over consumption: water, soil & food waste

John Pryke Gabrielle Robinson Jonathon Smith Over consumption: Water, soil & food waste

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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

John PrykeGabrielle RobinsonJonathon Smith

Over consumption: Water, soil & food waste

Page 2: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

Water Water is so important to our daily lives We over use water as individuals and also as a

whole There is less than 1% of fresh water left in the

world and most of it is frozen. Agriculture uses a large percentage of our water

Page 3: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

Water Over 80% of ground and surface water

is used by our agricultural system. Lakes and rivers are decreasing and

even drying up due to large scale agriculture.

Page 4: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

Water Water conservation is important. We can save and conserve water in

our every day lives.Taking shorter showersCondensing laundry days Eating lower on the food chain also saves water

- Meat requires more water then plants Watering lawns less

Page 5: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

52% of the land used for agriculture is moderately or severely affected by soil degradation

Land degradation is worldwide - both in developed and in developing countries. 

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On the global basis, the soil degradation is caused

primarily by overgrazing (35%), agricultural activities


Degradation of land includes soil erosion,

desertification, salinization and nutrient depletion. The

rate of degradation has increased dramatically with

growth in human populations and technology. 

Continued loss of arable land will jeopardize our ability

to feed the world

Page 7: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

Restoration Lightly Degraded Soil Moderately Degraded Soil Severely Degraded Soil

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What is a necessity and what is a luxury?Inequalities in consumption Globally.

Page 9: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

There are important issues around consumerism that need to be understood: Environmental degradation Poverty Hunger rise in obesity

Page 10: Over consumption: Water, soil &  food waste

Reducing the amount of food wasted has significant benefits:

Why Divert Food Waste From Landfills?

Environmental Benefits

Economic Benefits

Social Benefits