palma de mallorca english


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Cosmina Andreea CARBARĂU MIEADR IEA, GROUP 8104Mihaela Florentina NICULICI MIEADR IEA, GROUP 8104

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania59 Mărăști Blvd, District 1, 011464, Bucharest, Romania

AcknowledgementsCoordinating teachers:Mihai FRUMUȘELUMihaela CIOBANU



touristic attractionslocal culture

unique traits

Palma de Mallorca is a Spanish city, capital of the Island of

Mallorca and the autonomous community of the Balearic

Islands.It is located in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea and

southwest of the Island of Mallorca, about 250 km east of

the Iberian Peninsula.

Palma's culture, due to the constant immigration, is

based on the multicultural influences of many places

that have twinned with proper shutters customs.

The folklore of the island is characterized by its elegant and ceremonial dances, as

well as its melodious songs , among which is

worth noting : El Parado , Fandango , Jota, So de

Pastera which is one of the most typical of Mallorca

dances. Known for its sun and beach tourism , also it

has a beautiful old town and the Cathedral of

Santa María de Palma de Mallorca, Bellver Castle , the Castle of San Carlos , the Almudaina Palace .

The landscape of the island is graced with coves , beaches and cliffs on the coast, while inside there are typical Mallorcan villages and mountains with heights of 1,500 meters. It is a scenic and cultural richness

which invites you to explore every inch of Mallorca and deepen the island cuisine.


In meals and meetings, usually familiar , it is typical to eat Porcella chopped roasted with

potatoes and seasoned with herbs of the island, such as rosemary . The

best sweet is the Ensaimada often taken

at breakfast.

rural regions