paa taraq - ranankum - you (all's) name

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  • 7/27/2019 Paa Taraq - Ranankum - You (All's) Name


  • 7/27/2019 Paa Taraq - Ranankum - You (All's) Name


    ~ ~ J - - - : - : ' ! I I

    MtlNZUl_:AMuN N t m ~ Ak1) n t A ~ ( ~ ,Stni ~ A t}ANUU1 kNOWN 'CJ ~ AS: ~ e ~ ~ ~ N A ~ =4

    Faa T ara9 "The Wa!J"

    .. " (1l0R,.N t UESDAY' lUIE26,1945A.n.mtAkO\ADI,qll,ll\A \'\'E)t Af . c,\ 'Salllivll\G


    ~ n ~ n ~ : r 9 9 ~ Ranankuum

    "You (All's) Name"

    The Revelations to the N uwaupian.Paa Taraq-The Way

    1. JLo! Nuwaupians my beloved children jewels!of my eyes.2. You often ask me what is in a name.3. And teacher of righteousness,4. And teacher of Ontology, l>In-)91, lfJ Zdahuti'what does my own name mean to me ?5. And teacher of Wu-Nuwaupu, Amun Nabab iRayay Ak h Ptah, Amun Nub RE Akh Ptah what isl

    , the relationship to names, titles, attributes and tones.6. And teacher ofNuwaupu, Yaanuwn, Yaa-Nun.IYay-Nun. Does my Nuwaupic name of our 1n1nm9Salaf-u "ancestors " and or our ~ n l > l A n ~ 9 Nazdaru :


    I" tIE ~ l 1 t


  • 7/27/2019 Paa Taraq - Ranankum - You (All's) Name


    "Overseers ", if I am given or take on their ancientname, title, or attribute, relate to me now?7. Well my beloved I will say this first to you. Aname is made up of letters and vowels which in actualfact is sound and tone.

    11 8. And all sounds and tones vibrate.. 9. And vibrations manifest or materialize.

    10. Music is tones, or sounds, and vibration.11. So one can record sound as music notes , tones,sounds, and scores.12. Also a name is a score of music.13. This is the same for titles and attributes.

    , 14. And therefore vibrate, that is move to and frorapidly and continuously,I 15. Oscillate, quiver, vibrate,: 16. Vibration, vibrator, vibratory and vibrant., 17. Sound is also recorded as colour.

    18. And colour is hue, tint and complexion.19. So colours are also created by sound, tone and .1,vibration.20. Sound is waves, that is motion.21. And the right sounds or waves can affect youremotions;22. As does the song or music you like.23. If fast and upbeat it can make you happy and iiwant to move or dance.

    . 24. If slow and downbeat can make you sad andwant to lay down.25. Both are affecting your emotions; or energy in

    . .. . ---- --- _... - _ . ....

    motion in your brain, which affects your body as well '





    as mood or state of mind and feeling.26. Being moody or changing in mood beinggloomy or joyous.27. It all means movement or function. Affectingthe living by sounds, tones, notes and beats .28. And how they are put together by a musician.29. Or come together by natural nature.30. Such as water rushing against the shore can be jrelaxing.31. The breaths blowing the leaves also can be Icalming all by natural nature making sounds which are :music tones.32. Now Nuwaupians with that overstood let us :think on this wise.33. A sound, a tone or a note .34. In music you have octaves, that are eight notes,one after the other,35. If you move on a keyboard to the right, the :sound or tone it gets higher.36. If you move on a keyboard to the left the sound ,

    . or tone it gets lower.37. Each key on a keyboard when touched movesor beats , and the striking of a certain string gives youa sound or tone or note.38. If you started at the middle of the keyboard adwhat's called "Middle C" ,

    I 39. Next to it on the right is "D", that is moving to

    A )..

  • 7/27/2019 Paa Taraq - Ranankum - You (All's) Name


    the right.I;40. If you had moved from "Middle C" to the left iis "B", so its B-C-D.41. Each is a note, a tone or a sound.

    "42. And each vibrates on its own sound and is whythey have different letters to represent them.43. So one octave or eight notes is from one C note ,

    I to the next C note:C - D - E - F - G - A -B C

    '44. From C note to C note is one octave on a keyboard.,A5. So each name title, attribute is made up of ,sounds or tones or notes .

    :46. If a name is more than one part such as Amun:you hear two notes or beats such as, AH and Mun.i47. Now look at Zdahuti, 'TnLj Har, E ~ n L j Asar,:Ey-'Y'V

  • 7/27/2019 Paa Taraq - Ranankum - You (All's) Name


    I, 66. Your body is vibrating right now.67. The tone of your own voice is a note.68. You can raise it or lower it.69. Yet, you have a natural tone of you .70. And when you are speaking your body still vi-brates and makes it own sound or tone.71. Singers learn how to blend with music to make 'pleasing sounds as songs, or evil can do the opposite.72. Sound can make you sick.73. Sound can make you sad.74. Sound can make you die.75. Sound gets inside your being and body to yourspirit, mind and soul.76. When many people come together on the samesound called singing, chanting, praying or yelling it

    . can affect physical and/or material things.; 77. These show the power of sound with emotions.78. If you are named after someone in your ownDNA family, it 's like being on the same note.79. Now Nuwaupians know this is the reason whyyour ancients had so many names, titles, and attributes.80. So that they can change their own vibration lev-'I els as why I gave you all so many name changes over 'the many schools.81. Also you notice that your ancient Egiptian I

    il l ancestors shorten names such as not using vowels ordoubling letter.

    : 82. From Nabab to Neb or Nab from N.B. orSKR, to Sakar, or SYMBOLS, no vowel sounds.83. So invaders would never know how to pronounceone's true name.84. You see Greek spellings Zdahutwy becameTehuti, Djeheuty, shortened Tut, and Thoth.85. All was done to protect their Etherian being., 86. They had birth names, given names, slang names .


    or shortened, titles, attributes, throne names and afterphysical life names.87. Each is a tone, sound and vibration.88. So to protect your true self, think of the namesyou keep. I89. Some of you keep your English name. Think ofeach time you are called by it, all the spirit beings deador alive turn in your direction or in the direction of thatsound.90. Because like the C note you are all C notes.91. I f you keep Arabic names and you're not an IIArab, when someone calls you or speaks your name Ito you, Kareem, Jamiylah, Faatimah, Hasan, Mu- Ihammad, etc. I92. These are their tones. Mu - ham - mad.93. You are not Arab by nature; you converted tothe Arabs of Arabia religion who worship their own .Allah.94. All the Muhammads who are Arabs by spiritforce, you link your sel f to them both evil and good :ones. Most are evil.95 . Yet, they can 't help you , because your DNA isnot the same as theirs be they Hindu, Hebrew, Sume


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    Ii rian, Indian, English, Yoruba or others.96. You bring their spirits at you. Can they hurt you?

    , 97. Yes, and spirit forces from the dead 'world canenter your body if you open up to them by a tone or, belief.98. They can hurt you because no good spirit force "has need of your body.99. It 's only the evil ones who are trapped and wantto use your body; hurt you, even cause you to kill. It's!all because of sound and tones in names.100. Now to your often asked question.101. When you take the name or attribute of the A n- ident Nazdaru "Overseers" such as Geb, Nut, Nith,

    , Hat-Har, Anpu, Satukh, Asar, Ash-Et, Nabt-Hat;Khansu, Zda tu ti or RE-Mus, do you link to them and ;must you act like them or live up to their name?102. First of all, know these are attributes of their'physical actions while they lived however, not their se-:cret , sacred tones, so no.103. Thave to give the chosen ones their tones or in ,the next life they will not be called or ab le to } n ::j=9 -b, shawub "answer ''.104. So don't think because you have a name you .have to be that person or you can contact that person inthe next world.105. They don't go by that living name.

    106. So they can oversee, look over you, watch you, 'guide you right.107. Yet when you call their names for help they canhelp you if it's true pure thoughts;l08. Yet, only if it's to help other than yourself; forthat you have your own ancestor relatives.


  • 7/27/2019 Paa Taraq - Ranankum - You (All's) Name
