ow-youk. wbdne&dat, february 'cents. v0l-xxxix..k° …personality, to cone within a little...

V0L-XXXIX..K°-12,I4H. OW-YOUK. WBDNE&DAT, FEBRUARY in, im). NKW-Y price rom 'CENTS. HtE81DENTIAL CANDIDATES. MOVIMI NTS FOR BLAINE ANI> OIIANT. TIKW8 Of SI VI MAT. VII T-I'lit-slI'lVIS OF THK BLAINE CHI! OK WAMIIMiH>»r-Li 1 1 Xi IB « IB" C'lSSIW KXNsAs, MAIM XM> Hil.INOL.IX ADKUS OK Til:', (iiixxr PAitrY.W'.uK iii:: mi'I'im.in Interviews with leading Vjtfo-presid.nts of the Blaine ('Ino in WaahiBtTW, prloted he- low, ciro their views of the Presidential pit- luitioii. Thr friend* of Mr. Blaine fire of the ojiiiiitui tint the Utica Convention will not instinct for Grant. A letter from a eoire- tpondent in Washington states that Mr. F.mei- lAii, who is working in bcb-ilf ol Mr. Bhennan ami has been attacked therefor by ex-Senator Dorsey, defends himself warmly and says that the DiUaMM men of Arkansas art* for Slicim in. while the Federal office- holders are actively working for Grant. At Ihe primaries in New-York State a vote is frequently taken on l'lefsiilt'iitial candidate*-. The results ol yesteiday -rc given in dis¬ patches Itolow opinions THOM KMT. STATES. VILWS OK CHAKI! S .1. WILLIAMS, OK*. r.lfVl, STI TMIrN A. llt'IMIHT, I). 0, HASKLLL, T. ll. RUB AND JAMK*- ll. IlOt.T. |arg TKi.Kc.n.xrii to the tataoBB.1 Washington, lVli.17..The following are reports of conversations with BMBO of the rice-proaldOBto of tl.-- MaineCrab oi<oniood hire laai Baiardav R'iu« Mi'iiiativt- Oborloo J. Wifhams, nf Wisconsin. iota: " Wioie. I bbsto m. opinions to disguise, 1 bare no dc ne ta ba ooBBpieBooo ia a mattel ol to arneb BBporraaoa. I can only repeat ..lint 1 bare already laid in BWtaOBOBOe e's.'xx herc. I tliink Wisconsin would cordially support cither of the pr«iiiiui*iit MadMatai named if nominated at Chicago. 1 ip "ni. af tlio sentiment of tlie State oo 0 whole, not as to localities. *** " Oiif people have no caprices ncr grads*** ; they flo not foriret the fame of G neral (inuit OOTtlM tomago waiata Ljao Jool beoo paid him In [oiciitn countries as the most distinguished of American citizens. Secretary Sherman has many friends among our people, and they have (nil confidence in his lxcpublicunistii, ii isl ni ei:- nty and his capacity for that high oflicc ; hut I think tb* rooaoes Of our BapabUcana- those who have Miinuieied aad wintered wit lr the party from its birth, and who work arith a vim in *i canvass.al* overxvhe Iniinffly fur Mr. Rlaine. Somehow they feel that lie la entitled to it. 'I hey loo tii.it his Berrie** are not unix' required) but oom- niuiidcd in every oBBipaifB, (ron Maine to Iowa, aad ba alvari responds with o will. He newer obirka rcsponsii'iliiv, but rend*!* bioaervieea ii- cheerfully for ot hi rs as log himself. BBd takes tl.,- lirnnt of thc tinlit, wh« t'.ier oppiunnts" bo few Ot" many. Our pennie like (lint. " lt used to lie said that, tx lille Rlaine could lend | in the turbulent Bono of BeprooentotiTee, hr would lack tlie self-poise nod eooln**s n*ee*sarw In the Si mite thal is said no longer. It ls no dis- iniirieiinent to anv of the eminent statesmen in tli.it eminent badi to sny that he has shown himself ttie peer of the most ctn incut of l hem all. Ile hit-jus: been tt s'ed in his own State as few men are ever tested. While he had able'coadjutor* he WOO the mn* who would be held responsible. A lui-ty action or a single mistake would bring ruin apoa himself, anarchy BB001 his State, and possibly disturb ances to the whole country. For days and Watha he was subjected to this strain, ¦BOB as seldom comes to any man; yd he in his ticad, but lu ought order out ot chaos with¬ out tho shedding of a drop of bleed. Now we believe, hs he would have received tbe censure of failure, bo ho ie cntitn.i to tlie cietitinr success, nnd Hint he boo displayed tho very qualities which will bo must in demand Ut Hie OOPital, if the next I're-l'l. i.tial 0OBTO00 thal! end in scenes which thoughtful men sincerely I.ur it iiiiiv, " I think no mau could bc liomin..ted who would create Booro enthttoioaai among the young Etepubli* cans ni the West t li rt 11 Mr. Blaine. 1 bave BBOWOrt d you thus at length ia order ti alate candidly tbe situation ns ! see it, and as 1 Hunk our people OOO lt, and not specially to champi'in Mr. Blaine or to express hostility to any other candidate ; fur I feel lioue, nor do I think the genera lit v of our people . do." OPI'i'SllKiN IO dliANI. General Stephen A. Ilurlhut, vice-picsident for Illinois, smd: "lt is not advisable foranybodj to ignore the fuci that tbore lo a orroBg and reapeet- ablo opjMisiti.il t<> flem ral Grant la three at leaal nt the duui.i:ul Baaloo ia New-York, Ohio uml Wisconsin-nu opposition oafieieal to defeat him in either ot tbese States if his friends adhere to what they prut l.iun. General Grant's Mien gt li cons st,d in lire idea that lie WBOdeBUUlded by thc people, and thc apeho. ol the PoBBoylTaoia Convention abo wa thal in that Btate al leaal ho waa not demanded by the people; but it woo considered ii.-ces.sary tn tun el'se pnblie opinion tay deciding not to submit the qu stiou of ohoioa to tbo people themselves. In every county in Pensaylranifl where thc choice was I'ivi'ii tn the people, tile drc- hiriition was iiumiMuknbly for Blaine. "lt is not beoomhigto tbe posit ion and reparation of General (.rant that 1 IO should he a candida!.' ti, BB nominated by machine politico | and thal iui- pierv,:on seems tn have taken hold of the 11- plo, e- ;n i ialiy in Illinois. No man who has OBJ knnxvl- edge of th* parnass* of the Democratic party ins auy right to believe that either General to ant oi anv ottaet Ropablrcan will be per- ruitted to roeeivo a single electoral vote fioin the S ni lu ru Statis. It ia iiiimait-rial bow ihr- popular v.ue may go there, the Republican electoral rote will paver bo eoanted;oo thal tbo struggle ti.r:is entirely upon the Kcpublicans can.x- ing a. solid North, amt the candidate, whoever be lna.v bc, mu-.i iipi'i -mi Ibo f.eluii's, impulses, opin¬ ions ami preference* of the Republican voters en mass * of tbe Northern states. " It is my opinion that Mr. Blaine tO**dayiotb* strangest popular camlrtUtc in the United States j that there would be enthusiasm, reaching down to tbo every-day voter, xvhich se-uis I" be the only BaaaiMo condition of Republic,n oacceoo; and for this reason, i'lthoiii'li I ha v.- alWOf/O beoa, ;lll> ,lln * strong personal (md polltieal friend of (.cm-ral Qnaai»IdO not believe that his candidacy will be very honorable to Inui or safe for the Ropablieoo party." A VOK'R PROM KANSAS. Representative I). OL Haskell is vice-president for Kansas. He said he Was foi Ullin.* beeaooe he thought the drift of public sentiment in his BtatO was that way. " For myself," ho said, "I am tor tbe nominee of tho Convention. I don't knoxv whether Maine ia the strongest candidate before the people or not. I didn't know onythinc about this Maine Club; 1 was not lhere when itXirganized, aud, though I tare no obj,ct nm to having my name on the, list of vice-president-, I must say that I have little faith in clubs of this kind. I don't belier* that they da much good. Blaine is a good man, but wo have a BOSt of good men, like barfield, Washbnnie and a scon if others. Sherman u a very good mau, and un aide one, well worthy the office. I nave no decided per- ooual preference. If Mauro is possessed of Ihe requisite amount of backing ho will bi* a magnificent caudidute. Ho io os free from spots a* any public mau, perhaps; Waobinfton life io tbe crucial test of the characters of public mn. Take * cube of polibhed steel, uni wob can detect m. rough places, but with a microscope you may Uim- eover the little holes. But we must Bot go bv the BBicroacope. or we should find nothing perfect." FIIOB mk. bijiibe'h state, . Representative T. B. Heed is vice-president for Haine. Tho Blaine boom, be saye, is ot very recent growth, nnd srcina tri ho entirely spontaneous. Maine himself hal scarcely given the rjnrsiion of his own-candidacy a single tbOBght*. The II arris- bun.* Convention demonstrated the strength of the man. He bbs ab] ', hy sheer force of his individual personality, to cone within a little of overthrow inir tb* ¦tracton whieh Don Cameron budded so xx eil with the ai.i of tlie party machinery of the State. Mr. Reed BB70 tbat Ibo (irant boom has h. ea mis¬ judged. It was not a sham. Tue people turned out every when, to see one of tbe irreatest living Ameri¬ cans. The Nation truly honors him, but it isthe man (.rant, the individual, nit the candidate forth* Preoideney. If Qrant'a Manda understood other- oriaetbey won miotakeB. Mr. Beedsoid bekaew af no Kaine organization* anywhere, aad dui no* know of one here until he BOW tb* transparency lighted on Saturday Overdo g. VKH.INC. IN ll ITNtilS. Jami- P.Bool is stjn here, aad ia the followiBg interview to-night gave the results of his investiga¬ tion,ot the last week in the mattel of I he Maine inox-vmoiit. Mr. Root aoidi "Of tbe three Chicago Congn'ssiueii Mr. Aldrich Lo for Grant. Ho claimea thal the lnotroetiona of the Ponflgyl* vania Convention BUtkfl hi-* nomination sure, but Mame, if nominated) would be very oatiafaetor} to bim. Mr. Barbel is declared for Grant, but bo would jiot be if he understood the Bentineni of tbe Germana lu blodiotrict. Tho fat i io tbe eatiro North Sole is against Gnat. Mr. Davis is Immovably for Grant, Bad thinks tbat not tiing can defeat bim, although ho xviii be glad to support any Candidate that may be m'lninatid. I sen since I have been bel* tOOT* than twenty rel'i'- sentative IliuioiH men outside ni Congress, am! they all seem to be for Blaine, one ot trie principal rea- nona gi ven iotoot we canoot afford to nominate a man that the (h-i mans do nm like. Others ray they do bo! care anything about the 1 hud tenn themselves, bul ilieie are oo iiiiiiiv who aro opposed to i! thal Grant would weaken Ibe ticket. Indica¬ tions of Bentimen! in Illinois, aa pub** lished in Tltc Chicago Tribune last saturday, seem to have maiie u great Impression bete among members ol Congress, who have been aiixiniii ii knowhow Illineia would staudtino*- mne.b as all now eouredo thai iti* to bc n pivotal Mate Mr. Blaine's frienda seem yera much oar« prised at tho result, especially W th* < oaveation in Kock Uland, wbieh wa* a* fair a teal aa ihei e could be. The great majority of the clerka in tbe 1)' port- men ts troin illinois seem lo be foi Blaine." "How about tit*proposition tn inatrnctthe Illi¬ nois state Convention tor Granl T' was asked. "Tin- mox cnn",t to instruct tm (nani in l!l;;iois," waa tbe reply, " ls weakening, The Granl nen i- wavering, ont everybody kuowa tbey would in- strucl v.rx quick if tbey tbougbt tbey could. The Pennsvivania Convention has weakened tins move* mein." . senator Logan io still a very strong Granl mas, because, among other things, Grant is Iron the Northwest, ile thinks Granl will be Dominated, ami thai nobody else will bo ni otioaed in I ic Con¬ vention. He seems to bo in p ried accord with Don Camelon, a le I pie- inila hiv xx il li Don (ann hm'- methods, laogan i* aol taking anv interest in the Gubernatorial qneation in Bli norn. He Booma lo have dropped everything foi I ne Presidency, h tin.i" tbe andidateo nw their own campaigns. PROBABLE ACTION AT OTB A. l-l Hil Off Mit. HI.AlNK'rs H.II.Mis mai (.liAM IV- Mlin iniNS will BOT BB ('.xlililiil' . irii.x-n.Nr. POI nus nriMiiN. Frienda of Mr. Blaise io thia elly yesterday, boom eoafidenoe thal Grant Instrnctiono would inii he t-iiii led al the Utica < !onv< nt Lou with- out a (ontinvi rsy that wouhl attroci the attention of tho whole country s.nd make it apparent thal tbe flhiagiBg politicians, and no) the people make tba strength of ibo third-term timxeinellt. Among the (.rant men tho general opinion ooemoto bethal they will have at leaal two-thirds of the Convention and will 'uss their Grant in¬ structions after ti little breaoy debate; x\:n!i xxiii do no harm. Tl.eic is a rumor all n. * li il Hr, ConUing intends to appear ba Mm Convention ami makes powerful speech intended to tone op the Granl moverm ni all 01 er tbe country. An influential onpporter of Graal and wara friend of Conkling said resterdaj thal il was now aa good aa settled that fonr-flftbs ol ihe ri .n to Chicago would consist ol Grout men, I" lur-fifths woald b- about sixty, xx lu. u would leave tho anti- Grant men fourteen.thc representation ol seven Congressional districts. Thin is ratbei more than war. conceded to them a fortnight ago. I he gi nib¬ il'an alu-xe qnoted woo Baked 11 a 1 tolul.ul m- Blructions would be adopied by the convention, lie tbougbt thia would be dose, bul could not, he sa.d. sax positively, '. Why should not th con vent lo paso ¦ r.s.du¬ li on in laver of Mr.Conkling, .1 lop! a anil rule, aud let it 1:0 ai that ."' bc waa aski d. "Beeaaae Mr. Conkling doe* aol desire ir. Iii is not a candidate, and is detennined not lo be pul in the attitude of on*. There oas be no doubt abonl his position. Il* dora nol lutend thal bb uauio shall go before tbo Chicago Convention if be can help it." BBCBETARY HIKKMAN AM) BESUMl'TION, WHO WA- TH* Ailllnl: fl iii; 1:1*1 MTTIUM xi | .WHAT Tin: OKCRKTABY'fl lim.Mis .-.\V in 1:1- pltto naKMi.Nra sxu> to bavk bbbb badi BT BX-SBKATOB DOB8BT.TBB CIVIL -mhih. ORDBI IN A'.hXNsAs. Tn the Hil i'm- of The Tribune. Sin*. Nooneof tue attacks ou Secretary Bher- n .ni ha- attracted so much attention h iii-, or canoed 10 moen indignation aaiong Repablicona of ever] sharif of on moil ni regard to tbo Presi¬ dential candidates, as that which appears in a New-York Journal (//" noted today. The material for tbe attack parporto to have been fur¬ nished by ex-Senator Doney, af Arkansas, t-rhos. 11 une gi vs it an importance ii would not ol berwue have. Mr. Doney'* report* 1 an adi conalata of*two linn-. First, he blame* Secretary Bberaiao for Ulinga xvhich bo io reprt inti d ai laying ¦ co ored man from Arkaroola, Mr. .1. A. Bmeraon, now 0 1 lerk in the Treasury Department, in doiug;*ond oee- oiiiHx, he attempt* to luke from the Secretary all emili for the preparation and poooageof tbeBe* Munption iel. Mr. Emerson is one of the ableet oolored men of the South; and in- e.,ni" forward promptly in bia own dei< ncc and In that of Secretory Sher¬ man. Ile. told the writer to-day thal it is true bc* "koowa every politician of Influence and power in Arkansas." Re admiia that hehas written ti m.my <»i j tn tn, Federal ofheera aiid otben, in behalf of his oandidato for tbe Preat- ii.iu >. Beorotary Bbermaa. This, he ¦ |k, has a petfeot right to do. 'Jin ','ivil Service order does not forbid BB] Federaloffleer to write lettew to any one bec ortooaggi "i ne ms of accomplishing obj political .nils bo may have ut heart. Mr. l'.uni- -011 says that sjx**Seiiatot Dorsey's anx¬ iety tn have the Civil Berrico order strictly interpreted and rigidly enforced oeeno to dloappeoi eben Federal offleiala work in hannon'. with him and foi the choice ol (Jrant delrgaiel to the Chicago Convention. It is im kicret heie that marly all the Federal ofliccrn in Arkansan who hold pooitloqi of Influence favor Qnat's 11.iiiiimition ; and I haxe BOOB a letter dehciil'ing a 1 '(inference in Si. Loma recently, th porpoeoof which woo to proaaotatbo Qraai Brovetncat. It was partieipated in bj <\- Seii.'it.ir l!"i ey. thePootmaoterai Little Bock,tbe Ci.itel statis Dirtrict-Atimay and tho liaised States Mnr-hal for Arkansir iinil olin i-. Mr. Cuni s. in oayoofeoaroc tl is porfeetly roporfot t'.iesi' Federal offleen to wei k for limrit, bal it is a crime fur a clerk in a Washington lfi-pm tint nt to anita letters ia behalf of Secretary Sheratan. 1 truih in that tb.: Fsderol Adadnastrati.lotead of urning tho patronage of tbe Ooverunieni to prooBOto paltttea] eoflowhieh toe Pnoident is kBOWB I" tu've Bl heart, is exerting 00 in ibu me at oil; and almost tba entire ni is 1.1 Federal 1 ll in Arkansas ih actiiallv arorkiog tor Groat, while 1 e business men and colored pioph ol Ibo furorSbermaa'o nomination, and on likely! Bberaraa delegates n> Cbieago. 'I be side(wbich tt.c Administration s\iii|iaih:/.e,s w i|h is supported by the tank ami Bio BBMBIg the BepObliCariO Bad iy- poscd by lin lii'veiiilmut olhccis. What Senator Doney is repotted to have aoid about beere'..v MMraian'o OOBBOOtiOU xxith lb* I?,-sumption act contains scarcely a word of truth. At Ihe first ennui of BeasthliOBB Senators! hold after thc Pnoidoat vi toni the Inflation hill, Beeretary BhenMol Bored tho gppblal«aBl al a committee of nine to consider the subject. That committee xvas oppoiatod, and BBB* ratary sherman was its ehiiiiinau. Ex-Seoatoi Doney bi repreaoated to bara said that Mr. Sbenaaa was md g member. Tho committee connoted of four bard-Biooey men. four liiilritionisfs, nml Mr. Sherman, who was believed te he men dhrpoood to lix og a compro¬ mise between the twoelaooao of optoioa than aaa other liard-iiiniiev s.iiaior. Mr. Doney says that Mri Sherman onpooed thc tiili ta tl"' eoaeaa alter it xvas prepared, ami that ¦'"l>" credit thal nnvi'iie is entitled to In connection with lt is doe tn Mr. Rdmuado and Mr. Conkling. The fool is that Mr. Sherman raported the bill to .the lanius hi,d supported li with oil his might Neither of tbe Penator* mimed will cairn to have been the author of lt. Ii >¦* h mailer of history, knows to every Re¬ publicen who xvas a member of tBO senate iii 1870, and to every one who watched tue action ot Congi****, ih.it Secretary sherman wosnoi in favor ol postponing resumption until ls**:.', ns Mr. Doney is repreoented lo have raid bo but he desit'tl an iirlrtl (lite to be lived than was dually put toto the bili. With tbe other bani Biooey ann on tho cboobs committee, Mr. Sherman waa obliged to i ii ld to the wishes of Seiioton Iforton, Logan, Perry uujdBiilicr inflationists. Mr. Doney is reported a* saying that Mr. Sbcr* man opposed tbe bill ns bitterly In tbe Finance Committee ns he hud done in Ibe Republican caucus. This is not true. It bad been a creed in tko caucus that the lifpnhlirans should all support thc b!!; and ii wa- agreed to in tho Finance Committee by a strictly party 'vol*. Finally Mr. Dorsey ls represented io hive saul that Mr. Sherman's " rapport ol the meoeun in the Senate afterward, aa the record will -how, was half¬ hearted and doubtful." The record ahowa that Mr. Sherman mode tbe only speech'thal was made in the Senate in support of the lull. All of the** Leis | distinct Ix ;. iiiciiil'i"'. (i re of he mi moora of be then Finance Commit¬ tee says thal he dui'- not believe Mr, Doney ever need thc language imputed to him, but that if bo dui he xvas ii1111 ii mistaken. He sara the committee of the eriiicu- to traine thc Resumption eel uni orgsaiaed upon Ibo mot iou of Mr. Sherman, lt woo coup, ted oi aloe mei f whom Mr. Sherman woo chairman. Tl.el waa framed in the room of the Committee on Finance, all the m"mii rs ot the caacao. committee being lui - m. Ii xx,is reported lo thecaacoa by Mr. Bbcr* mon, who earnestly supported it. and afterward reported it to the Senate. Ali tbe Kepabli- oana agreed to support it. Ile xvas tb* only one who mode obj speech on it. '1 ii. re woo nothing new in it except the provisions fixing the d.-iie and means of resumption, in framing which all tbe committee narticipated. Moat ol the mem- ben of thal committee .irr now living, and can apeak for tin mwlvee, including Senator* Kdmunda ami Conkling. How Sen..(or Doney contd have fallen toto BBoh an error it is hard to imagine. Ii', l'l CLUAN. '1,1 /,.,.;'¦.», Feb. IT. Is-.il, *>- THE I HOICE Ol liUKLLVOTON, VI'. BdblixotoXi N't.¦ Fob. 17..Afally-attended sud harmonia aneaacasto-atghtmade i*a*a- iii'ims (liuieii of .rn Edmuods-Oraol delegation lo too Convention, .ces of Ihe delegates an ni..' p ix ii -- t,.i ;.. ll a c .nie ul Ola I'iiiiiI- iniiniii; eil. : \ ii t 1 be nnaiitiinmslj adopted s reaolat-oa indorsing tl. Q, ol ns di ii .;:-- ii- sra tn ii. ixe.i- in.ii. RIVAL DELKOATION8 FROM UTICA. I'ik \. N. V.. Feb. 17,-Ai thc Isl .\s-(.iii- !il\ , Ki ]iilli!nntl e..mention in j t ileato-daj twoeeaventlona a bcl*imtBg I., ban ai the duly eted aol s-.iii -. 11 iii ii n Boa.¦ Oeakllagaad Mc in.00rtla* n.i. k. * ..mi .r. P. BI iBardsoa deli gates te th Uta reotion, to* other eli led Mea ra Samuel ?* La wary, B a. Millard and s.a. Pfer*ee delegates. Tat tattet .ul..; li .! ti., fiillnxx lag r< a ilatlOB : fycJ, Xii ii w«* repeal cir:, -tty Ibe dcetarnlliin of uiion nf " in: rrt. nli.i nppnaltl.io tai the eic- ll.ni ol .,. (or a laird lerra, and instruct our d Vi lill Ul, I'i Iii' liel'I nil tm '.'-'illi lOStS Ot, IO illlnli- lin, principle in every lionoi sble ar*y, Bo ti solutions ol lopled oy 11 xi ot ton ulalah lectt il th* C tabling *V lag nun, OT8EGO Bl l.n'-i. OR BLAINE. c...ii*. ;;- luxx s. \. Y.. I'i h. ld..At tbe I.i- | u",Ile ni inn u B linriliv, 'I' 'i ¦" it'-s v.te I-1-i lei! nu -i i.l.iifor.f lil.iirii- mid .mi 'i. lu ,ii- .- nt Un i'-i ¦: lin* town were ont. sud Ii line rnthusls ran high. .>!*.. Count lil:.lue ra ri il lill tel bird term ss] H. (.'. AIMIX. -av A i-II'.nv; (.KANT DISTRICT. f itv ni.Kl naen Tu nu. limn WuiiKiiAi.i.. N. v., Keb. 17..Tba lld iii-ti 11 ..f Wastil it "a r 'ii ii tx sends A.. H. ii. ii w.t. HUI and Judson i: Ilario* ,i. >- i.'ii ll li ld rr I.-I--II. '1 Ile e ii'! --.f -.. iii i; slue sud Granl mi n, tba lattei bal ms|omy. ^ x thaw PROM '.! aUCIE OOUBTY. ('inti.kvii.i.i.. N. V.. Feb. 16..Al o meet** ilia* of t'n. K-'i'iililn rm lc Im " o.' Un Dd and a Districts of Orange County, held si Hie biteloi Joseph BBlrkey to-dsi. lo elect delegates to rep i tbe lat A ri I. I' r Convi-o Hon, s vote wss taken on choler foi I'n¦.¦: mtlil candi- date. Iii ii'.-- reiiixel a ii. lou. nf Hi- votes, *.vn h ir-.- rt ii rot* .¦. » .i-i :ni Bei ri nv Boennaa. rsiNvnu'r:t:n cjueeb**' coturrv dru iatb GBI ai Ni !*. N. Y., Fi h. 17..Tiif following 1:1 li gates xxi rs i leei ¦! to lha B 'publlcsn Btsts Conven- i. .il rle- III .! H.-tiii'l COBVI DtlO ul '/ County, le Li ni Boalyu io-dsv: William -I '. >,Mini' Willela.I ('mn les I, Van I.- ... n I. r. Tbej sre ii.iiris'r.ieie-', bal are aappoaed tobe ootl-Onat. POPULAB -i I ii -i \ TOWNBB8, N. Y. Towxbbb, N Y., Feb. ld..At ¦ primary in lil ti. ri- to-1 .\'Bl . I. -i-1,.ni.s were i li.-en. ,\ rub of preference resulted ss follow*: Eighteen |f.r Blaine, 1 for Sherman, I foi Pred ri I. Dougiu i, mid .'ur (iiulil uoin A TO! B Al I.I -ii I vt;, N. v. Ti.i-him;. N. V.. I'.li. 17..The following Bas tb* result of a vote on Prcaldeotlal eindldstea al tin Brpnbllcaa prltnarj bete nn Mood*) iv ulm i BIaine( 'J7 Grant, 31; dbermsn, 3. QTJIS1 ll' HOB IB PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia, Peb. 18..Tbe election yea- terdsj oaased ii quietly. Then usa ooa BY rab lill -I 111. Ill: ted lu tin ||l.i| e XX.-IC lillie pendrnt Kepuiincmi candid ilea lu the tte'n to this imii. ii.i'.ti n. n ,i in. ii 'ur ire vei ra nj re, and ll is oot ju.inline that aay definite icauli csu be yixi i.. algat, CHASTER i ll I lins *.. REPUBLK IB ll RAI I I Bybacuse. Pcb. 17.-At die Syracuse city election io dux Mr. Hendrick! (BepabHcan) waa rlccted Mm'iii) 1,000 Ul j'H id. Ml in.!.n,.a.. I (K -rillnii'-.n) Police Jostles, by 2.700 rnajorisy, and tlie n-st of tin- lle|iillil:e. ni ellv tie el lu il |H\ ard (ii 1 ..'iHII Int juill \. 1 ire mullum '..n !,, , x eli l{e|iuii|lc:i ns niel inn- 1' in ..' , xi li Ki ililli!,i .m. .nu! one 1> n ."¦ it. 'I UcBepi ol ali lour School I 'ounce 0U< ii ,. -ii roted. A DBMOCIU i I ..i EBB U I I T.i BAT. Jamk.-T'iivs, N. V., l\li. 17. ..Mr. Robert \ Marvin (BeouMu b>, mm si lodge .Munn, wis -Ul- U-i tey .1 ti.lllmltx o' .'..".ll oxer Iii,- ll m. erst and Greenback can.!,.iii,-. Mr. Joba Dewai waa elected txi Cou bi 887 m..I miy. Mr. iv. V election will aboil b tbe License Bourd mr tbs eoraiogyear. rio majority last year for license an 17 CRIMES AND CASUALTIES Hi TELEGRAPH. A ) ns r .,"|;l ni.NMiriii. Br. lani-. I-ii. 17. William liartly xxas found Siillty of namer In ile- second degree, Usi niciit, ami aaa ainiiiii to -iii.', reari cspnaonnirnt. rn ii in tl ii - ROM x mill.r.11 BXP11 (.m.him. N. H., Feb. 17. lie boiler in John F. lu .ni; ami's suv mill, .ii luii .nlp'i. burst In r.n rtri sud . In -a l-age, Boxer Jebusnn. m. it I'irs. itt, sad .1 In 1, inna 1. A lt .ri. ni A Un i.i. iii Rf, I'lrrixiiu m .! K. I., feb. 17. 1'ii ii n s a/1 A'nie Inn iii .i'll. iiil< 1:11., attie' .SsmgStls tl Hotel v.i-mlibeil . '. '" rs I'sil ..,1 ail Um-., sud recovered sn ontei 11 r part ol um ruc .1 v. BOBED in Ul A I'M UV a BULL I) xxx xir .11 un, r- 1. 17 I'...li- I', blaber, Ibe ol.li »t uti h. nu tm* of t 1 ts in rn of lownslnp. wsa »oreI lc ..1..1. !., u ;. 1 las* smilies*, ii. .1 X (irk, lu li] f,'.iel w-ls Bikini ,1^1. BB iii.ii xvi, sAB'H VIOl *. ni. x m. I'MII Mi: I Pl v. ll. li hunr l.'st a 1 ¦-. i ,r.I, ill il iii ni al in-, i-s... ... So isb .. ri l- in ali a ,ii miiuj Iii alli u ni blow. I':.'' I'-'in tx_ m a at.ii! n laal-iu. Uer Uusbai.il la UUilrl airest. rn FKOM OVER THE WATER. DEADLY BATE <>F rm; NIHILIST-*. ABOtteB ATTBMPT OB tim: mr. 0* Tilt: BMPBBOB (ir ur--ia ami ins PABULT.DBBATM IN' 1MB BMmgu l'AiiiuMiiNT-riiK rora QB thk maii- UIXiiK BBtatTIOB, AiKulici ;it!c!ii|it lins been Banda upon tlie lives of tho Emperor of Ruaaia and liis tinnily. A mine was I.i id sn Unit, when it wns tired, ;i p;iit nt' thc dining-room of tin' Winter Palace was deetroyed ; bul tin* Emperor and other liifiiilicirt ul tlie family wire nut in the room. A motion to give Ireland equal rightaof franchise arith England and Beotland wis dt i..ted in tilt! Britiah House of Corn- mono. Mr. Plimsoll BTU! called io luemiiit for placard* which he bad eauaed td he poab tl. Tia; Pope in un Enc] cliiiil letter oppoaca marriage and divorce bj civil authority. Bor- ilnd's ni xx play created --rrc.it inti rest iii Parla ni iii presentation Monday Bight, ATTEMPT ON THE LIFE OF THE TZAR. A MINK LAID IV 1 UK WlM'Kli l'A (.ACT.1 I Vii St'I.- DIF.ns KILLED ,x\l> rilli: I v-livi: WOl M>: n. Loboob. rn. .-.im. Peb, 1-. 1980. AaVopatebto R ater's ralegraa Company from st. Poterobm ir. raj s there 1ms bean bb abortive at¬ tempt made lo kill tbe linperial family by layiag n mino in the Winter Polaee, Fi vu soldiers were killed timi thirty-live wounder). A lota diopateh from st. Petereburg reports tbat the mitio woo Inid under ibo gaord-room of Winter Palace, winch is immediately limier tim dining hull. Owing to occidental delay tbo Imit'Tial family had mn entered the hitter nt tho bobbI tim". Tho explosion Dado n bolo In tbe Boor of tin* dining hali len f< et long aad six wida. Tb* ezploslon oeeurred yesterday at just abonl thc iisiinl dinner boor of tin Imperial family. As fora tbe health of tbe Empress xx ill admit, tho twenty-fifth anniversary of tin-('zn's secession to the throne will be celebrated ia the same manaor oo the twenty-fifth anniversary of his predeceeoor, Nicholas, in I SRO, Tbe Prince "f Bulgaria has arrived at yt. Petero- liin.: tn partii ip"ie in m.' < /n's fete. A Berlin dla- piiii-h tn th, d,lihi Sim* m,v- i'nxiue ooeonnto Irons St. Potaroburg represent tbo condition of tbo Empress u rery unfavorable.indeed, nlmoit citliinl. A BREACH OF PRIVILEGE. MOllON A(ixl\si Mir. l'l.lMsni.i. IN ll; inti KI) I\ lill llttl'-K (I! COMNOBB, i.iM.iiN, im nt.ix. Pea, it. 1880, In the noose ol ('"iniiions to-day Sir Charles Boase)!, Bart,, member for waaraalaater, sod Mr member f'*r Guildford, asked Mr. PUsaoon, member For Derby, whgthei a ia reeponaible fur tba ii.iiiil'nii siiiiieii with his nriiiie BDdplaeard*4 m Weat- niin-t'i niel dm fi iiii, i-i ii-in u_ hem In hitit i lu iaa for n| pOOtOS ii I. lillie.il uliil .mi ter Hie rules of tbs ll Usn ..'nial nii|. it inn tn nie aeooad loodlin of als btu for joadja* gi Mi PlUBsoll admitted tbe sBtborsbtp of tim baadblll, riilniinil lin- Justit* of lt- euri!, nfs. .1: -.I moved thal tbe p -"'tr' a lue ul: nf |nix,. ge, SS BO altillljl! to encrei' 111-' il.-lise ll:-I' fbi ll ii JnbB Mowbi iy, mein!.er inr ()\f..ril 'i il. il tin e. lanni Hartington moved to adjourn tbe debate until llor of thc Excbequei iccondcd tbe motion .in l it xx.t. agreed to. HAM!.I. 1KB HAP. ¦.Ailinn s ni xx ri xv I'lint'i, n ai i-' laOBBOB, ooaday, Pi b 17, i-wi. M. Viet'tiieii Bardou'a new play, entitled .I', iel iii.'mt." waa produced st tbs Parla Theatre melli Tlie Part* eocao*p**«a*a1 of ihe ire on Hie mania fur Irreltglon li i inst now in eertalo las, aad is likely lo pi' "'i ba eoe* leal of ll" Daffy rWrgnuM myst Tin- sive 11 rail es of tb* clerical aad r>-< -thinking ebal i-x-.ii.iii Mtiii an ii" xelte1 -im-.ti iii-i .** I lie li.Hi -spellilelll nf th- lim'* sins: "M. Sinloil luis writtra innil.mc .-li.ix-, iiih more beaaties and more I- .1 lt Hir.'e i,. a snd ill in ina] iii- 'i l«lvi .ii lim! nt- ure on eof latta, lim tilt-.mr" .- p..i .i bia great nfthi f i. si 'ii .-i . tu In gl< M. .**. u linn's ur. ni. i were rn mlj sud Joally il." THE li; AN' lU-i: I . IRELAND. Lol DOB, l'u -sd .-, Fi h. 17.1880. In the Efouoe ol Commong to-night, Mr. Mi doo, lbs ii.Hue R ir, moved lint toe fi iiie i Irela od i" pl iced on on ecjo illtj aa. it ii thal in Eneland and Scotia 't ;... i xx.- n long debate. Bli William li t.ort said that Ihe motton i lorlhthi pnnclplr* o'eqtutlltj oo ahteh Ibe anton wss based ti tl.| in Im ibe pi inclple, ru ¦! il:.- ir: lou. John Brignl sup i'-rnii Hip .'ion. 1ft«*r a .g debate, Un motion IUH SPANISH 1 in wi rs. II xii .m. iii - iv. I, li. 17. t800. In the Congreoa to-dni Sefior Orovio, Min¬ ni im me... presented tba budget r..r tin- lls.si year IH80 'Ol. ii tbe n i elm- ni 703,000,0 .ni tba expenditure et, -¦".0,1 '' '. I" III 'I t .lil lll'li X In ll, !. .Hill ;,.-, -,,', I' drill, sitIiimi ¦ -iitii eic i-i ibal un lu lill* Ct rill ol \x.'i tu M-rl-.ii distill I- i ., m can i a de In on tbe Bourse, TUE Mir'!, nv MARBIAUE \M> DIVORCE. " b. 17. I 880. The Latin text of thc Papal encyclical letter l tin .ii ii ivi.x.iii.ii-n! Hie VtmtrttUon lt argues; Infavorof Ibe removal of tbe rile ni min i. n, from alic: vii Ju imliction wUatsuever. FOREIGN NOTES. I..iNiins. I aesViay, Peb. 17, !*..-(>. Tin-1''Iiten states t. .nu - 'veiur ;u rived al niirai- t ir nu tin- nih inst., and will leave on tao IStbfor M.utri iuui Port Bald. a public meeting al Dunfermline im* resolved to rn i-i nt Mn- niiii nf Andres Carnegie, of Bew-Torlr. a n itixe nt tin- tn.Mi. in nive si'j.".,iioii toward tba estsb- llabmenl ol ri ublic Ubi sry. la (..ni I * ill vii. a ti .r.i Pa ;' Ibfl Vern. aa Italian vessel laden willi 3,000 cs«ks of aleobol and from Boa Vork, liss buen destroyed by Bre tn lea inn inn. jjrii" 11ii: ini> nilli lui gssette anaeuaeei tbe sppototm mi of twenty-six Bea Bennion, Tae appointments xxei mail lo further the abolition of the grist lax, ablob was dh] ii ni ijoiny ul tue s. n.ile. Btepo oro halag taara ot tb* Befarm Ctubtodet ii' noon plaetag In tbe ii.nels of tbs polltli ul rommlttee tbe ii iwi nf admitting mraibtrs ni I'tirllaiiK nt (.¦ member- ¦blp of tba ciao xv ri iuui i subjecting tb.to balle A ili-i'.it. li li".in Vu .mi In lin '¦!'tm asst ¦;. QtsmweHau - i -: "Outwsrdlj tbe austrian Cabinet remain* wb*i ll x.is lil.n .1 Coalition l.nxi llllli'lir- ..nt. in fset, liberal opinma are a wlu le I." TBS (iel limn baWI Mal I" B It'llieltiiliiii, CiiiiI.iiii S. ll,cl fruin Liverpool, Januarr 21. for Baltimore, bas be*n inst. Pour of ber or*w were tared. Many vessel bara si,ii. tt il damage lu tb reeai -; oi ai -- The Frankfurter /.Hu ml OBBMMSS Unit il ciiuilKli}-, \x mi ri eapttal al 9300,000, linn h*sa farmed al Bremen loworktba reeentlj discovered petroleum opttBgi n iiiiiiixei, uml tu.n ii similar compaayta Itwataag at Her m. tn ibo Boase ur Commosa thia evealng tin. toed Pota¬ toes hill passed itu till.il re illili*.', lifter tlie rejeetiiin Of ...ii tim ni. offered br Mr. Mlteball Henry (Home Bala in niiii- for Galway), to extend its provlaionato ru nfl.-i.il rn,mule. Thc al, m.-1- ('iiuslriliee.il tilden, fruin Cardiff fur Malt*, fuiii.d ¦.-ed' iii ii gala burt xv.. k. of Lund's Bag. i " era wero oil drowoed, < xeepl two, who va re ii-.s.iieil in n ateamt r ii 11 in. blaoh funnel xx .in two n il ii lii.is, m ..i. ii i* believed to ba booad fur ajnerioa i V I TIONAL B INKBUPT ACT. BOOTOB, Feb. 17..The several committee's Of U'tiiiir-n-iurcr.s uml niel en inls appotOtOd Iii reliitliui ,tii ri.N.ili'iinil h.mk. nut I.i xv ie 11 u ! Ut*) in Jim un rx l*-7'.» t ii Bootra Hi.pi of aTrads appotatad a eooamlttoo to n.11, r Hu- Hiii.i'ii. Darlogtbc paat year their taves- t Knt mia lad to tatt e in I.i-i ni, Ibal tba saaetm.t ol hm ,i 1.1 ixx would ti ly approved as bad bes* tbs iappal o' tii.it ni 1867. gul la tua ooasti aetloa of .i n. xx- IBW WOO s.iu;iil l.niii iiiiuiv iiinl v.irieil tOOTCeS, n-.uie societies wm bsd Indepeudi nih lo ii. ml Hi -ii n J te n I i. un ni HM n il In'ii R iii ut ll.i! lIH'Ilt ll- tn I Iii' lim ii Ot tOO Ul lill |f. ii\ i-lillis ni the ile || inn. Two af tbe geotlemen xvim bad Uk** aa sci Utterest tu tuc Ballar routed Wosbisgt**, iud u »!¦. mai ("umilrtee nf thc- Ho*** Jinl'eiurv ('oni'iilttcx wss i.|iiii.itii..!. befo.-ft Whom, ou Ihe !».h mst., it satisfactory bearing waa bad. and hi.oVrstaodlag xma rooobed fhrit ri complete lilil shuni I in prepared nrul presented tn ittie fenn ni tho earliest dar practicable. Tin- ooaauoe timi ni aaeb a h.ii ins bera coo Oded to aa ooalnral JodgO nf the United isriites CoOTt, If If expected to have the hill before be Judiciary Committee curly next month. Trie Booton Boardof rr.nle xviii gladly raectvo auy aaggMtton xxhlrii may aid lu perfecting thia work. MEETING OF Ml NINO ENGINEERS. PBSPaBATIOBg FOii a wii k.'s «kssio\s.adi .! EM Of LABI F.VI VlSli. The Anicrieiiii Institute ol' Mining F.tiirineeis met (esl ni^ht ot the liottso of the American ooetoty of civil Befrioooro, No. lol bjbsj Twenty-ftrRt-at., for the OgOBtOg session of their uunuiil BlOettag, the rch..-itnail- newtons of which will be bald dartog tbo present week, oilier aosatooawBI lu- luld nt the sump puce nnd nt 0 I'utnhln, College, und Hu- pn>i:raniuio also IndOaVtO 0 roofpfls* In .limos A. Borden, a member of tao [oatitate ; a roeepttea hv^tiio BallioaCIab; areeoptlea .it thc Stevens institute of Technology In lli.hnketi ; uml a dinner at the Hofl- nnin Bouse, Knell Bomber was furnished Mst oigbi with s tratefnl programuie,opoa wblebwacUtB- ograpbed o lyasbotteal repraoratnllra of aoaWorhslag;, and Hie eOBVersiOO nf pig iron Inti) SB fl WOO indicated hy ii procession of pigs tata a vast Bessemer eraTorter, While glorBled pori ITS Witt willes tilled tile air. ihe presiili-nt. Bealey H. Ooze, entiirnittiliitril the nieuil" is uprui the loBrtobiBg t'liitlitudi ct tile indits- tri'-s eonnected arith their profeoaloa, but iufioiled Ibal result of tho prosperity that in ide neccaaary ile- Bbaooee of many prominent member*. The Int paper read xx-ms nv B.P. L6i eau oo "The Bueeeesful Mn ufscture of Pressed Fuel at port Blehmond, l'nii I'leii'iiiii." A hugo Bte iii the grate gave evidence nf the qualities nt this fm I, apeolraeao of xvl.ieii ni rgg-snsped limn s wen oxumtned xxith in- ter. st. Tiie Mic ires started without the BM "f kindling wood. Vue piper pxptalaad the process nt manufacture, tbe uiillculfes encountered, and the measures adopted to onvlata them. Tue eleuic^or nf mis f.iei ni- Ol per cent of "mil liv.-'ASMf '¦> per flirt (tl plleil, tim latter bClBg ^*rto(l to cement tin' emil (lust. Tu.- furl lost* us king ii- ordinary aatbraclte, and does not produce clinkers. Thlrteeu (una nf it arc now prodaood each boor, ili-feli-l'.ee xv Wilde lo till llllll'Ulty ot tlll- utinlng » sunpiy nf qi.ni dust, as tun coal aara xxiii' nut Inclined to supply the meant of making a mel to compere With CAM. But ConSdracC wits ex¬ pressed that I! would aimil appear to tbe advantage ol iu.(i man to arcot machines foi ibo manufacture of tue pre-si d fuel nnd miike it ft leadingindustry. Professor F. Prtaae, jr., nf Philadelphia, called attention to fie Bulara, through link nf approprtatlra by Congress, nf thc United i-tnies Tasting Hoard to oompioto their work oi testrnn lin-; und tteelj mid offered ii.luilniis fur Urn ttppnintni"ut of a committee liv lb* 1'istltuto to c"lip. rato with a like committee from the Society of civil Engineers, to inWe up mid complete a a 01 ir so east*Ital tn ti e iron rad stael rn terest1 or nie country. A committee wat BP* pointed, eoasiattag of Mt .-sis. A. L. Holley, r.i.i.i tlsllowny. Tbe elusion poper of tbo temira wns by Professor lt. H. iilehard.s-" Botes mi Battery uud Copper plate Am.tiena.'t'uii tram iii- faining Lab¬ oratory of tho Massacbuactts Institute of Technology." Discussion followed, lu whieb Pre* Benjamin Biilimso, nf Kew*Haven, aad otben tm k |iiirr. ssiniw win ie' resumed tn- liv nt io a, m. ADVANCING WEPEICE OF COAL. Pim.adi i.rim, Kell. 1"..A dispatcb waa re- ri-lved (nun BeW-Tofb thia BBorotOg from President Qowea stating thal bb agraomrat boo ho** ooaoum* mated for tho stoppage of work ut the collieries lot th ie daj -ni 1 ii ii week, Instead of 0 sospeool *a ra »I- Ti-i null* wicks, us proposed. Tba ile days wi!', lie Thors* ii.i'i t, tn 11\ s uiid Batarda] i of eaeh week until April l. It waaresott il thia moi olag tu maka such ebaagea In t.n Ni -. York and Baal ra prices as will equalise tb< tirrill--- nf tin- rmi ul I phis aad Beadtag Coal and Iron Company with those of tb* Leblgb sad Wiikt barro '' unp my and other corporatMoa thal Oioke Bow y«rk their leading market. These prices, which im into rt, et at once, sre as follows; i'm hard white asb coal on i" 11 il reasels si Pori Blehmond, lumnand steamboat, broken and ega, *-;i'J"i; itore, -i-:* *5"«: chestoat, This ls a decline of 15 mis pei ton on lump and steamboat, SS cents ra brokaa,agg ""d .lui.. snd ci nu on pea. prici f r ii nd v, !.!.:! ish coal aa board *rei '.-Hil.(.11 .ii. r-'l in. lilli': il snive, mill ni ega. These I'l^iins are ri il.i Idle of 25rents perl mra lump,steamboataodstove,aad nts un bri li u and DEATHS HY sr,-''ID!: BALT1MOBB, Peb. 17. Louis .Miirlliur^, age I burty-elg t,ofta< nrmol Marlbnrg Brotbei tob.ieeo ii'.inuiiii'i'ii nra lo Cd found dead Ibis thorning with two bullet wounda n tua bead al Romew.I P^rk, near this elly. A pistol waa found lying by iii- -; ii i-;;.mi rio io- commiiicd tun ide. i. ll \ -: 'S. I' I I IT -Dr. J. J. O'i'tllli. a r bei.. I- ali '. d an cid* io too p*Bce - l.isi nulli x\ ii- tald iiiit be was pt iml- lu ,|l l.nltlsx ,,!(.. ( lie .i .', I b. 17..W. 1 - r on a train from tba Wes* yettorduyoy Ding (brew bl under a oar at tba pesplaine' Street Viaduct, amt waa so badly crushed tbat be died lu t*+ hour* i; fm-ii ban l*.mn i-..*-.. and waa evideutlyof oaaound Illili'!. __~- Ml INDIANS DEM INIUNG < I ll/.! \ Illp. ("itKT''1*\n, K:'iis;is, Fi ii. 17.. Foin proroi- ie rt nu n nt the Miami indian oatloa, Thomas Miller, Plrsl Chief, David (..lue. Second Cote', Charles V'-'sti .md Samuel Oeboe, passedatbrongb in-i.y ntl liii'il' v. uv tn W.isliin-.-t'.n, '..her- tb ¦- I-- denian I -it"- r'r rt -li, ir tr tn loft -: it. .. that ihej huve iheir land* set iiparl tn them sover.illj and irmt ile-, be .-il tn draw ail money due them from tbo (tavern- Hilt. _ the did uy printing paper. Nkw-Oki i xs-. Peb. 17..Owing lu the ve¬ il.;'!-:.: bli '.ui >¦-.¦ "i the pr.t.f printing paper tho prr« prietora of tbe bi wtpapera t.i Be»-t hrlcana t .- mhled st tbe offlce of The Picayune tats eveiiiug, and adopted ii ii s, lint natives of Louisiana in ress to nae ianr Influence lo bara ibe dntj 'i pru t paper, chemicals .mi materials used In the itiiiiiiiiireiiiiv (barool rem ived or mali r.a ly rcdU'jed. BUMMER HOTEl BURNED. Jami si'iwn, N. V.. Feb. 17.. Tho large Siiratni r Botel si (ii Iflltb'a Pol il waa burned tblt morn* in-r The ins- nu trie balidlna and furniture ls $20,000. ii,,, ii.iit,',. nu :- iii- losarancoi Sta* aad Phoenix, $.'.11(1(1 eaeh: Lancashire, London, (ileus Patts, Home, xx -I ii. xv ii, kfi re ii ant s', Manhattan. Mi--e.mii col Cleve- l m .md fannel nf York, Penn., $1,000 eaeh. WHAT OAEGELON co*T lils STATE. Al'dl'sTA, Mhm Fell. 17..In tho Sen.ito to- dnv il eiiiiiuiuiiiea'mu was lee. ixe I from I ie invi riinr. -Im ix un; ihe expeuses coauccted xx 11 ii the rooeut act ion of the late Dori runt and Council In seri.m.- nud oosest- .nc ineiitii-rs, smountlug in tba tum ol $20,000. l*be inii.iii'-iiiic riinii wo* mterred i" Ibe Pin tucc < omi ULAI ll OP J. c WOOM Sw PbABCIBCOi Fell. 17.. J. C. Woods, for- iiieiiv tbe manager of the Ad..ms Express Company, dud to-day ut Valli lo. TELEGR \Tiiie mitts. A HANK IN LIQl) IIIATION. Mixsilil'll.. 1'eli. 17..lin* sri: rc millers of the xiii- iiini Bank m-dai pssacd a formal rasolattsa oar tba h..Ilk Io go Ultu I.uuii.alluri. !..,, xl T.': VANS. Pxl! xs Pox., r'eli. 17. -A eiinvi litioii of colored mao ls In anaaii n brr* M opaoa sadgrsUm frost Texas Rpsiilutlona li ive boon passed eaeoarsglBg solarad men to ,'..,- bera li.¦''" "' "'* B.SaloBapft, lilli IIK.lt PRICKS PUB CHAIRS. Wm cfsii p. Mass., Feb. 17.-At h oooventtea of i ¦¦ ii ni .imf -..-tm-, "i Bi .-. 1.1.ni mil sad Now-Yera, held ni nus e i> (" da*, ll .*"-* sgraed m ... \.. ..... tho pitas** cor. tun iriii'li'-siir iliilis tieni 10 te i.i pei ..-l.t. V/ILKBBBABRX CIIAB1 BB ELBCTTOIf. Wu KB8BABBB. I'ciin., Peh, 17.. I homao Brodriek, tba Democratic ami Lsbor-Keform candldaui fm Mayor, was tniinv i In ted I""'!' Bf. W. Loomis (Beat.) by 91 uiajorltv ik BspuoUcaa na:n ni twa ii tbs Cwy Ombbob, maui; an a.s-iii.n.mknt. Mkmi-iii**. Tenn.. Fob. 17. K'nheifs. Aiuleisnii ,«t Chem min tiants. of llnllv BprlogS, Miss., uiaile an assliru li apt 'tn.lax. TOe liHl'iunes arv esUmstatd al 071'.OOO, Ihe , itort ii.-nig pnuiri'iuiiv in Bsw-Ortaaaaj Baw \ otk ami ""*U"'' I'.I.KCTluN Al' MKAIiVlI.LK, PENN. Mi ai.viii k, Penn., Feb. 17 At an electiei here tn'iiiir the Mini- Charles W. BTdtet (Bep.) au rsvleetad .Miiiiii.x'T ii.nae.' i ul.um ld reen backer) by 0U7 BUjontr. |',e I'i lUllilli 111- ii-i'I (WO Ottt el lilt' fuur CnUUlllUli II, Ililli probably tbree. OS TIlIAI. PUB ARSON Al Illili HANK. FftBkholo, N. J., Feb. 17..Jacob Nattai, tho H. raw Clothier secasM nf lu leg the orlKinat.irof the con- , ,i.,i in ii .in.. ii New Vi-n' nliriu. ir lin-ii drstroysd i,i,. bull.lliiga iiiiiii'iuix tin lu,- ni.-.--, portion ol th. t.nvn. araspla.' it on IrUI nnlav. 1'x.nitymru nBSMstasS t.-.-tiiied ll Ult p.ll I et Ile- "-l.l'e. pgnNsvia vsia i:i.kirrioBB I'm: ipi in >. I' ih 17. -B. Wood. KepabUean, ind ii,-. c wsa ni'-iiel lOdsy at West in: iii.- Kepubli nu- .ns ii. t lasatbers vi ii il un ih*r elll.irs. Al AUaulOWB, lr. ix Marun .1 ^l.ix ar At LatBcaster, 1 Ju MriniiiiKle .,, waa isi'id. xt (J..i->l«.r lbs ld i.uullta..a ha\« nu ii.UK lickot TIIK VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA. Tin: c.ynvass contisit.i.. PKN'NRVf.VAMA (i)MMI ITKHMtfN MPRaKINli WITH NO BBCB8TAJB sol m>. kviuknck of as extra¬ ordinary PBBPi i;k\ck For thu maim: skma- 1(1!!. T-iie TnincsK's,can vans of thc Rcimlilican roiuniittoeuiea, in the counties and t ixvmhipa ot Pennsylvania, it, confirmed 1>< low. There in atill a sjKiiitniicous mid .¦<*m:irkiihlf prefer¬ ence for Senator Rhine as (irst choice for I're.-iilenr.* J*)sk id.iy's mails brought 199 re¬ s' ulises to Tm. Tribune':*) circular, ol which 111 were for Siyiator Maine, aud 40 for (Jen- BtBJ Grant. TBI K.YRXEsT DEMAND FOR RLAINE. YK-fMiDiY's aJBaPOBBI «¦.1 ll BM ttBATOB HIALMB JM 10 r-QU (ili.MUiAL (.UANT.TIIK TOTAL KOB "riV"' DAYS. Tea Triiiink ri rix o foalonlal fruin RepulilicaB county ."jfl to\vtisli;u cotinniiieetncn of I'eniisvlvB- ni IfM r.-iiiiini- i i's eirc'il.-ir uskiitT their first m*SaeeaadOheis/a lot President. 'Hie proportion ni' Iii sr clioiecs for Sciiafor Blaine xv,is not quit* s* ¦ii roo* "ii Br*VsOB0 'lays', but the preference for lum i, isl ill rxlri.orditiiirv. Of thc whole lniinber of rasp iixse:-; received yesrordi.y. Ill were fur Sirttor BlaiBO is first clinK.(. rinil ill for Qoasstal Grunt. In ill, L.051 IB-plica B*Yf iitr.x lu cn received, alioxving u I'dii'. of asltf tirnt chiiiee.s fur flrBOtpr BiBBBO Basal Ism tor (tatara! Grant. Tho following; table BBB* lin whole story f,,r t!,c bmbb live da.*.s, that i.«,fine* Ca: r. j,lie, beean to arri vc : , Kow Prev'ly Toil for a*** Ki-sji-i'l-e-. ncv.'.lB'.l. j du VS. Fur Blaine. Ill (171 MU For Grant. -io 149 1KB fi " Sh. mian. L' fl I-i For Edmonds. ¦ fl 0 For Waurhbarue. 4 il IO FurtJ.irti'ld. 0 4 4 l'«ir ('i)iililiiiL'. 1 'A 4\ F ir ('micron..'. O "_' 'A I'm IL I'niuft. 1 1 3 For Hayos. 1 »> I For W lieder. lol I'm-IV.'un tn I. Oil ForUolfoz. oil L.iue-citlcd. 1 .5 (I Tptal.109 s.v.» I I ll xviii ne s.-i-u fruin the re.ipnri«.08 xxltich f.dloan* tbat Senator Btolae is still lb* oocjobbI ekoteeel in arly ull Uiojc WBOOC iii-: OBOsQO is QoOS ral QOOBBB OlHomootlu:!' candidate. Fob* HI-Al NF. Scottdalei Tlie rank anil tile of thc Kcpno- lie.in part/harebc*n nu lly r*B**orasat*Bta*1 liv ni" nf tire de lesa Hons s. nt in in- recent i uorrnrasB hi il uris un ru*. our thoice fur tire Prealdenoy lt a -"t ;iy Jiiiiie- (i. Blain*. And vi. tarana* '«** . ... wlrt-pulllUK politicians., we wera mada to declare for Oran a subsidised Oraat preoo fe abnekln* wildly tbai the dfssa i-f u iron iowmiMs» itu t-xi.si- only uini'ii.' a f.*v e i-ipirointBd offlce-tcekei*, lim tin'ri lasrttoa mi' n. iv-. 'lin- mn nf ibe >. >ra im- lt. in ascertained iu a number nf lecalitte*. At Ir ain't station, in M.- (Westmoreland County), ->ul of loo v.'iers. . i((bty-ono buve declared fur inline, in the ni .-m._ n 8 ion ¦!.: :¦¦. nu' i'i l'io i;i|uiiilu-ni vof/ra, :ili inn tun!- ure '-ir Ulallie, v. lil '. ir.'-re i, .i ri iis Ins uom- illlty both to Grant ..ul tit* third tera*. Oraat <¦. g| possibly be elected ; tua maj bibi ipa* late Hie ( i.ux-.-iiii.ii, i-tlt in emiim' tliintlle il,, | r, Mute rif I'elin > Iv.linn arid si.nulli he .lin. In i-r> curica tin- nomination ni Urant, .! reen ir nf tin' <:tat- ll.liCU XVII, lie ii.'¦ i. -lil Bl tn Tin- lii'imo- tirat t.'ic party ever experienced. Tbers i-m- iiiii-i.ism fu>- Blame, but tba very tbouarbt ot Oratara candltlai .1- - 11 oat end -lia- i we know lirnt tba ralj 'it.:boat tb* sad wa BB0W tbat no poll*) au u.-trru.luifc io io* mas.-ce and no pernicious In lt* tcndcnati a cs i adopted by oar Ballona! Convention kl Cincag*. la* will of the poopte canuol be sappresssd by . few u who ure disjii -i 'i 'n tapio* toe p*W(1 ttajstaw d lilt,,11 tu.-lll simply tu rivet auuokiea upon tluase «xlt* .-li \ .ted titiiii. to tlie fie I tliat tiny niny mn io t tl. au til/ in o!i:|)l;sli UioiM-ntruil/. .ti ih <»?. -aoxvakr lo- lill tna'jivrs. ls too liiucli lt. pull ii'iiiii-iii iuui inti ii.utli mun- liBess tn this mlabty ooaairy i.iratsiui nod eoUOtaa submission to ibese r*w arroeanl saplrnnt*. Wi- are s position to know tbe reeuna in various parin of ii*a .-tuc. C ht. i'ot'i ¦.¦ Bod .1. K.l. r.'Viiietiin ItMnBtbo Btajorityof the nepiiiiii. ina nt this emu. ty desire toe uoatluailon ot Mr. Blaine faa Ibo Prealdencr. 'Hex '...n k oiotoal conn fen ela Lim. li-i'l x'. ill irivi-lum :¦¦:¦ in-.u.'. SB|ip«srl n allaweal tn .in ..h. While the people do uot wanl Umernl Ors t ll e in ,t i..-.- .:i-*- they tiiiiiU sooth .i .i'i,ni un I..m >iu i>i.ii n ni Baroa, il x I. if In- 1- '¦' iv. - ti..- tu. iu -I. nf ¦' -u li trill -. ,,:..ii» us li'i.- i .. - i.ii.tiie. Bim i.s ursa , bul *nl ll''- iiiini'-i'i-'il ve.,- l-i :te- Rc: ni li .i" in*. .- v, ill inri n ii-ii-ma* xn'.e. no matter » bal '-i- imui may be, aolj i-' ur he na __....! mi.n. I am a farmer, and *¦> mru givi hm mt honest n, ir, nu of I ...ii tai Ibe I I HitOff ¦ rusjiit 8 ¦.to inc nominee. Q nair. Befanylkin: I tb ikltefljcttoc seatimcnta el ihr*a> n nf Un- Uepubl ui rolers In Newton, tbtajlaa Bi lol <;i '.tn "i I'1"' Ban ow i uwi r, tn Lnekawann* Ibo ladr oralea es ai x -ii !--:¦..n ; lin -rn-:. ;..u«u iii-tiiiii'i ii ni unix. 11 rti. ll. F Barrett. lt, ir' di e. li ll; iuui x ear tl il;c OB Bim; second, B'a '. u ie, i ¦.. we talok, \'.. u BuBs the "ali..- iiiiiit i- ." .-'- better tniiii .my oUser -oe} ¦poki n of. '.' u*. Oat ebelville: Plrst,BSato - coad, (; uti. :.i. MiUob ir, ...rr I'll t. l'.iiiiiu". SCeondi BlOlB*. IftililllttS nniiiin I'eil for Presldrnt tbe Kepnidiesna of tins ei'tinty xviii eei'de. Wi' ilnri't .v.i I mn OBS Ililli BOW er, lint v.ili lu* snii- liii'i xv til a itt I. free i.nil iitili'i'.iiiiuelii'tl rx- ,i --inn ot Ibo people. \.. ('arnerou.aiu fur ns. (i -orge W M.; Kel. gasi Brook : I*ir-t. Btslne ; I tl i.'t wont Ibis raraol a ruction; bui opp '.. ird terat st:dStoat funk I will v"i- fir.- Ur.,ni; oar whole oeunty xx ita Vi i\ tt'W e\--.-uii its il ti ; Jll.tl!!!-. .I.iiiii- ( riifc.-. Meii-t r: Plrsr, Blaine! teeond.IO* dosi srailafOBl ll.-.n I i'll ni" Il ... rr.. i.i .i - 'n « ...i tua', it, Pet rolls Pirsr. I, Oraof I toe y .. tem bul ia ai v ,ii xn.i for. Ibu nummee, bat uot all BcpubHes s. .*,. i.. i ¦.;,rii, ex-member ol A-' mbly. i.ex-.r*i'H'.'_': a a lt ,;iu'i!'-*'(ti iirniiiix otoetlaz hool lUjj 'ii 'i ii Lil 'i lon Ol "'.'." i-:r sr* x uta XV 's I il.'ell lei' I! -I I'lnii'i nt I'leslll.-atlitl I I USS I riialuc, 250; (Irani :s >. lt is ihoujrHi a taireattms "f ihecbiHee of ii" llapubucOBa ul this atoraafB. J. B. Porrcai. Oreen Moant: Plrst, Bltlse, aad last; ..eoad, any K.I [b publtcau ; Oran) wlii d ll. ll Ja.. ¦.-. H.mi ililli Kn-I. lUni i': - inri '.. .1 ll. (iiii-inii ur lu- uii'i!: wlh support tbe ticket whatever ii is. l.iiaB l.i;-ii.':.-er. Mew-Bloomfleld: Pint, Hiaiue; w cuni. Wa-a inn ne. jesse I. < loot Ililli. 'l.tirar: Fir-r. h'al'ia BBMsBB, s|.,rtii:i:i. ('mut n. :.,r i'm 0 \uwcr.it.- \ ii 1'iort'ucc i Butlae. the c^o oo "f our Bcpobilcaaaj All \X'i »Ol I"l (ii.mt ll llniultiuteil. 1». I'. BoOVI I. peter't Creek t Kn-sr. it ala*; *. e.uni. aux en: u-1 .ii>- lleitii tbBl can in.li lie ivlinle von--iitl.i i >.ieiiiiaii or Waabburne, K'ik Brawn. ¦town: P.rst, Blalnei ..nil, Bberat-tn, I th'itu tbe iibove hrsi obol ie I* ihe acutlmenl ur om pco* pl,' rreucral y al this i>' tc*, l- x. la 11so*afM*a, 1, xx rstiixvii I'i:-'. Ul titie; -sr't nnd, Ulam and then VX'il'-iililli Ire. M tllru I 'ill.i.X. "i V. ll'tl tbtS tn XII ia lil* county seat, bi aoud i'" ¦Btaiia*. CO**. A. Bars BroekwayvUle: Plrst,sad I ntaj toy n u -ri'iu'n of the Republicans of tins Township wirti loo majority, ni due; second. SOarm**. Ir* ri IB sincvcrt lxvui Plrot,Blain*-1 s>oond,Sherman. There ls I,mill one oat of every100 tbat innis i third term of t ,e I'eiui-x ix.iiila Hut. h. a. i. ll*0StBB*r. Oakfordi Pira*, BJ*r**i aad*oss, ¦bwaaaa. s. ("urila u, i! itoanoo. ricllville: I'lrst, Biuluci accoud, 8hcriii.ni. M. J. So* ertst TboatpasBtowai Plrst, Bastaoi second, o.-n-rni Haw- ley. J. s. Vi nea. I.iiueatiiueviliu : Kirst, Hlaiii"; see.m.l. Wasldmrne. ]i W.builtb. rii-ixsiitavxney: First, Blaine; second, Sherman, Julni 1). Coon. H. tiioiit: First, Biftlno; second, Wsahburne. Jame* a. palara, ot o. Delmont | First, Blalno; and ut a township nomination he'd thi" duy. Blaine sarrlsd a unauituoua vote npjiva- k-tit to KM». H. 8toller. LoBOOOoari First, Bl aim*; second, any ftood Kepubll- i in except Orant. Aud. P. Frants. dearth-Id Co.: First, lll.iiu.-; second, Grant B. J. Simtluer. I'lu-duiri.': First, Blaine i k coud, Shcruiun. David McCoy. .-: First, Rliilne ; second, auy man except Orant. Jobnson Mutbarabsuttb. (letivsliun*: First, Blaine ; aecoud. General Sberman. w. c. fceQsasarar. Fftirfl.id : First, Blaine, not only mine, but tb* eonnty'a choice; second choice ta Jobu Sberman. 8. A. bow, TxxoTavenit tFir*t. Blaine; second, Edward Mo rhinosb J. N. Durborow. It.r.in : First, Blaine; second. Grsnt. A. Coleman. Leesport: First, Blaine; second, Grant. J. II. Ueruanr. Hiiiiiehcm: First, Blslne; second, Sberman. Wiltoo II. ll.iir.it. ooath Hustoni First, Blaine; second, Sherman ot Wsshbarn*. H.T.Gould. West Chester : Plrat, Blaine; second, Grant. Olivei KeyuuiUaV

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Page 1: OW-YOUK. WBDNE&DAT, FEBRUARY 'CENTS. V0L-XXXIX..K° …personality, to cone within a little ofoverthrowinir tb* ¦tracton whieh DonCameron budded so xx eil with the ai.i of tlie party






OK Til:', (iiixxr PAitrY.W'.uK iii:: mi'I'im.in

Interviews with leading Vjtfo-presid.nts of

the Blaine ('Ino in WaahiBtTW, prloted he-

low, ciro their views of the Presidential pit-

luitioii. Thr friend* of Mr. Blaine fire of the

ojiiiiitui tint the Utica Convention will not

instinct for Grant. A letter from a eoire-

tpondent in Washington states that Mr. F.mei-

lAii, who is working in bcb-ilf ol Mr. Bhennanami has been attacked therefor by ex-Senator

Dorsey, defends himself warmly and says

that the DiUaMM men of Arkansas art*

for Slicim in. while the Federal office-

holders are actively working for Grant.At Ihe primaries in New-York State a vote is

frequently taken on l'lefsiilt'iitial candidate*-.The results ol yesteiday -rc given in dis¬

patches Itolow


A. llt'IMIHT, I). 0, HASKLLL, T. ll. RUB AND

JAMK*- ll. IlOt.T.|arg TKi.Kc.n.xrii to the tataoBB.1

Washington, lVli.17..The following are reportsof conversations with BMBO of the rice-proaldOBto of

tl.-- MaineCrab oi<oniood hire laai BaiardavR'iu« Mi'iiiativt- Oborloo J. Wifhams, nf Wisconsin.

iota: " Wioie. I bbsto m. opinions to disguise, 1 bareno dc ne ta ba ooBBpieBooo ia a mattel ol to arnebBBporraaoa. I can only repeat ..lint 1 bare alreadylaid in BWtaOBOBOe e's.'xx herc. I tliink Wisconsinwould cordially support cither of the pr«iiiiui*iitMadMatai named if nominated at Chicago. 1

ip"ni. af tlio sentiment of tlie State oo 0 whole, not

as to localities. ***

" Oiif people have no caprices ncr grads*** ; theyflo not foriret the fame of G neral (inuit OOTtlMtomago waiata Ljao Jool beoo paid him In[oiciitn countries as the most distinguishedof American citizens. Secretary Sherman has

many friends among our people, and theyhave (nil confidence in his lxcpublicunistii, ii isl ni ei:-

nty and his capacity for that high oflicc ; hut I

think tb* rooaoes Of our BapabUcana- those who

have Miinuieied aad wintered wit lr the party from

its birth, and who work arith a vim in *i

canvass.al* overxvhe Iniinffly fur Mr. Rlaine.

Somehow they feel that lie la entitledto it. 'I heyloo tii.it his Berrie** are not unix' required) but oom-

niuiidcd in every oBBipaifB, (ron Maine to Iowa, aadba alvari responds with o will. He newer obirkarcsponsii'iliiv, but rend*!* bioaervieea ii- cheerfullyfor ot hi rs as log himself. BBd takes tl.,- lirnnt of thc

tinlit, wh« t'.ier oppiunnts" bo few Ot" many. Our

pennie like (lint." lt used to lie said that, tx lille Rlaine could lend |

in the turbulent Bono of BeprooentotiTee, hr

would lack tlie self-poise nod eooln**s n*ee*sarw In

the Si mite thal is said no longer. It ls no dis-

iniirieiinent to anv of the eminent statesmen in tli.it

eminent badi to sny that he has shown himself ttie

peer of the most ctn incut of lhem all. Ile hit-jus: been

tt s'ed in his own State as few men are ever tested.While he had able'coadjutor* he WOO the mn* who

would be held responsible. A lui-ty action or a

single mistake would bring ruin apoa himself,anarchy BB001 his State, and possibly disturb

ances to the whole country. For days and

Watha he was subjected to this strain,

¦BOB as seldom comes to any man; yd he in

his ticad, but lu ought order out ot chaos with¬out tho shedding of a drop of bleed.Now we believe, hs he would have receivedtbe censure of failure, bo ho ie cntitn.i

to tlie cietitinr success, nnd Hint he boo displayedtho very qualities which will bo must in demandUt Hie OOPital, if the next I're-l'l. i.tial 0OBTO00

thal! end in scenes which thoughtful men sincerelyI.ur it iiiiiv," I think no mau could bc liomin..ted who would

create Booro enthttoioaai among the young Etepubli*cans ni the West t li rt 11 Mr. Blaine. 1 bave BBOWOrt d

you thus at length ia order ti alate candidly tbesituation ns ! see it, and as 1 Hunk our people OOO

lt, and not specially to champi'in Mr. Blaine or to

express hostility to any other candidate ; fur I feellioue, nor do I think the genera lit v of our people

. do."OPI'i'SllKiN IO dliANI.

General Stephen A. Ilurlhut, vice-picsident for

Illinois, smd: "lt is not advisable foranybodj to

ignore the fuci that tbore lo a orroBg and reapeet-ablo opjMisiti.il t<> flem ral Grant la three at leaalnt the duui.i:ul Baaloo ia New-York, Ohio umlWisconsin-nu opposition oafieieal to defeathim in either ot tbese States if his friendsadhere to what they prut l.iun. General Grant'sMien gt li cons st,d in lire idea that lie WBOdeBUUldedby thc people, and thc apeho. ol the PoBBoylTaoiaConvention abowa thal in that Btate al leaal ho waa

not demanded by the people; but it woo consideredii.-ces.sary tn tun el'se pnblie opinion tay decidingnot to submit the qu stiou of ohoioa to tbo peoplethemselves. In every county in Pensaylraniflwhere thc choice was I'ivi'ii tn the people, tile drc-

hiriition was iiumiMuknbly for Blaine."lt is not beoomhigto tbe posit ion and reparation

of General (.rant that 1 IO should he a candida!.' ti,

BB nominated by machine politico | and thal iui-

pierv,:on seems tn have taken hold of the 11- plo,e- ;n i ialiy in Illinois. No man who has OBJ knnxvl-edge of th* parnass* of the Democratic party ins

auy right to believe that either Generalto ant oi anv ottaet Ropablrcan will be per-ruitted to roeeivo a single electoral vote

fioin the S ni lu ru Statis. It ia iiiimait-rial bowihr- popular v.ue may go there, the Republicanelectoral rote will paver bo eoanted;oo thal tbostruggle ti.r:is entirely upon the Kcpublicans can.x-

ing a. solid North, amt the candidate, whoever belna.v bc, mu-.i iipi'i -mi Ibo f.eluii's, impulses, opin¬ions ami preference* of the Republican voters en

mass * of tbe Northern states." It is my opinion that Mr. Blaine tO**dayiotb*

strangest popular camlrtUtc in the United States jthat there would be enthusiasm, reaching down to

tbo every-day voter, xvhich se-uis I" be the onlyBaaaiMo condition of Republic,n oacceoo; and forthis reason, i'lthoiii'li I ha v.- alWOf/O beoa, ;lll> ,lln

* strong personal (md polltieal friend of (.cm-ral

Qnaai»IdO not believe that his candidacy will be

very honorable to Inui or safe for the Ropablieooparty."


Representative I). OL Haskell is vice-president forKansas. He said he Was foi Ullin.* beeaooe hethought the drift of public sentiment in his BtatOwas that way. " For myself," ho said, "I am tor

tbe nominee of tho Convention. I don't knoxvwhether Maine ia the strongest candidatebefore the people or not. I didn't knowonythinc about this Maine Club; 1 was not lherewhen itXirganized, aud, though I tare no obj,ct nmto having my name on the, list of vice-president-, Imust say that I have little faith in clubs of thiskind. I don't belier* that they da muchgood. Blaine is a good man, but wo have a BOSt ofgood men, like barfield, Washbnnie and a scon ifothers. Sherman u a very good mau, and un aideone, well worthy the office. I nave no decided per-ooual preference. If Mauro is possessed ofIhe requisite amount of backing ho will bi*a magnificent caudidute. Ho io os free from spotsa* any public mau, perhaps; Waobinfton life io tbecrucial test of the characters of public mn. Take* cube of polibhed steel, uni wob can detect m.

rough places, but with a microscope you may Uim-

eover the little holes. But we must Bot go bv theBBicroacope. or we should find nothing perfect."

FIIOB mk. bijiibe'h state, .

Representative T. B. Heed is vice-president forHaine. Tho Blaine boom, be saye, is ot very recent

growth, nnd srcina tri ho entirely spontaneous.Maine himself hal scarcely given the rjnrsiion of

his own-candidacy a single tbOBght*. The II arris-

bun.* Convention demonstrated the strength of theman. He bbs ab] ', hy sheer force of his individualpersonality, to cone within a little of overthrow inirtb* ¦tracton whieh Don Cameron budded so xx eil

with the ai.i of tlie party machinery of the State.Mr. Reed BB70 tbat Ibo (irant boom has h. ea mis¬

judged. It was not a sham. Tue people turned out

everywhen, to see one of tbe irreatest living Ameri¬cans. The Nation truly honors him, but it isthe man(.rant, the individual, nit the candidate forth*Preoideney. If Qrant'a Manda understood other-oriaetbeywon miotakeB. Mr. Beedsoid bekaewaf no Kaine organization* anywhere, aad dui no*

know of one here until he BOW tb* transparencylighted on Saturday Overdog.


Jami- P.Bool is stjn here, aad ia the followiBginterview to-night gave the results of his investiga¬tion,ot the last week in the mattel of I he Maineinox-vmoiit. Mr. Root aoidi "Of tbe three ChicagoCongn'ssiueii Mr. Aldrich Lo for Grant. Hoclaimea thal the lnotroetiona of the Ponflgyl*vania Convention BUtkfl hi-* nomination sure, but

Mame, if nominated) would be very oatiafaetor} tobim. Mr. Barbel is declared for Grant, but bowould jiot be if he understood the Bentineni of tbeGermana lu blodiotrict. Tho fat i io tbe eatiro NorthSole is against Gnat. Mr. Davis is Immovablyfor Grant, Bad thinks tbat not tiing can defeat

bim, although ho xviii be glad to supportany Candidate that may be m'lninatid. I

sen since I have been bel* tOOT* than twenty rel'i'-

sentative IliuioiH men outside ni Congress, am! theyall seem to be for Blaine, one ot trie principal rea-

nona given iotootwecanoot afford to nominatea manthat the (h-i mans do nm like. Others ray they do bo!care anything about the 1 hud tenn themselves, bulilieie are oo iiiiiiiv who aro opposed to i! thalGrant would weaken Ibe ticket. Indica¬tions of Bentimen! in Illinois, aa pub**lished in Tltc Chicago Tribune last saturday,seem to have maiie u great Impressionbete among members ol Congress, who have beenaiixiniii ii knowhow Illineia would staudtino*-mne.b as all now eouredo thai iti* to bc n pivotalMate Mr. Blaine's frienda seem yera much oar«

prised at tho result, especially W th* < oaveation inKock Uland, wbieh wa* a* fair a teal aa ihei e couldbe. The great majority of the clerka in tbe 1)' port-men ts troin illinois seem lo be foi Blaine.""How about tit*proposition tn inatrnctthe Illi¬

nois state Convention tor Granl T' was asked."Tin- mox cnn",t to instruct tm (nani in l!l;;iois,"

waa tbe reply, " ls weakening, The Granl nen i-

wavering, ont everybody kuowa tbey would in-strucl v.rx quick if tbey tbougbt tbey could. ThePennsvivania Convention has weakened tins move*

mein." .

senator Logan io still a very strong Granl mas,because, among other things, Grant is Iron theNorthwest, ile thinks Granl will be Dominated,ami thai nobody else will bo ni otioaed in I ic Con¬vention. He seems to bo in p ried accord withDon Camelon, a le I pie- inila hiv xx il li Don (ann hm'-methods, laogan i* aol taking anv interest in theGubernatorial qneation in Bli norn. He Booma lohave dropped everything foi Ine Presidency,h tin.i" tbe andidateo nw their own campaigns.

PROBABLE ACTION AT OTB A.l-l Hil Off Mit. HI.AlNK'rs H.II.Mis mai (.liAM IV-

Mlin iniNS will BOT BB ('.xlililiil' . irii.x-n.Nr.

POI nus nriMiiN.

Frienda of Mr. Blaise io thia ellyyesterday, boom eoafidenoe thal Grant Instrnctionowould inii he t-iiii led al the Utica < !onv< nt Lou with-out a (ontinvi rsy that wouhl attroci theattention of tho whole country s.nd make it

apparent thal tbeflhiagiBg politicians, and no) thepeople make tba strength of ibo third-termtimxeinellt.Among the (.rant men tho general opinion

ooemoto bethal they will have at leaal two-thirdsof the Convention and will 'uss their Grant in¬

structions after ti little breaoy debate; x\:n!ixxiii do no harm. Tl.eic is a rumor all n.

* li il Hr,ConUing intends to appear ba Mm Convention ami

makes powerful speech intended to tone op theGranl moverm ni all 01 er tbe country.An influential onpporter of Graal and wara

friend of Conkling said resterdaj thal il wasnowaa good aa settled that fonr-flftbs ol ihe ri .nto Chicago would consist ol Grout men, I" lur-fifthswoald b- about sixty, xx lu. u would leave tho anti-Grant men fourteen.thc representation ol sevenCongressional districts. Thin is ratbei more thanwar. conceded to them a fortnight ago. I he gi nib¬il'an alu-xe qnoted woo Baked 11 a 1 tolul.ul m-

Blructions would be adopied by the convention,lie tbougbt thia would be dose, bul could not, hesa.d. sax positively,

'. Why should not th conventlo paso ¦ r.s.du¬li on in laver of Mr.Conkling, .1 lop! a anil rule, audlet it 1:0 ai that ."' bc waa aski d."Beeaaae Mr. Conkling doe* aol desire ir. Iii is

not a candidate, and is detennined not lo be pul in

the attitude of on*. There oas be no doubt abonlhis position. Il* dora nol lutend thal bb uauio

shall go before tbo Chicago Convention if be canhelp it."


.WHAT Tin: OKCRKTABY'fl lim.Mis .-.\V in 1:1-

pltto naKMi.Nra sxu> to bavk bbbb badi



Tn the Hil i'm- of The Tribune.

Sin*. Nooneof tue attacks ou Secretary Bher-n .ni ha- attracted so much attention h iii-, or canoed10 moen indignation aaiong Repablicona of ever]sharif of on moil ni regard to tbo Presi¬dential candidates, as that which appearsin a New-York Journal (//" noted today. Thematerial for tbe attack parporto to have been fur¬nished by ex-Senator Doney, af Arkansas, t-rhos.11 une gi vs it an importance ii would not ol berwuehave. Mr. Doney'* report* 1 an adi conalata of*twolinn-.

First, he blame* Secretary Bberaiao for

Ulinga xvhich bo io reprt inti d ai laying ¦ co oredman from Arkaroola, Mr. .1. A. Bmeraon, now 0 1 lerkin the Treasury Department, in doiug;*ond oee-

oiiiHx, he attempt* to luke from the Secretary all

emili for the preparation and poooageof tbeBe*Munption iel.

Mr. Emerson is one of the ableet oolored men ofthe South; and in- e.,ni" forward promptly in biaown dei< ncc and In that of Secretory Sher¬man. Ile. told the writer to-day thalit is true bc* "koowa every politicianof Influence and power in Arkansas." Re admiiathat hehas written ti m.my <»i j tn tn, Federal ofheeraaiid otben, in behalf of his oandidato for tbe Preat-ii.iu >. Beorotary Bbermaa. This, he ¦

|k, has a petfeot right to do. 'Jin

','ivil Service order does not forbid BB]Federaloffleer to write lettew to any one becortooaggi "i nems of accomplishing obj political.nils bo may have ut heart. Mr. l'.uni--011 says that sjx**Seiiatot Dorsey's anx¬

iety tn have the Civil Berrico orderstrictly interpreted and rigidly enforced oeeno todloappeoi eben Federal offleiala work in hannon'.with him and foi the choice ol (Jrant delrgaiel to

the Chicago Convention.It is im kicret heie that marly all the Federal

ofliccrn in Arkansan who hold pooitloqi of Influencefavor Qnat's 11.iiiiimition ; and I haxe BOOB

a letter dehciil'ing a 1 '(inference in Si. Lomarecently, th porpoeoof which woo to proaaotatboQraai Brovetncat. It was partieipated in bj <\-

Seii.'it.ir l!"i ey. thePootmaoterai Little Bock,tbeCi.itel statis Dirtrict-Atimay and tho liaisedStates Mnr-hal for Arkansir iinil olin i-.

Mr. Cuni s. in oayoofeoaroc tl is porfeetly roporfott'.iesi' Federal offleen to wei k for limrit, bal it is a

crime fur a clerk in a Washington lfi-pm tint nt to

anita letters ia behalfof Secretary Sheratan. 1

truih in that tb.: Fsderol Adadnastrati.loteadof urning tho patronage of tbe Ooverunienito prooBOto paltttea] eoflowhieh toe Pnoident is

kBOWB I" tu've Bl heart, is exerting 00 in ibu me at

oil; and almost tba entire ni is 1.1 Federal 1 llin Arkansas ih actiiallv arorkiog torGroat, while 1 e

business men and colored pioph ol IbofurorSbermaa'o nomination, and on likely!Bberaraa delegates n> Cbieago. 'I be side(wbich tt.c

Administration s\iii|iaih:/.e,s w i|h is supported bythe tank ami Bio BBMBIg the BepObliCariO Bad iy-

poscd by lin lii'veiiilmut olhccis.What Senator Doney is repotted to have aoid

about beere'..v MMraian'o OOBBOOtiOU xxith lb*

I?,-sumption act contains scarcely a word of truth.At Ihe first ennui of BeasthliOBB Senators! holdafter thc Pnoidoat vi toni the Inflation hill,

Beeretary BhenMol Bored tho gppblal«aBl ala committee of nine to consider the

subject. That committee xvas oppoiatod, and BBB*

ratary sherman was its ehiiiiinau. Ex-SeoatoiDoney bi repreaoated to bara said that Mr.

Sbenaaa was md g member. Tho committeeconnoted of four bard-Biooey men. four

liiilritionisfs, nml Mr. Sherman, who was

believed te he men dhrpoood to lix og a compro¬mise between the twoelaooao of optoioa than aaa

other liard-iiiniiev s.iiaior. Mr. Doney says thatMri Sherman onpooed thc tiili ta tl"' eoaeaaalter it xvas prepared, ami that ¦'"l>"

credit thal nnvi'iie is entitled to In connectionwith lt is doe tn Mr. Rdmuado and Mr. Conkling.The fool is that Mr. Sherman raported the bill to

.the lanius hi,d supported li with oil his mightNeither of tbe Penator* mimed will cairnto have been the author of lt. Ii >¦*

h mailer of history, knows to every Re¬

publicen who xvas a member of tBOsenate iii 1870, and to every one who watched tueaction ot Congi****, ih.it Secretary sherman wosnoiin favor ol postponing resumption until ls**:.', ns

Mr. Doney is repreoented lo have raid bobut he desit'tl an iirlrtl (lite to be

lived than was dually put toto the bili.With tbe other bani Biooey ann on

tho cboobs committee, Mr. Sherman waa obliged toi ii ld to the wishes of Seiioton Iforton, Logan,Perry uujdBiilicr inflationists.Mr. Doney is reported a* saying that Mr. Sbcr*

man opposed tbe bill ns bitterly In tbe FinanceCommittee ns he hud done in Ibe Republicancaucus. This is not true. It bad beena creed in tko caucus that the lifpnhlirans shouldall support thc b!!; and ii wa- agreed to in thoFinance Committee by a strictly party 'vol*.Finally Mr. Dorsey ls represented io hive saul

that Mr. Sherman's " rapport ol the meoeun in theSenate afterward, aa the record will -how, was half¬hearted and doubtful." The record ahowa thatMr. Sherman mode tbe only speech'thal was madein the Senate in support of the lull. All of the**Leis | distinct Ix ;. iiiciiil'i"'.

(i re of he mi moora of be then Finance Commit¬tee says thal he dui'- not believe Mr, Doney ever

need thc language imputed to him, but that if bodui he xvas ii1111 ii mistaken. He sara the committeeof the eriiicu- to traine thc Resumption eeluni orgsaiaed upon Ibo mot iou of Mr.Sherman, lt woo coup, ted oi aloe mei

f whom Mr. Sherman woo chairman. Tl.el waaframed in the room of the Committee on Finance,all the m"mii rs ot the caacao. committee beinglui - m. Ii xx,is reported lo thecaacoa by Mr. Bbcr*mon, who earnestly supported it. and afterwardreported it to the Senate. Ali tbe Kepabli-oana agreed to support it. Ile xvas tb*only one who mode obj speech on it. '1 ii. re woo

nothing new in it except the provisions fixing thed.-iie and means of resumption, in framing whichall tbe committee narticipated. Moat ol the mem-ben of thal committee .irr now living, and can

apeak for tin mwlvee, including Senator* Kdmundaami Conkling. How Sen..(or Doney contd havefallen toto BBoh an error it is hard to imagine.

Ii', l'l CLUAN.'1,1 /,.,.;'¦.», Feb. IT. Is-.il,


BdblixotoXi N't.¦ Fob. 17..Afally-attendedsud harmonia aneaacasto-atghtmade i*a*a-iii'ims (liuieii of .rn Edmuods-Oraol delegation lo too

Convention, .ces of Ihe delegates anni..' p ix ii -- t,.i ;.. ll a c .nie ul Ola I'iiiiiI-

iniiniii; eil. : \ ii t 1 bennaiitiinmslj adopted s reaolat-oa indorsing tl. Q,

ol ns di ii .;:-- ii- sra tn ii. ixe.i-in.ii.

RIVAL DELKOATION8 FROM UTICA.I'ik \. N. V.. Feb. 17,-Ai thc Isl .\s-(.iii-

!il\ , Ki ]iilli!nntl e..mention in jt ileato-daj twoeeaventlona a bcl*imtBgI.,ban ai the duly .¦ eted aol s-.iii -. 11

iii ii n Boa.¦ Oeakllagaad Mc in.00rtla*n.i. k. * ..mi .r. P. BI iBardsoa deli gates te th Utareotion, to* other eli led Mea ra Samuel ?* Lawary,B a. Millard and s.a. Pfer*ee delegates. Tat tattet.ul..; li .! ti., fiillnxx lag r< a ilatlOB :

fycJ, Xii ii w«* repeal cir:, -tty Ibe dcetarnlliin ofuiion nf

" in: rrt. nli.i nppnaltl.io tai the eic- ll.ni ol .,.

(or a laird lerra, and instruct our dVi lill Ul, I'i Iii' liel'I nil tm '.'-'illi lOStS Ot, IO illlnli- lin,

principle in every lionoi sble ar*y,Bo ti solutions ol lopled oy 11

xi ot ton ulalah lectt il th* C tabling *V lag nun,

OT8EGO Bl l.n'-i. OR BLAINE.c...ii*. ;;- luxx s. \. Y.. I'i h. ld..At tbe I.i-

| u",Ile ni inn u B linriliv, 'I' 'i ¦" it'-s v.te I-1-i lei! nu -i

i.l.iifor.f lil.iirii- mid .mi 'i.lu ,ii- .- nt Un i'-i ¦: lin*town were ont. sud Ii line rnthusls ran high. .>!*..Count lil:.lue ra ri il lill tel birdterm ss] H. (.'. AIMIX.


A i-II'.nv; (.KANT DISTRICT.f itv ni.Klnaen Tu nu. limn

WuiiKiiAi.i.. N. v., Keb. 17..Tba lldiii-ti 11 ..f Wastil it "a r 'ii ii tx sends A.. H.

ii. ii w.t. HUI and Judson i: Ilario* .» ,i. >-i.'ii ll li ld rr I.-I--II. '1 Ile e ii'! --.f -..

iii i; slue sud Granl mi n, tba lattei balms|omy. ^

x thaw PROM '.! aUCIE OOUBTY.('inti.kvii.i.i.. N. V.. Feb. 16..Al o meet**

ilia* of t'n. K-'i'iililn rm lc Im " o.' Un Dd anda Districts of Orange County, held si Hie

biteloi Joseph BBlrkey to-dsi. lo elect delegates to repi tbe lat A ri I. I' r Convi-o

Hon, s vote wss taken on choler foi I'n¦.¦: mtlil candi-date. Iii ii'.-- reiiixel a ii. lou. nf Hi- votes, *.vn h

ir-.- rt ii rot* .¦. » .i-i :ni

Bei ri nv Boennaa.

rsiNvnu'r:t:n cjueeb**' coturrv dru iatbGBI ai Ni !*. N. Y., Fi h. 17..Tiif following

1:1 li gates xxi rs i leei ¦! to lha B 'publlcsn Btsts Conven-i. .il rle- III .! H.-tiii'l COBVI DtlO ul '/

County, le Li ni Boalyu io-dsv: William -I '.>,Mini' Willela.I ('mn les I, Van I.- ... n I. r. Tbej sreii.iiris'r.ieie-', bal are aappoaed tobe ootl-Onat.

POPULAB -i '¦ I ii -i \ TOWNBB8, N. Y.

Towxbbb, N Y., Feb. ld..At ¦ primaryin lil ti. ri- to-1 .\'Bl . I. -i-1,.ni.s were i li.-en. ,\ rubof preference resulted ss follow*: Eighteen |f.rBlaine, 1 for Sherman, I foi Pred ri I. Dougiu i, mid.'ur (iiulil uoin

A TO! B Al I.I -ii I vt;, N. v.

Ti.i-him;. N. V.. I'.li. 17..The followingBas tb* result of a vote on Prcaldeotlal eindldstea altin Brpnbllcaa prltnarj bete nn Mood*) iv ulm iBIaine( 'J7 Grant, 31; dbermsn, 3.

QTJIS1 ll' HOB IB PHILADELPHIAPhiladelphia, Peb. 18..Tbe election yea-

terdsj oaased ii quietly. Then usa ooa BY rablill -I 111. Ill: ted lu tin ||l.i| e XX.-IC lillie

pendrnt Kepuiincmi candid ilea lu the tte'n to thisimii. ii.i'.ti n. n ,i in. ii 'ur ire vei ra nj re, and ll isoot ju.inline that aay definite icauli csu be yixi i..

algat,CHASTER i ll I lins *..

REPUBLK IB ll RAI I IBybacuse. Pcb. 17.-At die Syracuse city

election io dux Mr. Hendrick! (BepabHcan) waa rlcctedMm'iii) 1,000 Ul j'H id. Ml in.!.n,.a.. I (K -rillnii'-.n)Police Jostles, by 2.700 rnajorisy, and tlie n-st oftin- lle|iillil:e.ni ellv tie el lu il |H\ ard (ii 1 ..'iHII Int juill \.1 ire mullum '..n !,, , x eli l{e|iuii|lc:i ns niel inn-

1' in ..' , xi li Ki ililli!,i .m. .nu!one 1> n ."¦ it. 'I UcBepi ol ali lour SchoolI 'ounce 0U< ii ,. -ii roted.

A DBMOCIU i I ..i EBB U I I T.i BAT.Jamk.-T'iivs, N. V., l\li. 17. ..Mr. Robert \

Marvin (BeouMu b>, mm si lodge .Munn, wis

-Ul- U-i tey .1 ti.lllmltx o' .'..".ll oxer Iii,- ll m.

erst and Greenback can.!,.iii,-. Mr. Joba Dewai waaelected txi Cou bi 887 m..I miy. Mr.

iv.V election will aboil b tbe License Bourd mr tbseoraiogyear. rio majority last year for license an 17


Br. lani-. I-ii. 17. William liartly xxas foundSiillty of namer In ile- second degree, Usi niciit, ami aaaainiiiii to -iii.', reari cspnaonnirnt.

rn ii in tl ii - ROM x mill.r.11 BXP11(.m.him. N. H., Feb. 17. lie boiler in John F.lu .ni; ami's suv mill, .ii luii .nlp'i. burst In r.n rtri

sud . In -a l-age, Boxer Jebusnn. m. itI'irs. itt, sad .1 In 1, inna 1.

A lt .ri. ni A Un i.i. iii Rf,I'lrrixiiu m .! K. I., feb. 17. 1'ii ii n s a/1 A'nie

Inn iii .i'll. iiil< 1:11., attie' .SsmgStls tl Hotel v.i-mlibeil. '. '" l« rs I'sil ..,1 ail

Um-., sud recovered sn ontei 11 r part ol um ruc .1 v.

BOBED in Ul A I'M UV a BULLI) xxx xir .11 un, r- 1. 17 I'...li- I', blaber, Ibe

ol.li »t uti h. nu tm* of t 1 ts in rn oflownslnp. wsa »oreI lc ..1..1. !., u ;. 1 las* smilies*, ii.

.1 X (irk, lu li] f,'.iel w-ls Bikini,1^1.

BB iii.ii xvi, sAB'H VIOl *. ni. x m.I'MII Mi: I Pl v. ll. li hunr l.'st

a 1 ¦-. i ,r.I,ill il iii ni al in-, i-s... ... So

isb .. ri l- in ali a ,ii miiujIii alli u ni blow. I':.'' I'-'in tx_ m a at.ii! n

laal-iu. Uer Uusbai.il la UUilrl airest.rn


ABOtteB ATTBMPT OB tim: mr. 0* Tilt: BMPBBOB(ir ur--ia ami ins PABULT.DBBATM IN' 1MBBMmgu l'AiiiuMiiNT-riiK rora QB thk maii-

UIXiiK BBtatTIOB,AiKulici ;it!c!ii|it lins been Banda upon tlie

lives of tho Emperor of Ruaaia and liis tinnily.A mine was I.i id sn Unit, when it wns tired,;i p;iit nt' thc dining-room of tin' Winter Palacewas deetroyed ; bul tin* Emperor and otherliifiiilicirt ul tlie family wire nut in theroom. A motion to give Ireland equalrightaof franchise arith England and Beotlandwis dt i..ted in tilt! Britiah House of Corn-mono. Mr. Plimsoll BTU! called io luemiiit forplacard* which he bad eauaed td he poab tl. Tia;Pope in un Enc] cliiiil letter oppoacamarriage and divorce bj civil authority. Bor-ilnd's ni xx play created --rrc.it inti rest iii Parlani iii presentation Monday Bight,ATTEMPT ON THE LIFE OF THE TZAR.

A MINK LAID IV 1 UK WlM'Kli l'A (.ACT.1 I Vii St'I.-

DIF.ns KILLED ,x\l> rilli: I v-livi: WOl M>: n.

Loboob. rn. .-.im. Peb, 1-. 1980.AaVopatebto R ater's ralegraa Company from

st. Poterobm ir. raj s there 1ms bean bb abortive at¬tempt made lo kill tbe linperial family by layiag n

mino in the Winter Polaee, Fi vu soldiers were

killed timi thirty-live wounder).A lota diopateh from st. Petereburg reports tbat

the mitio woo Inid under ibo gaord-room ofWinter Palace, winch is immediately limiertim dining hull. Owing to occidental delay tboImit'Tial family had mn entered the hitter nt thobobbI tim". Tho explosion Dado n bolo In tbeBoor of tin* dining hali len f< et long aad six wida.Tb* ezploslon oeeurred yesterday at just abonl

thc iisiinl dinner boor of tin Imperial family.As fora tbe health of tbe Empress xx ill admit, tho

twenty-fifth anniversary of tin-('zn's secession tothe throne will be celebrated ia the same manaor oo

the twenty-fifth anniversary of his predeceeoor,Nicholas, in I SRO,Tbe Prince "f Bulgaria has arrived at yt. Petero-

liin.: tn partii ip"ie in m.' < /n's fete. A Berlin dla-piiii-h tn th, d,lihi Sim* m,v- i'nxiue ooeonntoIrons St. Potaroburg represent tbo condition of tboEmpress u rery unfavorable.indeed, nlmoitcitliinl.

A BREACH OF PRIVILEGE.MOllON A(ixl\si Mir. l'l.lMsni.i. IN ll; inti KI) I\

lill llttl'-K (I! COMNOBB,i.iM.iiN, im nt.ix. Pea, it. 1880,

In the noose ol ('"iniiions to-day Sir CharlesBoase)!, Bart,, member for waaraalaater, sod Mr

member f'*r Guildford, asked Mr. PUsaoon,member For Derby, whgthei a ia reeponaible fur tbaii.iiiil'nii siiiiieii with his nriiiie BDdplaeard*4 m Weat-niin-t'i niel dm fi iiii, i-i ii-in u_ hem In hitit i lu iaa for

n| pOOtOS ii I. lillie.il uliil .mi ter Hie rules of tbs ll Usn

..'nial nii|. it inn tn nie aeooad loodlin of als btu forjoadja* giMi PlUBsoll admitted tbe sBtborsbtp of tim baadblll,

riilniinil lin- Justit* of lt- euri!, nfs..1: -.I moved thal tbe p -"'tr'

a lue ul: nf |nix,. ge, SS BO altillljl! to encrei' 111-'

il.-lisell:-I' fbi ll ii JnbB Mowbi iy, mein!.er inr ()\f..ril

'i il. il tin e.

lanni Hartington moved to adjourn tbe debate until

llor of thc Excbequei iccondcd tbe motion.in l it xx.t. agreed to.

HAM!.I. 1KB HAP.¦.Ailinn s ni xx ri xv I'lint'i, n ai i-'

laOBBOB, ooaday, Pi b 17, i-wi.

M. Viet'tiieii Bardou'a new play, entitled.I', iel iii.'mt." waa produced st tbs Parla Theatre

melli Tlie Part* eocao*p**«a*a1 of iheire on Hie mania fur Irreltglon

li i inst now in eertalo las, aad is

likely lo pi' "'i ba eoe*

leal of ll" Daffy rWrgnuM myst Tin-sive 11 rail es of tb* clerical aad r>-< -thinking ebali-x-.ii.iii Mtiii an ii" xelte1 -im-.ti iii-i .**

I lie li.Hi -spellilelll nf th- lim'* sins: "M. Sinloilluis writtra innil.mc .-li.ix-, iiih more beaaties and more

I- .1 lt Hir.'e i,.a snd ill in ina] iii- 'i l«lvi .ii lim! nt- ure oneof latta, lim tilt-.mr" .- p..i .i bia great

nfthi f i. si 'ii

.-i .

tu In gl<M. .**. u linn's ur. ni.i were rn mlj sud Joally


THE li; AN' lU-i: I . IRELAND.Lol DOB, l'u -sd .-, Fi h. 17.1880.

In the Efouoe ol Commong to-night, Mr.Mi doo, lbs ii.Hue R ir, moved lint toefi iiie i Irela od i" pl iced on on ecjo illtjaa. it ii thal in Eneland and Scotia 't ;... i xx.-

n long debate. Bli William li t.ort said that Ihe mottoni lorlhthi pnnclplr* o'eqtutlltj oo ahteh Ibe

anton wss based ti tl.| in Im ibe pi inclple,ru ¦! il:.- ir: lou. John Brignl sup

i'-rnii Hip .'ion. 1ft«*r a .g debate, Un motionIUH

SPANISH 1 in wi rs.II xii .m. iii - iv. I, li. 17. t800.

In the Congreoa to-dni Sefior Orovio, Min¬ni im me... presented tba budget r..r

tin- lls.si year IH80 'Ol. ii tbe n i

elm- ni 703,000,0 .ni tba expenditure et,-¦".0,1 '' '. I" III 'I t .lil lll'li X In ll, !.

.Hill ;,.-, -,,', I'

drill, sitIiimi ¦ -iitii eic i-i ibalun lu lill* Ct rill ol \x.'i tu M-rl-.ii distill I-

i ., m can i a de In on tbe Bourse,

TUE Mir'!, nv MARBIAUE \M> DIVORCE." b. 17. I 880.

The Latin text of thc Papal encyclical letterl tin .ii ii ivi.x.iii.ii-n! Hie VtmtrttUon

lt argues; Infavorof Ibe removal of tbe rileni min i. n, from alic: vii Ju imliction wUatsuever.

FOREIGN NOTES.I..iNiins. I aesViay, Peb. 17, !*..-(>.

Tin-1''Iiten states t. .nu - 'veiur ;u rived al niirai-t ir nu tin- nih inst., and will leave on tao IStbfor

M.utri iuui Port Bald.a public meeting al Dunfermline im* resolved to

rn i-i nt Mn- niiii nf Andres Carnegie, of Bew-Torlr. an itixe nt tin- tn.Mi. in nive si'j.".,iioii toward tba estsb-llabmenl ol ri ublic Ubi sry.

la (..ni I * ill vii. a ti .r.i Pa ;' Ibfl Vern.

aa Italian vessel laden willi 3,000 cs«ks of aleobol andfrom Boa Vork, liss buen destroyed by Bre tnlea inn inn.

jjrii" 11ii: ini> nilli lui gssette anaeuaeei tbe sppototm mi

of twenty-six Bea Bennion, Tae appointments xxei

mail lo further the abolition of the grist lax, ablob wasdh] ii ni ijoiny ul tue s. n.ile.

Btepo oro halag taara ot tb* Befarm Ctubtodet ii'

noon plaetag In tbe ii.nels of tbs polltli ul rommlttee tbeii iwi nf admitting mraibtrs ni I'tirllaiiK nt (.¦ member-¦blp of tba ciao xv ri iuui i subjecting tb.to balleA ili-i'.it. li li".in Vu .mi In lin '¦!'tm asst ¦;. QtsmweHau

- i -: "Outwsrdlj tbe austrian Cabinet remain* wb*ill x.is lil.n .1 Coalition l.nxi llllli'lir- ..nt. in fset,liberal opinma are a wlu le I."TBS (iel limn baWI Mal I" B It'llieltiiliiii, CiiiiI.iiii S. ll,cl

fruin Liverpool, Januarr 21. for Baltimore, bas be*ninst. Pour of ber or*w were tared. Many vessel barasi,ii. tt il damage lu tb reeai -; oi ai --

The Frankfurter /.Hu ml OBBMMSS Unit il ciiuilKli}-,\x mi ri eapttal al 9300,000, linn h*sa farmed al Bremenloworktba reeentlj discovered petroleum opttBgi n

iiiiiiixei, uml tu.n ii similar compaayta Itwataag atHer m.

tn ibo Boase ur Commosa thia evealng tin. toed Pota¬toes hill passed itu till.il re illili*.', lifter tlie rejeetiiin Of

...ii tim ni. offered br Mr. Mlteball Henry (HomeBala in niiii- for Galway), to extend its provlaionatoru nfl.-i.il rn,mule.Thc al, m.-1- ('iiuslriliee.il tilden, fruin Cardiff fur

Malt*, fuiii.d ¦.-ed' iii ii gala burt xv.. k. of Lund's

Bag. i " era wero oil drowoed, < xeepl two, whova re ii-.s.iieil in n ateamt r ii 11 in. blaoh funnel xx .in

two n il ii lii.is, m ..i. ii i* believed to ba booad fur ajnerioa


BOOTOB, Feb. 17..The several committee'sOf U'tiiiir-n-iurcr.s uml niel en inls appotOtOd Iii reliitliui

,tii ri.N.ili'iinil h.mk. nut I.i xv ie 11 u ! Ut*) in Jimun rx l*-7'.»

t ii Bootra Hi.pi of aTrads appotatad a eooamlttoo ton.11, r Hu- Hiii.i'ii. Darlogtbc paat year their taves-

t Knt mia lad to tatt e in I.i-i ni, Ibal tba saaetm.t olhm ,i 1.1 ixx would ti ly approved as bad bes*tbs iappal o' tii.it ni 1867. gul la tua ooasti aetloa of .i

n. xx- IBW WOO s.iu;iil l.niii iiiiuiv iiinl v.irieil tOOTCeS,

n-.uie societies wm bsd Indepeudi nih lo ii.

ml Hi -ii n J te n I i. un ni HM n il In'ii R iii ut ll.i!

lIH'Ilt ll- tn I Iii' lim ii Ot tOO Ul lill |f. ii\ i-lillis ni the ile ||inn. Two af tbe geotlemen xvim bad Uk** aa sciUtterest tu tuc Ballar routed Wosbisgt**, iud u »!¦. mai

("umilrtee nf thc- Ho*** Jinl'eiurv ('oni'iilttcx wss

i.|iiii.itii..!. befo.-ft Whom, ou Ihe !».h mst., it satisfactorybearing waa bad. and hi.oVrstaodlag xma rooobedfhrit ri complete lilil shuni I in prepared nrul presented tnittie fenn ni tho earliest dar practicable. Tin- ooaauoetimi ni aaeb a h.ii ins bera cooOded to aa ooalnralJodgO nf the United isriites CoOTt, If If expected tohave the hill before be Judiciary Committee curly nextmonth. Trie Booton Boardof rr.nle xviii gladly raectvoauy aaggMtton xxhlrii may aid lu perfecting thia work.


PBSPaBATIOBg FOii a wii k.'s «kssio\s.adi.!EMOf LABI F.VI VlSli.

The Anicrieiiii Institute ol' Mining F.tiirineeismet (esl ni^ht ot the liottso of the Americanooetoty of civil Befrioooro, No. lol bjbsjTwenty-ftrRt-at., for the OgOBtOg session of theiruunuiil BlOettag, the rc h..-itnail- newtons of which willbe bald dartog tbo present week, oilier aosatooawBIlu- luld nt the sump puce nnd nt 0 I'utnhln, College, undHu- pn>i:raniuio also IndOaVtO 0 roofpfls* In .limos A.

Borden, a member of tao [oatitate ; a roeepttea hv^tiioBallioaCIab; areeoptlea .it thc Stevens institute ofTechnology In lli.hnketi ; uml a dinner at the Hofl-nnin Bouse, Knell Bomber was furnished Mstoigbi with s tratefnl programuie,opoa wblebwacUtB-ograpbed o lyasbotteal repraoratnllra of aoaWorhslag;,and Hie eOBVersiOO nf pig iron Inti) SB fl WOO indicatedhy ii procession of pigs tata a vast Bessemer eraTorter,While glorBled pori ITS Witt willes tilled tile air.ihe presiili-nt. Bealey H. Ooze, entiirnittiliitril the

nieuil" is uprui the loBrtobiBg t'liitlitudi ct tile indits-tri'-s eonnected arith their profeoaloa, but iufioiledIbal result of tho prosperity that in ide neccaaaryile- Bbaooee of many prominent member*. The Intpaper read xx-ms nv B.P. L6i eau oo "The BueeeesfulMn ufscture of Pressed Fuel at port Blehmond,l'nii I'leii'iiiii." A hugo Bte iii the grate gave evidencenf the qualities nt this fm I, apeolraeao of xvl.ieiini rgg-snsped limn s wen oxumtned xxith in-ter. st. Tiie Mic ires started without the BM "fkindling wood. Vue piper pxptalaad the processnt manufacture, tbe uiillculfes encountered, andthe measures adopted to onvlata them. Tue eleuic^ornf mis f.iei ni- Ol per cent of "mil liv.-'ASMf'¦> per flirt (tl plleil, tim latter bClBg ^*rto(lto cement tin' emil (lust. Tu.- furl lost* us

king ii- ordinary aatbraclte, and does not produceclinkers. Thlrteeu (una nf it arc now prodaood eachboor, ili-feli-l'.ee xv ,« Wilde lo till llllll'Ulty ot tlll-utinlng » sunpiy nf qi.ni dust, as tun coal aaraxxiii' nut Inclined to supply the meant of makinga mel to compere With CAM. But ConSdracC wits ex¬

pressed that I! would aimil appear to tbe advantage oliu.(i man to arcot machines foi ibo manufacture of tuepre-si d fuel nnd miike it ft leadingindustry.Professor F. Prtaae, jr., nf Philadelphia, called

attention to fie Bulara, through link nfapproprtatlra by Congress, nf thc Unitedi-tnies Tasting Hoard to oompioto their workoi testrnn lin-; und tteelj mid offered ii.luilniisfur Urn ttppnintni"ut of a committee liv lb*1'istltuto to c"lip. rato with a like committeefrom the Society of civil Engineers, toinWe up mid complete a a 01 ir so east*Ital tn ti e iron radstael rnterest1 or nie country. A committee wat BP*pointed, eoasiattag of Mt .-sis. A. L. Holley, r.i.i.itlsllowny.Tbe elusion poper of tbo temira wns by Professor lt.

H. iilehard.s-" Botes mi Battery uud Copperplate Am.tiena.'t'uii tram iii- faining Lab¬oratory of tho Massacbuactts Instituteof Technology." Discussion followed, lu whieb Pre*

Benjamin Biilimso, nf Kew*Haven, aad otbentm k |iiirr.

ssiniw win ie' resumed tn- liv nt io a, m.

ADVANCING WEPEICE OF COAL.Pim.adi i.rim, Kell. 1"..A dispatcb waa re-

ri-lved (nun BeW-Tofb thia BBorotOg from PresidentQowea stating thal bb agraomrat boo ho** ooaoum*mated for tho stoppage of work ut the collieries lotth ie daj -ni 1 ii ii week, Instead of 0 sospeool *a ra »I-Ti-i null* wicks, us proposed. Tba ile days wi!', lie Thors*ii.i'i t, tn 11\ s uiid Batarda] i of eaeh week until April l.

It waaresott il thia moi olag tu maka such ebaagea Int.n Ni -. York and Baal ra prices as will equalise tb<tirrill--- nf tin- rmi ul Iphis aad Beadtag Coal and IronCompany with those of tb* Leblgb sad Wiikt barro

'' unp my and other corporatMoa thal Oioke Bowy«rk their leading market. These prices, which im intort, et at once, sre as follows; i'm hard white asb coal

on i" 11 il reasels si Pori Blehmond, lumnand steamboat,broken and ega, *-;i'J"i; itore, -i-:* *5"«: chestoat,

This ls a decline of 15 mis pei tonon lump and steamboat, SS cents ra brokaa,agg ""d.lui.. snd ci nu on pea.

prici f r ii nd v, !.!.:! ish coal aa board *rei'.-Hil.(.11 .ii. r-'l in. lilli': il snive, mill

ni ega. These I'l^iins are ri il.i Idleof 25rents perl mra lump,steamboataodstove,aad

nts un bri li u and

DEATHS HY sr,-''ID!:

BALT1MOBB, Peb. 17. Louis .Miirlliur^, ageIburty-elg t,ofta< nrmol Marlbnrg Brotbei tob.ieeoii'.inuiiii'i'ii nra lo Cd found dead Ibis thorningwith two bullet wounda n tua bead al Romew.I P^rk,near this elly. A pistol waa found lying by iii- -;

ii i-;;.mi rio io- commiiicd tun ide.i. ll \ -: 'S. I' I I IT -Dr. J. J. O'i'tllli. a

r bei.. I- ali '. d an cid* io too p*Bce -

l.isi nulli x\ ii- tald iiiit be was pt iml-lu ,|l l.nltlsx ,,!(..

( lie .i .', I b. 17..W. 1- r on a

train from tba Wes* yettorduyoy Ding (brew blunder a oar at tba pesplaine' Street Viaduct, amt waaso badly crushed tbat be died lu t*+ hour* i;fm-ii ban l*.mn i-..*-.. and waa evideutlyof oaaoundIllili'!.

__~- Ml

INDIANS DEM INIUNG < I ll/.! \ Illp.

("itKT''1*\n, K:'iis;is, Fi ii. 17.. Foin proroi-ie rt nu n nt the Miami indian oatloa, ThomasMiller, Plrsl Chief, David (..lue. Second Cote',Charles V'-'sti .md Samuel Oeboe, passedatbrongb

in-i.y ntl liii'il' v. uv tn W.isliin-.-t'.n, '..her-

tb ¦- '¦ I-- denian I -it"- r'r rt -li, ir tr tnloft -: it. .. that ihej huve iheir

land* set iiparl tn them sover.illj and irmt ile-, be.-il tn draw ail money due them from tbo (tavern-


the did uy printing paper.

Nkw-Oki i xs-. Peb. 17..Owing lu the ve¬

il.;'!-:.: bli '.ui >¦-.¦ "i the pr.t.f printing paper tho prr«prietora of tbe bi wtpapera t.i Be»-t hrlcana t .- mhled sttbe offlce of The Picayune tats eveiiiug, and adopted ii

iis, lint natives of Louisiana inress to nae ianr Influence lo bara ibe dntj 'i

pru t paper, chemicals .mi materials used In theitiiiiiiiiireiiiiv (barool rem ived or mali r.a ly rcdU'jed.


Jami si'iwn, N. V.. Feb. 17..Tho largeSiiratni r Botel si (ii Iflltb'a Pol il waa burned tblt morn*

in-r The ins- nu trie balidlna and furniture ls $20,000.ii,,, ii.iit,',. nu :- iii- losarancoi Sta* aad Phoenix,

$.'.11(1(1 eaeh: Lancashire, London, (ileus Patts, Home,xx -I ii. xv ii, kfi re ii ant s', Manhattan. Mi--e.mii col Cleve-l m .md fannel nf York, Penn., $1,000 eaeh.


Al'dl'sTA, Mhm Fell. 17..In tho Sen.ito to-dnv il eiiiiiuiuiiiea'mu was lee. ixe I from I ie invi riinr.

-Im ix un; ihe expeuses coauccted xx 11 ii the rooeut action

of the late Dori runt and Council In seri.m.- nud oosest-.nc ineiitii-rs, smountlug in tba tum ol $20,000. l*beinii.iii'-iiiic riinii wo* mterred i" Ibe Pin tucc < omi

ULAI ll OP J. c WOOMSw PbABCIBCOi Fell. 17..J. C. Woods, for-

iiieiiv tbe manager of the Ad..ms Express Company,dud to-day ut Valli lo.

TELEGR \Tiiie mitts.

A HANK IN LIQl) IIIATION.Mixsilil'll.. 1'eli. 17..lin* sri: rc millers of the

xiii- iiini Bank m-dai pssacd a formal rasolattsa oar tbah..Ilk Io go Ultu I.uuii.alluri.

!..,, xl T.': VANS.

Pxl! xs Pox., r'eli. 17. -A eiinvi litioii of coloredmao ls In anaaii n brr* M opaoa sadgrsUm frost TexasRpsiilutlona li ive boon passed eaeoarsglBg solarad men to

,'..,- bera li.¦''" "' "'* B.SaloBapft,lilli IIK.lt PRICKS PUB CHAIRS.

Wm cfsii p. Mass., Feb. 17.-At h oooventtea ofi ¦¦ ii ni .imf -..-tm-, "i Bi .-. 1.1.ni mil sad Now-Yera, heldni nus e i> (" da*, ll .*"-* sgraed m ... \.. ..... tho pitas** cor.

tun iriii'li'-siir iliilis tieni 10 te i.i pei ..-l.t.

V/ILKBBBABRX CIIAB1 BB ELBCTTOIf.Wu KB8BABBB. I'ciin., Peh, 17.. I homao Brodriek,

tba Democratic ami Lsbor-Keform candldaui fm Mayor, wastniinv i In ted I""'!' Bf. W. Loomis (Beat.) by 91 uiajorltv

ik BspuoUcaa na:n ni twa ii tbs Cwy Ombbob,maui; an a.s-iii.n.mknt.

Mkmi-iii**. Tenn.. Fob. 17. K'nheifs. Aiuleisnii ,«tChem min tiants. of llnllv BprlogS, Miss., uiaile an assliru

li apt 'tn.lax. TOe liHl'iunes arv esUmstatd al 071'.OOO, Ihe, itort ii.-nig pnuiri'iuiiv in Bsw-Ortaaaaj Baw \ otk ami""*U"'' I'.I.KCTluN Al' MKAIiVlI.LK, PENN.

Mi ai.viii k, Penn., Feb. 17 At an electiei heretn'iiiir the Mini- Charles W. BTdtet (Bep.) au rsvleetad.Miiiiii.x'T ii.nae.' i ul.um ld reenbacker) by 0U7 BUjontr.

|',e I'i lUllilli 111- ii-i'I (WO Ottt el lilt' fuur CnUUlllUli II, Ililli

probably tbree.OS TIlIAI. PUB ARSON Al Illili HANK.

FftBkholo, N. J., Feb. 17..Jacob Nattai, thoH. raw Clothier secasM nf lu leg the orlKinat.irof the con-

, ,i.,i in ii .in.. ii New Vi-n' nliriu. ir lin-ii drstroysdi,i,. bull.lliiga iiiiiii'iuix tin lu,- ni.-.--, portion ol th. t.nvn.

araspla.' it on IrUI nnlav. 1'x.nitymru nBSMstasS t.-.-tiiiedll Ult p.ll I et Ile- "-l.l'e.

pgnNsvia vsia i:i.kirrioBBI'm: ipi in >. I' ih 17. -B. Wood. KepabUean,

ind ii,-. c wsa ni'-iiel lOdsy at Westin: iii.- Kepubli nu- .ns ii. t lasatbers vi

ii il un ih*r elll.irs. Al AUaulOWB, lr. ix Marun.1 ^l.ix ar At LatBcaster, 1 Ju MriniiiiKle

.,, waa isi'id. xt (J..i->l«.r lbs ld i.uullta..a ha\«nu ii.UK lickot

TIIK VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA.Tin: c.ynvass contisit.i..

PKN'NRVf.VAMA (i)MMI ITKHMtfN MPRaKINli WITH NOBBCB8TAJB sol m>. kviuknck of as extra¬ordinary PBBPi i;k\ck For thu maim: skma-1(1!!.

T-iie TnincsK's,canvans of thc Rcimlilicanroiuniittoeuiea, in the counties and t ixvmhipaot Pennsylvania, it, confirmed 1>< low. Therein atill a sjKiiitniicous mid .¦<*m:irkiihlf prefer¬ence for Senator Rhine as (irst choice forI're.-iilenr.* J*)sk id.iy's mails brought 199 re¬s' ulises to Tm. Tribune':*) circular, ol which111 were for Siyiator Maine, aud 40 for (Jen-BtBJ Grant.


JM 10 r-QU (ili.MUiAL (.UANT.TIIK TOTAL KOB"riV"' DAYS.Tea Triiiink ri rix o foalonlal fruin RepulilicaB

county ."jfl to\vtisli;u cotinniiieetncn of I'eniisvlvB-ni IfM r.-iiiiini- i i's eirc'il.-ir uskiitT their firstm*SaeeaadOheis/a lot President. 'Hie proportionni' Iii sr clioiecs for Sciiafor Blaine xv,is not quit* s*¦ii roo* "ii Br*VsOB0 'lays', but the preference forlum i, isl ill rxlri.orditiiirv. Of thc whole lniinber ofrasp iixse:-; received yesrordi.y. Ill were fur SirttorBlaiBO is first clinK.(. rinil ill for Qoasstal Grunt. Inill, L.051 IB-plica B*Yf iitr.x lu cn received, alioxvingu I'dii'. of asltf tirnt chiiiee.s fur flrBOtpr BiBBBO BasalIsm tor (tatara! Grant. Tho following; table BBB*lin whole story f,,r t!,c bmbb live da.*.s, that i.«,fine*Ca: r. j,lie, beean to arri vc : ,

Kow Prev'ly Toil fora***Ki-sji-i'l-e-. ncv.'.lB'.l. j du VS.

Fur Blaine. Ill (171MUFor Grant. -io 149 1KBfi " Sh.mian. L' fl I-iFor Edmonds. ¦ fl0For Waurhbarue. 4ilIOFurtJ.irti'ld. 04 4l'«ir ('i)iililiiiL'. 1 'A 4\F ir ('micron..'. O"_''AI'm IL I'niuft.1 1 3For Hayos. 1 »>IFor W lieder. lolI'm-IV.'un tn I. OilForUolfoz. oilL.iue-citlcd. 1 .5(I

Tptal.109 s.v.» I Ill xviii ne s.-i-u fruin the re.ipnri«.08 xxltich f.dloan*

tbat Senator Btolae is still lb* oocjobbI ekoteeelin arly ull Uiojc WBOOC iii-: OBOsQO is QoOS ral QOOBBBOlHomootlu:!' candidate.

Fob* HI-Al NF.Scottdalei Tlie rank anil tile of thc Kcpno-

lie.in part/harebc*n nu lly r*B**orasat*Bta*1liv ni" nf tire delesaHons s.nt in in- recent i uorrnrasBhi il uris un ru*. our thoice fur tire Prealdenoy lt a -"t

;iy Jiiiiie- (i. Blain*. And vi. tarana* '«**.

... wlrt-pulllUK politicians., we weramada to declare for Oran a subsidised Oraat preoo feabnekln* wildly tbai the dfssa i-f u iron iowmiMs»itu t-xi.si- only uini'ii.' a f.*v e i-ipirointBd offlce-tcekei*,lim tin'ri lasrttoa mi' n. iv-. 'lin- mn nf ibe >. >raim- lt. in ascertained iu a number nf lecalitte*. AtIrain't station, in M.- (Westmoreland County), ->ulof loo v.'iers. . i((bty-ono buve declared fur inline, inthe ni .-m._ n 8 ion ¦!.: :¦¦. nu' i'i l'io i;i|uiiilu-ni vof/ra,:ili inn tun!- ure '-ir Ulallie, v. lil '. ir.'-re i, .i ri iis Ins uom-

illlty both to Grant ..ul tit* third tera*. Oraat <¦. g|possibly be elected ; tua maj bibi ipa*late Hie ( i.ux-.-iiii.ii, i-tlt in emiim' tliintlle il,, | r,Mute rif I'elin > Iv.linn arid si.nulli he .lin. In i-r>

curica tin- nomination ni Urant, .! >¦ reen ir nf tin' <:tat-ll.liCU XVII, lie ii.'¦ i. -lil Bl tn Tin- lii'imo-

tirat t.'ic party ever experienced. Tbers i-m-iiiii-i.ism fu>- Blame, but tba very tbouarbt ot Orataracandltlai .1- - 11 oat end -lia-

i we knowlirnt tba ralj 'it.:boat tb*

sad wa BB0W tbat no poll*) au u.-trru.luifc io io*mas.-ce and no pernicious In lt* tcndcnati a cs iadopted by oar Ballona! Convention kl Cincag*. la*will of the poopte canuol be sappresssd by . few u

who ure disjii -i 'i 'n tapio* toe p*W(1 ttajstaw dlilt,,11 tu.-lll simply tu rivet auuokiea upon tluase «xlt*.-li \ .ted titiiii. to tlie fie I tliat tiny niny mn io t tl. au til/in o!i:|)l;sli UioiM-ntruil/. .ti ih <»?. -aoxvakr lo- lill tna'jivrs.

ls too liiucli lt. pull ii'iiiii-iii iuui inti ii.utli mun-liBess tn this mlabty ooaairy i.iratsiui nod eoUOtaasubmission to ibese r*w arroeanl saplrnnt*. Wi- are :«

s position to know tbe reeuna in various parin of ii*a.-tuc. C ht. i'ot'i ¦.¦ Bod .1. K.l.

r.'Viiietiin ItMnBtbo Btajorityof the nepiiiiii. inant this emu. ty desire toe uoatluailon ot Mr. Blaine faaIbo Prealdencr. 'Hex '...n k oiotoal conn fen elaLim. li-i'l x'. ill irivi-lum :¦¦:¦ in-.u.'. SB|ip«srl n allawealtn .in ..h. While the people do uot wanl Umernl Ors t

ll e in,t i..-.- .:i-*- they tiiiiiU sooth .i .i'i,ni un I..m

>iu i>i.ii n ni Baroa,il x I. if In- 1- '¦' iv. - ti..- tu. iu -I. nf ¦' -u li trill -. ,,:..ii»us li'i.- i .. - i.ii.tiie. Bim i.s ursa,bul *nl ll''- iiiini'-i'i-'il ve.,- l-i :te-

Rc: ni li .i" in*. .- v, ill inri n ii-ii-ma*xn'.e. no matter » bal '-i- imui may be, aolj i-' ur he na

__....! mi.n. I am a farmer, and *¦> mru givi hm mthonest n, ir, nu of I ...ii tai Ibe I I HitOff¦ rusjiit 8 :¦ ¦.to inc nominee. Q nair.Befanylkin: I tb ikltefljcttoc seatimcnta el ihr*a>

n nf Un- Uepubl ui rolers In Newton, tbtajlaaBi lol <;i '.tn "i I'1"' Ban ow i uwi r, tn

Lnekawann* Ibo ladr oralea es aix -ii !--:¦..n ; lin -rn-:. ;..u«u

iii-tiiiii'i ii ni unix. 11 rti. ll. F Barrett.lt, ir' di e. li ll; iuui x ear tl il;c OB

Bim; second, B'a '. u ie, i ¦.. we talok, \'.. u BuBsthe "ali..- iiiiiit i- ." .-'- better tniiii .my oUser -oe}

¦poki n of. '.' u*.

Oat ebelville: Plrst,BSato - coad, (; uti. :.i. MiUob

ir, ...rr I'll t. l'.iiiiiu". SCeondi BlOlB*. IftililllttSnniiiin I'eil for Presldrnt tbe Kepnidiesna of tins ei'tintyxviii eei'de. Wi' ilnri't .v.i I mn OBS Ililli BOWer, lintv.ili lu* snii- liii'i xv til a itt I. free i.nil iitili'i'.iiiiuelii'tl rx-,i --inn ot Ibo people. \.. ('arnerou.aiu fur ns. (i -orgeW M.; Kel.gasi Brook : I*ir-t. Btslne ; I tl i.'t wont Ibis raraol

a ruction; bui opp '.. ird terat st:dStoatfunk I will v"i- fir.- Ur.,ni; oar whole oeunty xx itaVi i\ tt'W e\--.-uii its il ti ; Jll.tl!!!-. .I.iiiii- ( riifc.-.

Meii-t r: Plrsr, Blaine! teeond.IO* dosi srailafOBlll.-.n I i'll ni" Il ... rr.. i.i .i - 'n « ...i tua', it,

Pet rolls Pirsr. !¦ I, Oraof I toey.. tem bul ia ai v ,ii xn.i for.

Ibu nummee, bat uot all BcpubHes s. .*,. i.. i ¦.;,rii,ex-member ol A-' mbly.

i.ex-.r*i'H'.'_': a a lt ,;iu'i!'-*'(ti iirniiiix otoetlaz hoollUjj 'ii 'i ii Lil 'i lon Ol "'.'." i-:r sr* x uta

XV 's I il.'ell lei' I! -I I'lnii'int I'leslll.-atlitl I I USS Iriialuc, 250; (Irani :s >. lt is ihoujrHi a taireattms "fihecbiHee of ii" llapubucOBa ul this atoraafB. J. B.Porrcai.Oreen Moant: Plrst, Bltlse, aad last; ..eoad, any

K.I [b publtcau ; Oran) wlii d .¦ ll. ll Ja.. ¦.-.

H.mi ililli Kn-I. lUni i': - inri '.. .1 ll. (iiii-inii ur

lu- uii'i!: wlh support tbe ticket whatever ii is. l.iiaBl.i;-ii.':.-er.Mew-Bloomfleld: Pint, Hiaiue; w cuni. Wa-a inn ne.

jesse I. < lootIlilli. 'l.tirar: Fir-r. h'al'ia BBMsBB, s|.,rtii:i:i. ('mut

n. :.,r i'm 0 \uwcr.it.-\ ii 1'iort'ucc i Butlae. the c^o oo "f our Bcpobilcaaaj

All \X'i »Ol I"l (ii.mt ll llniultiuteil. 1». I'. BoOVI I.

peter't Creek t Kn-sr. it ala*; *. e.uni. aux en: u-1 .ii>-lleitii tbBl can in.li lie ivlinle von--iitl.i i >.ieiiiiaii or

Waabburne, K'ik Brawn.¦town: P.rst, Blalnei ..nil, Bberat-tn, I

th'itu tbe iibove hrsi obol ie I* ihe acutlmenl ur om pco*pl,' rreucral y al this i>' tc*, l- x. la 11so*afM*a,

1, xx rstiixvii I'i:-'. Ul titie; -sr't nnd, Ulam and thenVX'il'-iililli Ire. M tllru I 'ill.i.X. "i V. ll'tl tbtS tn XII ia lil*

county seat, bi aoud i'" ¦Btaiia*. CO**. A. BarsBroekwayvUle: Plrst,sad I ntaj toy n u -ri'iu'n of

the Republicans of tins Township wirti loo majority,ni due; second. SOarm**. Ir* ri IB

sincvcrt lxvui Plrot,Blain*-1 s>oond,Sherman. Therels I,mill one oat of every100 tbat innis i third term oft ,e I'eiui-x ix.iiila Hut. h. a. i. ll*0StBB*r.Oakfordi Pira*, BJ*r**i aad*oss, ¦bwaaaa. s. ("urila

u, i! itoanoo.ricllville: I'lrst, Biuluci accoud, 8hcriii.ni. M. J. So*

ertstTboatpasBtowai Plrst, Bastaoi second, o.-n-rni Haw-

ley. J. s. Vi nea.I.iiueatiiueviliu : Kirst, Hlaiii"; see.m.l. Wasldmrne.

]i W.builtb.rii-ixsiitavxney: First, Blaine; second, Sherman,

Julni 1). Coon.H. tiioiit: First, Biftlno; second, Wsahburne. Jame*

a. palara, ot o.Delmont | First, Blalno; and ut a township nomination

he'd thi" duy. Blaine sarrlsd a unauituoua vote npjiva-k-tit to KM». H. 8toller.LoBOOOoari First, Bl aim*; second, any ftood Kepubll-

i in except Orant. Aud. P. Frants.dearth-Id Co.: First, lll.iiu.-; second, Grant B. J.

Simtluer.I'lu-duiri.': First, Blaine i k coud, Shcruiun. David

McCoy..-: First, Rliilne ; second, auy man except Orant.

Jobnson Mutbarabsuttb.(letivsliun*: First, Blaine ; aecoud. General Sberman.

w. c. fceQsasarar.Fftirfl.id : First, Blaine, not only mine, but tb*

eonnty'a choice; second choice ta Jobu Sberman. 8. A.bow,TxxoTavenit tFir*t. Blaine; second, Edward Mo

rhinosb J. N. Durborow.It.r.in : First, Blaine; second. Grsnt. A. Coleman.

Leesport: First, Blaine; second, Grant. J. II. Ueruanr.Hiiiiiehcm: First, Blslne; second, Sberman. Wiltoo

II. ll.iir.it.ooath Hustoni First, Blaine; second, Sherman ot

Wsshbarn*. H.T.Gould.West Chester : Plrat, Blaine; second, Grant. Olivei
