page six plattsburgh sentinel jha¥(» ibanks …page six plattsburgh sentinel tues:,. march 2, 1926...

PAGE SIX PLATTSBURGH SENTINEL TUES:,. MARCH 2, 1926 IP, r H 21 28 ii 1 .8 15 22 29 MARCH T 2 9 16 23 30 W 1 T 3 10 17 ^ 31 4 11 18 25 [ 1926 F 5 12 19 26 ^~ s 6 13 20 27 & MOOER5 Teh. 26.—A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin: Trowbridge, Wednesday eve nltlg, Fe<b. 24th, when Mr. Kent A. Darbie of Danielsdn, Conn. and Mrs. Emily Bushnell of Canter- bury, Conn., were united in 'mar- riage by the Rev. Mr. Trowbridge, brother of the bride. Rev. Stan- ley Lawrence offered a very mp- prcfpTiate prayer. Mrs. Edith StevenSon played in her usual ef- ficent style the wedding march as the couple slowly walked down stairs to the place in the living room where they were to be made one. Congratulations followed, after which a bountiful dinner was served to about twenty of "the in- timate friends and relatives. Mr. Dftrbie is a well known thrifty bttStfttess man in his town, also holds a Very responsible position in (Connection with the famous Jteuglass camp-meeting in Mass. BtrtK Mr. and Mrs. Dai>bie are high Jy esteemed by their many friends. Wek too join with their friends in wtfttlng for them God's blessing and- great joy as they tread life's p^ftwety together. . istr, Myron TVells returned Wed- nesday morning after making a sh<3rt visit in Houghton, N. Y., Whtre his wife and three of the fattfttly are attending school. The'funeral of Mr. Chas. King wsis held in the methodist church Thursday afternoon. Rev. Mr. gttmner officiated. ' "ft was very exciting the other worntng •When t h e rotary plow took a trip around the depot vi- «ittlty. iSome who had never seen it before, agreed that surely it is a ' wonderful machine. How did we ever get along without it! Miss Kathryn Fitch has gone to Potig-htceepsie as a delegate from the Idea} union to a regional con- ference. Sarfinac kake with their .sis'jcr, Hus;tn Cane who is ill ;ind she is some \ lilt h f ' d thin thev exi ect 0(1 t) Imd lit i All ind Mis Clpmen ( hi is in lire lpjjuink ova i b i h bo\ Mis Times Oh\c is home iftei spending t\\ > ueoks in P'Dttsbniq The Queen I stlveis <-uoper ind entei t unment he d u thr hoime of Mts Rimvm ( roiruo M rndaj Teb 22 u is i splend d success the sum of $13 20 bein., deired E\er\bod\ repoi ts a good time Mi and Mis W iltet White ha\e returned lifter A «ew da><3 visit in AUnn* md JVEttibrook -with his sistei Mis Chiiles Deftette The town tnctoi has been plow inp out the i on. Is The Queen LMhei s held then reguHi meeting at the home of Irene Bi uce "Flapper Evangelist" Weds WEST PERU 'We have had some qu^te cold weather Ahe past few days, and when It warmed up some snow fell and'now we have plenty of snow for jftil' purposes. - 'jkujgh Boswell and sister, Kath- yrlne, with Jane Rochester, were tfc© 1 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ,BttS#«i Sunday. '-•«£..?&. Tanner was a business visitor in'Peru Wednesday. trfrs. Agnes-Ball entertained her granddaughters Sunday. J. ST. Dawns was a business caller in.^fero Monday. \&lfi. J&hn Donohue is not very well at present. j&orothy Boj-d returned to her school in ^Peru Monday. Thomas Irwin made a business trij* to Peru Tuesday. Sj#nn,eth. Smart was in Peru vil- lage.(Saturday. - Ktigji B. Down-, was the guest Of his'uncles, Patrick Boswell, Sun- day/"" ' < BCfi-sie Pitzpatrick called on -Mrs. Jajtfi«8 JMatfnlx .a few days ago. J. J.-Boswell transacted business in Peru Saturday. #uth Allen, of the Normal School,.was •with her parents over the,, week-end. Atargaret Boswell returned home Thursday, after a few days' visit with rJa'tives and friends. M>. and Mrs. .Samuel Irwin re- cwily mad^e ,_a business trip to Peru. James Mannix tailed on Mrs. Thomas Quinn Sunday. Thomas Irwin called on P. T. Fitzpatrick Sunday afternoon. Martha Irwin, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin, who had the misfortune to get badly burned, is much better now. Jerry Sulivan recently made a business trip to Main St. Frank Smart was in Peru vil- lage Monday. Patrick- Boswell was in Schuyler Falls Wednesday. Raymond Downs, student at the Nottmal, tfpenl. the week end at home, returning; ( J school Tuesday. ROUSES POINT Mar. 1.—Dr. John Martdigo of Baltimore is visiting his- uncle and aun Mi and Mis Cox Paul Bull is age 27 died at the C. V Hospital PlitWbmgh aftei a six \\ eeks illness «ind •was buned here Feb. 2 7. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife the> being mai- ried only a few months ago. At the \illage oincus held it the Hose House Sa'urilaj Feto 27 the following -oiiiceis weie nominat ed Piesident Dr Chas Stewart, 242 \\m Landi\ 47 Tor Tiustee Geo. McChesny, 246; Jerry Brown» 43 All ^Vhitm-, ^as nominated un a'mmousU foi Tiustee as uas Hvf old Aishline for Collector, and A. C. Bullis for Treasurer tind' Mollie Hoag for Libiar\ Tiustee The Knights of Columbus will present the furious Dutch Detec- tive a fuce comedj n 3 evcts for the benefit of the new church fund on St Pi neks mi,ht at the new church auditorium. Julius Rosomiyer has returned from New York City where he has been purchasing goods A nice 10 1b boy w is born to Mr and Mis Thcxmas- Coicman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swinburne are the proud parents' of a baby Sirl. Mr and Mis I"i mcis Landiv h,ave a son Mrs. Jo.s\ Palmer who died at Whitehill X "i ^\ is buried here last wtck Albeit Coopei who jccident.illj shot himself in the arm. and hid to ha\e the aim amputtted it he Socket is getting along well Mose Dup'uis was token to the Ogdensbuu: tS ite HospiMl foi treatment. IHELEN0RAWSABYE JHA¥(» IBANKS IN MENTONE TOURNEY PERS6NALS h she seed BARRACKS FOR EFFICIENT AID Sends Letter to Colonel ' j Mi: I tenla friends :u Westport She is leaving today t relntives at Au-Sabl Mabel Stanley returned yes , from a two weeks visit with j nd Willsboi-o ; i remain witli Fforks and ; him I nilh e questi»n o Do Alvarez in the iuwc-r ompromist-il h.ilf, by ing Se- e. Didi ; and : pl-acing \ ON THURSDAY FIRE Saranaic Lake for a'bout ten days. Rabbi Horvitz. who was former- at the Beth Israel Synagog in Plattsbnrgh, will broadcast from Station KYW at Chicago Sunday night, starting at 8 P. M. Many lo'caj friends are planning to tune IN OPERATION FORJSTTME Each Box 'Rang In" Twice An Hfiur ; CITY ^ Mrs. Doris Thomas ha. •eturned Burling- | Mile M,st, at the top of one aunt .Efforts of Post Firemen of Incal- j t0 her hom6> 158 Cornelia St. af- | t*>i ml the Spanish cha-mjpion at; ""'" Kl ~ *—' "- l t|he top of the other. ' Miss "\"\ ills announced ;oday i j she will ike a rest nfter the Can-j cutable Assistance, He Declaims PatroJracn Can Bo Rcaclwxl Qnick- ly from HeaAqnaPters by Flashing I^hts nes to | Mmch u-nament, tho third passing the wii Vt. " J Mis.s Mildred Ilanlon of Peru Is ! Mayor Cross yesterday .sent t h e ' passinff tne week-end with her: The new police call box system •eek in ! following letter to Col. John H. | aunt , Mrs. B. Cslftyun South Cath [was placed in operation for the erine St. ! first time last night. " '. " Bessie Handell, "famous "flapper evangelist" of Santa Ana Calif is the bride ot the Rev Bert \V Biuffett Photo shows the newl>weds after the ceremony. I POTSDAM LOSES TO FRAMUMCADEMY I By defeating Potsdam's five last jPiidi\ night, 18 to 14,-Franklin Academj of Malone clinched the J right to pliy ifor the title at Can- | ton again this year. F. A. has. won J Hughes, commandant of tPlatts- Barracks, thanking him " ••-*•• »«* u-onsia.Dn» jonn xiigeiow is visit- riucn oi the efficient aid of the post fire de- friends Mj relatives^ in EUenburg ! twice ever; *nt Thursday morning: "My Dear Col. Hughes:— Officers and men under your mand responded to a call for aid i , as stenographer to Dr. J. H. Wor- the devastlng fire in this city Thurs! man day morning. The efforts of these j jUymoni Rabideau of Whitehall officers and,men contributed in an I is passing a f6w d in p]aUs . ^calculable degree to getting the[ bursh flames under control and confining ' Constable John Bigelow is visit-} Each of the five boxes is rung'In •y hour, the night mart on duty at headquarters .making note of the call and the time when it is made. If there should be oc- casion to reach a patrolman on the beat the headquarters man press .a button ea using a red light to flash at the box until an answer is made. In -the daytime for a few days. Miss Frances A. LaAIare of Lyon Mountain has accepted a position STATE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL I 10 league games this season and.,jf hem t o t h e Midin^ 1 known as the lost but one. Indications are that j O'Brien Block. , 'Tianklm will be opposed in the I "Had it not been for this timely i titulu o ame by the Gouverneur and efficient assistance from your s very highly prob- ATHLETICLEACUE IS FQRMED TUPPER IME HHJH DEFEATS CHATEAUGAY command it able tha,t the fire could not have Mount Assumption Institute of Plaltsburgh to Be Re- presented in Association Which Will Function Un- der Rules Similar to Those Adopted by Public High School Athletic L e a p e ALBANY, X \ , March 1 (AP)-Rcpi contain es oi ten Catholic high schools meeting- with Daniel Cha->c, state supei- Misor of physical education here toda), oi^ani/ed the New York State Catholic A.thklie \ssociation which will function under lules similar to^tho^e adopted b> the New \ork State Public High School Uliletic League organized se\cial \cais ago for the promotion of mtci^chola^tic athletic? mD m iztion Tupper Lake high school defeat el C hnteaugay high school on the formers basketball court Satur- di\ night The score was 13 to 1 1 Tupper Lake played one of its best games of the season to get \ictoi\ The Tupper Lake girls de feated the Chateaugay girls in a piehmm i ontest, 12 to 5. No pioduict Which has to be ship jied mj. distance can be better fthan its container. This applies equ illj to eggs and egg-plants, ap les \nxl ipple-sau<?e. been gotten under control by ha the city's fire department ^ alone! without spreading to adjacent build ings. "I desire to express to you as Officer in Command and to the offi- cers and men who came to our assistance my appreciation and sin. cere thanks for the prompt res- ponse and splendid work they did In fighting the fire. Very cordially yours, WILLJAM E. CROSS, Mayor of Pittsburgh. on business, and is stop- ping with his sister, Mrs. Henry Gowett. Miss Grace Smith is spending the week in Albany. Mrs. John McCann and Mrs. John Du.claw of Peru were call- ers at the New Physicians hospital yesterday. E. D. Maggie of Dannemora was a lo'cal business visitor yesterday. , Shertrcan Moore of Peru was a caller in town yesterday. Joseph Corrier of Cadyville tran sacted business yesterday in -Platta burgh. Vic to; a few hours In this city yesterday* Arthur ^tone, formerly of the j Silver Slipper, was fined $1500 in l-federal court yesterday and corn- a bell rings at the box. The new system was installed on order of the common council at the request of Police Chief John E, Sweeney, who is taking every step possible to place the department on ah efficient and modern basis. Officer Elmer Gray was at head quarters last night handling the box calls, duet to the illness of Sergt. Marsh. The five boxes are located at the corners: Oak and EWn, Peru and Haimilten, Bro^id and Ca therlne, Lorraine and Sailly Aye., Bell of Moffittsville passe*] Cm'nellft, and Catherine. G . & E . EMPLOYES ENJOYABANQUEt Foi the pui pose the stite AWS divt sections cxrlus\e Cit\ which undci will not be lepiemo- tions \ eic design it wtstPi n cinti il ii ] eun pi ULI The • 1 is no h 1 upt 1 \ Great American. Noise Produced By Ukulele ithl cha Pi CHAMBERLAIN SPEAKS TO LEAGUE COMMITTEE t Differences In Ijeagwe Council Xot Of Pi'inelpal, But Of Method He Sajs LONDON, Mjar. 1 (AP.) —At th< House of Commons this afternoon Sir Austen ChacnDberlain for an >iour addressed a meeting of the | league of Nations pAiluitncn I -A J committee which the pnmte min s i ter Stanlej Bildwin iddiesscd ! is week on the subject of the comin.t. j .Geneva meeting. 1 The proceedings were prn i f I and came to a piemataie end 1 a call to an important division n ( ,the house, which prevented an> que<st ons being put to the m n s ei ' Accordiny, to the version- of h ^ speech authonzed bj S I \us on t be issued to the press, he explain cd thit tho diffeiencc^ \\Y ch e\ i.sted o\ei the league counc 1 woio d ffereiices not of pi m< pie 1 ut of method uheieb\ on!" omrmnn t all siippoi eis f i h IP u" wo o t 1 e ittunel hf >f n \ e I Id ti i i "\ h "\ itt n st m 1 -^ i P L 1 U It ')U1 M J< 1 h in s He l use bin mu ] 1C \ssin A \C 1 Ul 1 en 1 U i. 1 1US lptl U in doni invent will be \\ ill One Ins u? i\tntu c elected u j m I i ht: I A' spuiitT Is - •coal s t n k e !•• Mighked iiui' planning hi-, •cultivate hi*, •possi-blt set r n *h£ the f-u Uicuf PitlKl tial 1 it Hi. ern. Lio hoi 1 /-fi CipiUl Ihe ch t m n Sparkling Curtain Pull "" cons itute the rt BECAME DRUG ADDICT TO CURE HER ASTHMA So St. Albnns Woman Claims in Securing- Release t>n Irf>w Bull fault of payment. D. A. R. MEETING The Saranac Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet Saturday, March the 6th in the Presbyterian Church parlors. The Board will meet ut 2:30 P. M. und the regular meeting will be held at 3 P. M. Mr. Alfred L. Diebolt will be ST.'ALBANS, Vt., Alar. I. (A.P.) j —A plea that she had been ad- ! d'i<-ted to drugs for 20 years in an I the - speakei ' He wiU take as hIa ' iubject. "America's Responsibility Employes of the Pittsburgh Gas & Electric .Co. held a ba^ruet at the Tavern in Peru Saturday nigtyt aljout fifty local people-making: the trip hi humes. A chicken disaer was served' Speeches were .given by Homer Urdfrnan aad L.CArixey, who stpoke on "Preferred Stock and Efmploy- ,e» Association." A loeel orches- tra, furnished the m'usrtc. drugs for 2 0 years in an fl'ori to oure asthma won probably ( ho lowest bail for alleged drug in muggling ever granted here, today United States C^mmtesioner, C. D.-- the Worl This is sure to be Watson freed Mrs. Celia Murray,' lias Morisey, of this city, in $200 bonds. Federa.1 xigents who trailed Mrs. Murray to Montreal and back took her from an inbound Canadian train here last night. A federal •uilding matron found several lundred dollars worth of drugs in concealed pouches on a.n elaborate harness under her clothing. CHILEAN OUTPOINTS McCRAWOF DETROIT Loayza Knocked Abtto6t Into In- by M^Graw in Spectacular Finisti of the -mo-st interesting meet- ings of the yaer. Mr. DieiDolt is a forceful speaker and a clear think- er and he has chosen a subject of keen interest to all. All nrumibers of qther chajpters are cordially invited to attend. DR. WORMAN REACHED A6E OF 81 ON SUNDAY Dr. J. II. Worman of Westport, ^\ T . Y., who is making his annual stay in Pittsburgh .before* taking his cruise to South America ports for study and recreation, spent a i memorable day Sunday, which was PERU W, P, 31. S. The W. F. M. S. "of Peru M. E. church will meet Wednesday after noon at 2:30 with Mrs. Russell Clark. After the business meet- ing the following program' will be given. Singing. Devotional topic. The Hope Chest, Mrs. Robert Gordon. .' Text book study, Mrs. Nickerson 'Piano solo, Mrs. John Clark. 'Sunbeams, .from Sorrowland, Mrs Bratnan. When Prayer was answered, Mrs Prudotm. The House Inside, Mrs. Mclntyre Mystery Box, Mrs. Gr»y. Singing. Social hour. X. -O MAY" SINGHI BREE2T TJ * ^ Ip [z NEW YORK, Mar. 1. (A.P.)— I Stanislaus Loayza of Chile deci- sively outpointed Phil M-cGraw of Detroit, in a lightning fast ten round match, feature of the Bronx , Hospital Fund Card at Madison j Square garden tonight. Eighteen thousand persons, a capacity crowd j were on their feet at times during | the match to cheer the gladiat- j who battled with both fists at top! speed from start to finish. Tho fight presented a dramatic ' finish when -L'oayza, who led by | wide margin going into the tenth i iund, was knocked almost into ( in^eniSibWty ,1*- McGraw's spec- ticular finish. The Chilean vir- I tually was "out on his feet" when the final bell rung, more' from sheer exhaustion than from the power of McGraw's punches, but j he managed to survive tho ordeal ] by clinching and hanging on. Un- der the rules of the New York state Commission, Loayza was eti- titled to Uve decision because he won the greater number of round?. BOKN SWXNIBURNE—Pittsburgh, the anniversary of his etehty-first jy., Feb. 26, 1926, a daughter Julia natal day, and which happens to be EMzabeth to Mr. and Mrs. Fred- jsilso the same last day in February erick II. Swinburne of Rouses Pi. 1 on which our Dr. Schiff celebrated DESL.ISLE—Plattsburgh, N. Y., his birthday. Feb# 2Q, 1926; a son Stanley Fran- A splendid dinner was served j cis to Mr. and Mrs. John Delis'ie at the Monopole for which the ' and grandson to Mrs. Sarah De- chef decorated the table with a cake beautifully supplied with can dies, and inscribed in artistic taste as 'follows: "Anniver. .ings", "1S45-1926. 1 Dr. Woman is lisle. CHRISTIAN—At Stimnac. N. Y. .Feb. 26, 1926, a soft-Alton Rus&cil Greet- j to Mr. and Mrs. Clement Christian j , and grandson to Mir. ijrwV llr«, topped at "The | George V. Christian and Mr. and Emanuel' Maggy, j Wilson". 33 Broad St. Many were j the congratulations received from J j friends, college professors and stu j DIED : dents bin th* Doctor prizes most j DOXA.IS—-At the Champiatn I this message from his son, B. J. j Valley Hospital, February 28, 1928 who is president of the Lake Cham plain National Bank, "I wish to offer my congratulations and best wishes on the experience enjoyed j by but few, your eighty-first birth j day tomorrow". Leo Donais, at th© age of 12 years. WILSOX—Entered into Feat at her home in Brookline, Mass., Fe&. 23, 102t>. Mrs. Mary Alicfr Wilson, (daughter of C;»pt. John B. Stone*', 118 Regt. N. Y. V.) aged G6 years'. T! ; PU]| Is a: ! is no\(J a j your owtj decorative 1 terfly is otten mo«t | two medium '-I/ 1 ': Put your decoiativL j your two ci\stals t \ together firinlv with i ihf>si \ around th< edfei s Now v rsiing to ma.k< atrractivp Cl oose iriotif A buf- 'ftccti P Get •\lch TV la s nouf t iHocn n t o ct May Breen, Who Never Saw Hawaii, Adopts Na- tional Instrument For U. S A. i * 1 o£ the weathei' Mr. Davis of richuy- ler Falls made his weekly trip through M nil S' VVednt'rfihjy . «le- liverjn^; sjouds to his cu.'st^nierd. 1 ribbon and , liquid glut ; cut it about [ an inch rf < HIP host You ding Alar. iml W lame . l il ft SABANAC —.Mrs. Marv Cru'i iarn White have I el' spendins u l'ow lie. Jas. PtMr'tifd days in ch rib an the tilts cad Tifer bon uhe y le in£f in t pu 1 P iv e niou t will be 1 th si it t n* 1 c Whtlv or ni llSL utl i rvv lr on CIO U V tho if. l i t 1 <, lit C '>oy and girl like definite things and do not scorn the easy to learn, either—and will bolster up a not-too-good voice. "The no t mteiestmg ukale 1 * <vompaniments I have made are igned for a collection of for- uiei fa\0Mte-1 like 'Two Little 1i .'3 In Blue,' "My Sweetheart'* rt M i n re Moon' and S-\y idle o I Lut Not bood B\e ' 1 i icmoiies of tl e pa t t i ^ ui» ne,td in a book t i <- i (. d O'd Ii^iei ' which >b o un r it in tie ll ppiu who l PARIS lA.l'.)—Tht sued fo dimini.s ;sthe run down 1 injuries neck and damages 1 on their \ fi i otl ti-, a i t tr t \ \ mt th<ni •> paity ior the ' t ti" e da\s VOW OI'FN FOi; BrSIVFSS t'-reii ^ Lcfep. X-... 1 Ui-id^-o St. I.o.,k and see if you hfiv<? e n o u g i oddly cf pat,t tod \ au. Thanks.—Adv. .on | BANK BY MAIL Banking by mail is Safe, Simple and Saves Time! This Bank has hundreds of depositors who have never been within its doors. Send in your deposits by Pastoffice Money Order, Express Money Order, Bank Check or Cash by Reg- istered Mail accompanied by letter of instructions. k This Bank is a Mutual Savings Bank in'which all property and profits belong tcrtherdeppsitors. BURLINGTON SAWjGS BANK Corner College and St. Paul Stj^ets Deposits received on or before March 5th draw in- terest from March 1.

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Page 1: PAGE SIX PLATTSBURGH SENTINEL JHA¥(» IBANKS …PAGE SIX PLATTSBURGH SENTINEL TUES:,. MARCH 2, 1926 IP, r H 21 28 ii 1.8 15 22 29 MARCH T 2 9 16 23 30 W 1 T 3 10 17 ^ 31 4 11 18 25




i i




W 1 T



[ 1926F




Teh. 26.—A quiet wedding tookplace at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Edwin: Trowbridge, Wednesday evenltlg, Fe<b. 24th, when Mr. Kent A.Darbie of Danielsdn, Conn. andMrs. Emily Bushnell of Canter-bury, Conn., were united in 'mar-riage by the Rev. Mr. Trowbridge,brother of the bride. Rev. Stan-ley Lawrence offered a very mp-prcfpTiate prayer. Mrs. EdithStevenSon played in her usual ef-ficent style the wedding march asthe couple slowly walked downstairs to the place in the livingroom where they were to be madeone. Congratulations followed,after which a bountiful dinner wasserved to about twenty of "the in-timate friends and relatives. Mr.Dftrbie is a well known thriftybttStfttess man in his town, alsoholds a Very responsible positionin (Connection with the famousJteuglass camp-meeting in Mass.BtrtK Mr. and Mrs. Dai>bie are highJy esteemed by their many friends.Wek too join with their friends inwtfttlng for them God's blessingand- great joy as they tread life'sp^ftwety together. .

istr, Myron TVells returned Wed-nesday morning after making ash<3rt visit in Houghton, N. Y.,Whtre his wife and three of thefattfttly are attending school.

The'funeral of Mr. Chas. Kingwsis held in the methodist churchThursday afternoon. Rev. Mr.gttmner officiated.' "ft was very exciting the otherworntng •When the rotary plowtook a trip around the depot vi-«ittlty. iSome who had never seenit before, agreed that surely it isa ' wonderful machine. How didwe ever get along without it!

Miss Kathryn Fitch has gone toPotig-htceepsie as a delegate fromthe Idea} union to a regional con-ference.

Sarfinac kake with their .sis'jcr,Hus;tn Cane who is ill ;ind she issome \ lilt h f ' d thin thev exi ect0(1 t) Imd lit i

All ind Mis Clpmen ( hi is inlire lpjjuink ova i b i h bo\

Mis Times Oh\c is home ifteispending t\\ > ueoks in P'Dttsbniq

The Queen I stlveis <-uoper indentei t unment he d u thr hoime ofMts Rimvm ( roiruo M rndaj Teb22 u is i splend d success the sumof $13 20 bein., de i red E\er\bod\repoi ts a good time

Mi and Mis W iltet White ha\ereturned lifter A «ew da><3 visit inAUnn* md JVEttibrook -with hissistei Mis Chiiles Deftette

The town tnctoi has been plowinp out the i on. Is

The Queen LMhei s held thenreguHi meeting at the home ofIrene Bi uce

"Flapper Evangelist" Weds

WEST PERU'We have had some qu^te cold

weather Ahe past few days, andwhen It warmed up some snow felland'now we have plenty of snowfor jftil' purposes.- 'jkujgh Boswell and sister, Kath-yrlne, with Jane Rochester, weretfc©1'guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.,BttS#«i Sunday.'-•«£..?&. Tanner was a businessvisitor i n ' P e r u Wednesday.

trfrs. Agnes-Ball entertained hergranddaughters Sunday.

J. ST. Dawns was a business callerin.^fero Monday.\&lfi. J&hn Donohue is not very

well at present.j&orothy Boj-d returned to her

school in ^Peru Monday.Thomas Irwin made a business

trij* to Peru Tuesday.Sj#nn,eth. Smart was in Peru vil-

lage.(Saturday.- Ktigji B. Down-, was the guestOf his'uncles, Patrick Boswell, Sun-day/"" ' <BCfi-sie Pitzpatrick called on -Mrs.Jajtfi«8 JMatfnlx .a few days ago.

J. J.-Boswell transacted businessin Peru Saturday.

#u th Allen, of the NormalSchool,.was •with her parents overthe,, week-end.

Atargaret Boswell returned homeThursday, after a few days' visitwith rJa'tives and friends.

M>. and Mrs. .Samuel Irwin re-cwily mad^e ,_a business trip toPeru.

James Mannix tailed on Mrs.Thomas Quinn Sunday.

Thomas Irwin called on P. T.Fitzpatrick Sunday afternoon.

Martha Irwin, the little daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin, whohad the misfortune to get badlyburned, is much better now.

Jerry Sulivan recently made abusiness trip to Main St.

Frank Smart was in Peru vil-lage Monday.

Patrick- Boswell was in SchuylerFalls Wednesday.

Raymond Downs, student at theNottmal, tfpenl. the week end athome, returning; ( J school Tuesday.

ROUSES POINTMar. 1.—Dr. John Martdigo of

Baltimore is visiting his- uncle andaun Mi and Mis Cox

Paul Bull is age 27 died at theC. V Hospital PlitWbmgh aftei asix \\ eeks illness «ind •was bunedhere Feb. 2 7. He leaves to mournhis loss his wife the> being mai-ried only a few months ago.

At the \illage oincus held itthe Hose House Sa'urilaj Feto 27the following -oiiiceis weie nominated Piesident Dr Chas Stewart,242 \\m Landi\ 47 Tor TiusteeGeo. McChesny, 246; Jerry Brown»43 All ^Vhitm-, ^ a s nominated una'mmousU foi Tiustee as uas Hvfold Aishline for Collector, and A.C. Bullis for Treasurer tind' MollieHoag for Libiar\ Tiustee

The Knights of Columbus willpresent the furious Dutch Detec-tive a fuce comedj n 3 evctsfor the benefit of the new churchfund on St P i neks mi,ht at thenew church auditorium.

Julius Rosomiyer has returnedfrom New York City where he hasbeen purchasing goods

A nice 10 1b boy w is born to Mrand Mis Thcxmas- Coicman

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swinburneare the proud parents' of a babySirl.

Mr and Mis I"i mcis Landivh,ave a son

Mrs. Jo.s\ Palmer who died atWhitehill X "i \̂ is buried herelast wtck

Albeit Coopei who jccident.illjshot himself in the arm. and hidto ha\e the aim amputtted it heSocket is getting along well

Mose Dup'uis was token to theOgdensbuu: tS i te HospiMl foitreatment.



h sheseed


Sends Letter to Colonel '

j Mi:I tenlafriends :u WestportShe is leaving today trelntives at Au-Sabl

Mabel Stanley returned yes ,from a two weeks visit with j

nd Willsboi-o ;i remain witli

Fforks and ;

himI ni lh

e questi»n oDo Alvarezin the iuwc-rompromist-il

h.ilf,b y

ing Se-e. Didi ;and f» • :

pl-acing \


Saranaic Lake for a'bout ten days.Rabbi Horvitz. who was former-at the Beth Israel Synagog in

Plattsbnrgh, will broadcast fromStation KYW at Chicago Sundaynight, starting at 8 P. M. Manylo'caj friends are planning to tune


Each Box 'Rang In" TwiceAn Hfiur ;

CITY ^Mrs. Doris Thomas ha. •eturned


| Mile M , s t , at the top of one aunt .Efforts of Post Firemen of Incal- j t 0 h e r h o m 6 > 1 5 8 Cornelia St. af-| t*>i m l the Spanish cha-mjpion at ; ""'"Kl~ *—' " -l t|he top of the other. '

Miss "\"\ ills announced ;oday ij she will ike a rest nfter the Can-j

cutable Assistance, HeDeclaims

PatroJracn Can Bo Rcaclwxl Qnick-ly from HeaAqnaPters by

Flashing I ^ h t s

nes to| Mmch

u-nament, tho third

passing the wiiVt.

" J Mis.s Mildred Ilanlon of Peru Is !Mayor Cross yesterday .sent t h e ' p a s s i n f f t n e week-end with her: The new police call box system

•eek in ! following letter to Col. John H. | a u n t , Mrs. B. Cslftyun South Cath [was placed in operation for theerine St. ! first time last night. " '. "

Bessie Handell, "famous "flapper evangelist" of Santa Ana Calif is thebride ot the Rev Bert \V Biuffett Photo shows the newl>weds after

the ceremony.


I By defeating Potsdam's five lastjP i id i \ night, 18 to 14,-FranklinAcademj of Malone clinched the

J right to pliy ifor the title at Can-| ton again this year. F. A. has. won

J Hughes, commandant of tPlatts-Barracks, thanking him

" ••-*•• »«* u-onsia.Dn» jonn xiigeiow is visit- riucn oithe efficient aid of the post fire de- f r i e n d s M j relatives^ in EUenburg ! twice ever;*nt Thursday morning:"My Dear Col. Hughes:—

Officers and men under yourmand responded to a call for aid i , as stenographer to Dr. J. H. Wor-the devastlng fire in this city Thurs! m a n

day morning. The efforts of these j jUymoni R a b i d e a u o f Whitehallofficers and,men contributed in an I i s p a s s i n g a f 6 w d i n p ] a U s .^calculable degree to getting t h e [ b u r s h

flames under control and confining '

Constable John Bigelow is visit-} Each of the five boxes is rung'In•y hour, the night mart

on duty at headquarters .makingnote of the call and the time whenit is made. If there should be oc-casion to reach a patrolman onthe beat the headquarters man

press .a button ea using a redlight to flash at the box until ananswer is made. In -the daytime

• for a few days.Miss Frances A. LaAIare of Lyon

Mountain has accepted a position

STATE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLI 10 league games this season and.,jfhem t o t h e Midin^1 known as thelost but one. Indications are that j O'Brien Block. ,

'Tianklm will be opposed in the I "Had it not been for this timelyi titulu o ame by the Gouverneur and efficient assistance from your

s very highly prob-


command itable tha,t the fire could not have

Mount Assumption Institute of Plaltsburgh to Be Re-presented in Association Which Will Function Un-der Rules Similar to Those Adopted by PublicHigh School Athletic Leape

ALBANY, X \ , March 1 (AP)-Rcpi contain es oi tenCatholic high schools meeting- with Daniel Cha->c, state supei-Misor of physical education here toda), oi^ani/ed the New YorkState Catholic A.thklie \ssociation which will function underlules similar to^tho^e adopted b> the New \ o r k State PublicHigh School Uliletic League organized se\cial \cais agofor the promotion of mtci^chola^tic athletic?

mD m iztion

Tupper Lake high school defeatel C hnteaugay high school on theformers basketball court Satur-d i \ night The score was 13 to1 1 Tupper Lake played one of itsbest games of the season to get\ictoi\ The Tupper Lake girls defeated the Chateaugay girls in apiehmm i ontest, 12 to 5.

No pioduict Which has to be shipjied mj. distance can be betterfthan its container. This appliesequ illj to eggs and egg-plants, aples \nxl ipple-sau<?e.

been gotten under control byhathe city's fire department ^ alone!without spreading to adjacent buildings.

"I desire to express to you asOfficer in Command and to the offi-cers and men who came to ourassistance my appreciation and sin.cere thanks for the prompt res-ponse and splendid work they didIn fighting the fire.

Very cordially yours,WILLJAM E. CROSS,

Mayor of Pi t tsburgh.

on business, and is stop-ping with his sister, Mrs. HenryGowett.

Miss Grace Smith is spendingthe week in Albany.

Mrs. John McCann and Mrs.John Du.claw of Peru were call-ers at the New Physicians hospitalyesterday.

E. D. Maggie of Dannemora wasa lo'cal business visitor yesterday., Shertrcan Moore of Peru was a

caller in town yesterday.Joseph Corrier of Cadyville tran

sacted business yesterday in -Plattaburgh.

Vic to;a few hours In this city yesterday*

Arthur ^tone, formerly of thej Silver Slipper, was fined $1500 inl-federal court yesterday and corn-

a bell rings at the box.The new system was installed on

order of the common council atthe request of Police Chief John E,Sweeney, who is taking every steppossible to place the departmenton ah efficient and modern basis.

Officer Elmer Gray was at headquarters last night handling thebox calls, duet to the illness ofSergt. Marsh.

The five boxes are located at thecorners: Oak and EWn,

Peru and Haimilten, Bro^id and Catherlne, Lorraine and Sailly Aye.,

Bell of Moffittsville passe*] Cm'nellft, and Catherine.


Foi the pui posethe stite AWS divtsections cxrlus\eCit\ which undciwill not be lepiemo-tions \ eic design itwtstPi n cinti il ii

] eun piULI The •

1 is no h1 u p t 1 \

Great American. NoiseProduced By Ukulele

i t h l

c h aP i


tDifferences In Ijeagwe Council Xot

Of Pi'inelpal, But Of MethodHe Sajs

LONDON, Mjar. 1 (AP.) —At th<House of Commons this afternoonSir Austen ChacnDberlain for an>iour addressed a meeting of the |league of Nations pAiluitncn I -A Jcommittee which the pnmte min s iter Stanlej Bildwin iddiesscd ! isweek on the subject of the comin.t. j.Geneva meeting. 1

The proceedings were prn i f Iand came to a piemataie end 1a call to an important division n (

,the house, which prevented an>que<st ons being put to the m n s ei 'Accordiny, to the version- of h ^speech authonzed bj S I \us on tbe issued to the press, he explaincd thi t tho diffeiencc^ \\Y ch e\i.sted o\ei the league counc 1 woiod ffereiices not of pi m< pie 1 ut ofmethod uheieb\ on!" omrmnn tall siippoi eis f i h IP u" wo ot 1 e i t tunel

h f



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set rn *h£the f-uUicuf

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Sparkling Curtain Pull"" cons itute the rt


So St. Albnns Woman Claims inSecuring- Release t>n Irf>w


fault of payment.


The Saranac Chapter, Daughtersof the American Revolution, willmeet Saturday, March the 6th inthe Presbyterian Church parlors.The Board will meet ut 2:30 P. M.und the regular meeting will beheld at 3 P. M.

Mr. Alfred L. Diebolt will beST.'ALBANS, Vt., Alar. I. (A.P.) j

—A plea that she had been ad- !d'i<-ted to drugs for 20 years in an I t he- s p e a k e i ' H e w i U t a k e a s h I a '

iubject. "America's Responsibility

Employes of the P i t t sburgh Gas& Electric .Co. held a ba^ruet atthe Tavern in Peru Saturday nigtytaljout fifty local people-making: thetrip hi humes.

A chicken disaer was served'Speeches were .given by HomerUrdfrnan aad L.CArixey, who stpokeon "Preferred Stock and Efmploy-,e» Association." A loeel orches-tra, furnished the m'usrtc.

drugs for 2 0 years in anfl'ori to oure asthma won probably (

ho lowest bail for alleged drug i n

muggling ever granted here, todayUnited States C^mmtesioner, C. D.--

the Worl This is sure to be

Watson freed Mrs. Celia Murray,'lias Morisey, of this city, in $200

bonds.Federa.1 xigents who trailed Mrs.

Murray to Montreal and back tookher from an inbound Canadiantrain here last night. A federal•uilding matron found severallundred dollars worth of drugs in

concealed pouches on a.n elaborateharness under her clothing.


Loayza Knocked Abtto6t Into In-by M^Graw in

Spectacular Finisti

of the -mo-st interesting meet-ings of the yaer. Mr. DieiDolt is aforceful speaker and a clear think-er and he has chosen a subject ofkeen interest to all.

All nrumibers of qther chajptersare cordially invited to attend.


Dr. J. II. Worman of Westport,\̂T. Y., who is making his annual

stay in Pi t tsburgh .before* takinghis cruise to South America portsfor study and recreation, spent a

i memorable day Sunday, which was

PERU W, P, 31. S.The W. F. M. S. "of Peru M. E.

church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. RussellClark. After the business meet-ing the following program' will begiven.

Singing.Devotional topic.The Hope Chest, Mrs. Robert

Gordon. .'Text book study, Mrs. Nickerson'Piano solo, Mrs. John Clark.'Sunbeams, .from Sorrowland, Mrs

Bratnan.When Prayer was answered, Mrs

Prudotm.The House Inside, Mrs. MclntyreMystery Box, Mrs. Gr»y.Singing.Social hour.



TJ * ^ Ip [z

NEW YORK, Mar. 1. (A.P.)— IStanislaus Loayza of Chile deci-sively outpointed Phil M-cGraw ofDetroit, in a lightning fast tenround match, feature of the Bronx

, Hospital Fund Card at Madisonj Square garden tonight. Eighteenthousand persons, a capacity crowd

j were on their feet at times during| the match to cheer the gladiat-j who battled with both fists at top!speed from start to finish.

Tho fight presented a dramatic' finish when -L'oayza, who led by| wide margin going into the tenthi iund, was knocked almost into

( in^eniSibWty ,1*- McGraw's spec-ticular finish. The Chilean vir-

I tually was "out on his feet" whenthe final bell rung, more' fromsheer exhaustion than from thepower of McGraw's punches, but

j he managed to survive tho ordeal] by clinching and hanging on. Un-der the rules of the New Yorkstate Commission, Loayza was eti-titled to Uve decision because hewon the greater number of round?.


the anniversary of his etehty-first jy., Feb. 26, 1926, a daughter Julianatal day, and which happens to be • EMzabeth to Mr. and Mrs. Fred-

jsilso the same last day in February erick II. Swinburne of Rouses Pi.1 on which our Dr. Schiff celebrated DESL.ISLE—Plattsburgh, N. Y.,his birthday. F e b # 2Q, 1926; a son Stanley Fran-

A splendid dinner was served j cis to Mr. and Mrs. John Delis'ieat the Monopole for which the ' and grandson to Mrs. Sarah De-chef decorated the table with acake beautifully supplied with candies, and inscribed in artistic tasteas 'follows: "Anniver..ings", "1S45-1926.1

Dr. Woman is

lisle.CHRISTIAN—At Stimnac. N. Y.

.Feb. 26, 1926, a soft-Alton Rus&cilGreet- j to Mr. and Mrs. Clement Christianj

, a n d grandson to Mir. ijrwV llr«,topped at "The | George V. Christian and Mr. and

Emanuel' Maggy,j Wilson". 33 Broad St. Many werej the congratulations received from Jj friends, college professors and stu j DIED: dents bin th* Doctor prizes most j DOXA.IS—-At the ChampiatnI this message from his son, B. J. j Valley Hospital, February 28, 1928who is president of the Lake Champlain National Bank, "I wish tooffer my congratulations and bestwishes on the experience enjoyed

j by but few, your eighty-first birthj day tomorrow".

Leo Donais, at th© age of 12 years.WILSOX—Entered into Feat at

her home in Brookline, Mass., Fe&.23, 102t>. Mrs. Mary Alicfr Wilson,(daughter of C;»pt. John B. Stone*',118 Regt. N. Y. V.) aged G6 years'.

T!; PU]| Is a:! is no\(J aj your owtj decorative1 terfly is otten mo«t| two medium '-I/ 1': Pu t your decoiat ivL

j your two c i \ s t a l s t\ together firinlv with i ihf>si\ a round th< edfei s Now v

rsiing to ma.k<atrractivp Cl oose

iriotif A buf-'ftccti P Get•\lch T V la snouf t iHocn

n t oct

May Breen, Who NeverSaw Hawaii, Adopts Na-tional Instrument For

U. S A.

i * 1

o£ the weathei ' Mr. Davis of richuy-ler Fal ls m a d e his weekly tripthrough M nil S' VVednt'rfihjy . «le-liverjn^; sjouds to his cu.'st^nierd.

1 ribbon and, liquid glut; cut it about[ an inch rf <

H I P hostY o u


Alar.iml W

lame .



f t

SABANAC—.Mrs. Marv Cru'iiarn White have I

el' spendins u l'ow

lie. Jas.P t M r ' t i f d

days in


r i ba nt h e


cadTiferbonu h ey lein£f

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if. l i t1 <,lit C

'>oy and girl like definite thingsand do not scorn the easy tolearn, either—and will bolster upa not-too-good voice.

"The no t mteiestmg ukale1*<vompaniments I have made are

igned for a collection of for-uiei fa\0Mte-1 like 'Two Little1i .'3 In Blue,' "My Sweetheart'*

rt M i n re Moon' and S-\yi d l e o I Lut Not bood B\e '

1 i icmoiies of tl e pa tt i ^ ui» ne,td in a book

t i <- i (. d O'd Ii^iei ' which >bo un r it in t ie ll pp iu who


PARIS lA.l'.)—Tht

sued fo



run down1 injuriesneck and

damages1 on their

\ f ii otl ti-, a i

t t r t \ \ mt th<ni•> paity ior the

' t t i " e da\s

VOW OI 'FN F O i ; B r S I V F S S

t'-reii ^ Lcfep. X-... 1 Ui-id^-o St.

I.o.,k and see if you hfiv<? enougi

oddly cf pat,t tod

\ au. Thanks.—Adv.. o n |

BANK BY MAILBanking by mail is Safe, Simple and Saves Time!This Bank has hundreds of depositors who have

never been within its doors.

Send in your deposits by Pastoffice Money Order,Express Money Order, Bank Check or Cash by Reg-istered Mail accompanied by letter of instructions. k

This Bank is a Mutual Savings Bank in'which allproperty and profits belong tcrtherdeppsitors.

BURLINGTON SAWjGS BANKCorner College and St. Paul Stj^ets

Deposits received on or before March 5th draw in-terest from March 1.