p s 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher rev. joshua j. longbottom. contact lia peters at...

WELCOME Recognizing the wide welcome offered to all through Jesus Christ, Community Church opens its arms to all. We strive to offer Christ’s wide welcome to all people, regardless of creed, age, race, or sexual identity. We invite you to join our congregation in worship and in membership, as we allow our lives to be shaped by the loving outreach of Christ. "Hosanna in the Highest" acrylic on canvas by Hanna Varghese , 2007 PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2021 C 2 SERVICE (LIVE-STREAM ONLY) 8:30 A.M. SANCTUARY AND LIVE-STREAM SERVICE 10:15 A.M. COMING HOME FOR THE SEASON OR NEW TO THE CHURCH? WELCOME. Covid 19 Protocols Made Simple 1.Wear a mask: required while on the church campus. 2.Follow Floor Signs in the Sanctuary: One way in and one way out. Arrows mark your path. 3.Socially Distance: Please sit on opposite ends of each pew unless you live together. 4.Share Offering: In the wooden boxes at each entrance to the Sanctuary, on-line or mail in by check. 5.Take Bulletin: Please re-cycle your bulletin at home. 6. Enjoy Hospitality: Cookies will be provided after worship for you to enjoy. 772-562-3633 1901 23rd St. Vero Beach, FL [email protected]

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Page 1: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite


Recognizing the wide welcome offered to all through Jesus Christ, Community Church opens its arms to all. We strive to offer Christ’s wide welcome to all people, regardless of creed, age, race, or sexual identity.

We invite you to join our congregation in worship and in membership, as we allow our lives to be shaped by the loving outreach of Christ.

"Hosanna in the Highest" acrylic on canvas by Hanna Varghese , 2007





1.Wear a mask: required while on the church campus. 2.Follow Floor Signs in the Sanctuary: One way in and one way out. Arrows mark your path. 3.Socially Distance: Please sit on opposite ends of each pew unless you live together. 4.Share Offering: In the wooden boxes at each entrance to the Sanctuary, on-line or mail in by check. 5.Take Bulletin: Please re-cycle your bulletin at home. 6. Enjoy Hospitality: Cookies will be provided after worship for you to enjoy.

772-562-3633 ● 1901 23rd St. Vero Beach, FL ● [email protected]

Page 2: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

THE WORSHIP OF GOD *Please rise in body or spirit. Thank you for wearing your mask throughout the service. Bold text indicates congregational participation.

Our service is live-streamed via internet, capturing the chancel and congregation, and may appear on social media. Children are invited to join Lia Peters for Sunday School on the Lanai after Passing of the Peace. Please wear a mask and maintain a loving distance when picking up your children

after service. Families are always welcome to worship together during service. Nursery Care is available for children under the age of four.


PRELUDE "Enter With Joy" adapted by Rachel E. Carter

The Community Ringers


COMMUNITY WORDS Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom

RINGING OF THE HOUR "Come Thou Almighty King"

arr. Larry Sue



Page 3: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

*LITANY Jan Hoffman One: From the Mount of Olives, Jesus looked across the valley to Jerusalem. All: Donkey lurches forward, palms wave, cloaks drape, people shout: "Blessed is our

King!" One: Institutions threaten, calling for it to end. All: Expectations rise, hope will not be stopped, the parade moves forward, "Hosanna,

Living Christ, save us we pray." One: Jesus approaches the gates of the city, his journey not yet completed. Let us pray...

*UNISON PRAYER OF ACCLAMATION Holy and Humble King, blessed are you who comes in the name of the Lord. At worship today we join with donkeys, palms, cloaks, and even stones to shout your praise and announce that you alone can save us. We wonder at your marvelous works. We give thanks for your selfless love. We are calmed by your gentle humility. We follow you as savior and king. Hosanna! Amen


CHILDREN'S MOMENT Rev. Elizabeth B. Johnson

*PASSING OF THE PEACE At this time, children grades K-5th may join Lia Peters for Sunday School on the Lanai.



Psalm 118:19,21-23 ANDREW R. GALUSKA


Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the LORD. I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.


Page 4: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

READING FROM THE GOSPEL OF LUKE Rev. David W. Johnson One: This Sunday Jesus completes his journey to Jerusalem. All: We listen and celebrate with disciples all over the world.

Luke 19:29-40 When he had come near Bethphage and Bethany, at the place called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of the disciples, saying, "Go into the village ahead of you, and as you enter it you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' just say this: 'The Lord needs it.'" So those who were sent departed and found it as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, "Why are you untying the colt?" They said, "The Lord needs it." Then they brought it to Jesus; and after throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. As he rode along, people kept spreading their cloaks on the road. As he was now approaching the path down from the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had seen, saying:

"Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven!" Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, order your disciples to stop." He answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out."

RESPONSE One: Jesus calls us to follow him to Jerusalem and the Cross. All: We have journeyed faithfully this far. We pray for strength to follow all the way to

the cross.

ANTHEM "The Holy City" Robert Lehman

Rev. James O'Brien, bass The Community Quintet

Last night as I lay sleeping, there came a dream so fair: I stood in old Jerusalem, beside the temple there;

I heard the children singing, and ever as they sang,

Me-thought the voice of angels, from heav'n in answer rang;

"Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Lift up your gates and sing, Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your king!"

And then me-thought my dream was changed, the streets no longer rang,

Hushed were the glad Hosannas, the little children sang

The sun grew dark with mystery, the Morn was cold and chill,

As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill.

"Jerusalem! Jerusalem!" Hark! how the angels sing: "Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna to your king!"

And once again the scene was chang'd, new earth there seem'd to be,

I saw the Holy City beside the tideless sea; The light of God was on its streets,

the gates were open wide, And all who would might enter

and no one was denied.

No need of moon or stars by night, or sun to shine by day,

It was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away.

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Sing, for the night is o'er! Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna forever more.

Page 5: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

SERMON "The Long Walk Home" Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland


CALL TO PRAYER "O Lord, My Lord" John Carter

The Community Quintet


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen


MUSICAL OFFERING "Ride On, King Jesus" arr. Harry T. Burleigh

Joshua M. Pinnock, bass

Ride on, King Jesus! No man can-a hinder me. Ride on, King Jesus, ride on, ride on!

No man can-a hinder me.

I was but young when I begun, No man can-a hinder me;

But now my race is almos' done No man can-a hinder me.

Ride on, King Jesus! No man can-a hinder me,

Ride on, King Jesus, Ride on! No man can-a hinder me.

King Jesus rides a milk-white horse, No man can-a hinder me.

De ribber of Jordan He did cross, No man can-a hinder me.

Ride on, King Jesus, No man can-a hinder me, Ride on, King Jesus, Ride on!

No man can-a hinder me.

Ride! Ride! Ride!


UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION Loving God and mighty king, let our offerings today be the palms we wave and coats we lay on the road to honor you. Through these offerings we follow you on the road to the cross so that all people know your sacrificial love. Amen

Page 6: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite


*CLOSING HYMN "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna" ELLACOMBE

*BENDICTION Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland

*POSTLUDE Finale from Symphony No. 6 Charles-Marie Widor

Andrew R. Galuska, organ

THE COMMUNITY QUINTET Rachel E. Carter, soprano; Joani Slawson, alto; Kent J. Ahern, tenor;

Ezekiel dos Santos, baritone; Joshua M. Pinnock, bass

SOLOIST: Rev. James O'Brien, bass

DEACON: Jan Hoffman ACOLYTE: Emma Middleton

TODAY WE REMEMBER... Darlene Coulling, who passed away on March 23, 2021.

THE FLOWERS TODAY ARE DEDICATED TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND GIVEN... by Rev. James O'Brien in loving memory of Carolyn E. O'Brien 12/26/34-3/29/04.

by Brad Lorimier, and daughters Kimberly and Jennifer in loving memory of Mary Jo Lorimier. by Karen Reams-Haeger in loving memory of her husband William (Jim) Haeger.

Page 7: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

WORSHIP The "Painted Palms" banner in worship this morning was created by the children in our Sunday School.

LESSONS FROM THE TABLE TODAY, MARCH 28TH: Lessons from the Table is open to all elementary-aged children and will be held in the Sanctuary from 11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. Our last lesson will be "Table of Love" with guest teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at [email protected] for more information.

MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite you to join us for a service of Communion and Tenebrae at 7:00 p.m. There is no reservation requirement for this service. Attend in-person in the Sanctuary or join us on-line at the church website or facebook.

GOOD FRIDAY REQUIEM RESERVATIONS: Today after worship there will be a sign-up table in the Narthex. You can reserve your spot today, or call Jill Truax at 772-469-2321. Our Good Friday service is April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. "Requiem For The Living" will feature choir, chamber orchestra, Jill Truax on organ and Rachel Carter as soprano soloist.

EASTER SUNDAY IS NEXT WEEK, APRIL 4TH: The sermon titled, "Break An Egg" will be given by Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland by live-stream in C2 at 8:30 a.m., in-person only at 9:00 a.m. and both live-streamed and in-person at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Please join us for worship. You may reserve seats on-line for Easter Sunday Worship by visiting our reservation website: http://ccovbreservations.org.


NEW MEMBER CLASS: Interested in becoming a member of the Community Church? Our next new member class will be on Sunday, April 11th following 10:15 a.m. worship. New members will be welcomed in worship on Sunday, April 18th. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the event. Contact Suzanne Rice at [email protected] or visit https://ccovb.org/next-steps/membership/ to fill out a new member form.

Page 8: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

CHAPEL SERVICES RETURN: Sunday, April 11th at 8:30 a.m. will be our first service back in Grace Chapel with communion. Those who have been vaccinated are encouraged to attend. Masks will remain a cordial requirement due to limited spacing and capacity in Grace Chapel. Thank you for continuing to show love for your neighbor by observing posted guidelines.

COMMUNION SUNDAY WILL BE APRIL 11TH: Please mark your calendars for communion

Sunday! While we typically hold communion on the first Sunday each month, we have moved communion to the Sunday after Easter. Communion will be served for both the 8:30 a.m. Chapel service and 10:15 a.m. Sanctuary service.


LIVE-STREAM VIEWING: To watch our services on live-stream, please do one of the following: Visit our web page at ccovb.org. Scroll down to the box titled 'Livestream Our Service Here'

and click on live-stream in the image; or go to the top right and click on the small camera icon. Go to our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/CCOVB.org). Scroll until you see the

live-stream. Go to https://livestream.com/watch. Type "The Community Church of Vero Beach." in the

search box. Click on the drop down box for The Community Church of Vero Beach, and the live-stream page will appear.

FACEBOOK: If you would like to receive a daily word of hope, visit us on our Facebook Pages: The Main Church Facebook page may be found at: www.facebook.com/CCOVB.org Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland's Wednesday Blog: www.facebook.com/AnnaVCopelandBlog C2: www.facebook.com/C2Worship Children and Youth: www.facebook.com/CommotionYouth Music and Fine Arts: www.facebook.com/CCOVBDepartmentOfMusic

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: The Church Office is open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Our office staff is practicing social distancing, so please help us by observing the posted guidance. You may also call the Church Office at 772-562-3633. The Church office will be closed Monday, April 5th and re-open at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 6th.

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH SUNDAY FUNDAY: Sunday Funday resumes today, Sunday, March 28th. Please contact Rev. Josh for more information at [email protected].

LIFE-LONG FITNESS: Meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. in Community Hall. For information, call Elaine Matthes at 772-643-6644.

Page 9: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

MEN'S BIBLE STUDY: Will not meet Tuesday, March 30th.

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY: Will not meet Wednesday, March 31st.

WEDNESDAYS @ 1:00 P.M. FACEBOOK LIVE: Will not broadcast on Wednesday, March 31st.

MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH ADVENTURE CLUB: Adventure club resumes Wednesday, March 31st at 5:30 p.m. Contact Rev. Josh at [email protected] for this week's location.

LENTEN ORGAN AND POETRY SERIES: Thank you for joining Andrew Galuska and our guest poets this season. We look forward to bringing you more Organ and Poetry during Advent.

EASTER FESTIVAL SATURDAY, APRIL 3RD: Mark your calendar and plan to join us for a wonderful outdoor event from 10:00 a.m. until noon. We will enjoy Easter Egg Hunts, games, crafts, balloon twisters, and pictures with the Easter Bunny! Your little ones are sure to have a blast! Come on out for some family fun. If you are willing to help with this event, please contact [email protected].

CHRISTIAN BELIEVER: On Tuesday, April 6th Christian Believer will gather in-person for a closing class and worship service in the tabernacle at 6:30 p.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: Calling all teachers! We are looking for volunteers to teach Godly Play classes for Sunday School. If you are interested and available, please contact Sunday School director Lia Peters at [email protected].

JOHN J. AND ROBERT D. POST SCHOLARSHIP: Each year the John J. and Robert D. Post Scholarship Fund awards members of Community Church's youth program who faithfully participate in the life of our church through youth group, mission trips, and attendance. Throughout the years several dozen CCOVB high school seniors have had the opportunity to receive recognition for their dedicated involvement with financial assistance toward their college education. The deadline to submit your application is April 12th. Scholarship recipients will be recognized in worship on Sunday, May 16th in the Sanctuary. The application is available at ccovb.org/ministries/children-and-youth/. Interested High School seniors or parents may contact Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom at [email protected] or Charlene Applegate at 772-469-2322 for more information.

MISSION WATCH: CROSSOVER MISSION. Crossover Mission started with two boys and their love of basketball. This love for basketball has grown into Crossover Mission, Inc., is a not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to support and redirect at-risk youth through after school programs run by dedicated coaches and mentors, using sports as a tool to attract, motivate and monitor achievement, and to provide local and world exposure to young minds. In that pursuit, the secondary purpose of Crossover Mission, Inc. is to build a bridge of friendship and understanding between cultures, starting at a young age, which will help to erode the walls of separation which continue to divide our society. Community Church people and mission dollars help support young people and cross that bridge of friendship and understanding between cultures.

Page 10: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite


PASTORAL VISITATION: If you or a family member is in the hospital, our ministers will be happy to visit. Current hospital policy states that you must request a visit to allow a ministerial visit in the hospital. After requesting a visit, please notify the ministry staff by emailing Suzanne Rice at [email protected] or calling the Church Office at 772-562-3633.

CONTACT A MINISTER: During this time when we are sheltering in place, we want to stay connected to you. Each week there will be a minister on call whom you may contact by email for conversation, pastoral care, or prayer. Our minister on call is Rev. Elizabeth B. Johnson. You may contact her at [email protected]

PRAYER: If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, there are numerous ways to submit a request. You may: Fill out a prayer card during Sunday worship and drop it in an offering box in the Narthex. On-line: Email Suzanne Rice at [email protected] or submit through our church website,

www.ccovb.org. Call the Church Office at 772-562-3633.

HOW WE CAN HELP: If you are facing health issues, have been furloughed, or lost your job and are in need of support for food, housing, or medical assistance, Community Church has support for those within our church family. Please contact Rev. David W. Johnson at [email protected] or Rev. Dr. Anna V. Copeland at [email protected].

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Share prayers online at www.ccovb.org or pray for others. Stay connected through calls to your friends and neighbors, and continue with your Circle of

Care calls. Contribute through donations to the CCOVB general fund, the Deacons Fund, or the

Minister's Discretionary Fund to support the work and outreach of Community Church. Serve through mission initiatives. Contact Rev. David W. Johnson for more information. Connect with and support members and friends of the Church by writing letters. Let your ministers know through the Church Office who may be in need of assistance.

VNA COVID-19 VACCINATIONS: The VNA of the Treasure Coast and Senior Resource Association are partnering to administer COVID-19 vaccines to the homebound in Indian River County. VNA nurses will bring the vaccine to you in your home. If you or a loved one is homebound, please call 772-978-5524 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

NEW VACCINE SITE IN FORT PIERCE: The Fort Pierce Recreation Center has begun its service as a COVID-19 vaccination clinic. The site will operate from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily and will administer about 200 Pfizer shots per day on a first-come, first-served basis. The city of Fort Pierce partnered with the state to launch the clinic, and it is operated under disaster management firms IEM and AshBritt. The recreation center is located at 903 S. 21st St. in Fort Pierce and is open to all eligible Florida residents (including seasonal). Registration forms will be filled out on site.

Page 11: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite

SALVATION ARMY VERO BEACH VACCINATION SITE: Call 772-978-0265 to check for COVID-19 vaccine availability. They are located at 2655 5th St. SW in Vero Beach.


ON-LINE OR TEXT GIVING: We appreciate your generosity as we seek to continue the work of God in Vero Beach. For your convenience, you can give either by texting or going online to our website. Your information is held securely by a SSL encrypted connection, will remain private, and is never given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.

Text to Give: You can text a dollar amount to 772-222-3393. You will be asked to set up an account. From then on, you will be able to text a designated amount any time you’d like, just by sending the dollar amount to the number.

Online Giving: Visit our website at www.ccovb.org. Click on the "GIVE" tab and follow the instructions. You can give one time or set up recurring gifts.

In-house Giving: Please place your offering in the wooden Offering Boxes, by the doors in the Narthex as you leave worship today.

Give By Mail: You may also mail a check to the Church Office. Thank you for your generosity.

Page 12: P S 28, 2021… · 2021. 3. 26. · teacher Rev. Joshua J. Longbottom. Contact Lia Peters at lia.peters@ccovb.org for more information. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP, APRIL 1ST: We invite