paili...dr. moore oilurn invalid), all tit oomroru or home, with coustant aud care-ful treatment....

r ...o.y Ty W 'Hf. -- ? nr otfi ,''5iBy y jysgE gt'' ,;?,r ,p ""' '3r-:--- y. irfrmsrr-- r r.rxzz WK ' m? &m&-3r'- , TtflPA 4 . L ,W Wi5r ' - or r .M l ASSO vVJl ri j II paili d 'Jll'JIJI'iv JHHJI4 VOL. VIII. NO. 1199. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN fBlKTID 4ND fOBMSBtD EVERY AFTERNOON mirr scndav bv ths folly Bulletin Pabltsklo Co., I'd., 4T Tm emus 118 328 flsretuat St., BoboIbIb, a I. MllUHOUIPTlON-B- lx Dollars 4 YSAB. delivered In Honolulu al Firtt llun t vIiinth. in advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN - IB I'UiJI.lHIlKD - IOVH3R.Y TUBDaDAY t Foos Dollar a Yea to Domestic 4nd Fivs Dolla an to Foreign Huhscrlber. payable In advance. BUOK AND JOB PRINTING IHIN fl SUMRIOB ITYLS IM t IIOTH TKLKPHONKH It OT- - 1. O. UOX KM. rs Daily Hou.etis Is printed aud by tho Dally Bulletin I'tibllnhltiAC Company, Limited, at IU otUce, Mer- chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian III amis. Daniel Iugau, editor, resides on Alakea lret. Honolulu aforesaid. Address letters lor the iiaiwr "Kditor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Dally Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal addro may raniie delay In attention. Bualnoaa Oarda. L.EWKH8 ft OOOKK. Iinroaraiw ahv Dials, m L.kmi ALL BINDS Of UUILDINII MtTSklAM. Kurt Street, Honolulu H. HAOlCFKia) OO.. Oiailtl (loMrJtkiiiia k.i.n lurner Fort and queen btrte, Honolulu, JNO. It. BIUTUIKM loiTKieeet AMiiMmasAt Hiisieus aei MaUukoiia, Kolmln, Hawaii. TH0B. UNUHAV, stABurAiiTnainH JawRLas tar WtriiH MAI St. ttukill Jewelry a siiecialty Harllnulm attention Mid lo all kinds of repairs Campbell lllook, Meroliaut Hi reel. HONOLULU WON W0HK8 MTIAM KhHINki., rlUltAS Mill HnLSIU, Hoolsim. Ikon, UkAH ami l.e.i Uahtiwoh. Mstilnrmry of Kveiy Duhcnptiou - iu Order. I'artlculer atttoitlou paid Mi Hup Blatksuiitliiriir. .lull Work Hin-uln- l t Short Notlr.' K. A. .IACOHSON, Watiuimakkk avi Fort Htreel, Hunolulu, H. I. P. O. Mux Ml. M ulual Tule. 4tw. FRED. IIAltRLSON, CONTUACTOIt AXI) BUU.DKH. Khtlinatea Klven on nil kinds of llrlck, Iron, Hliiiieaml Woodtui Ulll.dhms. Job-bin- t; of Hll kinds llulldliiK Miiturlul for sale. 31U and fil.' Kiim vtrtitt. Itualdfiici. TeluphoiiH, llfli .".'7; P. O. ISox 11. DK. C. V. MOOltE, UUl Van Meaa Avm., B. F., (Jal, Bloflaut ApartmeuU for Patieats. l.llISIITr IM NKBVOOd DIHSASSS. Dr. Moore oil urn Invalid), all tit oomroru or home, with coustant aud care- ful treatment. Kefer to H. K. Macfarlaue. UOU--tf C. B. RIPLEY A ARTHUR RBYNOLDS, AROHITBOTS. Ornuai Mew Safe Deposit llulldlug, Fort street, Honolulu, H. 1. Plans, Specifications and Superintend. anoe given for Kvery Description of Uulld- - 8& uio ummings successfully Hjimrut. and KnlsruHd. Daalirmt inr Inta.lnr rcuraiiuin s'ajus or Mertnami'Mi Draw- ing, Trailing and nine Printing. Driiwiugs for Book or Newspaper llluntratioii. METROPOLITAN MEAT GO,, Wholesale tod Rami Butchers - AND - AVT UUNTIACT01S U. J.Walub, i s MauaKur. WH. G. IRWIN GO. (Uizxiltscli OFFBK PUB BAL FKKT1L1ZEKS tLIJL. (ItOSS BOBS (Mebflttd HljL1 Gride Cue Uiuv Wb sr alio prepared to take order tat eall Jimmmvn. M. Ohlamctta Oo.'i Vesrtlllsasra. Insuring prompt delivery BOILED LUCOi. ! Thli It superior Faint Oil, con. gmsnt than Linseed Oil, and call giving lasting brilliancy to colors. Used with drier It gives a splendid floor of Marfan Lime, Oexnent, HBtriNHDHIIIMUil BALMON ABrriMB rAiat oo.'t Compounds, Roofing & Papon, lud't tout Hub PIh CmrlM lug JartNMwi' Duaeii, Buaiel ttr laJtUfPtUlt Ksprfltaiiy .tetlgned for Vaoumti fan Wm.G.Irwin&Co. ILIM1TBD) Wiu. U. Irwin, President aud Manager Ulaoi Hpreckels W. M.Qinard, Benretary and Treasurer Than. l)..Fortr Andltor Svigetr JTetotora AND CouimiHBiou Agjeuu AIIBHTIi Of TMB Uceailc Steuishli Ctaipaiv, OF BAN FKAN01B0O. OAL. Rill Tcu JW1. Mctoal Til. 007. V. O. IIOX 321. HONOLULU (Wriago Manufactory 121 4 130 FOKT BTKKKT. Garriago Builder AND ltKPATHKK. Blackunithino IN aheb. Orders from the other Islands In BvUIsUbi, Trusualsg, PalatUf, Ete., Bte., Promptly Attended to v. NV. WHIGIIT, PlM)P. iHnrfiHor to (1, WesUt 114 HUTU TKLKPHONKB 414 HlvSTACE&CO. COAL u mills in any quantlty-h- K from s to a ton. CHARCOAL. From one nav u any quantity FrFtEWOOID in lengths and Bawed or Split from a has; to any quantity: also WHITE & BLACK SAND AT THE ANCHOR Oyater Cocktails 1 Bauer Brunnou I Frudoricksburg Bear! Straight and Mixed Drlaks Of All Kludsand West Quality. Hoatawesl Doner Uag k Maaaai tta. BEACH GROVE WAIKIKl. Bathing and Picoic Resort For t'niiilllef , ladles and Chl'dren. TKIIM8 UKAhONAIIIK. UUAS. F. WARNEH, i : : Maaagtr. The Eurupuan Lunch Rooms OHOCK BINO, Proprietor, Hotel Htrtet, nearly opiioslte liethel Street, First-Cla- is Moils at Moderate Prices At all Hours. Patrons;e HollolU'd. UM-U- m Diissmakiig. If IBS DLAItKK HAS IlKTIIItNIU) ill Ir.iiu ttie t'nast and will rxiiiuie Dressiuakiug at 3J Uumisula St. llSU-i- Pacific Mail S.S. Go. -- ami me Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go, far IOIOIAMA art HONOKUNO. Steamers of the above Companies will at Honolulu on their way to the above porta on or about the (ollowInK datai: Btmr OMKANIO". ..December 11, 1KX 8tmr"0HINA" January 21, lb9& Btmr "OCKANIO" February If), 185 Rtnir "CHINA" April 2. IMM far SAJtHriANCISCO Bteamera of the abore Oompanlei will at Honolulu on their war from Huus konc aud Yokohama to the nhore port on about the following datait Btmr "OCKANIU". .November 1. 1KH 8tmr"OHlNA" December 31, Inm Btmr "OAKL.I0" February 10, ltwo Htmr"PKKU" March 2, 1883 Btmr "OAKL1U" April 28, 1K96 IIIII OP PIS8I6I III IS FOLLOWS: f0 lOKn ro mohu. KAMA nnu, Oabin lioom IliBOu Oabln, round trip 4 months Oh 01 HH Ml Oabln. round trio IS months ut 118 US Xuropean Steerage .. HO Ou tin oo W - Faeeengera iwylng full fare will be allowed 10 percent ofl return fare if return within twelve months 4W Kur Freight and l'aa apply to a. HACKFELD It CO., 7 u if enti. Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mill Semi rer 8uFraicUca: tbe hew and Fine Al Btel HUm.ui.uii "MONOWAI" Of tlia Ooeaulo Hteaushlu Ouiuhiii will be due at Honolulu from Bydney and Auck- land on nr about December 13th Ana will leave for lb above port with Malls and Passengers on or abonl tliittdat. for Sjrdiey u. AsckJantl: The New and Fine Al Btoel bteauishlp "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Oonipany will be due al Houolulu, from Ban Fmnrlwio on or about December 20th And will have prompt desitakib with Malls and Passengers for the ahnv ports. The uuderslgusd are now prerNl kiUsue THIOUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN TMB UNHID STiTKb AW For further parlieular regarding Freight or Passsge apply to WM. Q. IRWIN i CO., LW., i- -i Oeasral Agsata. Oceanic Steamship Go. Time Tetlole LOCAL LINE 8. S. AUSTRALIA Arrive Uouoiuli. Iave Honolulu from B. F. for B. F. Deo. I Dec. H Deo ill Jhii & Jan. W Feb. 2 Feb. 3 .... March 'J March SI.... ....March.SU AprP'Jl April X Mav 18 Mat 35 June 15. .. .Juliet July 13 Juiy'JU AUg. IU AUC. 17 Bepl 7 . .Bpt II Oct. 6 . .(Kit. VI Nov. '. Nuv. a THROUGH LINE. From Bau Frauclsnc From Byduey lot for Byduey Han Fraucisoo Arrive Hunolulu lAnwt Honolulu. M AltlPOBA, Deu "Jfl I MOMIWAI, Dec. Hi MONOWAI, Jan. 17 AI.AMhDA, Jan. 1(1 ALAMKDA, Feb. 11 MAKIPOHA Feb 7 MAIUPOHA Mar II I MONOWAI, Mar. 7 MONOWAI, Apr 11 I ALAMKDA Air. 4 ALAMKDA May 0 I MAKIPOHA May a MAKIPOHA June l) MONOWAI, Mil W MONOWAI, July 4 I ALAMKDA, June'7 ALAMKDA, Aug, 1 MAKIPOHA, July'ir. MAKIPOHA, Aug.'Jll i MONOWAI, Aug lhi MONOWAI, HepLVtll ALAMKDA pl III ALAMKDA, Oct 'Jt MAKIPOHA Oiu. 17 Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd Kt3jPT-iiV.JTA.rj- XI: Our. allaa ft Fori Sis.. Hoaolslu. IIOLMKTFIK CO., 10W-I- I Ageuts. CanadiaD-Aastrali9- ii Htoamert of ibe abore Line, running In conneuiiou with tb CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY lletween VancodTar, H. 0., and Bydney, N. 8. W., and calling at Victoria. B U., Honolulu aud Bava (Fljll, A.R.HJ DXJH3 A.T HOISTOLXTLU On or about the dates below elated. tIe.! From Sydney and Suva, for Victoria and Vancouver, B. O.t Btmr"WARKIMOO"... ....Dervmber 2 Hlmr Btiur"MIOWKKA"... . January 3 Throiik Tloktta isnei troa oietala to riltOHT AUD AU1RTSI D. Mi'NIOOliL, Montreal, Canada. ROUKHT KKltll, Winnipeg, Canada M. M. BTKKN. Ban Francisco, Cal. O. McL. IIHOWN, Vancouver, B. C. Wilder's Steamship Co. r. TIME TABLE U Wilds, Pres. B. H. Koss. Hec, UArr. J. A. Ktao, PortBupt Stmr. KINAU, CURIE, COaUaaadtf , Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. u.. toachliigat liahalna, Maalaea Day and Makrna the same days Mahukona, Kawalhaeand Iau pahoehoe the following day, arriving at Hllo at mldnlgat. L.KAVKB HON01.UI.llt Friday Dec. 7 Tuesday Dc. 18 Ketnrnlng leaves Hllo, touching at r. Kawalhae a. m.: Ma hukona 10 a. m.: Makena 4 r. a.; Maalara Bav b r. sl.i Lahalua H r. m. the folluwluir day; arriving at Honolulu (I a. m. Wednes- days and Saturdays. ARRIVKB AT HONOLULU I Wednesday Drc. & Baturday Drc. 1& Wednesday Deo. 20 Mo FreUlit will be received attar U noon ou day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, 01HEB0N. Ooauuadw. Will leave Honolulu ever y ruesttay at 6 r. m., touchliii ft al Kaaulu ii, Huelo, Hana, Uatnoa and vipauulu. Upturning will arrive at Honolulu every Monday mornlUK. gm No Freight will be received after i r. m. on day of sailing. Consignees must be at the lauding, to receive their Frelcht. as will nut hold ourselves responsible slur inch Freight has been lauded While the Coniuauv will use due dill- - geuce Iu handling Live Block, we decline to assume any responsibility In case of ths loss of same. The Compsuy will not be resiwnslble for Money or Jewelry unless plsred In the care of Pursers. firVd- - V Arfgawsv. - y ,? t V I TOIIAN f Wholesale Retail. - FULL LINB OF Japanese .Goods! Sill and Gouoo Ortss (ioodx MU. IU). AID.. Ktr. I Silk, Lioeu aiid Crape Shirts ' -- OF COMPLKTK HTOUK Made by Yamatoya of Yokohama When vou are In need of auv Hue of Japanese Uoodb, give us first call and save gnlug all around town ITOHLA.2ST, aoes IToxt St nir Guatoxaa, Cox BEAVERSALOON, The Beat l.uich in Town. r- - and OofTtreet st all uouas THK KINKST BHANUS DK Cigars and Tobacco sLWSVS UM lUHl) ra. J JNTOTLiTE, Prop IK) YEN KEE & CO., 41 Nmiaiin Btreei riawnitha, PlWDbiDQ, Ctc. UUOUKKill and ULABBWAUK, Steamship Line From Victoria and Vancouver, B 0., for Suva and Sydniy: "WAKKi: MOO" DpcoiiiIkt '.I 8inir"MI0VKKA"... January 24 Cauda, Halted State! aid Europs. For Frelaht and Passage and all Oeneral Information, apply to Thoo. H. Davies St Co., L'd, AgtnUur tht Hawaiian ltlnnd$. o. JONLS. t: A. JUN'M. Tlrim HAWAIIAN Safe Deposit and Investment Go, no. 4us Fours rKi:r. BAFKS of Various Hies lor Kent t or Yenr. VAULTS own from Hi.'tU a.m. until I m. exrept on Hnturdiiy, wlifii tli"ylll bovloocdal'J.'HJi'. M. Wu liny and Hell UrM-eln- -. SIOOKS and HONllS, uint miiku advances ou nunc. lll-l- m FOR SALE ! 400 -- A. ores OF HOONTAIN LAND Suitable furdriitliit;, fencid on two Mdf-- - :. 1,000 Acres, a Large Gulch, 'AH! Acres or moru suilnble (or I'Ollee (I4IIRI. Kinulru D. DAYTON, 1175-l- m 4 J MiTclntlit Street. Regm Vapor 8 Pacific Gas lips il Launches ! THE BEST IN THE MARIET. They cannot be eurratsed for motive Kwer. SsV-BK- FOK UATAIXJOIIK- - JOS. TINKER, lim-- tl Bole Agent, Nuuauu street. A. F. Medeiros & Co. Merchant "M Tailors HnWil St., under ArllliKiou llolel. utsst p.ti.mi m sniungs Received by Kvery Steamer. PERFECT PIT OR NO 8ALE. LESSONS IN Drawing and Painting. 0. Howard Hitchcock Drawing and Painting taught by the let est Kuroeau methods. Clashes ever Weil uesday aud Baturday forenoon from . m. to 12 noou. CfeV-- Lessons for Private Pupils In spo- - cisi lines nr wors siso given tsaf The Studio will be open lo viaitorw every Friday sllernoon. City Carriage Co., Corner Klug and Bethel bt. - iOTH TBLEPBOMES 113 - Fluo CarrlageH 6c Civil Uvtvorn To be lisd al all hours. .1. S. AND HADE, liiflu-t- f Mauagei Atlai Annrance Go. OV Z.OXT330X9 aSIKTS, 10,600,000. 11. W. SOUMrDT & SONS, Agsuls fur Hawailau Islands. The Reason. There are somo people in Honolulu who think thoy ore not properly clad unless the git rinen U they wear cost $:J0 or $10. The rea-po- n h apparent they are rich. A Fact. Everybody h nol rieli in died fuet. neonle in tli'm world have to get a mighty I move on to iniike both endu this meet, und at the end ol the year have nothing to show for their labor except an extra wrinkle or two. Ladies. Day. I have something that will strike vour fancv in the shape of a Jacket a Flan- nel .Jacket with a silk stripe a perfect lit or no sale. I bought several cases of these .1 tickets very cheap for cash. They are just the thing to slip on to make a call, go to market, a pic- nic, or church in fact, they are good enough or poor enough to wear any- where and everywhere. The Price. Now this is the important part. After you have se- lected one that looks well with vour dress and you I'khI that it lits, you say, "How much?" The Salesman sins, ,4$..0O, madam," or u.1.00 miss," as the case may he, anil tliere you are. The modest Clerk does not even hhinh when lie is told "how cheap.' Ue is used to this kind of thing. That lirele.--s toiler after trade, .1. J. EGAN, rU Fort street. Golden Rule Bazaar. W . P. Reynold. : : Prop XMAS, XMAS, XMAS. Presents for Everybody Oath AJwiyj Taka and Tunrslora Cash Prices art Mida. HANDSOME GIFT BOOKS At PuMlidiers' Prleeai llllilen und Pruver llook, Fine Society Notu l'jers In latest ktylen. 1.UWU Trlililr Sllpplle, Xmus I'urdn, Cttleiuluni und llooklets, NOVELTIES of all Descriptions I Pill ute mid Pointing llooki.. (lenuilie 1 X L Kliiven and Uiuorii, Hair Itnulis aud Coiiilii, Veloclpeilcs and Wagons, Do.mkstic Skwinc Maciiinks Hand Sewlnii Mu IiIiuik .. J U, Hhiiviug Mug and Itrushui, lluiuira V, IDollS al TOV8 In Ureal Variety j l.eittliur OoihN In Purn's, Diaries, Pocket lltHiks. Kir., Ktu . I'AC, Drawing .Materials. And Don't Forget have added a News Department And all bulerlitloiiN will have Prompt Attention. Orders lor Music by Every Stsimsr. UOOMU AND UOAUD. IXIOMS AMI IKIAItl) IV lor a feu pertou- - ran I mi tm had at ImucIi. llauitval, ou uie uai-lilk- i rt ll. Id l.l.i i, p;, il Prupnetur TO LKT A KKW LA Kill'. AlKY iV Oillria to rent ou moderate terms ou the m kieolid llo'ir nl the hliree- - Hel' nniik iiiimk Appiyi" ll.7i.Jiu W tl. lltWIN A 10., I.'n. Daily ItulUtin Monti prr layiil'i. '$Ut gnily gMlUtin, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 18M. Ous Collaudor, a young Swede, was murdered by a gang of toughs white he was watching the counting of ballots in a Chicago precinct. Indignation meetings were held in nearly all the wards on the North sidu, to protect against the outrage aud pledge united action in aveng- ing tho death of the brave mau who in defense of the ballot. Al though all crimes of violence are really attacks on the community, particular tuurder roused the pooplo bouausu it was an attack on their right to make their laws. INDEFJSNDKNOE. This is Hawaiian Independence It is the anniversary of the revoynitiun of the iudepuudonce of Hawaii by Great Britain and France. There was no "KuarantW of inde- pendence by those Powers, the sage of the Pacific Com uiercial Advertiser to the contrary notwithstanding. If it had been a guarantee, Ureat Britain and Fraace would have been compelled to de-ma- an explanation from the Unit- ed States, for her armed interference, through her representatives, with Hawaiian alTairs, iu the period from January 14 to April 1, inclusive, 18U1. Previous to the diplomatic recogni- tion iu question on November 28, 1813, Ureat Britain had restored Ha- wailau independence ou July 31 of that year, by hauliug down tho British ling, which had been raised over the group In the preceding February by a hot-heade- d "lordly wight" commanding one of Ureat Britain's cruisers, aud at the aame time hoisliug tho Hawaiian Hag and saluting it with all the military hoaors at the disposal of Queen Victoria iu this port. Tho United Status had protested against the en- forced cussiou of the islands to Great Britain She also declined to join with the two European Powers uauied iu a treaty guaranteeing iu perpetuity, aud thus the guarantee business was knocked iu the head. Her pronounced ac- tion iu so declining was, however, tantamount to a guarantee of Hawai- ian independence ou her own part. Being an iuuoceut party thus far barring a little friction between Cap- tain Jones of the warship Peacook anil the ilawaiiau Government in the twenties iu the matter of tra- versing Hawaiian independence, and being ou this occasion a protesting party against its subversion, the conduct of the United States was dignified and proper no doubt. It is not necessary here to go into ths details of that intensely interesting crisis iu Hawaiian history. They have been thrashed out scores of times, ou July thirty-first- s aud No- vember twenty-eighths- , iu Honolulu both on the platform aud in the press, Hawaiian independence has been a rather doubtful quautity t different times since the incidents of 18 III. The feeble realm haa at ditToreut times had to obey, with as good grace as possible, dictates of stroun nations which if she were she should not have done IBtroug at least some diplomatic coulrovursy. Since the conclusion of the treaty of reciprocity with the United States iu 1870, procured through the personal exertions of King Kalakaua, the islands have been practically a dependency of the United States. Independence grew dim when au American Miu-isl- ur to the Hawaiian court in pub- lic denounced the form of govern- ment here iu vogue, and with joyous eloquence predicted its overthrow ami the accession of his own coun- try's flag. It disappeared when the same Minister acted iu collusion with a combination to abolish the form of government; took counsel with the leaders of that combina- tion, while decliuiug to consult with the representatives of the Ha- waiian Uoverutiieut, as to the laud- ing of the troops of his country upon Ilawaiiau soil, aud then landed the forces under his control, which for two mouthB aud a half thereafter dominated Ilawaiiau soil. A sem-hlau- c of independence has, how ever, again been restored, iu the de- claration of with Hawaiian intomul a Hairs by both the President aud the Congress of the Uuited States. For what we liuvu now received let us be truly thankful, aud hope that all thiugs have boon disposed for the best. The bark C. D. Bryant is wnter pipes conslgued to the Honolulu Water Works near th fish market.

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    'Hf. -- ? nr otfi ,''5iByy jysgE gt'' ,;?,r ,p ""' '3r-:--- y. irfrmsrr-- r r.rxzzWK 'm? &m&-3r'-,


    4. L ,WWi5r' - or r


    vVJlri j II paili d 'Jll'JIJI'iv JHHJI4VOL. VIII. NO. 1199. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1894. PRICE

    5 CENTS.




    mirr scndav bv ths

    folly Bulletin Pabltsklo Co., I'd.,

    4T Tm emus

    118 328 flsretuat St., BoboIbIb, a I.MllUHOUIPTlON-B- lx Dollars 4 YSAB.

    delivered In Honolulu al Firtt llun tvIiinth. in advance.



    t Foos Dollar a Yea to Domestic4nd Fivs Dolla an to Foreign Huhscrlber.payable In advance.




    rs Daily Hou.etis Is printed audby tho Dally Bulletin I'tibllnhltiAC

    Company, Limited, at IU otUce, Mer-chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian IIIamis. Daniel Iugau, editor, resides onAlakea lret. Honolulu aforesaid.

    Address letters lor the iiaiwr "KditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerDally Bulletin Publishing Company."Using a personal addro may raniie delayIn attention.

    Bualnoaa Oarda.

    L.EWKH8 ft OOOKK.

    Iinroaraiw ahv Dials, m L.kmiALL BINDS Of UUILDINII MtTSklAM.

    Kurt Street, Honolulu

    H. HAOlCFKia) OO..

    Oiailtl (loMrJtkiiiia k.i.n

    lurner Fort and queen btrte, Honolulu,JNO. It. BIUTUIKM

    loiTKieeet AMiiMmasAt Hiisieus aeiMaUukoiia, Kolmln, Hawaii.


    stABurAiiTnainH JawRLas tar WtriiHMAI St.

    ttukill Jewelry a siiecialty Harllnulmattention Mid lo all kinds of repairs

    Campbell lllook, Meroliaut Hi reel.


    MTIAM KhHINki., rlUltAS Mill HnLSIU,Hoolsim. Ikon, UkAH ami l.e.i


    Mstilnrmry of Kveiy Duhcnptiou iuOrder. I'artlculer atttoitlou paid Mi HupBlatksuiitliiriir. .lull Work Hin-uln- l tShort Notlr.'

    K. A. .IACOHSON,

    Watiuimakkk avi

    Fort Htreel, Hunolulu, H. I.P. O. Mux Ml. M ulual Tule. 4tw.


    Khtlinatea Klven on nil kinds of llrlck,Iron, Hliiiieaml Woodtui Ulll.dhms. Job-bin- t;

    of Hll kinds llulldliiK Miiturlul forsale. 31U and fil.' Kiim vtrtitt. Itualdfiici.TeluphoiiH, llfli .".'7; P. O. ISox 11.

    DK. C. V. MOOltE,UUl Van Meaa Avm., B. F., (Jal,

    Bloflaut ApartmeuU for Patieats.l.llISIITr IM NKBVOOd DIHSASSS.

    Dr. Moore oil urn Invalid), all titoomroru or home, with coustant aud care-ful treatment. Kefer to H. K. Macfarlaue.



    AROHITBOTS.Ornuai Mew Safe Deposit llulldlug,

    Fort street, Honolulu, H. 1.

    Plans, Specifications and Superintend.anoe given for Kvery Description of Uulld- -8& uio ummings successfully Hjimrut.and KnlsruHd. Daalirmt inr Inta.lnr

    rcuraiiuin s'ajus or Mertnami'Mi Draw-ing, Trailing and nine Printing. Driiwiugsfor Book or Newspaper llluntratioii.


    Wholesale tod Rami Butchers- AND -


    U. J.Walub, i s MauaKur.

    WH. G. IRWIN GO.

    (UizxiltscliOFFBK PUB BAL


    (Mebflttd HljL1 Gride Cue UiuvWb sr alio prepared to take order tat

    eallJimmmvn. M. Ohlamctta Oo.'i

    Vesrtlllsasra.Insuring prompt delivery

    BOILED LUCOi. !Thli It superior Faint Oil, con.

    gmsnt than Linseed Oil, and callgiving lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier It gives a splendid floor ofMarfan

    Lime, Oexnent,HBtriNHDHIIIMUil


    ABrriMB rAiat oo.'t

    Compounds, Roofing & Papon,

    lud't tout Hub PIh CmrlMlug

    JartNMwi' Duaeii, Buaiel ttrlaJtUfPtUlt

    Ksprfltaiiy .tetlgned for Vaoumti fan


    Wiu. U. Irwin, President aud ManagerUlaoi HpreckelsW. M.Qinard, Benretary and TreasurerThan. l)..Fortr Andltor

    Svigetr JTetotoraAND

    CouimiHBiou AgjeuuAIIBHTIi Of TMB

    Uceailc Steuishli Ctaipaiv,OF BAN FKAN01B0O. OAL.

    Rill Tcu JW1. Mctoal Til. 007.V. O. IIOX 321.

    HONOLULU(Wriago Manufactory

    121 4 130 FOKT BTKKKT.

    Garriago BuilderAND ltKPATHKK.

    Blackunithino IN aheb.Orders from the other Islands In

    BvUIsUbi, Trusualsg, PalatUf, Ete., Bte.,

    Promptly Attended to

    v. NV. WHIGIIT, PlM)P.iHnrfiHor to (1, WesUt



    COALu mills in any quantlty-h- K from s

    to a ton.

    CHARCOAL.From one nav u any quantity

    FrFtEWOOIDin lengths and Bawed or Split

    from a has; to any quantity: also


    AT THE ANCHOROyater Cocktails 1

    Bauer Brunnou IFrudoricksburg Bear!

    Straight and Mixed DrlaksOf All Kludsand West Quality.

    Hoatawesl Doner Uag k Maaaai tta.


    Bathing and Picoic ResortFor t'niiilllef , ladles and Chl'dren.


    UUAS. F. WARNEH, i : : Maaagtr.

    The Eurupuan Lunch RoomsOHOCK BINO, Proprietor,

    Hotel Htrtet, nearly opiioslte liethelStreet,

    First-Cla- is Moils at Moderate Prices

    At all Hours. Patrons;e HollolU'd.UM-U- m


    If IBS DLAItKK HAS IlKTIIItNIU)ill Ir.iiu ttie t'nast and will rxiiiuieDressiuakiug at 3J Uumisula St. llSU-i-

    Pacific Mail S.S. Go.

    -- ami me

    Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go,

    far IOIOIAMA art HONOKUNO.Steamers of the above Companies will

    at Honolulu on their way to the aboveporta on or about the (ollowInK datai:

    Btmr OMKANIO". ..December 11, 1KX8tmr"0HINA" January 21, lb9&Btmr "OCKANIO" February If), 185Rtnir "CHINA" April 2. IMM

    far SAJtHriANCISCOBteamera of the abore Oompanlei will

    at Honolulu on their war from Huuskonc aud Yokohama to the nhore port on

    about the following dataitBtmr "OCKANIU". .November 1. 1KH8tmr"OHlNA" December 31, InmBtmr "OAKL.I0" February 10, ltwoHtmr"PKKU" March 2, 1883Btmr "OAKL1U" April 28, 1K96

    IIIII OP PIS8I6I III IS FOLLOWS:f0 lOKn ro mohu.

    KAMA nnu,

    Oabin lioom IliBOuOabln, round trip 4

    months Oh 01 HH MlOabln. round trio IS

    months u t 118 USXuropean Steerage . . HO Ou tin oo W

    - Faeeengera iwylng full fare will beallowed 10 percent ofl return fare if return

    within twelve months

    4W Kur Freight and l'aa apply toa. HACKFELD It CO.,

    7 u ifenti.

    Oceanic Steamship Co.

    Australian Mill Semi

    rer 8uFraicUca:tbe hew and Fine Al Btel HUm.ui.uii

    "MONOWAI"Of tlia Ooeaulo Hteaushlu Ouiuhiii willbe due at Honolulu from Bydney and Auck-land on nr about

    December 13thAna will leave for lb above port withMalls and Passengers on or abonl tliittdat.

    for Sjrdiey u. AsckJantl:The New and Fine Al Btoel bteauishlp

    "MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Oonipany willbe due al Houolulu, from Ban Fmnrlwioon or about

    December 20thAnd will have prompt desitakib withMalls and Passengers for the ahnv ports.

    The uuderslgusd are now prerNl kiUsueTHIOUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS


    AW For further parlieular regardingFreight or Passsge apply to

    WM. Q. IRWIN i CO., LW.,i- -i Oeasral Agsata.

    Oceanic Steamship Go.

    Time TetloleLOCAL LINE

    8. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Uouoiuli. Iave Honolulu

    from B. F. for B. F.

    Deo. I Dec. HDeo ill Jhii &Jan. W Feb. 2Feb. 3 .... March 'JMarch SI.... ....March.SUAprP'Jl April XMav 18 Mat 35June 15. . . .JulietJuly 13 Juiy'JUAUg. IU AUC. 17Bepl 7 . .Bpt IIOct. 6 . .(Kit. VINov. '. Nuv. a

    THROUGH LINE.From Bau Frauclsnc From Byduey lot

    for Byduey Han Fraucisoo

    Arrive Hunolulu lAnwt Honolulu.


    Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd


    Our. allaa ft Fori Sis.. Hoaolslu.

    IIOLMKTFIK CO.,10W-I- I Ageuts.

    CanadiaD-Aastrali9- ii

    Htoamert of ibe abore Line, running In conneuiiou with tb

    CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYlletween VancodTar, H. 0., and Bydney, N. 8. W., and calling at Victoria. B U.,

    Honolulu aud Bava (Fljll,

    A.R.HJ DXJH3 A.T HOISTOLXTLUOn or about the dates below elated. tIe.!

    From Sydney and Suva, for Victoriaand Vancouver, B. O.t

    Btmr"WARKIMOO"... ....Dervmber 2 HlmrBtiur"MIOWKKA"... . January 3

    Throiik Tloktta isnei troa oietala to


    D. Mi'NIOOliL, Montreal, Canada.ROUKHT KKltll, Winnipeg, CanadaM. M. BTKKN. Ban Francisco, Cal.O. McL. IIHOWN, Vancouver, B. C.

    Wilder's Steamship Co. r.

    TIME TABLEU Wilds, Pres. B. H. Koss. Hec,

    UArr. J. A. Ktao, PortBupt

    Stmr. KINAU,CURIE, COaUaaadtf ,

    Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. u.. toachliigatliahalna, Maalaea Day and Makrna thesame days Mahukona, Kawalhaeand Iaupahoehoe the following day, arriving atHllo at mldnlgat.

    L.KAVKB HON01.UI.llt

    Friday Dec. 7Tuesday Dc. 18

    Ketnrnlng leaves Hllo, touching at r.Kawalhae a. m.: Ma

    hukona 10 a. m.: Makena 4 r. a.; MaalaraBav b r. sl.i Lahalua H r. m. the folluwluirday; arriving at Honolulu (I a. m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.


    Wednesday Drc. &Baturday Drc. 1&Wednesday Deo. 20

    Mo FreUlit will be received attarU noon ou day of sailing.

    Stmr. CLAUDINE,01HEB0N. Ooauuadw.

    Will leave Honolulu every ruesttay at 6r. m., touchliii ft al Kaauluii, Huelo, Hana,Uatnoa and vipauulu.

    Upturning will arrive at Honolulu everyMonday No Freight will be received afteri r. m. on day of sailing.

    Consignees must be at the lauding, toreceive their Frelcht. as will nut holdourselves responsible slur inch Freighthas been lauded

    While the Coniuauv will use due dill- -geuce Iu handling Live Block, we declineto assume any responsibility In case of thsloss of same.

    The Compsuy will not be resiwnslble forMoney or Jewelry unless plsred In the careof Pursers.

    firVd- -V Arfgawsv. - y,? t V

    I TOIIAN fWholesale Retail.


    Japanese .Goods!Sill and Gouoo Ortss (ioodx

    MU. IU). AID.. Ktr.I

    Silk, Lioeu aiid Crape Shirts '


    Made by Yamatoya of Yokohama

    When vou are In need of auv Hueof Japanese Uoodb, give us first call andsave gnlug all around town

    ITOHLA.2ST,aoes IToxt St nir Guatoxaa, CoxBEAVERSALOON,

    The Beat l.uich in Town.

    r- - and OofTtreetst all uouas


    Cigars and TobaccosLWSVS UM lUHl)

    ra. J JNTOTLiTE, PropIK) YEN KEE & CO.,

    41 Nmiaiin Btreei

    riawnitha, PlWDbiDQ, Ctc.


    Steamship Line

    From Victoria and Vancouver, B 0.,for Suva and Sydniy:

    "WAKKi:MOO" DpcoiiiIkt '.I8inir"MI0VKKA"... January 24

    Cauda, Halted State! aid Europs.

    For Frelaht and Passage and allOeneral Information, apply to

    Thoo. H. Davies St Co., L'd,AgtnUur tht Hawaiian ltlnnd$.

    o. JONLS. t: A. JUN'M.

    Tlrim HAWAIIAN

    Safe Deposit and Investment Go,

    no. 4us Fours rKi:r.

    BAFKS of Various Hies lor Kent tor Yenr.

    VAULTS own from Hi.'tU a.m. until Im. exrept on Hnturdiiy, wlifii tli"ylll

    bovloocdal'J.'HJi'. M.

    Wu liny and Hell UrM-eln- -. SIOOKSand HONllS, uint miiku advances ou nunc.

    lll-l- m

    FOR SALE !

    400 --A.oresOF

    HOONTAIN LANDSuitable furdriitliit;, fencid on

    two Mdf-- - :.1,000 Acres, a Large Gulch,

    'AH! Acres or moru suilnble (orI'Ollee (I4IIRI.


    D. DAYTON,1175-l- m 4 J MiTclntlit Street.

    Regm Vapor 8 Pacific Gas

    lips il Launches !THE BEST IN THE MARIET.

    They cannot be eurratsed for motiveKwer.


    JOS. TINKER,lim-- tl Bole Agent, Nuuauu street.

    A. F. Medeiros & Co.Merchant "M Tailors

    HnWil St., under ArllliKiou llolel.

    utsst p.ti.mi m sniungsReceived by Kvery Steamer.



    Drawing and Painting.

    0. Howard HitchcockDrawing and Painting taught by the let

    est Kuroeau methods. Clashes ever Weiluesday aud Baturday forenoon from . 12 noou.

    CfeV-- Lessons for Private Pupils In spo- -cisi lines nr wors siso given

    tsaf The Studio will be open lo viaitorwevery Friday sllernoon.

    City Carriage Co.,Corner Klug and Bethel bt.

    - iOTH TBLEPBOMES 113 -Fluo CarrlageH 6c Civil Uvtvorn

    To be lisd al all hours.

    .1. S. AND HADE,liiflu-t- f Mauagei

    Atlai Annrance Go.OV Z.OXT330X9

    aSIKTS, 10,600,000.

    11. W. SOUMrDT & SONS,Agsuls fur Hawailau Islands.

    The Reason.There are somo people inHonolulu who think thoyore not properly clad unlessthe git rinen U they wearcost $:J0 or $10. The rea-po-n

    h apparent they arerich.

    A Fact.Everybody h nol rieli in diedfuet. neonle in tli'mworld have to get a mighty Imove on to iniike both endu thismeet, und at the end ol theyear have nothing to showfor their labor except anextra wrinkle or two.


    I have something that willstrike vour fancv in theshape of a Jacket a Flan-nel .Jacket with a silk stripe

    a perfect lit or no sale.I bought several cases ofthese .1 tickets very cheapfor cash. They are justthe thing to slip on to makea call, go to market, a pic-nic, or church in fact,they are good enough orpoor enough to wear any-where and everywhere.

    The Price.Now this is the importantpart. After you have se-lected one that looks wellwith vour dress and youI'khI that it lits, you say,"How much?"

    The Salesmansins, ,4$..0O, madam," oru.1.00 miss," as the casemay he, anil tliere you are.The modest Clerk does noteven hhinh when lie is told"how cheap.' Ue is usedto this kind of thing.

    That lirele.--s toiler after trade,.1. J. EGAN,

    rU Fort street.

    Golden Rule Bazaar.

    W . P. Reynold. : : Prop




    Presents for Everybody

    Oath AJwiyj Taka and TunrsloraCash Prices art Mida.


    At PuMlidiers' Prleeai

    llllilen und Pruver llook,Fine Society Notu l'jers In latest

    ktylen.1.UWU Trlililr Sllpplle,Xmus I'urdn, Cttleiuluni und llooklets,

    NOVELTIES of all Descriptions I

    Pill ute mid Pointing llooki..(lenuilie 1 X L Kliiven and Uiuorii,

    Hair Itnulis aud Coiiilii,Veloclpeilcs and Wagons,

    Do.mkstic Skwinc MaciiinksHand Sewlnii Mu IiIiuik .. J U,Hhiiviug Mug and Itrushui,lluiuira V,

    IDollS al TOV8In Ureal Variety j

    l.eittliur OoihN In Purn's, Diaries,Pocket lltHiks. Kir., Ktu . I'AC,

    Drawing .Materials.

    And Don't Forget have added a

    News DepartmentAnd all bulerlitloiiN will have

    Prompt Attention.

    Orders lor Music by Every Stsimsr.


    IXIOMS AMI IKIAItl)IV lor a feu pertou- - ran I mitmhad atImucIi.llauitval, ou uie uai-lilk- i

    rt ll. Id l.l.i i,p;, il PrupneturTO LKT

    A KKW LA Kill'. AlKYiV Oillria to rent oumoderate terms ou the mkieolid llo'ir nl the hliree- -Hel' nniik iiiimk Appiyi"

    ll.7i.Jiu W tl. lltWIN A 10., I.'n.

    Daily ItulUtin Monti prr layiil'i.

    '$Ut gnily gMlUtin,

    WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 18M.

    Ous Collaudor, a young Swede,was murdered by a gang of toughswhite he was watching the countingof ballots in a Chicago precinct.Indignation meetings were held innearly all the wards on the Northsidu, to protect against the outrageaud pledge united action in aveng-ing tho death of the brave mau who

    in defense of the ballot. Although all crimes of violence arereally attacks on the community,

    particular tuurder roused thepooplo bouausu it was an attack ontheir right to make their laws.


    This is Hawaiian IndependenceIt is the anniversary of the

    revoynitiun of the iudepuudonce ofHawaii by Great Britain and France.There was no "KuarantW of inde-pendence by those Powers, the

    sage of the Pacific Comuiercial Advertiser to the contrarynotwithstanding. If it had been aguarantee, Ureat Britain and Fraacewould have been compelled to de-ma-

    an explanation from the Unit-ed States, for her armed interference,through her representatives, withHawaiian alTairs, iu the period fromJanuary 14 to April 1, inclusive, 18U1.Previous to the diplomatic recogni-tion iu question on November 28,1813, Ureat Britain had restored Ha-wailau independence ou July 31 ofthat year, by hauliug down thoBritish ling, which had been raisedover the group In the precedingFebruary by a hot-heade- d "lordlywight" commanding one of UreatBritain's cruisers, aud at the aametime hoisliug tho Hawaiian Hag andsaluting it with all the militaryhoaors at the disposal of QueenVictoria iu this port. Tho UnitedStatus had protested against the en-forced cussiou of the islands toGreat Britain She also declined tojoin with the two European Powersuauied iu a treaty guaranteeing

    iu perpetuity, aud thusthe guarantee business was knockediu the head. Her pronounced ac-tion iu so declining was, however,tantamount to a guarantee of Hawai-ian independence ou her own part.Being an iuuoceut party thus farbarring a little friction between Cap-tain Jones of the warship Peacookanil the ilawaiiau Government inthe twenties iu the matter of tra-versing Hawaiian independence, andbeing ou this occasion a protestingparty against its subversion, theconduct of the United States wasdignified and proper no doubt. It isnot necessary here to go into thsdetails of that intensely interestingcrisis iu Hawaiian history. Theyhave been thrashed out scores oftimes, ou July thirty-first- s aud No-vember twenty-eighths- , iu Honoluluboth on the platform aud in thepress, Hawaiian independence hasbeen a rather doubtful quautity tdifferent times since the incidents of18 III. The feeble realm haa atditToreut times had to obey, with asgood grace as possible, dictates ofstroun nations which if she were

    she should not have doneIBtrougat least some diplomatic

    coulrovursy. Since the conclusionof the treaty of reciprocity with theUnited States iu 1870, procuredthrough the personal exertions ofKing Kalakaua, the islands havebeen practically a dependency ofthe United States. Independencegrew dim when au American Miu-isl- ur

    to the Hawaiian court in pub-lic denounced the form of govern-ment here iu vogue, and with joyouseloquence predicted its overthrowami the accession of his own coun-try's flag. It disappeared when thesame Minister acted iu collusionwith a combination to abolish theform of government; took counselwith the leaders of that combina-tion, while decliuiug to consultwith the representatives of the Ha-waiian Uoverutiieut, as to the laud-ing of the troops of his countryupon Ilawaiiau soil, aud then landedthe forces under his control, whichfor two mouthB aud a half thereafterdominated Ilawaiiau soil. A sem-hlau- c

    of independence has, however, again been restored, iu the de-claration of withHawaiian intomul a Hairs by boththe President aud the Congress ofthe Uuited States. For what weliuvu now received let us be trulythankful, aud hope that all thiugshave boon disposed for the best.

    The bark C. D. Bryant iswnter pipes conslgued to

    the Honolulu Water Works near thfish market.

  • --rfV KtkMms,''jrhr-- t


    The regular Christinas varnMnu of theVttbUo Schools of tho Koimhlio of Hawaiiwill commence on FRIDAY, 21,ami continue until .MONDAY, January 7,18U5.

    By order of the President of the Boardof Eductlon.

    JOHN V. SCO IT,UOT-- lt d 43-2- 1 w Secretary.


    Itt'RKtC OF KllUl TI01, (lloNnt.llu, Nou-mtiu-r L'U, INit.i

    Notice It hereby given that nil (town-men- tSchools will be clo.cil on Tlll'ltS-DAY- ,

    November at, that day having beenset apart by the l'reldunt at a day ofNational Tlmtit.'nlin.

    Hy order of the I'u-dde- nt of the Itoanlof Kducatlon.

    John K.srorr,HUiMt Secretary


    Holders of wafer privilege, or tlnn-payi-water rates, aro hurebv nu.itled

    that the hour for Irrigation purpose arefrom 7 to 8 o'elock a. m., and ft to 11o'clock p.m. A. ItltOWN,Huerlntcndcnt Honolulu Water Works.

    Approved:J. A. Kino,

    Mltil-te- r of tho Interior.Honolulu, May SJ, 1NH. US-I-

    Wht JBMJ a Uttiw.WEDN'KSDAT, NOV. '2$, 18SM.

    H. O. R. M. A. RACE MEET.

    The Ramblers and Clovolauds WillTry Ooncluiloni.

    Tho first moot of tho HonoluluUyclo Kaoo Moot Association will boheld at Kapiolaui Park at '2 o'clock

    aftoruooii. Tho twathorhas somewhat iutorforcil with tliotraining of tho whooltnon, but thoyapnoar to bo iu lino tnottlo. IluiiryGiles, tho champion of tho Hawai-ian Islauds, has beon bothered witha boll. Giles lost eight days oftraining, anil trainer Crane has boonworking hard tho past fuw days to

    him iu trim. A. L. C. AtkinsonEut recovered from tho shook ofSaturday's accident, although hostill keeps his arm bandaged. Thofollowing will bo tho program:

    Quo mile luniduu, scratch T.White, J. A.Thompson, C. I'. Mm-ra-

    L. Marshall, V. Chamberlain.Haif milo open, scratch Y.

    Chapman, K. A. Dexter, Henry Giles,Cupid, U. A. Torrill, A L. C. Atkin-son.

    One milo novice, handicap C. FMurray, T. White, Honry llapai,Geo. Angus, F. Angus, L. .Marshall,A. L. C. Atkinson.

    One mile open, handicap U. A.Dexter, 11. A. Torrid, 1,. Marshall,Cupid, A. L. C. Atkinson, V. Chap-ma-

    lieury Giles, II. lv Walker, N.Halstoad.

    Half mile, boys under 15 -- A. Giles,W. Chilton, 1$. Cartwright.

    Quarter miloopou, scratch -- HenryGiles, Cupid, 11. A. Torrill, A. I,. C.Atkinson, V. Chapman, K. A. Uex-te- r.

    Ouo mile, class, handi-cap Goo. Angus, L. Marshall, A. L.C. Atkinson, N. Hnlstead, .1. A.Thompson, C. F. Murray, 11. llup.ii.

    Throe milo, scratch -- V. (Jlmp-man- ,A. L. C. Atkinson, l(. A. Doxtor,

    Geo. Angus, II. A. Tcmll, 11. K.Walker, Henry Giles, X. llnlbload.

    The following wheelmen will ridoltamblor machines II. A. Torrill, 11.Giles, Geo. Angus, W. Chapman, T.White, ). A. Thompson, Cupid, .VHalstoad and A. Giles.

    11. E. Walker, A. L. V. Atkinson,Louis Marshall, and Henry llapaiwill load tho Cleveland. 1(. A.Dexter will rido a Union.

    It was tho iutouliou of the wheel-men to have uniforms anil wear dis-tinguishing colors, but the orderwas sent too late. Tho weather pro-mises to bo lino, and although thetrack is heavy home line riding maybe anticipated.


    An Entortainmunt to Frovldo Christ-mas Choor for thu Lojiors.

    Wray Taylor is working up a first-cla- ssentertainment for the purpose

    of raising money to provide thelepers on Molokr.i with Christinasitresouts. Tho entertainment willbe hold in Kaumakapili Church onTuesday evening, Doe. 11. For thofirst part there will be a vocal amiinstrumental concert by the bestlocal taleut. Thou Mr. lledemauwill give ouo of his popular lanternshows, accompanied witli a lectureby Jos. Marsdou on the scenesshown. A committee of three Indiesand two gentlemen is being organ-ized, to take charge of the receiptsand attend to their disburAomoul.

    The Burk Kluinoro.

    The bark Elsiuoro cannot bo saidto be overdue at this port untilfurther advices aro receied per S. S.Warritnoo. duo next week. Tinspaper published nu item some weeksago takou from a Sydney paper tothe effect that tho Elsinore hail putinto Suva, Fiji, in distress. She wusleaking badly, and would have toundergo repairs, ltead tho IJm.uTi.salways for news.

    Both banks will be closed to- -morrow, Thanksgiving day.


    FOUR NICE LOTSNear Klni; Opposite lt


    MT For l'artluulurs, Imjulitt of

    R W. WILCOX,Corner of li'iien and Nmmriii Hlrenia,

    HW-t- f l'ptitulm.

    Jimely Jopie J

    Nov. 24, 1S94.

    The edict of the Sugar Trustto the elTect that one-thi- rd ofthe sugar crop of these islandsshall be shipped to New Yorkvia Cape Horn will have arather depiessing elTect uponthe Coasting vessels betweenhere and San Francisco. It willno doubt have its elTect inother ways or the Trust wouldnot insist upon the terms ofcontiacts with the plantationcompanies' there being carriedout. One does not have toread between the lines in any-thing the Trust does it's ap-parent on the face of it thatthe monopolists get whateverbonetit there is in the change.

    We are prepared now to meetthe demands of our customersfor goods for Christmas andwe think we have a good

    After many days the pocketcutlery from Wastenholms'sfactory has arrived and it com-prises everything in the wayof pocket knives suitable forlittle and big folks.

    The demand for llavilandChina with carnation patterneems not to diminish and it

    is dillicult for us to keep upwith it. The Alameda, how-e- x

    er, brought us a large invoiceof all soils of dtahes and wecan till any orders for singledishes, dozens or sets. Furgifts at any season of the yearor for any occasion there isnothing prettier or more ser--

    iceable.v U ll.l L. ill t tlj J IUI I llll i

    large assortment of Silver plated '

    ware and have generally satis-- !lied eveiyone except those whowanted solid silver. For thisseason we have purchased aslock in Calilomia which in-cludes both plated and solidand we hope to meet the de-mands of plain everyday folk aswell as those whose ideas runtoward the elegant. Our solidgoods compiise Sugar Shells,Butter Knives. Soup and GravyLadles, Salad Sets, Fish Sets,Preserve and I3eiry Spoons,Sugar lungs, Olive Spoons andF'oiks, Sadine Folks, ColdAeat Folks, Lettuce F'oiks, Bonlion Scoops, Fie Knives. Thenthere are a number of combina-tion sets; some ol them con-la- in

    Tea Spoons, Butter Knife,Sugar Shell, Cream Ladle andSugar Tongs a very handsomepresent for Christmas. Othersets are for Berries, some forOysters. One to which wecall especial attention containsa half dozen Individual ButlerSpreaders and the same num-ber of plates. We think wecan suit everyone as to designsbecause they are the very latest.We iiio'u' our prices are right.

    We have also in stock anassoitment of Aluminum warein small pieces for service orornament.

    Cooking utensils are madeof this waie and are used inpieleience lo iion or agateowing to lightness and durabil-ity. In our selection this yearwe have included GriddleCake Fans and Fry Fans.Diinking Cups and Tea Setsof three pieces. They are aslight as a feather and everlast-ing. We have also Flasks,Watch Boxes, Fancy Combsand Hair Combs that neverweai out. Patent lime squeez-ei- s,

    (an entiiely new articleheiei card trays, Sleeve Linksand many other things to suityour fancy.

    A small stock of cut glass-wa- lein choice patterns only

    tnA containing ai tides sei vice-ab- lelot table use.

    Oui lamp depailnienl is till-ed with the latest designsHanging, Bouquet and PianoLamps. An inspection is in-vited.

    The Hawaiian Hardware Go, 111


    IKMT 0W

    War RjmorSi

    Tho war between China andJapan is still on. So far thoJapanese have all tho host ofit. How long this will last,time alone can toll.

    Flushed by their numerousvictories, tho Japanese aropushing their Armies into Chi-nese territory. Tho captureof Ping Vang with its fortsami treasure was their firstgroat sticces".

    The naval battle at thomouth of tho Valu Uier andthe total del ruction of threeChinese meii-of-u- follow (Ithis quickly. The final expul-sion of tho Chinese from Coreaand tho capturo of Kiuw LionChang loft tho road open tothe Japs to both Moukdenand Peking.

    To carry on this warfaroJapan has (so far) unlisted onehundred thousand men asidefrom her regular standingarmy, and hundreds of thobono nttd sinew of tho laud ofthe chrysanthemum aro crowd-ing the recruiting ollices daily.This has caused tho price oflabor to increase 1(X) . Inconsequence Japanese mate-rial and products of everydescription have nearly dou-bled in price.

    However, as wo had ourlargo Christmas order in seve-ral month ago, wo will notho allWted.

    Why trade with firms whorarr) an aorl incut of goodsthat are of infoiior quality ormade by the cheapest labor,when you can get the best forthe same priceT Wo guaran-tee every article in our storefo be the very best that thoJapanese market can produceand at prices that wore invogue Iwtforo war was de-clared.

    For LadiesWo have an assortment ofArticles both Useful and Orna-mental that must please thumost Fastidious. Kvery ladyis particular about the Hand-kerchiefs she uses. Wo hueall kinds Plain, BeautifullyKinbroidered, Drawn anilOpen Work nil Colors andSizes.

    Doilies, hand painted anilembroidered, Crepe SilkSushes, Silk and Crepe Shawls,and a variety of Scarfs. Woalso received a large varietyof Silk Dress Uoods.

    For GentsWe have Silk Shirts-wh- iteand colored -- either plain orembroidered; Cravats, Nock-tie- s

    of every variety, shadeami shape, Smocking Jacketsand Caps, that are a pleasureto wear, and Silk and CottonPajamas that are comfortableand well made; also the twoextremes Straws Hat andSlippers.

    Nothing iu Honolulu canapproach the small order ofHoots that wo hae. Theywere made by the best Japa-nese Mechanics, and wo guar-antee tho quality, stylo, fitand finish Calf, PatentLeather and Tau.

    MiscellaneousArticles, such as Tea Cosiesfor covering Tea Services, etc.Fine Table and lied Covers,and pretty Chair Hacks wohave iu profusion.

    Also some Menu Cards forThuuksgiviug, Christm-t- andNew Year's that are prettyand taty.

    ChildrenRujoy Christmas princi-pally because thoy receive luveotloriogs from parents andfriends, A good present togiwta boy is one of our But-ter 11y Pius, and a nice presentfor your girl can bo had bygetting one of our Hooks ofFairy Tales, they aro made offine (hope paper profuselyIllustrated and the Stories arotranslated from Old JapaneseLegands.

    Dai Nippon.Hotol Street.


    Wicker Work!

    A lill'm1 llHSOllllllMlt

    lltl: jtlsl lll'l'll Ifreived per "It. 1'.

    liifltot" ami "('. ).

    Hryntil," mid more

    to in rive per "Trim- -


    ttO&J &, Co.,No. 74 Kllxig Street.

    mil & lmV'prwiwiL wig


    Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Cigars.

    Cor. Fort and Merchant Stroma

    i What

    is IlnllK! without II


    !, -- o




    What 1

    ' is Jlal without a '

    ;j Pair of ';

    mm 1


    Shoes?105 Fort Street, i;

    O. R. & L. Co.

    Dy, Nov, 29,

    Excursion-:-Rate- s:

    I'KAHI. ( ITY A IM'.il'ltN:Ht CI1188, 7ftc. 2d OliiBB, 50c


    Ht OIhbb, $1. 2d Class,

    Trullit lloniiliilii at 1:114.H.itmt l:l'i 1. M,

    CUiO. . DI3NISON,'t '! HuN9riiituiit'tiit.

    Wire -:- - NailsCommon

    VERY OX-ID-A.--W1LDEU T CO., J 1).

    Illi7-U- m



    Every variety, stylo

    ttml price in the

    Fit ru it lire lino. Tlio

    best nttd most va-

    ried in Honolulu.

    Cull and inspect otirstock.




    fiom sll the Ol.lir.lKlKurt rlrtluttir Uiilti-t- lMatfi ....Pipes and




    Christmas Cards !



    Water Color Cards or

    ; Kll is

    A 1.80

    Beautifully Colored


    Bond SouiMthing Huwiitlan to YourFrlondt Abroad.


    "Fl otel StreetReal Estate and Loans

    Tho I'liliiriif mem of thu LOAN Miirkntmi mn tu I'uVi r thu wniitH uiul iicnmMik'x ottin' lurpt miiiihur ol Iiuiki uhlu j Iu whoart not owikth of iinllioniiilicrfil ItfiilKtntii wiis oimof the mosl nocussary Inno-vations of turrnt yunrH. To ninny It Iihhnirnnt rclh'f from prbis'lm,' I'livlnu t thuvi'ry tlmu when intiitt ebM-iitli- Winniiiciixrl) itiul honomlily uomhii'toil thltluibliKiM is of iimlly K"'1" ImjiorNiii--mil viiluo to thu roininuiilt.x a lliillillnt;mnl l.o:in AisoclatloiiN hnvu (irovud llii'in-flv-

    to hf.

    Tbe Hawaiian Investment Go.

    MiiIuh n ici lally of NeROtlntlUK B'"1limiis for Uorniwvr who urutllieoiint their Nomi tit thu llanka

    nml who do not rare to ohllu'iitu thuiii-huWi'- h10 ximiti frlundor ui'iiitiilntuiiuu hy

    nkkliiL' liin uiuli rn'iiifntH 10 tlii'lr Not.Company will nmUu I.uaii uponuVS: I ....!. .k llln.iiij llri.tiiiuII V lirillllllll, IHNiiii wh""l

    iIiiIoh. W'uuoiin, 1'urrlneet uiulPiTxniuil I'riniTiv wit limit reinovlnu thuI'rniMtrty from thu llorrowor'H iosseMilon.nml ull lmlnuhH will Iih cnmhtuU-i- l on abTKIOTI.Y UONl'IDTlAl. UAB18.

    Tbe Hawaiian iRveatment Co.,

    Gksuiial U:au Estate Aqiixts,Uaiid 16 Knaluiinaijii bljtela,

    (.NrBr I'.irtomce )J0jary public. Mutual Telephone G3U.

    AUCTION SALEOn R1UDA.Y, Nov. :0tl,

    THK KNTlrti: Hl'OCK OK

    WENNEU & CO.Will l Kohl at thu

    Old Stand.On Kurt Hlri'ft

    TO LKT

    'pWOHMAI.I.iritNIKII.1 I'll IIO 1118 Hi No II Kll- -

    wiilithuo, iiiiiiilM nmr of JSI thu uimrcli. lliu U

    .,, ii Hffiiiuin nor without





    v Vflr

    OU should

    Yi to us, as

    bring your Carriagewo arc the exclusive

    makers of the Carlson ShaftSpuing, which, as tin anti-ra-t

    tler, is tho only sure thing in the world.


    No TO Queen Street.

    ALOHA tho most puri'uet dentifrico yd discovered.

    It h nianufnctnrcd after a ccliiintted formula now

    in our possession. The mnteriaU us 1 me the purest

    obtainable; contains nothing deleterious to the teeth

    or puiiis, and its use cannot be otherwise thuii pleas-

    ant and beneficial.

    Many people while laudably attentive to the pret-er-vatio-

    of their teeth, do them harm by using a tooth

    powder containing excessive ''gtit." Daily applied

    such dentifrices are calculated not only to injure, the

    enamel by excesuivr friction, but hurt the gums.

    A trial of Ai.oiia. Tooth Powdkk will convince

    anyone of it merits ami the advantage of uVuig a

    dentifrice of the purity of which they can be certain.

    It is attractively put up, and will be sure to please

    you iu every way.

    THE HOBRON DRUG CO.Proprietors

    Benson, Smith & Co.,Oorner ITort At 'io.--! &.rProm Recent Direct Importation


    The Only Perfect Toothbrush.

    riTJBi3sr7sPerfumes & Soaps !


    Beware of Bacteriated Water!

    Drinking water should be boiled and llltered.

    The Only Rkmaiu.k Watbu Fii.tku is the Slack kBrownlOW. They are nude on MMeiitilie pr'n eiples. Q'heyare accessible in all parts ami can be readily






  • ' r T v fi ""wwfJ''- r noarw,ri ' m WltiSG&SBmr Wp'WnvrATAB JM'

    $fw glniirt gitJUUn.



    Manager Fain and Two TrnmwayaCo. Employees on Trial.

    Manager 1'rtin, and H. Morionand Frank Tavoo, employee of theHawaiian Tramways Co., appearedbo foni Diatriut Magistrate Perrythin morning. They wore chargedwith overloading and cruelly beat-ing a horse during one mouth past.Attorney-Genera- l V. O. Smithprosecuted and Paul Neumann ap-peared for the defense.

    Mrs. V. O. Smith was the firstwitness on the stand. She testifiedto having been an ee-wilucs- s to thcriitl beating of the horse duringthe tlino (dated, the latest being ouFriday, Saturday and Sunday last.Witness resided near the Tramwajs'terminus in Nuuanu Valloy, and outhoso occasions heird the lashingof the whip on the homo's back amihead while seated iu her sewingroom over one hundred feet away.She had protested against the illtreatment of the animal many timeswithout avail. I lie Home was nannya fit animal to draw the heavy watercart to which he was attached.Morton and Tales lashed the horsowith n whip, ami sometimes with thehandle of the whip. When the ani-mal would not budge one of hishoofs was tied up to his leg and theanimal was mado to stand on threelegs.

    Miss E. Miirthcr, who lives withMrs. Smith, had witnessed the samecruel treatment, and corroboratedthe evidence of the first witness.

    Attorney-Genera- l Smith took thestand. lie had also hcu a wituessto the cruel treatment of the animal,more particularly on Sunday, Nov.18. ()u that, date he remonstratedand threatened the arrest of two ofthe defendants, lie later telephoued to Manager 1'aiu and that gentleman said hu would attend to thematter. Court adjourned at noon.


    An Eilodinod Lady Panseo Unex-pectedly A way.

    Mrs. J nine McGowau died sud-denly this morning. She was ap-parently in good health, exceptingfor a throat trouble that had beenmedically relieved, and with severalother ladies was visiting a friendyesterday afternoon. She was thenIn good sjtirits and said she felt bet-ter than for some lluiu past. Thismorning at a quarter to 0 o'clockMrs. McGowau called her daughterlossio, who found her mother indistress. The daughter applied amustard blister to the affected partand then went for Dr. Urodie. Whenthe doctor, who lives only a fewdoors away, arrived Mrs. McGowauwjs dead.

    Tho lamented lady was highlyrespected by a large circle of friends.tier mother, airs. MoKcagtio, diedonly last July. Mrs. McGowau leavestwo sous and two daughters, alsotwo brothers John and Samuel McKeague. One of the sous is a sugarboiler at Ueeia plantation, Oaliu,the other an orderly sergeant iu thegarrison. Mrs. David Douglas ofMakaweli. Kauai, is one daughter,and her sister is named above.

    The funeral will take place thisafternoon at 1 o'clock from thehouse, opposite the Chiueso churchou Fort street.

    A Sad OftHo.

    A man wont into Manf. Shoe Co.'sShoe Store the other day, and whilethere took a fit, and says he neverhad one like it before.


    SUUOWAN Iu Honolulu, ut U;W n. mJtiiveiubrr US. 1M)1, MurtliB, lined (J Iycum annilvuof llelfiiM, Irelnnil, unitrellul of thu Inm Jiiiiii-- McdnuHU,

    two kiiiiH unit two ilutif.litern tomourn tlioir great lnn

    - A Strong Harseis tut: it or UMNO(l(H)ll FKKll


    Hay and GrainJim Arrived iwr "8. U. Wilder."


    CALIFORNIA FEED GOCorner IJiieen A Ntinmiti Bin

    Both Tklkimionks 121.


    WatchWill hu mmlu to kcjupiwv'ollunt time it' lul'tfor tin, f diiyH withFahuh it it Co., tliuWull known and Koli-ah- lc

    Wiit I'll Itupuiivrs.If Hittisfiiotion its notgivi'ii your inouoy wi 1hi' ri'fuudnl in full.

    FAIiliEK & CO.,C13 Fort atroot,


    The Bulletin will not be issuedto morrow.

    Four natives were arrested lastnight for selling swipes.

    Farror St Co. will put your watchiu good order if it goes wrong.

    J. P. Bowen will appear for trialin tho District Court on Tuesdaynext.

    Tho Hammer dog-poisoni- casehas been continued until Mondaynext.

    It. V. Wilcox has a number of lotsfor sale at Pal a ma near the ReformSchool.

    Leilani boat Club will hold aspecial meeting at tho hotol thisevening.

    C. 13. Wells auuouuces he has soldhis interest iu tho Kilauea CoffenCompany.

    The Norrie libel caso has againbeen postponed, this lime untilSaturday.

    A corrugatod iron roof is beingput on the now wharf shod nearBrewer s wharf.

    Ned. Everott is uow chief engineerof the now addition to Wildor'sSteamship Co.'s fleet.

    Tho Government baud will playat Thomas Square from H to fi o'clock


    All Government schools will boclosed which is proclaim-ed a national thanksgiving day.

    Tho Thanksgiving service at St.Andrew's Cathedral to morrowmorning will commnuco at 10 o'clock.

    Taffeta DresH Silks in checks andstripes for M) cents a yord at N. S.Sachs, Fort street.

    The Elite Ice Cream Parlors willhau an extra fine quality of mincepies for Thanksgiving day. Ringem upl

    Jos. Mauulro is reported to haveleft Hilo ou a sailing vessel for SauFraucisco. Ho will return in a fewweeks.

    John F. Col bum offers to runt orlease the premises at Queen andPunchbowl streets formerly occupiediy aauuers express.

    Christmas vacatiou of the Gov-ernment schools will begin this yearou Friday, Dec. 21, and coutinuo un-til Monday, January 7.

    Don't have rattling shafts to rackyour nerves while driving. The Ha-waiian Carriage Mfg. Co. advertisea sure preventive.

    Leave your orders for good fatcorn fed turkeys for Thanksgivingday with C. W. Macfarlano, at Mao-farla-

    & Co.'s. They are from theaikiki poultry yard.

    California frozen turkeys, liveturkeys, geesu aud chickens fromCamariuos' poultry yard can bo badai itie ualltornia fruit Market.Leave your orders early.

    W. Woltern of Hackfeld ft Co.,left on the steamer Mikahala yester-day evening for Lihue, Kauai, to at-tend tho wedding of C. Woltern andMiss II. Iseuberg to take place ouFriday uoxt.

    William Savidgo has ensconcedhimself iu one of the convenientoillces iu the Cummins block, wherehe will conduct his business of col-lector and real estate agent. Thosorequiring such services would dowell to consult him.

    J. F. Hackfeld did not leave outhe stuamor Mikahala yesterdayeveniug, on account of the illness ofMrs. Uackfold. Mr. Hackfeld char-tered the hteamer Pete to-da- y amiwill leave at 4 o'clock this afternooufor Lihue to attend the Woltors-Iseuber- g


    Preaching at the Gospel tent touight. Subject, "Is there a woll-define- d

    plan of Salvation?" Thanks-giving services at tho tout Thursdayevening. Donations of, aud money for tho needy willbe received at the tent. "Hu thatgivulh to the poor londeth to theLord."


    Kjuctmont Oaaa on Trial - ProbateSrtlo of Kual Eatato.

    Doforo Judgo Coopor to day MariaKanuanun vs. Ivoulii ot al., cjoctinont,is buiii(r tried by tliu following mix-o- d

    jury: T. Krouso; F.J. Lowroy,0. W. Gray, A. K. Kimuiakea, N.1'uhi, II. J. Mosaruau, J. M. Traoy,1. Ilih'l), J. J. Sullivan, A. Puaaloa,J. i'aauiaui aud John Crowoll. Sixjurors had boon oxcusod on examina-tion. C. W. Anhford aud Kahoo-kun- o

    for pluintiu"; Maroon aud Kin-uo- yfor dotoudautB.

    Judge Whiting in hnaring W. C.Achi vb. Isabella Achi, divorce. Rosaaud Peterson for plaintiff; V. V.Ashford for defeudaut.

    J. H. l'atv. Ruardiau of the Ca- -varly minors, reports the sale of twoundivided twenty-fift- h parts of laudou lieretauia street, at public sale,forSJMHo W. G. Irwin, aud peti-tions for continuation of Bale.

    J as. U. CaBtlo, Collector-Genera- lof CuptoniH, by W. U. Smith, Attor-uey-Geuor-

    has filed satisfaetion ofjudgment iu the uouiplaint against200 uatdtH of shoyo aud other goodsclaimed by S. Ozaki, tho respondenthaving paid iW2M) in full for dutiesand othonvifo.

    Sinnor With Music at the Hotel.Tlie guests of the Hawaiian Ho-

    tel iietitioued last uight to Col..Maufarlnuo, for a resumption of thomonthly frouch diuuors, with mu-sic, for the winter reason, aud thoobliging proprietor instructed chiefdork Collasco and steward Chapmaiito accede to the wishes of the tour-ists and guests, mid to eugage theQuiutot club for the season.

    The lirnt dinner will be givenSaturday evening, on the arrival ofthe Australia. The uow lauai willImi thrown open for dancing afterthe dinners.

    Mr. J. It. Murphy

    Beyond Expectation

    Grand Results from TakingHood's Sarsaparilla

    Broken Down System ThoroughlyBuilt Up.

    CI. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mnu.t" a tntlomen i I take great ilmnre In ad

    you of mf euro by Hood' Sarsaiarllla audgladly recommend It to oil auRerliiK m 1 havebeen. My lyitem became thoroughly derangedand lite aeemed little else but a burden. I wotvery bilious and my klitneyi and liver were out01 orucr. 1 nan nu niiii-iu- e mm mn .1117breakfast. I had taken tnnlci and had beentreated by Ullterent ttiylclatis but with llttlo orno succcm, anil nail iiccomu (jullo unnearicued,tearing my caso was

    Beyond Human Aid.Through a frlend'i advice, as n last report I

    In two bottlct ol Hood's Sarsaparilla andwas to well pleased at my Improvement I soou

    Hood's5;"'" Curesafterwards secured four additional lottlcs andam now feeling as well n I ever did." J. It.Muiirnr, Hcgewlsch. Illinois.

    Hood's Pitta euro Comtlp.itlon by restor-ing tho pcrUlattlo acUou ot U10 alimentary canal

    Hobron Drug Co., L'd.,8o!p Agents for the HepaliHe of llnwall.


    Mas. Fhklmanx, who mnn-iig- usour Dress Making De-

    partment, has rut mod fromChic 'go and in just overloadedwith fashions, styles and ta ksfrom morning to night aboutdresses being cut this way mdthatway, and tltis is in i'anhionand that out of fashion, nbotithow this ought to he Hinduand thnt ought to he made.It's worth your while to hourher. She suvs arc in itwith the b. st of them whenit gts to handling stylishgoods.

    Katny wentin r always sug-gests something warm and asall Wool Flannels uii-- l Fhtn-nclcttc- H

    a' e quite the thingwo propose to decrease ourstock of them somewhat dur-ing the week, at what is he-com- ing

    (mite well known asQuick Sales and Small 1'iolitPrices.

    Flannel is an article iu everyday demand, and as necessaryto the complete outfit as airand light to perfect health andstrength. For Night Dresses,Chemises aud h nicki rs noth-ing is better, while for dressesnothing is neater or in necomfortable. We are K"Sto movf thesu goodH ami nowiH tho time to tuty tlii'iu, umlwhen you are doing it, don'tforget that we are making arun thin week on Funnel andFlanneletteH. that other bar-gau- m

    are offered.(l5s u'S, your live cent

    cheek in worth just iw muchas a live dol sir one it U notthe value of the eheekK thattakes you to the Voleano butthe number you have of tin m

    B. P. B1ILRRS & CO.

    Ring em All Up!

    Tell 'em All That

    'PHK Kl.lTK ICi: 1'KKA.M I'AIU.oHSL will huke an I'xtrn tine iiuullty ol ANO. I MINCK 1'IKS tind other v.irlutli".fiirThsiili;lviiii: !. t'iid In lnir ii

    fur our Mutt 1'lus, Ciiku, I'uinllc- -, midIcu 1'rt'uui,

    ltlNdl KIXli" KKKI'ON KINlllNll'TeUphoms: Bell 182; Mutual 338.

    HULLO! 1IKLLO!!UUS-'.- 't


    Coiltc'or and Roal Estate Agent

    Jlonsea Kuuluil. ItenU I'ullected.

    Oilier: Uutniutiis' lllook, Mi"clint btreetHie.) lni


    'IMIK I'ltKMIHKb. foil-- 1li' r Uiieim uml I'lllich- -

    ImwIH ,,.i' fii'iiicrr: yoiTii.hy Hinniurs' hxprcm.s.ion uiven hi 1'ii'ti

    iilfilI'll Hply to JHIl.N !

    1 ir--j aw


    mrr tiiriiiH,rpilWIIOM ITMAYro.M'iat.N: II A V--

    I ni; ilUini'tuI et in) miii-thlr- d IntrrfxlIII till' KlI.U K CilMH. I'lAII'VW, IIH III HlHllih ill Niivi'iiihur hint, In Mr Wll.l.lA.MTKMI'I.KI'nN, 1 hiivo lie fitriluir ri'iiMiu-ullillll- y

    fur rlulniH iiu'iiliiHt tlif xitlil I'niii-i.a-11. II. vi:i.i.k., Mniil, NiiMinlivr 'Jl, IMU.lltJ-'.'- l

    To Plantation Managers.

    The following letters received from Ar. Jno. A. Scott, Mana-ag- erHilo Sugar Co., refer to the Avery Fertilizer Distrib-

    utors and Stubble Diggers, for which the Hawaiian Hard-ware Co. are sole agents. Ar. Scott first saw these implementsat the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago, and was so favorablyimpressed with their appearance that he immediately orderedsamples shipped to the Hilo Sugar Co. AW. H. Deacon, Mana-ger for Pepeekeo Sugar Co., secured one each of these inple-men- ts

    from Ar. Scott and expressed his satisfaction with themin the letter published herewith:

    l'U'EEKKO, Aug. 8, lsyi.J. A. Scott,

    D.ur Sit. -- In ri'ply to yourn iu rotation to the "Avory" Sluhblo Digtforsami b'orlilir.Hr Distributors.

    1 would say that 1 have boon using the Diggurs almont constantly ninceI recoiml.tlmui, and am highly ploased with them. A the name ?iguiuV,I Gud thum spoeinlly adapted to the work of loosening the soil about rattoon stools, aud they maj' be used to great advantage either before oratter the Fertilizer Distributors, thereby putting tho rattoou Holds hi thevery best condition for a rapid growth. They are a light draft machine,and I would recommend them to any plantation owner.

    Tho Fertilizer Distributor is a great labor saviug machine, aud 1 findthat 1 shall need one more to Pill our requirements here.

    1 remain, yours respectfully,(Signed) II. Deacon,Manager for Pepeckuo Sugar Co.

    Mn. K. I. llcNMiv, Honolulu.If,

    Deur Sir In reply to your enquiries regarding the working of the"Avery" Stubblo Diggers and Fertilizer Distributors. I would say that Ihavo Ikmhi using the Diggers for some months and havo dug some eighthundred acres of stools with them, thoroughly loosening tho soil In andabout tho roots, thus giving them auoxrolleut opportunity for many moreshoots to come forth than usually do. Aud I Dud that tlturo is n thickurslaud of cauo where it has boon stubble dug. The machine works iu fer-tilizers on rattoou stools without any further hand labor, mixing themthoroughly with the soil aud allowing thum to get to the roots of thoplant.

    The Fertilizer Distributors 1 have had at work for some time aud Ihave ferlili.vid ab"ut four hundred acres with them thus far aud they aredoiugjall the makers claim for thum, distributiug the fertilizers iu an evenmanner ou each side of tho cane aud iu whatever quantity desired. Theyare a eood labor savinir machine and aro dolntr tho work of several men.These machines aro of light draft aud strongly made and there is nothingliable to get out of order.owners


    VOi(uuuj jihi. i. ctun,Managur Hilo Sugar Co.

    We received by the Alameda a cat load of Avery & Sons' Im-plements which Fertilizer Distributors, Stubble Diggersand Improved Sugar Land Cultivators. The latter has soliddiscs and shovel attachments. They are admirably adapted foruse in the soil here and will be necessary on every plan-tation.

    Fertilizer Distributor is ai ranged to work on landthe furrows are ii regular with the same facility as where theyrun even.

    information regarding these machines will be lurnishedon application to


    .., $07 Fort Street, Honolulu.

    ffife.APA W Gl

    (ftMs&'yAvVAt frsW!WKMMr'M sf4r:C



    fMctlultn UcJitinlnntcial

    AwsraMti(Ullllt.ij. rl,u:Jn)iJiJttI.B4thr.JwliJ




    Oiti'Jl.lltVitlHjcKttWjt dgft InlM MtU


    Tliu Hoard of recom-mend Unit ull drinkiiii' widerlie boiled mid filtered. No onedoubts the necessity of this pre- -caution with our city stippiy,but those who drink

    NAPA SODAme always sum of its absolutepurity. Wo warrant every bot-tle. Napa Soiia is a puiu

    water, just as it come, chargedwith sparkling gas from the bo-po-

    of mother earth. It is pie- -scribed and recommended by themoil eminent physicians It isnot one of tliu new "niake-be-Hove- "

    natural water.--, but hasbeen in Use for twenty-liv- e

    years. We furnish this"King of Table Waters" by theMottle, Douu or ('ae. Wo nowhavo eases of Sixty Bottles, es-pecially for families, at the veryreasonable of if(J per case.A trial order solieittd by tho

    HollisterDrugCo., L'd,

    Admits fur thti JIicAiiiuiii laUnila,


    Till: A1I.IOI KNKI) ANN'UAI.Al mi mint; ' ih" Iyiiiii.i'i IUiiiiuahI'oMi-isv- , l.hnlli'il, lii'l'l in thi'lr mill , Inthis i Ity on ilm Ji.ili i ri -- t . Urn fntiiiwinKDlllriTA wur HH'iiH'il to wrvii dililllK IIihuimiiliit! iitr:

    II. l Wilder.S. 11. WilderS II. ItiiI'. I.. WlulilI'. J. I'lill:

    Jiunululii, .Nov. '.'il, IMI,

    Wain.vko, lsyi.

    i can luny rocommouu muse to1 remain, yours truly,







    mine-ni- l



    I'rrHlilflit,Vi I'ri'kldi-lit- ,

    , KflTl'tlirj,Trimxiirnr,


    H. II, 1IOHK,nruri'tnry.


    Hilo, Aug.



    An Invoice of theCelebrated "Shasta 'Water just recelvoddirect from the SpringsIn Shasta, California.

    "Shasta" Is thefinest alneral waterIn the world. It Isused In every leadinghotel and on all therailway dining care Inthe United States.

    "Shasta" Is theQueen of all tuble w-aters', blends perfectlywith liquor of allkinds, and is a naturalrelief for all disor-ders of the stomach,kidneys and liver

    For sale by all drug- -gists and the tradegeneral ly.


    Sole Agents for theHawaiian Iclands.


    THK AllJOIItNi:i) ANSI Al.AT IlieiUllll' (if WlLllHlVhrKAUHIIIII IIM.I'v.vv, l.imitt'd, l ul their uillie. In thisliity, on tliu .'MliliM., tin fulliiniMKllllli'iriiMereeleeleil to nerve ilurlliK the I'limlllih'year:

    I'. I. Wlulil..1. I'. lli.ckMdh, II llnsiiri II. Ito-- uW. V. Allen.

    lluliolillil, .Nov. ai, IWI.


    . .. .i-- lemry,Tieitmirer,


    s. II. lltlhi:,pi eretiiry.



    1ST. S. SACKS'520 Fori Streel, : : Honolulu.

    Si kolines ! Silkolines !An eli'giiit m rlniciit In Figured and Solid Colors.

    NEW RIBBONSA new ns ortiniit ot fciitln ami Satln-Kd)?- e Klbbons, pretty odd shades tor Fancy Work.

    NEW STAMPED GOODS!I'u .slstllii! of Stumped IIIIjs. fra OK.tlis,

    Tm I'loMia, Hide Hoard Searfs, Bplanliera, UojIUs, Etc.

    Fancy Figured and Solid Color CrapesIu Light nine, 1'iiik, Lelnim, C ream, Lnveintar and Cardinal.

    Cardinal Cotton Duck, White Matting Cloth,Jut tin- - thing for Lail'eV Costume.

    NEW FAIil WORSTED DUES GOODS IIn the Uteit l'lntd and BMpvs, and a full assortment ot

    SOLID COLOR WORSTED DRESS GOODS!lit all the latest shades.

    Drink Everywhere

    And at All Times

    t.tffM'.J3fc i

    fn la"s. kf EMm m

    HHLE3S' ROOT BH3HIR.Tl' IS A UliMK.MADi: AND IIUME.MAK1NU HKVKKAUK.t It in vity imkUv uml if tliu plain dirvctloiiri arofnUiitti'il, It will uhii In- - pniil. I'vcry iiii'inliur of tliu futnily,(ruin the luliy to tlit-- Krnnilfiitlier, can enjoy Hiiikh' Hoot IIkkii,uml cvi'iy (iiio of tlit'in will Intve hetter liuidtli for eiiuli rtwidlowtliey (like. H iiiiprnvcH tin-- appetite, jiurilk-- the lilood, umltimer- - the whole cyetem. I'liiMrun tpeclnlly iIuIIkIiI in Hiiikh'ltoor Illicit. lt preparation inti-rot- them, uml itrt tine iIik--Ilium K'""'- - I" thousands of lioiutH, "Hiiikh' Hoot IIkkii thatinother m.tile," will ho union,; the li.ippicut rucolluutloiiM ofeliililliixMl. It cli'iinst-- the of the poieonotiH lttiniora thatili'Vi'loji in kiiliu-- and urinary ilNeiifvy, ami in fuel, in any cuethat urUer fruiii an impure rtate of the blood.

    Dictiiiuily itmliTiitaml llna' ltoor IIkkii in without atlulle-ratio- nor any or urtilie'-- uiluiixtiire Ae prove It it lit

    niiiile in our open l.aliwrutory. Noceeret ireeeu. We take theheel Utah anil ItouU, hull them down, hottle them ami Bondthem to .Mm. l'erluipi theru ibii'l another Hoot Heur Labora-tory in tho country open to ptiblie '. Kveiyhody knows Hiuks'Hoot 1Iki.ii ilaiiiiealrt euti'l approach uutiire. Will you usemutual I toot Iticr ami Mitii-f- y your third ami ritruugthun youibody, hi will you mm- - artificial Hoot Deer to biive a few peunienand ruin your liealthT Thuru in len limef an much Hums' HootilHKH eolil tliuu all other Hool llunr extracU uouihinud.

    JOBBERS;HomtoN' Hhim; CompanvHknson, Smith &, CompanyIIoi.i.istkh Diti'u Comi'anv, Ltd.. . .LkVIS it (Jo.Ml'AW Grocers


    MB2-- :M7i

    WCTiv i?

    . .AVholcsttlc Druggists


    t t

    Mr. John A. Seott, .Manager of tho Hilo Sii(;ur Coiupany, uivea thowomlirful n coiil of ihu woikniK of the NATIONAL UANE SHHED-DI-.H- ,

    which wiib ereeluil by their work at the eoinmeneeinont of thu cronJiit liarvt-hte- :

    " During He pimt week the Hilo Huar (Joiiipuny's mill exceeded any ofUu foriiiui rieonU by the Il'A hoiim Krimlinj; with an outtiut of aOOlIoiih. 'I'liiH ib fully 111 pcicmit more than ihu bent work of former yearn.

    "Tint thu i-- rollu null beiiit; ill m. by ,rl in. ami the two roller mill 30 Ml in. '1 lie fiil null lining ihi amoiiut of Mirk in an otlleiunl mannerami with yri'iii hum-- , eiuupand with work ou whole cane, owing to thoroughpreparation of tin. by tin National U.uiu Slnediler, leeently erected byllii' Coiupany.

    "Ami by it iiko tin- extinction has been imre.ined from 'A percent to 6 per-cent ou all kiiuU ni cane, ami in miiiiu cumi M) peieent wu beun reached;the avfragi- - being ".' In 7h pi ucni,ucorilliig to it.dlly,

    " I continue to liiul ihu incgans from ehicibk-i- l eanu Imtttr fuul than fromwhole cane.

    "the idiicthlci ban beun w.ukiug day and night for neven moutliB ami liasgiven me entire nutiMucimu, having hlirudiled ilutiug that time ubout novontyIhoiuaiul tiinit of e.uie, ami a large part i.f li being hard rutooiiH.

    f I 111, Mil I .1.1.1 ......... . I...I .."h i"inin- - urj iiiun earn or attention,"W laiib ami npeoillualiijn ..t ihete Shietlileih may hu noon at thu ollieu of

    W-- ll

    WM. a. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,dDU AitnU for Mi HamiUn iiitttuU.

  • fiT"TTiiiK wwiritfrTaMMi'ir'w w

    Artistic Furniture!

    New Goods of Every Description

    and of the Veiy Latest Designsjust arrived from the Coast per'bark "Bryant," at prices to suiteveryone's purse.

    ORDWAY PORTER,Hotel Street, "Kobinson Block."

    Bell 525 TELEPHONES Mutual 646

    Pioneer Furniture HouseESTABLISHED 1 869,

    New Goods 1 Latest Designs ! Largest Stock !



    Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless Mattingl'er Jtoll ot 40 Yards, H'.'.U).

    And a Fine Quality for $9 per Roll.

    Headquarters for Baby Carriages 1

    Pianos for Rent ! Chairs for Rent !

    Bell 179. TELEPHONES -- Mntnal 76.

    WILLIAMS BROS.Buccrnoni to 0. K. Wllllniiis.

    609 AND 611 KING-- STREET.


    Importer and Dealer id hdiiiu Dry Fancy MslAtilet' Warei of erery description. Ainu, fresh line ot Cblnese Ooods.

    Pongee Ss "Wliite Sills. PajamasNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings !

    Best Black and Green Chinese Tea. Crepe Shawls, Etc.aaHSR.OH.A.N'T TAILORING.

    gm-- Kit Onarauteil. 1'riccn Moderate, -- tt99" Teleiplione B42

    TiiiWHOMB no p. o box m



    Prttli Cilllornla Roll Batter and Island finttei0T ALWAYS ON HAND m

    lei Goods Bscelved by Ever; Steamer from San Franciscomp All Orders faithfully attend to. Batlbfaaion iruaranu-e- Itlioi.i Oritara

    OlUmad and packed wltn care.Lincoln Huxik, Kino Strkkt, Hrr. Fht no Alakk hTwaeru.

    MOTH TBU.r'HONKB 240




    Importers, Wholesale k Retail Grocers

    Profision Dealers k Naval SuppliesImk Oeeii by Every California Bteuier.




    1. HOX


    EL E. MoINTYliE & HIM).,IktrOBTBHtl

    Groceries, - Provisions and Feed.Maw Goodi UaoalTMl Krory i'aoket from th Kaitern and Buropa,

    fKK8H . OALIKORNIA JMIODUOIS - J1Y KVKHY 8TKAUKIIAll Ordara faithfully attainted and Uoodi Dtdlrtrttl to an?

    Part of the Oltr HIIKK.ItLtMB OWM MoUOITRD, H.TInraUTION bUAaaNTMA

    uar OOUNBK FOKT and kino htuhkth,

    - . . mrft""W.i!g3 .i-- t JVfSg2 "w :-- vs- - " T' w m


    f II HOX tfrt

    O. 116


    by rJUt







    PRIZES !

    PRIZES !

    PRIZES !

    Beginning on November 1,1801, I intend giving myCustomers a chance to win aPrize and not only One Prizebut Four.

    On next TIIUK6DAY,November 1st, every Man,"Woman or Child who buys$1.00 worth of goods at myStore (Temple of Fashion )will be presented with a Cou-pon Ticket, ami on December20th, the person holding thelargest number of Ticketswill be entitled to the KimtPrize, and this Prize willbe the

    Finest Silk Dress Pattern

    in our Store. To the personboliliug the second largestnumber of Tickets

    An Elegant French Cush-mer- eDress Pattern

    will be given. The ThirdPrize will be an

    Ostrich Feather FanVnlunl at $1(1;

    and the Fomth Prize will be aFine Pair of

    LADIES' SHOESValued nt $(1.30.

    The people of Honoluluhave patronized the Tkmim.kok Fashion- - liberally sinceits removal to the new quar-ters at 510 Fort street, andthe Managers appreciate this

    hence these Prizes. Thereare probably one hundred la-dies in Honolulu who willbuy enough Dry Goods be-tween November 1st and De-cember 21th to win one ofthe above Prizes. Our stockis new and has been carefullyselected for the Winter Holi-day Trade enpeeially is thistrue of our Dioms Patterns.

    AVe have been to an infiniteamount of trouble but suc-ceeded in getting the latestsimiles and most beautiful de-signs; this applies to ourbilks and Cashmeres. OurGinghams, Lawns, WhiteMuslins and Flemish Lawnsare the equal (both in priceand quality) of those sold byany house in Honolulu ; alsoBlack Satins and Silks a spe-cialty. Christmas Goods,Toys, etc., in endless variety.Gloves that lit like the paperon the wall.

    And remember that, forevery $1.00 worth of Goodsyou buy you get a Coupon.

    cs All these Prizes willbe shown in our window nextweek.

    Temple of Fashionnil) FORT STREET.

    M. 0. Sii,va, i : : : : : JW.

    It Organizes at a Goodly Gatheringox Leading Kuaiclaua.

    About twenty members of the oldAmateur Musical Socioty met lastevening at the residence of Rev.Alex. Mackintosh for tho purpose ofdisbanding. The meoting was called to order with Mr. Mackintosh inthe chair. Mr. F. J. Lowrey actedas Secretary. It was resolved thatthe Society disband, and the grandpiano and cash iu hand be presentedto the Young Men's Christian Abso-elatio- n

    on the understanding thatthe proposed new musical organiza-tion bo allowed the use of the Y. M.O. A. hall and piano for rehearsals.Tho book containing the records oftho society was donated to the His-torical Society. It makes very inter-esting roadiug. Tho society thenadjourned.

    After a short recess, those presentwere again called to order for thepurposo of starting a new iuuiialorganizarion. Mr. Mackintosh wasasked to preside and Wray Taylorwas appointed secretary.

    Miss Grace Richards said she hadbeen asked to form a chorus. Itwould be absolutely necessary forthem to have rules and regulations.She was of the opinion that therowas a decidedly good field for chor-us work in Honolulu.

    It was moved and carried thatthose present form a Musical Society,those present to bo tho charter mem-bers.

    Another motion that carried wasthat a committor of three be ap-pointed to draw up a Constitutionand Bylaws to report at a futuremeeting, taking the Constitutionand Bylaws of the old society as aguide. Miss Richards, Miss Hop-per and Yv. V. Hall were the com-mittee appointed.

    Another committee consisting ofMiss Richards, Mrs. C. L. Wight,Miss von Holt and T. M. Starkoywas appointed to canvass for musi-cal members.

    Tho charter uioinlwrs will meetnext Tuesday ovoning iu tho Y. M.C. A. hall to receive the reports ofthe committees, and for furtherorganizing.


    Sailors Who Didn't Want to Loiwobut Had to Uo.

    Tho three deserting sailors whowere returned to tho British barkCadzow Forest yesterday caused thepolice no end of trouble. CaptainPatterson had a hard time gettiugthem to the Police Station. Thedeserters had boon heard to say thatthin was a nice placo to "beach,"and they intended to stay hore. Thomen had boon staying uptown attimes, and, from tho character themate gave thorn, it is not improb-able that they have committed someof the petty larcenies reported. Cap-tal- u

    McluncK didn't care whether themen were takeu on board or not,but was given to understand that hohad to take them. There wereenough iMtauhcombers iu the city al-ready. One of the men had n knifewhen arrested, and tho recollectionof tho sad ending of Ollicer Kau-hau- o

    urged 011 I'attoreun the neces-sity of prompt action, and ho rush-ed the mau to the Station iu doublequick order. There was uo brutalhandling as reported.

    Preparing for Christmas.Mrs.'s "Ka Mailo" stock

    in nearly all Mild and anticipating nheavy demand for Christmas goodsslio ordered a line line of FancyArticles, etc., they will arrive onthe next Australia. Her largeand commodious lauai will Imj fittedup an a shou room. All Iter oldmistonmrn and tint Honolulu peopleiu general am invited to inspect thiniiiaguiliceul Mock or ChrintmanOodiIh.

    Mtuintuto Art.At Williams' Siiulio are to Im mm

    Portraits on Watch Dials, which heis making a Kpocialty of. LanternSliden for lecture by the net ordozen.


    AN UNKUK.NIHHKI1 COTTAUK KOKri. family uf four, Mihurli.i prcfrr'eil.Ilsnf 4(ly .. II., llmimlu OlUce.


    JIKIIKIIY rilltillll ANY AND A I.I.1 Ihtmiiu from IuikIIiik ir K"I"K uimmimy inijriy known u 1'imioii, llmrlit ufhwu, O1.I111. J. 1. DuWHKIT.

    iliniiilulu, Nov. L'7, lbltl. lllls-'Jr- t'


    I JIAVK THIS DAY. by hh-Hii- I powerof ailurnry, npiHiiutiUniyMiii, KAwnril

    DoMHftt, 10 trui. nia ull my InmltH nt In nlto my property on ibe Island of

    M'l'il. J. 1. IIOWSKIT.Honolulu, Nov. 17, Ih'.H. ll'.is.'n--


    DUKI NO MY AI1SKNCK KKOM THKHawaiian Inland, Vim Kfttmuk Un tbor led iimler fnll power uf nttiiriicy totransmit nil Ims.tiua-- . fur un.

    VIM IUION.Honolulu, Nov --7, IH'.H. ll'H-l- w


    THK IINDKltSIUNKIl IIAVB DULYX appointed .Mr Mm Seartrek muleriuu jMiwtr 01 nuoniHy m c u!l outDtanUliiK ilebtn for our linn.

    WlNO ON WO A. CO.,.... Vim QtionNov. 27, 1WI. ills-l- wFOR SALE CHEAP

    A8IIIIUY IN VKKYllepalr. Aluo SfflSn fw llrnkeH both Newami Ht'iiitiil-liunc- l. Aimiv toW. W WllKlllT.

    IHM'll Honoliilii Currlni(ii M'l'y.


    IS IIKUkIiY (1IVKN THATall i'IuIiiim uKiillo.t tlm Criterion hit.

    loon will Imi t.utllei by Mr Jiih, K. Mor-khi- i,nml nil ouUlnmlliiit anuunlH due the

    l!rlli;iliMi HiiIihiii ami tlm JoIiIiIiik boiiMii.fI,. 11, Dee up In thtt iiIhivh ibiUt Mre Mr. I .. II, Dee. All bllU iiKlmit L 11.Dee. pleam prenviit Immrilliitely for pityIII". U (l, DKK.

    iiuiiuliiln, Out. 3, 18UI. MJ-3- m

    As a Rule

    You do not got moro llinnyour money's worth whenyou mnke a purchase; and ngrant ninny times not quitethat.

    Your good common sensewill toll you that most con-cerns, if they fulfilled thepledges mnde in their adver-tisements, could not Inst sixmonths. "Look Aiiout"nml with your good judg-ment decide who reallycarries the best selectedstock; whoso goods are of tho"Finkst Quality;" whogives "Tin-- : Most 1'on TunMonky."

    My goods combine thoquality, with as low a pricens same goods can ho pur-chased nnywhere. Suchlines as I carry, cannot bopurchased by remaining nthomo and writing for them;and for that reason I makemy yearly trips to the mar-kets of the World. Tickingup a new lino hore, a fewpieces there, until I havegathered together every-thing new and desiiablo inmy many lines.

    You'd he astonished toget ii FINE UMHHFLLA,handsomely carved head,with a lino stylish cane tomatch, both mounted insilver, for

    8 . 5 O.The set for this is aboutwhat a cane nlono used tocost; and yet this is whatwo are ollering you now;and this is only one of manyarticles at popular pricesollvred this season by

    H. F. WIGBMAN,Fort Stroctt.

    Santa Clausm gathering together theunual choice array of Holi-day Suppli'8 at Thrum'sU ORT-STHK- bTORK, WhichIfor variety in carefully re-elected1 rooiIh from larin,New York, Philadelphiaand Praucinco rendersthis long established storethe recognized

    Headquartersof Holiday "NovcltieH in alltho lines of Dolls and DollSundries, Toys and GumtH,Wagons, Carriages, Rock-ing IJorses, Mioollies, Velo-ci- p

    di s, Tool Chests, Cro-quet Set", Kli cks, Juvenileand Toy Books, Etc., Etc.

    The Attractionsof Christmas Noveltien, Sty-lish Stationery, with a lineassortment of I .eatherGoods in Purees, MagazineCovers, Card Cases, "Wri-ting and Traveling Cases,Albums, Etc., give oppor-tunity for choice selectionsat moderate prices.

    Yet to ArriveMarble Statuary, Presenta-tion and Mis. elluneousBook, more Dolls, latestdesigns in Indian "Workand Jion-Bo- n Basket alsoa large stock of Crepe. Tis-sue Papeis iu ohoiccr-- t co-lors and tint edgi s,

    thos. g7 thrum,UIIMf 100 Fort Street.

    Turkeys for Tlwiiksgiviiig

    Good Fat CoTifed Turk,ysion TIUNKMIIYINU AT THK

    Waikiki Poultry Yard.Mb Ottlem to be left wilb

    t). W. MAUKAIU.ANK,tlUI-l- il ul Maufarlutiu.V t'o.'a,

    O. B. DWIQHTDora all klmii of Work in

    Oment & Stone Sideiaiks & Curbing.

    Ha liaNiiu liamla law aupply ol Cli.iimm (irHiile Curb ami nlwny. ln

    OurbliiK Hltinu. KtliiiNltt itlvenami loneil prluta uied, llollTelei'liimoM. IKO-t-f




    "Wliiter !Prices below any other

    Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.


    Waialae RanchMEANS



    Mutual Telephoae 507.

    Ball Telephoae 460

    mT 'IBB 10-MU- 8 ROaCl RaC8!



    ALFRED GRIFFITHSWlm Klnt Time l'rlrc.


    LOUIS t'iace I'rlto.

    llotb Itlilera M tunltst on "Clcvtlaml"II cyclci.

    A. 1. (1. Atkinson, wbo nrantlcHllvwon lint pUut, rode a machine. Iltteil Willi

    lilt veianu Jire.taV "O htmIhii I" Hi0T('le and Tlre are

    fat, rnn'lilerliiir itiem wer only tlirte"'lev landi" in tlm Itaee.

    H. E. WAbKHR. AgentMortSft;oo'ij Notice of Intontion to


    IN AUI'OKDANUK WITH THK HIO-vUIoii- hof u ceriuin iof ikho niHile byOharlrH II. Wil'Oii of Honolulu, Oahu, ut0nri; 1'. TowuhhiiiI. ol Haiti llnnolu u,imtiiil AuKitai lltb, A. I). lbUl.a'nl reco ilrtiin the OIIIck of Itejintmr of Conveyanem.,in H ok 17. piea 478, 47naU ia', notl.eIn litreby kIjimi thai tli said (leurtsit V,TowiiKenil, mor'mkeii, intu.u'H to foreoloHxtlm mill m.rl. iio for cu 'id it Ion b" ken, toWit: nni,.p ..viu nt uf prlnoipiil when due,

    NoiIom U u)wi beiebv xiveu Unit. Hie iro-pcr- tyeovereil hy nld inortt'0 will beold at I'ubllu Alivtl'in, ill tlieAucton

    lloomof Jan K. Moikhii, In nail! Honolulu,

    On SATUItDAY, Deomabor 22, 18111,AT VI O'UU0K NOON

    'Ibe 1'iopeny rovu'til by mid mo'lgURein deacrilied us 'oIIowb; All iliHtieruinnleivor pu'oil of lund uliunleat Kit uuku-bu-

    In inlil Honolulu, bounded and ileacribeil as fodowd, v z : CiiniinencInK atIbe uuitku corner of Yduiik ami I'tlkolsireetH anil ruiinliiK In an eau rly dlrtctlou bIoiik Young Htieet U1U-- feet, tlienoeIn a nortluriv direoiinu 1AO feet, tlienoe inuweterly dltiction to 1'iikol attcel 210.Ufeet, tbtmuln a ontlierlv il rectlon alnngPilkol Btreet 1W.H feet to place of

    contalulug an are ofof an acre.

    OKOKUK 1'. TOWNHKNU.U'Jl-l- m MortfiKee.


    rpilK UNllKUSlUNKl), H. KOCKK, AB- -X Hluneu in ISankrtipt y of tbu l'. atute

    of M.O, I'oriun, llllo, given ni.tiue to allorudltorH of mild bankrupt who buvu provedtheir claluiu, tlmt be ban llleil bin aeuouulh Ah Ikhho anil u pet.tluu for illHubarue,ituil tbal Im will prubeut tbe huiiiu furallowuiieu to tbu Hon, W. A. Wliltluu',Circuit J mice of tbu Klr.t Circuit, on 1'Itl-HA-

    November W), IMil, IMIl, at Iu c'ulockA, M , lit wliliib time mill plaeu uny pemouInloreii.ed can be lioa.rU.

    II. KOCKK,AtklKtiee of tbu IC.tale uf M, U, Uorren.Homilulll, Nov. '.M, Ititll. llUO--lt

    AJAniTPN MinilmurerofWniUKht Iron Kenueafur Ibirial litu, lienlileiiuuii, Oanltum, Jlitl.ronieii, eto, Uululi ktrvot. nenny uppoultullell Totter. U7HI

    V BreadPROM

    Stronger !Standard Flour iu Market.

    .O-BTSTT- S.


    Express Co.will conduct a General For-warding and Express Busi-nor-- H

    between the entire groupof Islands. Wo make our-selves responsible for all Pack-ages und Goods scut by u- -.We have responsible Auditsat all ports touched by fcteam-shi- p


    Our Express Wagons willcall for and deliver to anypint of the city.

    Baggage Checked direct todestination from hotel or residences.

    Packages and money sentty our Expre-- s hystem areguaranteed for their full va- -luo- -

    Our Agents board all in--I,,coming steamers.

    Baggage and Goods storedthree days free of charge.

    Kgr Place of Business:Hotel and Union strcetH.Both Telephones 179,


    IS THE OREAT 1wiBlood-Purifie- r;


    It attackiami break up

    o every humor.curesfriklLHVA akluerup.iniiii, restoresffsaVi cxliniiMei! Itul-lit- y,ami driveslTOlSjo-'-

    4 V tsA ifont everydlseaio.Nutlerem from

    debility, ormiy other all- -

    menl ariilm; from Iminire blniul, should takeA)cr'n Kamaparllla. It clvvn strength tothu eak, unit hillliU up the K)Stem eeuer-nll- y.

    lly Its uiu food It made nniirlshliiK,sleep relreshliiB, and life oujuyable.

    Ayer's SarsaparillaHIGHEST AWARDS AT THE

    World's Great Expoiltiont.Mudo bf Dr. J.O.Ayer ACo, Lowell,Mtlt.,U.R.A.

    tjhiivnif of ilit'Kji liiiltHtluui, The uaiiiA)er' hiirnuimrlflu Ii iirmnlnnit on theriiii'r,uiul It CIuhii Iu thu utui.ut tcU ut

    bur tiuttlm,

    Hollister Drug Co., L'd.,Bole AKunta for tbo Uepubllo of Hawaii

    IN THK OIKUUIT OK THK KIUST.liidli'lal Circuit of tbo HawaiianIn I'rolmte. In the matter of tbu

    Ktnteof AH HKK, late of Huuulel, Kmial,ileceuBi'd, Intebtiite.

    On reailliiK nml lllliif the petition of Althint, of Hunalei, Kiimil, partner 111 bust-lii'H- B

    of Bald Ab Hen, iilleL'iiiK tlmt All See,of Hunalei, Kauai, ilied lutentuto at Haiiu-le- i,

    Kauai, on the u'xth dnv of October, A.1). Ih'.H, nml prnyiiii; that ltiera ofAilmiulBtriilloii imtuil to 0. Wlnain, ofHonolulu, Oaliii

    It Unn'er.'d tlmt Kill HAY, tlufJUt dayof December, A 1), 1MH, I mi mid liern'iy lUiKiitei for heurlni: Bitbl 1'etltioli, ill tbuCourt Itooiu of HiIb Court, ut Honolulu, atwliliib lliimiiml plaeu nil pHrKOiincoucurueilmay uppear nml bIiow I'ltuxe, if any theylute, why Bald I'elitlou nlioilld not boKruuleil,

    Dated Homilulll, H. I., Nov, IV, A, D.thiil.

    lly thei'oiirtiCIIAULUS l I'KTIIIlbON,

    UlU-J- t Clurk,


  • ' 7. fJT&y?SHR tn,wnin tc:1T


    ' v

    .";0' Daily Bulletin Supplement, November 28, 1894.


    "The Qaeeo of Table Waters."


    flew York Tribunr.


    St. Jamti Budget,

    For Stic t Greatly Uednced Katesby

    F. A. Schaefer & Co.I10-- ll



    Wholesale Dealers In

    Lianors anil Manila Cigars IAMD

    General Chlneie Merchandiie1DOH At

    Nnt Olla, Itloe, Matting,Chinese Bilks, Teai, JCto.

    Baflltk ti4 Aasricti QroceriMBy Every Coait Steamer.


    W. W. AHANA.

    Merchant Tailor,


    BajUsi, Scotcb tod American Goods.Btyle and Kit Ooaranteed.

    Cleaning & Repairinglotail Tela. 668. P. 0. Box lit.

    1042-C- m

    WM. DAV1ES,Rigger It Stevedore,



    Tho Strnr "WAIM ANALO"DeiilnnlnK Monday, Oct. ?2, will pall at 6r m, amy Monday for Hanaper, Kuloa,1.1 bat and Klvela.

    fe. Inquire at oflloe of J. B. Walker,ovr BpmrkeU' Jlauk, Fort si reel, or onboard to Wm. Davim, Master and Owner.


    Fine Harness, SaddlesBRIDLES,

    Carriage Topi, Cushion,Fenders, Dailies, Btorni Aprons, Ktc, Ktc.

    210 Elng St. P. 0. Box 496.ISLAND OUDKItH HOUUITKl).

    Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Kitlmates given on all kinds o!





    Oovernmont in Oharge of Americana-Ceremon- iesat Bluotiolde.

    New Orleans, Novomber 9. Thosteamer John Wilson, which arrivedhere last night from Bluofields,Nicaragua, brings news of the happyending of tho recent troubles there.Oeueral Cabeza, who is iu commandof the district, has roinovcd martiallaw, which has prevailed over sincethe rising of the Mosquito Indiansou October 29th. The Government,which was chosen October '29th,and which includes several Amori-can- s,

    was installed with considerablepomp. Oeueral Cabeza presided,and nearly all the Americans in thecolony wero present. Tho Oovern-mont building was decorated withthe American and Nicaraguan flags,and harmony provailod betwoon the !

    people who wero so lately on un-friendly terms.

    Two Americans, one of them DavidIngram, sou of the latu politicalprisoner, wero appointed iu theCouucil of Oovornmeut. AnotherAmerican was made alcalde, or in-ag- o,

    and three Americans wero ap-pointed to the Municipal Couucil ofmo town ui diuouoiub. loo moon- -cans took oath to obey the laws ofNicaragua.

    Iu honor of tho event the day wasmado a public holiday, and tho re-- 1Joiciug was kept up for three days.

    The settlement of diUiculties was 'roceivod with much satisfaction bythe Americans in Ulueflelds, whoare the dominant influence there.Tho terms practically acknowledgesovereignty or Nicaragua over thecountry, but Nicaragua concedes theright of local government aud prac-tically places tho Americans iucharge of tho Oovernmont. Thesituation is regarded as so satisfac-tory that most of the refugees haeroturned to Dluoflelds.

    A Oroat BattloIn continually irolntr ou in the hu- -uim system. The uomou of impure jblood strives to gaiu victory overtho constitutlou, to ruin health, to idrag victims to tho grave. Hood's .Sarsaparilla is the weapon withwhich to defend one's self, drivo thedesporate enemy from tho field, aud .restore bodily health for many years. '

    Hood's Pills cure nausea, sickness,indigestion aud biliousness. 25c.


    NYONK WHO HAH CITY OK HU- -btirban iiroiMirty for sale at spot cash,

    and a reasomv price, mar addressHMtf T. II., IJulteiln Olllce.


    VIUTUK OF A WHIT OFItnifd out of tlm Klmt Circuit

    lmrt, on tin lutdnvof Novfinlior, A. I.IMII, aKAliiMl W II. 1;uii)Iii1iik, favor of Mm. J K. laukea. plalntlM, fortlm mini of $.''I7., 1 have Invlfil uikiii and

    Iia1I expoio tor unit at the l'ollco Hiatlon iIn the lllatrlot of Honolulu, IhIhiuI of 'Oalni. at la o'clock noon of BATl'KDAY.tlio 'Juth day of Ducmliur, l!ll, to tliuhlsliel bidder, all llie ilalit, title and et

    of lliu Mild W. H. CiiiiiiiiIiikh, ilefendant, In and to tlm following properly,union laid Juditiumit, Inlcro-- t, eosia andmy uxxni'H ue previous!) paiii.

    l.Ut of l'ronrtv (or halt:I land at Kauiaoialciin. Kalihi. Onhu.

    described In deed of J. Walilnruiiu to WII. CiiiiiiiiIiiki). dntcd April tt, ItlW, ami.reconlrd In l.lhor Vi. uaeo Sl'i

    .aud described in It. I. ai'Jl to W II ICuiiiiuIiikii ilaleil Ally. 21, IMU, roiitaluliiK I1 A.

    3 Land described In iked nf Kuaiuu (w.)and l.uka her hinilmml, to W. 11 Cum-mliiK- a,

    dated July 30, I8UU, recorded inl.lhor iiVpUKoVM.

    I -- Uml at Kfouepanee, Kalihi, Oahu,dchcribi-- in II. I'. 3177 to W. II Cum- -mlnys dated March A), lh!W, containing auarea of t acres

    ft -I- U Taro Patches with crop almost ripe.and Furniture.

    7 leasosif IjviiiIh at Kulllil:A- - l.eami from Kahlklnu (w.) and others

    to W. II. CuuimlUKH, dated July I, I MM, re.corded In l.lhor 1'JI, pai;u 17J;

    11 lase from Kiipulu (w.) to W. 11.('umiiilnt;!!, datud April 20, Ih'XJ, rrcordedIn Liber , jiaiie .

    fSa-Tl- in aliovii to bo sold subject to a 'monnano of fionu.UO to II K Cooke,Trustee, dated Dec, 18, lb!MJ. rccordui Iul.lhor VAi. pacu U

    Terms Cash: I'. H Hold Coin.flaTFor further particulars apply to J. j

    L' Attk.jl L" ll.iiil. I It.tMiaiiiiinuu .mi .,!.(;, iiunsuii. aiiurir'Vh for the nlaliitlll.

    K. O. IIITOHCOCK,Marshal Hopuhlinof Hawaii.

    Honolulu, Oahu, Nov. M. lbUl.HU7-- 5t

    Youslioliltl hour in mind (lint peoplewho have been iu the dents' Fur- -


    nulling nml Tailoring (or u life-time come very near knowingwhat you

    Wantin the shape of properly maderlnthhiK. Mr. Storey, was foryearn the cutter for Atlnmx, thofamous San FrnncNro Tailor.We lmp a frci-- line of Goodsthat are

    BargainsWo are nlan wayup in the acuta '

    Furniohini: Line, and keep con- -. ....stantty on a supply of

    tho very latest Tle, l)rcH Shirts, 'Fine, Ktc, Klc, and jwe intend to compute both in iiiriccnnd quality with any similar Istore in Honolulu, ;


    lllO-3t- ii 413 Fort Street.

    Mutual Telephone Go.


    A T Till: A1UOUKNKI) ANNUALl McetlhR nf till Company IipIiI Nov.Illtli. IKII. tho following Olllcern wereelected for tliu eniiilni; onr:

    Win O. Irwin PresidentCecil Hrown


    Jame Oampltell, Uodfroy Hrown. II. A.Wldeuuiuti, J. F. Drown ami W. F.Allen.

    At Director' meetlnit of Nov. 'JO, IMH,under tin Hy-la- of llie Company, fur-ther elections wero made an follows;

    J. F. Hrown HenretaryUodfrey llrown Treasurer0.0. IkTitcr Amlltor

    J. F. IIUOWN,lll(Min Bccreta'y Mutual. Tel. Co.

    Pointer Paps For Sale I

    Dam Honolulu llrlle (riOlilwhose dam wat Vor. byDuke of Vernon Iniportrd);ikUMsi alru nf Honolilln Helle w

    UieuiiuiKii wowa!iliiiKirted from lliulandat a cot of $IIH). The klre of thmf uiitIt lionoiu'u Duke iimiMirit'd) irom theBliaborua KeiiueU, Ottaw, III. Tun brerdInk; of theiiM Mipi cannot Imi lnai ou theManiit Father and other loth brokento hunt. Alao two (loMi'll ilmrh nl'eiyiurkt-il,- iiioiiiIh o,d For further par-ticulars, apply to

    W. M. OUNNINUIUM,An. hor Haloon.

    Machinery Fur Sale!

    I KNtllNK, Double Cylinder, KIiik'h Ac-tiu- n,(IxU Cylinder, l' llor-- o 1'owiir.

    1 VKItriOAI. TUIMII.AK UOII.KK, ft feelloin;, It) luu es diameter, co'iUnu iiklUD'J-l'ic- h IiiIxjh; will supply steam for15 Horau Power Kiik lie.

    I FKKD PUMP with all connections.

    The above am all in Kood order mi'l canbe h"il a a bargain by aiiplyini; to the ini Ubjom Fee4 Co., LM.

    H. ECA da 8ILVA,UUB. BCLO ,

    (UVK MUHIO I.KSHONS ONWll.I, Htrlni;ed Instruments, In fPrenuh, HpanUh or PorlUfiiose

    IjuiniuiKes. Address Inquiries to ilm,-LkTi-(I Mice. 11ir-2- w


    riiHK WIN(1 ON TA1 CO. Wild, DO AX Oexeial Itetall Merraullle llitilnesaat llonolulu, Islaiu of Uxliu. au I l.umKam bin Is the Manager of nald builnessand hai full authority to xii;u the tirinname In all matters appertaiultii; to eatdbusiness.

    WINO ON TA1 CO.,ll'JJ-2- King street.


    Frozen Turkeys

    For Thanksgiving Day !

    -- AW'

    Live Tu'keys, Gtese & CiVcfceos



    Kalihi Poultry RanchAll Poultry from tho above Hnneli"nu """ "u n """""Jj,"1

    tle? Bi il nnlcrt for any devrlptlon ofPoultry Allte, or Killed aud Dressed.

    California Fruit Market,Corner King and Alakea Bts.

    Mutual Tki.kimioxr 878.lim-t- t

    L. B. KERR'S



    Pine Suitings,Elegant Patterns,

    and Latest Stylos.


    100 Yards Down to Enough

    tt Mike a Single Salt I- AND AT -

    Hard Times Prices!L. B. KERIt, - Imfoutku,


    People's Baggage Express

    WIl.l, OAI.I. ANY l'AUT OK Til Kfor IIAIIflAIIK. All llimuiiaI received liy tit will In handled with rareana ii sua on. wauutll....f ... ...U..I .11 I...... I.... ....I I......1, ,,ltl, ,V IlirVI Ml, i.fll'IKI, Mllll .,l,.- -Inland Hteamer. Movlni; I'iau is andKurnltiim a aicltlty. Olllce United(krrlttKu Co. and I. Ivory Htables, corner ofKin ami Korlbl reels next to K O.HalltV Hon. Both Telephones '."O.


    ?sm Jlrtittofl mk the m1W

    iota Tlroraa STHE ARLINGTON

    A. Family Hotel.1'rr Day $ 2IVrWeek U


    The Itest of Attendmioe, theand the Finest Meals In the City.

    T. KROUSE, .... Proprietor.BACK AGAIN TO WORK.

    ! 1ST. F. BXTR.C:HjSe' Uaualu prepared U repair (Jtrden Hose.

    HpriukleiH, Water Taps, etc. Haw FIIIiikand all kind of Tools iluryened. Inclnd- -liiK CsrvliiK. Knives ami Hrbi.orH; Ijiwu.LI... aa ..Anll. .IB D..., I.... ill....,nbi.',i mnu Drum,; ui.ra, illfart ah kinds of juhbliiK. Worx called for

    lid returned Hm,; up 102 MntualTela-phon- oany time before It a. m. 117WI

  • Daily


    Grocery . Store32 NIMIANtI STItKKT,

    Detwccn Hotel nml KIiir Street, next to 'ahooilnit Unllcry.

    JTjM n11 I i ilhjHits opened a Plrd-i'l.T- n (Iroeery Storem above. Me will krep nlw.iys nil handthe Host niul l'ri'ln"l.

    American and English Groceries

    Provisions, Spices,Canned Goods, Etc.,

    Ami iln lili Im'1 to ptenio nilCuitiiinurn.

    Pnri'limei dellverrd lo nil nnrtuof tho City.

    Mlia-twa- l Tcloplion.o 2257.

    FIRE,LIFE and



    Bartfonl Ptre Iaiarance Co., IIUwtl, 17,109,825.49.

    Loiitu a LuacMhire Fire Ini. Co.,I

    iMeti, 14,317,052.Taaaea aai Hereej Harlie Ina. Co.,

    Il.lmlttl)JMta. tB.124.057.

    Nov York Ul Iaa. Co.,iaaeta, 1137,499,198.99.

    G. 0. BER6ER,Qeaaral ageat for Hawaiian lalaata.





    HtrwMB AUkua and Richards Simla.,.,.,,,'IM1K AUK PKK- -1 pared lo make all kinds of Ironllrass, limine. Zlno. Tin Hint Uad fast- -InRs. AUob General KepalrBhop forHteam Kni'lnes, Klce Mills, Corn Mitlt-- ,vaier wueeis, winu oinu.eic. mncninei

    lor th UlHanlnu of IVjIlee, Castor Oilsiieans, Jtamlu, Hlsal, I'iiirapjile lieayet amioilier Miirona rianis ami raiier niooxAlso Machines for KxtractliiK Biarob fromi be Manioc, Arrow ltoot, ate.

    All orders promptly attvndad to



    MaDagemeDt and Sale ot Property

    Collecting In All Its Branches.Ornua: No. 42 Merchant Street.

    WtPTCTAL T33X.lXIXOW:j53 3 BO

    Dishes and Ulamiwnre WauUidlClocks, Wfttfliea and Jewelry Wanted'Old Cold ami Silver Wanted I

    OT HlQbMt Pricai Pall I Jtk114 Klnsr Stroot. Cornor of Alukee.

    The Daily Jlullctin, SO venlit pirmonth, delivered by currier.

    Bulletin Supplement, November 28,AKUESTED fc'OU AK30N.

    P. Howell Dots Iuto a SeriousPrediealUaut.

    Tho police secured sulh'eiont uvi- - ,donee yesterday to warrant the ar-ru- st

    of J. P. llowon for arson. Therewas a lire in Itonun's residence atWnikiki on Friday night last, andhad it not ocen (or tliu prompt asinstance rendered by neighbors t litiun,g0 antj jls contents would Iibvhboon entirely consumed. Tho finwas extinguished and evidence ofincendiarism was discovered. UncoilLiliuokalani owned tho building andllowon had furniture in the houseinsured for 5?fKJ. Upon investiga-tion by the owner's agent it wasfound that a lire had been deliberately built under the house. A can

    biejwTb!!m"noiu iii wio uuor, aim uie piece 01board cut out replaced and securedwith battens. How en was seen toleave the house fifteen minutes be-fore tho lire broke out, and thework could not have been accom-plished in that time.

    The following jury was empanelledby Marshal Hitchcock and an in-quiry was held Monday afternoon:Charles li. Wilson, Joseph D. Oil-man, W. O. Peacock and M. Davis.Upon the jury's verdict tho warrantot arrest was issued. A bond of."AXX) was required and the prisonerwas unable to secure snlllcleiitsurety, ile spent the night in jail.


    Church Services and ltccroatloiiB Outof Doors.