pakistan trade policy 2009-10 speech

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  • 8/9/2019 pakistan Trade Policy 2009-10 Speech



    TRADE POLICY2009-10




    Minister for Commerce

    27th July, 2009




  • 8/9/2019 pakistan Trade Policy 2009-10 Speech



    Ladies and Gentlemen

    Assalam O Alaikum

    It is a great privilege for me to present before you the

    Trade Policy of the government of Pakistan. This is the

    second time this democratic government is announcing the

    Trade Policy representing the hopes and aspirations of the

    people of Pakistan. The recently announced budget carries

    specific measures for economic revival and improvements in

    the lives of Pakistani people. In line with the same spirit of

    service to the common man, our aim is to bring forth a

    positive strategic change in the export sector of Pakistan. We

    also wish to expand our support and encouragement to theprivate sector and ensure the availability of enabling

    infrastructure which can put the economy on a path towards

    sustained growth and development ultimately culminating

    into poverty and inequality reduction in the country.

    As we all know Pakistan has been facing many

    difficulties on the non-economic front, which have led to

    further deterioration of the business climate. The issues

    created due the problems which we inherited such as energy

    crises, business closures, declining long term foreign

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    investment have been worsened by the war on terror in

    which Pakistan is a frontline state. The direct and indirect

    costs of this war do not only include the loss of life, property

    and business assets, but also the deterioration of countrys

    image as a result of which the business to business

    interaction becomes more difficult. However after a critical

    phase of weak domestic macroeconomic situation and

    reduced external demand owing to the global financial crisis,

    Pakistan economy is now undergoing a recovery phase.

    Coming to the trade performance of Pakistan, the year 2008-

    09 witnessed unprecedented economic downturn especially

    in our major markets of export i.e. USA & EU.

    Consumption decreased in the developed world and the

    global trade shrank by 9%. Global recession adversely

    affected exporting countries and Pakistan is no exception to

    it. Exports from Pakistan declined to US$ 17.8 billion as

    compared to previous years exports of US$ 19.1 billion.

    Imports also witnessed a relative decline and fell by 13% as

    Pakistans imports during 2008-09 stood at US $ 34.9 billion

    as compared to US $ 40.4 billion in 2007-08.

    During 2008-9, the export of Textiles, which account for

    around 54% of Pakistans total exports, dropped from US$

    10.6 billion to US$ 9.6 billion. The major losers in this

    regard were Readymade Garments, which dropped by

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    21.7%, Cotton Yarn, which dropped by 15%, Bed linen,

    which dropped by 10.2%, Art Silk & Synthetic Textiles,

    which dropped by 22.1% and Cotton Fabric by 4.0%. The

    exports of finished leather and leather manufacturers

    dropped from US$ 1.1 billion to US$ 0.8 billion registering a

    drop 24.5%. The Rice exports have registered an impressive

    growth from US$ 1.84 billion to US$ 1.99 with an increase of

    8.2%. Engineering goods also registered an increase of

    26.1% from US$ 211.3 to US$ 266.4 million. In this regard,

    the major contributors have been the specialized machinery,

    transport equipment, electric fans etc. The export of Jewelry

    also rose from US$ 213.4 million to US$ 288.4 million,

    registering an increase of 35%.

    Taking a long term view of Pakistans export

    performance over the last ten years, Pakistans share in the

    global market, according to WTO data, has declined by

    more than 1/3 to 0.13% in 2009 from 0.21 % in 1999.

    During the last few decades, the global trade has

    undergone a major structural change as far as the product

    composition and geography of trade is concerned. There has

    been an explosion of non textile manufactured exports at the

    global level. Whereas, the share of non-textile manufactured

    in Pakistans exports has gone down from an already low

    figure of US $ 5.83 billion (25.08%) in 2007-08 to US $ 3.12

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    billion in 2008-09 (17.32 %). At the same time, our

    competitor economies, particularly in Asia, have

    significantly enhanced their share in non-textile

    manufactured. As far as the Textile and Clothing sectors are

    concerned, the rate of growth in Clothing is much higher

    than Textiles in the international market. Whereas,

    Pakistan, managing to keep its market share in Textiles to

    an extent, has been slow in benefiting from the expansion in

    higher value Clothing sector.

    The principle reason for this growing disconnect between

    the evolving global market structure and our export

    performance is the erosion of the competitiveness of

    Pakistans traditional exports in general and the countrys

    weakness in diversifying its product and market mix.

    In view of the above situation, the government, in a

    true democratic spirit, took all stakeholders on board and

    has devised a strategy to go all out to remain firm in these

    difficult economic times, keep focused on our strengths, and

    convert challenges into workable opportunities. Trade

    Policy 2009-12 aims to set the country on the path of

    sustainable high economic growth through exports.

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    The fundamental principles of the Strategic Trade Policy

    Framework are rooted in the manifesto of Pakistan Peoples

    Party i.e.,

    -Growth with Equity

    -Greater Opportunities for gainful employment

    -Sound macro-economic framework for trade environment

    -Concern with poverty eradication and environmental


    - Investing in Human resources

    -Targeting Poverty alleviation

    -Promoting private sector as engine of growth

    -Focus on small scale sector particularly in agriculture

    As guided by the prime minister and his cabinet, this policy

    is geared towards:

    1.Contributing towards poverty alleviation

    2.Achieving export led growth and providing relief to the

    common man through the provision of jobs and


    3.Will focus strongly on development and facilitation

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    Ladies and gentlemen,

    The policy is set in a three years Strategic Trade Policy

    Framework (STPF), which we strongly hope would result in

    the enhancement of export competitiveness of Pakistan to

    enable Pakistani companies overcome the shocks of

    international economic crisis through a set of integrated and

    holistic policy and measures.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I would now like to unveil the

    Strategic Trade Policy Framework for the next 3 years. Thiswill be a medium term road map in order to ensure

    certainty of policies which in turn will act as a catalyst in the

    revival of domestic commerce and international trade in

    Pakistan, with the precise objective of bringing about a

    structural transformation in Pakistans exports.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    We have to bear in mind that this trade policy comes in the

    backdrop of a number of challenges. These include:

    o Infrastructure deficit, particularly in energy

    o Poor innovation and technological infrastructure

    o Low labour productivity

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    o Low levels of manufacturing value addition

    o Little Foreign Direct Investment in

    manufacturing and exportable sectors.

    o Anti-export bias in taxation

    o Increasing costs of exports as compared to


    o Lack of product and geographical diversification

    in exports

    o Absence of economies of scale in the production

    processes, especially in the Small and Medium

    Enterprise sector which accounts for a vast

    majority of the enterprises in the country.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    My Ministry realizes that we need a paradigm shift to enable

    our firms and entrepreneurs to become globally competitive

    and export those products which are valued more in the

    international market. This would involve structural

    transformation in the form of increased mobility of labor

    and capital across sectors and change their production

    processes and ultimately the content of exports. We hope

    that we would be able to begin effecting this transformation

    through the Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2009-12,

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    with Competitiveness Development at the centre of all our

    trade promotional efforts and interventions. Very soon, we

    should be able to see Pakistan producing and exporting a

    more sophisticated and diversified range of products,

    resulting also in an increase in returns for sectors ready to

    embrace the global competitive environment.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Let me now share with you the integrated solutions we aim

    to provide in order to realize our strategic objectives. As far

    as the enhancement of the export competitiveness is

    concerned, the government aims to:

    First, overcome the most pressing supply-side

    constraints such as the shortage of energy, cost of

    capital and difficulties linked with adverse travel


    Second, enhance competitiveness of textile and

    clothing, with the help of Textile Policy due to be

    announced shortly which focuses on new

    investments, modernization of machinery and

    increasing total factor productivity.

    Third, deepen and diversify export markets

    particularly our major trading partners US and

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    EU as well as countries with which Pakistan has

    signed a free trade agreement such as China,

    Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

    Fourth, promote trade in services which globally

    have a more stable demand pattern and are less

    prone to detrimental external shocks seen for the

    case of commodity trading.

    Fifth, embark on domestic commerce reform and

    development where key areas such as wholesale

    and retail trade, storage and warehousing,

    transport, regulatory environment, promotion of

    modern business and taxation practices require

    immediate attention.

    In order to address our strategic objective of increasing thesophistication level of Pakistans exports products and

    enhance firm level competitiveness, our government aims to:

    Integrate the local productive capacity with

    globally integrated supply chain.

    Coordinate and leverage the skill up-gradationprogrammes in the priority sectors and

    strengthen the institutions entrusted with the

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    skilling. In this regards, skilling of women

    workers would be given special importance.

    Acquire and upgrade technology level so that

    Pakistan can move away from the traditional and

    low value export products.

    Promote enterprise and entrepreneurship

    development. The Ministry of Commerce

    proposes to set up an Enterprise and

    Entrepreneur Fund [EEF] for incentivising the

    improvements in firm management capabilities in

    ten sectors chosen to push Pakistan higher on the

    sophistication ladder.

    Rationalize the tariff policy keeping in view the

    structure of value addition in various industries.

    In order to address our strategic objective of product

    diversification for Pakistans exports our government aims


    Provide a clear policy framework on the

    development of chemical sector.

    Continue the successful initiatives provided to the

    Pharmaceuticals sector in the previous trade

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    policy and help introduce necessary regulatory

    and initiate new development programmes.

    Address the supply side constraints in the meat

    and meat products industry

    Facilitate the foreign direct investment and export

    potential of mineral sector.

    Promote agro-processed exports

    Support the light engineering sectors to export

    more in high paying markets. The trade policy

    aims to create a special fund of Rs 2.5 billion for

    product development and marketing in order to

    increase the sophistication level of the sector and

    realize true potential of this sector.

    Devise a medium term strategy to boost exports of

    gems and jewellery.

    Devise a comprehensive long term strategy for

    significantly improving Pakistans export of


    Provide incentives to facilitate technology

    acquisition, adoption, replacement with the twin

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    objectives of energy efficiency and environmental


    To launch a comprehensive Leather and leather

    products export Plan in consultation with the

    major players of leather sector

    To launch a comprehensive plan for the

    promotion of export of Services

    In order to address our strategic objective of pursuing

    greater market access through extensive trade diplomacy

    the government aims to:

    Actively participate in the Doha Development

    Agenda negotiations in order to maximize the

    gains from trade diplomacy.

    Making free trade agreements a success in terms

    of increase in bilateral and regional export

    volumes with favorable terms of trade for


    Engage with the larger trading partners like US

    and EU for greater market access and utilize the

    Reconstruction Opportunity Zones for providing

    zero duty facility for exports to US.

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    Strengthen and utilize the trade officers better for

    the protection and promotion of Pakistans

    commercial interest abroad.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Enhancing export competitiveness of Pakistan would largely

    depend upon the quality of governance and management

    structures deployed to implement it. In order to address our

    objective of institutional reform for prudent implementation

    of Strategic Trade Policy Framework the Ministry of

    commerce would take the following measures:

    We would employ the modern logical frameworks

    to implement and evaluate different interventions

    and initiatives of the Strategic Trade Policy

    Framework and would establish 3Implementation Management Units.

    We would set up an Export Investment Support

    Fund to channelize the public investments to the

    selected sectors with clear objective of effecting

    the structural transformation.

    My Ministry would ensure significant

    improvements in its own working as well as in the

    working of Transport and Trade Facilitation

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    Project, Trade Development Authority of

    Pakistan, National Tariff Commission, Pakistan

    Institute of Trade and Development, Pakistan

    Horticulture and Export Development Board,

    Directorate General of Trade Organizations,

    Trade Offices Abroad and other relevant


    The Ministry of Commerce would establish

    efficient steering and coordination mechanisms

    that make the functional linkages between the

    Structural Trade Policy Framework with the

    Planning process in Pakistan and relevant line

    and sectoral ministries

    My Ministry would lead from the front in shaping

    much more effective Public-Private dialogue in

    the realization of the Objectives of the Strategic

    Trade Policy Framework.

    As far as the monitoring and evaluation of the

    Strategic Trade Policy Framework is concerned,

    the Pakistan Institute of Trade and DevelopmentIslamabad, an independent policy think tank of

    the Ministry of Commerce, would undertake a

    systematic evaluation of the impact of Trade

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    Policy 2009-12 on the trade performance of

    Pakistan with a view to enhance the effectiveness

    of different trade policy interventions, suggest

    course corrections and lay the scientific

    foundations for the preparatory work for the next

    Trade Policy.


    As far as giving an export target for the coming years is

    concerned, the Ministry believes, on the basis of an extensive

    consultative process, that there is a consensus among all the

    stakeholders in Pakistans international trade that the

    countrys exports can become an engine of growth and

    prosperity in Pakistan, if the relevant institutions, both in

    public and private sector implement a holistic strategy to

    enhance competitiveness of exports. However the growthduring 2009-10 would remain rather sluggish partly due to

    slowdown in global demand and also due to the fact that all

    the programmes and measures of Strategic Trade Policy

    Framework would have a brief time lag before coming into

    full force. The Ministry therefore has set the export growth

    target of 6 % for 2009-10 and 10 and 13 % for each of thesuccessive years. The Ministry for the first time is

    introducing a few intermediate indicators, which contribute

    to the enhancement of export competitiveness. It is expected

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    that by 2012 the competitiveness ranking of Pakistan will

    improve from 101 to 75; the share of engineering exports

    will increase from 1.5 % to 5 %; value addition of cotton to

    increase from US $ 1000 to $ 1500 per bale; and regional

    trade to expand from 17 to 25 %.

    The Strategic Trade Policy Framework sets out the policy

    guidelines and identifies the principle action areas. We hope

    to complete the work on identifying the business processes to

    improve within the first quarter of the financial year and

    address them forthwith. For the realization of other

    strategic objectives we hope to take the stock of the on

    ground situation and propose the activities which would

    start rolling out within the second quarter. We strongly hope

    that the activities and programs thus started would be

    completed by June 2012. But we have not ignored the

    pressing supply side issues and other legitimate

    requirements of the export sector and are hereby suggesting

    several measures to facilitate exports.

    Businesses need short to medium term certainty in the

    interest rate for investment. Currently, there is no policy

    instrument provided by the government or private sector for

    providing finance at fixed interest rates for a short to

    medium term. It has been decided to create a Fund to hedge

    markup rate hikes. The Ministry will work with the

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    Ministry of Finance and State Bank of Pakistan towards this


    In order to ensure predictability of electricity supply it has

    been decided that Ministry of Water and Power would work

    with the Electricity Distribution Companies, to enter into

    agreements with clusters of industries whereby electricity is

    supplied at mutually agreed times. The agreements would

    have punitive and compensation clauses; and the

    compensation could be in the form of electricity charges


    Ladies and gentlemen,

    The provision of insurance cover for visiting buyers can go a

    long way in restoring the investors confidence. These days,

    the purchasers, inspectors and sourcing agents of overseas

    buyers are reluctant to travel to Pakistan and the exporters

    have to meet them in other countries. This increases cost of

    doing business. It has been learnt that apart from travel

    advisories that stop the purchasers/importers from coming

    to Pakistan but also the fact that the insurance companies

    refuse to cover the period of stay in Pakistan on usual rate ofpremium. To overcome this problem, it has been decided to

    launch a scheme for picking up the full cover for Pakistan

    for their valid insurance policies. The scheme will be funded

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    from Export Investment Support Fund and managed by

    National Insurance Corporation.

    Ladies and gentlemen, in the short run, we are introducing

    many sector specific initiatives to promote product

    diversification, which are as follows.

    Extra cost on inland transportation erodes export

    competitiveness of a range of developmental products.

    It has been decided that a scheme may be launched to

    compensate inland freight cost to exporters of cement,

    light engineering, leather garments, furniture, soda

    ash, hydrogen peroxide, sanitary wares including tiles,

    finished marble/ granite/ onyx products.

    All final use products do require continuous research

    and development for enhancing competitiveness eitherby technology up-gradation, skill development or by

    improved management systems. A fund dedicated to

    support these activities named Technology, Skill and

    Management Up-gradation Fund of Rs. 3 billion is

    being established.

    The manufacturing in surgical instruments, sports

    goods and cutlery sectors is largely done under the

    brands of foreign companies, and that result in lower

    prices for manufacturers in these sectors. It has been

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    decided that surgical instruments, sports goods &

    cutlery sector would be granted 25% support on brand

    development activities.

    Shortage of well-trained skilled manpower is impeding

    growth of surgical instruments manufacturing

    industry. It has been decided to establish a center of

    excellence for catering to the training, designing,

    research & development needs of surgical instrument

    sector at Sialkot.

    The Engineering Sector in Pakistan is very dynamic

    but it is fragmented. This sector has shown promising

    growth during 2008-09 with an export growth of 32 %.

    In order to increase the sophistication level and realize

    true potential of this sector, a special Fund of Rs 2.5

    Billion is being created for product development &

    marketing for light engineering sector.

    Leather apparel industry needs to adapt to changing

    trends for which they need expert input for improving

    quality and efficiency. The Leather sector would be

    able to avail the following facilities from the Export

    Investment Support Fund:

    o Procurement of expert advisory services to

    leather apparel manufacturers cum exporters.

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    o Matching grant to establish design studios or

    design centers in the factories.

    o Establishment of Research &Development

    Centers in Karachi and Sialkot by Pakistan

    Leather Garments Manufacturers and Exporters

    Associations for providing Research &

    Development support to Leather Garments &

    Leather Goods Exporters.

    Finished leather is one of the major export productsand an intermediate product in which substantial value

    addition can be achieved by adopting modern

    production processes and creating trendy finishes.

    There is a need to encourage tanneries to upgrade

    production and designing facilities and to facilitate

    them for complying with international standards. The

    leather sector now would be able to avail the following

    facilities from the Export Investment Support Fund:

    o Sharing 25% financial cost of setting up labs in

    the individual tanneries.

    o To provide matching grant for setting up ofeffluent treatment plants in individual tanneries.

    It is estimated that a minimum of 25% hides and skins are

    rendered useless from butcher cuts. There is an imminent

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    need to introduce flaying machines in slaughter houses but

    local governments have limited resources to install and run

    flaying machines. It has been therefore decided that Export

    Investment Support Fund may be used for providing

    matching grants to district governments for installing

    flaying machines.

    The government of Pakistan recognizes the importance

    of the Textile and Clothing Sectors. To provide a foundation

    for sustainable growth, various initiatives are being planned

    through a separate and first ever Textiles Policy, to be

    announced shortly. The major thrust of the Textiles Policy

    will be to enhance domestic capabilities and capacities for

    efficient use of resources through skills development,

    technology up gradation and provision of infrastructural

    facilities. Measures are also envisaged for diversification of

    fiber usage and mix. The Textile Policy takes a holistic

    approach and will contain short-term and long-term

    measures to support the textiles and clothing manufacturers

    overcome the current problems created by the global down

    turn and equip them with necessary ingredients to meet the

    growing competitiveness challenges of the future.

    The Strategic Trade Policy Framework would leverage

    the Textile Policy through its diverse measures and policies

    directly and indirectly. The Ministry of Commerce would

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    lend its support to the Ministry of Textiles towards an

    efficient implementation of Textile Policy. In this regards,

    the following Initiatives would be given high priority by

    Strategic Trade Policy Framework among many others

    initiatives which Ministry of Commerce hopes to develop

    and implement with the help of Ministry of Textiles and

    other stakeholders.

    Promotion of new investment and modernization

    of machinery

    For diversification of exports mix, custom duty

    may be zero rated on import of Man Made Fibers

    other than Polyester Staple Fiber.

    Customs duty on import of sizing chemicals may

    be withdrawn.

    Establishment of warehousing in major markets,

    requiring direct to Store Delivery.

    Brand Development Program, to encourage the

    establishment of domestic and international


    Rationalization of tariff on the principle of

    cascading to provide the exporting industry with

    an environment which supports manufacturing

    rather than trading.

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    Initiatives for greater market access, developing

    and enlarging acceptability of Pakistani textiles

    and clothing in niche markets and diversification

    of exports to new destinations.

    Initiatives to promote more effective holding of

    local and participation and foreign exhibitions

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Live Sea Food fetches very high prices in international

    markets as compared to frozen products. It has been

    decided to grant 25% freight subsidy if live seafood

    products are exported by air. This will also compensate

    exporters to overcome losses incurred due to mortality.

    Our government plans to give a big boost to agro-

    processing due to its potential to reduce poverty in the

    country side. Raw and semi-processed agricultural

    produced being currently exported can get higher

    values if exported as processed food. However,

    Technical Barriers to Trade on processed food require

    compliance of international standards and thereby

    increasing the cost of production. It has been decided

    to support processed food exports initially by

    reimbursing Research &Development costs @ 6% of

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    the exports. The quantum and mode of support for

    2009-12 would be decided after a detailed study but not

    later than May 2010.

    Services sector has immense potential for earning

    foreign exchange however high pre-project costs are a

    deterrent to its expansion. Support to Services Sector

    in tendering process and preparing feasibility studies

    shall be instrumental in helping the sector to achieve its

    potential. We are setting up a Services Export

    Development Fund to provide assistance in the form of

    reimbursable grants, to Pakistan service exporters for

    Tendering or negotiating for international projects and

    for conducting pre-feasibility or feasibility studies for

    international projects.

    Halal Products is an over trillion dollar market.

    Pakistan despite being a Muslim country is being left

    behind due to a lack of recognized Halal standards.

    Ministry of Science and Technology working to set up a

    Halal Certification Board. It has been decided that till

    the Halal Certification Board is setup, the government

    would support the cost of Certification by 50%. In the

    coming year, the Ministry will develop a

    comprehensive policy for the promotion of Halal


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    Safety Standards Certification by Underwriters

    Laboratories (UL) increases the level of acceptability of

    manufactured products particularly domestic electrical

    appliances in international markets. It has been

    decided that 50% cost of UL certification would be

    borne by the government.

    The zero rating of exports is a very old demand of the

    industry. Despite many promises by the governments,

    the exporters have not been getting this facility as

    enjoyed by their international competitors. Our

    government has decided to make the exports

    completely zero rated. As determining and providing

    additional duty drawbacks to specified sectors may

    take some more time, it has been decided to give an

    interim relief to the sectors of tents & canvas, electricmachinery, carpets, rugs and mats, sports goods,

    footwear, surgical/ medical/ veterinary/ beauty care

    instruments, cutlery, onyx products, electric fans,

    furniture, auto parts, handicrafts, jewelry and

    pharmaceuticals. All incentives will be linked to the

    outcomes, efficiency standards and wherever possible,productivity targets.

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    Our government is aware that there is an urgent need to

    reduce the cost of doing business in Pakistan. We are

    addressing this in a systematic way under our Strategic

    Trade Policy Framework 2009-12. To demonstrate our

    resolve to reduce the cost of doing business in Pakistan

    significantly, we are introducing a few specific measures

    right away. These Measures are as follows:

    Oil and gas and petroleum sector companies are

    allowed import of second hand plant and machinery

    equipment required for their project in Pakistan

    subject to pre-shipment certification to the effect that

    such plant, machinery and equipment are in good

    working condition and are not older than 10 years.

    Since drilling rigs usually have a useful life of around

    20 years it has been decided that the age limit for themmay be enhanced to 20 years subject to Pre Shipment

    Inspection certification.

    There are various restrictions on import of specialized

    machinery and transport equipment e.g. Concrete

    Transit Lorries, Concrete Pumps, Crain Lorries,

    Concrete Placing Trucks, Dump Trucks, Waste

    Disposal Trucks, cement bulkers and Prime Movers.

    These conditions include age restrictions and actual

    use. It has been decided to allow the import of

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    specialized machinery and transport equipment by

    actual users in used condition provided they fulfill

    emission standards and have sufficient productive life

    irrespective of the age.

    There is a possibility for Industrial Users to trade-in

    new, refurbished or up-graded machinery with their

    obsolete machinery. Current import and export

    regimes do not provide for trade-ins whereas if allowed

    it could reduce the expenditure on Balancing

    Modernization and Reform. It has been decided to

    allow Industrial importers to import new, refurbished

    and upgraded machinery on the basis of trade-in with

    their old, obsolete machinery. Likewise export of their

    old and obsolete machinery for trade in with new,

    refurbished or upgraded machinery would also beallowed.

    State Bank of Pakistan has discontinued the facility to

    remit US$ 10,000 per invoice, as advance payment, for

    import of spare parts, consumables and raw materials.

    The discontinuation of the facility has increased the

    cost and time to effect urgent imports. It has been

    decided that the facility to remit US$ 10,000 per

    invoice, as advance payment, for import of spare parts,

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    consumables and raw materials would be restored by

    State Bank of Pakistan.

    Ladies and gentlemen, marketing of pharmaceutical

    products involve number of complexities in the

    international market, including the need for extensive

    sampling at product launching stage. It has therefore

    been decided that limit for physicians' samples may be

    enhanced to 20% from the current limit 10% at the

    time of launch with first shipment.

    Currently, units that export 100% of their production

    enjoy the status of Export Oriented Units and the

    benefits thereof. Since, engineering industry,

    particularly auto motive parts manufacturing industry

    has vast export potential but cannot export all of its

    production in initial stages, it needs special treatment.

    It has been decided that engineering units would be

    allowed Export Oriented Units facility on export of

    50% of their production for the first three years. After

    that, the engineering units would be allowed this

    facility on export of 80% of their production.

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    Ladies and gentlemen,

    An effective Trade Facilitation is very important in the

    modern day business. The Ministry of Commerce would

    undertake and coordinate all the necessary measures to

    facilitate the provision of lower cost, more efficient and

    reliable trade facilitation services in promoting our exports

    under its Strategic Trade Policy Framework. In this regard,

    the successful existing initiatives will be continued. These


    Support for opening exporters offices and retail sales

    outlets abroad.

    Support for the warehousing scheme would be

    continued and its scope would be expanded to include

    traditional markets and traditional products.

    The government is supporting various quality,

    environmental and social certifications. The scope of

    this Scheme would be expanded by Trade Development

    Authority of Pakistan in consultation with the


    On the import side, several regulatory issues require

    immediate attention. We are addressing these issues through

    the following measures:

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    At present old and used computers and parts thereof

    are freely importable but the import of used

    components is banned, depriving the low income

    groups of computer use. In order to encourage use of

    computers by low income groups, it has been decided

    to allow the import of old & used computer


    Second hand Cathode Ray Tubes monitors are being

    imported and used as televisions, thereby posing athreat to local television industry; excessive import of

    first worlds e-waste is also a threat to the

    environment. It is therefore been decided to disallow

    the import of Cathode Ray Tubes monitors unless

    imported along with used computers.

    The local manufacturing of vaccines is of strategic

    importance and many local companies have started

    venturing into this high tech segment. To encourage

    local manufacturing, import of vaccines would be

    restricted only from World Health Organization

    approved plants.

    At present, only such used ambulances that are

    donated by "reputable organizations" are allowed for

    imports by charitable organization. It has been decided

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    that import of used ambulances that fulfill certifiable

    standards and have minimum 10 years of useful life

    would be allowed when donated by any organization or

    individual to charitable or nonprofit organization,

    trusts or hospitals.

    Disabled persons are allowed waiver of import duty

    which is in excess of 10% on Completely Knocked

    Down [CKD] kits that are imported for assembling of

    car for them. Restricting disabled persons to use locally

    assembled cars limits the choice to only a few makes.

    There have been persistent complaints of non-

    availability of customized vehicles in the local makes.

    Some time ago, the duty free import of customized cars

    by disabled persons was allowed. To facilitate disabled

    persons to actively participate in economic activities,the facility to import duty free customized cars, not

    above 1350cc of engine capacity is being allowed. To

    facilitate disabled persons further, it has been decided

    to allow the import of one used duty free motorized

    wheel chair to actual users.

    In case a passenger who brings or imports vehicle

    under Transfer of Residence scheme dies before the

    issuance of Transfer of Residence, there is no provision

    in Import Policy Order for release of such a vehicle. It

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    has been decided that the vehicle imported by a

    overseas Pakistani, under Transfer of Residence rules,

    may be released to legal heir in case of his or her death.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    In conclusion let me say that despite all the challenges we

    face, as a nation we should be willing and prepared, at all

    times, to transform challenges in to opportunities. In line

    with our manifesto, the strategic trade policy framework

    will promote: growth with equity, greater opportunities for

    gainful employment, contribute to sound macroeconomic

    framework, poverty eradication, environmental protection,

    investing in human resources, promotion of private sector as

    engine of growth and a focus on small sector particularly

    agriculture. I am confident that all the relevant Ministries

    and sectoral bodies and stakeholders would join hands with

    the Ministry of Commerce to make exports as an engine of

    high, sustainable economic growth and prosperity in


    Thank You