pak china relations

Pak-China Relations China-an all weather friend, time tested ally of Pakistan. China’s Involvement in the Development of Pakistan 1. MoU 2006: Up gradation of Karakuram Highway which runs from Kashgar, Xingjian to Gilgit in Pak. Strategically, a very important highway. Once this project is completed. The transport capacity of this strategically significant highway would increase three-folds. More than 80 % of its expenditure is afforded by China. 2. Gawadar: a. It has been developed by China. It could become an international trade once the security situation in South Asia is pacified. b. Gawadar would give an access to the west India, China to reach out to CARS resources and meet their appetite for energy. It would prove extremely beneficial for the economy of Pak. c. Gawadar sea port is around 2500-2700 Km from the southern provinces of china. While these provinces of China are around 4500 Km from its own sea ports. A better option for china to trade through Gawadar,

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Page 1: Pak China Relations

Pak-China Relations

China-an all weather friend, time tested ally of Pakistan.

China’s Involvement in the Development of Pakistan

1. MoU 2006:

Up gradation of Karakuram Highway which runs from Kashgar, Xingjian to Gilgit in

Pak. Strategically, a very important highway. Once this project is completed. The

transport capacity of this strategically significant highway would increase three-folds.

More than 80 % of its expenditure is afforded by China.

2. Gawadar:

a. It has been developed by China. It could become an international trade once

the security situation in South Asia is pacified.

b. Gawadar would give an access to the west India, China to reach out to CARS

resources and meet their appetite for energy. It would prove extremely

beneficial for the economy of Pak.

c. Gawadar sea port is around 2500-2700 Km from the southern provinces of

china. While these provinces of China are around 4500 Km from its own sea

ports. A better option for china to trade through Gawadar, and to develop the

comparably less developed provinces of China.

d. Gawadar is inevitable for China from its security point of view. It could easily

control the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean through Gawadar.

Musharraf said in 2004, “if our security is threatened, China would be

welcomed to make control over the Arabian Sea”.

Page 2: Pak China Relations

3. Bilateral Trade:

In October 2011 Pak- China trade was 8.5 billion dollars. It was aimed to project it to

15 billion by the end of 2011 but this could be achieved due the rise of severe

imbalance between the exports and import of Pakistan.

October 15, 2010, Pak and China agreed to double the bilateral trade and to

strengthen ties in economic, defense and energy sector. P.M Gilani and P.M Wen

Jiabao discussed measures to carry out projects in Railways, Roads and Optic fibers.

China promised to support Pak agriculture.

4. Energy Sector:

a- Pak-china launched first ever Joint Energy Working Group to resolve the

energy crisis in Pakistan.

b- Establishment of National Electronic Complex in Pak that would cast 300

million dollars.

c- China would plant two new civil nuclear reactors in Pak each having the

capacity of producing 200 MW electricity. China has already planted three

civil nuclear reactors each producing 200 MW electricity.

d- China has promised to assist the Neelum Jehlum hydro electric power project

and other hydropower projects in Azad Kashmir that would produce around

7000 MW electricity. Wen Jiabao has retreated his government pledge to help

Pak in building medium and small size dams.

e- Dongfong Electric Corporation (DEC), one of the largest state owned Chinese

conglomerates has been associated with Pak WAPDA and Railways and made

valuable contribution to the development of energy infrastructure and Railway

transportation capability of Pakistan.

f- China has contributed to the development of Ghazi Barotha project, Jinnah

hydro power project.

5. Transportation:

a. Karakuram Highway.

b. In railway sector Dongfong Electric Corporation completed 69 high quality Diesel

electric motives and 1300 high capacity foreign Wagons at a much cheaper price.

Page 3: Pak China Relations

6. 2 MoUs signed on space concessional loan, space technology and alternative energy. The

successful launching of PAKSAT-IR satellite sets yet another manifestation of Pak-

China strategic partnership.

7. Chinese personals presence in Azad Kashmir who are busy in completing different

projects and India’s objection over it. India feels that China is hurting the Indian feelings

as Azad Kashmir is a part of India.

8. China’s Kashmir Policy: “china’s Kashmir policy remains to be consistent. Chinese

spoke person says, “The Kashmir issue is a matter of left over from the history. It should

be resolved properly6 through dialogue and consultation between India and Pak”.

Defense ties:

In the midst of immense security challenges faced by Pakistan like sovereignty violation

everyday going down Pak-US ties, etc has forced Pakistan to turn towards the East (China

and SCO) in order to ensure its security.

On the other hand China needs a secured Pakistan due to the following facts;

a- The importance of Gawadar from trade and security point of view.

b- The creation of greater Baluchistan means the permanent stay of the western powers,

particularly US, in the region and their control over the CARS resources. Ultimately no

or less share of China in it.

c- The creation of Greater Baluchistan also means the encirclement of China is complete.

The consolidation of US in Baluchistan means its control in the Arabian sea through

Gawadar. That certainly curtail the Chinese role in the Indian ocean.

Pak- China Security collaboration:

1- The Pak-China joint venture of JF-17 Thunder is under production in Pakistan

Aeronautical Complex.

2- MoUs signed to hander Pakistan J-10 medium role combat aircrafts, K-8 jet trainers,

F-7 aircraft, T-85 tanks etc.

3- China also collaborated with Pakistan in building Heavy mechanical complex,

Aeronautical complex and other defense units.

4- In 1980’s and 90’s China provided Pakistan with equipments and technologies to

enhance Pakistan’ nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.

Page 4: Pak China Relations

5- In 1992, China provided Pakistan with 34 short range ballistic M-11 missiles and also

collaborated to develop the 750 km range solid fuelled Shaheen-1 ballistic missile.

6- According to Abdul Qadeer Khan China supplied Pakistan with significant quantity

of low-enriched uranium that helped Pakistan in 1980’s to accelerate the weapon

grade uranium.

7- China’s supported Pakistan in its war against India in 1965.

8- Besides Chinese premier Wen Jiabow visit to Pakistan and his Wen Jiabow speech to

the National Assembly in Pakistan where he sent a clear ,message to the international

world; “ The international community should not consider Pak alone”. He further


“An attack over Pak would be considered an aggression against China”.

During Wen’s visit 15 billion trade agreement and 36 billion dollars MoUs were

signed during his visit to Pak.

Wen’s speech to point parliament of Pak:

“To advance the all-weather strategic partnership o cooperation between China and

Pak is our common strategic Choice”.

Wen supported Pak’s role in war on terror.

He said; “The international community should give great support as well as respect in

the path of development chosen by Pak”.

Pak Ambassador in China said:

“Premier Wen’s visit had three objectives, namely; To consolidate and strengthen our

strategic partnership including in the defense area, to deepen economic and trade cooperation and

to promote people to people contacts and cultural ties. All three objectives were achieved”.