pa musician magazine july 2013


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This is a free publication with 15,000 hard copies distributed throughout Pennsylvania. It is a magazine to help promote live music throughout PA. It's not only for the people who make music, but also for the people who love music. Check it out and see where your favorite band is playing next.


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ACROSS THE DESKBy Whitey & Robin Noll

My life has been full of miracles this month. I’m

looking good to meeting my deadline for July’s issue,

that is a true miracle especially considering that Rachel

Rocks is in Florida and on a 19 day vacation. She did get

her article, hotshots and cover story done before she left.

She usually comes up and helps me send the pages to the

printers and a bunch of last minute stuff, but I’m doing

good. Hopefully I’m turning over a new leaf. Next

month my goal will be to write my article ahead of time.

(It’s good to have goals).

Whitey and I had some excellent news. He went for

his 6 month cancer check up and got the all

clear...WOOHOO!!! We go again in January than if he is

all clear Doc Levin will only have him get checked

yearly, what a relief that is. So for all those that don’t

follow us on facebook it is exciting news indeed. When a

family member gets cancer or has a debilitating disease it

affects the whole family. Praise God from whom all

Blessings flow! We are very thankful. We were also

thankful to participate in the Relay for Life at Trinity

High School. The Carcinoma Crushers raised more

money this year than last but not near enough to compete

with the other teams. The Camp Hill Relay did exceed

their goal this year. If you have an interest in donating to

Cancer Research please considering donating through

our team. We want to raise more money for next year’s

event, the Lord willing.

This past month while delivering I did get a chance to

stop at The Eagle Hotel in Fredericksburg for their

Customer Appreciation event. It was happening during

the day so I lined up my delivery route so I could get

there in time to hear Kat & the Mad Dogz. I got there

early enough to treat my ears with the sounds of Not

Quite Einstein from Palmyra. An excellent band as well.

The talent and quality of the musicianship throughout PA

simply amazes me. Living with a musician I see how

many hours Whitey puts into playing and learning new

things everyday. Not Quite Einstein are five musicians

who work diligently on their music. You can tell that

they enjoy what they’re doing. They didn’t have a

backline at this event so they change overs were rather



Bass &

Vocals for

Not Quite


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long and it was hot. Of course Mike and Jen had plenty

of food and ice cold beverages to keep us all happy while

we waited. It really wasn’t that long I was just anxious to

hear Kat & her Mad Dogz. They were well worth the

wait. When they took the stage and began to perform

they gave it their all and then some. It is musical bliss

when you hear musicians who know every nuance of

their instruments. The entire band sings and their voices

blend together in perfect harmonies. Someone waiting

along with me asked, “Are they country with the fiddle

player?” I said I don’t really know. They weren’t

country starting out but they did do some favorite

country songs along the way. Kat and the Mad Dogz

move from one genre to the other with ease. They are

comfortable doing it all and they do it all well.

I’m not good at remembering names of songs I only

know that I thoroughly enjoyed what I was hearing. Kat

has a whole lot of energy and she was doing her best to

get the crowd involved. Going from the stage into the

crowd. She got upon a chair and they did, “Crossroads

Blues” ( I think) and you could feel the steam lifting off

their instruments as Kat and her Mad Dogz battled on. It

was quite impressive and very enjoyable. I was only able

to stay for one set as I had to continue on my merry

delivery route. Thanks Mike and Jen for hosting such a

great show. The food was excellent. I’ll have a few more

pics posted on page 26. It was a busy month and I want

to hit my deadline so go through our pages and pick and

choose your favorite shows. There is a lot going on. Just

a note.. Molly Hatchet was cancelled at Tubby’s for

July and if you bought tickets you should go to the place

you purchased them and get your money back. This

month Tubby’s will be closed July 4th through the 8th

but they’ll reopen on July 9th with a schedule that will

make you happy, check it out on page 5.

Comments and ad rates, give me a buzz (I love to talk

on the phone) 717.444.2423.

Across the Desk continued....

Kat on a chair in the middle of the crowd with her

Mad Dogz in the background dueling with her.

Not Quite Einstein guitar players Paul & Todd

Car sponsored by the Eagle Hotel

Photos by Robin Noll

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Summer has arrived and my life is as crazy as ever!

The kids are done with school, and at 7 and 10 they have

created great plans for summer fun! We are heading out

on a 15 day adventure which means… Mom is on her

own for delivering and the website will have to wait til I

get home on July 8th.. Which means, if you’re lucky and

I can get out of vacation mode, the website will be

updated around July 10th. I’m very sorry for the delay,

but this will be the longest vacation of our lives, and it is

desperately needed. I have caught a little bit of music

here and there.

My first stop of the month was up to Tubby’s for

Smokin Gunnz. I was hoping to get there in time for

Chris’s original band, Single Barrel, but I unfortunately

missed their set. I heard from people who were there in

time, that it was a great show. Single Barrel is basically

the same genre of music as Smokin Gunnz, just all

originals. I hope I can make it out to see them soon.

I did get there in time to hear Smokin Gunnz, and I

was able to hang out for quite a while. It was awesome

seeing them and hearing them play once again on the big

stage at Tubby’s. The dance floor is huge up there with

plenty of room to move around and have a good time.

I’m thrilled to say that Smokin Gunnz once again had

some new logo wear for people to purchase. They were

selling shirts like crazy! Vickie definitely knows what

she’s doing with the merch. If you need some ideas go to

a show and check her out in action! Check out their ad in

this issue, to see where they will be ‘smokin’ next!

I was invited out by a friend to one of 105.7 the X’s

bike nights, so I decided to go check it out. It was right

down the street, so why not. Jason Carst was

performing as a solo musician. He also performs with a

full band, but tonight he was flying solo. There were

times when he played with pre-recorded backing tracks

to help make it have a fuller sound. Jason was a great

performer and I enjoyed sitting back and listening to the

show. Jen Shade was there representing 105.7 the X.

She said all of their hosted bike nights have had a really

good crowd. The weather has been gorgeous for bike

rides as well. Please make sure and look twice and save a

life. Bikes are everywhere!

Speaking of bikes... On my way to deliver Reading and

Lancaster I stopped in at the Fredericksburg Eagle

Hotel for their customer appreciation party. The day was

still young, but there were already lots of bikes lining up

both sides of the street and all the empty parking spaces

around The Eagle Hotel. You could go into the party to

just check it out and have a good time, or $10 got you a

BBQ Chicken and Pig Roast Dinner, plus I think beer

was included. I got the dinner and I was glad I did, it was

delicious, with all the proper fixins! Every chance I get

to stop by The Hooootel, is always a great experience.

Mike Saphore and all of the staff and patrons are always

extremely friendly. It’s just a laid back, down home kind

of place that really allows you to relax and enjoy

yourself. While I was there, Not Quite Einstein was on

stage. I’ve heard a lot about Not Quite Einstein, and

they lived up to the hype. It was a very hot afternoon, but

they were still playing their hearts out, keeping the crowd

entertained. Not Quite Einstein can help you with all of

your musical needs. If you have a special event coming

to your venue, give them a call. Before I got there Shift 7

kicked off the event. I was bummed I missed them. It’s

been quite a while and they always put on a good show.

Right after I left, Mom also stopped in to the party. She

was there in time to hear our new advertiser Kat and the

Mad Dogz. She loved hearing them and was bragging to

me about how good they were. Unfortunately thecont inued on page 1 2 . . .

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OUT & A BOUT cont inued. . .

magazines don’t deliver themselves, so we both only had

a limited amount of time we could be there.

Since I was delivering later than usual, when I got to

The Ritz on Main in New Holland, it was open, and

Angels N’ Saints were just getting ready to take the

stage. What a nice stage it was! The Ritz is an old

theatre converted into a music venue. The stage was huge

with a big screen as a back drop displaying Angels N’

Saints logo. The dance floor is also huge with LED

lights shining up through it. The bar had the same

technology. It was awesome. It’s by far the nicest stage in

Lancaster County. Unfortunately it’s still struggling like

every other venue. It’s one of those places that’s just a

little too far off the beaten path, even tho it’s really not.

It’s only a quick 20 minute drive from Lancaster city, and

maybe 30 minutes from Reading. Trust me the venue is

worth the drive. Check out their schedule and plan a trip

to The Ritz.

Now on to the music… I’ve heard a lot about Angels

N’ Saints and I’m glad I finally got the chance to hear

them. Two of the guys, Chris Atland and Sean

Sultzbach used to play with Sugarcoat, so I knew they

were going to be good. It’s always awesome to see

musicians you love find new bands to continue to share

their talent. Their lead singer, Randy has an amazing

range and can cover a broad range of hard rock songs,

including ones from the local favorite, Kix. They have

another Sean on guitar, he can shred like a wild man,

which really helps make it an entertaining show. Angels

N’ Saints have been playing together for a little over a

year. They are well practiced and ready to rock at a

venue near you.

Since it was midnight and I was at Drums Etc. I

decided to see who else was playing in the Lancaster area

I could go see. Thing 3 was playing at Rainmakers

which wound up being two and a half minutes away. I

love when that happens. Rainmakers is a private club,

but once I rang the bell and introduced myself, they let

me in, and I’m glad they did. It’s been quite a while since

I’ve seen Thing 3, and they’ve really refined their show.

I was impressed by quite a few of their song choices, one

being their “Crazy Bitch” medley, where Cameron even

busts out with some rapping in the middle. These guys

definitely don’t care what people think about how crazy

they are, they just want to make sure everyone is having

a good time, and the crowd at Rainmakers definitely

was. Check out their schedule in this issue and get out

there and party with them soon. It was a very long

day/night of delivering, but it was well worth it.

This month we had our annual Clark Family Reunion.

It’s always awesome getting the family together for tons

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of fun. While we’re all visiting, we’re blessed once again with Dad’s background

music. He was also working on recording his grandkids singing along with their

favorite music. It’s great watching him pass on his love of music to the next generation.

Dad celebrated his 72nd birthday this month. We are so blessed to have him be such a

crucial part of our lives. I love you Daddy!

My last event of the month is a huge one for me, it was the 10th Annual Relay for

Life of Camp Hill. Relay for Life is a 24 hour walk to raise money for the American

Cancer Society. Our goal this year was 68K and we raised a little over 70K! It felt

awesome to exceed our goal. This was my 2nd year as the Entertainment Chair. It’s not

easy knowing if the event is boring, it’s all your fault.

I felt like everyone had a good time thanks to all the great entertainers that donated

their time and talent. It started right at 12 Noon with DJ Eric B. He got the event

kicked off with lots of energy. DJ Eric B has been here all the three years that I’ve

been and I greatly appreciate his service.

Suzi Brown kicked off the live music at 2pm. Her percussion guitar playing is

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something that always mesmerizes me. It was coolwatching people stop to check it out for themselves. Jason Barshinger took the stage at 3pm. He has anawesome voice and was definitely getting a lot ofpeople’s attention. Jason also plays with a band calledJB and the Deadbeats. He’s a very flexible musician,and can accommodate you with any of your musicalneeds. Check out his schedule in this issue to see whatstage he will be rockin’ next. After our official Opening Ceremony, Kim Petrideslead us in a free Zumba class. I couldn’t believe howfast she can move. She had quite a few Relayerssweating away with her. We had 5 Ms. Relayers this year. Congrats to ShockNation from the West Shore Shock for having thecrowned queen. It was well deserved! Close to Consideration got the prime evening spot of7:30 right before Luminaria. This was their third year ina row playing at the Relay. They are Trinity grads, so it’scool to see them perform on their home turf. Close toConsideration has come a VERY long way since I sawthem for the first time three years ago. Their songwriting,performing, and stage presence have all improvedgreatly. It’s been fun watching them mature as musiciansin the past three years. After our silent Remembrance lap, BJ McNeile walkedalong and played bagpipes for us. It was a beautifulmoment. The soft and slow bagpipes were a perfectaddition to the time of remembrance. After the ceremony Julie Nevel stepped up to the stage.She’s played at Relays before so she was prepared andknew what to expect. She played some very beautiful andinspirational music to get us pumped back up to keep onwalking. Julie played the keys which was awesome! Our last performer for Friday was Neil McClain. Ifound Neil because he is a friend of a friend. He doesn’tplay out, except for the occasional open mic, but hisvoice is amazing. I wish I could’ve had more hours in theday, because unfortunately I had to cut his set shortbecause of sound ordinances. Saturday we kicked things off bright and early at 8amwith Dianne Doll leading us through another round ofZumba. It’s nice to be able to use some different musclesinstead of just walking circles around the track. Diannedefinitely had some Relayers sweating bright and early inthe morning. After Zumba we went right into our Fight BackCeremony. The Fight Back part of Relay for Life is veryimportant… We all have to keep fighting to beat thishorrible disease. You can’t give up! Everyday newmedicines are being created to help us battle and kickcancer’s butt! The last performers of the event were a big group, TheMechanicsburg Singer Band. They have about 30people in their community band with all different kindsof brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Theydid an absolutely amazing job. It was hard to keepwalking, you just wanted to sit and watch them performtheir magic. I want to throw out a huge thank you to theCumberland Valley Cheerleaders too! They were thereat the Noon kick-off.. and they were also there for ourlast lap at Noon on Saturday. It’s amazing what a fewcheers can do to your spirit. Also ABC27 News wasthere at Noon to start the event and they did a livebroadcast and interviewed our Event Chairs. That wasvery nice of them to take the time to do that. This wholeprocess of everyone working together to make this eventsuch a success is overwhelming. There are still a lot ofRelays going on throughout Pennsylvania and beyond. Ifyou want to know where a Relay for Life event is inyour area, you can check it out at Well that’s all I have for this month. Remember thatunfortunately our website won’t be updated til theabsolute earliest, July 8th, but it will probably be morelike July 10th. I am so sorry for the inconvenience. Ihope you all have a very happy 4th of July. HappyIndependence Day!!!! If you happen to have any questions or comments, e-mail [email protected].

Out & About cont inued. . . .

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SusquehannaValley NEWS

By Keith Hummel

July already! Half the year gone! It’s heating up outside and so is the music scene. Lots and

lots of festivals this month. Every week it’s your pick so hey ho, let’s go!

My hometown of Northumberland starts off July with their Pinekotter Days with a week of

evening food and music. highlight of the week will be The Badlees playing Wednesday July

5th from 7pm to 10pm. The Badlees are working on new music to release this fall. Maybe we’ll

get to hear some of it.

July 12th and 13th the Briggs Farm Blues Festival takes place in Nescopeck, PA. 18

National with regional blues bands on tap here, camping and a family friendly atmosphere at

Briggs Farm rolling the blues now for 16 years.

The guys and dolls from Lewisburg’s MMC1 Chapter 19 Mason Motorcycle Club hold

their “Rockfest in the West” July 19th and 20th. Again held at the West End Fairgrounds in

Laurelton, PA. You can camp and rock at this fest. Friday bands start at 6pm. Super Bob tops

the bill as openers B3NT, Dead Flowerz and Smalltown Titans get you ready to rock.

Saturday begins with a Ride for Life/Poker Run to benefit Taylor Bingaman. From noon to

2pm BBQ chicken and all the fixins will be available. The meal is included if you purchase

your tickets in advance to give Jim and Jill a call and get those tickets before the 19th. The

music starts at 4pm with Just Bob (from Super Bob) kicking off the show followed by Battery

(playing Metallica) than Penntera (yes the best of Pantera) plus Kiss Alive (the best Kiss show

you can get!) Ending out the weekend is Back In Black (the best AC/DC tribute you’ll ever

see). I don’t know after all those tribute bands and their shows, the stage might be burnt,

broken or battered. What a festival!

The Ann Kerstetter Band will take their summer hiatus after their gig July 2nd, playing from

6pm to 8pm. Always great blues and ole time favorites from Ann and her band of cronies.

July 24th you can more indoors for a great show at Goodfella’s on Rt 61 in Pottsville.

Headliners Texas Hippie Coalition will take the stage by storm. Hard and dirty rock from

THC. One of Eddie Trunk’s favorite new bands out right now, They are out their new release

on the “Highway Robbery Tour.” Special guest opener Eve To Adam from New York will get

the stage ready for THC along with great local acts The Curse of Sorrow and Faith in Exile.

This is an all-age show, and door open at 6:30. Be ready to rock Goodfellows this night.

Tubby’s in Duncannon will be will be closed from July 4th thru the 8th. So party hardy and

don’t get in trouble. Only experts should shoot off fireworks; musicians need their fingertips!

Tubby’s reopens the 12th with Mountain Road. Then on the 13th Small Town Titans have a

CD release party with guests Audio Box, Seven Ten Oil and The Better Half. Rehab returns

with Perry County’s Adrian Blitzer the 19th, hot show —no pun intended! The 20th get to

Tubby’s to celebrate Colt Wilbur’s birthday with American Posse. The 26th a tag team of

That’s What She Said and Broken Fayth will run the ropes of rock and roll at Tubby’s, then

to put the heat down you can get Adrenalize, the best Def Leppard show around the 27th.

Calling all bluegrass fans! Get to the 7th Annual Remington Ryde Bluegrass Festival July

11-14 at the Grange grounds in Center Hall, PA. Music from 12pm to 10pm thru Saturday and

Sunday from 9am to 4pm. Big and small, this fest has them all: Grammy winners like Rhonds

Vincent & The Rage, James King Band, Ralph Stanley II, and a slew of greats like

Goldwing Express, Little Roy & Lizzy and of course our local bluegrass boys, Remington

Ryde. Four days of bluegrass. Yes, you can camp out.

The patio at The Front Street Station in Northumberland has weekend music from 7pm to

10pm. Start the 5th with classic rock from Folk Justice. And please get to the station July 13th

to hear my friend Geof Levan. I’ll miss that gig so someone get there and applaud for me and

say “Hello to Geof, we missed you!”

A big get well to Jeremy Hummel drummer for Into The Spin. Jer has some back troubles.

He’s getting checked out. Meantime Into The Spin keeps playing those disco dancing hits they

do so well.

Got to hear Alison Standby back awhile. Paul, Squeek and Mike from Yada, Yada, Yada

joined with Kevin McShaw

from Canto 6 and play 80’s

to 90’s rock. Playing eastern

PA and some Valley dates,

the are ready to rock.

Again I will tell you I will

be writing two more months.

September will be 30 years of

writing for the PA Musician.

I’ve not gotten any input

from anyone who would like

to take over, so do some

thinking and let me know.

Send feed back to K.

Hummel 2770 Klinger

Hollow Rd. Liverpool, PA

1 7 0 4 5 o r

[email protected]

Please say, “I saw your

ad in the PA Musician to

our loyal advertisters”

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By Jim Price If you have regularly read my column through the years, this

is the time of year when I get delirious from live music

overload. It is a peak season for multiple music happenings,

both outdoor and indoor, with numerous concerts, festivals,

carnivals, community events, backyard parties, and other

celebrations involving live music. And if live music is involved,

I try to see all of it! It makes for plentiful fun times, but also

results in hectic moments as I try to piece the puzzle of my

monthly writ together before my editor’s hard deadlines! But it

always gets done…

In the midst of their hectic touring schedule, Candlelight

Red made a stop at Pellegrine’s early last month to celebrate

the release of their new CD, “Reclamation.” I arrived in time

to catch the last few songs of openers Brand New Wings;

singer Tim Howsare, guitarist Matt Day, bassist Matt Buhler

and drummer Jim Bagrosky fired up the stage front masses

with favorites from Buckcherry, Slash, Guns N’Roses, Rage

Against the Machine and more. Candlelight Red then blew the

roof off Pelly’s with their explosive set, as they performed

songs off the new CD as well as their “The Wreckage” disc.

Singer Ryan Hoke took charge early and rallied the crowd to

full attention, backed by the pounding backdrops of guitarist

Jeremy Edge, bassist Jamie Morral and drummer Brian

Dugan. Candlelight Red’s new material sounded dark and

strong as the group did new numbers such as “Feel the Same,”

“Broken Glass” and “Demons.” They also celebrated familiar

earlier favorites such as “Closer,” “The Wreckage,” “

Medicine,” their edgy version of Roxette’s “You Got the

Look,” and even a rendition of Filter’s “Hey Man Nice Shot.”

Candlelight Red continues touring in support of the new

album, and plays numerous opening dates with Trapt, Pop Evil

and Volbeat through September.

Altoona’s Railroaders Museum has been a busy place thus

far this outdoor season. The second annual Striking Chords

Against Cancer benefit concert filled the rail yard of the

Railroaders Museum with a full day of music early last

month, while raising money for the American Cancer Society.

Travis Singer kicked things off on the acoustic side stage,

demonstrating a good voice with clear range on hits from

Matchbox 20, Pat Benatar, Elton John, Everclear and more.

Introducing new singer Ashley Thompson, 7th Gear

commenced the party on the main stage with a mixture of

female-fronted rock, pop and country hits. Ashley gave 7th

Gear a total new dimension, showing a bright and clear voice

on songs by Pretenders, 4 Non Blondes, Pat Benatar, Carrie

Underwood, Madonna, Heart and more. Matt Wagner brought

young guest Justin McAlpin to help sing his first song, before

continuing with a set of acoustic-geared favorites from Gin

Blossoms, Old Crow Medicine Show, Dave Matthews Band,

Black Keys and more. The Hope Fallacy picked up the party

on the main stage with their mix of modern classic rock/pop

favorites and originals. The surprise highlight from their set

happened when guitarist Adam Pielmeier - reading off his cell

phone - recited/sang the German lyrics for the last verse of

Nena’s “99 Redballoons.” Bedford’s Jackson Monsour then

struck up his own party on the acoustic stage with a bright set

that merged together several playful medleys, including Bob

Marley’s “Three Little Birds” into John Denver’s “Take Me

Home Country Roads” into Snoop Dogg’s “Gin and Juice.”

Jackson also introduced some of his original songs such as

“Summertime Juice” and “Pavement and Trees.” Pistol Peg

and the Beer Kegs diverted the musical flavor toward country

with their festive set of female- and male-fronted country

favorites, which instantly triggered dancing en masse in front of

the stage. Jill Simansky’s voice was in top form as she belted

out hits by Shania Twain, Dixie Chicks, Gretchen Wilson and

more. Back on the acoustic stage, Ryan Matthew kept things

in the rural vein as he blended country-flavored original songs

with songs by Kenny Chesney, Hank Williams Jr., Jimmy

Buffett and more. The “Party Plane” then went airborne, as

Flight 19 triggered more rail yard dance action with their mix

of modern and classic hits, freewheeling medleys, original

anthems such as “Crank It Up” and “Hands,” and more. Drew

Dodson then finished music on the acoustic stage with his

variety of modern and classic hits, including songs from Three

Doors Down, Pearl Jam, Stealer’s Wheel, Don McLean, and his

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own acappella rendering of Janis Joplin’s “Mercedes Benz.”

Chris Vipond & the Stanley Street Band then capped the

benefit with their groove-infested demonstration of feisty

funkmanship, mixing originals with wide-ranging numbers

from Dr. John, Dolly Parton, Kool & the Gang and more. New

guitarist C’Jay Castello put on a clinic with his instrument,

especially with his solo fireworks on Bill Withers’ “Use Me.”

Striking Chords Against Cancer raised more than $10,000

toward the fight against cancer.

The seventh annual Day Of Rock benefit took place early last

month at the Saxton Sportsmen’s Club pavilion, and raised

money toward Easter Seals of Central Pennsylvania. The

Backyard Rockers commenced the afternoon; I won’t gloss

my own band’s performance here, but I will gloss the excellent

job that both Todd Harshbarger and Scott Zillinger did, not

just mixing our sound, but with the other bands throughout the

afternoon and evening, keeping the show moving along even

during sudden downpours! The 3rd Degree battled such a

downpour during their set, but frontman Mat Wirtner kept

‘singing in the rain’ and led bandmates Shane Gherrity on

bass, Garrett Ray on guitar and Ryan George on drums

through rocking favorites from Goo Goo Dolls, Fuel, Stone

Temple Pilots, REO Speedwagon, The Darkness, Blues

Traveler, Shinedown and more. Next was my first look at

former Ganister frontman Ken Gray’s new band home,

Twelve. Ken, guitarists Eric Smith and James Lane, bassist

Buster and drummer Jamie Lane mixed rock and country

favorites, generating a ‘country grunge’ sound as they

performed numbers by Luke Bryan, Matchbox 20, Florida

Georgia Line, Seven Mary Three, Three Doors Down, Neil

Young and more. I had to depart Day Of Rock at this point, but

the event also saw entertainment from NailDriver, Screamin’

Ugly, Ganister and Backlash, along with Bill Wiegand and

DJ X Productions.

The Beatles were celebrated on area stages in recent weeks.

Altoona’s Railroaders Museum kicked off this year’s Alive @

Five Summer Concert Series early last month with

Beatlemania Now. The Sitch opened the evening, and made

the most of their opportunity on the Museum’s flatcar stage in

front of the large crowd. Singer Dustin Reisling, bassist/sax

player Ryan McCracken, lead guitarist Greg Larrimore,

guitarist/bassist Troy Bugash (in one of his final appearances

before departing the group late last month) and drummer Huck

James pulled all the stops as they mixed up classic and current

rock favorites. Highlights included Ryan and guest trombonist

David Bailey bringing the brass on versions of Wild Cherry’s

“Play That Funky Music,” War’s “Low Rider,” INXS’ “What

You Need” and a ska rendition of Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed

Girl.” Featuring members from New York, New Jersey and

Philadelphia; Beatlemania Now delivered the Fab Four

experience to the Railroaders Museum crowd, as they

chronologically celebrated the Beatles and their hits. Featuring

Scot Arch as “John,” John Hepburn as “Paul,” Chris Colon

as “George” and Eric Smith as “Ringo,” Beatlemania Now

started as the suit-and-tie-clad early Beatles as they did such

hits as “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” “She Loves You,” “Can’t

Buy Me Love” and more. A costume change during the Chris

(“George”) solo rendition of “Here Comes the Sun” ushered in

the mid-’60s Beatles period, and hits such as “Sgt. Pepper’s

Lonely Hearts Club Band/With a Little Help from My Friends,”

“Strawberry Fields,” “Eleanor Rigby” and “A Day in the

Life.” After a brief intermission, the psychedelic Beatles

arrived onstage to perform “Magical Mystery Tour,” “Yellow

Submarine,” “All You Need Is Love” and “I Am the Walrus,”

before Beatlemania Now transitioned into the late stages of the

Fab Four’s career; doing late Beatles hits like “Something,”

“Get Back,” “The Long and Winding Road” and “Got to Get

You Into My Life,” as well as John Lennon’s solo hit

“Imagine.” Beatlemania Now’s blend of tight and tasteful

performances, authentic instrumentation, colorful costumes and

smooth transitions between eras made this a remarkable tribute.

And Bob Helbig celebrated the Fab Four with another edition

of his Mi Solo Beatles show during Memorial Day weekend at

Patton’s Thirsty Dawg Taverne. Armed with several different

guitars, Bob performed songs from throughout the Beatles’

career during the first two sets, spanning hits and lesser-known

songs. Besides Beatles canons like “Please Please Me,” “Love

Me Do,” “Hey Jude” and “A Day in the Life,” Bob also broke

out Beatles deeper cuts like “I’ll Cry Instead,” “Honey Don’t,”

“The Night Before” and “Little Piggies” - all done in the spirits

of the original songs with accurate instrumentation and guitar

tones. For the final set, Bob mixed classic rock and pop

favorites from the ‘60s and ‘70s. Several guests helped out

along the way; both Craig Fitzpatrick and his dad Bob (of

Jack and the Country Gentlemen), stepped up to sing, and

Bob Helbig’s Beatlemaniac bandmate Jerry Carnicella

crooned backing vocals on a couple of numbers as well.

For a taste of good old-time country and rock’n’roll, check

out Jack and the Country Gentlemen. During their Memorial

Day weekend show at the Thirsty Dawg Taverne, Jack and

the Country Gentlemen kept folks dancing with vintage

country favorites from George Jones, Hank Williams, Willie

Nelson and more; along with old-time rock’n’roll from Chuck

Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Rivers, Beach Boys, Danny &

the Juniors and more. Rhythm guitarist/namesake Jack

Fitzpatrick, lead guitarist Don Claycomb and bassist Joe

Moses all shared lead vocal duties, assisted by pedal steel

player Bob Fitzpatrick and drummer Al Fitzpatrick. Their

presentation was upbeat, fun and cordial, and everybody in the

room felt like a part of the party. Jack and the Country

Gentlemen perform monthly at the Thirsty Dawg Taverne,

and also Wednesdays at Clair’s Ashville Inn.

Live music was a part of the grand opening of my fine friend

and Pennsylvania Musician cohort Meredith Kaminek’s new

portrait studio in Goldsboro last month. As the studio hostess

greeted visitors, displayed her photo art and celebrated 16 years

in business, Mileunder performed and hosted an open jam

session on the sidewalk outside her studio. Lead singer

Jonathan Spirk, guitarist Andrew Pochan and drummer Ed

Brown performed several original songs of the group’s

forthcoming debut album, “Bedtime Stories”, such as the slow

and dreamy “Spacegirl,” the Doors-toned “Nemo” and more.

Several guests sat in along the way; including singer Kait

Linton, who displayed an excellent singing voice on Bob

Dylan’s “All Along the Watchtower.” Led by Andrew’s guitar

sitar effect and percussion from a djembe- and bongo-playing

“Professor” from the Backyard Rockers, an Eastern-flavored

jam broke out that took downtown Goldsboro back in time to

the Ravi Shankar-era of the Beatles. Mileunder is currently

seeking a permanent bassist to complete their roster, and is

finishing work on the “Bedtime Stories” album with producer

Marshall Deasy. And Meredith’s new studio is now open and

ready for business; so musicians and bands in need of great

promo photos - see her ad and GIVE MEREDITH A CALL


After Meredith’s new studio was successfully christened, I

cont inued on page 2 1 . . .

The Professor Live Reviews cont inued. . .

Page 21: PA Musician Magazine July 2013
Page 22: PA Musician Magazine July 2013


more. Collapse pleasantly surprised me by breaking out some

tunes I had all but forgotten about, such as Anthrax’s “Cry for

the Indians” and Metallica’s “Escape.” Late in the show,

Mental Floss singer Emily Estella joined Collapse onstage

and demonstrated her own incredible Bruce Dickinson howl

on Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper.” Collapse appears from time

to time on State College area stages; watch for their return to

The Brewery.

As they prepare to issue a new CD, State College power trio

It Is Written stage-tested some of their new creations last

month at Aldo’s. Assault Method kicked off the night with

their scathing brand of metal, playing a number of their

originals. Lead howler Mike Houck, guitarists John Liebal

and Chris Dell, bassist Nick Bayer and drummer Cody

Kensinger sounded sharp and intense on original numbers like

“My Country,” “Blood Feud,” “New Domination,” “Bring on

the Flood” and more; and they did select covers from Lamb Of

God and a power metal take on Garth Brooks’ “Thunder

Rolls.” It Is Written - singer/guitarist Ken Hawkins, bassist

Bob Krebs and drummer Darl Johnstonbaugh - then

hammered out new assaults such as “Human Stain,” “Sworn

Judgment,” “You Have No Rights” and more. It Is Written’s

new song material maintains the brutality and intensity, while

exploring and experimenting with varying progressive-geared

arrangements. When the Aldo’s crowd demanded an encore, It

Is Written responded with their heavy treatment of U2’s “With

or Without You.” It Is Written’s official CD release show takes

place July 5th at The Arena in State College.

A wide variety of hard-rocking musical flavors converged at

Pellegrine’s for a special Memorial Day all-ages show. I

arrived midway through the evening’s first band, GG & the

Assassins. The focus of this group is its frontlady, 11-year-old

GG, who belted out potent voice on original punk rock

anthems; flanked by guitarists Doran and Hannah, bassist

Shawn and drummer Nick. Black Sun then crunched out their

Sabbathy-toned improvisational rock, introducing several new

originals along the way. Touring throughout the eastern U.S.,

Minneapolis-based trio Ambassador Gun then blasted out

high-velocity, maximum-distortion grindcore originals. The

Whatleys followed with their wild and reckless punk rock,

mixing older and newer originals. Xs For Eyes slammed out

high-speed punk rock and introduced new songs as well,

capping their set with a powerful punk-rocking read of Johnny

Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues.” Formed last year, new Altoona

foursome Hollow Bear closed the show with a short set of

angst-ridden screamo-flavored indie rock. Attendance was

strong for this show, and each band brought a different flavor to

the stage.

A.X.E. rang in Memorial Day with an impressive show the

night before at Pellegrine’s. Singer/bassist Denny Frank,

singer/guitarist John McKelvey and drummer Clint Carothers

kept folks dancing with their energetic mixture of modern and

classic rock, with a few exciting surprises thrown in along the

way. Besides rocking the house with favorites from Black

Keys, Clash, U2, Ramones and more, A.X.E. also broke out

renditions of Nick Gilder’s “Hot Child in the City,” AC/DC’s

“Go Down,” a Prince medley, Social Distortion’s “Bad Luck”

and the Donnas’ “Take It Off.” They reprised one of John’s

original songs from his Housepets days, “Hot Lover,” and

John roused the audience with his Jimmy Page bow-on-strings

display during Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love.” A.X.E.

continues to bring their rocking fireworks to stages throughout

the area; check them out!

It was hard for me to believe when I recently interviewed

them for my radio program, but Born and the Beanstalk have

been together and doing their thing on central Pennsylvania

stages and beyond for a dozen years already! Sean Osborn and

Ben Bower make crowds happy, and were doing so when I saw

them at Altoona’s Belmar Hotel last month. Punk Fiction’s

Ed Hofer was on loan and providing hand percussion this night

(as well as a Backyard Rockers percussionist, thanks guys for

inviting me to sit in!). Born and the Beanstalk circulated song

lists throughout the venue and invited audience requests, and

then fulfilled them. The audience picked a wide variety of

favorites this night, and Born and the Beanstalk happily

performed tunes from the Lumineers, Dave Matthews,

Bloodhound Gang, Grateful Dead, Black Keys, Mumford and

Sons, Alice In Chains and more. They also did a few of their

original songs as well, including the popular “Root Beer Song.”

Their willingness to satisfy audiences has made Born and the

The Professor Live Reviews cont inued. . .

cont inued on page 2 3 . . .

Page 23: PA Musician Magazine July 2013
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Page 26: PA Musician Magazine July 2013


from frantic to calm. The disc-opener “Next Day Air” blasts

the album into action; a fast-firing, pedal-to-the-metal assault

that jars the listener to attention. From there, Hahn delves into

diverse terrain; taking jazz-like dynamics for a metal-rocking

joyride on “Journey from Within,” and generating a leviathan

neoclassical arrangement on the pounding “Storm Runner.” On

the title track composition, “Darkness Falls,” Hahn constructs

an oceanic, surging arrangement with waves of sonic ebb and

flow. “Unbreakable” crunches down with a stern, stalwart

heavy rock arrangement, while “Arabian Sails” offers a

forceful metallic battle charge. Hahn mixes sullen and heavy

dynamics on “Pitch Black” and the disc-closer “Ultraviolet,”

with both tracks escalating from reserved and shadowy

passages into full-thundering sonic storms. Hahn’s

arrangements never stay in one place for long, with each track

elaborating and exploring from its central riff, with Hahn’s

guitar fireworks providing the coloration and detail. Recorded,

mixed, produced and mastered by Hahn, “Darkness Falls”

sounds big and towering, urgent and edgy. While guitar shred

connoisseurs will no doubt savor John Hahn’s latest album,

general purpose rock fans should appreciate the versatility of

his virtuosity, and his skill of weaving it all together into both

cohesive individual compositions and a unified, flowing set.

(The CD can be obtained through John Hahn’s website, —Reviewed by Jim Price

PA M us ic ian M agazine CD Reviews cont inued. . .

Chris Pond of Not Quite Einstein

Jess Pakosh of Not Quite Einstein

Jim Speck & Kat Watson of Kat & The Mad Dogz

John Dougher of Kat & The Mad Dogz

Ken Young of Kat & The Mad Dogz

Photos by Robin Noll

Soundman who did sound all day with no

backline. Him and his crew did a great job!

Page 27: PA Musician Magazine July 2013


Looking for Musicians or want to joina band? Check the classifieds in the

hard copy and on line at

Deadline to place a FREE Classified for Musicians Wanted & Musicians Available is the 20th of

each preceding month. Email your classified today...

[email protected]






in Orwigsburg, PA is

looking for someone to

lead our established 10:45

AM contemporary service.

Strong relationship with

Jesus a must, strong

musical skills required,

experience preferred.

Contact Pastor Lou,

5 7 0 . 3 6 6 . 0 2 0 1 o r

[email protected]



you looking for more

groove, more solid playing

. I’m located in Auburn,

PA. I’m accepting students

in my home/studio. Ask for

Brandon 570-640-3996.


CASH for used guitars,

amps, effects, etc!!! Call

Matt at Creter Guitar Shop,

Jonestown at 717-865-

3677. We also do guitar

repairs and have a variety

of lessons available.

WANTED:Vintage guitars,

basses, amps, banjos, etc.

Fender, Gibson, Martin,

Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc.

Top dollar paid! Call

Player’s Exchange at 717-

975-2385 or stop by and

see us at 225 S. Third St.

Lemoyne, PA. Email:

[email protected].



DOLLAR: Celebrating

our 28th year in business.

Pro Tools, HD3/Accel,

192k Interface, 2 inch 24

track analog, 16 channels

of API outboard mic pres,

Yamaha Maple Custom

Absolute kit, SWR 7 GK

bass amps, Marshall half

stack, Fender twin &

Bassman guitar amps,

Hammond B-3, Yamaha

C 7 g r a n d p i a n o .

Authorized Pro Tool

d e a l e r s . C D / D V D

duplication on site 3 CCC

Video Services. 5.1

surround mixing. $300 per


Altoona PA. Phone 814-




the art vintage recording

environment with years of

experience and a long list

of satisfied customers.


om. Phone 717-560-1530.


Piano sheet music. Call


D R U M L E S S O N S :

Former Green Eggs band

drummer now accepting

students for lessons at

Camp Hill home. 20 years

l i v e a n d s t u d i o

professional,, practical

experience. Beginner on

up. Stand out from the

crowd, be your best for

your band, the music and

you! Call Doug Black at


Turn the page

for more Free

Classified Notes...

Page 28: PA Musician Magazine July 2013



FOR SALE: Kimball

piano, brass trim. Casing

and keys gorgeous! Tuned

and plays well. Asking

$550. Call Janet at 717-


FOR SALE: Compressor/

limiters. Aphex 720

Dominator II , DBX

266XL, Drawmer 1960

tube. Leave message. 610-


F O R S A L E :

Microphones. (2) AKG C-

391’s. (2) AKG D112’s. (3)

Sennheiser MD 421’s (4)

Shure SM-57’s. All mics

include clips and cables.

Leave message. 610-488-


FOR SALE: Multitrack

recorders. Tascam. (3) DA-

88’s, (1) DA-38 and (1)

RC-848. Includes sync

cables w/balanced snakes,

rack cases and remote

control stand. Leave

message. 610-488-0914.

FOR SALE: Multi effects

processors: t.c.electronics

M5000 w/digital options.

Ensoniq DP/4. Lexicon

LXP-5. Leave message



U87 Ai microphone, silver.

Includes shockmount,

original cable and Atlas

heavy duty boom mic

s t a n d w i t h 2 - l b .

counterweight, triangular

base and casters. Excellent

condition. 610-488-0914


stage/riser for corner of

room. Extremely sturdy.

Perfect for entertainers in

barrooms or studio etc.


FOR SALE: High end mic

pre. Drawmer 1960 2-

channel mic pre/tube

compressor. L e a v e

message 610-488-0914.


100 keyboard amp $100

and 8 space rack case $75.

Call John 717-732-4903.

FOR SALE: Peavey

LB1200 par 64 midi and

dmx controled lights with

gels, 2 bars with 4 lights

each. work great $300 Ph.

717-248-8739 email:

[email protected]

FOR SALE: Hammond

Proline 860 Leslie, With

foot pre-amp and leslie 11

pin cable, All in great

condition! $700.00 Phone

717-248-8739 Email:

[email protected]

FOR SALE: Tascam 380

24 tract recording board

with V.O. meters, $500.


FOR SALE: 1940’s Oscar

Schmidt auto harp,

epiphone, mandolin and

Eleca mandolin, electric

ukelele, 1 ukelele standard.

The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine is brought

to you by the display advertisers in our pages.

Please support them and tell them,

“I saw your ad in the PA Musician Magazine!”

continued on next page...

Page 29: PA Musician Magazine July 2013


A guitaruke includes cases,

books, strings, picks. All

$500 cash. Steve, 717-379-


FOR SALE: Mastering

cassette recorders like new,

$25 to $35 each. 717-627-


FOR SALE: High end mic

pre. Drawmer 1960 2-

channel mic pre/tube

compressor. L e a v e

m e s s a g e 6 1 0 - 4 8 8 -

0914Experienced Bassist

seeking Drummer and

Guitarist for an all kinds of

Rock bar band. ACDC to

Zombie. Contact adam at

717-300-0148 or email

[email protected]


FOR SALE: High end mic

pre. Drawmer 1960 2-

channel mic pre/tube

compressor. L e a v e

m e s s a g e 6 1 0 - 4 8 8 -

0914Experienced Bassist

seeking Drummer and

Guitarist for an all kinds of

Rock bar band. ACDC to

Zombie. Contact Adam at

717.300.0148 or email

[email protected]



WANTED: Lead vocals

and rhythm guitar wanted

for all original project

signed to a small label.

Practices in the Duncannon

a r e a . M u s t h a v e

t r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d

equipment. Craig 717-418-

0020 or Matt 717-712-


WA N T E D : Female

Fronted Blues Band Seeks

Lead / 2nd guitar

must learn songs! keeping

signature parts, play slide,

have solo skills, vocals a

p l u s , Q u a l i t y

sound! Rehearse Sundays

U n i o n D e p o s i t

[email protected]

m 717-364-5660.

WANTED: Lead Guitarist

for AC/DC tribute. Must

play and move like Angus

Yo u n g . e m a i l :

[email protected]

WANTED: 63year old

Singer / guitarist would

like to locate electronic

Drummer and Bassist to

back rock ‘n’ roll charity /

fundraiser group. I have

studio and PA. Call 717-


WANTED: 70’s 80’s style

guitar, bass, and keyboard

player needed for studio

project and album release.

C o n t a c t : W.J.C.

Productions - 570-578-


WANTED: Male/ Female

lead guitar, vocals, drums

and bass. All original

metal/goth. I need people

who want a career in

music. Dedication and

appearce. Influences, After

Forever, Lacuna Coil,

Classified Notes continued....

cont inued on next pg. . . .

Page 30: PA Musician Magazine July 2013


Pantera and White Zombie.


WANTED: Experienced

Bassist seeking Drummer

and Guitarist for an all

kinds of Rock bar band.

AC/DC to Zombie.

Contact Adam at 717-300-

0 1 4 8 o r e m a i l

[email protected]


WANTED: Established

classic, modern rock

variety dance band looking

for good solid drummer

with good attitude &

availability. P r a c t i c e

weekly. Transportation,

gear required. Reading,

Berks County area. 610-


WANTED: Experienced

lead singer for established

mixed modern, classic rock

band. With vocal harmony,

capability, dedication, open

minded. Rehersal weekly.

Equipment, transportation

required. Reading, Berks

area. 610-451-3824.

WANTED: E l e c t r i c

drumset player, a lso

keyboard that can double

as bassist, singers. I am

forming a char i ty

fundraising band. I have

studio. Millersburg area.

Steve, 717-379-8010.

WANTED: Experienced

Bassist seeking Drummer

and Guitarist for an all

kinds of Rock bar band.

AC DC to Zombie.

Contact Adam at 717-300-

0 1 4 8 o r e m a i l

[email protected]


WANTED: Thrash cover

band looking for dynamic

singer to cover anything

from Overki l l and

Metallica to Cannibal

Corpse and Testament. Got

the chops? Give me a call.

We practice in Carlisle.

Great practice spot also.

Victor 717-903-3155 or

[email protected].

WANTED: Bass Player

Wanted: Gettysburg area

original Hard-Rock style

band, which is getting

international Internet

Radio airplay, seeking

bassist. No drugs or egos.

[email protected]


WANTED: Looking to

start up classic rock band,

playing covers and writing

music. Need drummer and

possibly bassist, ages 14-

1 6 . C o n t a c t

[email protected]


WANTED: Band with a

full schedule playing both

Covers and Original

material looking for Guitar

Player with some Lead

Vocal ability! Easy to work

with and professional

attitude. Able to learn

material and selected songs

on your own. Reliable

t r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d

professional gear. Age: 21-

34. Kindly let us know the

d e t a i l s o f y o u r

performance experience,

contact information and

links to your facebook or

o ther s i t es . Emai l

[email protected] for

more information.

WANTED: S e e k i n g

Bassist - We are a singer,

guitarist and drummer

seeking bassist to complete

classic 80s cover band,

Harrisburg/ Lebanon area,

must be serious and

dedicated, contact us -


WANTED: Drummer for

Christian rock band in

Juniata county. Email Ed

f o r d e t a i l s .

[email protected]


WANTED: Waynesboro,

PA Guitarist searching for

others to create Extreme

Metal Band. Influences:

Deicide, Kreator, Slayer,

Mayhem. About 40

originals written. Contact

[email protected].

WANTED: I’m a Bassist

/vocalist from Clinton

County looking for a band.

Rock, Blues, Country, I’ve

played it all. I’m 58 years

o l d . P r o f e s s i o n a l

equipment and attitude.


[email protected]


WANTED: Bass player

with good vocal ability &

strong attention to detail

for forming Rock/Hard

Rock band covering 70’s to

today. I do all guitars &

vocals. Contact Alex,

[email protected].

WANTED: D r u m m e r

with good vocal ability &

strong attention to detail

for forming Rock/ Hard

Rock band covering 70’s to

today. I do all guitars &

vocals. Contact Alex,

[email protected].



Experienced drummer

looking to join a country

band. Have professional

equipment and attitude.

C o n t a c t m e a t

[email protected]

om if interested.


a 63 year old desiring to

join/form a power trio

band for charities and

fundraisers. I have studio,

Millersburg area. Steve,


AVAILABLE: Bass i s t

/guitarist with strong lead

and harmony vocals (song

writer also) available for

WORKING band in

Wilkes Barre/Scranton

area. Serious inquiries

only, please. Call David



Experienced musician

plays bass, lead/rhythm

guitar, some keyboard and

C lass ified Notes cont inued. . .

ont inued on next page . . .

Page 31: PA Musician Magazine July 2013


with lead/backing vocal

ability seeks working band.

Email [email protected].


Fiddle player, central PA,

wants to learn to play

along with others. Contact


AVAILABLE: M e t a l

drummer available from

Harrisburg erea. 40 years

old. Looking to fill some

free time playing in a

decent hard rock to Metal

band. Not looking to travel

too far. Interested? Give

me a call Victor 717-903-

3 1 5 5 o r

[email protected].

C lass ified Notes cont inued. . .

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Page 32: PA Musician Magazine July 2013
Page 33: PA Musician Magazine July 2013