
17 Sports Special Feature The Hiltop Special Sports Se- niors Morgan McComish Golf Claim to Fame: Q: Why did you come to Corban? A: I knew I wanted a Christian education and to play golf. I grew up in Salem and heard great things about Corban. It was a great fit for me and my goals. Q: What are your plans after graduation? A: I’m planning on taking a vacation. When I’m back, I’ll get back to work at Doty & Company CPA firm, where they intend to keep me on as an ac- countant. I’ll also finish planning my wedding. Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life? A: It’s incredible to be part of a team. Working with oth- ers for a common goal really brings people together. is also taught me how to work with people. It’s blessed me in many ways; you learn and grow on a team like you never could elsewhere. Abigail Pynch Softball Claim to Fame: Has a .292 bat- ting average, made 22 runs this sea- son. “Her contributions to our team this year, both on and off the field, cannot be overstated”-Head Coach Nathan Ohta Q: Why did you come to Corban? A: Because of its atmosphere that emphasizes spiritual growth and maturity, also so I could continue to play softball on a suc- cessful team. Q: What are your plans after graduation? A: (ANSWER COMING SOON) Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life? A: It’s taught me the importance of a team all working togeth- er to achieve a common goal, bigger than myself. I played for Chemeketa before coming here, and they wanted to win, but playing for a team that glorifies God above anything else is extremely impacting. Steven Blum Baseball Claim to fame: Maintains a high GPA, and broke the career double and triplerecords this year. “He has been very successful at the plate his entire career”- Assistant Coach Josh Warner. Q: Why did you come to Corban? A: I was being recruited for baseball and also because I wanted to come closer to God and have a better relationship with Him. Q: What are your plans after graduation? A: I plan on looking into a few different job options. For the summer, I plan on being a part of Baseball NW and working with high school guys in baseball. Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life? A: It has taught me many different things. I learned more about reponsibility and leadership. Emma Winckler Softball Claim to Fame: Scored 20 runs this season, had a .269 batting average. “She is a solid individual in terms of her Christian faith and character, and is a great role model for her teammates”-Head Coach Nathan Ohta. Q: Why did you come to Corban? A: Because, for some reason or another, I felt God calling me here. Also, Coach Nathan Ohta approached me to play, and I couldn’t pass up playing for another two years! Q: What are your plans after graduation? A: I’m going to Disneyland! en I’ll be moving back to Eastern Washington to try and find a job with my Exercise Science degree. Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life? A: It’s taught me many things: pride, respect, confi- dence in who I am and my God-given abilities and trust. It’s been a great learning experience. Tyler Doornink Baseball Claim to Fame: Main- tains a high GPA and has pitched 5 wins this season. “Doorn- ink is a good spiritual leader and has pitched well for us this year”-Assistant Coach Josh Warner. Q: Why did you come to Corban? A: Because it was a school that not only cared about my education, but also my spiritual growth. Q: What are your plans after graduation? A: I plan on going to medical school. Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life? A: Sports have been a blessing because they’ve allowed me to worship God in something I love to do!

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17Sports Special FeatureThe Hilltop

Special Sports Se- niorsMorgan McComish

GolfClaim to Fame:

Q: Why did you come to Corban?A: I knew I wanted a Christian education and to play golf. I

grew up in Salem and heard great things about Corban. It was a great fit for me and my goals.

Q: What are your plans after graduation?A: I’m planning on taking a vacation. When I’m back, I’ll get back to work at Doty & Company CPA firm, where they intend to keep me on as an ac-

countant. I’ll also finish planning my wedding.Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life?

A: It’s incredible to be part of a team. Working with oth-ers for a common goal really brings people together. This

also taught me how to work with people. It’s blessed me in many ways; you learn and grow on a team like you never could elsewhere.

Abigail Pynch Softball

Claim to Fame: Has a .292 b a t - ting average, made 22 runs this s e a - son. “Her contributions to our team this year, both on and off the field, cannot be overstated”-Head Coach Nathan Ohta

Q: Why did you come to Corban?A: Because of its atmosphere that emphasizes spiritual growth and maturity, also so I could continue to play softball on a suc-cessful team.Q: What are your plans after graduation?A: (ANSWER COMING SOON)Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life?A: It’s taught me the importance of a team all working togeth-er to achieve a common goal, bigger than myself. I played for Chemeketa before coming here, and they wanted to win, but playing for a team that glorifies God above anything else is extremely impacting.

Steven BlumBaseball

Claim to fame: Maintains a high GPA, and broke the career double and triplerecords this year. “He has been very successful at the plate his entire career”-Assistant Coach Josh Warner.

Q: Why did you come to Corban?A: I was being recruited for baseball and also because I wanted to come closer to God and have a better relationship with Him. Q: What are your plans after graduation?A: I plan on looking into a few different job options. For the summer, I plan on being a part of Baseball NW and working with high school guys in baseball.Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life? A: It has taught me many different things. I learned more about reponsibility and leadership.

Emma Winckler Softball

Claim to Fame: Scored 20 runs this season, had a .269 batting average. “She is a solid individual in terms of her Christian faith and character, and is a great role model for her teammates”-Head Coach Nathan Ohta.

Q: Why did you come to Corban?A: Because, for some reason or another, I felt God calling me here. Also, Coach Nathan Ohta approached me to play, and I couldn’t pass up playing for another two years!Q: What are your plans after graduation?A: I’m going to Disneyland! Then I’ll be moving back to Eastern Washington to try and find a job with my Exercise Science degree.Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life?A: It’s taught me many things: pride, respect, confi-dence in who I am and my God-given abilities and t r u s t . It’s been a great learning experience.

Tyler Doornink Baseball

Claim to Fame: Main- tains a high GPA and has pitched 5 wins this season. “Doorn-ink is a good spiritual leader and has pitched well for us this year”-Assistant Coach Josh Warner.

Q: Why did you come to Corban?A: Because it was a school that not only cared about my education, but also my spiritual growth.Q: What are your plans after graduation?A: I plan on going to medical school.Q: How has participating in sports enriched your life?A: Sports have been a blessing because they’ve allowed me to worship God in something I love to do!