>tor: <gcsnd Bapt. Quartet. Rev. J. YV. Miles pastor am]The Community Quartet.'JordonBaptist quartet won firstprize. Second Baptist won secqndlprize and The Religions Choicethe child prize.

YY'e wish to thank the membersof these five Quartets for theiifine service and the citizens oL

- Aiken for their fine attendanceand cooperation.

Z. Townsend, PrincipalAiken Ministers Meet

The Ministers Alliance of Ttiken"

county held its meeting at Aikerr,hL Tuesday evening April 29TT& the Sunday School room ofFriendship. Baptist Church.The nit-el ing \va< opened "t ?:3Q

, n.n|. wit ^ a ijhort devotional ser

vice conducted by our chaplain.,Rev. S. J. Justice. After singing ofthe first hym*. Psalm 133 was readby the chaplain and prayer wasmade by Rev. T J.die Simmons. TheThe.mrrt.hyn wrrs.sung after1which the mee .ig was turned oveiin charge of the president, RevM. G. Mosley. Some very timely

-remarks were given by the presidentin his usual manner. The declared open for the ti ailsaction of business. The program'for the ^coming Tuesday eveningwas read by the secretary, Rev.R. W. Winn and this was done forour informations

TUtt H,v,. f.s-

Sunday School lesson, the appoin'tee was called for and l>eibg absen'

.~+be.pnr?Tthrnt-cnHmr~fnr "omerrrreto volunteer there- lining no responsethe permanent teacher Rev.frftrC,itrrrtvas askettf.rfSke charge"of the teaching1 of the S. S. lesson.

.Rev. (linn taught the leSshn in. a

very thoughtful and helpful mann'er. These lesson study periodsadd very rnu h to the interest andvalue of our meetings.TT was suggested by the presi I

dent that it would be necessaryto be as brief as possible as we allhave been invited to attend themeeting going on at CumberlandA. M. K. Church, hie said" he de

"kriahl.all ministers present to goover in a group and render whatever ansistanep -that~wp coulrt

The time having arrived forpreaching srvice. Rev. H. M. Harri

. -sen made a motion which was secMiiih il, thai u . IIU lug 'in the lAclthat Wf' are soon to go over andattend services at ."Cumberland AM. K. Church, thaUthe sermon bepostponed until the following Tuesday night. This motion was carried .

The question came up concert:Trig whether the paper Rev. L. E.Ginn read a few Tuesday nightsago Would he discussed tonightA motion was made and secondedthat this discussion l>e deferreduntil Tuesday night week. Thismotion was. carried.The program committer was esIT

ed upon to read the program for thefollowing Tuesday night. The samewas read by the Secretary, Rev.R. W. Winn,. The program was a

dopted as read. It was suggestedthat all the ministers line up andgo over to Cumberland A. M. E.Church two and two at the closeof the session.

After a few closing remarks bythe president the closing song wtes


s. ng, Blest Be ThtTTie That Binds1 he benediction was pronounced bjihe chaplain. The meeting closetto meet the fallowing Tuerda>night at the tegular time andplace.

Wesley Methodist ChurchSunday was a beautiful day foi

ill church goers. Church Schot.«vas opened at the usual hour..

11:30 A. M. Rev. Jamison d<.ivered a soul stirring sermon fronEsther 4:16, Theme: Confidence ii»od, after which the Lord's Suppejvas served.8:00 P. Rl. Rev. Jamison preacl

d from Gal. 6:7, Theme, No Maiis Clever enough to Cheat God.

Visitors" were: Misses Minnie Ldallory, Vernell Stallings, Messer:Jones uf N. C., R. Jenkins an<others.

Those on the sick list are: Me:Jann'g M. M. Jefferson, Perry, antJestine^L»ckson. We «a*e pruyinti'or thern a speedy recovery.

U.- iLdU Rev. Jamison prcuchetx t Rendell Brack for Rev. Butleri few of the members accompanieclim. They reported an enjoyabhtrip.

(JRANI'l'kVILLE NEWSJit. Zion A.. M. E. ChlltehRev. Paul L. Wells, Pastor

Today was a beautiful day foi>n^'church goers. Our S. S. wai)]y conducted by the Supt., Mrs)aisy b. ispann with her teachersit their pnit of thrLy..Mrs. Mat'ie R Fair very pointedly leview-<1 iht* lesson.Proniply at 11:30 service began

ondueted by the pastor. RevVeils used as a subject It is well«ith my soul. This was a thrill:igsermon, the Holy Spirit was

igh..HeVi.Wells always rentierslis be-d service lo1' bis Lord and

en! for his flock.No. 1-2 Stewardess board met

ointly in the afternoon.The League is taking on new

te under its leader Mrs. MarniaHurst. At 8 o'clock Rev. Wellsnought another strong message>n the subject Well Done. One.-ame forward and joined^ thechurch. "Fhe Holv Tomm unionyajr-served at both services. Quitei few visitors worshiped; with -usII day.On last Sunday the 27th ou>

"fpfTng raTTjT was quite a success,its closed with a grand total of'80.55 for the day.The pastor and delegates.w+11

be. .leaving for the District Con"erenceall full of smiles._-_May.. llih Dr..!,. I,, .farmer oui-stec med presiding elder will hohii< "second quarterly conference.Iv will preach at St. Luke in thenot hing and here at night at whicy,time the little three months old.hrmfhter "of"Rev. and Mrs'. Wells

vil! be Baptized. A start for the,-cingdom on time.

St niby was highly entertained

.he-WacWrs. .Mis.. Alice T. Shuler.\ very splendid program, was

held. The President Mrs. L. W"Williams was very pleased tolave a few of the white missiontry ladies to come in and take:>art on program. The next meetngywill be held a{ home of MrsSavannah Ginvard.Rev. and Mrs. Wells, Miss Cath.ineMarshall and Mr. John Wise

vri'ti the dinner guests of-Mrrdfmt"Vli s.'- Floyd Williams. Let's prayincerelyl for those on the sick


K.glfrU;hyni .Baptist ChurchRegular order of service will be

an iiM out Sunday at BethlehemBaptist church with l^e PastoiRev. R. W. Winn in charge. The-(.immunity at large we extend anpen invitation tn service.A Mothers'' Day program will be

sponsored Sunday afternoon 7:0io'clock by the Pulpit Aid club.The program as follows: SelectionTell Mother Til be There; Lord'sPrayer McGroe ."Snelllngs; ScripLure, Cleo Colettfan; Welcome, Vicvoria. Medlock; selection, Lily of\*a ley quartet; Origin of Mother'sDay, Jeroline Holden. recitation,Mothers, Joan Strothers*L solo, Dor>thy Griffeni recitation, Mother'sDay, E. J. Williams; remarks Mrs\1 M- Miller; A Young Mother'sIdea, Mrs. Georgia B. Howard;Brief Synopsis of Movers, RevR. W. Winn; Mother Good Night,Calvin Anderson. Collection.-closing song, benediction.The Woman's Mission will meet

-unday 3:30 p.m. at the home ofMr<. M. M. Miller.The monthly conference will be

leld Friday night 7:30 __o'clocle^\llmembers are aske^ to attendvotrr business meetings.On the sick list of the church

ire aunt Savanah Dobey and Mrs.Daisy Walker.

Voll". I'll. UapU~t CL..-.L

Rev. R. B. Bush, PastorIt seems that everybody is enioyingthis nice spring weather.

Sunday school was very good asisual, lesson reviewed by the pastor.Financial banner, class No.2, Mrs. Minnie A. Palmore teacher;.ClassNo.- fi, attendance banner,teacher Mrs. J. Bessie Weaver.One of our most faithfulscholars Miss Ruth Holmes is stillinable to attend hut we are pray:ngshe will continue Tex improve.Other scholars we are glai are

jible to be out again. Visitors oflethlehem Baptist church: Mrs.

c./.ii \i; . r>,,.t>^.1 tl I lit* OWWLIltri, mi»NCB * can a va2y,Jeroline Holden, Lila MaeMiller, Victoria Medlock, AmandaSnellinsrs, Cleo Coleman, TomiaenaStrother, MVs. I.ona B. Bland,Mrs. Maroilla Hollowly, Dencr>nWalker, Dea. John Shlby fromTacksonville; Prof. A. W. Nicholsonof Bettis academy who gaveus a fcood and timely talk; Mra.Sadie .Washington also Mr. Wm.



This is the month (May) foidistrict meetings. Remember oui

district goals*. For each districtr at least £26 members f 160.00 fori Conference Budget and a quarter

e tiv«\tion. Th. Cor. Sec., Mrs. Mi E. Fields has sefat these items tc! you, also your quota for Jurisdicrtioi al Cultivation, Tlie Centra!

Jurisdiction suggests May 16, a:

i cultivation fund day and that we

i make an effort to raise all of ourcultivation fund on that day, thru

. programs, etc. Please forward alli money directly after district meetinigs to our Conf. Treas. Miss E.

L. Small, 217 Coming St., Chars leston, S. C.1 Information from our :General; Society asks that each district electone delegate to a joint meet1-ing 0f the Board of Missions and, Church Extensfbir.* Council and1 As tmbly to be neld in St. Louis,> Mo., in December, 1941. Be sure

_" l»t" '-nr.. nf thiSend reports of yoqi; district The Palmetto Leader.The following are district oflfi

cers-of three more districts. Wet onlv have two more. Will thev

kindly respond at once We needthis information before our an--aual meeting June Id-15 in C-olymjia,S. C.Greenville District No. G: Presiilent, Mfsl Ophelia Smith, 206

Wardlaw St.. Greenville. Vice1/resident, Mrs. L. T. 'Thompson;iec. Sec.,-Mrs. F. L. Lawton; Cor.Sec., Mrs... Eugenia Hill; Treasurrt; Mrs. Carrie Arthur;.LocalChurch Activities, Mrs. Pearl An"drews; Wesleyan Service Guild,Mrs. Cora Caldwell; Young Women.sirs. S. Robinson. Student Work,Miss Roberta Jackson; Children'sA'ork, Mrs. Inez Lindsay; Litera.ure,Mrs. Emma E. Williams;Supplies, Miss: Katit Richradson;Spiritual Life, Mrs. Hattie E.Hall; Status of Women, Mrs. Les_sieKirksey; Miss. Personnel, Mrs

l- Eliaa Rico> World Federation.Mrs"oia McDavid." Orangeburg District No. 7: Pre^dent. Mrs. A. W. Wright, Box 61.

Mrs. Beulah Baxley; Rec. Sec.,Mrs. M. 'McCallum; Cor. Sec..Mrs. Corine Marcus; Treasurer,

cation, Mrs. Rebecca Robinson;l,ocal Church Activities, Mrs. Rosa--etrnnrngham. W^Pleynn Service*Guild, Mw. Inez Ishmeal; StudentWork, Mrs. Sallie Mae Gregg;Vour/g Women.- Miss Lauraine WilLams: Children's Work,.MissPhillipine Robinson; Literature,Miss Lotti^ Mae Haynes; SuppliesMrs. Louise J. Cooler; SpiritualLife. Mrs. Jessie Mae RobinsonjStatus of Women, Mrs. Hattie 01vei: Miss. Personnel. Mrs. GoldieBrandj'burg; World Federation,»lr.«. Daisy Pearson:Berkeley District^No. 3: President,Mrs. Lizzie Nelson, R.~ 2,

Box 24, Cross, S. C.; Vice-Presilent,Mrs. Ellen Washington; Rec.'.e<.. Mrs. Josephine Levine; Cor.sec-., Mrs,.Mary- Garther; Treasirer,Mrs. Henrietta Bonaparte;diss. Education, Mrs. Ida Middleon;Local Church Activities, Mrs

vice Guild, Mrs. Nancy MiddletonfCOwl,.nt ttV.ib Xfvc r'arnlino Wil

son; Young Women, Mrs. FlorenceHall; Children's Work, Mrs. IdaN'elson; Literature, Mrs. Ethel

President." Suppiles, M Atnethalaward; Spiritual Life, Mrs. Su-j-an Iago; Status of Women, Mrs.Minnie Broughto; Miss. Person-neK.Mrs.Mary Irgo; World Federation,Mrs. Levine Hallback,.The urmuul rt'iHirt oT trig Wo-1man's Division is ready for distribution.Price, 25c. Order fromLiterature Headquarters, 420 PlumSt., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Conference President.

CLOSING EXERCISESBLAKELYSCHOOLThe first grade teacher's exercisestook place April T67 Mrs

-Mary --L- Smith, teacher. Thirdfourth and fifth grades exerciseson April 18th, Mr. AFhur C. Fulton,teacher. April 19th a mostJ^1« 1 A. » uLuengnnui oanquet was given cne

teachers by the trustees and parentsof the community.On the 20th the annual sermon

was preached by the Rev. J. Hollie,pastor of the Lane charge.On April 23rd exercises by the

.second and advanced grades of.-the-school Uhdef^ the directTon of.Mrs, Estella Brtsbon, principal ofthe school. These exercrse werenjoyed by all.

Ashley of Dunbarton; Mr. JackMorrip from A. M. E. church; ProfGarrett of Augusta, Ga. Ourdoor stands open at all services,"ou are welcome.

Rev. Bush preached a soul stirringsermon from 3:8 of St. PaulAnd every man shall receive hinturn reward. We were glad tohave with us Rev. J. E. Palmore,Rev. G. W. Posey. Amount$18.95 was taken.Our revival will soon be on for

10 nights. We are looking forwardto this hoping and trusting thegood Lord will give us souls forHi« K incyrlAm on/1 f V\ o

may be done.The Missionaries met at tho

home of Mrs. Emma Lakes. Mrs.Mattie Fair was our visitor, shegave us a very brief and interestingtalk. We are always triadto have Mrs. Fair, come again.

No. 1 flub met at the home ofMiss.0. A. Whittle.

Don't forget to see I.ula Grantfor The Palmetto Leader.



Benedict-Allen Summer School, aproject of Benedict College andAllen University of this cirty, announcesthat among several featuresof the schoil this, year will

nre activity program. Specialemphasis will be placed upon thephases of this work which haveto do with the first and secondI grades and the rural schools. Miss

> Mildred Fisher of Atlanta Unr'versity will be in charge of thegrade work, with aapable assistLance^ while th» rural angle willbe handled by Miss Elnora Jamesof Spelman College. Both arespecialists in activity work.

Professor S. Lours Finley, headof the music department at Beneldiet College will conduct courses

>- in public school music and musicappreciation. Professor Finley is

music from Columbia University,Courses for privitm'^ supervisors,prospective ppncin.iU nnH-" piuspfUuve supervisors*will be

carried on under the direction ofSupervisor Corhell A. Johnson ofthe Negro Public Schools in thisuy. Adequate recreational facHtieswill be provided for the students..

St. James A. M. E. I'hurclTHe v. F. D. Dreher, Pastor

Services were largely attendee'by visitors and friends 'Sunday.Sunday school lesson was interesl;nglv and timely.~taught-by-vhe tetiefiers. Many ^praetinil illustrations were given and applied Trends?"At4:00 the pastor and choirworshipped, with Mt. PleasantBaptist church. They reportedhaving a nice time.A.C.E.L. met at the usual hour.

There were some games played.hrtt_\Te all enjoyed.At 8 o'clock after the opening,»f the services the pastor delivievj another soul stirring.mcy?age froTTrtjTit. 6': 1 i. The Marks ot

lesttsr- This being rally nite aarge crowd was uresent to wit-less this rally. Rev. Dreher <ip-minted T2 captains and askedhem to. bring fifty dollars* eachnd the reports weit as follows:

Club No. 1, Mrs. Rebecca Smith*38.53; No. 2, Mis. G. A. Gray,$47.95. 3, Mrs.. Rebecca Johnson,>51.00; 4,. ,Mis»i-.SidUe Fair -$44.36;'. Mrs. Cleo White, $30.21 ; 6, Mrs

~.Tstelle Latimer $22.00', 7, Mrs.iula White, $24.17; h. Miss LilianLewis, $13.80; 9. Mrs. ZephiadvTaylor $16.50. 10, Mrs. Jan*ieM. Turner, $47.50; 11. Mrslennie Hearst.,.$16.45; 12^ Mrs.Mantel WingfieM!. $20.90; Totaltmount raised $380.16. Our goalis $600. All captains went away

-4ete> mined to reacft~~the goalAmong the visitors were ~*thiT

tevs. J. Letman, L*. Delvin.We wish to thank the bishop

Uid presiding eider for sendingis this man %f God to lead Us on.Space will not permit us to tellvou all the good things that is<oing on around St. James, but.vatch this column and sc0 us go.Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

- Sunday school met at the usual^nnrr teachers were presentand the lesson was >be|futifullytaught. The lesson was review

dby Rev. F. D. Johnson. AfterS. R. closed Rev. Johnson preachr

-subject TheRisenChristr"At 4:00 o'clock Rev. Dreher

preached a wonderful sermon tothe Missionary sisters and membersof *Mt. Pleasant and the choirW(lc with thain. iMirnnt mil

<ic which we always enjr>y much.we uvnK Kev, urener and hishoic-for helping us at this particulartime. Amount raised $17.55..Come again..This.rally^.«efor the benefit of Morris college.

)Grace Chapel A. M. E. ChurchRev. YV. H. Williams, PastorAVest Abbevile.Sunday was a

ligh day at Grace, spiritually asveil as financially. We raised theJulh amount of our EducationalMoney and sonnF over. The pastorvas well pleased.The Holiness church has ,'ust

losed a very successful revivalmeeting. The Pastor Rev. A. H.'^ee.conducted the meeting.A delightful silver tea wbs entertainedMay 4th at the home of

Mrs. Elsie W. Garlington. $3.85^was collected. Sfee -the -Rhodes'joye for a "Lead«r".




The eighth annual SpellingMatch of the elementary school:of the city was held before tlarge and appreciative audience orMonday evening, April 28 at 8:0(,9'clock in the Johnson gymtorium

Xh# schools represented wertHoward,. Saxon, Waverley amBooker Washington Heights. Therewere ten representatives froireach school. Each participant diecredit to his scHool and himselfThe poise and adeptness of thespellers \well exemplify the higltypp of training the pupils artretreiving" nnhe~classrooms.The final rounds of the match

were between two representativesfrom Waverley and twQ fronBooker Washington Heights. Thewinner from this group was AgachaMae Adams of Booker WashingtonHeights.

; ^farrrmtking-lSaraward) Supprvisor C. A. Johnson spoke very copiplimentaryof the type of performancethe ehildren hurl o-ivpn Hn

jcviiiiiiumluil IhfilVi individually anda8 school gToups. He also statedthat this was the first timp thatthe ci\p had gone to one of thesmaller schools in the system andthat it was with a deal of pleasurethat he prewntod ~fhf-mrr~trr\gatha_Adams for the BookerWashington Heights school;

The.officiating staff for theiliatCh were: JnHges; >fios Adamsand TWr. ^Young- of the Carverschool; Miss Johnson of the BookerWashington high school. Call

r:Miss Carrie B. Hoover, BookerWashington high school. Masterof ceremonies, Mr. Rogers ofCarver "school.

TAYLOR SCHOOl NEWSProf. T. J. Sullivan, Principalr>r. McQuilkin of the Columbia

tihle college delivered an excel»MitEducational sermon iff Taylorschool Sunday rtfternopn at:30 p.m. The text was from John5:10. The four high points in hissermon were: first. We must he

.orn again, seconcf, Jesui? must be.L-- > --

uui u(j; uiira, v\ e must believeritirely in God's word; fourth, Wenust walk in the light. This sernonwas interesting, informingnd inspiring and will long be rememberedby those that heard it.Mrs. McQuilkin made timely roMr.

' Sullivan thanked Dr. andMr-. McQuillans*for the services-endrred~and"eXtendec! td~ them a'early- invitation to the school atill times. Music was ' furnished>y the pupils. Dr. McQuilkin highly eont.vended the faculty at'.d pupilsand was very pleased with,the singing.Six members from the Columbia

Bible college accompanied-bv MesMcQuilkinconducted a testimonyservice at Taylor school-Sunday,April 20 at 5:00 p.m. This grouprepresented Foreign Missions nn.lwas in charge 0f Mr. Lane.

This meeting opened with a songservice in which the pupila enteredwholeheartedly. Each memberof the group related in an interesting story how they had been savedand what work they were planningto .do. Mar.y accepted Christ inthis service.. Bev. Hollaway, No. 2 and Mr. AndrewJackson, made encouraging remarks.Mr. Sullivan thanked the groupfor conducting suchan -excellent.

service and invited them to re-_turn.A contribution was received thai

will be used, in the Foreign Miss-"ion field.


(Continued from Page 1)

with us long, but she is rapidlygaining recognition for herself'oo.We are going to Charleston the

16th of June to exchange ideas,so that we will be better able toserve you. J.The-next license tioard Is June 9,inyone interested may receive inpQrmationbv wri'inc Mr« .TtiUoE. Breeland, 12 1-2 Broughton St.Orangeburg, S. C. The Statelaws are becoming more exactingIt pays to keep up. If you arealready a graduate, why not takea brush-up course You still havetime to join tlhe many others "whohave been ok'd for the. June.


The -school is open from 8:30 to5:30. Wont you come in and visitus. We will beiglad to serve youtoo in any way we can.

JULIA BRF.F.T./VNO MT.PILGRIM BAPT. CHURCH' Rev. J. H. Spigner, PastorLast Sunday war. a high daywith us. The weather was fair

and many were present. The Sunday school began at 10:30 a.m.After the lesson period our pastormad# a wonderful teJk.At the morning worship Rev.Singleton was presented by the

,pastor and he preached a wonderfulsermon, His subject: ThePower in Prayer. James 5:16 Wecan say he is a great preacher.The pastoj1 is asking the presenceof all the member8 and friendsat service on Sunday, May 11th.Sunday school will begin at 10:30and preaching at 12:30. The revivalwill begin Sunday night withpreaching by Rev. E. Z. DennisWe are expecting a great revivalMondy night, Mt Pilgrim choir'Tuesday night the Usher board;Wednesday night, Zion Canaanchoir; Thursday night, St. Paulcholf; Friday night, First flazarath.Coma one, com* all. ',r

ruai-air." -v-

On Sunday, April 27th HadothChapter No. 138 O. E. S. at Cajn-iden, S. C. celebrated their.1.3th.nniversary at the Second Presbyterianchurch on Market street

at 4 o'clock p.m.Scripture lessonwas read by Mrs. Bracy; prayerwas offered by Dr. J. W, Boykin.Mrs. Amelia Gamble, worthy matron,acted as mistress of ceremoniesand made some very timelyremarks which was enjoyed byeveryone present. Reading byMrs. Jennie L. Carter, which wasjlso uplifting and inspiring. Mr.J. B. Lewie, W.M. of Capitai CityLodge F. and A/ M. of Columb|^was the principal/«flQtaker of tn^daV. which wn«t fccW timr»lv nrtrlwholesome.The visiting Masons that accompaniedBrother Lewie were the

Messrs Jas. T. Diggs, Sgt. Ja«. F.Johnson and Mi. E. M. TVessley.They were all introduced and madesome very timely remarks. Musicwas furnished by the sisters of thechapter, a trio was by MissesPayton, Gamble and Curtain. TheMasons turned out with the sisters,and made the occasion a success.


Ella FitzgeraldContinued from page 1

I used to thrill the swing worhs wl* h his music.still recognize*i as the "hottest" in the countryi In Ella, Webb knew that he ha*) found the "Queen" to do right b;

his kingly syncopation*.From thert^on ttfe story "5

1 Ella Fitzgerald took on a differi ent slant. She wasn't the littlii struggling amateur anymorb, buI a first class pro, with the stamp. ed approval of the greatest swinf> master of the ages.i Her talents having been polish; ed to its finest luster by Webb

the master, it was but- a shori time before Ella Fitzgerald became the talk of the swing worldMusicians the country over wer<

i in the market for her services. Iis said that Benny Goodman, fronwhom the great Chick Webb, ira spectacular battte of music cap

- tured the title of King Of Swjngwent so far as to offer Ella $F-,0(Xto join his aggregation. Butwith Check Wbhh. Flln TmH ma.


lized her fondest dreams.shewas the voice sensation with th(gre&test swintr hnnrl in rtio omm

try. %When King Webb was called toplay hrs final date, Ella Fitzger-' miK up IIttt fallen baton andpledged that wmild ftlwav?-nhry that style 67 jnusic that wasthe vervTIfe7-blood of the dimfnntiveWehh .

Ella's unique taten"s have taljenher across horizons seldom reachedbv others of the same color.Today, in popularity, the girlthat Webb brought up from thescratch is second to none She-has.populai i/ud sucK sones as"My Last Affair."('"Goodnight MvLove," "You Showed Me TheWay," "S'airwav to the Stars.""Starlit Hour," "Moon-Rav;" andshe wrote the sensational swingversion of the nursery rhyme "ATisket A Tasket."But to this day when Ella si"iesthe tune, "You Showed Me TheWnv," she.looks.upward ' award^ne celestial home of the immortal"King of Drums,".Chick Webb.

«5»DNEY P ARK C M.E. (IITRCI?1 Rev.-J.C.Cotclough. PastorThe Sunday school (.neneii »*

isual hour with the Supt., Mr. D.K. Starks presiding. Tht. lessonsubject "The Church EnlargingIts Fellowship' was beautifully.iLiicusxnd..r- r_zr-.-At-41- oVkirkThe }>a^t;)r'open\|the morninjr service. After the

». uenint? serx-i'.-fs'the pastor prea h_^d another one of his spiritualei nions which w 's enjoyed by all.

, '.



THURSDAY NIGFv* <"' ; ,< J.,'*'/}.. , .... -.

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Advance Tickets 91cWHITE SPECTATORS 75c


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FTTNERAL HOM1Undertaking And Embalm


"An Near As Your Neareat l'h<

3 HatrAhiirg and Rldfrewav. S.§ 1831 TAYLOR ST. COLUM1PHONFS: 23619.2361Q


Saturday, May 10, 1941.

| TO ALL^BEAUTICIANSj Gratings; ^j The tim« Is almost here for OUT

sixth annual convention which willj convene in Charleston, S. C., June

16-17, 1941. The beauticians thereare making ample preparation foi

f w*. .

Now is the time to give your? thought to our State-wide Beautifycians Popularity- contest tQ be

held Monday night, June 16, 1941at Charleston, S. C.The contestants were asked' to

answer when they receive theircards so all names will appear in ^i this paper at the same time. iWe are still waiting for your

answer. All^ beauticians are rejquested notify the president if" they have any more entries for the' Qunnfir

uvauij vuiHrVai.1 Watch this space for- your-_nameai '

: m**.-annie belle evans *:' 2501 Gervais Street

Columbia, S. C.

At 'I !dU the pastor filled the.pulpit again. _

Dr. CoLclough and BrojrStarks'eft early Monday morning for ^ \lackson, Tenn. to attend the Gen- ^ -«eral Board meeting of the C. M.--K. church.The pastor will fill the nnlnit

Sunday. ^-9


ZANZIBAR" ^3Vth ~~




bh; days 4_

:~ "STARTS SathbDAY .


lg*f .I



IT, MAY 15th, 1941

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