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  • 8/7/2019 Pages_on_Menstruation_1


    In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and CompassionatePraise is for Allah and peace upon His slaves whom He has chosen

    O Allah, send blessings and peace upon our liegelord Muhammad, his pure folk, radiantcompanions and those who follow them in excellence until the Final Day

    The needy servant, AbdulKarim Yahya, may Allah pardon him and his Shaykhs, says: the

    following are brief pages summarizing rulings of menstruation and related subjectsaccording to the school of Muhammad b. Idris al-Shafii, Allah be pleased with him. I askAllah to make them solely for His Noble Countenance. Seeking Allahs aid, depending onHim, and turning our affair to Him, we begin.

    Allah, Exalted is He, says: They ask you about menstrual bleeding, say: It is an impurity,so avoid women where they menstruate. Approach them not until they become pure.When they have purified themselves, come to them from whence Allah has commandedyou. Indeed Allah loves those who are oft-repenting and He loves those who purifythemselves. Quran (2:222)

    Lady Aisha, Allah be pleased with her, said: The Prophet, Allah bless and grant himpeace, would recite Quran with his head in my lap while I was menstruating. (Bukhari andMuslim)

    She, Allah be pleased with her, also said: I would drink while I was menstruating and thenpass it to the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he would place his mouthon the spot of my mouth and drink. And I would bite meat from a bone when I wasmenstruating and pass it to the Prophet, Allah bless and grant him peace, and he wouldput his mouth on the place of my mouth. (Muslim)

    Bukhari and Muslim narrate from LadyA

    isha, Allah be pleased with her, that she said:We went forth with the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, mentioning nothing

    other than Hajj, when we reached [a place called] Sarif, I menstruated. The Prophet, Allahbless him and grant him peace, came in and I was crying. He said, What makes you cry?and I replied, I swear by Allah that I wish I did not make Hajj this year! He responded,Perhaps you have menstruated? I answered, Yes. He said, Verily this is something thatAllah has written for the daughters of Adam. Do what someone on Hajj does, other thanthat you do not circumambulate the House until you become pure.

    1. Basics of Menstruation, Lochia and Abnormal Bleeding

    1.1. Definitions

    1. Menstruationis natural bleeding at specific times.

    2. Lochia(postnatal bleeding) is bleeding immediately after a fetus leaves the womb.

    3. Abnormal Bleedingis everything other than these two.

    AbdulKarim Yahya 2010

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    1.2 Age of Menstruation

    Imam Shafii said: The earliest women I have heard of in their menstruating are the womenof Tihama. They menstruate at nine years of age.

    1. The minimum age of menstruation is approximately nine lunar years.

    2. There is no maximum age.

    1.3 Durations of Menstruation and Purity

    Imam Shafii (Allah be pleased with him) said: I know of a women about whom it has beenconfirmed for me that she continuously menstruates for a day and no more than that.

    Ata (Allah be pleased with him) said: I have seen among women those who menstruateone day and those who menstruate 15 days.

    1. The minimum menstruation is one day (i.e. 24 hours).2. Typically it is six or seven days.3. The maximum is 15 days.

    4. The minimum purity between two menstruations is 15 days.5. The average is 23 or 24 days.6. There is no maximum.

    1.4 Span of Lochia

    1. The minimum duration of Lochia is one gush.

    2. The average is 40 days.3. Its maximum is 60 days.

    1.5 Qualities of Menstrual Bleeding

    1. Bleeding means that color is present such that if a cotton ball were to be inserted itwould be discolored.

    2. The strength of menstrual bleeding is determined by three things: color, thickness, andodor.

    3. The colors in descending order of strength are: black, red, brown, yellow, and dusky.

    4. Imam Nawawi said in Minhaj: Yellow and dusky are menstruation on the soundestposition.

    5. Gaps of non-bleeding during menstruation and bleeding during pregnancy that fulfill theconditions of menstruation are considered menstruation according to the strongestposition.

    AbdulKarim Yahya 2010

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