p2p tutorial

Digital Enterprise Research Institute www.deri.ie Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Manf red Hauswir t h, Marcel Karn stedt Copyright 2009 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved.

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Introduction to Peer-to-Peer

Manfred Hauswirth, Marcel Karnstedt

Copyright 2009 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved.

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Goals of the Tutorial

Position the P2P paradigmin the design space ofdistributed systems

Get an overview of P2P

systems and the underlyingconcepts

 decentralized datamanagement in P2Psystems

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What is P2P?

Clay Shirkey (The Accelerator Group):

eer- o- peer s a c ass o app ca ons a a e a van age o

resources—storage, cycles, content, human presence—available at the edges of the Internet. Because accessing

environment of unstable connectivity and unpredictable IP

addresses, peer- to- peer nodes must operate outside the DNSand have si nif icant or total autonom of cent ral servers.” 

P2P “litmus test:”

 – Does it allow for variable connectivity and temporary network

 – Does it give the nodes at the edges of the network signif icantautonomy?

~ - 

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P2P in a historical Context

The original Internet was designed as a P2P system


 – no f irewalls / no network address translation – no asymmetric connections (V.90, ADSL, cable, etc.)

t e ac - t en er apps” an te net are utanyone could telnet/ FTP anyone else

servers acted as clients and vice versa

cooperation was a central goal and “value”: no spam orexhaustive bandwidth consumpt ion

“ - ” 

Usenet News


The emergence of P2P can be seen as a renaissance

of the original Internet model

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What is P2P?

Every participating node acts as botha client and a server (“servent ”)

Every node “pays” its part icipation by

providing access to (some of) itsresources

no central coord ination

no cent ral database 


global behavior emerges from localinteractions

all existing data and services areaccessible from any peer

peers are autonomous

peers an connec ons are unre a e

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Where is P2P – System layers ?





Applicat ion layer E- commerce systems can be P2P


ex loits

or cent ralized

Information management



 P2P or centralized

Networks are P2P

Qosexploits Internet

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Types of P2P Systems

E- commerce systems

, , , …

File sharing systems Napster, Gnutella, Freenet, …

Distributed Databases

Mariposa [Stonebraker96], … etwor s



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How much P2P is involved?





noyesyesaps er


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Related Approaches

Related distributed information system approaches:

Event - based systems

Push systems

Mobile agents


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Event-based (publish/subscribe)

System model

Com onents ( eers) in teract b enerat in and receivin events

Components declare interest in receiving specific (patterns of)events and are not if ied upon their occurrence

Su orts a hi hl f lex ible interact ion between loosel - cou ledcomponents

Subscribe to


X followed by Y


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Event-based vs. Peer-to-Peer

Common properties:


dynamic binding between producers and consumers

Subscript ion to events ~ “passive” queries

EB: notification

P2P: active discovery u scr p on anguage suppor s more sop s ca e

queries and pattern matching (event patterns withtime dependencies)

Event - based systems typically have a specializedevent distribution infrastructure

: 2 no e types, 2 : 1 no e type

EB infrastructure must be deployed

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Push Systems

A set of designatedbroadcasters offer information

that is pre- grouped in channels(weather, news, etc.)

ece vers su scr e o c anne s

of their interest and receivechannel information as it isbein “broadcast” t imeldistribution)

Receivers may have to pay priorto receiving the information

pay- per- v ew, at ee, etc. Pull push

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Push Systems vs. Peer-to-Peer

Asymmetric communication style (P2P: symmetric)

ocus s on t me y ata str ut on not on scovery

Filtering may be deployed to reduce data

Subscript ion to channels is prerequisite

Producer/ consumer binding is stat ic

Push systems require a specialized distribut ioninfrastructure

us : no e ypes, : no e ype Push inf rastructure must be deployed

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Mobile Agents

A mobi le agent is a computat ional ent ityt at moves aroun n a networ at t s

own volit ion to accomplish a task onbehalf of its owner


“learns” (“Whom to visit next?”)

Mobility (heterogeneous network!)


Strong: code, data, execution Stack

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Mobile Agents vs. Peer-to-Peer

Very similar in terms of search and navigat ion


MA: the nodes propagate the agents

Mobile agent ~ “act ive” query

Mobile agent systems require a considerably moresophisticated environment


securi ty (protect the receiving node from malicious mobileagents and vice versa)

In many domains P2P systems can take over more apt for distributed data management

 bandwidth, securit y, etc.)

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Distributed Databases

Fragmenting large databases (e.g., relational) over

Efficient processing of complex queries (e.g., SQL)by decomposing them

Efficient update strategies (e.g., lazy vs. eager)

Consistent transact ions (e.g., 2 phase commit ) orma y approac es re y on cen ra coor na on

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Distributed Databases vs. Peer-to-Peer

Data distribut ion is a key issue for P2P systems


scalability LH* family of scalable hash index structures [Litwin97]

Snowball: scalable storage system for workstation clusters[Vingralek98]

Fat - Bt ree: a scalable B- Tree for arallel DB Yokota 9 

Approaches in distributed DB that addressautonomy (and scalabil it y)

Mariposa: distributed relational DBMS based on anunderlying economic model [Stonebraker96]

P2P Data Mana ement has to address bothscalability and autonomy

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Usage Patterns to Position P2P

Discovering informat ion is the predominant problem


ad hoc requests, irregular E.g., new town — where is the next car rental?


ot cat on: event- ase systems

not if icat ion for (correlated) events (event patterns)

E. ., not if me when m stocks dro below a threshold


Systematic discovery: P2P systems

f ind certain type of information on a regular basis

search engines, MA

. ., Cont inuous information feed: push systems

subscrip t ion to a certain information type


E.g., sports channel, updates are sent as soon as available

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The Interaction Spectrum

Event-based s stems Mobile a entsPush systems Peer-to-peer systems

pass ve active

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Peer-to-Peer vs. C/S and Web




Coupling tight loose very loose


asymmetric asymmetric symmetric


Clients (1000) (1,000,000) high (1,000,000)

Number of few 10

manynone 0

ervers ,

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Coupling vs. Scalability

     p      l      i     n     g

      C     o







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P2P System Models

Centralized model


(single point of failure) direct contact between requestors and providers

xamp e: aps er

Decent ralized model

Examples: Freenet, Gnutella

no g lobal index, no central coordination, g lobal behavior emergesfrom local interact ions, etc.

direct contact between requestors and providers (Gnutella) or

mediated by a chain of intermediaries (Freenet) Hierarchical model

int roduction of “super- peers”

mix of centralized and decentralized model

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Centralized Information Systems

Web search engineClient 

Example: Google 150 Mio searches/ day



1- 2 Terabytes of data(April 2001)




Client Client

"aberer"home page of Karl Aberer … ClientClient



Global ranking Fast response time

Google: 15000 servers Infrastructure, administrat ion, cost

A new company for every global applicat ion ?

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(Semi-)Decentralized Information Systems

P2P Music file sharing


Example: Napster 1.57 Mio. Users 3



10 TeraByte of data(2 Mio songs, 220 songs per user)

(February 2001)



Peer Peer

Find<title> "brick in the wall"


ResultRequest and transfer file



<artist> "pink floyd"<size> "1 MB"<category> "rock" schema you find f.mp3 at peer x.

from peer X directly PeerPeer


Napster: 100 servers

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Lessons Learned from Napster

Strengths: Resource Sharing Every node “pays” it s part icipat ion by providing access to i ts resources

 – p ys ca resources s , ne wor , now e ge anno a ons , owners p es

Every participating node acts as both a client and a server (“servent”): P2P global information system without huge investment

decentralization of cost and administration = avoiding resource bot tlenecks

Weaknesses: Cent ralization server is single point of failure

copying copyrighted material made Napster target of legal att ack

increasing degree of resource sharing and decentralization





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Fully Decentralized Information Systems

P2P file sharing • Strengths– Good response time, scalable


Example: Gnutella 40.000 nodes, 3 Mio files

– No infrastructure, no administration

– No single point of failure• Weaknesses

(August 2000) – High network traffic

– No structured search

– Free-riding

Find"brick in the wall"

I have"brick_in_the_wall.mp3"….

Self-organizing System

Gnutella: no servers

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Self - organized systems well known f rom physics,

distribut ion of control ( = decentralizat ion = symmetry inroles = P2P)

oca n erac ons, n orma on an ec s ons

emergence of global structures

failure resil ience

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P2P Architectures

Principle of self - organizat ion can be applied at

NetworkingLayerInternet Routing TCP/ IP,


Data AccessLayer




Service Layer P2P Messaging, Napster,applicat ions Distributed


User Layer UserCommunities

Collaborat ion eBay, Ciao

Original Internet designed as decentralized system:

~ - the Internet

support appl icat ion- specif ic addresses

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Resource Location in P2P Systems

Problem: Peers need to locate distr ibuted information

Peers wit h address p store data items d that are identif ied by a key kd

Given a key d (or a predicate on d) locate a peer that stores ,i.e. locate the index information (k

d, p)

Thus, the data we have to manage consists of the key- value pairs (kd, p)

Can such a distributed database be maintained and accessed by aset of peers without central cont rol ?


P2 P3


kd ="jingle" ?




d=" jingle-bells.mp3""


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Resource Location Problem


search for a key at a peer: p- > search(k)

update a key at a peer: p- > update(k,p')

peers joining and leaving the network: p- > join(p’) Performance Criteria (for search)

. .

message bandwidth, e.g. messages(query) Log(size(database))messages(update) Log(size(database))

storage space used, e.g. storagespace(peer) Log(size(database)) resilience to failures (network, peers)

Qualitat ive Cri teria

complex search predicates: equality, prefix , containment, similaritysearch

use of g lobal knowledge peer autonomy

peer anonymity and t rust

security (e.g. denial of service attacks)

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What is a P2P System ?

What is emergence ?

At which layers can the P2P architecture occur ?

 locat ion system ?

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Unstructured P2P Overlay Networks

No index informat ion is used

i.e. the information (k, ) is onl available directl from

Simplest approach: Message Flooding (Gossiping)

send query message to C neighbors

- -

messages have IDs to eliminate cycles


Example: C=3, TTL=2

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Developed in a 14 days “quick hack” by Nullsoft (winamp)

Orig inally intended for exchange of recipes

vo ut on o nute a

Published under GNU General Public License on the Nullsoft web server Taken off after a couple of hours by AOL (owner of Nullsoft)

“ ” 

Gnutella protocol was reverse engineered from downloaded versions ofthe original Gnutella software

Third- party clients were publ ished and Gnutella started to spread Based on message f looding

Typical values C= 4, TTL= 7

One request leads to messages240,26)1(**20



iC C 


least one Gnutella host (gnutellahosts.com:6346; outside the Gnutellaprotocol specification)

Neighbors are found using a basic discovery protocol (ping- pong

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Gnutella: Protocol Message Types


PingAnnounce availability and probe for

other servents


Pong Response to a ping IP address and port# of responding servent;

Query Search request Minimum network bandwidth of responding

servent; search criteria

QueryHit Returned by servents that have IP address, port# and network bandwidth of

result set

Push File download requests for

servents behind a firewall

Servent identifier; index of requested file; IP

address and port to send file to

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Gnutella: Meeting Peers (Ping/Pong) 



A’s ping

B’s pongC’s pong

D’s pong

 s pong

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Gnutella: Searching (Query/QueryHit/GET) 

X.m 3GET X.mp3 X.mp3



’ . ., .

C’s query hit

E’s query hit X.mp3

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Popularity of Queries [Sripanidkulchai01]

Very popular documents are approx imately equally popular

Less o ular documents follow a Zi f- like distribut ion i.e. 

the probabil ity of seeing a query for the ith most popularquery is proport ional to 1/(ialpha)

Access fre uenc of web documents also follows Zi f- like distributions caching might work for Gnutella

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Free-riding on Gnutella [Adar00]

24 hour sampling period:

o nute a users s are no es

50% of all responses are returned by top 1% of sharing hosts



Degradation of system performance: collapse? Increase of system vulnerability

“Centralized” (“backbone”) Gnutella copyright issues?


H1: A signif icant por t ion of Gnutella peers are free riders.

H2: Free riders are distr ibuted evenly across domains

H3: Often hosts share files nobody is interested in (are not



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Free-riding Statistics - 1 [Adar00]

H1: Most Gnutella users are free riders


22,084 (66%) of t he peers share no f iles

24,347 (73%) share ten or less files

Top 1 percent (333) hosts share 37% (1,142,645) of t otal fi les shared

Top 5 percent (1,667) hosts share 70% (1,142,645) of total f iles shared

Top 10 percent (3,334) hosts share 87% (2,692,082) of t otal fi les shared

F idi S i i 2

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Free-riding Statistics - 2 [Adar00]

H3: Man servents share files nobod downloads

Of 11,585 sharing hosts: Top 1% of sites provide nearly 47% of all answers

Top 25% of sites provide 98% of all answers

7,349 (63%) never provide a query response

T l f G ll

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Topology of Gnutella [Jovanovic01]

Small- world propert ies veri f ied (“f ind everything close by”)

Backbone + outskirts

G t ll B kb

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Gnutella Backbone [Jovanovic01]

C t i f Q i

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Categories of Queries [Sripanidkulchai01]

Categorized top 20 queries

C hi i G t ll

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Caching in Gnutella [Sripanidkulchai01]

Average bandwidth consumpt ion in tests: 3.5Mbps

Best case: trace 2 (73% hit rate = 3.7 t imes traff icreduction)

Gnutella: Bandwidth Barriers

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Gnutella: Bandwidth Barriers

Clip2 measured Gnutella over 1 month:

typ ca query s ts ong nc u ng ea ers

25% of the traff ic are queries, 50% pings, 25% other on avera e each eer seems to have 3 other eers activel


Clip2 found a scalabili ty barr ier with substant ial

10 queries/ sec

* 560 bits/ query

o accoun or e o er quar ers o message ra c

* 3 simultaneous connect ions

67,200 bps

quer es sec max mum n e presence o many a up users

won’t improve (more bandwidth - larger files)

Gnutella: Summary

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Gnutella: Summary

Completely decent ralized


High fault tolerance Adopts well and dynamically to changing peer populations

Protocol causes high network traffic (e.g., 3.5Mbps). For example:

4 connections C / peer, TTL = 7

1 ping packet can cause packets240,26)1(**2


No est imates on the durat ion of queries can be given

No probabilit y for successful queries can be given


Free riding is a problem

Reputat ion of peers is not addressed

mp e, ro ust, an sca a e at t e moment

Modern Gnutella

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Modern Gnutella

Lots of improvements

Hybrid Super- Peer architecture “Gnutella + DHT”

Improvements of Message Flooding

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Improvements of Message Flooding

Expanding Ring

start search with small TTL (e.g. TTL = 1)

no success terat ve y ncrease e.g. = + 2

k- Random Walkers forward query to one randomly chosen neighbor only, with large


start k random walkers

random walker periodically checks with requester whether to


Discussion Unstructured Networks

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Discussion Unstructured Networks



Message Bandwidth: high – improvements through random walkers, but essent ially the

Storage cost: low (only local neighborhood)

Update and maintenance cost: low (only local updates) Resilience to failures good: mult iple paths are explored

and data is repl icated

Quali tat ive Cri teria search predicates: very flex ible, any predicate is possible

global knowledge: none required

peer autonomy: high


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How are unstructured P2P networks characterized ?

What is the purpose of the ping/ pong messages inGnutella ?

Why is search latency in Gnutella low ?

Which are methods to reduce message bandwidth

Hierarchical P2P Overlay Networks

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Hierarchical P2P Overlay Networks

Servers provide index information, i.e. the


Simplest Approach

one central server

user register f iles

index server

 as P2P archi tecture



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Central (virtual) database which holds an index of offeredMP3/ WMA files

Clients connect to this server, identify themselves (account)

and send a list of MP3/ WMA fi les they are sharing (C/ S) Other clients can search the index and learn from which

Addit ional services at server (chat etc.)


(user, files)

A B“A has X.mp3”

Download X.mp3

Superpeer Networks

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Superpeer Networks

Improvement of Central Index Server (Morpheus, Kaaza)

mult iple index servers build a P2P network

clients are associated with one (or more) superpeers

superpeers use message flooding to forward search requests


redundant superpeersare goo

superpeers should havehigh outdegree (> 20)



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Message Bandwidth: low – with superpeers flooding occurs, but the number of

Storage cost: low at client, high at index server

Update cost: low (no repl icat ion)

Resilience to failures: bad (system has single- point offailure)

Quali tat ive Cri teria search predicates: very flex ible, any predicate is possible

global knowledge: server

peer autonomy: low


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Which are the two levels of P2P networks in

are they related ?

Which problem of distribut ion is avoided insuperpeer networks and addressed in structured

between nodes and functional layers ?

Structured P2P Overlay Networks

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Unstructured overlay networks – what we learned


robustness (almost impossible to “ki ll” – no centralauthority)

er ormance

search latency O(log n), n number of peers



t remendous bandwidth consumpt ion for search

free rid ing


Efficient Resource Location

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update cost

hi h




search cost



(e.g. prefix routing)


(e.g. Gnutella)

(e.g. Napster)

Distribution of Index Information

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Goal: provide eff icient search using few messages without usingdesignated servers

, . .maintains and provides part of the index information (k, p)

Diff icult: d istribut ing the data access structure to support eff icientsearch


Search starts here

Where to start the search?

data access

index information I


eers storin data and index information

I1 I2 I3 I4

peers (storing data)


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Different strategies


Chord: constructing a distr ibuted hash table CAN: Rout ing in a d- dimensional space

Freenet: caching index information along search paths


eac peer ma n a ns a sma par o e n ex n orma on(rout ing table)

searches performed by d irected message forwarding

Differences performance and qualitative criteria


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Search tree (prefix tree)?

0?? 1??data 101

00? 01? 10? 11?101


000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

!101N objects log2(N) steps

Scalable data access structures

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Assume number of data objects > > storage of one

Distributed storage

Given a data access structure

Size of data access structure = number of data objects

ze o a a access s ruc ure > > s orage o one no e


Non-scalable Distribution of Search Tree

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• Distribute search tree over peers


0?? 1??

00? 01? 10? 11?

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

peer 1 peer 2 peer 3 peer 4

Scalable Distribution of Search Tree

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0?? 1??

00? 01? 10? 11?

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

peer 1 peer 2 peer 3 peer 4

Scalable data access structures

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Associate each peer with a complete path


0?? 1??

00? 01? 10? 11?

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

peer 1 peer 2 peer 3 peer 4

Scalable data access structures

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1??peer 1 peer 2

10? eer 4

knows more aboutthis part of the tree

100 101

knows more aboutthis part of the tree

peer 3

The result is P-Grid

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101Peers cooperate in search




1??peer 1 peer 2

peer 3


101 Message 

peer 4

110 1111??peer 1 peer 2


to peer 3 

101 ?

100 101

10? peer 4


peer 3


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Split t ing Approach (P- Grid)

peers meet and decide whether to extend search t ree by split t ingt e ata space

peers can perform load balancing considering their storage load

networks with dif ferent origins can merge, like Gnutella, Freenet

Node Insert ion Approach (Chord, CAN, …)

" " 

nodes route from a gateway node to their node- id to populatethe routing table


Repl icat ion of data items and rout ing table entries is used toincrease failure resil ience

P-Grid Discussion

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Message Bandwidth: O(log n) (selective routing)

Storage cost: O(log n) (rout ing table)

Update cost: low (like search)

  search predicates: prefix searches

global knowledge: key hashing

peer autonomy: peers can locally decide on their role(spli t t ing decision)

DHT example: Chord

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Hashing of search keys AND peer addresses on binary keys oflength m e.g. m= 8, key("jingle- bells.mp3")= 17, key( 3

Data keys are stored at next larger node key

,data with hashed identifier k, thenk ] predecessor(p), p ]k

m=832 keys




Search possibilities1. every peer knows every other

O(n) routing table size 


O(n) search cost

l h

Routing Tables

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Every peer knows m peers with exponent iallyincreasing distance

 Eac peer p stores a routing ta e

First peer with hashed identifier si such thatsi =successor(p+2i-1) for i=1,..,m

 e wr e a so si = nger , ppp+2




s1, s2, s3


p2 1 p2

2 p2




4 p3

5 p4


O(log n) routing table sizep4

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search(p, k)

find in routing table largest (i, p*) such that p* [p,k[

/* largest peer key smaller than the searched data key */

if such a p* exists then search(p*, k)else return (successor(p)) // found




s1, s2, s3






k1k2O(log n) search cost

RT with exp. increasing




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Node Insertion

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New node q joining the network

q asks ex ist ing node p to f ind predecessor and fingers

cost: O(log2 n)

p p+2p+1 qp+

p2 routing table


routing table

ofp+8 i si

1 q

i si

1 p2


2 q

3 p2

2 p2

3 p3

4 3p+16

5 p4 5 p4

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Load Balancing in Chord

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5 10^5 keys

uniform data distribution

50 keys per node?

NO, as IP addresses do

not map uniformly into

data ke s ace.

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Length of Search Paths

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100 2^12 keys

Path length ½ Log2(n)

RTs can be seenas an embeddingof search treesinto the network

 an t us searc

starts at a randomlyselected tree depth

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Chord Discussion

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Node join/ leave cost: O(log2 n)

Resilience to failures: replicat ion to successor nodes

Quali tat ive Cri teria

searc pre ca es: equa y o eys on y

global knowledge: key hashing, network orig in

peer autonomy: nodes have by vir tue of their address aspecific role in the network

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Topological Routing (CAN)

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Based on hashing of keys into a d-dimensional space (a torus)

Each peer is responsible for keys of a subvolume of the space (a zone)

Each peer stores the adresses of peers responsible for the neighboringzones for rout ing

Search requests are greedi ly forwarded to t he peers in the closest zones

Assignment of peers to zones depends on a random select ion madeby the peer

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Network Search and Join

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 o e o ns e ne wor y c oos ng a coor na e n e vo ume o=> O(d) updates or RTs

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CAN Refinements

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Multiple Realities


Nodes hold a zone in each of them

Creates r replicas of the (key, value) pairs

Increases robustness

Reduces path length as search can be cont inued in the

realit where the tar et is closest

Overloading zones

Different peers are responsible for the same zone

Splits are only performed i f a maximum occupancy (e.g. 4)

Nodes know all other nodes in the same zone

But only one of the neighbors

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CAN Path Length

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CAN Discussion

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Performance1/ d ,

probabil ity, provable)

Message Bandwidth: O(d n1/ d), (select ive rout ing) 

Update cost: low (like search)

Node join/ leave cost: O(d n1/ d)

Resilience to failures: reali t ies and overloading

Qualitat ive Criteria

search predicates: spatial distance of mult idimensional keys

global knowledge: key hashing, network origin


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Dynamical Clustering (Freenet)

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Freenet Background

P2P system which supports publicat ion, repl icat ion, and retr ieval

Protects anonymity of authors and readers: infeasible to

determine the orig in or dest ination of data Nodes are not aware of what they store (keys and f iles are sent

and stored encrypted)

Uses an adaptive routing and caching strategy

 Key Data Address

8e47683isdd0932uje89 ZT38hwe01h02hdhgdzu tcp/

456r5wero04d903iksd0 Rhweui12340jhd091230 tcp/

f3682jkjdn9ndaqmmxia eqwe1089341ih0zuhge3 tcp/

wen09hjfdh03uhn4218 erwq038382hjh3728ee7 tcp/ tcp/

d0ui43203803ujoejqhh tcp/

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Freenet Routing

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If a search request arrives

Either the data is in the table

r t e request s orwar e to t e a resses w t t e mostsimi lar keys (lexicographic similarit y, edit distance) til l an answer

is found or TTL reached (e.g. TTL = 500)

If an answer arrives

The key, address and data of the answer are inserted into thetable


Qualit y of rout ing should improve over t ime

Node is l isted under certain ke in routin tables

Therefore gets more requests for similar keys

Therefore tends to store more entries with similar keys(clustering) when receiving result s and caching them

ynam c rep ca on o a a

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Freenet Routing

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peer p has k

eer ' has k'

search k

response (k,p)

new link established

' ',

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Freenet: Inserting Files

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First a the key of the file is calculated

An insert message with this proposed key and ahops- to- live value is sent to the neighbor with themost similar key

en every peer c ec s w e er e propose eyis already present in it s local store

es return stored f ile or i inal re uester must ro osenew key)

no route to next peer for further checking (rout ing usesthe same ke sim ilarit measure as searchin 

continue until hops- to- live are 0 or failure

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Freenet: Evolution of Path Length

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1000 identical nodes

max 50 data

max 200

references/node Initial references:

(i-1, i-2, i+1, i+2) mod n

each time-step:

- randomly insert

- TTL=20

every 100 time-steps:300 requests

median path length 500 6=

random nodes andmeasure actual path

length (failure=500).

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Freenet Discussion

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Message Bandwidth: low (select ive rout ing)

Storage cost: relatively low (experimentally not validated !)

Update cost: low (like search)

 – but a bootstrapping phase is required

 data and keys)

ua a ve r er a

search predicates: with encrypt ion only equali ty of keys

lobal knowled e: none

peer autonomy: high (with encrypt ion r isk of stor ingundesired data)

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Paradi m Search T eSearch Cost


Gnutella Breadth-first String2* *( 1)




search on graphEquality O(Log n) ?

ChordImplicit binary

search treesEquality O(Log n)



P-Grid Binary prefixtrees

Prefix O(Log n)

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Small World Graphs

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Each P2P system can beinter reted as a directed ra h(overlay network)

peers correspond to nodes


Find a decentralized algorithm(greedy rout ing) to route amessage rom any no e to any

other node B with few hopscompared to the size of t he graph

Requires the ex istence of shortpaths in the graph

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Milgram’s Experiment

Fi di h h i f i

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Finding short chains of acquaintanceslinking pairs of people in USA who didn’tknow each other;

Source person in Nebraska 

Target person in Massachusetts.

Average length of the chains that werecompleted was between 5 and 6 steps

“Six degrees of separat ion” principle

BIG QUESTION: WHY there should be short chains of ac uaintances

linking together arbit rary pairs of strangers???

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Random Graphs

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For many years typical explanation was - random

Low diameter: expected distance between two nodes is

logkN, where k is the outdegree and N the number of nodes

en pa rs or ver ces are se ec e un orm y a ran omthey are connected by a short path with high probabil ity

But there are some inaccuracies

If A and B have a common f riend C it is more likely that theythemselves will be friends! (clustering)

Many real world networks (social networks, biologicalnetworks in nature, art if icial networks – power grid, WWW)

exhibit this clustering property

Random networks are NOT clustered.

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Clustering measures the fract ion of neighbors of a node thatare connected themselves


but also a high d iameter

Random Graphs have a low clustering coeff icient 

Both models do match the properties expected from realnetworks!

Random Graph (k= 4)

Short ath length

Regular Graph(k=4)


Almost no clustering


Long paths

L ~ n/ (2k)

C~3/ 4

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Small-World Networks

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Random rewir ing of regular graph (by Watts and

With probabil ity p rewire each link in a regular graph to a

randomly selected node

esu ng grap as proper es, o o regu ar anrandom graphs

 – High clustering and short path length

Freenet has been shown to result in small world graphs

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Flashback: Freenet Search Performance

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Modifying rout ing tables in Freenet through" " 

Studies show that Freenet graphs have small- world


Explains improving search performance

Regular graph:

n nodes, k nearest neighbors

path length ~ n/2k

4096/16 = 256

Random graph:

path length ~ log (n)/log(k)

~ 4

Rewired graph (1% of nodes):

path length ~ random graph

clustering ~ regular graph

Small World Graph

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Search in Small World Graphs

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BUT! Watts- Strogatz can provide a model

existence of short paths 

It does not explain how the shortest paths

also Gnutella networks are small- world graphs


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P2P Overlay Networks as Graphs

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Each P2P system can be

graph …

peers correspond to nodes

rout ing table entries as directedlinks

… embedded in some space

P- Grid: interval [0,1]

Chord: ring [0,1)

CAN: d- dimensional torus

 lexicographical d istance

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Kleinberg’s Small-World Model

Kl i b ’ S ll W ld’ d l

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Kleinberg’s Small- World’s model

Embed the graph into an r- dimensional grid

constant number p of short range links (neighborhood)

q long range links: choose long- range links such that the probability

to have a long range contact is proportional to 1/ dr


Decentralized (greedy) rout ing performs best if f. r = dimension ofspace

r = 2

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Influence of “r” (1)

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• Each peer u has link to the peer v with probability proportional to r vud  ),(


, .

• Optimal value: r = dim = dimension of the space 

algorithm can quickly approach the neighborhood of target, but then slowsdown till finally reaches target itself).

• If r > dim we tend to choose more close neighbors (algorithm finds quickly

’arge n s ne g or oo , u reac es s ow y s ar away .• When r = 0 – long range contacts are chosen uniformly. Random graph theory

proves that there exist short paths between every pair of vertices, BUT there is no decentralized algorithm capable finding these paths

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Influence of “r” (2)

Given node u if we can part it ion the remaining peers into sets A1 A2

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Given node u if we can part it ion the remaining peers into sets A1, A2 ,A3, … , AlogN  , where Ai , consists of all nodes whose distance from u is

i i+1 - .. .

Then given r = dim each long range contact of u is nearly equally likely to

belong to any of t he sets Ai 

When q = log N  – on average each node will have a link in each set of A




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DHTs and Kleinberg model

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P- Grid ’s


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Conclusions from Kleinberg's Model

With respect to the Watts and Strogatz model

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With respect to the Watts and Strogatz model

there is no decentralized algorit hm capable performing effective search

J. Kleinberg presented the inf inite family of Small World networks thatgeneralizes the Watts and Strogatz model and shows that decentralizedsearch algorithms can find short paths with high probability

ere ex s on y one un que mo e w n a am y or w cdecentralized algorithms are effective.

With respect to overlay networks

Many of the structured P2P overlay networks are similar t o Kleinberg’s

model (e.g. Chord, randomized version, q= log N, r= 1)

Unstructured overlay networks also fi t into the model (e.g. Gnutella q= 5,r=0)

Some variants of structured P2P overla networks are havin noneighborhood lattice (e.g. P- Grid , p= 0)

Extensions to spaces beyond regular gr ids are possible (e.g. arbit rarymetric spaces)

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How can we characterize P2P overlay networks such that we

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How can we characterize P2P overlay networks such that wecan study them using graph- theoretic approaches?

What is the main di f ference between a random graph and aSW ra h?

What is the main dif ference between the Watts/ Strogatz and

What is the relat ionship between structured overlay networks

What are possible variat ions of the small world graph model?

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Specific problems: Identity management

D fi iti

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 ons s en mapp ng o a se o a r u es on o anidentifier in a unique, deterministic, and secure way

Ident if icat ion is an essent ial building block indistr ibuted (information) systems

xamp es: rec ory serv ces DNS: symbolic host names IP address

X.500: dist in uished name ob ect at tributes 

UDDI: query

web service specificat ion

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Identity management issues

Data management

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Data management

Centralized vs. distr ibuted data management

 – Degree of decentralizat ion (orthogonal to the distr ibut ion of

Update consistency


Access perm issions (+ management)

Requires unique identi f icat ion

es ence aga ns a ac s

Infrastructure Third art

Scalabili ty, robustness, 24/ 7 availabil ity, etc.

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Use case: Dynamic IP addresses

Most computers on the Internet have a dynamic IP

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Most computers on the Internet have a dynamic IP

Limited number of IP addresses

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (lease time)

Host mobil ity (physical mobil ity)

Problem for any system that bui lds a distr ibuted

Use Case:


P2P systems (Chord, DKS, Pastry, P-Grid, etc.)

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P2P systems and dynamic IP addresses

Structured P2P systems (Chord Pastry P- Grid DKS

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Structured P2P systems (Chord, Pastry, P Grid, DKS,

These systems construct a distr ibuted index routing

tables ynam c a resses rou ng a es ecome

inconsistent system can break down

Unstructured (Gnutella) and hierarchical (FastTrack)


Less of a problem


 – high bandwidth consumption, or – single point of failures, or

 – ,

 – etc.

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Problems to address

How to f ind out that an IP address has become invalid?

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No res onse

 – Network problem or did the peer get a new address?

Response – Is i t sti l l the same eer? (authenticit , re la , man- in- the-middle att acks)

Frequency of address changes is crucial

Peers can join and leave at any moment

IP address can change at any moment

Security: DOS attacks are very simple


EvilHacker.org part icipates in the overlay and thus f indsout IP addresses

.random hosts or itself

A scalable and secure infrastructure is required

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Problems of current P2P approaches

Third- party infrastructures are required

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Third party infrastructures are required


Maintenance protocols may compromise structural

propert ies (e.g., load- balancing)

Previous knowledge is lost (e.g., reputat ion of thepeer, QoS, etc.)

o curren approac a resses secur y Only the owner should be allowed to update the mapping

DOS re la man- in- the- middle etc. are not addressed 

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IPv6 as an alternative

With IPv6 dynamic addresses or NAT are no longer

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y g

IPv6 address space is ~3,4 * 1038 (or 1030 addresses per

person on the planet) v curren a ress space s

IPsec (included in IPv6)

solves authent icat ion roblem 

DOS attacks are more di f f icult

Mobili ty is addressed

IPv6: home/ foreign address

IPv4: mobi li ty extension but not suppor ted on a large scale


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DNS as an alternative

DNS extensions

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 DNS could support secure updates

Problems – ery eavy- we g

 – Configuration is very diff icult and error- prone

 – Not for the “normal user” (as in a P2P system)

DynDNS (and similar services) Hosts maintain a consistent name/ address mapping in a

special DNS domain via a special client


 – Centralized scalability


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Basic idea

DNS FQDN IP addressstatic


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DNS FQDN IP addressmapping

lookup IPaddress


routing based on

FQDN (any overlay)

- r


routing based on

lookup IPaddress

logical identifier


logical identifier  IP address

DYNAMIC mapping

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Informal discussion

Use unique logical ident if iers (UUIDs) instead of physicalid ifi (IP dd )

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identifiers (IP addresses):

Peer identifiers

Routing based on UUIDs

 the logical and the physical ident if ier

- Rate of changes < self- healing rate

Dynamic equi libr ium

Advantages: General identification facility disentangling logical identifiers

from network structure

Tracking of chances (for example, reputat ion)

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Maintenance and routing

Universal Unique Ident if ier (UUID) are generatedlocally

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Cryptographically secure hash function global


Index / rout ing tables: UUID

Peers maintain an up- to- date UUID- IP mappings in P- Grid

ou ng Peers cache known UUID- IP mappings

Ma in ex ists in cache ident it of tar et eer is

checked before forwarding

No mapping is known query P- Grid for mapping

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Security issues

Peer generates publ ic/ pr ivate key

UUID bli k P G id

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UUID- public key P- Grid

Why is it secure?

Data in P- Grid is stored at a number of random replicas

Hard to attack

Request are – signed (private key) authenticity & access permissions

 – time- stamped no replay possible Quorums are required for each request

et ter secur ty t an

Quorums Independent, random paths avoid weakest link problem


Revoke and update of securit y relevant information is possible

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Directory maintenance: self-healing

Repair strategies

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Lazy repair: repair a routing table when all references at one level

become stale


lookup IP lookup IP address

routing based onlogical identifier


rou ng ase onFQDN (any overlay)

maintain logical identifier  IP address

mapping: eager or lazy

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Eager repair strategy

System is in a dynamic equilibr ium if the rate of changes due tochanging mappings and t he rate of repairs is equal

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rup changes per 1- rup queries

Nrec – 1 addi tional recursive queries

Repair makes sense only if t he rout ing ent ry to be repaired

A repair is possib le only if recursive query succeeds

RHSRate of entries turning stale

rup c anges

1- pdyn probabil ity of non- stale references (only these can turn stale)

r references at each peer for each of log2n levels

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Lazy repair strategy

Repair only if all references of a level are stale

Not all rout ing entr ies are treated uniform ly

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Not all rout ing entr ies are treated uniform ly

The number of stale ent ries for each rout ing level at each peerdefines the state of that level

Markovian model

0 ref stale

1 ref stale

2 ref stale

r ref stale






Dynamic equi librium equation

inflow = outf low (for each state) At dynamic equil ibr ium, the number of rout ing levels with

given number of stale ent ries over the whole system shouldnot change

N.B. We distinguish stale entries from offline peers

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Lazy repair: Analytical vs.simulation results

Number of messages vs. rate of change (N=128,256,512,1024,replication factor is 8)

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Lazy Rec., Mess. vs. r_up for p_on=1 n=N 8 ,









0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15r_up

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Effect of pon on stability andmessage overhead

In networks with more online peers the lazy strategy is advantageousbut collapses earlier

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Msg Lazy vs. Eager rec. r_up=0.2, lg_2 n =5

Directory "unstable"


Eager rec

Lazy rec




Directory "stable"

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 _

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Decentralized, self - maintaining, light- weight , and

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secure rec ory serv ce

Robust and applicable in unreliable environments


Logical independence of identi ty from network properties

General approach for ident if icat ion Structural propert ies are maintained


Dynamic resilience of a P2P system under “churn”

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GridVine: Peer Data Management

Searching semantically richer objectsin lar e scale hetero eneous networks

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in lar e scale hetero eneous networks<xap:CreateDate>2001-12-




<es:DofCreation> 05/08/2004 </es:DofCreation>


? ? ?

<myRDF:Date> Jan 1, 2005 </myRDF:Date>

➠ Lack of semantic interoperability

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Information Heterogeneity 

Syntactic discrepancies

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Semantic hetero eneit

mage c a e

 A0657B25 05.08.04<es:cDate> 05/08/2004 </es:cDate>VS

Extensible standards (XML, RDF, XMP, PSA, WinFS...)

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="width"> <rdf:Property rdf:ID=“Length-Y">

<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#length"/>



<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#length"/>


  . .,protein information, picture metadata)

➠ Shared re resentation is not enou h

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Integrating Data in DistributedDatabases 

The Wrapper- Mediator architecture

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D a t   e

D a t  

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Integrating Data in the new WebEcology

Mediated ArchitecturesMediated Architectures Large Scale Information SystemsLarge Scale Information Systems(e.g., WWW))(e.g., WWW))

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ScaleScale Number of sources < 100 Number of sources > 1000

UncertaintyUncertainty Consistent Data-

Uncertain Data-

- Manually curated data

Schemas created byadministrators

- Semi- automatic creation of data

Schemas created by end users

DynamicityDynam icit y Relat ively stable set of sources- stable mediator

Sources known a priori 

Network churn- node fai lures

Unknown sources

ExpressivenessExpressiveness Relat ional Data

Structured Schemas- Integrity constraints

Semi- structured data

Schematas- Few integrity constraints

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Decentralized Interoperability



FOR $p IN /Photoshop_Image



FOR $p IN T12

p rea or o

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p rea or o

Photoshop(own schema)


known schema

p rea or o








<Dis la Name>=<Bag>


Tunbridge Wells


<Item>Royal Council</Item>

Henry Peach Robinson<DisplayName>
















FOR $fs IN /WinFSImage

➠ Extending integrat ion techniques to decent ralized sett ings

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Peer Data Management Systems



<xa :Modif Date>2001-12-


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es:cDate xap:CreateDate

<myRDF:Date> Jan 1, 2005


Pairwise mappings

Peer Data Management Systems (PDMS)Local mappings overcome global heterogeneity

Iterative query reformulation

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3-Tier Network


e a on

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e a on


Jupp /







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Data-Centric P2P Systems 

Piazza / Hyperion


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 – LAV- style query reformulation in P2P sett ings?

Network- intensive – arge- sca e ep oymen

Perfect mappings


Scales a relational engine on top of a DHT

Fixed schema


Indexes RDF triples in a DHT


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More and more machine- processable (semi- structured)data available

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Peer Production

Human Computat ion


Top- down efforts to align data have failed largely


Emergent SemanticsBottom- up


➠ Only resort to foster interoperabili ty in the large scaleecen ra ze a a spaces curren y emerg ng

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Karl Aberer


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Anwitaman Datta

Roman Schmidt

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Are you still awake?

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Introduction to Peer-to-Peer–

Manfred Hauswirth, Marcel Karnstedt

Copyright 2009 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved.

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Outline – Part 2

The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

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or e a a

A Distributed Universal Storage



Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion

The Praxis: Implementation


133 of XYZ

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The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

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o e a a

A Distributed Universal Storage



Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion

The Praxis: Implementation


134 of XYZ

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, ,dynamic, structured, deep, l inked, …

Clique project:

Integrated structrured storage

Data pre- processing, integration, restructuring, index ing


Data access API and query processor for complex queries

135 Marcel Karnstedt IFIP Database Meeting Nicosia, Cyprus, 2009

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Public Data Management

....Semantic & social Web, encyclopedias,“ “ 

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Datasets, which are

Maintained by large communities in a distributed way Of public interest

„Homogenized“ database, extensible and flexible,

136 of XYZ

, ,

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Main Challenges

Data management


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Security, trust, fairness

Guarantees consistenc inte rit

CAP- Theorem [Gilbert et al. 2002], ACID vs. BASE

Query expressiveness

DB- like queries with advanced funct ionalit y Support of IR queries and simi larity is mandatory


Efficient processing

Eff icient query operators

137 of XYZ

Cost awareness in changing situations

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Who pays the load?

Who owns the data?

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views over 100.000


Efficientquery processing?Do we trust them?

Sindice, YARS

Jena, OracleSW- Store



138 of XYZ


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The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

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A Distributed Universal Storage



Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion The Praxis: Implementation


139 of XYZ

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sca a ty

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P2P paradigm



Index structures Distributed DBSSensor 



query processing

Data streams

140 of XYZ

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The Big Picture

Who wrote an article for cool

Who wrote an article for cool


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Wikipedia(article,author)“Pulp Fiction”,”MK”Wikipedia(article,author)“Pulp Fiction”,”MK”

Del.icio.us bookmark ta creatorDel.icio.us bookmark ta creator

DBPedia(link,wikilink,category)“Pulp Fictoon”,”Q. Tarantino”,”movie”

DBPedia(link,wikilink,category)“Pulp Fictoon”,”Q. Tarantino”,”movie”


141 of XYZ

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Layers of Processing

Scheduling,Ada tation,


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Processing Strategies

Similarity /Approximate

Query Operators




142 of XYZ

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A Distributed Universal Storage



Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion The Praxis: Implementation


143 of XYZ

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Universal Relation Model

Since the eight ies: Model for simpl if ied retrieval inrelat ional databases

Universal relat ion containing all attributes

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Universal relat ion containing all attributes

Simplif ies navigation over mult iple relat ions dur ingquery formulat ion

SW- Store

1 2 3 1 2 1...

144 of XYZ

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Triple Store

Universal relat ion model  


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Similar to RDF: subject, predicate, object

OID Car Mileage HP Price

232 Volvo V70 34.000 180 28.000

SW- Store


232 Car Volvo V70

Sindice, YARS...


No need for 

232 Mileage 34.000

232 HP 180

145 of XYZ

representing null valuesr ce .

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Indexing of att ributes = key for Hashing


For tuple (oid v1 v2 ) of R(OID A1 A2 )

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For tuple (oid, v1, v2, ...) of R(OID, A1, A2, ...)

232 Car Volvo V70

232 Mileage 34.000


232 Price 28.000

h(oid) for object lookup

h(A1 || v1)

h(A2 || v2) for Ai≥

v... (prefix search)

146 of XYZ

...trade-off storage vs. performance

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P-Grid : Range Queries

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[Datta et al. 2005]

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The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

A Distrib ted Uni ersal Storage

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A Distributed Universal Storage



Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion The Praxis: Implementation


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Query language VQL


Conjunct ive queries

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j q

Enhanced by advanced operators Operations both on instance and schema level

Basic query form

SELECT ?oid, ?val

WHERE { ?oid price ?val }

SELECT ?oid, ?val

WHERE { ?oid price ?val }





149 of XYZ


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Similarity Queries


FILTER (edist(?value, v) < 2) }

FILTER (edist(?value, v) < 2) }

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String similari ty:

Edit distance using (posit ional) q- Grams

LSH forestSWAM

[Gravano et al. 2001, Schallehn et al. 2004] Requires addit ional key- value pairs in P- Grid

, ,

 – h(q- gram i(A)) oid

 – h(q- gram i(v)) oid

150 of XYZ


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String Similarity


0 0 1



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.. ..

0 0 11

. ....

00…0 11…1

“All values in distance d= 1…”

Quer ran e for att ribute vs. uer d+ 1 - rams

151 of XYZ


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More Operators

Similarity joins [NetDB06]

WHERE { ?o1 attr 1 ?v1 . ?o2 attr 2 ?v2

FILTER (edist(?v1 ?v2) < k) }

WHERE { ?o1 attr 1 ?v1 . ?o2 attr 2 ?v2

FILTER (edist(?v1 ?v2) < k) }

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( ( 1, 2) ) }( ( 1, 2) ) }

Ranking queries: top-k, skyline [DBRank07]





WHERE { ?o attr ?v }

ORDER BY ?v NN “A String“ LIMIT k 

WHERE { ?o attr ?v }

ORDER BY ?v NN “A String“ LIMIT k 

152 of XYZ

WHERE { ?o attr1 ?x . ?o attr2 ?y}


WHERE { ?o attr1 ?x . ?o attr2 ?y}


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String Similarity Joins

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Doubled sequent ial Doubled parallel

Cloud services

153 of XYZ

Parallel and sequent ial Sequent ial and parallel

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Skyline Queries

Ob ects that are not “dominated“ b other ob ects 

Scoring function on mult iple attributes, no weight ing

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dominated objects 


154 of XYZ


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Skylines: Basic Idea


“Frame Skyline“ algorithm

Minimum of f irst

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dimension definesmaximum for seconddimension


a frame narrowing thesearch space

155 of XYZ

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Skylines: Processing



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Min x x 

Min y 

1. Find minimum in one selective dimension x2. Use y value of min(x) to l im it search range


4. Always ship current skyline with query

5. Determine lobal sk line at one eer

156 of XYZ

6. Opt ionally: distributed range querying “on theway“ to min(x)

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Skylines: More Dimensions

All project ions to 2dsub- spaces are skylinecandidates

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Objects of the searchedframe can dominate


 dominate objects of the

searched f rame

157 of XYZ

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Outline – Part 2

The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

A Distributed Universal Storage

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Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion The Praxis: Implementation


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Query Execution

Goal: stateless processing „Push“ approach 

(based on Mutant Query Plans [Papadimos et al. 2002])

Receiver peer is ident if ied by applying the hash funct ion

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Receiver peer is ident if ied by applying the hash funct ion

Multiple instances of the plan t ravel t rough the network

A,1 , A,2 {(A,2)} B PIER, PeerDB




{(A,2,B,2,C,1), (A,2,B,2,C,4)}

(A) B

(A) B


p0 2



{(A,5),(B, 5)}(A) B

{(A,3),(A,4)} B

159 of XYZ

{(A,5),(A,6)}, , ,

{(A,5)} B

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Guarantees: Completeness

Problem:“ “ ‘ complete results


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Allow to est imate result completeness

 – For the user (“98% of all possible answers“)

 – For blocking query operators (aggregators, ranking- based

operators) in order t o guarantee a certain level ofcompleteness


Not feasible on data level, but perhaps on peer level?!

161 of XYZ

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Completeness Estimation

Estimation on peer level

Support of probabilistic guarantees

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Accuracy improved by Milestone messages (MiMes)


[CIKM08, WIDM08]

Join(A=B) P1B P2B P3B PmB...

Extract(A)sequ Extract(B)rangeP1

A P2A P3

A PnA...

162 of XYZ

Query graph0 Routing graph level




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CERQ: Initial Estimation

0 1

P1000 001

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0000 0001

P0 P2



Example: P-Grid range query 00100-1101 at P0

Predict trie on information from: 

2) local routing table (at least one node per level/sub-tree)

=> estimates 8 (out of 10)

163 of XYZ

...the better, the more information is kept in each routing table


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CERQ: Estimation Refinement

The ini t ial est imate might not be correct 

Piggy- back information

Query contains est imation of peers in sub- tree

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Query contains est imation of peers in sub tree

Query replies can contain corrections

0 1

Sub-query P0 -> P3

Sub-tree 001*P1


000 001

Estimate: 3 peers

P3’s routing table

contains peer(s) of 

P0 P2



0000 0001

164 of XYZ

sub-tree 0010*

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CERQ: Further Improvements

Use of structural replication 

Each ent ry might have a di fferent path

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Every path allows peers to learn more about sub- trees More ent ries mean better init ial estimates


P2P networks are dynamic

Though the structure is likely to be stable

The learned structure can be cached for later estimates

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CERQ: Other Overlays

SkipGraphs Most similar to P- Grid

Rout ing information of mult iple levels

Unknown number of peers in bucket layer

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Prefix hash tree (Chord)

Peers build a tree- hierarchy

Only applicable if number of children is known


Forwarding along neighbors

No estimation can be given

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= e ea can e mappe un er cer a n con ons

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Outline – Part 2

The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

A Distributed Universal Storage

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Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion The Praxis: Implementation


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Representing Mappings

Simple kind of at tribute correspondences


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A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

Triple representation

(A4, equiv, A5)

(A3, subsumes, A6)PeerDBSQPeer

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Query Expansion

Unexpanded query

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Map operators added

169 of XYZFirst mapping Expanded query

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Outline – Part 2

The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

A Distributed Universal Storage

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Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion The Praxis: Implementation


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Evaluation: Similarity Joins

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c1: seq & par/ seq


c3: seq & par/ par

c4: par& par/ par

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c5: par & local

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Evaluation: CERQ 

1 reference 3 references 5references

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More references lead to (as expected)

Better init ial est imate

Less corrections

Smaller errors

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Replicat ion factor 1 (similar results for factor 2)

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Evaluation: Completeness

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Min, max, avg 74 peers Min, max, avg 50 peers

174 of XYZ Without MiMes With MiMes

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Outline – Part 2

The Vision: A Universal Storageor e a a

A Distributed Universal Storage

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Query Engine

Mappings & Query Expansion

The Praxis: Implementation


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Summary & Outlook

Web data is huge, heterogeneous, structured,linked

Modern applicat ions require a universal and f lexiblestorage

DB like and RDF lik ing

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DB- like and RDF- lik ing DHTs well- suited for large- scale data management

UniStore as one solution

o us an sca a e, un versa an g - we g

Sophisticated query capabilities

Adapt ive, cost- based, stateless and parallel QP

Guarantees, semantic layer

…and all on totally decentralised and self-organising P2P!! 

176 of XYZ


Privacy & Trust, reputat ion

Guarantees, consistency, integri ty

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Kai- Uwe Satt ler, Manfred Hauswir th, Kat ja Hose,

Sapkota, Conor Hayes, ...

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Students: Mart in Richtarsky, Michael Haß, JessicaMüller, Mario Wiegandt, Stefan Schwalm, Matthias

, , ...

Supported by the Science Foundation Ireland underGrant No. SFI/ 08/ CE/ I1380 (Lion- 2) and under

Grant No. 08/ SRC/ I1407 (Clique: Graph & Network

177 of XYZ


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Related Systems

Sindice: Sindice. The semantic web index. http:/ / sindice.com/ 

YARS: A. Harth, J. Umbr ich, A. Hogan, S. Decker, Yars2: A federated repository forquerying graph structured data f rom the web, in: Proc. of ISWC/ ASWC, 2007.

 Jena: Wilkinson, K., Sayers, C., Kuno, H., Reynolds, D.: Efficient RDF storage and retrievalin Jena2. In: SWDB, pp. 131–150 (2003)

Oracle: Chong, E.I., Das, S., Eadon, G., Srinivasan, J.: An efficient SQL- based RDFquerying scheme. In: VLDB, pp. 1216–1227 (2005)

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  . . , . , . . , . . part it ioned DBMS for Semant ic Web data management . The VLDB Journal (2009) 18 :385– 406

PIER: R. Huebsch, J. M. Hellerstein, N. Lanham, B. Thau Loo, S. Shenker, and I. Stoica.Querying the Internet with PIER. In VLDB’03, pages 321–332, 2003.

RDFPeers: M. Cai and M. Frank. RDFPeers: a scalable distributed RDF repository based

on a structured peer- to- peer network . In WWW’04, pages 650–657, 2004. PeerDB: W. S. Ng, B. Ch. Ooi, and K.- L. Tan. PeerDB: A P2P- based System for Dist ributed

Data Sharing. In ICDE ’03, pages 633–644, 2003.

AmbientDB: P. Boncz and C. Trei tel . AmbientDB: Relat ional Quer Processin in a P2P Network . In Workshop On Databases, Information Systems and P2P Comput ing,(DBISP2P’03), pages 153–168, 2003.

Hexastore: Weiss, C., Karras, P., Bernstein, A.: Hexastore: sextuple indexing for

semantic web data management. VLDB, 2008’

178 of XYZ

  . . . , .W3C Candidate Recommendation.

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Related Systems /2

LSH forest: M. Bawa, T. Cond ie, and P. Ganesan. LSH forest: self - tuning indexes forsimi larit y search. In WWW’05, pages 651–660, 2005.

SWAM: F. Banaei- Kashani and C. Shahabi. SWAM: a family of access methods fors m ar ty- searc n peer- to- peer ata net wor s. n , pages – , .

Cloud services: M. Brantner, D. Florescu, D. Graf, D. Kossmann, and T. Kraska. Bui ld inga database on S3. In SIGMOD ’08, pages 251–264, 2008.

DSL: P. Wu, C. Zhan, Y. Feng, B. Zhao, D. Agrawal, and A. El Abbadi. Parallelizing skyline

ueries for scalable distribution. In EDBT’06 a es 112–130 2006.Sk f S Q C O S f

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Skyframe: S. Wang, Q. H. Vu, B. Ch. Ooi, A. K. H. Tung, and L. Xu. Skyframe: aframework for skyline query processing in peer- to- peer systems. The VLDB Journal,18(1):345–362, 2009.

DARQ : B. Quilitz and U. Leser. Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources with SPARQL. In’ – , , .

ObjectGlobe: R. Braumandl, M. Keidl , A. Kemper, D. Kossmann, A. Kreutz, S. Seltzsam,and K. Stocker. Ob jectGlobe: Ubiquit ous query processing on t he Internet. VLDB Journal,10(1):48–71, 2001.

Seaweed: D. Narayanan, A. Donnelly, R. Mortier, and A. Rowstron. Delay aware queryingw t seawee . n , pages – , .

SQPeer: G. Kokk inid is, E. Sid irourgos, and V. Chr istophides. Query Processing in RDF/ S-Based P2P Database Systems. Semantic Web and Peer- to- Peer, chapt er 4, pages 59–81.

Springer, 2006. GridVine: K. Aberer P. Cudr´e- Mauroux M. Hauswirth and T. Van Pelt. GridVine:

179 of XYZ

Bui ld ing Internet- Scale Semant ic Overlay Networks. In ISWC’04, pages 107–121, 2004.

PDMS: A. Y. Halevy, Z. G. Ives, P. Mork, and I. Tatarinov. Piazza: data managementinf ras- tructure for semantic web applications. In WWW’03, pages 556–567, 2003.

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Thank you!

[CIKM08]: M. Karnstedt , K.Satt ler, M. Haß, M. Hauswir th, B. Sapkota, R. Schmidt: Estimating theNumber of Answers with Guarantees for Structured Queries in P2P Databases, CIKM 2008,

Napa, USA. [WIDM08]: M. Karnstedt , K. Satt ler, M. Haß, M. Hauswirt h, B. Sapkota, R. Schmidt:

-Applicat ions, WIDM'08 icw CIKM'08, Napa, USA, 2008.

[Ideas08]: M. Karnstedt, K.Satt ler, M. Hauswir th, B. Sapkota, R. Schmidt: Ad- hoc Integrat ionand Querying of Semantic Web Data, Ideas 2008, Coimbra, Portugal.

[DBRank07]: M. Karnstedt, J. Müller, K. Satt ler, Cost- Aware Skyl ine Queries in Structured

‘, , , .

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[ICDE07]: M. Karnstedt , K.Satt ler, M. Richtarsky, J. Müller, M. Hauswirt h, R. Schmidt, R. John:UniStore: Querying a DHT- based Universal Storage, ICDE 2007 Demonstration.

[P2P07]: M. Karnstedt , K.Satt ler, R. Schmidt: Completeness Estimation of Range Queries inStructured Overlays, P2P 2007, Galway, Ireland.

  . , . , . , . -Queries in Structured Overlays, P2P 2006, Cambr idge, UK

[NetDB06]: M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Hauswirth, R. Schmidt: Similarity Queries on StructuredData in Structured Overlays, NetDB'06 @ ICDE 2006, Atlanta, GA.

[Gilbert et al. 2002]: S. Gilbert and N. Lynch. Brewer’s conjecture and the feasibility of, , - . , – , .

[Datta et al. 2005]: A. Datta, M. Hauswir th, R. Schmidt, R. John, and K. Aberer. Range queries intr ie- structured overlays. In P2P’05, pages 57–66, 2005.

[Papadimos et al. 2002]: V. Papadimos, D. Maier. Mutant Query Plans. Information andSoftware Technology, 44(4):197–206, April 2002.


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